Vairocana (Shingon chant)
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
- Really I believe this chant is actually the Myoho Renge Kyo and perhaps from the Nichiren sect, but I decided to set it to Shingon/Mikkyo/Esosteric Buddhist imagery. Best viewed full-screen and in 1080p.
Note: This is a fan made video and the art and music in this video are not related in any way to myself. Please support the artists by purchasing their original works.
Ni-ji-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, soku-ju-za-ki, hen-dan-u-ken, gas-sho-ko-butsu, ni-sa-ze-gon, se-son, Kan-ze-on-bo-sa, i-ga-in-nen, myo-kan-ze-on, butsu-go-mu-jin-ni-bo-satsu, zen-nan-shi, nyaku-u-muryo-hyaku-sen-man-noku-shu-jo, ju-sho-ku-no, mon-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, isshin-sho-myo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, soku-ji-kan-go-on-jo, kai-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-u-ji-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, setsu-nyu-dai-ka, ka-fu-no-sho, yu-ze-bo-sa, i-jin-riki-ko, nyaku-i-dai-sui-sho-hyo, sho-go-myo-go, soku-toku-sen-sho, nyaku-u-hyaku-sen-man-noku-shu-jo, i-gu-kon-gon-ru-ri, sha-ko-me-no, san-go ko-haku, shin-ju-to-ho, nyu-o-dai-kai, ke-shi-koku-fu, sui-go-sen-bo, hyo-da-ra-setsu-ki-koku, go-chu-nyaku-u, nai-shi-ichi-nin, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, ze-sho-nin-to, kai-toku-ge-datsu, ra-setsu-shi-nan, i-ze-in-nen, myo-kan-ze-on, nyaku-bu-u-nin, rin-to-hi-gai, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, hi-sho-shu-to-jo, jin-dan-dan-e, ni-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-san-zen-dai-sen-koku-do, man-chu-ya-sha-ra-setsu, yoku-rai-no-nin, mon-go-sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, ze-sho-akuki, sho-fu-no-i-aku-gen-ji-shi, kyo-bu-ka-gai, setsu-bu-u-nin, nyaku-u-zai, nyaku-mu-zai, chu-kai-ka-sa-ken-ge-go-shin, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, kai-shitsu-dan-e, soku-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-san-zen-dai-sen-koku-do, man-chu-on-zoku, u-ichi-sho-shu, sho-sho-sho-nin, sai-ji-ju-ho, kyo-ka-ken-ro, go-chu-ichi-nin, sa-ze-sho-gon, sho-zen-nan-shi, mo-ttoku-ku-fu, nyo-to-o-to, isshin-sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, ze-bo-sa, no-i-mu-i, se-o-shu-jo, nyo-to-nyaku-sho-myo-sha, o-shi-on-zoku, to-toku-ge-datsu, shu-sho-nin-mon, gu-hotsu-sho-gon, na-mu-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, sho-go-myo-ko, soku-toku-ge-datsu, mu-jin-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa-ma-ka-sa, i-jin-shi-riki, gi-gi-nyo-ze, nyaku-u-shu-jo, ta-o-in-yoku, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-yoku, ny-aku-ta-shin-ni, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-shin, ny-aku-ta-gu-chi, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-chi, mu-ji-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-to, dai-i-jin-riki, ta-sho-nyo-yaku, ze-ko-shu-jo, jo-o-shin-nen, nyaku-unyo-nin, setsu-yoku-gu-nan, rai-hai-ku-yo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-sho-fuku-toku, chi-e-shi-nan, setsu-yoku-gu-nyo, ben-sho-tan-sho-u-so-shi-nyo, shuku-jiki-toku-hon, shu-nin-ai-kyo, mu-jin-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-riki, nyaku-u-shu-jo, ku-gyo-rai-hai, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, fuku-fu-to-en, ze-ko-shu-jo, kai-o-ju-ji, kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, mu-jin-ni, nyaku-u-nin-ju-ji, roku-ju-ni-oku, go-ga-sha-bo-sa-myo-ji, bu-jin-gyo-ku-yo-on-jiki, e-buku-ga-gu, i-yaku, o-nyo-i-un-ga, ze-zen-nan-shi, zen-nyo-nin, ku-doku-ta-fu, mu-jin-ni-gon, jin-ta-se-son, butsu-gon, nyaku-bu-u-nin, ju-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, nai-shi-ichi-ji, rai-hai-ku-yo, ze-ni-nin-fuku, sho-to-mu-i, o-hyaku-sen-man-noku-go, fu-ka-gu-jin, mu-jin-ni, ju-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-satsu-myo-go, toku-nyo-ze-mu-ryo-mu-hen, fuku-toku-shi-ri, mu-jin-ni-bo-satsu, byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, un-ga-yu-shi-sha-ba-se-kai, un-ga-ni-i-shu-jo-seppo, ho-ben-shi-riki, go-ji-un-ga, butsu-go-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, zen-nan-shi, nyaku-u-koku-do-shu-jo, o-i-butsu-shin-toku-do-sha, kan-ze-on-bo-satsu, soku-gen-butsu-shin-ni-i-seppo, o-i-byaku-shi-butsu-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-byaku-shi-butsu-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sho-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-sho-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bon-no-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bon-no-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-tai-shaku-shin, toku-do-sha, soko-gen-tai-shaku-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ji-zai-ten-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ji-zai-ten-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-dai-ji-zai-ten-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-dai-ji-zai-ten-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ten-dai-shogun-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ten-dai-shogun-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bi-sha-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bi-sha-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sho-o-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-sho-o-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-cho-ja-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-cho-ja-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ko-ji-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ko-ji-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sai-kan-shin, toku-do-sha-soku-gen-sai-kan-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ba-ra-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ba-ra-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bi-ku-bi-ku-ni, u-ba-soku, u-ba-i-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bi-ku, bi-ku-ni, u-ba-soku-u-ba-i-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-cho-ja, ko-ji, sai-kan, ba-ra-mon, bu-nyo-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bu-nyo-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-do-nan, do-nyo-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-do-nan, do-nyo-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ten-ryu, ya-sha, ken-datsu-ba, a-shu-ra, ka-ru-ra, kin-na-ra, ma-go-ra-ka, nin-pi-nin-to-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-kai-gen-shi-ni-i-seppo, o-i-shu-kon-go-jin-toku-do-sha, soku-gen-shu-kon-go-jin-ni-i-seppo, mu-jin-ni-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, jo-ju-nyo-ze-ku-doku, i-shu-ju-gyo, yu-sho-koku-do, do-datsu-shu-jo, ze-ko-nyo-to, o-to-isshin-ku-yo-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-ma-ka-sa, o-fu-i-kyu-nan-shi-chu, no-se-mu-i, ze-ko-shi-sha-ba-se-kai, kai-go-shi-i-se-mu-i-sha, mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, ga-kon-to-ku-yo-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, soku-ge-kyo-shu-ho-ju-yo-raku, ge-jiki-hyaku-sen-ryo-gon, ni-i-yo-shi-sa-ze-gon, nin-ja, ju-shi-hosse-chin-bo-yo-raku, ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, fu-ko-ju-shi, mu-jin-ni, bu-byaku-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-gon, nin-ja, min-ga-to-ko, ju-shi-yo-raku, ni-ji, butsu-go-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-to-min-shi-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, gyushi-shu-ten-ryu, ya-sha, ken-datsu-ba, a-shu-ra, ka-ru-ra, kin-na-ra, ma-go-ra-ka, nin-pi-nin-to-ko, ju-ze-yo-raku, soku-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, min-sho-shi-shu, gyu-o-ten-ryu, nin-pi-nin-to, ju-go-yo-raku, bun-sa-ni-bun, ichi-bun-bu-sha-ka-mu-ni-butsu, ichi-bun-bu-ta-ho-butsu-to, mu-jin-ni-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-ji-zai-jin-riki, yu-o-sha-ba-se-kai, ni-ji-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, i-ge-mon-watsu.
