Soy has been a staple food in east asia for millennia. Even if you eat soy regularly as a westerner, chances are you don't even come close to the average Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, etc, citizen in terms of soy consumption. If it had all those problems, we'd see wide spread issues across the billions of people there unless there's some kind of genetic protection they have, which there's no evidence of.
Soy is just another bean really. It has fiber, protein, some fat, some carbohydrates. Iron and other minerals. folate. If soy isn’t your thing. There are plenty of other beans/legumes available.
Hi.The thing is studies can contradict each other, and some of pro-soy studies could be called into question. For example, Dr Lon White, who's a senior neuroepidemiologist, showed trough his studies that two or more servings of tofu a week could lead to accelerated brain aging. About the conflicts of interest, the first link mentionned in the description box of this video presents a study led "the executive director of the Soy Nutrition"... Also, the "Soy Online Service", a small group of private citizens that wants to inform about the potential dangers of soy, has talked to a representative of Protein Technologies, a world-leading innovator in the fields of recombinant proteins, that apparently said "they had teams of lawyers to crush dissenters, could buy scientists to give evidence, owned television channels and newspapers" and "could divert medical schools and could even influence governments". This group reminds us that the soy industry is a wealthy and powerful multi-billion dollar industry, as the dairy industry... So we should be carefull, and always try to listen to both sides.
I had believed years ago the false idea that "manly men" should eat beef and potatoes to be able to realize real gains in muscle mass. Now, I know better.
my go-to soy milk has over 5g of protein per 100ml, which is just amazing. One shake with that milk and 30g of my go-to vegan protein powder instantly gives me over 40g of protein.
I really hope your top-notch content gets the recognition it deserves, with at least 1 million subscribers - and hopefully, it happens much sooner than you think. The world could really use this valuable information. Thanks a bunch!
Fr, I posted a comment similar to this on one of his other videos but he’s literally the best vegan fitness and health coach I’ve come across yet. I felt so grateful to finally of found him. I love you Leif!!!! (I’m sure you’ll see this comment 😂❤😊)
As an adult woman with B-cups, knowing soy does not increase breast-size was the most disappointing thing I’ve heard all day… On a serious note, thanks for the great video!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 On the other end of the spectrum... seeing as I already have D cups for decades, I DEFINITELY would avoid soy. I'm SO glad I don't have to! Been eating 1-2 servings a day for over 12 yrs now... no extra boobage to report!
What about all the hormones in meat and diary. My father in-law died from a massive aneurysm and had previously had a quadruple bypass. He consumed meat and dairy everyday - was not overweight, worked until he was 70 and did not smoke. However, his arteries were full of plaques and the doctors said it was caused by his diet.
I know many people who appeared outwardly healthy(even athletes) who were struck down with heart attacks or strokes. One of my best friends from high school(marathon runner) had a heart attack and died at 42. My brother in law just had a heart attack at 50, and he is an avid mountain biker. My neighbor who played basketball 3 mornings a week had a stroke in the summer. He can just now walk, but refuses to give up all the meat.
Hi. I don't think it can come from hormones. It may come from a cholesterol problem, linked to a consumption of too much saturated fats and also too much sugar.
The type of soy matters. Limit or eliminate isolated soy protein, and stick to less processed forms of soy. And always do your own research, pay attention to how your body reacts.
I do the exact opposite, much better. Stick to more processed forms of soy, those are the least antinutritious. Soy protein isolate, fermented soy products, and so on.
@@hoon_sol Everyone should do what works for them. I had bad reactions to soy protein isolate, so I stay away from it. If it works for you, keep doing it.
I'm not vegan, but I've been trying to incorporate more protein from diverse sources. I just recently started snacking on edamame and WOW what a great food! Relatively low calories, super high protein, satiating, delicious, and easy to prepare. I can't believe I've been missing out on it all this time lol
next time anyone talks smack to me about soy imma send them this 😤 this channel really helps me stay informed and educated when I talk about my veganism to others
I've also heard that soy can lead to a gentler puberty and menopause, though I don't know if that's a protective effect of soy or just correlation with removing things like cows milk.
I'm going through menopause right now, and if I eat soy regularly, my symptoms are much less severe. I sure feel it when I miss a couple days. Tofu is amazing. As is this channel!!!! ❤
Great info. My go-to organic soy products all come from Trader Joe's: shelf stable Unsweetened Organic "Soy Beverage" (trying to avoid the stigma of calling it "milk" perhaps?), Organic Super Firm Tofu, and Organic 3 Grain Tempeh. The best and cheapest stuff around!
1. *Soy does not affect our hormones:* The phytoestrogens and isoflavones in soy products are healthy and *protect against diseases.* The phytoestrogens in soy - unlike the estrogens in animal products - are not endocrine disruptors (substances that have an estrogen-like effect like BPA or 8-PN in beer) because phytoestrogens bind to the beta estrogen receptors, resulting in *positive effects* , and animal estrogens bind to the alpha estrogen receptors, resulting in *negative effects* like breast growth and cancer growth. This large 2021 study debunks the unscientific myths (carnistic propaganda) against soy: *Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as endocrine disruptors: a technical review of the observational and clinical data* 2. The study also looked at *the effects of isoflavones on the thyroid gland:* Conclusions: Concerns about goitrogenic effects of isoflavones are based primarily on the results of in vitro and animal studies. Incontrast to this research, extensive clinical data show that isoflavones, even when intake greatly exceeds typical Japanese intake, do not adversely affect T4 or T3 in euthyroid individuals. Less research has focused on the effects of isoflavones in those with a compromised thyroid function such as subclinical hypothyroid patients and/or whose iodine intake is marginal, but the studies that have involved such individuals do not raise concerns.
I find that my reaction to soy varies wildly for different soy. The Natura brand soy milk gives me sores on my face. The Chinese brand soy milk make my throat swollen. Ive tried soy based milk powder that makes my breasts hurt, and probably worsens my menstrual cramps. Solid soy products are seemingly fine. I find that soy is one of the most processed foods, and can be wildly different in quality. If you are vegan, then soy can be a great staple in your diet, but if you are paleo, then you realize that it is not serving your purposes.
