The Truth About Food, Inc.

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Filmmaker Robert Kenner and Michael Pollan explain their new film, "Food, Inc." to John Dickerson.


  • @joyville2
    @joyville2 15 років тому +2

    Yes, I've seen the 1st two and will look for the 3rd one. I can usually request them from my library for free. Everyone should watch these and I wish they were shown in schools and colleges.

  • @f1zzrawr
    @f1zzrawr 14 років тому +1

    Organic food is one of the many reasons to save mother earth and the economy

  • @betteryoubetter
    @betteryoubetter 14 років тому +1

    this is the most important video in 50 years! thank god that in canada, we dont have the "meat" problems the USA does. Our rules for meat are different...but sadly 90% of our fruits and veg comes up from south of the boarder...time to plant a garden. Finally, the "free range farmer in the food inc video is to be honored and should have his own show! what a smart man!

  • @blondenblueeyed1
    @blondenblueeyed1 15 років тому

    We raise our own beef, lamb, chickens and eggs. We have 3 Jersey milk cows and drink the FRESH raw milk. We also have our garden, berry bushes, and fruit trees. Almost all our meals I cook from scratch making our own bread, pasta, pies, biscuits, pancakes, etc. I am a 62 yr old Great Grandma taking NO medication. My current blood pressure is 110 over 68, my cholesterol slightly below normal and I still have a FULL head of hair. Red meat provides the protein the body needs and I eat it everyday.

  • @jonnygouda1
    @jonnygouda1 13 років тому +1

    I like the term the Euros use for the stuff used to hold meat together in the fast food industry (like McNuggets or hotdogs). The technical term is Transglutaminase, but the Euros call it what it is: MEAT GLUE. The reason it gets the name is not only because it meant to "glue" the meat bits together but that it is a mixture of things like ground and boiled hooves (like Elmer's glue), along with blood extracts. Yum!

  • @Openyoureyespeople1
    @Openyoureyespeople1 15 років тому

    Many independent health experts have examined studies on the effects of pesticides in the diet, including former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop, the American Medical Association. This health authority has concluded that the benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables far outweigh any pesticide-related risks. In fact, eating 2 cups of fruits and 2½ cups of vegetables daily - as recommended in the USDA's MyPyramid (2005) - can help reduce your risk of cancer and other illnesses.

  • @brbrhej
    @brbrhej 13 років тому

    I love the way yu address te problem! You are not blaming but bringing ideas about HOW and WHAT to do to initate the change! My full support from Hungary!

  • @AuntLaya
    @AuntLaya 15 років тому +1

    I am totally interested in hearing about the kinds of menus you prepare for yourself. Mostly fresh veggies, rice and beans? (NOT sarcastic!!) That would be a good foundation. Here's what I was talking about: I pay three times as much money for whole rye flour as I do for cheap white flour. Junk food snacks are easy and cheap, nuts and dried fruits are more expensive. (fruit leather is more than a ton of licorice). If you go organic, it's even more expensive.

  • @pamphlex
    @pamphlex 15 років тому +1

    In Europe a movie like that came out around 2 or 3 years ago. It is called:

  • @shiphigh
    @shiphigh 15 років тому

    yes, we put lard and pork in everything, but what was IN our pork and lard from animals was entirely different. You are what you eat, so essentially, you are what that ANIMAL eats (and is pumped full of) as well.
    and organic is NOT a waste of time. it IS a little more expensive, but when you factor in the money you save from medical expenses, sleeping pills, weight loss medicines, etc etc.. it evens out, and you FEEL better.
    i started organic, im a juvenille diabetic, and i can vouche for that

  • @Renegen1
    @Renegen1 14 років тому

    I don't know why everyone says eating healthy is expensive, ever since I started to eat healthy I cut the expensive pizzas, burgers, frozen foods, canned soup, cafeteria food, and meat out of my diet! I now eat vegetables almost exclusively and I make everything myself, I save so much money! And I can control the ingredients.