Se-son-myo-so-gu, ga-kon-ju-mon-pi, butsu-shi-ga-in-nen, myo-i-kan-ze-on, gu-soku-myo-so-son, ge-to-mu-jin-ni, nyo-cho-kan-non-gyo, zen-no-sho-ho-sho, gu-zei-jin-nyo-kai, ryaku-ko-fu-shi-gi, ji-ta-sen-noku-butsu, hotsu-dai-sho-jo-gan, ga-i-nyo-ryaku-setsu, mon-myo-gyu-ken-shin, shin-nen-fu-ku-ka, no-metsu-sho-u-ku, ke-shi-ko-gai-i, sui-raku-dai-ka-kyo, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ka-kyo-hen-jo-chi, waku-hyo-ru-go-kai, ryu-gyo-sho-ki-nan, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ha-ro-fu-no-motsu, waku-zai-shu-mi-bu, i-nin-sho-sui-da, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, nyo-nichi-ko-ku-ju, waku-hi-aku-nin-chiku, da-raku-kon-go-sen, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, fu-no-son-ichi-mo, waku-chi-on-zoku-nyo, kaku-shu-to-ka-gai, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, gen-soku-ki-ji-shin, waku-so-o-nan-ku, rin-gyo-yoku-ju-jyu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, to-jin-dan-dan-e, waku-shu-kin-ka-sa, shu-soku-hi-chu-kai, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shaku-nen-toku-ge-datsu, shu-so-sho-doku-yaku, sho-yoku-gai-shin-ja, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, gen-jaku-o-hon-nin, waku-gu-aku-ra-setsu, doku-ryu-sho-ki-to, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ji-shitsu-pu-kan-gai, nyaku-aku-ju-i-nyo, ri-ge-so-ka-fu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shitsu-so-mu-hen-bo,gan-ja-gyu-fuku-katsu, ke-doku-en-ka-nen, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, jin-sho-ji-e-ko, un-rai-ku-sei-den, go-baku-ju-dai-u, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, o-ji-toku-sho-san, shu-jo-hi-kon-nyaku, mu-ryo-ku-hitsu-shin, kan-non-myo-chi-riki, no-gu-se-ken-ku, gu-soku-jin-zu-riki, ko-shu-chi-ho-ben, jip-po-sho-koku-do, mu-setsu-fu-gen-shin, shu-ju-sho-aku-shu, ji-goku-ki-chiku-sho, sho-ro-byo-shi-ku, i-zen-shitsu-ryo-metsu, shin-kan-sho-jo-kan, ko-dai-chi-e-kan, hi-kan-gyu-ji-kan, jo-gan-jo-sen-go, mu-ku-sho-jo-ko, e-nichi-ha-sho-an, no-buku-sai-fu-ka, fu-myo-sho-se-ken, hi-tai-kai-rai-shin, ji-i-myo-dai-un, ju-kan-ro-ho-u, metsu-jo-bon-no-en, jo-sho-kyo-kan-jo, fu-i-gun-jin-chu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shu-on-shitsu-tai-san, myo-on-kan-ze-on, bon-non-kai-cho-on, sho-hi-se-ken-on, ze-ko-shu-jo-nen, nen-nen-motsu-sho-gi, kan-ze-on-jo-sho, o-ku-no-shi-yaku, no-i-sa-e-ko, gu-itsu-sai-ku-doku, ji-gen-ji-shu-jo, fuku-ju-kai-mu-ryo, ze-ko-o-cho-rai, ni-ji, ji-ji-bo-sa, soku-jyu-za-ki, zen-byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, nyaku-u-shu-jo, mon-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-bon, ji-zai-shi-go, fu-mon-ji-gen, jin-tsu-riki-sha, to-chi-ze-nin, ku-doku-fu-sho, butsu-setsu-ze-fu-mon-bon-ji, shu-chu-hachi man-shi-sen-shu-jyo, kai-hotsu-mu-to-do, a-noku-ta-ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai-shin.
