I was so close to closing a deal in which I thought I was buying an authentic YSL Paris bag but your video saved me from it! I appreciate your video, thank you!
People like myself own designer bags, but I do love owning replicas if I want to try out a new style or if its a bag I know i will only wear for special occasions, like weddings. I own a high quality YSL replica and only wear it once in awhile with some outfits. But wearing the replica made me realize that I don't need to buy the real one because its not my favorite bag in my collection. Nice vid! Also, so sorry for the spam comments. UA-cam needs to fix the amount of spam accounts being made.
I will not even wear a knock off. I would rather wear a unbranded bag of good quality than try to make someone believe I'm carrying a bag I either don't own or can't afford.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the*preluxs* as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I still love my LV reverse monogram *preluxscom* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
Hi, Thank you for your detailed and helpful review. Could you please let me know where you purchased a good-quality replica of the VSL handbag that you showed in your video? I know It may be a good present.
Thanks for the video. I would say that fakes have been around for years. I think it's only now coming to light because of social media. I have seen fakes of LV and Chanel since the 1990s and know how to get them if I want them (Asian community). So this is nothing new at all. If it seems like a lot, maybe people are just more aware than they used to of educational videos about real and fake stuff. I won't let fakes and replicas change my decision on whether to buy a bag or not. If I like it, I'll buy it. And fakes will never be the same as the real thing. If people can't afford it and are satisfied with *condup* give everyone their own. My favorite bag is the classic flap bag. Next is the Kelly bag, then the Birkin bag. I know many Filipino aunties who have replicas. It doesn't change my opinion of them. If you look at the Asian community, there are fakes of almost every luxury brand bag including business friendly and fashion bags
I love my small Lou Lou and yes you can just tell by the shape . I remember I was in a store and I had my small Lou Lou and I saw a girl and I could tell from far it was fake ! I get why people but fakes but once you have the real thing nothing beats it ! Thank you for sharing
@@SeemaMazhar I love my Lou Lou so much so much so I haven’t brought any bag for about 8 months I feel satisfied for now lol 😂 Only for now but my birthday is coming soon lol 😂 and thank you for your reply !
@@SeemaMazhar same I’m thinking alma bb or something small from Chanel or Ysl clutch bag in beige or white and definitely a monogram strap but I will see lol 😂 and birthdays are the best ! I think because I haven’t brought anything since my Lou Lou I’m confused 🙈
Nice video. I bought YSL from the real store and I was wondering what a fake looks like. Thanks for sharing. With $200 id rather buy a real brand like Marc Jacob or something than spend on a fake.
I really love *hotdups* bags. The fabric is very good. The golden embellishments add a touch of beauty. When I went to the church, I received some praise.
I bought a sterling silver clutch purse at an auction 30 years ago ..Everyone has all tested sterling silver..and has YSL logo on it..its stunning but l can't seem to find out anything about it.
I think it is better to compare fake & real with the same size.. because if you compare small size and medium size, it will be totally different. Even if you compare the real one both small and medium, they will have bigger logo, bigger chain, every inch stichting would also be different.
There was a very recent documentary and they were interviewing very well-off women. These women were speaking about how they no longer purchase authentic purses and have chosen to purchase really good *esluxscom* of the designer bags that they do like. They then take that saved money and invest their money into other things such as real estate, stocks etc.
Fools are the ones who spend $10,000 on a "real" bag. I have a fake Louis Vuitton doctor's bag that I purchased in Korea in 1987. I walked into Neman Marcus with it. Several employees in the handbag section couldn't believe my bag was fake. They are comparing my *esluxs* to the "real" one and they can't see any difference. Mine cost $40, the real deal was $7500.
Nothing we can do about fakes…I could care less how many people have the same bag as myself…that makes it really spoken for.. I hate when people say they don’t want a certain purse because everyone has it….well everyone has a hole are we gonna get rid of ours because of that? Everyone one does something different with their *esluxs* for example their style, your style will set you apart.
People say counterfeit products involve foul play. Look at the article Romina is talking about, and how the people making Chanel bags are like sweatshops... So what's the difference now? So why not choose *hotdups*
I know people personally who have so much genuine luxury brands yet they live in their mama house. I own my own home, drive a lexus and i do buy real mid luxury bags but anything over $1000 im getting a *esluxscom* and keeping money in my pocket.