  • @TonyGingrich
    @TonyGingrich 13 років тому

    Monsanto is the company that developed and produced "Agent Orange" during the Vietnam War.

  • @GB434
    @GB434 14 років тому

    If this film is true and there are issues, and the producers of this film have been able to publish their findings, it's only because we Americans have more rights than any other country in the world. We have never been bashful about fighting for those rights, unlike most European countries, especially France and the Netherlands.

  • @lduran18
    @lduran18 12 років тому

    They got their names mixed up! Notice how the news anchorman says "Robert i wanna start with you." Yet when he starts talking the screen pops up with the name Michael Pollan. LMAO CBS FAILED! The second guy that starts talking is Michael Pollan! Nevertheless i must say i found his book very interesting! When i heard the title of the book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" i thought it was going to be boring, but lo and behold this book knocked my socks off! It's time we wake up,Pollan is opening our eyes!

  • @01david28
    @01david28 14 років тому

    this movie changed my life at all,,,,now i dont eat meat anymore,, and i feel great coz im helping to stop animal abuse,,,,,peaple must watch this movie it will change ur life i bet....

  • @dalriada
    @dalriada 15 років тому

    everyone keeps saying that consumers have the choice not to eat junk, but go into any supermarket (and there are no more local markets anymore - look around) and junk is the only thing that's available with the exception of a ring of veggies around the outside aisles that the stores would get rid of if they could.

  • @psycofloyd
    @psycofloyd 13 років тому

    The people of this country should be up in arms about Monsanto. They really are the evilest corporation in existence. It's absolutely shocking that they are still in existence and stronger than ever.

  • @defgill
    @defgill 13 років тому +2

    how about stopping subsidies altogether and ending the Dept of Agriculture

  • @JoeJoeSing
    @JoeJoeSing 14 років тому

    America is the greatest country the world has ever seen. She is the last best hope for the future of all mankind.

  • @certifiedhealthnut
    @certifiedhealthnut 14 років тому

    Cows are meant to eat grass not grain...especially GMO corn...the old testament says "never to graft the hand of god"!!!

  • @choppergirl
    @choppergirl 15 років тому

    Wikipedia: look up Military Spending. US = $527 BILLION per year, every year. 527 billion / 305 million US citizens = $1727 per citizen per year. $1727 per citizen per year / 12 months per year= $143 per citizen per month. Add in already existing FS expenditure, and you could give every single US citizen, rich, poor, working, homeless, baby, child, retired, EVERYBODY, $150 every month of every year for food. That's WAY PLENTY to live VERY COMFORTABLY free from fear of starvation.

  • @Openyoureyespeople1
    @Openyoureyespeople1 15 років тому

    The problem with these new documentaries is what they dont say. I work in big agriculture and thanks to us your food is the safest and cheapest it has ever been in the history of the world. The consistency in taste and color is unbelievable. Big Ag just supplies what the public demands. Govt give farmers more subsidy money per buchel so of course they are going to produce more.
    200 years ago everything was produced organically. There were mass outbreaks of disease and shortages of food.

  • @debisis
    @debisis 15 років тому

    I live on a sailing boat where the left side of the boat has no electricity. I'm not able to cook. Since then, I've bought lots of veggies and shrimp. I've lost some weight, and feel a lot better. Plus I drink diet green tea. Try it sometimes, STAY AWAY FROM RED MEAT.

  • @ohdarling95
    @ohdarling95 13 років тому

    @OntarioCrops 7 billion people don't have to eat genetically modified crap. Small farms are constantly going down under pressure from the big corporate farms. We small farmers can't compete with their low prices. Affordable food right now is unhealthy and people are dying because of it. They showed many beautiful (and responsible) farms in the film too, and talked with many farmers. I thought it was incredibly accurate and a fair portrayal.

