Isn't it great how many people came to a video called "Alissa of ARCH ENEMY On The Truth About Veganism" just to be annoyed that she's talking about veganism?
@YoStefan No, and I really don't care since this band desperately tries to appea to people who are 50 years or older. I'm not a 50 year old man who wants to listen to Death Metal but but says that it is too heavy for him when he listens to real death metal, therefore I do not feel the need to further spend time informing myself about them. But a comment like this is totally okay, this is something else entirely and spending time on writing this definitely doesn't clash with what I said about it earlier.
"Choosing compassion that's the most important thing" i really love this quote what you thinking. Respect you for saving animal and chose compassion! Love your powerful and lovely voice
I agree, stop abusing your grill and smoker by not grilling and smoking good cuts of meat. If you think about it, your really hurting your local butcher. Have compassion for your butcher.
@@danielspicer1978 haha potatos aswell as many other vegetables dont fall, they grow in the ground. you inscure animal eaters are always so fuckin dumb...jeez
Same here, I've been vegan since the 90's....also a metal fan (well Death and Doom mostly), I've seen "Arch Enemy" a few times here in Australia and I've met Michael Amott a few times as well :)
Alissa gets far too much publicity and credit than she actually deserves. She's a pretentious asshole and her uncleans are terrible. You want a real female unclean vocalist? Go check out Tatiana Shmaylyuk from Jinjer. She's leagues above White-Gluz.
She was one of my inspirations to became a vegan (two years ago). I watched a video in which she talked about how she hated the idea of death, so she did not want do to impose it on other animais. It made me think a lot about back then.
I watched this video and was curious why she's so passionate about veganism so i watched the first documentary she mentioned 'Earthlings'. Straight after i became vegan as I was completely unaware of the truth about the meat and dairy industry. People who hate on this are just uneducated and if everyone took the time to acknowledge what they're eating/drinking on a daily basis they would too be vegan. The animal suffering is vile and must be stopped so thank you Alissa for educating me and changing my lifestyle. Vegan since 9th September :)
I'd say the hardest problems against veganism actually happen in less developed countries, such as Brazil. 'Choosing' amon milk isn't an option because it tends to cost twice as much compared to cow's milk. And we have to deal with money shortages and that kind of stuff so, yes, I do want a vegan lifestyle, but it's really hard on places where being vegan is still an elitist option :( But go on with this, girl, you're amazing for what you do and who you are. Being vegan is just another amazing thing you do ❤️
As a vegan in a wealthy country, I think the important thing is reducing suffering as much as you are able to. If vegan food is too expensive and you're very limited on money, it's understandable you are going for the cheaper animal products. While buying cow milk, you should still be able to buy lentils, chikpeas or beans instead of cow meat. Also, you might be buying cow milk for the calcium, but don't forget that collards, bok choy, mustard greens, turnip greens and brocoli are also good sources of calcium (I don't which of those are cheap enough in your country).
Only way to make a difference is to not eat and you die. Even if you had lab grown meat, it'd still be alive and suffer. Now if you really want to make a difference in the world, go help the homeless, donate to charity, etc.
Do you want to be healthier by limiting the source of food you can intake? Protein intake is vital for health yet it's very difficult to achieve this without planning and supplements.
People get triggered because deep inside they KNOW veganism is the right thing to do, given what we have done to our planet. But they don't have the balls to step up and go vegan because "meat tasts gud lmao". So they bash vegans
The Metal Worm -I'm just sick of vegans being self righteous and telling us meat eaters that we should eat boring old salad and other things we aren't that into. We got this far as humanity by being hunters, not by eating like wussy little Rabbits, and I don't want to go vegan, what does having no balls have to do with not wanting to succumb to crap meals ... I like what I like and intolerant fascists need to step back! lol And what we have done to our planet has to do with several other things before we even get into eating meat, so many other things like building bigger bombs, allowing communism to take over western nations, this new generation having no patience due to everything being at an instant for them, and they freak out when a download takes more than five seconds., not giving a damn about the past, who the hell hasn't seen the Goonies, millennials that's who, we are all doomed, those that don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Lol Eating meat is not hurting our world, that came from a Liberal view point and I am far too intelligent for that crap.
I've been vegan 15 years. In that time I've had at most maybe 5 salads, and none of them were boring. Veganism is an ethical stance, not a diet. God, non-vegans seem to get dumber by the second. Proof that meat causes brain rot.
A few friends of mine are vegetarian and vegan. Though we disagree on what we eat we have an understanding about cruelty. I go out of my way to go to a family owned farm 1.5 hours out of my way to buy my meats from a farm that has its slaughter house a few miles away from their live stock that are raised to their peak maturity on well balanced diets and are well maintained through out their lifetime. Along with meats they also sell clothes and shoes made from skins and tools made from bones and cooking oils and candles made from fat so nothing about the animal is wasted
The root of all that is wrong in our world today, is the belief, that some lives are worth less than others. I find it interesting, your belief that you have the self-appointed right, to take a life (or pay someone to), that wants nothing more than to live another day - and simply justify it with a few feel-good stories about all the wonderful treatment given to that life, who's only purpose was to eventually have it's throat slit before it's time, to be seen as nothing more than a commodity who's value you gauge in pounds and dollars.
There is a difference between veganism and plant-based diet. Veganism is more of a political moral stand...plant-based diet is well a diet. Wish that was shared more.
Lol regardless of whether you eat meat or vegan food you are still killing something to live. You eat meat you kill an animal, you eat vegan and you kill a plant. Based on Science plants, vegatables, etc actually feel so regardless your food suffers before you consume it.