Hahaha I love that sign in the background, and that pretty candle holder - curious what you were burning (is my 'candle addict' showing lol?!) Such a helpful video, I'm awful at knowing the differences and go thrifting a lot, so I'm always nervous to pick up knock off purses, jackets, so many others things - ugh! You are always so knowledgeable about these luxury brands. You can definitely notice the high quality stitching.
I am a candle addict too haha, its winter candy candle from bath body and smell delicious. I think if anyone is gonna buy a knock off then at least should what are they getting and what to expect. Thanks for watching!
If you can't afford a designer bag and feel some type of way about expensive designer shit then DON'T FUCKING WATCH THE VIDEO. Like do ya'll even read the tittle of the videos before clicking on it? It clearly says in the tittle the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful even though I can't afford any of these bags yet, but I know one day I will. And I want to know which designer bag will be really worth my hard earn money and I will get the most use of. That being said, if you read this thank you for sharing this video with us ,please make more videos like this. Maybe *esluxscom* next?
*esluxscom* shopping etiquette. Explaining what the general rules are, how to approach an SA, how to dress, how stores may differ. Something like a step-by-step for newbies (like me) who feel out of their depth. The thing I worry about an the awkward moment when I've spent 20mins drooling over a bag just to turn and leave empty-handed. Idk what to say! Maybe that sounds dumb but I'm so awkward, I don't want to come off as rude or uncomfortable, it's not their fault I'm an anxious mess.
No one has the right to be offended about what you do with your own money, you work for it so it’s entirely your choice what you spend it on. Enjoy your *esluxs* , don’t feel guilty xxx
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxs* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
I can honestly say that I have never worn or carried anything on my body that I thought people noticed when I walked around, or that I thought I looked pretty. I just don't care. Thanks for reminding me. Things are only worth what people are willing to pay. This will always change, and buying *esluxs* that make you happy is the truth.
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the *esluxs* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
The way you present it! You really focused on introducing this package. I don't think there is any other UA-camr who shows off bags in as much detail as you do *hotdups* .
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxs* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
@@SeemaMazhar yes that is exactly what I meant! That’s a bad fake as I have seen here on UA-cam fakes which look 99% like real bags. quality of the grey bag is terrible.
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in Dubai.......giiiiiirl.....you will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *esluxs*
Until the Birkin comes with a strap, I’ll be *esluxs* . I think yours is the perfect size to go from day-to-night, something the Birkin doesn’t offer; nobody is taking a Birkin to dinner
I definitely Loved the video it’s really good!!! I have to say imo, I understand why people say they wouldn’t care about people buying dupes or fakes or why should people care. BUT, It’s not that necessarily people “care” about people having fakes, it’s the fact that people that have money to buy into luxury and invest it’s for a reason. Quality, quantity, and yes buying luxury as exclusivities. Because if I have the money, enjoy fashion, and the house brand etc. It’s not that I’m “bothered” by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldn’t want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as *esluxs* . And nothing is wrong with that.
That's why I'm so scared to buy a 3rd party without touching and smelling it. Yes, I totally see the difference. I’m glad your video is on UA-cam and it’s bringing awareness to this. People have different opinions on the issue of luxury goods, but it mainly depends on one's own ability and not excessive pursuit of fame and fortune. In comparison, I prefer to choose *esluxs*
It seems like the *esluxs* one looks better than the real one though. Who cares? Nobody is gonna spot it when you wear it in a nightclub or a night out. People are busy with their own lives. And people just don't bother you wearing a real or fake one. Just saying.
Yves Saint Laurent changed their name in 2012 to Saint Laurent Paris. So if you buy a completely new bag after 2012 and it says Yves Saint Laurent, you know it is a replica.
Oh I didnt know that, is it only for handbags or on everything? I bought some beauty products recently from their website and it says Yves Saint Laurent on it.
CHANNEL NEWB HERE!!! How are lower priced items on eBay authenticated? On most resale sites, anything priced over a certain amount (like $300 on Poshmark) is automatically authenticated. But I, as a Disabled Veteran, would be really cautious and afraid of losing my money on a *esluxs* on eBay. I scanned the comments, but didn’t see this question. Sorry if I missed the answer!