  • @loredinusa
    @loredinusa 14 років тому

    true...I lived in Belgium for several years, and they still have to this days the small bakerijs, the fruit and vegetables stores and all the other family owned is full with them, one better than the other.
    I yet have to find a nice flowers shop.Buying flowers from the supermarket...

  • @dsarti1
    @dsarti1 14 років тому

    I here by swear and aferm in my 20 years as a truck driver I have personally witnessed the things in this documentary as true and not exaggerated
    David Sarti
    Lebanon TN

  • @SlowJoe76
    @SlowJoe76 13 років тому

    I cant believe CBS would post something like this. Im shocked in a good way! Thumbs up!!!!

  • @Oblentehands
    @Oblentehands 14 років тому

    The ONLY way to go around the issue, is to BE an AWARE CONSUMER. And make an effort on the laws about food and crops production. Monsanto is an enormous threat not only to the US, but actually to the world, as nobody knows the consequences of DNA-manipulated crops. "We can not produce food enough for the entire world population" - this is a MYTH. When you DON`T exploit the soil, and treat it in proper ways, the soil will give us what we need. Cut down military expences- feed the people! Think...

  • @BelgianBicyclist
    @BelgianBicyclist 13 років тому

    Pollan has a really cheerful, positive demeanor.
    Thumbs up for upbeat muckraking!

  • @unlistedoo7
    @unlistedoo7 14 років тому

    FOOD INC. Is a must see; I've seen many documentaries about food but this one TOP's them people have got to change their eating habits and only half way into the movie...!!!

  • @803brando
    @803brando 15 років тому

    theres one thing they could have added to the many "problem solving" techniques the ag. industry uses, in 2007 a Canadian bio-pharmaceutical company Bioniche, developed a vaccine to reduce O157:H7 E-coli. and on march 4, 2009 the US started using it.

  • @queendawn45
    @queendawn45 14 років тому

    Food Inc should be a requirement in all schools...including colleges.
    I would rather eat less food and buy organic than eat the crap that our food industry produces. If everyone bought organic, the obesity rate, as well as, the diabetes rate would decrease.

  • @Senninha5
    @Senninha5 14 років тому

    Food Inc. is one of the most important films made... A must...
    And oh... Monsanto should be closed down for good... Evil capitalism at it's worst...

  • @TheLuxaz
    @TheLuxaz 14 років тому

    Thumbs UP for Directors!!!!!

  • @scottspaldingofficial
    @scottspaldingofficial 14 років тому

    Not labelling cloned meat, a war against organic foods, vitamins that are ineffective etc... this is what Codex Alimentarius is all about. Please research codex alimentarius for yourself and share this information with others, our health really depends on it. I know, to some this may sound whacky, but you have to realise the world in which we live and how it is controlled. There is a playlist on my channel, a talk on codex, please take the time out to watch it also, very interesting.

  • @linzeeb4
    @linzeeb4 12 років тому +1

    Kingduckford not really. First, this movie is specific to the agriculture in America, so yes it happens in other countries, but to say spoiled rich Americans want to pay more is fallacious. They clearly were talking about poverty and cheap food. Besides, the point is not to "quit" production, it's to reform it. These giant companies aren't disgusting and cruel because it's the only way to feed the world, they do it bc it maximizes their profits. Our production levels do not need to change, our

  • @start4life
    @start4life 15 років тому

    My Parents and Grandparents surely had a lot of work with the farm, before they could use some rural technology like a tractor etc. But they could feed themselfes and sell a lot on the local market to earn some money. The only thing the bought was sugar, salt and books for school. Any food was organic grown and homemade. Both Grandparent families brought up 7 and 9 Children healthy. Who could survive 2 weeks nowadays if supermarkets would close down? I am grateful I can. Could you?

  • @riderlibertas2580
    @riderlibertas2580 12 років тому +1

    As long as the goal is to make as much money as possible there will never be a push for quality.