So much respect for Alissa. She is reflected and intelligent, and I love the fact that she is accepting toward others. Vegans do sometimes get a bad rep, but people like Alissa are truly wonderful. Of course her veganism will inspire the way she creates and performs music - if something is driving you, go for it! Take it for what it's worth :)
Kirk Hammett is inspiring me to go vegan even though I'm going against my Catholic beliefs it's better for my health because I want to get ripped and loose my belly fat
@@Highrollinhunter Wish you the best of luck on your vegan journey! I don't think it is against catholic beliefs, remember that in the garden of eve everyone only ate plants. And I think catholic vegans out there would agree.
I was vegetarian for almost a year. it's tough because you can't just eliminate meat from your diet, you need to re-think how you approach food and nutrition as a whole. long story short, you really need to cook your own food. this is especially true if you are vegan. in fact, if you are vegan, there is no way around it, you have to become your own chef. I gave up my vegetarianism because I was just consuming WAY too many carbohydrates. You go out to eat with friends, and you eat the chips and salsa, the bread, and the rice. before you know it, you just consumed enough carbs for an entire week within a 1 hour period. So, like I said, you need to re-think how approach food. it's a fantastic healthy way to live but you need to do your research and be open minded. I have no clue how she does it on the road, though I am sure Arch Enemy gets decent catering most of the time. If you are an indie band, most small cities, small towns, and rural towns WILL NOT have veg-friendly restaurants, and you're stuck eating truck stop food.
King Farang I have a distinct feeling it won't change my mind. Animals eat animals man, get over it. Its nature. Yes we may overproduce meat, but that isn't the same as eating it.
Tell me what you think of this video. Maybe you'll understand why vegans are angry. None of this is "natural" or in "nature".
King Farang do you deny that animals eat other animals in nature? Do you deny that we are animals? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, you're living in a fantasy world which does not reflect reality. My point is, you cannot equate eating meat with animal cruelty as if they are one in the same
@@rolwynjohann9645 Right on target buddy. @Siddarth: don't use the vegan word just say "plant based diet". Veganism is beyond diet, it's a way of life. Very few are vegan (not even me by the way).
Alissa is AWESOME :-) So is Arch Enemy. I'm a vegetarian myself, but I respect veganism and have briefly toyed with the idea of going vegan myself. Maybe one day. Need to learn more about it.
Go for it. :) If you're vegetarian because you don't want to take part in animal cruelty then going vegan is the next logical step in line with your values.
Life long weight lifter here. I’ve been vegan for the last 2 years and I’m lifting more than I ever did as a much younger omnivore. I gained 20 lbs of muscle just last year ( something I’ve been trying to do since I was 18). I recover so much better after heavy workouts and I don’t have to worry about high blood pressure, high blood pressure and heart disease. Just avoid the negativity, read studies on pub med, eat more plants, eat less animal products, take control of your health, have less impact on the environment and take your B-12 😂
Yeah. She looks pretty nice. Like her voice and I don't give a fuck if she's vegetarian, cucumber or world champion in teabag pitching. I choose to live - I choose flesh.
I agree with Alissa. As a society we have been conditioned to accept whatever the media tells us without question. Its time to start asking questions about why we are bombarded with constant propeganda. She showed great poise in the face of negativity.
I live in a household where my sister is a lifelong vegan, my mum a vegetarian and I'm a meat eater. I tried vegetarianism for 6 weeks for my sister, but it was just too difficult for me personally. I didn't like the taste of any of the meat alternatives and ended up eating nothing but steamed vegetables for the entire 6 weeks. By the end of it I was counting down the minutes until I could eat again. Now I am "meat reducing" (if that's even a thing), and only eat meat once a week. Surely it's better than nothing? I do have to call out one thing from the video though. She says that veganism "doesn't cost anything", but that is absolutely false. Vegan foods are much, much more expensive - I guess because they aren't widely adopted at this time.
See, this is a sensible take, I would say. I'm definitely not vegan (my brain does not work like that) but I've tried vegan diets and was never able to stay on them more than a few months. I just wound up eating beans, rice, and nuts (was not good). I would go out to vegan places, but there aren't many around, especially by where I work. To buy vegan food at a store (Whole Foods...) and cook it is much more expensive and time consuming, and I've never been able to cook tempeh or seitan and make them not taste really nasty. Being a working American who has always punched in and out for work makes it hard, but I could see someone living with their parents, working under the table, and being vegan easier. She's trying to advocate for vegan diets, but people in the know do know that it's a very difficult lifestyle change. Also, you can forget about eating foods that coworkers bring in for the team. If eating is at all a social thing for you, you better find vegans who are free and bearable to be around... Good luck. I've tried it, it's not for me.
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. It's not about going beyond what is possible for you. Also, focus on new foods. Fruit, greens, vegetables, etc. All foods. When you're eating everything, you will even forget about meat.
Albundy christ, this is such misinformed bullshit, you really think eating meat will prolong your life?, how fucking thick are you man?. It is fact red meat is so bad for us, for our teeth and especially our guts. In studies over the last few decades there is a clear increase in the life of people who cut meat and diary from their diets, its fact mate. Dairy causes spots, acne, mucus buildup, fatigue to name a few. Have you seen the size and muscle density of gorillas?, what do they eat? oh only plant matter.
If you think about it, she is actually right. Meat is NOT healthy and we do NOT need it to survive (not in the slightest). It's easier to feed humanity with plants as a matter of fact. So we let millions of animals suffer and die just to have that little pleasure.