But the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the *esluxs* . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
It is really a hot video! I am a big vintage lover and LV lover, so I can see what is fake and I saw a lot of fakes! I need to mention *esluxs* was not bad made fake someone tried hard.
I like rrcopy's bags very much. I have to admit that their bags are really well done. There are many styles and colors to choose from. I've had it for a week now and I'm very happy with it
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *esluxs* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
I have two pre-loved *esluxs* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
Spending $20,000 on a handbag vs spending $200 on a *xbagy* bag and investing the remaining $19,800 is the obvious choice since a $20,000 bag is unlikely to increase in value
The thing is no one will know unless they watch this and compare to all women who has this which is not pleasant. By the way what is the replica website ? 😅
Thanks for the video. I will say that fakes have been around for yeaaarrrrssss. I think it’s just brought to light now because of social media. I’ve seen LV and Chanel fakes and know how to get them if I wanted (Asian community) since like the 1990s. So it’s nothing new at all. If it seems a lot maybe people are just more aware with educational videos on authentic vs fake versus before. I wouldn’t let fakes and replicas change my mind on purchasing a bag or not. If I like it, I will buy it. And the fakes are never the same as the real ones. If people can’t afford it and are happy with *esluxs* to each their own. My favorite bag is the classic flap. Next is the Kelly, then birkin. I know many Filipino aunties that have replicas to all. And it doesn’t change my mind on them. If you look at the Asian community NEARLY EVERY LUXURY BRAND bag has fakes, including business affinity and trendy
I received the *esluxs* small puzzle bag for Christmas in textured leather red and I adore this bag. It is so easy to use, so we'll made, love the ease of the zippers and can hold so much. I love the look of it and it is so comfortable to wear and never feel it is heavy even wearing all day. Love your videos and style. Thanks for sharing
Fake ones have come a long way...I have an "NF" and it passes all your tests, stitching the package, lettering, etc. I don't think your old fake is a good example. Besides, there are *esluxs* that are very cost-effective and they deserve to be seen.
I have the smaller LV *esluxs* on the go tote from Walmart and I love it. I also have the larger in black but it is soft that it doesnt hold structurly like I prefer. I dont use those long straps.
If you can wear high quality *esluxs* for 200-500 USD then why not. Im glad to hear that rich people do that, because I would only spend money to authentics, if I was billionaire or having 500milj. on my bank account. That´s never gonna happen.
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. “Harsh” is not a description of stitches. Crooked, irregular, wrong color are descriptive words. And there are all levels of replicas. If the logo isn’t perfect it’s not a good replica. Same with the leather, chain weight, etc..
Thank you for your feedback! I am not a Professional authentication service who knows precise terms or words , I just shared what I saw and observed in a simple language.
Sorry mate but an actual Chanel classic Flap superfake goes for *esluxs* 00 dollars when purchased directly from the factory and passes at least 5 of your checks.
Rich people are not like you or me. They compete with each other in yachts, jewelry, art, travel and homes. Meanwhile, we're on the subway or bus with our precious Louis Vuittons. Why bother? *condup* More rational
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in *hotdups* Go shopping
To be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are *hotdups* buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do。
You know a lot about luxury accessories and bags. It is obvious that you have conducted due diligence and the comparison information with the United States is very rich... I live in New York, thank you very much. I like*preluxs* .
I was so close to closing a deal in which I thought I was buying an authentic YSL Paris bag but your video saved me from it! I appreciate your video, thank you!
You are so welcome!
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *preluxscom*
People like myself own designer bags, but I do love owning replicas if I want to try out a new style or if its a bag I know i will only wear for special occasions, like weddings.
I own a high quality YSL replica and only wear it once in awhile with some outfits. But wearing the replica made me realize that I don't need to buy the real one because its not my favorite bag in my collection.
Nice vid! Also, so sorry for the spam comments. UA-cam needs to fix the amount of spam accounts being made.
I hear you! I wish I can filter all the bots and scammers on UA-cam.
I will not even wear a knock off. I would rather wear a unbranded bag of good quality than try to make someone believe I'm carrying a bag I either don't own or can't afford.
I agree with you! For many years I was happy with coach and guess bags until I was able to afford luxury.