I never had an issue with soy until I started eating soy protein bars daily. Then I started getting horrible bloating, my period was late, breasts were sore all the time, etc. This would happen when I ate tofu as well. So I gave up the protein bars and only ate tofu/tempeh on occasion.
Is it possible that it is not the soy that causes the reaction but another ingredient? You mention solid tofu not being as problematic which most likely has the most amount of soy in that tofu is typically just three ingredients. Soy beans, water, and a coagulation agent. Soy milk tends to have more ingredients. Have you ever had Edamame? Do you have a reaction to it?
@@BeUnadulterated hard to say. I think I feel a little bloating from tofu/edamame but not sure. I probably eat less than one cup of tofu at any given time, and always with other food, so the effects are not obvious to me. Other plant milks don’t cause any hormonal symptoms so, I think it has something to do with soy itself, or its processing or farming.
@@connieh.4212: Most people who are "paleo" have zero idea what that actually entails, and hilariously believe that "paleo" for humans includes animal products like meat, whereas in reality humans have eaten a 100% plant-based diet for millions of years.
@@connieh.4212 Interesting. Sorry to hear that. You can also try or even make pumpkin seed tofu at home. It doesn't require a coagulation agent so it is just pumpkin seeds and water. Or, just go without it to avoid issues. I wish you the best.
I was informed that soy would make me fat because they feed it to cattle to make them fat. A 20-pound loss later with ample soy in my diet, I believe that person may have been mistaken 🤔
A strong, evidence based rebuttal to the dairy fairies' ill-informed propaganda. I drink mainly oat milk (it tastes better) but your video reminded me how soy milk can be health promoting.
It depends on what you're looking for! Pea protein is very popular and has great macros. Check out our protein powder guide!
Just bought a package of whey protein and soy protein powder at the same time. I blend them 50/50 in my post workout shakes. I do this often when faced with contradictory info. I also have 50% meat and 50% beans in meals. Lots of products had "no soy" labels at the store. Marketing people in the US are allowed to say anything to sell a product; it's a real problem.
I know my case is just anecdotal but I developed nipple tenderness from drinking half a liter of soy milk everyday. It resolved all by itself after quitting soy milk. Few months later I tried soy again and boom it happened once again. I think different people react differently to soy
It is a DAD GUM SHAME that this channel doesn't have more followers. I absolutely love this content and hope these good people will continue to gain the following they deserve!
Is frozen soy any good after frozen ? I froze my firm soy because it was on sale and I bought a lot but now I don’t know if it is safe or beneficial to eat?
If you're referring to tofu, freezing it is absolutely safe, and a lot of people, myself included, believe that it improves the texture once thawed, vs unfrozen!
@@ostamaza22-yt4sqeveryone needs b12 fortified. Cows are fed b12 supplements to increase the levels in cow milk. So, soy and non dairy mills are also fortified ;) (b12 was originally found in dirty water and algae but now we don’t eat dirt so we need it in fortification:) )
@@ostamaza22-yt4sq: Almost everyone living in "civilized" society today should supplement B12, because almost no one has a functional microbiome; a fully functional microbiome would readily synthesize B12 in the small intestine where it's absorbed, provided you consume sufficient bioavailable cobalt (primarily from fully ripe fruit). That goes for people who eat animal products too, as they experience deficiencies at alarmingly high rates. There's also vitamin D, which cannot be derived in the amounts required from any other source than sufficient sunlight at a steep enough angle for UVB (not even consuming the livers of the fattiest fish that has been basking all its life in the sunlight would be even remotely enough), so if you live at mid-high latitudes you have to supplement it for optimal health. Note that the reason people need these two supplements are entirely due to living unnatural lifestyles with regards to what we're physiologically adapted to as a species, as we evolved in the tropical equatorial rainforest for tens of millions of years, where we'd both be exposed to abundant sunlight at the steepest angles, as well as a plethora of bacteria that would provide B12 synthesis in the microbiome. So your question is ultimately not quite right, because it seems to presuppose that only the person you asked needs to supplement, whereas you most likely do too, unless you're living closer to the tropics and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables straight from nature.
Great video. It’s crazy we have to keep shouting the truth from the rooftops even though these truths (soy is GOOD) have been scientifically proven for decades!
drink soy milk, and ate tofu and tempe since i was a kid, until now in my forties, things are just fine, my blood pressure is 125/90, height 181/ matter what they say, i'll stick to my diet😂. thanks sir
Thanks for this video! I was just looking at this. Unfortunately my wife can’t have soy so I will make some lentil tofu. Any recommendation for a high protein, low carb source besides soy?
I think due to the money involved in overconsumption no studies can be trusted in either direction, let alone the degradation in the quality of research due to fundseeking incentives. Let alone the financial incentives in sensationalising social media. In addition we are learning there is no one size fits all in genetic diversity. In short, follow your own path, keep your own data, adjust as needed.
The only issue I have with soy is how bitter the milk is.😂 But in all seriousness, I consume edamame and tofu on the regular. No major health issues yet from these.
In usa where organic non gmo is clearly mentioned in the label its easy to avoid but other countries would you say its advisable to avoid soy when one doesn't know if it's gmo or not?
@@TheVeganGym :) okay thank you so much for the quick response. I was concerned about the phytoestrogens in general and how many including doctors here link it to breast cancer hence I have been avoiding soy and its products for ever.
@@shikhab2250 Not really. I don't know where you live so I can't answer definitively, but EU doesn't allow GMO soy for human consumption, and east Asia does not use GMO soy either as far as I know. Not sure about South America, Africa or Australia though. But as mentioned in the video, GMO soy is primarily used for animal feed. And apart from that, there's been a lot of studies on GMO soy for decades now and everything points to it being totally safe as well. So I would pick something else to worry about ;)
@@shikhab2250For the life of me I don’t get how people just trust other people so easily once they say science says this or that even when we see in 2023 you should not. Trust your instincts and how something affects you personally. The mind is a powerful thing and more importantly no one person is the same and reacts the same. How many times you hear doctors years after saying one thing coming back to say they were wrong. Stop trusting UA-camrs also, go do your own research for you.