People don't understand that meat dairy and eggs are just marketing ...full of saturated fat and cholesterol ...plants have all the nutrients you need ....vegan is ethical and compassion
is strange that i been exactly right at the door of that place, but outside since i been in NY man i know there is basically beautiful looking women in NYC all over the place in a very surreal way.. but she can easily be the most beautiful of all rare Valkyries walking around the area i like the fact that she is vegan me? i am vegetarian for the most part not super vegan hardcore cos i consume milk, eggs but i do not eat any kind of animal but respects to her she seem really bright
What a woman, it took me years to become fully vegan, its been 8 years now and i still crave meat sometimes but like Alissa said its an ethical stance, i don't preach about it and don't place anyone to my standards or judge anyone for eating meat but if anyone asks me why i am vegan then i will sure fucking tell them, its because i don't want to cause suffering to innocent animals, anyone who denies that the meat and diary industries are not absolute hell for the poor animals need to do some research, its a cruel, unforgiving world and it is not at all concerned with animal welfare.
My daily personal experience. So here is how it goes, I show up to work with fruit for lunch every day. My work mates either ask why I don't have anything decent to eat, or why I always eat the same thing. They then go on to presume I am vegan which is all good. Then I just get bombarded with shit like "There is no way you can get enough protein or Iron like that" or "Fuck that I don't think I could ever do that" plus may more remarks which I also don't mind. Then everyone tries to convince me to go back to what they are eating. Not cool, keeping in mind I don't even mention I am vegan once for this all to happen. Same thing occurs when I am with family or friends eating wherever I go. It's a never ending cycle 😂
nowadays she is a very rare"vegan". today the trend vegans just get upset and talk smack. hate those fotms. "youre vegan what do u eat?" "well, a potato?" earthlings triggered me 10+ years ago
Alissa is very talented, beautiful and she is right about veganism, it’s pure facts! 💙🌱 I’m also vegan and will always support and love her, not only for being the best singer but also a good role model. ❤️
To all vegan haters out there: You don't need to be vegan, just be aware of what goes on in egg, dairy, etc farms and the cruelty some farms show their animals. Also, keep your hate to yourself, many if not most vegans also have noble goals in mind that would benefit both animals as well as us. Buy free range eggs, caged egg farms are cruel.
There are some tings I agree and disagree with her. Regardless, she's always made amazing meaningful songs. Honestly, she's one of the fewest vegan I respect because she's not like forcing it on people.
At least she is really true to herself. I've met people who are vegan and they're really awesome people. I think when something means a lot to someone and it's actually helpful to this world, go for it. 🤘
Lol regardless of whether you eat meat or vegan food you are still killing something to live. You eat meat you kill an animal, you eat vegan and you kill a plant. Based on Science plants, vegatables, etc actually feel so regardless your food suffers before you consume it.
@@selenawilliams3261 it is such a fallacious statement to say "science says plants do suffer". Press and media say so but science never made such a big statement. Plants interact with their environment. Suffering is an animal trait, you need some animal parts like a nervous system and a brain to be able to suffer. I think the biological reason is that animals usually cant afford to lose limbs or blood but plants more often can lose branches or leaves or some fluids and recover.
She got it exactly right. People who pretend that vegans push their diet on others are full of it. You literally walk down the street and there's ads about animal based foods from burgers to fried chicken everywhere yet when a vegan wears a shirt that says "Say no to animal cruelty" all those guilt trippers pretend that that one person is pushing their diet on them. Fucking hilarious.
Hey, I love your band, your voice, and youre beauty, however I have a good question for you. The plants we eat are alive, do they not suffer when we cut and chew them? I thinks its possible, thanks Alissa love the band!!!
How cool is that, theis singer is vegan? I'm vegan, I like melodic death metal. I was searching death metal bands t-shirts and listen tem from spotify and google them. that's how I met Arch Enemy.
If you go into the bathroom you might find a bar of soap that you can shove into your mouth. Or, you could go to your local butcher so he can save you.
I am friends with vegans (I am not a vegan personally), and they are like this. They are very understanding that some people are not vegan. I have met other vegans that are essentially the stereotype of vegans; they told me that I was eating an innocent animal. I told them to shove it, because I will not change to fit their beliefs. I told them that millennia ago, our ancestors didn't have that choice. Obviously they do not represent vegans. I just wanted to put this out there.
\m/ F*** yeah.... You know what Alissa, I thought that I was the only one with having changed over to a vegan lifestyle near 4 years ago and experienced the ability of not needing to sleep that much as compared to when I was lacto vegetarian or when non vegetarian.
I don’t know why I am here? I have been vegan for 6 years now and I can’t believe that I used to eat S.A.D. ( standard American diet) I changed my diet because I had a massive stroke at 46 and had a NDE. There’s a life review and you have to sit at a table with other various sentient beings and answer why did you do the things you did while in 3D.
As much as I love Arch Enemy, what some people do not understand is that vegan options of food in the grocery store are more expensive that meat based products. When you are on disability it makes it difficult to buy it.
You have to appreciate the irony of her mocking the "vegans will tell you they're vegan" jokes, in a video entirely about her being vegan. Not to mention that it keeps coming up in every interview she gives. I mean, fuck, I don't even like Arch Enemy. I just wanted to marvel at her but all I'm seeing is veganism here veganism there. I always thought of her as that blue-haired metal banshee, now she's just the vegan chick to me.
I'm late to the party here, but here's what I have to say: There are pros and cons to traditional diets and vegetarian/vegan diets, I as someone who eats meat currently, practice meat free days, or just make what I use go further, I buy half as much as I used to which is a real money saver, and yes I still go to the gym build muscle and strength just fine! The greatest issue for me is the fast junk food overconsumption and ridiculous portions and convenience, I don't see a problem with dairy however that's having lived in a nice rural county with a relatively low spread out populous, and more specifically the arable and subsistence farm I grew up on, we had 6 hens that were free to roam and happy. Sadly the huge demand and factory production rates mean that only huge battery farms are viable to meet demand. regardless of your moral standpoint on animals, seeing how subjective that is, what is undeniable is that the planet is under serious strain, the land we're tearing apart, the plastics we used to package that end up in the ocean, the fuel used to transport and process that chokes the air and drains finite resources. No-one should shame you either way, and as admirable and compelling as Alissa and others might be, still they know that there is no objective morality, however, I will end on this; if not for the animals, cut down for your children and the planet they will inherit from you.