Facts me as well
@torria I always say this!!! Why not buy a nice leather unbranded bag rather than doing this
I love the coat you're wearing! It matches my DUPBAGY bag perfectly!
You can't compare different sizes thats like comparing a orange to a grapefruit. You should have gotten the same bag
Thanks for watching! comparison was mostly between overall look, quality and character not necessarily just the size.
@@SeemaMazhar it looks good to me
@@dc704 ok girl I agree.everything she pointed out were small things that u can barely notice.
Oh, thank you for doing this vlog! I was planning to buy this bag when I go to Europe next week! I'm glad I watched it *hotdups*
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the*preluxs* as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Hi I watched this video liked and subscribed. Nice video
Thank you for stopping by.
Girl I have like 5 *esluxscom* LOVE THEM
I still love my LV reverse monogram *preluxscom* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
Hi, Thank you for your detailed and helpful review. Could you please let me know where you purchased a good-quality replica of the VSL handbag that you showed in your video? I know It may be a good present.
Thanks for the video. I would say that fakes have been around for years. I think it's only now coming to light because of social media. I have seen fakes of LV and Chanel since the 1990s and know how to get them if I want them (Asian community). So this is nothing new at all. If it seems like a lot, maybe people are just more aware than they used to of educational videos about real and fake stuff. I won't let fakes and replicas change my decision on whether to buy a bag or not. If I like it, I'll buy it. And fakes will never be the same as the real thing. If people can't afford it and are satisfied with *condup* give everyone their own. My favorite bag is the classic flap bag. Next is the Kelly bag, then the Birkin bag. I know many Filipino aunties who have replicas. It doesn't change my opinion of them. If you look at the Asian community, there are fakes of almost every luxury brand bag including business friendly and fashion bags
I love my small Lou Lou and yes you can just tell by the shape . I remember I was in a store and I had my small Lou Lou and I saw a girl and I could tell from far it was fake ! I get why people but fakes but once you have the real thing nothing beats it ! Thank you for sharing
Yes you are absolutely right, I can tell from far too. I can even tell by touching or smelling, it’s weird but real stuff smells good 😊
@@SeemaMazhar I love my Lou Lou so much so much so I haven’t brought any bag for about 8 months I feel satisfied for now lol 😂 Only for now but my birthday is coming soon lol 😂 and thank you for your reply !
@@SimranKaurLikes LOL my birthday is coming up too and still not sure what to get this time!
@@SeemaMazhar same I’m thinking alma bb or something small from Chanel or Ysl clutch bag in beige or white and definitely a monogram strap but I will see lol 😂 and birthdays are the best ! I think because I haven’t brought anything since my Lou Lou I’m confused 🙈
@Simran Kaur5 They all sounds delicious!!! haha!
Oh, thank you for doing this vlog! I was planning to buy this bag when I go to Europe next week! I'm glad I watched it *hotdups*
Nice video. I bought YSL from the real store and I was wondering what a fake looks like. Thanks for sharing. With $200 id rather buy a real brand like Marc Jacob or something than spend on a fake.
Thanks for watching! I agree I would spend $200 - $300 for coach or any other contemporary designer bags too.
I got a *esluxscom* ,Korean made, Jimmy Choo. It is 20 years old and still looks great.
Interestingly, that in a *esluxs* , the inside sewing at the handles is more carefully made (leather is not so frayed), than in the original one,
I really love *hotdups* bags. The fabric is very good. The golden embellishments add a touch of beauty. When I went to the church, I received some praise.
Gorgeous *esluxs* , and precious almost exactly the same, slightly color difference
I bought a sterling silver clutch purse at an auction 30 years ago ..Everyone has all tested sterling silver..and has YSL logo on it..its stunning but l can't seem to find out anything about it.
Probably its vintage and discontinued now.
Hi,, I recently joined your channel and like your videos. I discovered *hotdups* Crocodile embossed handbags are very popular right now.
I think it is better to compare fake & real with the same size.. because if you compare small size and medium size, it will be totally different. Even if you compare the real one both small and medium, they will have bigger logo, bigger chain, every inch stichting would also be different.
I like the color grey thank you for sharing this video
Thanks for watching!
