I grew up Mormon. I’ve been exploring the Catholic Church, and I’ve been in RCIA for about 4 months now. I tried the TLM for the very first time last Sunday. I can say it was honestly life changing. It’s a world of a difference from the worldview I was brought-up in!
Yoooo I was born and raised LDS too. Kinda lost interest with it around age 30 and slowly started growing closer to Catholocism for awhile. Was finally baptized and confirmed last year at age 34. There's lots of young people at mass at RCIA/OCIA. Hmu it you got questions bro
I grew up protestan then an average Catholic and LifeTeen leader. I ran to the TLM because it had depth, it had roots, and took itself seriously enough for me to be inspired to worship.
I'm a recent convert (Easter 2024) partially due to you and other Catholics representing the one holy catholic and apostolic Church so well in your videos. I remember the first video I had ever seen about the TLM was yours from several years ago. I go to Novus Ordo now, mainly because lack of TLM options, but your videos left me intrigued to try it first chance I get.
Many are drawn to the traditional Latin Mass for its reverent atmosphere, deep historical roots, latin language, aesthetic beauty, and the sense of community it fosters.
Studying the TLM has been essential for me during seminary formation. The combination of the intensity + clarity of the prayers as well as the saints who have wrote on it have been essential for my own understanding of what a priest even is.
The video isn’t even out yet but: The Traditional Latin Mass is part of what helped make me Catholic from being Protestant. I have no issues with reverent Novus Ordo, which puts me at odds with a lot of the people who follow me, but TLM is always my preference.
As a songwriter and music producer, having to listen to the out of tune guitar, whiny flute and out of pitch and time singing of the novus ordo can be a real grind to listen to 😂 have yet to experience the TLM but can’t wait until the day I do!
Я православный, однако традиционный латинский обряд очень сильно меня привлекает. Почему мы в университете создали небольшую группу людей, которые молятся на латыни и используют многие вещи, которые внешне католические, но на деле православные... Мы очень хотели бы, чтобы вновь служили Тридентскую мессу в ординарном варианте, поскольку тогда у нас был бы аргумент для перехода в католичество. Ныне этого аргумента нет, поскольку на новой мессе мы ничего не чувствуем. Но это лишь наша точка зрения. Автор, продолжайте свой труд, вы прекрасно рассказываете! С любовью, из Санкт-Петербурга и России❤❤❤
I'm not even a confirmed Catholic yet but I ADORE the TLM.🥰 I'm so blessed to have one in my city to attend from time to time, but my fiancé and I go to a novus ordo parish most Sundays because that's what he grew up with & prefers. If it were up to me we'd be going to the TLM weekly! The incense, gregorian chant, latin prayers & overall reverence is just awe-inspiring. I remember thinking during the first TLM I ever went to "Now THIS is how a King deserves to be worshipped!" Not so much the same effect when you have people leaving right after communion and Susan from the parish council singing a Hillsong protestant-inspired song during mass. 🙄
If your fiancè prefers lowballing Jesus and giving Him a lesser form of worship than He deserves because it's what he prefers doing, why are you contemplating marrying such a man?
Myself personally as a young women who is about to turn .....non of your business 😂 this Feb. I have attended both ordinary and extraordinary masses and personally l find the tlm more spiritually enriching.....but I'm not allways fond of some of the types of persons that you find attending them but l digress. I truly with the pope would make a decree that every RC perish offered at least one tlm mass a week to give Catholics more options unless you are a church that offers mass mostly to the def or mute. I just wish we were given more options . Unlike most Catholics alive today l have attended both so l can have a legit stance on the issue.
Something that often goes unsaid is that the priest’s vestments and the Latin itself are each types of iconostasis that serve to draw you in more deeply while simultaneously preserving the mystery of what is happening. If the Church is the bride of Christ, then the traditional Mass is her veil.
Wonderfully said. And there are so called Catholics who mock the vestments as ostentatious, as if thatsbwhatbthe priest would choose to wear if he were going to the shops, rather than sacred vestments he must wear to honour God.