I don't see how everyone has a problem with me killing and eating children, doesn't make you better than me, it's just a personal choice. Just let me kill and eat these tasty children, it's not affecting you, isn't? Who're you to JUDGE ME... just leave me to my work. I'm just fulfilling MY DESTINY...
There is quite a difference between hardcore activism and informing people about one's stands - especially in an interview. She has been asked to give her opinion, so she gives it to them. Sharing an opinion is not at all the same as irritating preaching :)
Cannibal Corpse is like: wtf mate...a Death Metal singer can't be vegan 😂😂😂, personally i love her 😍😍😍, really love Arch Enemy...her screams are very VERY good...and the cherry of the cake... she's OMG 😍😍😍
Although I could never be vegan (I'm concerned about the environment/ozone, and my way of helping is eating the animals). But to each their own as I respect this very intelligent, beyond talented lady. She is definitely one of my favorites!
Isn't it great how many people came to a video called "Alissa of ARCH ENEMY On The Truth About Veganism" just to be annoyed that she's talking about veganism?
Haha. Yeah, says a lot about them.
You know, carnists...🤷🏻♂️
No,not at all.
Sweet dreams
Talented, intelligent, beautiful and vegan. For me perfection
@YoStefan No, and I really don't care since this band desperately tries to appea to people who are 50 years or older. I'm not a 50 year old man who wants to listen to Death Metal but but says that it is too heavy for him when he listens to real death metal, therefore I do not feel the need to further spend time informing myself about them. But a comment like this is totally okay, this is something else entirely and spending time on writing this definitely doesn't clash with what I said about it earlier.
@@HardwareFahrrad nonsense.
Not metal
Beauty, brains, talent and a heart - could this woman be any more perfect !
ur a moron
She is the definition of perfect !
"Choosing compassion that's the most important thing" i really love this quote what you thinking. Respect you for saving animal and chose compassion! Love your powerful and lovely voice
I agree, stop abusing your grill and smoker by not grilling and smoking good cuts of meat. If you think about it, your really hurting your local butcher. Have compassion for your butcher.
@@jasonfick4506 thanks indoctrinated drone.
Alissa White-Gluz is very beautiful and a good singer and she is right about Veganism
Alissa inspired me to go vegan
It inspired me to go to the butcher.
@@jasonfick4506 is that really how fuckin insecure you are?
The vegetables fell to and fell pain just because you can't here them scream
@@danielspicer1978 haha potatos aswell as many other vegetables dont fall, they grow in the ground.
you inscure animal eaters are always so fuckin dumb...jeez
It sounds like you are a triggered SJW. Where's the insecurity in a fucking joke? Don't force and shame others into participating in your lifestyle.
Both Alissa and Angela don't eat meat. That's awesome.
Michael, Daniel, and Sharlee are vegetarians
Lmao. Who gives a shit.
@@adamenstrom I do. Move on.
Cattle Decapitation approves.
now whenever im tempted to eat meat I hear Travis Ryan screeching "how can you look into my eyeeezz" in my head
Manufactured extinct.
I wouldn't say that Cattle likes her. They did have a hard time touring with her a couple years back
Going to see them Saturday!
Sure half of the group is vegan
Same here, I've been vegan since the 90's....also a metal fan (well Death and Doom mostly), I've seen "Arch Enemy" a few times here in Australia and I've met Michael Amott a few times as well :)
Omg, nobody warned me she can get more hotter! Her hair is fabulous. And the way she represents veganism/things she believe to ... she's the best.
My thoughts exactly!
This is why I love her so much. She's a beautiful person
Nymphe Tamine she is actually a massive bitch lol its well known in the metal community.
She is not Snow White. Rather pro-abortion Witch who would kill innocent child to fulfill own desire.
Alissa gets far too much publicity and credit than she actually deserves. She's a pretentious asshole and her uncleans are terrible. You want a real female unclean vocalist? Go check out Tatiana Shmaylyuk from Jinjer. She's leagues above White-Gluz.
@@the_furry_inside_your_walls639 agreed with all of the above responses. Gluz is extremely annoying and pretentious.
@Paul Harris I mean... your not wrong.
been Vegan 6 years im glad to see shes too
She was one of my inspirations to became a vegan (two years ago). I watched a video in which she talked about how she hated the idea of death, so she did not want do to impose it on other animais. It made me think a lot about back then.
I watched this video and was curious why she's so passionate about veganism so i watched the first documentary she mentioned 'Earthlings'. Straight after i became vegan as I was completely unaware of the truth about the meat and dairy industry.
People who hate on this are just uneducated and if everyone took the time to acknowledge what they're eating/drinking on a daily basis they would too be vegan. The animal suffering is vile and must be stopped so thank you Alissa for educating me and changing my lifestyle. Vegan since 9th September :)
Vegans cause much more harm to nature and animals than omnivores.
Meat is good for you. You're the one that is uneducated
Im a
And vegan
\m/ 🥦🥔🥕🥜🌽🍅🍆🍠🥑🥒🥥🍅🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍓🍒🍑🍐🍏🍎🍍🍌 for the
Yeah, I went a little crazy with the Emojis...oh well 😀
I'd say the hardest problems against veganism actually happen in less developed countries, such as Brazil. 'Choosing' amon milk isn't an option because it tends to cost twice as much compared to cow's milk. And we have to deal with money shortages and that kind of stuff so, yes, I do want a vegan lifestyle, but it's really hard on places where being vegan is still an elitist option :(
But go on with this, girl, you're amazing for what you do and who you are. Being vegan is just another amazing thing you do ❤️
It costs ×9 more than cow milk in my country..
