I notice the High Voltage signs on the crossarms. Thought only California uses them. Where is this located at, and are the signs a requirement in that state as well?
Looks like what Edison, and PG&E calls a GF37 infraction, in leaving the bolt so long where the quarter braces meets the pole ,where someone can get snagged or injured on it. I realize this is practice, or school, but in actual practice, this wouldn't be.
true , you call for how many inches of wood you have and your grunt should size accordingly, only allowing for not more than 2 inches of bolt coming out.
Think the crossarm they're using originally came from California. We're about the only state that uses those yellow high voltage signs now.
I notice the High Voltage signs on the crossarms. Thought only California uses them. Where is this located at, and are the signs a requirement in that state as well?
I'm not sure what the requirements are in other states... the school is in Oroville, CA
Looks like what Edison, and PG&E calls a GF37 infraction, in leaving the bolt so long where the quarter braces meets the pole ,where someone can get snagged or injured on it. I realize this is practice, or school, but in actual practice, this wouldn't be.
most definitely haha. those things were hazardous
true , you call for how many inches of wood you have and your grunt should size accordingly, only allowing for not more than 2 inches of bolt coming out.
did you end up landing an apprenticeship job?
not yet. I'm working for ATT as a lineman for the time being, and trying to get into an apprenticeship that doesn't involve moving out of California
Holy shit man those bolts are wayyyyy to far out.
Да, гаффы - это вещь. В России правда мало продавцов, но покупала в Питере - AlpNevaShop, всем довольна. Спасибо за видео - полезно!
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