This is like ordering food at McDonalds with a bunch of fat kids after a soccer game.
@@davidskeels9820 hahahahahahahah
No disrespect to Buddhism. It is a beautiful n powerful chant.but i live in seattle and everyone and their little bundles of joy come way before you. So the chant takes some time but so does sitting behind a soccer parent in line at a McDonalds. Which makes me think.... Why am I eating at McDonalds in the first place. Dont move here people cuz it sucks. Guess I really do need this chant.
Wow ! Thank you so much dude !
Kannon is indeed a powerful bodhisatva that instantly help suffering souls. Chant his name, concentrate, and ask for your suffering to be clear away. The Bodhisatva has helped me and many others. His power is great because he is the embodiment of compassion. Where there is compassion, there is Kannon. Where there is Kannon, there is compassion. If there is any universally taught lesson or value in world religions, it is compassion. Anyone can practice compassion, because it is what help make the world a livable place.
Thanks ❤
Thanks you universe namo budhay 🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
This is the chapter 25 of the lotus sutra reciting. This about Kannon Bosatsu. (also known as Kanzeon Bosatsu)
It is also practised in Shingon .
In Nichiren the most recited chapters are chapter 2 and chapter 16. the Hoben-Pon and the Jigage >
There is a difference. :)
Maybe the Nichiren Shu recites it ... The SGI only recite 2 + 16
Nichiren Daishonin i chant charter 25 as part of Shingon. And you are right most Nichiren schools do 2+16 only.
It's a wonderful Chant. I would like to find "Avalokiteshvara Gate" in this form of japanese, I cant't find it. (ND, changed the Konto)
Are you a monk?
Timothy Price not a monk. Shingon Buddhist. maybe I will be a priest sometime.
Gate Gate Para Gate Parasam Gate Bodhi Swaha ! May all beings be happy and Long may the Holy Dharma flourish ! Thank you for this wonderful video of beautiful Dharma chants. It is a great joy and blessing to hear the wonderful voices that give great peace and joy. Om Buddhaya Namah !
𑀦𑀫𑁄 𑀢𑀢𑁆𑀲 𑀪𑀕𑀯𑀢𑁄 𑀅𑀭𑀳𑀢𑁄 𑀲𑀫𑁆𑀫𑀸𑀲𑀫 𑀩𑀼𑀥𑀲
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
Listening to this while working out is quite effective
I do the same thing, but my workout are tibetan style prostrations!
Lol 😆
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥yes it is. I grinded out 4 sets of walking lunges to this
So you're getting to Enlightenment quicker , faster, stronger. 😂. Amitabha 📿
The 25th (or 24th, depending on the text) chapter of the *Lotus Sutra* is dedicated to the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, known for his immense compassion and miraculous powers. The chapter describes how those who call upon Avalokiteśvara in times of distress, whether facing natural disasters, dangers, or personal suffering, will be delivered from their perils. The bodhisattva is depicted as being able to manifest in various forms to teach the Dharma and save beings across different realms. His power is so vast that merely hearing his name or paying homage to him can yield great merit and protection. The chapter emphasizes Avalokiteśvara’s role as a savior and protector, who embodies the boundless compassion and skillful means required to liberate all beings from suffering. The chapter concludes with a declaration that those who hear of Avalokiteśvara's miraculous powers and this chapter itself will not have inferior roots of merit.
Sublime imagery juxtaposed with divine chanting. One cannot not ask for anything more from the material world.
This is the only thing this material world is good for🙏🏽🙌🏽
The chants envigorated me, powerful japanese chant
Its interesting to tell people that I am a 3rd generation Buddhist. I grew up chanting with my mom. I remember never being able to chant this part becuase it was so hard haha.
What are some of the easier chants to do?
@@AFanOfCinema if you know who is your guardian Buddha you can chant his specific mantra. it is your personal mantra
@@gula_rata And how would I find that out?
@@AFanOfCinema What year are you born?