Love thiss..every summer I pull out my little black *esluxscom* clutch and this summer I'm coming out with new heels so that will be my summer wear
There was a very recent documentary and they were interviewing very well-off women. These women were speaking about how they no longer purchase authentic purses and have chosen to purchase really good *esluxscom* of the designer bags that they do like. They then take that saved money and invest their money into other things such as real estate, stocks etc.
I like everything with good texture, whether it is LV, Dior or *esluxs* , texture comes first
Real wealthy people dont need to proove their status by logos so they wouldnt care you think they carry a *esluxs* or real.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens 😍 #Niceshopx😍
Please the replica looks way better than the real seriously 😐
Fools are the ones who spend $10,000 on a "real" bag. I have a fake Louis Vuitton doctor's bag that I purchased in Korea in 1987. I walked into Neman Marcus with it. Several employees in the handbag section couldn't believe my bag was fake. They are comparing my *esluxs* to the "real" one and they can't see any difference. Mine cost $40, the real deal was $7500.
Nothing we can do about fakes…I could care less how many people have the same bag as myself…that makes it really spoken for.. I hate when people say they don’t want a certain purse because everyone has it….well everyone has a hole are we gonna get rid of ours because of that? Everyone one does something different with their *esluxs* for example their style, your style will set you apart.
I have and love the *esluxs* in the same colour and have the marmont in the small in the velvet. Judith is on my list.
People say counterfeit products involve foul play. Look at the article Romina is talking about, and how the people making Chanel bags are like sweatshops... So what's the difference now? So why not choose *hotdups*
Thank you so much for this 🙏🏼
You're so welcome!
Depends on seller and the factory where it came from. My *esluxscom* is just like hers and i only paid $100 for it from a seller in hong kong.
I know people personally who have so much genuine luxury brands yet they live in their mama house. I own my own home, drive a lexus and i do buy real mid luxury bags but anything over $1000 im getting a *esluxscom* and keeping money in my pocket.
I bought my *esluxs* in Milan LV boutique store this year in February
Hahaha I love that sign in the background, and that pretty candle holder - curious what you were burning (is my 'candle addict' showing lol?!) Such a helpful video, I'm awful at knowing the differences and go thrifting a lot, so I'm always nervous to pick up knock off purses, jackets, so many others things - ugh! You are always so knowledgeable about these luxury brands. You can definitely notice the high quality stitching.
I am a candle addict too haha, its winter candy candle from bath body and smell delicious. I think if anyone is gonna buy a knock off then at least should what are they getting and what to expect. Thanks for watching!
If you can't afford a designer bag and feel some type of way about expensive designer shit then DON'T FUCKING WATCH THE VIDEO. Like do ya'll even read the tittle of the videos before clicking on it? It clearly says in the tittle the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful even though I can't afford any of these bags yet, but I know one day I will. And I want to know which designer bag will be really worth my hard earn money and I will get the most use of. That being said, if you read this thank you for sharing this video with us ,please make more videos like this. Maybe *esluxscom* next?
*esluxscom* shopping etiquette. Explaining what the general rules are, how to approach an SA, how to dress, how stores may differ. Something like a step-by-step for newbies (like me) who feel out of their depth. The thing I worry about an the awkward moment when I've spent 20mins drooling over a bag just to turn and leave empty-handed. Idk what to say! Maybe that sounds dumb but I'm so awkward, I don't want to come off as rude or uncomfortable, it's not their fault I'm an anxious mess.
I believe no girl can say no to *esluxs*
I don't understand people who buy their bags on chinese websites, terrible. With *hotdups* you will be on another fashion level
The details between the bags are minor and anyone purchasing the *hotduos* will not be worried about the stitching etc
En el momento en que vi el bolso *yutulu* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
maybe it sounds strange but only place where i get my bags is *copycatfrance* , they are very famous
The Grey looks better
Thank you for watching!
It does
No one has the right to be offended about what you do with your own money, you work for it so it’s entirely your choice what you spend it on. Enjoy your *esluxs* , don’t feel guilty xxx
Hi there. Amazing video and tbh both the WOC’s are sooo nice. Can you give me the details please of where you bought your *esluxs* ? Many thanks.
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxs* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
Thank you this is very helpful!
I am glad it was helpful! Thanks for watching!
