Can you please make videos Pokemon villainous team battle themes from Gen 1-8? And also Nidoking or Rhydon was suppose to be Giovanni's signature Pokemon instead of Nidoqueen. While for Faba, instead of Bruxish it's Hypno
Please make sure you add a signature Pokemon to each gym leader, elite Four, champion, villainous team grunt, admin, boss, and rival for themes from Gen 1 to 9.
Can you please make videos Pokemon villainous team battle themes from Gen 1-8? And also Nidoking or Rhydon was suppose to be Giovanni's signature Pokemon instead of Nidoqueen. While for Faba, instead of Bruxish it's Hypno
if you're patient we'll wait for gen 9 and then you'll get 1-9 villains battle theme
Please make sure you add a signature Pokemon to each gym leader, elite Four, champion, villainous team grunt, admin, boss, and rival for themes from Gen 1 to 9.