I've never been to a TLM (I was away for a long time and recently returned), but there is one not far away from me. The only reason I haven't gone yet is that I'm in a great parish with a reverent NO mass and a rector I always look forward to hearing. But, I realize I should get to the TLM and see what it's like.
Don't feel like you have to leave your parish and your friends there if you give the TLM a try. Treat yourself and go to the TLM Mass. You're not betraying your friends or anything like that.
I think your perhaps a bit to charitable about reverent NO. They are incredibly rare. and if you’re looking for one with Latin, you can almost forget about it. A TLM is more easily found than a Latin NO. My archdiocese has about 400 parishes and there was only one that offered a Latin NO.
St Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Muskegon Michigan offers a reverant NO, so does St James at cal sag in Lemont, IL and St John Cantius in Chicago (ive been to these churches) all have reverant NOs
Have you ever had the opportunity to attend a Byzantine Catholic, or even more old-school, the Chaldean Catholic rites? The Chaldean Catholics actually use Aramaic, the Lord's language.
I have actually attended an Extraordinary Form Mass in English which I preferred to Latin! An unusual experience but an interesting and beautiful one. The Ordinary Form does require a lot more effort to stay focused which perhaps is a spiritual benefit in a way, Both are good though and equally valid!
I prefer NO, but I understand that many feel the calling to TLM. I pray that TLM is available to anyone who is seeking it. I recently discovered that a close friend is going to a sedevacantist church for TLM:( . PRAYING for church leadership to recognize the importance of TLM and the fruits it produces.
You need to ask yourself why you prefer a liturgy which was designed by a perverted Cardinal to mimic the protestant service and to not offend other religions as opposed to the liturgy which was purely Catholic and without outside influence.
@racheljames7 maybe it's the self aggrandizing attitudes of rad trads? GIRL, BE GLAD! Being passionate about TLM is wonderful, however Vatican 2 outcomes were not reached in a day by a sole person. It was a collaborative process. If the wisdom of the Church says NO is fine, your opinion doesn't concern me. I grew up active in church. I mean sleeping in the pews during late night adoration as a child, daily mass, fundraising, going on retreats, all of that was in NO parish and I have amazing memories of the people in my childhood parish. 20 years later those men and women are still there and they remember me and get happy to see my children. There are many reasons for many people. Your passion doesn't excuse your judgement..
3:26 Did that priest just bless the congregation with a guitar? What's next? Tape a Host to the bridge and call it a monstrance? Disappointing that he couldn't be bothered to scribble a little stick figure corpus on it with black magic marker first. Even the sacrilege was half-assed.
If the NO were just re-normalize Ad Orientem and nothing else, I think it would correct a lot of problems. It automatically takes our attention off the priest and towards the altar, tabernacle, and crucifix.
Do you prefer the bus driver facing the road or the passengers? More to the point, to whom is the priest talking during the Eucharistic prayers? It’s not who you might think. Read the text.
@ That’s what I mean. I hear people say that they prefer to be more involved (having the altar face the people). Well, I disagree with that. I feel we’re more involved if the altar is facing away from us.
The one thing that totally irritates me about the Novus Order is the ridiculous hand shaking. Totally unnecessary. Totally irrelevant. Totally out of place, especially in the most solemn part of the Mass. Thankfully, i have access to the TLM every Sunday. It's a Solemn High Mass complete with chanting. God has blessed me.
can we get the sites for that survey? I think those who are on Parish Cpuseln groups want more sited sources to help support our good and solid priest.
There was a 'strand' of theology that grew out of the Vatican II movement that states that Grace is"always already present". What grew out of that was that the Holy Spirit was at much at work in the world as it is in the Church. The failure in this is a denial of Christ work such as sanctification happens with in the life of the Church. The Latin Extraordinary Form (LEF) Mass retrieves the Transcendence of God and the Sacred reality of the Church that has been so absent in generations of the Church's worship.