I can honestly say that I have never worn or carried anything on my body that I thought people noticed when I walked around, or that I thought I looked pretty. I just don't care. Thanks for reminding me. Things are only worth what people are willing to pay. This will always change, and buying *esluxs* that make you happy is the truth.
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the *esluxs* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
I don’t like bags that make the name so boisterous and loud. I feel it’s tacky and loud, superficial *esluxs*
They look so look a like but I bet in real you can tell the difference.
Thank you 🙏
The way you present it! You really focused on introducing this package. I don't think there is any other UA-camr who shows off bags in as much detail as you do *hotdups* .
How about the serial number inside the purse.
Yes there is that. but newer designer bags have chip now.
Real wealthy people dont need to proove their status by logos so they wouldnt care you think they carry a *esluxs* or real.
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxs* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
lvguci Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
That is a bad fake
Bad fake is something that is really bad in quality and just overall bad replica.
@@SeemaMazhar yes that is exactly what I meant! That’s a bad fake as I have seen here on UA-cam fakes which look 99% like real bags. quality of the grey bag is terrible.
How you can compare different size and color . Come on ☺️ there are so good replicas on the market that are even better quality than originals ☺️
That *esluxs* looks waterproof like a collab was done with "Melissa" not an insult either! Its very cute!
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in Dubai.......giiiiiirl.....you will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *esluxs*
Until the Birkin comes with a strap, I’ll be *esluxs* . I think yours is the perfect size to go from day-to-night, something the Birkin doesn’t offer; nobody is taking a Birkin to dinner
Came across this video and I watched lvguci OMG your wardrobe is every woman’s dream! Love your voice and the way you speak
It looks real
I agree .I'm saving my money and replica me please..lol...
I definitely Loved the video it’s really good!!! I have to say imo, I understand why people say they wouldn’t care about people buying dupes or fakes or why should people care. BUT, It’s not that necessarily people “care” about people having fakes, it’s the fact that people that have money to buy into luxury and invest it’s for a reason. Quality, quantity, and yes buying luxury as exclusivities. Because if I have the money, enjoy fashion, and the house brand etc. It’s not that I’m “bothered” by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldn’t want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as *esluxs* . And nothing is wrong with that.
That's why I'm so scared to buy a 3rd party without touching and smelling it. Yes, I totally see the difference. I’m glad your video is on UA-cam and it’s bringing awareness to this. People have different opinions on the issue of luxury goods, but it mainly depends on one's own ability and not excessive pursuit of fame and fortune. In comparison, I prefer to choose *esluxs*
It seems like the *esluxs* one looks better than the real one though. Who cares? Nobody is gonna spot it when you wear it in a nightclub or a night out. People are busy with their own lives. And people just don't bother you wearing a real or fake one. Just saying.
Yves Saint Laurent changed their name in 2012 to Saint Laurent Paris. So if you buy a completely new bag after 2012 and it says Yves Saint Laurent, you know it is a replica.
Oh I didnt know that, is it only for handbags or on everything? I bought some beauty products recently from their website and it says Yves Saint Laurent on it.
@@SeemaMazhar I don´t know anything about their other products. I´m sorry🙏
No. I bought two bags in 2022 this year from the Saint Laurant official store and each has the lovely YSL logo on them.
@@dinaramadan3416 One the inside, it says “Saint Laurent Paris”
Not the high mirror qualities. Where they use the same materials. Some can't even distinguish between the authentic or replicas. It's kinda scary.
CHANNEL NEWB HERE!!! How are lower priced items on eBay authenticated? On most resale sites, anything priced over a certain amount (like $300 on Poshmark) is automatically authenticated. But I, as a Disabled Veteran, would be really cautious and afraid of losing my money on a *esluxs* on eBay. I scanned the comments, but didn’t see this question. Sorry if I missed the answer!
But the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the *esluxs* . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
It is really a hot video! I am a big vintage lover and LV lover, so I can see what is fake and I saw a lot of fakes! I need to mention *esluxs* was not bad made fake someone tried hard.
I like rrcopy's bags very much. I have to admit that their bags are really well done. There are many styles and colors to choose from. I've had it for a week now and I'm very happy with it
Good vid, but next time use the word authentic not original, that means the first although your bag is not the prototype of the design.