  • @mistaxe
    @mistaxe 14 років тому

    Switching to Organic subsidies will not happen, mainly because the government is being financed by the huge corn industry in America, most of which goes to the production of corn-based foods and additives that are purchased almost exclusively by mega corporations like those that own McDonald's and Pizza Hut. If you were a business (the government is basically just a big corporation), then you want to maximize profit and minimize risk of loss, hence keeping the money coming through lobbyists.

  • @KeroroGunsouTX
    @KeroroGunsouTX 14 років тому

    We need to start a "truth in labeling campaign". Everyone should print up small index card-sized stickers with a list of consequences of eating unhealthy foods - things like obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Go around to your local grocery stores and put them on the back of packages and bottles of processed drinks and foods, especially those marketed to kids. Maybe put a skull and cross bones or biohazard symbol at the top of the list.

  • @stan188
    @stan188 14 років тому

    Good question to ask the CEO of food processing companies is : would you eat the chicken you sold to others?

  • @joyville2
    @joyville2 15 років тому

    IMO, what we , as individuals, choose to believe or wonder about about life and death should not be solicited. That's what I meant about the ads being "inappropriate."

  • @swampipampi
    @swampipampi 14 років тому

    Please start making a is the time...we are the next generation

  • @certifiedhealthnut
    @certifiedhealthnut 14 років тому

    let thy food be thy medicine. -Hypocrites

  • @Nephtys80
    @Nephtys80 15 років тому

    Not just America where food is concerned... this goes for a large part of the developed world....

  • @AutumnSongz11
    @AutumnSongz11 14 років тому

    Thank you for openly stating exactly what I have known for most of my life. There are more of US (non-government members & large food corporation executive board members) than of there are of THEM. If we, the people, were all wise & took an active stand against this abomination, we could overthrow them. There is still profit for these creeps to make with HEALHTY food, so it poses a question of WHY do they do this to us. I think there may be a more sinister plot underway.

  • @joyville2
    @joyville2 15 років тому

    Great movie, Food, Inc. Keep up the good work. Another good one to watch is "The Corporation."

  • @ChubbstheBear
    @ChubbstheBear 15 років тому +1

    Food Inc. Changed my life. This brings attention to the topics that so despertly need it.

  • @crabmusic1
    @crabmusic1 14 років тому

    when i first saw food inc. , thats when i stopped eating all meat . ilive a helthy lifestyle now by eating all organic food. ialso grow my own. my chjhuahua is also very happy for me for the last several years. this should be shown in all schools.

    • @wtfnima
      @wtfnima 2 роки тому

      they show this in every school I've seen it at least 4 times in 2 different schools

  • @zokolate
    @zokolate 14 років тому

    @vamtire not true, there are organic sections in many supermarkets e.g. cold storage and dedicated organic marts in singapore. you can't expect every single neighbourhood supermarket to have organic food.

  • @ferret98765432
    @ferret98765432 14 років тому

    @hcvang i work on an organic farm and we dont spray chemicals on our veg and fruit and all the other organic places dont do it either.

  • @johsy
    @johsy 14 років тому

    More people are changing their regular diets. More people are eating organic foods. Smart people.

  • @openbookguy
    @openbookguy 14 років тому

    If we as a country don't do something about creating an economic interest in us staying healthy, I believe this country is going to fall victim to its free economy which is why people say were are so great. Just simply dint buy processed food and you will save money on your health care. It has to start simple. Send a strong message to the processed food industry that they should look for another business to be in besides killing us and making us a broken nation...

  • @keng612
    @keng612 15 років тому

    This is a must see documenatry. The prime reason IU am glad I vote with my dollars and only buy certified oprganic. Buy local grown, and grow my own garden.

