Christianity Today BURNS Trump

  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @angiee1603
    @angiee1603 4 роки тому +15

    I am a Christian and I am so glad that a Christian magazine is speaking against Trump.

  • @beachbum6781
    @beachbum6781 4 роки тому +11

    Time to stop the "Non Profit" status of these mega church businesses.

  • @dthtoneocons1
    @dthtoneocons1 4 роки тому +15

    It's easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to get into heaven.

  • @juliusdennis4225
    @juliusdennis4225 4 роки тому +9

    Shout out to Christianity today finally somebody decided to stand up to Donald Trump thank God.

  • @jackieoman6695
    @jackieoman6695 4 роки тому +17


  • @Fate263
    @Fate263 4 роки тому +7

    And another thing: gotta love that any time someone or something calls him out, they are classified as "far left"... even if they were kissing his ass long before then.

  • @sdub7045
    @sdub7045 4 роки тому +8

    Can you start to call it white evangelical Christianity??? There are a lot of black and brown Christians who are not down with this nonsense.

    • @josecervantes2029
      @josecervantes2029 4 роки тому

      @@ArchitectOfSound01 they r the same shit both radical religious dumbasses who don't even fallow the words they believe in

  • @deadby15
    @deadby15 4 роки тому +13

    If you ask someone who doesn't know much about Christianity to read the New Testament, and then ask him to scan Trump's and Bernie's respective policies, Who would he say better represents the Ideas expressed by Jesus? I am dead positive 100 out of 100 would say Bernie's policies more closely resemble Jesus' teaching.

    • @ZXD7250
      @ZXD7250 4 роки тому

      @NPC PRINCIPAL "we already have those thing called CHARITY" Not enough charity to prevent 45K deaths per year due to lack of basic medical care.
      "the bible teaches the opposite actually about a very small government." Just how small? County, city, neighborhood?

    • @ShellBAtoms
      @ShellBAtoms 4 роки тому +1

      Bernie and Jesus: two Jewish guys who cared a lot about the well being of the poor.

  • @robertsmith16234
    @robertsmith16234 4 роки тому +8

    When it comes down to it, I don’t believe a lack of a college education would make anyone support Trump. It’s just stupidity. Someone like me is the perfect example of that. I am not college educated. But I’m smart enough to realize that Trump is a bad idea.

    • @eatmorenachos
      @eatmorenachos 4 роки тому +1

      I know plenty of "educated" people who support Trump and they're complete morons. Sure, they can do their jobs and function in society---but they don't have a clue what's going on in the world. Some watch Fox. Some don't watch or read anything.

    • @D-Cameron
      @D-Cameron 4 роки тому +1

      It depends on where you get educated. You could spend three years at Liberty University and come out dumber than when you went in.

  • @sk8queen
    @sk8queen 4 роки тому +7

    They're TALIBANgelicals. These people are no different from the Muslim extremists they claim to abhor. Different reLIEgion. Same actions. I dont see them any different from any other extreme cult or religion.

  • @trinamarino9942
    @trinamarino9942 4 роки тому +5

    You would think the ones that was the poorest would be running from him .

  • @BLUDDYknucklez
    @BLUDDYknucklez 4 роки тому +5

    Props to Christianity Today for taking a stand for what it truly means to be a Christian, because Donald Trump and his Evangelical supporters has turned me and many others off to Christianity.

  • @AntonsClass
    @AntonsClass 4 роки тому +8

    I am Christian, and as they pointed out, Trump stands in stark contrast to the teachings of Christ, which were radical love, compassion, forgiveness, peace, and protecting the poor and the immigrant. Money was collected in the early Church to be redistributed to those in need - a socialist ideal, if anything. I am a progressive because Jesus was a progressive. I really want people to know that the American Conservative movement of today is not doing a great job at representing Jesus; as a matter of fact, they are like the conservatives of Jesus' day, known as the Pharisees and Sadducees, who Jesus actually condemned because they were basically "fakes" who didn't really know God or understand Him. Anyway, I pray everyone votes from a standpoint of love and compassion for your fellow human, not out of fear of "the other," because we were not given a spirit of fear. God bless.

    • @AntonsClass
      @AntonsClass 4 роки тому +2

      @NPC PRINCIPAL where did I say anything about Jesus advocating for government anything? I was speaking about Trump specifically as an extremely wealthy individual, and about the conservative evangelicals who preach a prosperity Gospel. Jesus and the early Church were most certainly about redistribution of wealth. If Trump is a Christian, shouldn't he be for those things too? Why is he hoarding up wealth on Earth?

    • @AntonsClass
      @AntonsClass 4 роки тому

      @NPC PRINCIPAL Jesus' message was not about the government, so stop bringing that into this discussion. I have said nothing about government, so stop bringing that into this discussion. I was speaking specifically about Trump as an individual, and about the conservative evangelicals who literally take money from the poor to build up wealth. These billionaires wouldn't even be billionaires if they gave away some of their billions - something Jesus advocated for. And for your information, a "socialist ideal" does not necessary mean government. Collecting money and redistributing it to those in need is a socialist ideal, and a Christian ideal as well.

    • @dandoodle6710
      @dandoodle6710 4 роки тому +1

      NPC PRINCIPAL lol you really think that billionaires are giving billions to charity because they care about others? Here’s a hint: tax deductions. If government didn’t tax individuals, most do not have any incentives to donate.