Noted! Thank you for watching.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *esluxs* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
I have two pre-loved *esluxs* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
Spending $20,000 on a handbag vs spending $200 on a *xbagy* bag and investing the remaining $19,800 is the obvious choice since a $20,000 bag is unlikely to increase in value
The thing is no one will know unless they watch this and compare to all women who has this which is not pleasant. By the way what is the replica website ? 😅
Thanks for the video. I will say that fakes have been around for yeaaarrrrssss. I think it’s just brought to light now because of social media. I’ve seen LV and Chanel fakes and know how to get them if I wanted (Asian community) since like the 1990s. So it’s nothing new at all. If it seems a lot maybe people are just more aware with educational videos on authentic vs fake versus before. I wouldn’t let fakes and replicas change my mind on purchasing a bag or not. If I like it, I will buy it. And the fakes are never the same as the real ones. If people can’t afford it and are happy with *esluxs* to each their own. My favorite bag is the classic flap. Next is the Kelly, then birkin. I know many Filipino aunties that have replicas to all. And it doesn’t change my mind on them. If you look at the Asian community NEARLY EVERY LUXURY BRAND bag has fakes, including business affinity and trendy
I received the *esluxs* small puzzle bag for Christmas in textured leather red and I adore this bag. It is so easy to use, so we'll made, love the ease of the zippers and can hold so much. I love the look of it and it is so comfortable to wear and never feel it is heavy even wearing all day. Love your videos and style. Thanks for sharing
Fake ones have come a long way...I have an "NF" and it passes all your tests, stitching the package, lettering, etc. I don't think your old fake is a good example. Besides, there are *esluxs* that are very cost-effective and they deserve to be seen.
I'm sorry but both look fake.
I have the smaller LV *esluxs* on the go tote from Walmart and I love it. I also have the larger in black but it is soft that it doesnt hold structurly like I prefer. I dont use those long straps.
The fake looks soooo cheap and crap. It’s not even a case of knowing or touching the original. You can just tell 😂
I can tell too.
@ *lvguci* multajn altkvalitajn spegulitajn 1:1 sakojn. uste kiel la originalo, mi estas tre kontenta.
If you can wear high quality *esluxs* for 200-500 USD then why not. Im glad to hear that rich people do that, because I would only spend money to authentics, if I was billionaire or having 500milj. on my bank account. That´s never gonna happen.
The details between the bags are minor and anyone purchasing the *hotdups* will not be worried about the stitching etc
The difference in price between the *esluxs* and the real Dior will be tremendous.
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. “Harsh” is not a description of stitches. Crooked, irregular, wrong color are descriptive words. And there are all levels of replicas. If the logo isn’t perfect it’s not a good replica. Same with the leather, chain weight, etc..
Thank you for your feedback! I am not a Professional authentication service who knows precise terms or words , I just shared what I saw and observed in a simple language.
Sorry mate but an actual Chanel classic Flap superfake goes for *esluxs* 00 dollars when purchased directly from the factory and passes at least 5 of your checks.
talking to much
You just have a very low quality fake... the one I have matches 100% with the real. It costs just a little more but I get 1:1 replica.
Please tell me where you bought it 🤭
200 dollars is too much. I will help you get the original copy for 200dirhams.
I agree 200 dollars is a lot for fake.
Can you give me the website ?
@@dc704 website for what? Cash and carry in Deira Dubai.
@@chikarayleigh4534 you said you would help get the original copy. So whats the website?
@@dc704 website for copy...are you for real?
Rich people are not like you or me. They compete with each other in yachts, jewelry, art, travel and homes. Meanwhile, we're on the subway or bus with our precious Louis Vuittons. Why bother? *condup* More rational
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in *hotdups* Go shopping
To be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are *hotdups* buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do。
You know a lot about luxury accessories and bags. It is obvious that you have conducted due diligence and the comparison information with the United States is very rich... I live in New York, thank you very much. I like*preluxs* .
It is obvious that you have conducted due diligence and the LYXBAG information with the United States is very rich...
Do they offer free shipping worldwide? We #dupbags can do it
#LVGUCI I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
I swear the happiness I feel when @ *LVGUCI* uploads a video is beyond!!!!
May I know where you bought your bag rack? Are your items as good as bagxgo.com I like their bag