@@rodaangeleyes I agree I was totally naive about health and healthy eating all these years when I was in usa I used to eat somewhat consciously due to the abundance of fast food which was new to me and super convenient for a busy life style but I realized it's not good for sustenance and being a non cook though I ate out I still tried to make green smoothes like simple stuffs to compensate somewhat. Now that I have returned to India (my home country) i realize fresh fruits and veggies are in abundance but there is no quality control what so ever and living in usa for so long has kind of made me paranoid about gmo stuffs the doctors here are not the best people to talk about nutrition and with so many contradicting info avaliable it's hard to settle down. That's why I am glad I found your channel and you being a vegan really helps since I prefer vegetables even though I am not a vegan myself. I have cottage cheese readily available and people here eat tons of soy bean but obviously these are not organic and that spikes my fear india is very very bad at quality control so to be safe I eat the very basic fruits and vegetables and lentils pulses beans nuts etc
Thanks! 🙏 I have no issues with GMOs, but that’s an objection to soy foods that I’ve heard from many people so I wanted to squash that concern for anyone who had it 🙌
I read an article a few years ago that said that Japanese women didnt have a word for menopause because they didn't suffer with it , i dont know if thats true, all i know is as a 54 year old woman who has been vegan for 4 years and eating tofu an using soya milk all that time i have NO menopause symptoms any more. So think I'll continue using it 😋😂
I love making fresh soy milk . Oat milk is my favorite out of all plant based milk but regular dairy milk gives me constipation. Your videos very educational and fun to watch thank you❤ can you please make video about almond milk and oat milk please people are saying too much is not good and drinking night time is also bad I heared
what a glorious day in which The Algorythm introduced me to this channel :D looking forward to more amazing content also: please don't ever indulge on the forbidden gym chemicals because we just can't afford to lose awesome people early (that also goes for all the vegans reading this)
Hilarious how people believe that soy is bad for you, but don’t realize that the animals bred for meat also eat soy. Dairy fairies love to spread their projection.
Terrific debunking! Another concern about dairy and meat and breast cancer is the Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) as the cancer cells actually contain the BLV genome itself.
Completely agree regarding BLV, and this 2021 study cites reports of potential links between BLV and breast cancer in women.
1. *No, soy does NOT affect our hormones:* The phytoestrogens and isoflavones in soy products are healthy and *protect against diseases.* The phytoestrogens in soy - unlike the estrogens in animal products - are not endocrine disruptors (substances that have an estrogen-like effect like BPA or 8-PN in beer) because phytoestrogens bind to the beta estrogen receptors, resulting in *positive effects* , and animal estrogens bind to the alpha estrogen receptors, resulting in *negative effects* like breast growth and cancer growth. This large 2021 study debunks the unscientific myths (carnistic propaganda) against soy: *Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as endocrine disruptors: a technical review of the observational and clinical data* 2. The study also looked at *the effects of isoflavones on the thyroid gland:* Conclusions: Concerns about goitrogenic effects of isoflavones are based primarily on the results of in vitro and animal studies. Incontrast to this research, extensive clinical data show that isoflavones, even when intake greatly exceeds typical Japanese intake, do not adversely affect T4 or T3 in euthyroid individuals. Less research has focused on the effects of isoflavones in those with a compromised thyroid function such as subclinical hypothyroid patients and/or whose iodine intake is marginal, but the studies that have involved such individuals do not raise concerns.
Keep in mind that all plants are conplete proteins. Its the ratio of the various amino acids that vary. Unless omeone eats only one single food like broccoli, they get all the amino acids they neeed.
Only thing I don't like about soy are the polyunsaturated fatty acids; you can really smell them going rancid very quickly, even if you drink fully fresh soy milk without any of that smell you can still smell it on the way out as it turns rancid inside the body. Would be nice to have more options for soy milk with the fat removed (and on a side note I'd love a plant-based milk using yellow pea protein for the protein and coconut oil for the fat, that'd be amazing, and with some proper addition of colloidal calcium you could probably make it taste very similar to actual mammal milk).
Phytoestrogens don't contain estrogens and therefore can't decrease testosterone. This is because isoflavones bind to the beta-estrogen-receptors. Animal products contain estrogens and decrease testosterone. Estrogens from animal products bind to the alpha-estrogen-receptors like all other endocrine disruptors, causing cancergrowth and all other problems.
@@Notsogreatplays No. The phytoestrogens / isoflavones in soy products are healthy and *protect against diseases.* The phytoestrogens in soy - unlike the estrogens in animal products - are no endocrine disruptors (substances that have an estrogen-like effect like BPA or 8-PN in beer) because phytoestrogens bind to the beta estrogen receptors, resulting in positive effects, and animal estrogens bind to the alpha estrogen receptors, resulting in negative effects like breast growth and cancer growth. This large 2021 study debunks the unscientific myths (carnistic propaganda) against soy: *Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as endocrine disruptors: a technical review of the observational and clinical data*
@@Notsogreatplays But yes, if you eat animal products, they will decrease your testosterone because estrogen and testosterone have an inverse relationship. But soy is healthy and doesn't affect our hormones.
@@Notsogreatplays because steak contains estrogens. Soy doesn't contain (real) estrogens that bind to the alpha estrogen receptors. Isoflavones only have positive effects.