    • @AntonsClass
      @AntonsClass 4 роки тому

      @NPC PRINCIPAL I take it you don't actually read the Bible and meditate on it's teachings. If you did, we wouldn't be having this discussion. And for the record, people don't become billionaires without some form of human rights abuse going on somewhere. Don't you know? Products here are affordable because they use child labor in mines in Africa, and sweatshop labor in horrific factories in Asia. The WORKERS who slave away to make these "goods" you consume are being abused every day around the world, but you think the billionaires at the top are just doing honest work? Tell that to the poor factory workers overseas who can hardly afford to support their families.

    • @AntonsClass
      @AntonsClass 4 роки тому

      @@ArchitectOfSound01 America has never been a Christian nation first of all. You ever hear of American Slavery?? And by the way, the DRC is one of the most Christian nations in the world, but it is also the poorest. Why? Because wealthy Western nations have schemes set in place to extract all of their minerals without paying a fair price.

  • @Roberto_79
    @Roberto_79 4 роки тому +7

    Lost his way? He’s been on a bus travelling in the opposite direction since the day he was born LOL

  • @NLGriffin3
    @NLGriffin3 4 роки тому +6

    Nothing is more pro-life than making sure our world is habitable for everyone.

  • @WhiteDragon689
    @WhiteDragon689 4 роки тому +8

    Cracks in his precious base.

  • @nathanieI
    @nathanieI 4 роки тому +5

    Doesn't his approval rating not just reflect the American people's moral standards? Or maybe just how easily scammed they are.

  • @joerivera6011
    @joerivera6011 4 роки тому +3

    We don't want transcripts! We want the tapes of the actual Ukraine calls!!!

  • @earnthis1
    @earnthis1 4 роки тому +5

    Anyone who has family like this knows; it's not about reality. It's about fulfilling a desperate, self aggrandizing, power fantasy. They make up all sorts of excuses. It's cowardly and pathetic. They are lost often by choice.

  • @sdewes8884
    @sdewes8884 4 роки тому +5

    These three commentators are the best at TYT. Really enjoyable to listen to these 3 together.

  • @roadwarrior280
    @roadwarrior280 4 роки тому +8

    Meanwhile Putin is defending Donald Ivanovych in the press. A buddy

    • @A358M
      @A358M 4 роки тому +2

      That's proof Twitter twat Trump is his bitch.

  • @kristabella222
    @kristabella222 4 роки тому +7

    Trump chose this group of voters to appeal to because of their slavish devotion to right wing cultural issues. He knows how to push their emotional buttons and he knows they're already primed to believed nonsense. Perfect patsies for a con man.

    • @Spawncandy
      @Spawncandy 4 роки тому

      Christians didn't turn on Trump. One douche bag at a scrub magazine named Mark Galli does not speak for the millions of Christians in our country. This is more TYT propaganda.

    • @sk8queen
      @sk8queen 4 роки тому

      @Edward Moran trump has paid for abortions and paid off porn stars, evaded taxes, bribed and extorted foreign countries and hasn't read the bible one time. trump is a conman who has found a bunch of useful idiots to cater to. The fact that you believe in a mythical person called jesus says a lot.

  • @charliebrewtoo
    @charliebrewtoo 4 роки тому +6

    Separation of church and state is in the constitution for a reason.

    • @noemarrero2104
      @noemarrero2104 3 роки тому


  • @priceandpride
    @priceandpride 4 роки тому +5

    Their souls are lost for supporting him to support their hateful values

  • @justapatsy8601
    @justapatsy8601 4 роки тому +6

    TYT suddenly cares what Christians think.

    • @godofthisshit
      @godofthisshit 4 роки тому

      @Just a patsy MLK jr.

    • @D-Cameron
      @D-Cameron 4 роки тому

      No, they're just pleasantly surprised when one of them suddenly becomes sane

  • @jbyanx
    @jbyanx 4 роки тому +6

    I guess it's better late than never and about time but where have they been all this time their as hypocritical as the person being condemned so all of a sudden their morality is woke .

  • @seanspawn7805
    @seanspawn7805 4 роки тому +4

    How embarassing must it be to declare yourself an Evangelical. What's it supposed to even mean? and don't preach to me.

    • @BohemienneBrigitte
      @BohemienneBrigitte 4 роки тому

      Bella babe Evangelical means the person has an obsession with the accumulation of political power fused with their individualist interpretation of salvation in order to enforce their very specific views of morality onto society as a whole. Jesus is nothing but a rubber stamp for their awful, extremist opinions. Maybe evangelicalism used to mean something else, but that is what it means now and has been trending that way since at least the 1970s. I grew up evangelical and was super indoctrinated in all this stuff over the course of 25 years. It’s very evident to anyone who’s left it. In my opinion, American evangelicalism is no longer a valid branch of Christianity and has become a cult of personality. (I’m also not a practicing Christian in the traditional sense of any branch, so I’m not promoting any other version of Christianity either.)

    • @seanspawn7805
      @seanspawn7805 4 роки тому

      @@BohemienneBrigitte Hey Brigitte, good Catholic name. I'm a 58 yo man, brought up as a Catholic mainly by my fathers influence but, I was allowed to learn of its silliness as a teenager and reject its doctrines (I think that's the right word). So many religions were created with a child born to a virgin and all the other foolishness like 40 days and nights of rain and a boat that took 2 of every animal, and on and on like that. Live and learn but, mainly live better.

  • @simons5704
    @simons5704 4 роки тому +6

    I stated this in another video, complete silence for three years, disregarding that the principle was the same, no matter who you are, wanting your issues dealt with, overlooking the evil that was presented doesn't exonerate you, but that they did finally stand up once they got what they wanted, I'm sure Rump will attack them. P.S, too late, that you supported him puts you in a bad light.