@@ryanellis7842 yes that’s the case at my FSSP at least on Sundays. on a holy day day of obligation that definitely is not usually the case especially if it’s an early morning mass and the priest knows that people need to get to work.
@@ryanellis7842 Hello, in France generally it's translated but not always, in monastery i go it's not translated. But a lot of people has missals, so...
The TLM era was not a "Golden Era" of Catholicism. I often sought peace during weekday Masses at my Newman Center in college. These were not grand celebrations; they were held in a simple room with just a handful of attendees. Two or Three people at times. Yet, in their quiet simplicity, I profoundly encountered Christ. As Psalm 51:6 reminds us, God works within the “secret heart,” drawing us into His peace. These moments taught me that the Mass’s value is not in its external splendor but in Christ’s Real Presence, which transcends form and setting. This perspective shapes my understanding of the debates surrounding the (TLM) and the Novus Ordo (NO). While the *Solemn High* TLM is a jewel of Catholic tradition, its era was not the universal "golden age" many idealize. Most historical TLM celebrations were not the grandeur of Solemn High Masses but hurried Low Masses with minimal lay participation. Weak catechesis was pervasive, leaving many Catholics unable to articulate fundamental doctrines like the Real Presence or indulgences. Syncretism-a blending of Catholicism with local superstitions-thrived in regions with poor pastoral oversight. The TLM itself did not solve these challenges, which often fostered passive observance rather than active engagement. The fruits of Vatican II, not the TLM, have addressed these historical deficiencies. By introducing the vernacular and fostering active participation, Vatican II empowered the laity to engage deeply in the liturgy and their faith. Modern apostolates like RCIA, Catholic apologetics, and evangelization ministries have flourished, producing figures such as Scott Hahn and Bishop Barron. These movements have equipped Catholics to defend and share their faith in ways uncommon during the TLM era. This renewal is a testament to Vatican II’s vision for a Church faithful to tradition and engaged with the modern world. However, a troubling parallel emerges when we consider how some elevate the TLM to an extreme. Just as we criticize evangelicals for turning their worship into a "rock star" performance, prioritizing spectacle over substance, some hardline TLM proponents risk doing the same with liturgical grandeur. While the TLM’s beauty is inspiring, treating it as the sole "true" form of worship turns it into an idol, mirroring the emotionalism we often critique in others. This fixation on aesthetics can overshadow the Mass’s purpose: to encounter Christ in the Eucharist and to unite the Church as one Body.
15 днів тому+2
Una Vez Que Conoces la Misa En Latin. Ya No Puedes Volver a la Novus Ordo.
The homily is always in the vernacular at least in my FSSP but I live in America so if there was a Latin mass in Central America, the homily probably would be in your local language Spanish I’m assuming?
Honestly, so long as you still recognize the Novus Ordo as a valid Mass, I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing it. I attend Novus Ordo because there nearest TLM is a 3 and half hour drive from my home. While I wouldn't say I go to one of the bad Novus Ordos, it's certainly not very reverent, and feels much to Protestant, especially in regards to the music. I've never been to a reverent Novus Ordo before, but from what I've seen of it online, I'd potentially choose it over the Latin Mass. That being said, I have yet to actually attend a Latin Mass, so perhaps I'd still choose it over Novus Ordo if I fully knew what it was like. I'm definitely a fan of tradition, and I see nothing wrong with expressing that and pointing out the obvious flaws that have come with the Novus Ordo. It only starts to become problematic when you start thinking it's not a valid Mass, but people think that usually don't consider Pope Francis a real Pope and call him Bergoglio, and thus shouldn't be taken seriously anyways.
Pope Benedict XVI remitted their excommunications and Pope Frances has given them faculties. They also pray for the Pope at every mass and discourage sedevacantism in their chapels. You should be grateful for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Michael Davies that you have the TLM today, they fought so hard for the Latin Mass. It's because of the SSPX that we have other traditional groups such as the FSSP and ICKSP. All of the Ecclesia Dei groups emerged from the SSPX. I would highly encourage you to read some good reading material on the SSPX. SSPX: The Defence by Kennedy Hall is a good one and so is The Rest of the Story by His Excellency Bishop Tisser.