@@Notsogreatplays Because tissue naturally contains hormones. If we take a piece of your ear, it naturally contains hormones. These endogenous hormones are contained in all animal products. And it's scientifically proven that these hormones increase our hormone levels. And as you said: more estrogens = less testosterone. This large 2021 study debunks the unscientific myths against soy: *Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as endocrine disruptors: a technical review of the observational and clinical data*
When I don’t eat tofu… my body goes into wtf? I’ve eaten since 1990. I always knew it was good for you. Eat organic soy and you’re good. I’m not talking about the soy they are putting in McDonald’s burgers 🤣
I like that you don't really stick around on the GMO item, you just talk about where it's being used. However, GMO is not bad. I hate seeing this popping up. GMO is just the new way to selectively breed our food. GMO's contribute to higher food availability better growth, and higher crop yields. The worst part about GMO's is that they can be patented by large international corporations that contribute to poor working conditions and selectively breed for chemical resistances instead of other items. This is to increase yield for animal fodder in most cases like what you are saying here. Short height Wheat from the green revolution and Golden Rice are great examples of how GMO's can be used to increase availability and nutrition in populations. We should focus on that.
@chimp09 I doubt that. Probably what the industry is saying though. I prefer to have a little pesticide in my body as possible. I avoid it whenever possible. You do you.
@@j-sm4554 the dose makes the poison. The other person is right. There can be things that accumulate, usually certain hard metals, but even in this case, most of the consumer facing soy isn't being GMOd for pesticide and will likely not bioaccumulate.
@thejunkpile5384 there's no evidence to suggest such a concern is a valid one. You are paranoid resulting from lack of information. Don't let your paranoia be the reason people starve. That's not fair to those who die from hunger.
Soy has been a staple food in east asia for millennia. Even if you eat soy regularly as a westerner, chances are you don't even come close to the average Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, etc, citizen in terms of soy consumption. If it had all those problems, we'd see wide spread issues across the billions of people there unless there's some kind of genetic protection they have, which there's no evidence of.
Soy is actually the best plant food pound for pound. Soy is actually bae. Soy Bae.
So, why would Asians have different genetics than Western people allowing them to tolerate soy? Oh wait...
Soy is just another bean really. It has fiber, protein, some fat, some carbohydrates. Iron and other minerals. folate. If soy isn’t your thing. There are plenty of other beans/legumes available.
@@marley7659 Correction sir: Soy Baen
Boobless Indonesian tempeh obsessor here ✋️😭
If soy was capable of feminizing men, it would be VERY popular in the trans community.
Indeed, it's not even funny. Soy drinks would be MUCH cheaper than hormone therapies.
😂😂😂 yooo
Top comment...😅
It makes total sense that soy rumors about estrogen came from the dairy industry!
"He who smelt it, dealt it" - Dr. Rick Sanchez
Hahaha 👏😂
Hi.The thing is studies can contradict each other, and some of pro-soy studies could be called into question. For example, Dr Lon White, who's a senior neuroepidemiologist, showed trough his studies that two or more servings of tofu a week could lead to accelerated brain aging. About the conflicts of interest, the first link mentionned in the description box of this video presents a study led "the executive director of the Soy Nutrition"... Also, the "Soy Online Service", a small group of private citizens that wants to inform about the potential dangers of soy, has talked to a representative of Protein Technologies, a world-leading innovator in the fields of recombinant proteins, that apparently said "they had teams of lawyers to crush dissenters, could buy scientists to give evidence, owned television channels and newspapers" and "could divert medical schools and could even influence governments". This group reminds us that the soy industry is a wealthy and powerful multi-billion dollar industry, as the dairy industry... So we should be carefull, and always try to listen to both sides.
Great video! Not sure if you’ve done this yet but I’d love a video about the “plants aren’t a complete protein” myth
Great suggestion! 🙂
I had believed years ago the false idea that "manly men" should eat beef and potatoes to be able to realize real gains in muscle mass. Now, I know better.
Great information! I can’t imagine life without tofu and soy milk. I’d love to see a video debunking the misinformation about wheat gluten.
Great suggestion! 🙌
my go-to soy milk has over 5g of protein per 100ml, which is just amazing. One shake with that milk and 30g of my go-to vegan protein powder instantly gives me over 40g of protein.
I 2nd that. I love me some tofu
Can you share what protein powder you use,? Thanks for sharing
I really hope your top-notch content gets the recognition it deserves, with at least 1 million subscribers - and hopefully, it happens much sooner than you think. The world could really use this valuable information. Thanks a bunch!
Fr, I posted a comment similar to this on one of his other videos but he’s literally the best vegan fitness and health coach I’ve come across yet. I felt so grateful to finally of found him. I love you Leif!!!! (I’m sure you’ll see this comment 😂❤😊)
Thank you so much! Your comments mean a lot! 💚
As an adult woman with B-cups, knowing soy does not increase breast-size was the most disappointing thing I’ve heard all day…
On a serious note, thanks for the great video!
On the other end of the spectrum... seeing as I already have D cups for decades, I DEFINITELY would avoid soy. I'm SO glad I don't have to! Been eating 1-2 servings a day for over 12 yrs now... no extra boobage to report!
Needed this bit of a chuckle ladies 😊 thank you (I had been a little upset the whole day)
@@shikhab2250 glad you're feeling better!
What about all the hormones in meat and diary. My father in-law died from a massive aneurysm and had previously had a quadruple bypass. He consumed meat and dairy everyday - was not overweight, worked until he was 70 and did not smoke. However, his arteries were full of plaques and the doctors said it was caused by his diet.
I know many people who appeared outwardly healthy(even athletes) who were struck down with heart attacks or strokes. One of my best friends from high school(marathon runner) had a heart attack and died at 42. My brother in law just had a heart attack at 50, and he is an avid mountain biker. My neighbor who played basketball 3 mornings a week had a stroke in the summer. He can just now walk, but refuses to give up all the meat.
Hi. I don't think it can come from hormones. It may come from a cholesterol problem, linked to a consumption of too much saturated fats and also too much sugar.
Thank you
This was actually a great video! And I love that you back up your claims with legit science and all those links to studies. Excellent job!
I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for your kind words and support! 😊🙏
I'm so happy to have found your channel! I've been avoiding soy for so long, and it's been a struggle to hit protein without it.