  • @johnedward3404
    @johnedward3404 4 роки тому +12


    • @ThatSuperSpicyGuy
      @ThatSuperSpicyGuy 4 роки тому +1

      It is easier to fit a camel through the eye of a need than it is for a rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • @jossiebrady9170
    @jossiebrady9170 4 роки тому +11

    I can't believe Trump is actually surprised that a Christian magazine called him Lucifer seriously just as a surprise to trump

    • @mcf3778
      @mcf3778 4 роки тому +1

      Or trump called that magazine a radical left magazine

  • @donnyboy2589
    @donnyboy2589 4 роки тому +6

    If Jim Jones was alive today, he’d be president.

    • @jimbendtsen8841
      @jimbendtsen8841 4 роки тому

      The evil, corrupt, she-witch, hiLIARy got close.

    • @rexcassidy
      @rexcassidy 4 роки тому

      And a republican

    • @MrMorristhecatp
      @MrMorristhecatp 4 роки тому

      @@jimbendtsen8841 Hilary is not a Messiah. For Evangelicals Trump is

  • @alexciawood
    @alexciawood 4 роки тому +3

    If Trump was truly a Christian, wouldn't he be saying, "take OUR religion and OUR guns" instead of "your?"

  • @ananeghbarieh
    @ananeghbarieh 4 роки тому +4

    “Perhaps war crimes”?!!!

  • @marym22
    @marym22 4 роки тому +5

    Thanks be to God. I haven't been to church in 20 yrs., but I can see the horror that is Trump and the beautiful person that is Bernie Sanders. I'm not an evangelical Christian.

    • @laughingatbrainwasheddems7098
      @laughingatbrainwasheddems7098 4 роки тому

      Are you kidding ? Bernie and all these dem politicians are on the evil Soros payroll. Dems represent everything that is wrong with this world.

  • @fdfischer
    @fdfischer 4 роки тому +3

    As a moderate Christian Bernie Bro, i would appreciate it if people would stop conflating Christianity and Christians with far right Evangelicals. All Evangelicals are Christians, but not all Christians are Evangelicals

    • @GoatZilla
      @GoatZilla 4 роки тому

      No idea what you're talking about.

    • @fdfischer
      @fdfischer 4 роки тому +1

      @@GoatZilla i notice people in the comments tend to use Evangelical and Christian interchangeably from time to time

  • @xenophon343
    @xenophon343 4 роки тому +4

    IT'S ABOUT TIME! I've been calling the evangelists hypocrites for a long time now. Maybe this can finally turn some of their sheep against the wolf

  • @vivelaresistance3239
    @vivelaresistance3239 4 роки тому +6

    Mark Galli reports that Christianity Today lost subscribers after the editorial ran but they picked up *three times as many new subscribers.*

    • @dustinmcgrady2171
      @dustinmcgrady2171 4 роки тому

      Gina Ke you should really stop being stupid enough to listen to people that do nothing but lie to you. Basic common sense should tell you that is obviously not true. It is seriously disturbing how ignorant you people are. WAKE UP SHEEP.

    • @BigBoogookie
      @BigBoogookie 4 роки тому +2

      @@dustinmcgrady2171 Incredibly uncompelling argument. Immediately starts off insulting, which is the dumbest thing you can do if you want someone to listen to anything you have to say. Nothing but vitriol, just like the Christ you follow - Trump. not Jesus.

    • @rexcassidy
      @rexcassidy 4 роки тому +2

      dustin mcgrady a trump supporter telling people “to wake up sheep” and calling them ignorant is the epitome of irony. I agree the level of ignorance and hypocrisy is disturbing.

    • @jimyarbrough9935
      @jimyarbrough9935 4 роки тому +1

      @@dustinmcgrady2171 why would common since say they would loose subscription? Im a Christian and believe Trump shouldn't be in office and have more respect for them now that they actually spoke up about Trump. Just because Trump is a Republican does not make him a good man.

    • @dustinmcgrady2171
      @dustinmcgrady2171 4 роки тому

      Jim Yarbrough Bahhh, says the sheep. You have No Idea what you are talking about. Stop letting yourself be brainwashed with lies. Did you listen to what they actually said? Or do you just keep listening to the same people that do nothing but lie to you? WAKE UP. You have NO IDEA what this get is REALLY ABOUT. The people you listen to are the REAL SATANISTS. You will all see in the end. And you will ALL have to take RESPONSIBILITY for your Ignorance. Conservatives and Christians are not bad. You are just the village idiots that can't figure out you are being minipulated. But don't you worry. The TRUTH CANNOT BE STOPPED. And when you FINALLY understand. Just remember all of the horrible things you have said, and all of the totally BASELESS attacks on People. You have never met. And don't know the FIRST THING ABOUT... Have fun watching everything you ever thought to be true, crumble right in front of your face. 2020 Dark to Light. Just don't say we didn't try to tell you...

  • @Surja9393
    @Surja9393 4 роки тому +4

    They are chumming the waters for Pence.

    • @beachbum6781
      @beachbum6781 4 роки тому

      Who's just a corrupt thru his support of chump.

    • @junialstudios
      @junialstudios 4 роки тому

      YAAAASSSS, they are

  • @deidrecohoe5900
    @deidrecohoe5900 4 роки тому +4

    according to scripture James chapter 1 verse 27 God considers pure religion as the visitation of the widow and the orphan in their time of need. What was the last thing he said to a widow?