The problem with the TLM is there is not enough of these churches around the country. I grew up in the NO church I don’t mind going to them however, my inability to consecrate on praying at these services for example someone will try to grab your arm to raise it or the sign of peace, lame horrible Protestant music.
You say the things you’ve heard in a Latin mass have helped you go out and speak against abortion and transgenderism. I’ve never been to a Catholic mass TLM or Novus Ordo, but if the TLM is in Latin and I don’t know Latin, how am I supposed to get that lesson? Is it supposed to be like Pentecostals speaking gibberish except it’s a priest speaking Latin, and I absorb a translation with the power of the Holy Spirit?
It’s called a hand missal or an app, my brothah. Seriously, the Latin parts said by the people every week don’t change and you probably know already: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei. The readings are usually repeated in English before the homily. The rest is not hard.
@@juanc.chavarria2521readings done in Latin at their usual time. Then, when it’s time for the homily the priest precedes it with reading the Epistle and Gospel in English for the benefit of those without a hand missal.
@@juanc.chavarria2521 at my FSSP after the epistle is read, we stand to hear the gospel in Latin whether it’s chanted at a high mass or read at a low mass we sit down and we hear the epistle again in English and then we stand for the gospel in English. then we sit down and we hear the homily in the local vernacular which in my case is English. Now this is not usually the case on a weekday if you’re going to a regular weekday mass, you probably will not have a homily unless it’s a special feast day like a holy day of obligation.
All the Novus Ordos in my area suck. No reverence AT ALL. Just terrible 😭 If they ever do away with the TLM, I may just convert to Orthodoxy. (And continue to pray my rosary).
@JeanAnderson-l5p fair enough. She's speaking typical speed for giving a speech in AZ, AK, & CA. I don't know where she's from. I know when I lived in VA, I was often accused of speaking too fast. I ended up adjusting to speaking slower & ended up annoying the heck out of my relatives on the Pacific Coast.
I grew up Mormon. I’ve been exploring the Catholic Church, and I’ve been in RCIA for about 4 months now. I tried the TLM for the very first time last Sunday. I can say it was honestly life changing. It’s a world of a difference from the worldview I was brought-up in!
Yoooo I was born and raised LDS too. Kinda lost interest with it around age 30 and slowly started growing closer to Catholocism for awhile. Was finally baptized and confirmed last year at age 34. There's lots of young people at mass at RCIA/OCIA. Hmu it you got questions bro
I grew up protestan then an average Catholic and LifeTeen leader. I ran to the TLM because it had depth, it had roots, and took itself seriously enough for me to be inspired to worship.
Finding the Latin mass was like finding a treasure! It has truly been enriching for my spiritual life and cultivating a deep sense of the sacred. 🙏
I'm a recent convert (Easter 2024) partially due to you and other Catholics representing the one holy catholic and apostolic Church so well in your videos.
I remember the first video I had ever seen about the TLM was yours from several years ago. I go to Novus Ordo now, mainly because lack of TLM options, but your videos left me intrigued to try it first chance I get.
Thats amazing congratulations!! Welcome home :)))(
Many are drawn to the traditional Latin Mass for its reverent atmosphere, deep historical roots, latin language, aesthetic beauty, and the sense of community it fosters.
Thanks for this video Amber! I think TLM has changed my priesthood. I will show your video to youth 😊
The TLM is not making a come back. It is back already.
Great video, I really did like the statistics that you showed and I hope to see more in your upcoming videos!
Studying the TLM has been essential for me during seminary formation. The combination of the intensity + clarity of the prayers as well as the saints who have wrote on it have been essential for my own understanding of what a priest even is.