We're glad you found us too! Soy is just a strong form of protein. Totally agree, it sometimes can be hard without it. 🙂💚
The type of soy matters. Limit or eliminate isolated soy protein, and stick to less processed forms of soy. And always do your own research, pay attention to how your body reacts.
I do the exact opposite, much better. Stick to more processed forms of soy, those are the least antinutritious. Soy protein isolate, fermented soy products, and so on.
@@hoon_sol The only highly processed soy product I would consume is TVP, and that's on rare occasions.
You should do the exact opposite. Less processed soy is more antinutritious, more processed soy is more nutritious.
@@hoon_sol Everyone should do what works for them. I had bad reactions to soy protein isolate, so I stay away from it. If it works for you, keep doing it.
@@hoon_sol why is it more nutritious ? is it cuz the nutrients r processed into it externally?
I gave up soy for years because of those myths. But have been back on for years now and feeling great, stronger and better workouts, etc.
I love to hear that! Way to go! 👏💪🌱
I'm not vegan, but I've been trying to incorporate more protein from diverse sources. I just recently started snacking on edamame and WOW what a great food! Relatively low calories, super high protein, satiating, delicious, and easy to prepare. I can't believe I've been missing out on it all this time lol
Thank you for debunking the myths and getting the truth out there!!
It's my pleasure!! 💚
Love seeing all the links in the description. Thank for doing great research
You’ve very welcome! I love science! 🤓
next time anyone talks smack to me about soy imma send them this 😤 this channel really helps me stay informed and educated when I talk about my veganism to others
Glad we can help! 🙂
Bro video post production value is off the charts! Ofc excellent content also doesn't hurt. Glad I stumbled on your channel. Semper Fi Devil Dog
We have world class video makers here! Thank you for the kind words!
Fantastic video with loads of information and great editing. Well done Vegan Gym team!
Thank you! 🌱💚
Thank you for this, very informative!! You really do your research
Glad you found it informative! We try and be the most researched-based channel on UA-cam! 🌱🙂
I've also heard that soy can lead to a gentler puberty and menopause, though I don't know if that's a protective effect of soy or just correlation with removing things like cows milk.
I'm going through menopause right now, and if I eat soy regularly, my symptoms are much less severe. I sure feel it when I miss a couple days. Tofu is amazing. As is this channel!!!! ❤
Love this episode, thank you! Could you please do one on gluten protein? Is it good for us? Can we eat too much in a day? Thanks so much 💚🌱
Great suggestion, thank you! 🙂
Keep fighting the good fight brother💪
Will do! 🙂💚💪
Great info. My go-to organic soy products all come from Trader Joe's: shelf stable Unsweetened Organic "Soy Beverage" (trying to avoid the stigma of calling it "milk" perhaps?), Organic Super Firm Tofu, and Organic 3 Grain Tempeh. The best and cheapest stuff around!
This video was fantastic. More like this please. The editing was top notch by the way. Did you do it yourself or farm it out?
Thank you! All of our editing is done in-house! 🙂
Very cool! Thanks for making this video 🙌🏽
Thank you for watching! 🙂
Does it affect the thyroid ? 🙏
1. *Soy does not affect our hormones:*
The phytoestrogens and isoflavones in soy products are healthy and *protect against diseases.* The phytoestrogens in soy - unlike the estrogens in animal products - are not endocrine disruptors (substances that have an estrogen-like effect like BPA or 8-PN in beer) because phytoestrogens bind to the beta estrogen receptors, resulting in *positive effects* , and animal estrogens bind to the alpha estrogen receptors, resulting in *negative effects* like breast growth and cancer growth. This large 2021 study debunks the unscientific myths (carnistic propaganda) against soy: *Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as endocrine disruptors: a technical review of the observational and clinical data*
2. The study also looked at *the effects of isoflavones on the thyroid gland:*
Conclusions: Concerns about goitrogenic effects of isoflavones are based primarily on the results of in vitro and animal studies. Incontrast to this research, extensive clinical data show that isoflavones, even when intake greatly exceeds typical Japanese intake, do not adversely affect T4 or T3 in euthyroid individuals. Less research has focused on the effects of isoflavones in those with a compromised thyroid function such as subclinical hypothyroid patients and/or whose iodine intake is marginal, but the studies that have involved such individuals do not raise concerns.
I find that my reaction to soy varies wildly for different soy. The Natura brand soy milk gives me sores on my face. The Chinese brand soy milk make my throat swollen. Ive tried soy based milk powder that makes my breasts hurt, and probably worsens my menstrual cramps. Solid soy products are seemingly fine. I find that soy is one of the most processed foods, and can be wildly different in quality. If you are vegan, then soy can be a great staple in your diet, but if you are paleo, then you realize that it is not serving your purposes.
I never had an issue with soy until I started eating soy protein bars daily. Then I started getting horrible bloating, my period was late, breasts were sore all the time, etc. This would happen when I ate tofu as well. So I gave up the protein bars and only ate tofu/tempeh on occasion.
Is it possible that it is not the soy that causes the reaction but another ingredient? You mention solid tofu not being as problematic which most likely has the most amount of soy in that tofu is typically just three ingredients. Soy beans, water, and a coagulation agent. Soy milk tends to have more ingredients. Have you ever had Edamame? Do you have a reaction to it?
@@BeUnadulterated hard to say. I think I feel a little bloating from tofu/edamame but not sure. I probably eat less than one cup of tofu at any given time, and always with other food, so the effects are not obvious to me. Other plant milks don’t cause any hormonal symptoms so, I think it has something to do with soy itself, or its processing or farming.
Most people who are "paleo" have zero idea what that actually entails, and hilariously believe that "paleo" for humans includes animal products like meat, whereas in reality humans have eaten a 100% plant-based diet for millions of years.
@@connieh.4212 Interesting. Sorry to hear that. You can also try or even make pumpkin seed tofu at home. It doesn't require a coagulation agent so it is just pumpkin seeds and water. Or, just go without it to avoid issues. I wish you the best.