  • @TeriEnright
    @TeriEnright 4 роки тому +2

    I'm SOOO glad, this has been published.... I'm very sick of hearing he has "evangelical" support! So hypocritical for 3 years, 2 months!!

  • @BrokenNeuron
    @BrokenNeuron 4 роки тому +6

    Interesting how the current occupant of the oval office is strikingly similar to Damian Thorne from The Omen movie. Just the way republicans fall over him is almost a religious devotion. Very scary.

  • @growthisfreedomunitedearth7584
    @growthisfreedomunitedearth7584 4 роки тому +3

    Separation of Church and State, now and forever. I will fight to the death to uphold this, and the evangelicals are exactly an example of why.

    • @mlpfanboy1701
      @mlpfanboy1701 4 роки тому +1

      Im a christ believer and i must agree.

  • @avistumpkin8609
    @avistumpkin8609 4 роки тому +2

    Some people devils only come when you think no one is watching.

  • @katiefreeman1565
    @katiefreeman1565 4 роки тому +5

    Don't compare trump and Obama please.

  • @progKansas
    @progKansas 4 роки тому +2

    Protestant Christianity in the U.S. is a corporate racket.

  • @philadelphiaassemblies
    @philadelphiaassemblies 4 роки тому +5

    So true!

  • @yampytaq
    @yampytaq 4 роки тому +2

    We are more Christians in agreement with this magazine!! If only more would listen to the original interviews during the impeachment process, some more will open their eyes!!!

  • @playerslayer91
    @playerslayer91 4 роки тому +7

    WOW! A Christian that actually follows Christianity!

    • @Spawncandy
      @Spawncandy 4 роки тому

      Christians didn't turn on Trump. One douche bag at a scrub magazine named Mark Galli does not speak for the millions of Christians in our country. This is more TYT propaganda.

    • @buttercupflower27
      @buttercupflower27 4 роки тому

      SpawnCandy Of course you GOOD Christian’s still love your king....he’s being crucified like a Jesus, poor guy... such hypocrisy runs abound in you people..😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
      And how can truth be propaganda? The magazine did write that article...
      🤦‍♀️ what was a I thinking, you only believe in Alternative propaganda ..
      You sheep are so easily conned

  • @Chronix-
    @Chronix- 4 роки тому +2

    After trump, no conservative can credibly complain about any Democrat ever again.

    • @SuperBadwilly
      @SuperBadwilly 4 роки тому

      Im too sober to read this bickering shit. I only came here to note the pathetic state of tyts viewership. Looks glorious. Like gilettes sales now. 😂 do democrats hate money too? Dipshits.

    • @D-Cameron
      @D-Cameron 4 роки тому

      When have conservatives every insisted that their complaints be credible?

  • @ThreePalmsII
    @ThreePalmsII 4 роки тому +4

    What would evangelicals know about Christianity?

    • @spiritsbeyondthestars3493
      @spiritsbeyondthestars3493 4 роки тому +1

      Trump believes he is the chosen one. The last one that thought that was Lucifer and look where the hell he's at inhale burning internally.

  • @adamfrazer5150
    @adamfrazer5150 4 роки тому +2

    A sizeable joint and a compilation of Bill Hicks unravelled 'religion' and set my mind free to think for myself, for better or worse.

  • @chautiendung
    @chautiendung 4 роки тому +4

    Those Christian get in-line to drink that Kool-Aid. Lmao.

  • @RickySTT
    @RickySTT 4 роки тому +4

    Obama also wore a taupe suit. They got him on that, too.

  • @LJ_nowandalways
    @LJ_nowandalways 4 роки тому +5

    Soon he will feel the Bern.

    • @t985gblockingpaint2
      @t985gblockingpaint2 4 роки тому +1

      Soon Cenk will be in the barn.

    • @LJ_nowandalways
      @LJ_nowandalways 4 роки тому +1

      @@t985gblockingpaint2 Conservatives are sexually frustrated. Yes, they are.

    • @t985gblockingpaint2
      @t985gblockingpaint2 4 роки тому

      How do you figure?

    • @LJ_nowandalways
      @LJ_nowandalways 4 роки тому +2

      @@t985gblockingpaint2 It's obvious you want the horse more.

    • @t985gblockingpaint2
      @t985gblockingpaint2 4 роки тому

      Coming from a foul human who don't give 2 shits about write and wrong...

  • @andrebrown8969
    @andrebrown8969 4 роки тому +5

    Religion and Christianity...nah, not for a rationale person

    • @andrebrown8969
      @andrebrown8969 4 роки тому

      @Daniel Euteneier Pascal's wager, really? Nothing more substantive? Is that all? Look up some more apologetics arguments, that one is not very good.

    • @andrebrown8969
      @andrebrown8969 4 роки тому

      @Daniel Euteneier Sure...when your god can prove itself without you guys...then I can eat my words, until do not know what you are talking about, none of you, truth is truth, you will believe a lie as long as you believe it fits in with your faith

    • @andrebrown8969
      @andrebrown8969 4 роки тому

      @Daniel Euteneier Angry white guy

  • @osito021
    @osito021 4 роки тому +4

    I like Ramesh Srinivasan, he is quite experience in what he's talking about. Keep him there more often.

    • @squreshi8413
      @squreshi8413 4 роки тому +1

      Agreed! Thoughtful commentary like that is why I watch political shows on UA-cam in the first place!

    • @osito021
      @osito021 4 роки тому

      @@squreshi8413 you can always watch reruns of the teletubbies, if that turn you on? I dunno.

  • @skler69
    @skler69 4 роки тому +4

    The chosen one just can't stand anyone going against him.