The video isn’t even out yet but: The Traditional Latin Mass is part of what helped make me Catholic from being Protestant. I have no issues with reverent Novus Ordo, which puts me at odds with a lot of the people who follow me, but TLM is always my preference.
As a songwriter and music producer, having to listen to the out of tune guitar, whiny flute and out of pitch and time singing of the novus ordo can be a real grind to listen to 😂 have yet to experience the TLM but can’t wait until the day I do!
Я православный, однако традиционный латинский обряд очень сильно меня привлекает.
Почему мы в университете создали небольшую группу людей, которые молятся на латыни и используют многие вещи, которые внешне католические, но на деле православные...
Мы очень хотели бы, чтобы вновь служили Тридентскую мессу в ординарном варианте, поскольку тогда у нас был бы аргумент для перехода в католичество.
Ныне этого аргумента нет, поскольку на новой мессе мы ничего не чувствуем. Но это лишь наша точка зрения.
Автор, продолжайте свой труд, вы прекрасно рассказываете!
С любовью, из Санкт-Петербурга и России❤❤❤
In my early childhood, novus ordo used to be somewhat closer to TLM in terms of reverence. But now it has completely changed to closer indifferentism
Hoping for more TLMs to make an appearance here in the future.
I'm not even a confirmed Catholic yet but I ADORE the TLM.🥰 I'm so blessed to have one in my city to attend from time to time, but my fiancé and I go to a novus ordo parish most Sundays because that's what he grew up with & prefers. If it were up to me we'd be going to the TLM weekly! The incense, gregorian chant, latin prayers & overall reverence is just awe-inspiring. I remember thinking during the first TLM I ever went to "Now THIS is how a King deserves to be worshipped!" Not so much the same effect when you have people leaving right after communion and Susan from the parish council singing a Hillsong protestant-inspired song during mass. 🙄
If your fiancè prefers lowballing Jesus and giving Him a lesser form of worship than He deserves because it's what he prefers doing, why are you contemplating marrying such a man?
TLM is so based! currently doing RCIA at the local church that has TLM.
Enjoy! RCIA (and I know its had a bad rap the last few years) was the best time of my life. I loved it.
I'm a returning Catholic and the Latin Mass is what brought me back.
Myself personally as a young women who is about to turn .....non of your business 😂 this Feb. I have attended both ordinary and extraordinary masses and personally l find the tlm more spiritually enriching.....but I'm not allways fond of some of the types of persons that you find attending them but l digress. I truly with the pope would make a decree that every RC perish offered at least one tlm mass a week to give Catholics more options unless you are a church that offers mass mostly to the def or mute. I just wish we were given more options . Unlike most Catholics alive today l have attended both so l can have a legit stance on the issue.
Something that often goes unsaid is that the priest’s vestments and the Latin itself are each types of iconostasis that serve to draw you in more deeply while simultaneously preserving the mystery of what is happening. If the Church is the bride of Christ, then the traditional Mass is her veil.
Wonderfully said. And there are so called Catholics who mock the vestments as ostentatious, as if thatsbwhatbthe priest would choose to wear if he were going to the shops, rather than sacred vestments he must wear to honour God.
Holy! As a Gen Z man, I agree TLM is great!
I like both. I don’t have a TLM close by but occasionally I will do communion kneeling whenever I can.
Why only occasionall? Is Jesus only King occasionally?
I hope you are not in "Cdl" Cupich's diocese he recently banned kneeling at the NO mass when receiving communion
I've never been to a TLM (I was away for a long time and recently returned), but there is one not far away from me. The only reason I haven't gone yet is that I'm in a great parish with a reverent NO mass and a rector I always look forward to hearing. But, I realize I should get to the TLM and see what it's like.
Don't feel like you have to leave your parish and your friends there if you give the TLM a try. Treat yourself and go to the TLM Mass. You're not betraying your friends or anything like that.
I think your perhaps a bit to charitable about reverent NO. They are incredibly rare. and if you’re looking for one with Latin, you can almost forget about it. A TLM is more easily found than a Latin NO. My archdiocese has about 400 parishes and there was only one that offered a Latin NO.
beautiful testimony, Amber!
St Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Muskegon Michigan offers a reverant NO, so does St James at cal sag in Lemont, IL and St John Cantius in Chicago (ive been to these churches) all have reverant NOs
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat! (English: Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands)
Exaudi, Christe (Hear, O Christ!)
Have you ever had the opportunity to attend a Byzantine Catholic, or even more old-school, the Chaldean Catholic rites? The Chaldean Catholics actually use Aramaic, the Lord's language.
I think the Maronite also use Aramaic?
@@femaleKCRoyalsFanyes they do!
Holy ❤❤❤
What microphone do you use?
SM7 shure mic :)
I have actually attended an Extraordinary Form Mass in English which I preferred to Latin! An unusual experience but an interesting and beautiful one. The Ordinary Form does require a lot more effort to stay focused which perhaps is a spiritual benefit in a way, Both are good though and equally valid!
Holy ❤️❤️❤️Love the TLM. I am so done with the NO.
I prefer NO, but I understand that many feel the calling to TLM. I pray that TLM is available to anyone who is seeking it. I recently discovered that a close friend is going to a sedevacantist church for TLM:( . PRAYING for church leadership to recognize the importance of TLM and the fruits it produces.
You need to ask yourself why you prefer a liturgy which was designed by a perverted Cardinal to mimic the protestant service and to not offend other religions as opposed to the liturgy which was purely Catholic and without outside influence.
@racheljames7 maybe it's the self aggrandizing attitudes of rad trads? GIRL, BE GLAD! Being passionate about TLM is wonderful, however Vatican 2 outcomes were not reached in a day by a sole person. It was a collaborative process. If the wisdom of the Church says NO is fine, your opinion doesn't concern me. I grew up active in church. I mean sleeping in the pews during late night adoration as a child, daily mass, fundraising, going on retreats, all of that was in NO parish and I have amazing memories of the people in my childhood parish. 20 years later those men and women are still there and they remember me and get happy to see my children. There are many reasons for many people. Your passion doesn't excuse your judgement..
@@racheljames7 It look like because of people with attitude like you the TLM is being restricted.
Pray for me in my attempts to find a TL Mass in the Central Florida area… because it ain’t there.
Because of the mystery that surrounds the TLM and the reverence before God.
3:26 Did that priest just bless the congregation with a guitar? What's next? Tape a Host to the bridge and call it a monstrance? Disappointing that he couldn't be bothered to scribble a little stick figure corpus on it with black magic marker first. Even the sacrilege was half-assed.
The Latin Mass is the purest form of worship and purest direct presence of Christ in the entire world. Why wouldn’t it be popular?
The purest direct presence of Christ is the eucharist. The form of the Mass is not so important as the eucharist itself.
If the NO were just re-normalize Ad Orientem and nothing else, I think it would correct a lot of problems. It automatically takes our attention off the priest and towards the altar, tabernacle, and crucifix.
I will be honest with you, I don’t know how any one could prefer the altar to face the people instead of facing away from the people.
Do you prefer the bus driver facing the road or the passengers?
More to the point, to whom is the priest talking during the Eucharistic prayers? It’s not who you might think. Read the text.
@ That’s what I mean. I hear people say that they prefer to be more involved (having the altar face the people). Well, I disagree with that. I feel we’re more involved if the altar is facing away from us.
@@santinojozefmiller7721we agree. I read your initial comment too quickly.
@ I made that mistake with a females’ bathroom one time. I accidentally walked in to a females’ bathroom at a bar because I read too fast.
The one thing that totally irritates me about the Novus Order is the ridiculous hand shaking. Totally unnecessary. Totally irrelevant. Totally out of place, especially in the most solemn part of the Mass.
Thankfully, i have access to the TLM every Sunday. It's a Solemn High Mass complete with chanting. God has blessed me.
can we get the sites for that survey? I think those who are on Parish Cpuseln groups want more sited sources to help support our good and solid priest.