As a vegan in a wealthy country, I think the important thing is reducing suffering as much as you are able to. If vegan food is too expensive and you're very limited on money, it's understandable you are going for the cheaper animal products. While buying cow milk, you should still be able to buy lentils, chikpeas or beans instead of cow meat. Also, you might be buying cow milk for the calcium, but don't forget that collards, bok choy, mustard greens, turnip greens and brocoli are also good sources of calcium (I don't which of those are cheap enough in your country).
I think she's the only one that can turn me into a vegan.. I love her.
Hope you're vegan by now then
Thank you for such a healthy and positive message!!! It takes people like you to challenge the defensive and mean ones.
Only way to make a difference is to not eat and you die. Even if you had lab grown meat, it'd still be alive and suffer. Now if you really want to make a difference in the world, go help the homeless, donate to charity, etc.
@@selenawilliams3261 Demagogy big.
@@selenawilliams3261 "It'd still be alive and suffer" What a clown...
@@search895 moron much dufus?
this encouraged me to go vegan. It's an easy decision since I want to be healthier in general and it's a win-win choice.
Lmao. Ya didn't do dick for research first, did ya? Obviously not.
Do you want to be healthier by limiting the source of food you can intake? Protein intake is vital for health yet it's very difficult to achieve this without planning and supplements.
Veganism is not a win win.
Veganism is win win win
"If I'm going to be screaming about something, I need to be passionate about it"
There are more people saying vegans are annoying than annoying vegans. You just have to look the comments 😂
People get triggered because deep inside they KNOW veganism is the right thing to do, given what we have done to our planet. But they don't have the balls to step up and go vegan because "meat tasts gud lmao". So they bash vegans
Only angry feminists are worse.
The Metal Worm -I'm just sick of vegans being self righteous and telling us meat eaters that we should eat boring old salad and other things we aren't that into. We got this far as humanity by being hunters, not by eating like wussy little Rabbits, and I don't want to go vegan, what does having no balls have to do with not wanting to succumb to crap meals ... I like what I like and intolerant fascists need to step back! lol And what we have done to our planet has to do with several other things before we even get into eating meat, so many other things like building bigger bombs, allowing communism to take over western nations, this new generation having no patience due to everything being at an instant for them, and they freak out when a download takes more than five seconds., not giving a damn about the past, who the hell hasn't seen the Goonies, millennials that's who, we are all doomed, those that don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Lol Eating meat is not hurting our world, that came from a Liberal view point and I am far too intelligent for that crap.
Maybe cause there are more non-vegan people than vegans (?)
I've been vegan 15 years. In that time I've had at most maybe 5 salads, and none of them were boring. Veganism is an ethical stance, not a diet. God, non-vegans seem to get dumber by the second. Proof that meat causes brain rot.
I was Pescatarian then Vegetarian Then I went vegan I've been Vegan for 5 years and 3 months.
She's awesome, and she's right about veganism helping vocals. I've got way more stamina while singing than I did 3 or so years ago before going vegan.
A few friends of mine are vegetarian and vegan. Though we disagree on what we eat we have an understanding about cruelty. I go out of my way to go to a family owned farm 1.5 hours out of my way to buy my meats from a farm that has its slaughter house a few miles away from their live stock that are raised to their peak maturity on well balanced diets and are well maintained through out their lifetime. Along with meats they also sell clothes and shoes made from skins and tools made from bones and cooking oils and candles made from fat so nothing about the animal is wasted
The root of all that is wrong in our world today, is the belief, that some lives are worth less than others. I find it interesting, your belief that you have the self-appointed right, to take a life (or pay someone to), that wants nothing more than to live another day - and simply justify it with a few feel-good stories about all the wonderful treatment given to that life, who's only purpose was to eventually have it's throat slit before it's time, to be seen as nothing more than a commodity who's value you gauge in pounds and dollars.
There is a difference between veganism and plant-based diet. Veganism is more of a political moral stand...plant-based diet is well a diet. Wish that was shared more.
Elizabeth C not really political
Lol regardless of whether you eat meat or vegan food you are still killing something to live. You eat meat you kill an animal, you eat vegan and you kill a plant. Based on Science plants, vegatables, etc actually feel so regardless your food suffers before you consume it.
So much respect for Alissa. She is reflected and intelligent, and I love the fact that she is accepting toward others. Vegans do sometimes get a bad rep, but people like Alissa are truly wonderful. Of course her veganism will inspire the way she creates and performs music - if something is driving you, go for it! Take it for what it's worth :)
"Being vegan... is metal as fuck!"
-Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein
Gotta love that guy for saying that! xD
Lucky basterd......Doyle.......
Chris Adler
David Haye
Tonnes of vegans.