    • @Spawncandy
      @Spawncandy 4 роки тому

      Fact 1. Christians will continue to vote Trump.
      Fact 2. Jesus is not on the ballot. So quit comparing Trump to Jesus.
      Fact 3. Christians do not vote for the person who has less sin.
      Fact 4. Christians vote for the person that will PROTECT Christian values.
      Fact 5. Trump is not their Mesiah, he's their choice for the Presidency, you idiots.
      Fact 6. There are only two choices on election day, and Jesus is not one of them.
      Fact 7. Trump supporters do defend Trump. It's to keep Democrats from removing him.
      Fact 8. Mark Galli has given an example of a so called Christian choosing personal morals over Protecting the entire Christain people and culture.
      Fact 9. A vote against Trump is in FACT a anti-Christian vote.
      Fact 10. Trump is not worshipped, he's protected. Because he is the peoples resistance against even more loss of the Christian religion in America.
      Fact 12. Christians vote Trump because NOT voting Trump gives more power to those that wish to destroy all Christian values, and culture.
      Fact 13. Christians do not worship political leaders. They worship God. They do not attempt to compare any man to their savior. They know they have only two choices on election day, and again Jesus is not one of the choices. However, the best option for Christians is to vote for the person that is most likely to protect and preserve their values, beliefs and culture.
      Fact 14. TYT is an anti-American propaganda channel that has over half of their audience from other countries than the USA. This means that there are thousands of people in the comments here talking about how to get Trump out of office and they are NOT Americans. Americans should be aware that they are sometimes debating what's best for America politics and policies with a person or people that do not even live in the America. Some of these people may have sanctions on their country and may be pretending to be American citizens to sway real Americans opinions.
      Fact 15. Trump will win in 2020.
      Fact 16. There will be some morons that start a comment on this thread with "Fact 17", and it will includes slander and name calling.

  • @wesleyrodgers886
    @wesleyrodgers886 4 роки тому +5

    And trump called it a far left magazine. Smh.

    • @wesleyrodgers886
      @wesleyrodgers886 4 роки тому

      @@barbiquearea base pandering. Its actually centrist.

  • @noellewest4347
    @noellewest4347 4 роки тому +2

    "Christianity Today" may now be able to change its name to Christ Followers today. Christianity and Christ are kind of on opposite ends of the spectrum, and I think this magazine is finally choosing to honour Jesus instead of Christianity. Praise God.

  • @corgeousgeorge
    @corgeousgeorge 4 роки тому +5

    Kudos to the graphics guy "Breaking: Trump is not like Jesus" lol. Love you guys!

  • @reedbetweenthelines1385
    @reedbetweenthelines1385 4 роки тому +2

    It’s super interesting to me that when i ask a religious person what religion they are, 9 times out of 10 they say “christian” and when I ask them what type of christian they look at me with a deer in the headlights look and can’t answer the question.....

    • @reedbetweenthelines1385
      @reedbetweenthelines1385 4 роки тому

      Believe me, I give plenty of other words to indicate....Baptist? Methodist? Lutheran? They have no clue whatsoever.

  • @batgurrl
    @batgurrl 4 роки тому +7

    Rats leaving a sinking ship

  • @pettydaniel
    @pettydaniel 4 роки тому +4

    I feel that same way about Bernie. I believe his words come from a sincere, visceral need to bring social justice to everyone equally. I respect and trust that. That should be enough discernment for any commercialized Christian.

    • @N-HTTi
      @N-HTTi 4 роки тому

      Marlene Petty your profile picture is very interesting
      Who is that?

    • @Spawncandy
      @Spawncandy 4 роки тому

      Bernie is a Ass hat .

    • @telelakay-tv1337
      @telelakay-tv1337 4 роки тому

      Télélakay TV

    • @pettydaniel
      @pettydaniel 4 роки тому

      @@N-HTTi It is Irena Sendlerowa who rescued 2,500 jewish children from a Warsaw ghetto and changed their identities. This picture is the young Irena.

  • @kaneinkansas
    @kaneinkansas 4 роки тому +5

    Turns out Christianity Today is, today, Christian.

    • @batgurrl
      @batgurrl 4 роки тому +2

      Tim Kane yes they are but I have to wonder why this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. There were good people on both sides should have caused some outrage and putting children in cages didn’t make them blink an eye

    • @scottklocke891
      @scottklocke891 4 роки тому


  • @keithbell6929
    @keithbell6929 4 роки тому +1

    He’s their guy -- modern day Jesus who walks on water. I’m so happy that America finally stopped hiding and elected its first Grand Wizard to implement an agenda fueled by white supremacy. Go Trump! Evangelicals support him and they are God’s people so Trump must be chosen by God. 👀👀👀

  • @seanholmes7482
    @seanholmes7482 4 роки тому +3

    How do you feel about religious organization's tax exempt status?

    • @brianew
      @brianew 4 роки тому +1

      Should be abolished

  • @ngozi5824
    @ngozi5824 4 роки тому +2

    Prosperity gospel is not new: from Jim and Tammy Faye Baker to Fred Price at Crenshaw Christian Center. My family stopped attending when the church bought Pastor Price a Roles Royce. Me father was enraged because the average parishioners quality of life had not improved

  • @williamtomkiel8215
    @williamtomkiel8215 4 роки тому +10

    stuff like this make me really miss George Carlin . ..