There was a 'strand' of theology that grew out of the Vatican II movement that states that Grace is"always already present". What grew out of that was that the Holy Spirit was at much at work in the world as it is in the Church. The failure in this is a denial of Christ work such as sanctification happens with in the life of the Church. The Latin Extraordinary Form (LEF) Mass retrieves the Transcendence of God and the Sacred reality of the Church that has been so absent in generations of the Church's worship.
I would love to go to the traditional Latin mass...but that is pretty
much impossible to find in the backwoods of Tennessee😅
Holy moly
Interesting. I’m wondering if the readings are in Latin too outside of Italy…
The readings are always in Latin. In America, they are almost always repeated in English just before the homily.
@@ryanellis7842 yes that’s the case at my FSSP at least on Sundays. on a holy day day of obligation that definitely is not usually the case especially if it’s an early morning mass and the priest knows that people need to get to work.
Hello, in France generally it's translated but not always, in monastery i go it's not translated. But a lot of people has missals, so...
do they do a homily?
The TLM era was not a "Golden Era" of Catholicism.
I often sought peace during weekday Masses at my Newman Center in college. These were not grand celebrations; they were held in a simple room with just a handful of attendees. Two or Three people at times. Yet, in their quiet simplicity, I profoundly encountered Christ. As Psalm 51:6 reminds us, God works within the “secret heart,” drawing us into His peace. These moments taught me that the Mass’s value is not in its external splendor but in Christ’s Real Presence, which transcends form and setting.
This perspective shapes my understanding of the debates surrounding the (TLM) and the Novus Ordo (NO). While the *Solemn High* TLM is a jewel of Catholic tradition, its era was not the universal "golden age" many idealize. Most historical TLM celebrations were not the grandeur of Solemn High Masses but hurried Low Masses with minimal lay participation. Weak catechesis was pervasive, leaving many Catholics unable to articulate fundamental doctrines like the Real Presence or indulgences. Syncretism-a blending of Catholicism with local superstitions-thrived in regions with poor pastoral oversight. The TLM itself did not solve these challenges, which often fostered passive observance rather than active engagement.
The fruits of Vatican II, not the TLM, have addressed these historical deficiencies. By introducing the vernacular and fostering active participation, Vatican II empowered the laity to engage deeply in the liturgy and their faith. Modern apostolates like RCIA, Catholic apologetics, and evangelization ministries have flourished, producing figures such as Scott Hahn and Bishop Barron. These movements have equipped Catholics to defend and share their faith in ways uncommon during the TLM era. This renewal is a testament to Vatican II’s vision for a Church faithful to tradition and engaged with the modern world.
However, a troubling parallel emerges when we consider how some elevate the TLM to an extreme. Just as we criticize evangelicals for turning their worship into a "rock star" performance, prioritizing spectacle over substance, some hardline TLM proponents risk doing the same with liturgical grandeur. While the TLM’s beauty is inspiring, treating it as the sole "true" form of worship turns it into an idol, mirroring the emotionalism we often critique in others. This fixation on aesthetics can overshadow the Mass’s purpose: to encounter Christ in the Eucharist and to unite the Church as one Body.
Una Vez Que Conoces la Misa En Latin. Ya No Puedes Volver a la Novus Ordo.
La Misa según el Novus Ordo también puede decirse en Latín, así como se dice en otras lenguas
I am, I'm bashing the NO mass.
Holy, holy, holy!
Here in Central America there is zero chance to go to a TLM. NO is what most us Catholics here know. Are homilies in TLM in Latin or vernacular?
The homily is always in the vernacular at least in my FSSP but I live in America so if there was a Latin mass in Central America, the homily probably would be in your local language Spanish I’m assuming?