Fabulous information, with some humor thrown in!!! Im sooooo happy I found your channel. Seriously, your videos are THE BEST!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! 🙏 I’m glad you enjoyed this video 😊🌱
I was informed that soy would make me fat because they feed it to cattle to make them fat. A 20-pound loss later with ample soy in my diet, I believe that person may have been mistaken 🤔
Cows gain weight eating soy because it's not a natural stable for them. They are ruminants and est grass family food. Legumes are not.
It’s been proven that eating more beans in general will help with weight loss because it’s so satiating
Thank you for the information!
You bet! 😊
I basically use unsweetened almond milk!
A strong, evidence based rebuttal to the dairy fairies' ill-informed propaganda. I drink mainly oat milk (it tastes better) but your video reminded me how soy milk can be health promoting.
Insightful!! Thank you for the information!!
What's the best vegan protein powder brother please I'm confused there are so many
It depends on what you're looking for! Pea protein is very popular and has great macros. Check out our protein powder guide!
Just bought a package of whey protein and soy protein powder at the same time. I blend them 50/50 in my post workout shakes. I do this often when faced with contradictory info. I also have 50% meat and 50% beans in meals. Lots of products had "no soy" labels at the store. Marketing people in the US are allowed to say anything to sell a product; it's a real problem.
Great video! I’d love to see details about the misinformation campaign by the dairy industry that you mention at 1:15
igf-1 and 'high' intake of soy?
Would like a Vegan Calcium video.
Great suggestion, thank you! 🙂
The man who got tittites from drinking 3 litres of soy milk was definitely drinking a sweetened form of soy milk, sugar tits if you will lol.
Hahaha yes, I think “sugar tits” is quite accurate 😂
Ah yes. "Sugar Tits" is a term of endearment to some. 🙂
dude was adding fat mass instead of muscle mass to his pec's xd haha
Thank you so much for making these videos!
Glad you're finding the videos helpful!! 😄🌱
Estrogen or not soy gives my gas and gut cramps… I don’t tolerate it 😰
Extremely well put together video 👏
Thank you 🙌
I know my case is just anecdotal but I developed nipple tenderness from drinking half a liter of soy milk everyday. It resolved all by itself after quitting soy milk. Few months later I tried soy again and boom it happened once again. I think different people react differently to soy
We love a hunky nerd 😩😍
Btw been eating soy for almost 30 yrs, still waiting for my boobs to grow lol
One day we'll get those boobs... 🤔
Great Video! I always say follow the money when you’re looking at those studies and researches again something see who’s putting them out
It is a DAD GUM SHAME that this channel doesn't have more followers. I absolutely love this content and hope these good people will continue to gain the following they deserve!
Thank you so much for the amazing comment! We're growing and I'm confident we'll continue to break through! 😃💚
Thank you so much for sharing ❤this ❤
Thank you so much for this information
Is frozen soy any good after frozen ? I froze my firm soy because it was on sale and I bought a lot but now I don’t know if it is safe or beneficial to eat?
If you're referring to tofu, freezing it is absolutely safe, and a lot of people, myself included, believe that it improves the texture once thawed, vs unfrozen!
Excellent video! 👏👏👏
Just bought Eden organic soy milk and tastes great! After my evening work out it is perfect!
Very nice!! Need to try that soy milk!! 😁🌼💚
What about tuna fish and its association with mercury?
Please talk about soy protein isolate. Does it container harmful chemicals? Or is it safe
unsweetened soy milk is so good and often has 100% daily B12 supplemented in just one serving! ❤
why do you need supplements?
@@ostamaza22-yt4sqeveryone needs b12 fortified. Cows are fed b12 supplements to increase the levels in cow milk. So, soy and non dairy mills are also fortified ;) (b12 was originally found in dirty water and algae but now we don’t eat dirt so we need it in fortification:) )
Almost everyone living in "civilized" society today should supplement B12, because almost no one has a functional microbiome; a fully functional microbiome would readily synthesize B12 in the small intestine where it's absorbed, provided you consume sufficient bioavailable cobalt (primarily from fully ripe fruit). That goes for people who eat animal products too, as they experience deficiencies at alarmingly high rates.
There's also vitamin D, which cannot be derived in the amounts required from any other source than sufficient sunlight at a steep enough angle for UVB (not even consuming the livers of the fattiest fish that has been basking all its life in the sunlight would be even remotely enough), so if you live at mid-high latitudes you have to supplement it for optimal health.
Note that the reason people need these two supplements are entirely due to living unnatural lifestyles with regards to what we're physiologically adapted to as a species, as we evolved in the tropical equatorial rainforest for tens of millions of years, where we'd both be exposed to abundant sunlight at the steepest angles, as well as a plethora of bacteria that would provide B12 synthesis in the microbiome.
So your question is ultimately not quite right, because it seems to presuppose that only the person you asked needs to supplement, whereas you most likely do too, unless you're living closer to the tropics and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables straight from nature.
@@ostamaza22-yt4sqmost people ought to take a B12 supplement and vegans need to either supplement b12 or eat foods fortified with it
@@ostamaza22-yt4sq Because we don't consume animals who get pumped full of them for us. We don't need the middle man.
Personally I wouldn't necessarily worry about something being GMO, but glad that people can easily avoid them if they want to
We definitely love that people have the option!
Great video. It’s crazy we have to keep shouting the truth from the rooftops even though these truths (soy is GOOD) have been scientifically proven for decades!
WAY TO GO! Thanks for sharing this myth buster in plain language. 😊
Our pleasure! 🌱
Someone earlier asked for a video on sextant/wheat gluten. I’d really like to hear a discussion of that. It seems to be avoided by the WFPB community.
Sextant? Was that supposed to be "Seitan"?
@@-johnny-deep- yes! Must have auto corrected on me!