@@20edanolancejoerillao87 1995. June
This is a very suitable meditation chant for the drumming along with chanting.👍
I love these Buddhism images. Ann’s the mantra song too. Thank you the artists and the team.
I’m really grateful to dear uploading this powerful mantra
Great mantra powerfully while I’m chanting I’ve got powerful from this mantras
In my body same like have electric running full of my body
My best wishes to everyone also will get powerfully from this mantras Om. Namo bhagavatī sarvathā gatīVarsuddhanī rajaya, Tathagata ya Arhatīsam yak sam buddhaya. Tadyatha Omsodhanī sodhanī Sarva-pa Om, vishodanīsuddhe visuddhe Sarwa karma avaranaVisudhanī Ya sodhr.
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
Ni-ji-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, soku-ju-za-ki, hen-dan-u-ken, gassho-ko-butsu, ni-sa-ze-gon, se-son, Kan-ze-on-bo-sa, i-ga-in-nen, myo-kan-ze-on, butsu-go-mu-jin-ni-bo-satsu, zen-nan-shi, nyaku-u-muryo-hyaku-sen-man-noku-shu-jo, ju-sho-ku-no, mon-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, isshin-sho-myo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, soku-ji-kan-go-on-jo, kai-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-u-ji-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, setsu-nyu-dai-ka, ka-fu-no-sho, yu-ze-bo-sa, i-jin-riki-ko, nyaku-i-dai-sui-sho-hyo, sho-go-myo-go, soku-toku-sen-sho, nyaku-u-hyaku-sen-man-noku-shu-jo, i-gu-kon-gon-ru-ri, sha-ko-me-no, san-go ko-haku, shin-ju-to-ho, nyu-o-dai-kai, ke-shi-koku-fu, sui-go-sen-bo, hyo-da-ra-setsu-ki-koku, go-chu-nyaku-u, nai-shi-ichi-nin, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, ze-sho-nin-to, kai-toku-ge-datsu, ra-setsu-shi-nan, i-ze-in-nen, myo-kan-ze-on, nyaku-bu-u-nin, rin-to-hi-gai, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, hi-sho-shu-to-jo, jin-dan-dan-e, ni-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-san-zen-dai-sen-koku-do, man-chu-ya-sha-ra-setsu, yoku-rai-no-nin, mon-go-sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, ze-sho-akuki, sho-fu-no-i-aku-gen-ji-shi, kyo-bu-ka-gai, setsu-bu-u-nin, nyaku-u-zai, nyaku-mu-zai, chu-kai-ka-sa-ken-ge-go-shin, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, kai-shitsu-dan-e, soku-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-san-zen-dai-sen-koku-do, man-chu-on-zoku, u-ichi-sho-shu, sho-sho-sho-nin, sai-ji-ju-ho, kyo-ka-ken-ro, go-chu-ichi-nin, sa-ze-sho-gon, sho-zen-nan-shi, mottoku-ku-fu, nyo-to-o-to, isshin-sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, ze-bo-sa, no-i-mu-i, se-o-shu-jo, nyo-to-nyaku-sho-myo-sha, o-shi-on-zoku, to-toku-ge-datsu, shu-sho-nin-mon, gu-hotsu-sho-gon, na-mu-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, sho-go-myo-ko, soku-toku-ge-datsu, mu-jin-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa-ma-ka-sa, i-jin-shi-riki, gi-gi-nyo-ze, nyaku-u-shu-jo, ta-o-in-yoku, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-yoku, nyaku-ta-shin-ni, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-shin, nyaku-ta-gu-chi, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-chi, mu-ji-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-to, dai-i-jin-riki, ta-sho-nyo-yaku, ze-ko-shu-jo, jo-o-shin-nen, nyaku-unyo-nin, setsu-yoku-gu-nan, rai-hai-ku-yo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-sho-fuku-toku, chi-e-shi-nan, setsu-yoku-gu-nyo, ben-sho-tan-sho-u-so-shi-nyo, shuku-jiki-toku-hon, shu-nin-ai-kyo, mu-jin-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-riki, nyaku-u-shu-jo, ku-gyo-rai-hai, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, fuku-fu-to-en, ze-ko-shu-jo, kai-o-ju-ji, kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, mu-jin-ni, nyaku-u-nin-ju-ji, roku-ju-ni-oku, go-ga-sha-bo-sa-myo-ji, bu-jin-gyo-ku-yo-on-jiki, e-buku-ga-gu, i-yaku, o-nyo-i-un-ga, ze-zen-nan-shi, zen-nyo-nin, ku-doku-ta-fu, mu-jin-ni-gon, jin-ta-se-son, butsu-gon, nyaku-bu-u-nin, ju-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, nai-shi-ichi-ji, rai-hai-ku-yo, ze-ni-nin-fuku, sho-to-mu-i, o-hyaku-sen-man-noku-go, fu-ka-gu-jin, mu-jin-ni, ju-