Kirk Hammett is inspiring me to go vegan even though I'm going against my Catholic beliefs it's better for my health because I want to get ripped and loose my belly fat
@@Highrollinhunter Wish you the best of luck on your vegan journey! I don't think it is against catholic beliefs, remember that in the garden of eve everyone only ate plants. And I think catholic vegans out there would agree.
just listen to her fucking voice.truly amazing ...and i am not talking about her singing voice
💚💚💚 Empathy, real respect and high moral standards are very cool, metal as fuck and so attractive! Thank you Alissa, veganism is the near future!💚💚💚
I was vegetarian for almost a year. it's tough because you can't just eliminate meat from your diet, you need to re-think how you approach food and nutrition as a whole. long story short, you really need to cook your own food. this is especially true if you are vegan. in fact, if you are vegan, there is no way around it, you have to become your own chef. I gave up my vegetarianism because I was just consuming WAY too many carbohydrates. You go out to eat with friends, and you eat the chips and salsa, the bread, and the rice. before you know it, you just consumed enough carbs for an entire week within a 1 hour period. So, like I said, you need to re-think how approach food. it's a fantastic healthy way to live but you need to do your research and be open minded. I have no clue how she does it on the road, though I am sure Arch Enemy gets decent catering most of the time. If you are an indie band, most small cities, small towns, and rural towns WILL NOT have veg-friendly restaurants, and you're stuck eating truck stop food.
you could prepare and eat your proteinheavy foods at home, eat your carbs outside, and if your getting fat switch to raw as long as necessary
I'm not gonna ruin this video by reading the comments.
EloquentFilm so everyone who eats meat is an animal abuser?
ProjectAwesome1 watch the documentary Earthlings and you'll see why that's the case.
King Farang I have a distinct feeling it won't change my mind. Animals eat animals man, get over it. Its nature. Yes we may overproduce meat, but that isn't the same as eating it.
Tell me what you think of this video. Maybe you'll understand why vegans are angry. None of this is "natural" or in "nature".
King Farang do you deny that animals eat other animals in nature? Do you deny that we are animals? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, you're living in a fantasy world which does not reflect reality. My point is, you cannot equate eating meat with animal cruelty as if they are one in the same
in india we most of are vegans , glad to see someone from west is vegan
India is the number one milk-producing country in the world.
I somehow don't believe this statistic. You know, because of the whole holy cows thing.
I'm from India..and i don't agree..highest beef exporter in the world because of dairy..and u call we are vegan??
@@rolwynjohann9645 Right on target buddy. @Siddarth: don't use the vegan word just say "plant based diet". Veganism is beyond diet, it's a way of life. Very few are vegan (not even me by the way).
I,m a vegan since 2013 . Greetings from Alex ,from The Netherlands. The one on the photo is my girlfriend,she,s almost vegan . :)
Alissa is AWESOME :-) So is Arch Enemy. I'm a vegetarian myself, but I respect veganism and have briefly toyed with the idea of going vegan myself. Maybe one day. Need to learn more about it.
Go for it. :)
If you're vegetarian because you don't want to take part in animal cruelty then going vegan is the next logical step in line with your values.
Life long weight lifter here. I’ve been vegan for the last 2 years and I’m lifting more than I ever did as a much younger omnivore. I gained 20 lbs of muscle just last year ( something I’ve been trying to do since I was 18). I recover so much better after heavy workouts and I don’t have to worry about high blood pressure, high blood pressure and heart disease. Just avoid the negativity, read studies on pub med, eat more plants, eat less animal products, take control of your health, have less impact on the environment and take your B-12 😂
And where is your muscles??? Don't lie to people but I support your choice.
@@andreaserblin3205 ARE… where ARE your muscles.
@@adamenstrom like I said, ignore the negativity.
They are always with me. Don't worry.
Death in my metal, not in my food \m/
The hottest female metalsinger ever \m/
Simone Simons is the same age as Alissa (one year older actually)
But I'd say the three of them are top-notch.
Yeah. She looks pretty nice. Like her voice and I don't give a fuck if she's vegetarian, cucumber or world champion in teabag pitching. I choose to live - I choose flesh.
Veganism is a proven form of satanic worship
How about Mizuho Lin of semblant...
that would mean "satan worship" has obvious health benefits . dumbass
I agree with Alissa. As a society we have been conditioned to accept whatever the media tells us without question. Its time to start asking questions about why we are bombarded with constant propeganda. She showed great poise in the face of negativity.
Alissa, you are just fantastic !!! I hope the consciences of everyone awake \
It made me conscientiously aware that I need to go to the butcher and by some delicious brats.
@@jasonfick4506 i hope you'll develop some brains one day, good luck my friend
I live in a household where my sister is a lifelong vegan, my mum a vegetarian and I'm a meat eater. I tried vegetarianism for 6 weeks for my sister, but it was just too difficult for me personally. I didn't like the taste of any of the meat alternatives and ended up eating nothing but steamed vegetables for the entire 6 weeks. By the end of it I was counting down the minutes until I could eat again. Now I am "meat reducing" (if that's even a thing), and only eat meat once a week. Surely it's better than nothing? I do have to call out one thing from the video though. She says that veganism "doesn't cost anything", but that is absolutely false. Vegan foods are much, much more expensive - I guess because they aren't widely adopted at this time.
If you don't like it dude, don't force yourself.
See, this is a sensible take, I would say. I'm definitely not vegan (my brain does not work like that) but I've tried vegan diets and was never able to stay on them more than a few months. I just wound up eating beans, rice, and nuts (was not good). I would go out to vegan places, but there aren't many around, especially by where I work. To buy vegan food at a store (Whole Foods...) and cook it is much more expensive and time consuming, and I've never been able to cook tempeh or seitan and make them not taste really nasty. Being a working American who has always punched in and out for work makes it hard, but I could see someone living with their parents, working under the table, and being vegan easier. She's trying to advocate for vegan diets, but people in the know do know that it's a very difficult lifestyle change. Also, you can forget about eating foods that coworkers bring in for the team. If eating is at all a social thing for you, you better find vegans who are free and bearable to be around... Good luck. I've tried it, it's not for me.
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. It's not about going beyond what is possible for you. Also, focus on new foods. Fruit, greens, vegetables, etc. All foods. When you're eating everything, you will even forget about meat.