Makes sense 🌹🌹🌹🌹🍻🍻🍻📷
Honestly, so long as you still recognize the Novus Ordo as a valid Mass, I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing it. I attend Novus Ordo because there nearest TLM is a 3 and half hour drive from my home. While I wouldn't say I go to one of the bad Novus Ordos, it's certainly not very reverent, and feels much to Protestant, especially in regards to the music. I've never been to a reverent Novus Ordo before, but from what I've seen of it online, I'd potentially choose it over the Latin Mass. That being said, I have yet to actually attend a Latin Mass, so perhaps I'd still choose it over Novus Ordo if I fully knew what it was like. I'm definitely a fan of tradition, and I see nothing wrong with expressing that and pointing out the obvious flaws that have come with the Novus Ordo. It only starts to become problematic when you start thinking it's not a valid Mass, but people think that usually don't consider Pope Francis a real Pope and call him Bergoglio, and thus shouldn't be taken seriously anyways.
Pray that the SSPX comes back into the fold of Rome
Pope Benedict XVI remitted their excommunications and Pope Frances has given them faculties. They also pray for the Pope at every mass and discourage sedevacantism in their chapels. You should be grateful for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Michael Davies that you have the TLM today, they fought so hard for the Latin Mass. It's because of the SSPX that we have other traditional groups such as the FSSP and ICKSP. All of the Ecclesia Dei groups emerged from the SSPX. I would highly encourage you to read some good reading material on the SSPX. SSPX: The Defence by Kennedy Hall is a good one and so is The Rest of the Story by His Excellency Bishop Tisser.
If anyone knows of a TLM in Utah please let me know. Thanks
Unfortunately there aren't any TLM's in the state of Utah. The closest TLM to Utah is in Las Vegas which is about two hours away from St. George.
Obedience is first to Christ. We have no obligation to obey laws promulgated that go against the common good.
The problem with the TLM is there is not enough of these churches around the country. I grew up in the NO church I don’t mind going to them however, my inability to consecrate on praying at these services for example someone will try to grab your arm to raise it or the sign of peace, lame horrible Protestant music.
You say the things you’ve heard in a Latin mass have helped you go out and speak against abortion and transgenderism. I’ve never been to a Catholic mass TLM or Novus Ordo, but if the TLM is in Latin and I don’t know Latin, how am I supposed to get that lesson? Is it supposed to be like Pentecostals speaking gibberish except it’s a priest speaking Latin, and I absorb a translation with the power of the Holy Spirit?
The homily is in English.
It’s called a hand missal or an app, my brothah.
Seriously, the Latin parts said by the people every week don’t change and you probably know already: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei.
The readings are usually repeated in English before the homily.
The rest is not hard.
@@ryanellis7842 You meant, read in English? Or repeated after done in Latin? As far as the readings.
@@juanc.chavarria2521readings done in Latin at their usual time. Then, when it’s time for the homily the priest precedes it with reading the Epistle and Gospel in English for the benefit of those without a hand missal.
@@juanc.chavarria2521 at my FSSP after the epistle is read, we stand to hear the gospel in Latin whether it’s chanted at a high mass or read at a low mass we sit down and we hear the epistle again in English and then we stand for the gospel in English. then we sit down and we hear the homily in the local vernacular which in my case is English. Now this is not usually the case on a weekday if you’re going to a regular weekday mass, you probably will not have a homily unless it’s a special feast day like a holy day of obligation.
I don't hate the NO...but it's pretty close
All the Novus Ordos in my area suck. No reverence AT ALL. Just terrible 😭
If they ever do away with the TLM, I may just convert to Orthodoxy. (And continue to pray my rosary).
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ... Holy, Holy, Holy
English mass is vanilla
I see a cat! Automatic Like lol
Slow down!!! You talk too fast!!!
Guy, be a little more polite :)
Fast? No, she's really not.
Just my opinion.
@JeanAnderson-l5p fair enough.
She's speaking typical speed for giving a speech in AZ, AK, & CA. I don't know where she's from. I know when I lived in VA, I was often accused of speaking too fast. I ended up adjusting to speaking slower & ended up annoying the heck out of my relatives on the Pacific Coast.