  • @mom2littlebean
    @mom2littlebean 14 років тому

    real food just tastes better. I feel bad for those who go through life not ever knowing what good food tastes like and how good they can feel when they eat it. I can't wait to see this movie.
    I am fortunate to live in Canada where we have a bit more control over our food source and pasture raised meats are readily available as is organically raised produce. WE teach our kids to eat with the seasons so they know what in season food tastes like. Our health depends on it.

  • @NastinTube
    @NastinTube 14 років тому

    We just need to stick to it together! Somehow people of this "idiotic, greedy country" were actually able to push tobacco industry out! The depressing giving up kind of thinking will feed the corruption and the greedy! All it takes is a try to do YOUR part - buy local, know your food, tell others about it! DO IT TODAY!

  • @bmp456
    @bmp456 13 років тому

    the corporations finally got a spokesperson for a Chesapeake bay film you should have seen his answers to these questions. They were ridiculous excuses.

  • @blackjack0202
    @blackjack0202 14 років тому

    I think that interviewer missed the point of Upton Sinclair's statement. He said that he "aimed for the people's heads and hit their stomachs" because he was trying to write a book about the evils of capitalism, and instead the reaction was to enforce sanitation regulations on the food industry. In that, he failed in his goal. These "Food, Inc" guys seem to have gotten across the message they intended.

  • @AtlFarmer
    @AtlFarmer 14 років тому

    These guys should be seeking office!

  • @chrisbolster
    @chrisbolster 14 років тому

    You would think that a major news organization like CBS could at least do a little fact checking to make sure that they give the interviewee the correct name. Sheesh.

  • @museric2007
    @museric2007 14 років тому

    I agree that the issue is the idea of subsidizing healthy foods to compete with the unhealthy. seems so ridiculous that this is necessary. It's like having helmet laws...

  • @mnap128
    @mnap128 14 років тому

    Im glad to see people waking up to this BS
    I switched my diet to more organic back in 05 and Im much healthier now

  • @stokedfool
    @stokedfool 14 років тому

    Washington unplugged messed up. Did anyone else notice that the titles underneath Micheal Pollen and Robert Kenner at the beginning of the interview were switched by accident??? lol

  • @XxPnuemaxX
    @XxPnuemaxX 14 років тому

    How about the towns that don't even HAVE organic food stores or farms? My area has NONE.

  • @Bigum99
    @Bigum99 15 років тому

    Congradulations Guys, Without a doubt Goebbles and Himmler couldn't have instituted a more effective progrom in establishing the ag. system we have now!
    Hiel (clicking my heels with outrage!)

  • @vamtire
    @vamtire 14 років тому

    In places like macdonald,you get tasty food,fast,in large amount and cost little,but in life there is no such good things,you cant get good stuff that cost little,in the end IT WILL COST YOUR HEALTH!!!I wanted to eat organic food grown by local farmers but the problem is I live in Singapore where land is scarce and almost no farming is done and the little farming done is not organic!And I cannot find organic fruits and vegetables in my local supermarket,thats sad.

  • @Hotwatty
    @Hotwatty 14 років тому

    Just like they say in the movie healthier food is more exspensive. Because the rest of the store is crap. The health food section is small in most stores( side note the title health food gives it away all the time) like the rest of the food in the store is not healthy.

  • @aurorabunches
    @aurorabunches 14 років тому

    It's okay if you can't change the corporations. If you make the consumer aware, you're doing them a world of good by improving their health. That's what is most important. Don't support them.
    And the LAST thing the government needs to do is step in. They need to STEP OUT.

  • @imrepeto
    @imrepeto 14 років тому

    The solution is not buying local food from local farms. Everybody should grow there animals and plants that is all...

  • @captainbackhand
    @captainbackhand 13 років тому

    the ads for cellphone/internet providers and insurance companies are really messing up this potentially great medium.

  • @bizichyld
    @bizichyld 15 років тому

    Big Oil, Big Tobacco, now Big Food.
    Looks like there's really nowhere safe except the local farmers market.