Totoro u will live longer and way better healthier than the rest of your vegan brainwashed family
Albundy christ, this is such misinformed bullshit, you really think eating meat will prolong your life?, how fucking thick are you man?.
It is fact red meat is so bad for us, for our teeth and especially our guts.
In studies over the last few decades there is a clear increase in the life of people who cut meat and diary from their diets, its fact mate.
Dairy causes spots, acne, mucus buildup, fatigue to name a few.
Have you seen the size and muscle density of gorillas?, what do they eat? oh only plant matter.
Awesome tip for when recording vocals! Warm water with lemon and ginger...I’m gonna try that!
If you think about it, she is actually right. Meat is NOT healthy and we do NOT need it to survive (not in the slightest). It's easier to feed humanity with plants as a matter of fact. So we let millions of animals suffer and die just to have that little pleasure.
Meat is completely healthy. Farm fresh meat has saved lives. Veganism is not healthy
Vegan metal heads! Fuck yes!
People don't understand that meat dairy and eggs are just marketing ...full of saturated fat and cholesterol ...plants have all the nutrients you need ....vegan is ethical and compassion
is strange that i been exactly right at the door of that place, but outside since i been in NY
man i know there is basically beautiful looking women in NYC all over the place in a very surreal way.. but she can easily be the most beautiful of all rare Valkyries walking around the area
i like the fact that she is vegan
me? i am vegetarian for the most part not super vegan hardcore cos i consume milk, eggs
but i do not eat any kind of animal
but respects to her
she seem really bright
Another awesome fantastic video from arch enemy Alissa white gluz you are amazing singer ever seen on UA-cam xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 🤘 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
What a woman, it took me years to become fully vegan, its been 8 years now and i still crave meat sometimes but like Alissa said its an ethical stance, i don't preach about it and don't place anyone to my standards or judge anyone for eating meat but if anyone asks me why i am vegan then i will sure fucking tell them, its because i don't want to cause suffering to innocent animals, anyone who denies that the meat and diary industries are not absolute hell for the poor animals need to do some research, its a cruel, unforgiving world and it is not at all concerned with animal welfare.
She's vegan?? Omg, i'm more fan of arch enemy now. Alyssa ROCKS!!!!
When you're eating a Hamburger whil watching this...Lol jking
My daily personal experience. So here is how it goes, I show up to work with fruit for lunch every day. My work mates either ask why I don't have anything decent to eat, or why I always eat the same thing. They then go on to presume I am vegan which is all good. Then I just get bombarded with shit like "There is no way you can get enough protein or Iron like that" or "Fuck that I don't think I could ever do that" plus may more remarks which I also don't mind. Then everyone tries to convince me to go back to what they are eating. Not cool, keeping in mind I don't even mention I am vegan once for this all to happen. Same thing occurs when I am with family or friends eating wherever I go. It's a never ending cycle 😂
nowadays she is a very rare"vegan". today the trend vegans just get upset and talk smack. hate those fotms. "youre vegan what do u eat?" "well, a potato?" earthlings triggered me 10+ years ago
She is perfect! I love her!
Love this. Please never change.
Alissa is very talented, beautiful and she is right about veganism, it’s pure facts! 💙🌱 I’m also vegan and will always support and love her, not only for being the best singer but also a good role model. ❤️
you got yourself a new fan Alissa, See world we got some bad ass people in our corner.
Choosing compassion. 💖👏🇨🇦
I can't buy cannabis in my country :( Oh wait, she said can of beans.
She is such a goddess.
To all vegan haters out there: You don't need to be vegan, just be aware of what goes on in egg, dairy, etc farms and the cruelty some farms show their animals. Also, keep your hate to yourself, many if not most vegans also have noble goals in mind that would benefit both animals as well as us.
Buy free range eggs, caged egg farms are cruel.
There are some tings I agree and disagree with her. Regardless, she's always made amazing meaningful songs. Honestly, she's one of the fewest vegan I respect because she's not like forcing it on people.
Your voice is beautiful! I could listen to you talk all day!
At least she is really true to herself. I've met people who are vegan and they're really awesome people. I think when something means a lot to someone and it's actually helpful to this world, go for it. 🤘
Lol regardless of whether you eat meat or vegan food you are still killing something to live. You eat meat you kill an animal, you eat vegan and you kill a plant. Based on Science plants, vegatables, etc actually feel so regardless your food suffers before you consume it.
@@selenawilliams3261 it is such a fallacious statement to say "science says plants do suffer". Press and media say so but science never made such a big statement. Plants interact with their environment. Suffering is an animal trait, you need some animal parts like a nervous system and a brain to be able to suffer. I think the biological reason is that animals usually cant afford to lose limbs or blood but plants more often can lose branches or leaves or some fluids and recover.
Fellow vegan metal heads! Hail Seitan!
All hail the great seitan! ;)
i love how they are playing Cruel youth very faintly in the background
She got it exactly right. People who pretend that vegans push their diet on others are full of it. You literally walk down the street and there's ads about animal based foods from burgers to fried chicken everywhere yet when a vegan wears a shirt that says "Say no to animal cruelty" all those guilt trippers pretend that that one person is pushing their diet on them. Fucking hilarious.
OMG i love her, so sassy, so intelligent. Alissa is just amazing :)
Alissa rocks🤘Love her & Doyle 🎸💀🌱💙
Hey, I love your band, your voice, and youre beauty, however I have a good question for you. The plants we eat are alive, do they not suffer when we cut and chew them? I thinks its possible, thanks Alissa love the band!!!
Plants have not a nervous system,so they don't feel pain
Allissa gonna fuck around and turn me into a vegan
This woman Alyssa, Erin Janus, Joey Carbstrong, Gary Yourofsky and James Aspey inspired me to be vegan!