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-satsu-myo-go, toku-nyo-ze-mu-ryo-mu-hen, fuku-toku-shi-ri, mu-jin-ni-bo-satsu, byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, un-ga-yu-shi-sha-ba-se-kai, un-ga-ni-i-shu-jo-seppo, ho-ben-shi-riki, go-ji-un-ga, butsu-go-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, zen-nan-shi, nyaku-u-koku-do-shu-jo, o-i-butsu-shin-toku-do-sha, kan-ze-on-bo-satsu, soku-gen-butsu-shin-ni-i-seppo, o-i-byaku-shi-butsu-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-byaku-shi-butsu-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sho-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-sho-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bon-no-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bon-no-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-tai-shaku-shin, toku-do-sha, soko-gen-tai-shaku-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ji-zai-ten-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ji-zai-ten-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-dai-ji-zai-ten-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-dai-ji-zai-ten-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ten-dai-shogun-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ten-dai-shogun-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bi-sha-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bi-sha-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sho-o-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-sho-o-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-cho-ja-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-cho-ja-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ko-ji-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ko-ji-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sai-kan-shin, toku-do-sha-soku-gen-sai-kan-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ba-ra-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ba-ra-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bi-ku-bi-ku-ni, u-ba-soku, u-ba-i-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bi-ku, bi-ku-ni, u-ba-soku-u-ba-i-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-cho-ja, ko-ji, sai-kan, ba-ra-mon, bu-nyo-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bu-nyo-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-do-nan, do-nyo-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-do-nan, do-nyo-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ten-ryu, ya-sha, ken-datsu-ba, a-shu-ra, ka-ru-ra, kin-na-ra, ma-go-ra-ka, nin-pi-nin-to-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-kai-gen-shi-ni-i-seppo, o-i-shu-kon-go-jin-toku-do-sha, soku-gen-shu-kon-go-jin-ni-i-seppo, mu-jin-ni-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, jo-ju-nyo-ze-ku-doku, i-shu-ju-gyo, yu-sho-koku-do, do-datsu-shu-jo, ze-ko-nyo-to, o-to-isshin-ku-yo-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-ma-ka-sa, o-fu-i-kyu-nan-shi-chu, no-se-mu-i, ze-ko-shi-sha-ba-se-kai, kai-go-shi-i-se-mu-i-sha, mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, ga-kon-to-ku-yo-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, soku-ge-kyo-shu-ho-ju-yo-raku, ge-jiki-hyaku-sen-ryo-gon, ni-i-yo-shi-sa-ze-gon, nin-ja, ju-shi-hosse-chin-bo-yo-raku, ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, fu-ko-ju-shi, mu-jin-ni, bu-byaku-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-gon, nin-ja, min-ga-to-ko, ju-shi-yo-raku, ni-ji, butsu-go-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-to-min-shi-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, gyushi-shu-ten-ryu, ya-sha, ken-datsu-ba, a-shu-ra, ka-ru-ra, kin-na-ra, ma-go-ra-ka, nin-pi-nin-to-ko, ju-ze-yo-raku, soku-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, min-sho-shi-shu, gyu-o-ten-ryu, nin-pi-nin-to, ju-go-yo-raku, bun-sa-ni-bun, ichi-bun-bu-sha-ka-mu-ni-butsu, ichi-bun-bu-ta-ho-butsu-to, mu-jin-ni-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-ji-zai-jin-riki, yu-o-sha-ba-se-kai, ni-ji-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, i-ge-mon-watsu.