  • @billywoodward584
    @billywoodward584 4 роки тому +3

    10 Commandments, that at lot to read and a lot to remember.

  • @mereblinkdirectioner1437
    @mereblinkdirectioner1437 4 роки тому +4

    Nah the white evangelicals dont they never have so stop calling them Christians which they are not

  • @LifeandJunk
    @LifeandJunk 4 роки тому +6

    I'm a theologically "conservative" Christian, and what I so greatly appreciate about this article from CT is how is shows to the non-Christian world the fractures and divisions in the "evangelical" block. I theologically believe that support of Trump is not only immoral but idolatrous, and there are so many other Christians who believe this as well. We are just in the struggle of excising the disease of civil religion and nationalism, and going back to a more radically just, egalitarian faith.

    • @jimbendtsen8841
      @jimbendtsen8841 4 роки тому

      You're a lying fraud.

    • @vivelaresistance3239
      @vivelaresistance3239 4 роки тому

      Jim Bendtsen: That is an ad hominem attack (a logical fallacy).

    • @jimbendtsen8841
      @jimbendtsen8841 4 роки тому

      @@vivelaresistance3239 Thanks for sharing your opinion.

    • @LifeandJunk
      @LifeandJunk 4 роки тому

      @@jimbendtsen8841, what makes me a liar? What makes me a fraud?

  • @AlexanderStone
    @AlexanderStone 4 роки тому +6

    You know... isn't it ironic that us atheist lefties are using the 'actual' words of Jesus to mock the hypochristians? I mean... Jesus would be pissing himself laughing at the irony I would think...

    • @robertbrown569
      @robertbrown569 4 роки тому +3

      That's because atheists have actually read the bible.

    • @scottklocke891
      @scottklocke891 4 роки тому

      Christ likely has pissed himself laughing.

  • @helenguusihop7875
    @helenguusihop7875 4 роки тому +2

    I'm not sure if I should be sad that (some) non-christians understand Jesus' message better than a lot of self-proclaimed christians do, or if I should rejoice because at least those atheists/non-christians do not discard Jesus' message just because of the twisted and sometimes even perverted message some christians try to pass of as gospel.
    Even just the fact that you know the prosperity gospel is not the Biblical gospel at all makes me glad these days. Because so many people don't seem to know the difference. If Jesus would sit next to you while you were watching your average TV preacher these days, he would probably turn to you and ask: "What religion is it these people practice? I am not familiar with this particular message."

    • @helenguusihop7875
      @helenguusihop7875 4 роки тому

      @Frank Arrietta I _strongly_ disagree with you on the first part; I believe the opposite is true. But your last sentence, that I could get behind. Some people say Christianity is not about _religion_ , but it is about _relation_ . Relation with God as well as with others.

  • @taeng0077
    @taeng0077 4 роки тому +8

    every living evangelical is a lost cause

    • @taeng0077
      @taeng0077 4 роки тому +2

      @@Honkin_Chonker very true, once a person uses reason and empathy it's impossible for them to stop being a leftist. You're very right ^-^

    • @franklopez2702
      @franklopez2702 4 роки тому

      True especially the black ones👌

  • @MrDagonOfTheDead
    @MrDagonOfTheDead 4 роки тому +2

    It's hilarious how initially all of those people crapped on him possibly running and soon as he won they all went in to ass kiss mode! 😅 They dont wanna help/fix anything, just keep their income revenue.... Pretty much why ALL positions should have time limits...

  • @danielatencio5073
    @danielatencio5073 4 роки тому +10

    Can't fix stupid.

  • @clinteranovic8075
    @clinteranovic8075 4 роки тому +1

    Dueteronimy 34 : "And God said , render onto the priest your shekels that he may purchase a Learjet that he may spread the word of God.'

  • @errickbarnett7963
    @errickbarnett7963 4 роки тому +7

    Its sad that its taken this long for someone to speak up

    • @Spawncandy
      @Spawncandy 4 роки тому

      A loser. He represents no one but himself.

    • @ronjohnson21
      @ronjohnson21 4 роки тому

      No shit! With all his wrong doings over the years and all the sudden they finally are saying something! Unbelievable! He's got less than a year in office and NOW he's corrupt!🤯🤯🤯

  • @aaronkolatch5211
    @aaronkolatch5211 4 роки тому +2

    But the creator of the Ten Commandments died thousands of years ago.

  • @Powdered_Toastman
    @Powdered_Toastman 4 роки тому +4

    Just a friendly reminder that Christianity was forced unto my ancestors when they were brought to America.

    • @brianbrett5955
      @brianbrett5955 4 роки тому

      Luckily for Christianity, forgiveness is a large tenet of what is taught. So get over it. lol

    • @JacquelynNhi
      @JacquelynNhi 4 роки тому


    • @JonathanDeLeon-em4px
      @JonathanDeLeon-em4px 4 роки тому +2

      It was Islam and greed that sold your ancestors into slavery. Christians were at the forefront of the abolitionist movement that ended the practice of slavery in the UK and US.

    • @brianbrett5955
      @brianbrett5955 4 роки тому

      @@JonathanDeLeon-em4px It's very true. Christianity defeated slavery. Chalk up one good thing for religion.

  • @rauliont
    @rauliont 4 роки тому +2

    hahaha I got a Billy Graham fund evangelism ad during this smh 😔😒

  • @dhFLOOPY
    @dhFLOOPY 4 роки тому +6

    Two Corinthians walked into a bar...

    • @blkcatzette
      @blkcatzette 4 роки тому

      Thank you for laugh, I nearly spit out my drink lol.

  • @pettydaniel
    @pettydaniel 4 роки тому +1

    I "converted" from Republican to unaffiliated in 2016. I meant to do it back when G.B. was president, but I lost heart in politics and bureaucracy until Obama became president. I started believing ...maybe, just maybe... this can actually work.