I’ve been enjoying tofu more’ more! I’am still learning how to do a plant based eating lifestyle! Great topic!
drink soy milk, and ate tofu and tempe since i was a kid, until now in my forties, things are just fine, my blood pressure is 125/90, height 181/ matter what they say, i'll stick to my diet😂. thanks sir
Thanks for this video! I was just looking at this. Unfortunately my wife can’t have soy so I will make some lentil tofu.
Any recommendation for a high protein, low carb source besides soy?
Seitan could work well! But you can make lentil tofu, black bean tofu, and a bunch of other versions! 😊🌱
Have you tried Pumfu, made from pumpkin seeds?
@@eringaines I have not! Is it better than lentil tofu?
@@GodBless1121 I like it better, but I guess that's just a matter of personal taste.
I have started seeing chickpea tofu in the supermarket.
Thanks so much for the science!!!
Our pleasure! 🤓🌱
Love science based Veganism.
Thank you!👏👏👏👏
No thank YOU! 🙂💚
I think due to the money involved in overconsumption no studies can be trusted in either direction, let alone the degradation in the quality of research due to fundseeking incentives. Let alone the financial incentives in sensationalising social media. In addition we are learning there is no one size fits all in genetic diversity. In short, follow your own path, keep your own data, adjust as needed.
The only issue I have with soy is how bitter the milk is.😂
But in all seriousness, I consume edamame and tofu on the regular. No major health issues yet from these.
Excellent treatment of the soy issue. THANK YOU
Glad you enjoyed the video! I'm out here busting plant myths one video at a time! 😃💚
In usa where organic non gmo is clearly mentioned in the label its easy to avoid but other countries would you say its advisable to avoid soy when one doesn't know if it's gmo or not?
I don’t think there’s any reason to be concerned about that 🙂🌱
@@TheVeganGym :) okay thank you so much for the quick response. I was concerned about the phytoestrogens in general and how many including doctors here link it to breast cancer hence I have been avoiding soy and its products for ever.
@@shikhab2250 Not really. I don't know where you live so I can't answer definitively, but EU doesn't allow GMO soy for human consumption, and east Asia does not use GMO soy either as far as I know. Not sure about South America, Africa or Australia though.
But as mentioned in the video, GMO soy is primarily used for animal feed. And apart from that, there's been a lot of studies on GMO soy for decades now and everything points to it being totally safe as well. So I would pick something else to worry about ;)
@@shikhab2250For the life of me I don’t get how people just trust other people so easily once they say science says this or that even when we see in 2023 you should not. Trust your instincts and how something affects you personally. The mind is a powerful thing and more importantly no one person is the same and reacts the same. How many times you hear doctors years after saying one thing coming back to say they were wrong. Stop trusting UA-camrs also, go do your own research for you.
@@rodaangeleyes I agree I was totally naive about health and healthy eating all these years when I was in usa I used to eat somewhat consciously due to the abundance of fast food which was new to me and super convenient for a busy life style but I realized it's not good for sustenance and being a non cook though I ate out I still tried to make green smoothes like simple stuffs to compensate somewhat. Now that I have returned to India (my home country) i realize fresh fruits and veggies are in abundance but there is no quality control what so ever and living in usa for so long has kind of made me paranoid about gmo stuffs the doctors here are not the best people to talk about nutrition and with so many contradicting info avaliable it's hard to settle down. That's why I am glad I found your channel and you being a vegan really helps since I prefer vegetables even though I am not a vegan myself. I have cottage cheese readily available and people here eat tons of soy bean but obviously these are not organic and that spikes my fear india is very very bad at quality control so to be safe I eat the very basic fruits and vegetables and lentils pulses beans nuts etc
Love the video. But, what’s the problem with GMOs?
Thanks! 🙏 I have no issues with GMOs, but that’s an objection to soy foods that I’ve heard from many people so I wanted to squash that concern for anyone who had it 🙌
Soy works havoc on my IBS.
I read an article a few years ago that said that Japanese women didnt have a word for menopause because they didn't suffer with it , i dont know if thats true, all i know is as a 54 year old woman who has been vegan for 4 years and eating tofu an using soya milk all that time i have NO menopause symptoms any more. So think I'll continue using it 😋😂
That's wonderful to hear! 🙂
Great video!
Thank you! 🙂
Kramer says get a Brosierre and Frank says a Mansierre
I love making fresh soy milk . Oat milk is my favorite out of all plant based milk but regular dairy milk gives me constipation. Your videos very educational and fun to watch thank you❤ can you please make video about almond milk and oat milk please people are saying too much is not good and drinking night time is also bad I heared
Fresh soy milk is awesome!! Way easier to make than I thought it was going to be the first time I made it!
Why would anyone care if soy is gmo?
brought to you by M O N S A T A N
So it turns out soy is just a bean, that you can, eat, if you, want?
Awesome video. Thank you so much.
Glad you liked it! 😊
great video!!
Thank you!! 🙂
Yho this was a BIG revelation for me
I love to hear that, thank you for sharing 💚
Do children maximize potential growth with IGF-1 … dairy
what a glorious day in which The Algorythm introduced me to this channel :D looking forward to more amazing content
also: please don't ever indulge on the forbidden gym chemicals because we just can't afford to lose awesome people early (that also goes for all the vegans reading this)
I'm glad you found our channel! 💪🌱 Thank you so much for the support! 😄🙏
Hilarious how people believe that soy is bad for you, but don’t realize that the animals bred for meat also eat soy. Dairy fairies love to spread their projection.
Absolutely! 💯
Leif, is that a Whoop tracker you’re wearing? If so, what do you think?
Yes, it is a Whoop 👏 I love it! I use it primarily for sleep tracking and it’s very good for that.
Thank you man! 👏🏾👏🏾
Sure thing! Thank you for watching 😊🙏🌱
Do a seed oil video
Terrific debunking! Another concern about dairy and meat and breast cancer is the Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) as the cancer cells actually contain the BLV genome itself.
Completely agree regarding BLV, and this 2021 study cites reports of potential links between BLV and breast cancer in women.