  • @diablo55
    @diablo55 Рік тому

    1:25 watching this in 2023, this part about how little of our income we spend on food aged like milk

  • @smegweevil
    @smegweevil 14 років тому

    Makes me wonder why there aren't nutrition labels showing information for fruits, vegetables, meats, etc.? Hmm...

  • @smilesgirl17
    @smilesgirl17 14 років тому

    @BradLauber Not necessarily. There are 25 countries in the United Nations that require the fact that GMO's have been used in the making of a product. The list of processed food's ingredients is already 30 lines long, what's a few extra words?

  • @5tevef
    @5tevef 13 років тому

    @CouldNotCareLes Monsanto doesn't mind because when their plants are planted next to non-Monsanto crops the non-Monsanto crops pick up the genes causing the mutation to spread. The perennial turns into an annual, etc. It's all about the bucks. They make more eventually anyhow.

  • @jett888
    @jett888 15 років тому

    Actually I grow my own food- and I wouldn't buy/eat a store bought veg./fruit unless I have to- and if so, I'll only buy organic/natural products. Ask a cancer patient how much time getting rid of cancer is- It is worth tending to our gardens & Health right NO- before we are forced to deal w/ a disease. If you can grow/buy organic, local- do it- support the local growers that use pesticide free/humane practices. Ask any professional how much time they tend to their career- what's your point?

  • @psynema
    @psynema 14 років тому

    @jamocadog Not only are they subsidized BUT SOLD ABROAD STILL SUBSIDIZED. WTF is it subsidized to begin with?

  • @Starvalleybotany
    @Starvalleybotany 14 років тому +1

    @wwedude007 try to grow your own food and learn about saving seed. We need to make this a very popular thing to save these heirloom seeds.

  • @blondenblueeyed1
    @blondenblueeyed1 15 років тому

    Not every 'body' type can handle red meat. If depends on your genetics and type of work. I am mostly Dutch,Welch, and Irish. I work hard ...physically most every day . My body type is dense and muscular so I need the protein provided by the red meat we raise, the fertile eggs, and raw milk. I cannot survive on 'birdseeds and lettuce leaves' without my hair falling out and aches and pains in all my joints. I find most people are TOO lazy to cook for themselves, just somewhere else and complain!

  • @Nephtys80
    @Nephtys80 15 років тому

    Well, right now the mass-produced and often unhealthy stuff is subsidized - why shouldn't organic food also be subsidized in the name of fair competition? Or simply in the name of making healthier food accessible to more people?

  • @sararagga
    @sararagga 15 років тому

    thank you for addressing this issue. i look forward to seeing the film.

  • @icebud
    @icebud 14 років тому

    @tobywongcharliechang you think it's more costly to go organic, but what you don't realize is that you save money in doctor's visits, pills, & surgeries. ultimately making your body AND the environment healthier. the more consumers eat this way, the more the industries will be forced to change. thus, the prices will go down. listen, i'm 25 & i gross about 20k a year. i pay rent, electricity, car, insurance, gas, etc, yet i can still afford to eat organically. you can do it too! 1 word: sacrifice

  • @AuntLaya
    @AuntLaya 15 років тому

    This reply is NOT meant to start a fight, just a dialog: Most Americans can't even afford the prices at Whole Foods. Your logic is kind of like the porn industry's who says "don't look if you don't like it" yet they actively market to teens. Most people are not educated about the industry so these guys are putting out information. BTW just because something is sold at a "health food" store doesn't make it healthy. PS Have you seen the movie "Supersize Me"?

  • @Openyoureyespeople1
    @Openyoureyespeople1 15 років тому

    Also, a 1996 report by the National Academy of Sciences concluded that both synthetic and naturally occurring pesticides are consumed at such low levels that they pose little threat to human health.
    these are unbiased reports, not from big Ag. Which references would you like me to use colocatamount?