  • @pedrosura
    @pedrosura 4 роки тому +4

    Jesus to Trump: I Never Knew You

  • @dartagnandaire214
    @dartagnandaire214 4 роки тому +1

    Amazing how he blames the democrats for trumps approval rating. That’s just the ppl of this country

  • @MarsM13
    @MarsM13 4 роки тому +3

    "To him, if someone's getting bad ratings, that means they're a bad person"
    That's true, but I think you missed something in your analysis of WHY he thinks that. He thinks that because he's a narcissist, which means he needs constant validation like normal people need oxygen, so, to him, anyone who does something that doesn't result in constant validation is a fool. A fool on the level of sticking your head in a bucket of water and trying to keep it there for no reason. By definition, if you do something that doesn't result in constant validation, you are denying yourself the most important thing in the universe from his perspective.

  • @belliotrungy9107
    @belliotrungy9107 4 роки тому +3

    Christian damage control. All that winning is winding down. Get ahead of the backlash when he falls. Get that moral authority back just in time.

  • @grapeshot
    @grapeshot 4 роки тому +3

    Prosperity Gospel. Why wait till heaven to get that mansion.🤣🤣🤣🤣 The day the first sucker was born. Religion was born.

  • @CaseyFinSF
    @CaseyFinSF 4 роки тому +2

    Saying Trump is religious is like calling a Flat Earther a Globalist 🤪🤪🤪🇺🇸

  • @toomuch8232
    @toomuch8232 4 роки тому +4

    It’s funny to watch atheists quote the Bible on TYT comments.
    When THEY know that God can not exist, because if he did, then THEY wouldn’t be the “smartest” beings in the universe. And they know that can’t happen... just ask them!

    • @toomuch8232
      @toomuch8232 4 роки тому +1

      Craig Co...
      See... Thank you for proving my point. God Bless!

    • @toomuch8232
      @toomuch8232 4 роки тому

      Craig Co...
      What should really upset you is progressives allowing abortions. Even up until the time of birth! The baby is on its way out and they hit it in the head with a hammer, then sell the body parts out the back door. Sick people you support kid!

    • @toomuch8232
      @toomuch8232 4 роки тому

      Craig Co...
      Your doctorate in women’s dance theory does nothing to help those unborn children sonny.
      And if you want to vote for and defend people that rip apart babies bodies to remove them from the mother then that between you and God.
      And Trump didn’t make those unfortunate people break our laws. They did that on their own. I feel sorry for them but we have a legal process to follow, just as every country on earth.
      American kids are taken away when their parents are arrested, you blaming that on Trump also?
      Trump is using the cages that the Obama administration built and has made so many improvements!!
      And if you look at the stats, illegal immigration is WAY down, so that means less kids being held! You should be ecstatic about that! As am I!!! Trump 2020! Less children in cages every year since 2016!

    • @robertbrown569
      @robertbrown569 4 роки тому

      Atheists tend to be more qualified to speak about the Bible since they're the only group guaranteed to have actually read the wretched thing

    • @toomuch8232
      @toomuch8232 4 роки тому

      Craig Co...
      Listen here Dr. Ruth, he’s following the law of the United States of America. You don’t like the law? Change it.
      And I just checked out your claim of hundreds of “illegal” immigrants (you forgot the illegal part, because legal immigrants don’t get locked up.) have died in custody is simply not true. Some sources say 22 since 2013 others go as high as 24. And note, that includes Obama’s tenure.
      More Americans have died in US custody tenfold!
      And I notice how when you lost the abortion debate you deflected by saying “orange man bad” as if that makes your argument any stronger! Haha! One debate won on abortion, I’ll win this one also!! Woohoo!!!

  • @w8w8whatnow95
    @w8w8whatnow95 4 роки тому +2

    Cenk, you forgot to mention the tan suit!!!!!

  • @m.a.grisso8132
    @m.a.grisso8132 4 роки тому +3

    Jesus said, "Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
    Matthew 19:24
    Evangelicals scamming their followers are just like the corrupt temple officials who loathed Jesus and sought to kill him.
    These “Christian” based faith frauds astonish me-there is another commandment they break ‘tho shalt not defraud’ also said as thou shalt not lie/commit falsehoods-because according to the bible, they’re all going to hell. They are delusional. They seek to bend the world to their will and see only what they want to see, which they use to validate their world view and wage war upon others from their glass houses.

    • @JayJayM57
      @JayJayM57 4 роки тому +1

      @Daniel Euteneier it also amuses me the atheist know more about the bible. it is a shame so-called true believers keep getting the bibble wrong.

    • @JayJayM57
      @JayJayM57 4 роки тому +1

      @Daniel Euteneier They are not judging your faith. they are judging the lack of faith and the audacity to judge others. here is an example the bible is not anti-gay but for over 1,000 years so-called true believers have harassed, murder, and torture homosexuals. people who never read or properly read the bible have done this. you don`t get to say don`t judge me when that history is the tip of the iceberg.

    • @JayJayM57
      @JayJayM57 4 роки тому +1

      @Daniel Euteneier they are mocking people who don`t read the bibble and judge homosexual, women, etc."Judge not, that ye be not judged"...Matthew 7:1-3
      if you don`t want to get mocked stop judging others.

