WoW! Two of my favorite musicians, playing over another Great Musician of XIX Century and maybe the Greatest Lady in the history of music! Lady CLARA WIECK!!!
We need to hear more of Clara Schumann. She was much more famous than Robert at that time, as the well known consert pianist she was. Luckily she apperently had some time to write music, besides taking care of poor Robert, suffering from bipolarity. Thank you for the music!
spotkałem ją przypadkiem... potem z daleka widziałem tanecznym krokiem odwracała płatki kwiatów na ulicy Kopernika Venus czy Betelgeza... gdy już będziesz wiedział może być za późno
WoW! Two of my favorite musicians, playing over another Great Musician of XIX Century and maybe the Greatest Lady in the history of music! Lady CLARA WIECK!!!
We need to hear more of Clara Schumann. She was much more famous than Robert at that time, as the well known consert pianist she was. Luckily she apperently had some time to write music, besides taking care of poor Robert, suffering from bipolarity. Thank you for the music!
po graniach muzyki...
nad pierzastymi obłokami
biegają JAnecki...
górskie Świtezianki
ciesząc nas swoim urokiem
zwodząc Jasieńka do zApodziania
🧩🌬Comme quoi l existence ça vous laisse toutes les chances 👏🎈
Chic tips📷
Notes Circonferencieres sans aucunes théses ." TACHONS DE Rester maître de soie même si céliwhere "
spotkałem ją przypadkiem... potem z daleka widziałem tanecznym krokiem odwracała płatki kwiatów
na ulicy Kopernika
Venus czy Betelgeza...
gdy już będziesz wiedział
może być za późno
Thank you. What is the date of the recording?
Quite harrowing. Good though. ☺️
the unbearable lightness of music
nieznośna lekkość muzyki