  • @fudgedogbannana
    @fudgedogbannana 13 років тому

    @YellowBlackbird12 yes we have been growing cotton for years, and using pesticides and fertilizing and crop rotation between cotton and peanuts, hemp is safer ,easier and faster. They want to use corn and other food plant for ethanol, better to use hemp and save the food. if it isn't broke dont fix it , but it is broke. One industry demonizes a superior product and lobbies to suppress it. I want to see more product, more competition, lower prices, more jobs, and a revenue producing crop.

  • @RedroomStudios
    @RedroomStudios 14 років тому

    why would growing your own be the most expensive? Really its virtually free but just requires your physical labour. But if its a labour of love and good for your spirit those are just more benefits.

  • @aurorabunches
    @aurorabunches 14 років тому

    @CouldNotCareLes Those burgers actually exist. It's the mom n pop type shops in the towns that need more support from the people who live in the area. Instead of going to McDonald's or what-have-you, support the local places, and I'm talking about the organic and grass-fed places. My town has plenty of them.
    The real reason I'm replying to this is you mentioned microwaves, a TOTAL no no. If you're serious about eating organic and living organically, you don't own or use a microwave. I don't.

  • @fudgedogbannana
    @fudgedogbannana 13 років тому

    @YellowBlackbird12 Not one for the other. but have both. cotton depletes the soil, hemp replenishes it, cotton needs pesticides, hemp needs none, it takes trees to make paper, hemp grows like a weed, etc. We need both but we need hemp especially. Hemp makes ethanol better than corn, fiber board better than wood chips etc. Hemp is a superior product that is easy to grow and is dirt cheap, like growing weeds.

  • @jeffdustin
    @jeffdustin 13 років тому

    @CouldNotCareLes it is pretty easy to criticize somebody for having to make a living. People don't think about crop failures as a part of farming, but Nature isn't a Disney movie. I get what you are saying.

  • @braides1969
    @braides1969 15 років тому

    i saw the movie
    pretty much the inconvenient truth about food
    its not bullshit it just honestly tells you where your food COMES FROM no more, no less
    its fucking horrifying
    im telling everyone i know about this movie

  • @Arkozz24
    @Arkozz24 14 років тому

    were watching this in my high school AP class

  • @CyberGirl2004
    @CyberGirl2004 14 років тому

    We need to open our eyes

  • @JornHoting
    @JornHoting 11 років тому

    dit zou de inspectie voor de gezondheidszorg eens ter harte nemen!. Ons voedingssysteem is door en door ziek.

  • @virago2
    @virago2 14 років тому

    it's all about the stock holders..they are the people who really rule the world. They dictate to companies how many people they employ and where their proffit margins need to be...that is why everything (not just food) is about everything bigger and for less money.

  • @percdogg
    @percdogg 14 років тому

    I wish I could afford to go organic, but I simply don't have the money. After seeing this film I really don't feel good about purchasing the type of products that I have to.

  • @Diipole
    @Diipole 14 років тому

    People just buy organic everything! It will all change. It is all changing. The more we buy the more we see organics showing up on the shelves!

  • @JenniferTod
    @JenniferTod 14 років тому

    @b5rangerjt: Just yesterday I bought about $20 worth of ISDA organic seed and heirloom seed varieties, all manufactured and sold by Burpee. If you're concerned about the seed, it is very easy and inexpensive to purchase seed that is safe.

  • @baiboo
    @baiboo 14 років тому

    It's sad that it is now expensive to be healthy. a poor man cannot afford vegetables or fruits and his only options are hamburgers.

  • @Chaddyboxer
    @Chaddyboxer 13 років тому

    @fudgedogbannana so many native people have been stopped from growing hemp for societal uses such as paper, rope, etc....ya don't hear about that in the media!? It's sickening...these already poor families just want to make a living.

    @F0URSTRING 14 років тому

    @vannoah Thats not what I said, but thanks for assuming. I know they get to veggies too, remember the part about soy beans? But I just think not eating meat is the lesser of two evils.