  • @noemarrero2104
    @noemarrero2104 3 роки тому


  • @stephenreddy7339
    @stephenreddy7339 4 роки тому +4

    USA look what religion did to Iraq

    • @njamison1000
      @njamison1000 4 роки тому +2

      There's nothing wrong with religion.
      Radicalized Islamic cults helped destroy the middle east

    • @sirkylanthered
      @sirkylanthered 4 роки тому

      @@njamison1000 And radicalized Christians are destroying the US. Glad we agree, religion is horrible

    • @freestyler5582
      @freestyler5582 4 роки тому

      It’s all about of benjamins baby.
      When saddam wanted to sell his oil to euros and chinese yens, then this shit happened.
      Same happened to Kaddafi.
      So called religious radicals appeared afterwards.

  • @NikkiPhillippi
    @NikkiPhillippi 4 роки тому +1

    I would like to know the guys reference around 9 minutes saying that the Bible gives an “ok” to abortion at times?

    • @jonathanmayorga6760
      @jonathanmayorga6760 4 роки тому

      NikkiPhillippi they never give or know specific verses, neither do most of their viewers so they take the Hosts side instead of actually reading. The US is becoming more and more agnostic or atheist. Just gotta accept people do and believe what they want because they can but that’s the beauty of free will and our Republic 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @NikkiPhillippi
      @NikkiPhillippi 4 роки тому

      Jonathan Mayorga very interesting... I am always open to the thought of misinterpretation/misunderstanding on my part....but I need/want specific references or narratives in the Bible in order to even consider that obviously

    • @eleven2170
      @eleven2170 4 роки тому +3

      • A pregnant woman who is injured and aborts the fetus warrants financial compensation only (to her husband), suggesting that the fetus is property, not a person (Exodus 21:22-25).
      • The gruesome priestly purity test to which a wife accused of adultery must submit will cause her to abort the fetus if she is guilty, indicating that the fetus does not possess a right to life (Numbers 5:11-31).
      • God enumerated his punishments for disobedience, including "cursed shall be the fruit of your womb" and "you will eat the fruit of your womb," directly contradicting sanctity-of-life claims (Deuteronomy 28:18,53).
      • Elisha's prophecy for soon-to-be King Hazael said he would attack the Israelites, burn their cities, crush the heads of their babies and rip open their pregnant women (2 Kings 8:12).
      • King Menahem of Israel destroyed Tiphsah (also called Tappuah) and the surrounding towns, killing all residents and ripping open pregnant women with the sword (2 Kings 15:16).
      • Isaiah prophesied doom for Babylon, including the murder of unborn children: "They will have no pity on the fruit of the womb" (Isaiah 13:18).
      • For worshiping idols, God declared that not one of his people would live, not a man, woman or child (not even babies in arms), again confusing assertions about the sanctity of life (Jeremiah 44:7-8).
      • God will punish the Israelites by destroying their unborn children, who will die at birth, or perish in the womb, or never even be conceived (Hosea 9:10-16).
      • For rebelling against God, Samaria's people will be killed, their babies will be dashed to death against the ground, and their pregnant women will be ripped open with a sword (Hosea 13:16).
      • Jesus did not express any special concern for unborn children during the anticipated end times: "Woe to pregnant women and those who are nursing" (Matthew 24:19).

    • @N-HTTi
      @N-HTTi 4 роки тому


    • @NikkiPhillippi
      @NikkiPhillippi 4 роки тому +1

      eleven2170 thanks for the food for thought & taking your time to share these:) I’m gunna screen shot this comment and research these references.

  • @kevinmccoy2160
    @kevinmccoy2160 4 роки тому +7

    Black evangelicals don’t ride the Trump train.

    • @Spawncandy
      @Spawncandy 4 роки тому

      Then they will be walking. Whatever suits them I guess.

    • @sk8queen
      @sk8queen 4 роки тому

      Who are those black shills in every prayer photo op pic laying hands on trump ?

  • @scottmcfadyen293
    @scottmcfadyen293 4 роки тому +2

    To settle for victory at the cost of your values, You Have None !!! Compromise Is Spiritual Death !!!

  • @genesisp3884
    @genesisp3884 4 роки тому +3

    I am a Christian and I agree with a few of the points made in this video, but I am confused as to where you find that the Bible supports abortion? This statement makes no sense if you have read the Bible.

    • @rauliont
      @rauliont 4 роки тому +3

      it's been awhile however I believe it's in the old testament, something like you're supposed to poison your wife when she's pregnant and if the fetus dies you she cheated? some weird shit like that, it's been more than 15 years so, yeah.🤔🤨
      Happy Holidays all!🍻🥂

    • @hamishgaffaney5323
      @hamishgaffaney5323 4 роки тому +2

      There is one passage in the bible about abortions, I can't remember were as I stopped been a Christian a long time ago, but basically it says if your wife cheats on you and gets pregnant, she should abort it.

    • @RCGamex
      @RCGamex 4 роки тому

      God literally included a ”bitter water” potion to cause an unfaithful wife to miscarry.
      God once commanded the isrealites to even strike the womb of enemy women and rip out their unborn.
      If a man strikes a women with child and she miscarries then only a few sheckles is owed.
      So clearly the ”unborn” are not greatly valued by the biblical God. Which makes sense since the traditions from which Christianity originates holds that the fetus is water for the first three months, and a limb of the mother until it is filled with ”the siprit” when it takes it's first breath and is now a human person.

  • @garymellow1185
    @garymellow1185 4 роки тому +2

    Wow must be a lightening storm ⛈ over the evangelicals ⚡️⚡️⚡️

  • @luv_that_chichi1425
    @luv_that_chichi1425 4 роки тому +3

    You know it’s bad when the Christians turn their back on you! 😂😂😂😂