I'm a simple man, I see Alissa, I click.
She is so perfect
Wow she is such a caring nice person
How cool is that, theis singer is vegan? I'm vegan, I like melodic death metal. I was searching death metal bands t-shirts and listen tem from spotify and google them. that's how I met Arch Enemy.
💪🌱 🤘
She is beautiful inside and out
Alysa is just more beautiful than these pop singers or rnb combined,disregard if youre a metal fan or not just look at her
Or you can choose the coffee with no milk, CAUSE IT'S COFFEE.
I have coffee because i need it, not because i like it. I always mix it with veg milk and cocoa powder.
@@search895 junkie
I love her
Well said!!! I’ve been vegan for almost 3 years (11 years pescatarian before that) I love vegan food soooo much.
vegan has nvr been this metal
Say that to Carcass
If you go into the bathroom you might find a bar of soap that you can shove into your mouth. Or, you could go to your local butcher so he can save you.
She is Amazing!
Instant Arch Enemy fan!
I am friends with vegans (I am not a vegan personally), and they are like this. They are very understanding that some people are not vegan. I have met other vegans that are essentially the stereotype of vegans; they told me that I was eating an innocent animal. I told them to shove it, because I will not change to fit their beliefs. I told them that millennia ago, our ancestors didn't have that choice. Obviously they do not represent vegans. I just wanted to put this out there.
I like that in the recommended videos for me, it has your "Marty Friedman accepts the Bacon Challenge" video!
\m/ F*** yeah.... You know what Alissa, I thought that I was the only one with having changed over to a vegan lifestyle near 4 years ago and experienced the ability of not needing to sleep that much as compared to when I was lacto vegetarian or when non vegetarian.
You are so special
and youre not
Of course there is ZERO advertisements, why advertise something that isn't going to bring in $$$?!!!...over half the world is none vegan!
because meat is tasty
I am vegan and I very happy she is vegan also ! Good girl 🤘🏻She is the best .
I don’t know why I am here? I have been vegan for 6 years now and I can’t believe that I used to eat S.A.D. ( standard American diet) I changed my diet because I had a massive stroke at 46 and had a NDE. There’s a life review and you have to sit at a table with other various sentient beings and answer why did you do the things you did while in 3D.
As much as I love Arch Enemy, what some people do not understand is that vegan options of food in the grocery store are more expensive that meat based products. When you are on disability it makes it difficult to buy it.
Arch Enemy's songs is too good for UA-cam viewers!
Richard warren about their last album well...
Most of it sucks. Excepting First day in hell. It's one hell of a song haha.
I love her. Go Vegan ✌️🌱
You have to appreciate the irony of her mocking the "vegans will tell you they're vegan" jokes, in a video entirely about her being vegan. Not to mention that it keeps coming up in every interview she gives. I mean, fuck, I don't even like Arch Enemy. I just wanted to marvel at her but all I'm seeing is veganism here veganism there.
I always thought of her as that blue-haired metal banshee, now she's just the vegan chick to me.
I'm late to the party here, but here's what I have to say:
There are pros and cons to traditional diets and vegetarian/vegan diets, I as someone who eats meat currently, practice meat free days, or just make what I use go further, I buy half as much as I used to which is a real money saver, and yes I still go to the gym build muscle and strength just fine! The greatest issue for me is the fast junk food overconsumption and ridiculous portions and convenience, I don't see a problem with dairy however that's having lived in a nice rural county with a relatively low spread out populous, and more specifically the arable and subsistence farm I grew up on, we had 6 hens that were free to roam and happy. Sadly the huge demand and factory production rates mean that only huge battery farms are viable to meet demand. regardless of your moral standpoint on animals, seeing how subjective that is, what is undeniable is that the planet is under serious strain, the land we're tearing apart, the plastics we used to package that end up in the ocean, the fuel used to transport and process that chokes the air and drains finite resources. No-one should shame you either way, and as admirable and compelling as Alissa and others might be, still they know that there is no objective morality, however, I will end on this; if not for the animals, cut down for your children and the planet they will inherit from you.
As a vegan myself, she annoys me. Did she say that she is not preaching about this?
Says she's not preachin', yet she is doing it. (shakes head)
Writes a comment on a video about veganism, trying to defend eating meat by trying to make Alissa look bad. (shakes head)
I don't see how everyone has a problem with me killing and eating children, doesn't make you better than me, it's just a personal choice.
Just let me kill and eat these tasty children, it's not affecting you, isn't?
Who're you to JUDGE ME... just leave me to my work.
I'm just fulfilling MY DESTINY...
Marcus Calzada Well newsflash- it's an interview on her choice to be vegan. That's answering questions, not preaching.
There is quite a difference between hardcore activism and informing people about one's stands - especially in an interview. She has been asked to give her opinion, so she gives it to them. Sharing an opinion is not at all the same as irritating preaching :)
It's the hallmark of her thought process. Typical libtard.
It really warms my heart that so many people are turning vegan because there will be more meat over for me.
The cow is already dead. I rather choose to eat that meat so the death of that cow was not in vain.
@@theicedevil Not getting the point of "demand and supply". Of course not relating it to the concept of "farming deforestation". But hey.
Cannibal Corpse is like: wtf mate...a Death Metal singer can't be vegan 😂😂😂, personally i love her 😍😍😍, really love Arch Enemy...her screams are very VERY good...and the cherry of the cake... she's OMG 😍😍😍
Although I could never be vegan (I'm concerned about the environment/ozone, and my way of helping is eating the animals). But to each their own as I respect this very intelligent, beyond talented lady. She is definitely one of my favorites!