Do research on the effects soy has on your thyroid. So yes it does effect your hormones.
Please post study links
1. *No, soy does NOT affect our hormones:*
The phytoestrogens and isoflavones in soy products are healthy and *protect against diseases.* The phytoestrogens in soy - unlike the estrogens in animal products - are not endocrine disruptors (substances that have an estrogen-like effect like BPA or 8-PN in beer) because phytoestrogens bind to the beta estrogen receptors, resulting in *positive effects* , and animal estrogens bind to the alpha estrogen receptors, resulting in *negative effects* like breast growth and cancer growth. This large 2021 study debunks the unscientific myths (carnistic propaganda) against soy: *Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as endocrine disruptors: a technical review of the observational and clinical data*
2. The study also looked at *the effects of isoflavones on the thyroid gland:*
Conclusions: Concerns about goitrogenic effects of isoflavones are based primarily on the results of in vitro and animal studies. Incontrast to this research, extensive clinical data show that isoflavones, even when intake greatly exceeds typical Japanese intake, do not adversely affect T4 or T3 in euthyroid individuals. Less research has focused on the effects of isoflavones in those with a compromised thyroid function such as subclinical hypothyroid patients and/or whose iodine intake is marginal, but the studies that have involved such individuals do not raise concerns.
Soy milk is a complete protein great for vegan bodybuilding.
Keep in mind that all plants are conplete proteins. Its the ratio of the various amino acids that vary. Unless omeone eats only one single food like broccoli, they get all the amino acids they neeed.
Love this! I get these myths thrown at me from my whole family! Now I have some facts to toss back at them. 😂😂Thanks!
Awesome, I hope this helps! Thank you for watching and leaving a comment 😊🙏🌱
Let's see the research on goitrogens in soy products.
that's why we need to be sure to take enough iodine.
Only thing I don't like about soy are the polyunsaturated fatty acids; you can really smell them going rancid very quickly, even if you drink fully fresh soy milk without any of that smell you can still smell it on the way out as it turns rancid inside the body. Would be nice to have more options for soy milk with the fat removed (and on a side note I'd love a plant-based milk using yellow pea protein for the protein and coconut oil for the fat, that'd be amazing, and with some proper addition of colloidal calcium you could probably make it taste very similar to actual mammal milk).
They dont say manboobs.
They say that very frequent use of soy may reduce testrosterone.
And you didnt respond to that.
Phytoestrogens don't contain estrogens and therefore can't decrease testosterone. This is because isoflavones bind to the beta-estrogen-receptors.
Animal products contain estrogens and decrease testosterone. Estrogens from animal products bind to the alpha-estrogen-receptors like all other endocrine disruptors, causing cancergrowth and all other problems.
@@Notsogreatplays No. The phytoestrogens / isoflavones in soy products are healthy and *protect against diseases.* The phytoestrogens in soy - unlike the estrogens in animal products - are no endocrine disruptors (substances that have an estrogen-like effect like BPA or 8-PN in beer) because phytoestrogens bind to the beta estrogen receptors, resulting in positive effects, and animal estrogens bind to the alpha estrogen receptors, resulting in negative effects like breast growth and cancer growth. This large 2021 study debunks the unscientific myths (carnistic propaganda) against soy: *Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as endocrine disruptors: a technical review of the observational and clinical data*
@@Notsogreatplays But yes, if you eat animal products, they will decrease your testosterone because estrogen and testosterone have an inverse relationship. But soy is healthy and doesn't affect our hormones.
@@Notsogreatplays because steak contains estrogens. Soy doesn't contain (real) estrogens that bind to the alpha estrogen receptors. Isoflavones only have positive effects.
@@Notsogreatplays Because tissue naturally contains hormones. If we take a piece of your ear, it naturally contains hormones. These endogenous hormones are contained in all animal products. And it's scientifically proven that these hormones increase our hormone levels. And as you said: more estrogens = less testosterone.
This large 2021 study debunks the unscientific myths against soy: *Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as endocrine disruptors: a technical review of the observational and clinical data*
Watching this while eating tofu
Yum! 😋
When I don’t eat tofu… my body goes into wtf? I’ve eaten since 1990. I always knew it was good for you. Eat organic soy and you’re good. I’m not talking about the soy they are putting in McDonald’s burgers 🤣
Can you please bust the myth that we need callogen from animals? A popular counter argument from meat eaters.
That’s a good idea 👍
Hold shit!!! This is a FANTASTIC VIDEO!! Very much needed for us vegans. Thank you 👏👏👏
Thank you so much!! Your kind words inspire me and my team!
Great video sharing
Homemade vegetable soup is good for you
Good video
Thank you for watching and leaving a comment 😊🙏
I like that you don't really stick around on the GMO item, you just talk about where it's being used. However, GMO is not bad. I hate seeing this popping up. GMO is just the new way to selectively breed our food. GMO's contribute to higher food availability better growth, and higher crop yields. The worst part about GMO's is that they can be patented by large international corporations that contribute to poor working conditions and selectively breed for chemical resistances instead of other items. This is to increase yield for animal fodder in most cases like what you are saying here.
Short height Wheat from the green revolution and Golden Rice are great examples of how GMO's can be used to increase availability and nutrition in populations. We should focus on that.
GMO in soy is bad because its covered with RoundUp pesticide.
@@j-sm4554 the amount of RoundUp left on soy is so miniscule, that you don't have to worry about that. It's the dose that makes the poison.
@chimp09 I doubt that. Probably what the industry is saying though. I prefer to have a little pesticide in my body as possible. I avoid it whenever possible. You do you.
@@j-sm4554 the dose makes the poison. The other person is right. There can be things that accumulate, usually certain hard metals, but even in this case, most of the consumer facing soy isn't being GMOd for pesticide and will likely not bioaccumulate.
@thejunkpile5384 there's no evidence to suggest such a concern is a valid one. You are paranoid resulting from lack of information. Don't let your paranoia be the reason people starve. That's not fair to those who die from hunger.