Se-son-myo-so-gu, ga-kon-ju-mon-pi, butsu-shi-ga-in-nen, myo-i-kan-ze-on, gu-soku-myo-so-son, ge-to-mu-jin-ni, nyo-cho-kan-non-gyo, zen-no-sho-ho-sho, gu-zei-jin-nyo-kai, ryaku-ko-fu-shi-gi, ji-ta-sen-noku-butsu, hotsu-dai-sho-jo-gan, ga-i-nyo-ryaku-setsu, mon-myo-gyu-ken-shin, shin-nen-fu-ku-ka, no-metsu-sho-u-ku, ke-shi-ko-gai-i, sui-raku-dai-ka-kyo, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ka-kyo-hen-jo-chi, waku-hyo-ru-go-kai, ryu-gyo-sho-ki-nan, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ha-ro-fu-no-motsu, waku-zai-shu-mi-bu, i-nin-sho-sui-da, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, nyo-nichi-ko-ku-ju, waku-hi-aku-nin-chiku, da-raku-kon-go-sen, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, fu-no-son-ichi-mo, waku-chi-on-zoku-nyo, kaku-shu-to-ka-gai, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, gen-soku-ki-ji-shin, waku-so-o-nan-ku, rin-gyo-yoku-ju-jyu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, to-jin-dan-dan-e, waku-shu-kin-ka-sa, shu-soku-hi-chu-kai, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shaku-nen-toku-ge-datsu, shu-so-sho-doku-yaku, sho-yoku-gai-shin-ja, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, gen-jaku-o-hon-nin, waku-gu-aku-ra-setsu, doku-ryu-sho-ki-to, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ji-shitsu-pu-kan-gai, nyaku-aku-ju-i-nyo, ri-ge-so-ka-fu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shitsu-so-mu-hen-bo,gan-ja-gyu-fuku-katsu, ke-doku-en-ka-nen, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, jin-sho-ji-e-ko, un-rai-ku-sei-den, go-baku-ju-dai-u, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, o-ji-toku-sho-san, shu-jo-hi-kon-nyaku, mu-ryo-ku-hitsu-shin, kan-non-myo-chi-riki, no-gu-se-ken-ku, gu-soku-jin-zu-riki, ko-shu-chi-ho-ben, jip-po-sho-koku-do, mu-setsu-fu-gen-shin, shu-ju-sho-aku-shu, ji-goku-ki-chiku-sho, sho-ro-byo-shi-ku, i-zen-shitsu-ryo-metsu, shin-kan-sho-jo-kan, ko-dai-chi-e-kan, hi-kan-gyu-ji-kan, jo-gan-jo-sen-go, mu-ku-sho-jo-ko, e-nichi-ha-sho-an, no-buku-sai-fu-ka, fu-myo-sho-se-ken, hi-tai-kai-rai-shin, ji-i-myo-dai-un, ju-kan-ro-ho-u, metsu-jo-bon-no-en, jo-sho-kyo-kan-jo, fu-i-gun-jin-chu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shu-on-shitsu-tai-san, myo-on-kan-ze-on, bon-non-kai-cho-on, sho-hi-se-ken-on, ze-ko-shu-jo-nen, nen-nen-motsu-sho-gi, kan-ze-on-jo-sho, o-ku-no-shi-yaku, no-i-sa-e-ko, gu-itsu-sai-ku-doku, ji-gen-ji-shu-jo, fuku-ju-kai-mu-ryo, ze-ko-o-cho-rai, ni-ji, ji-ji-bo-sa, soku-jyu-za-ki, zen-byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, nyaku-u-shu-jo, mon-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-bon, ji-zai-shi-go, fu-mon-ji-gen, jin-tsu-riki-sha, to-chi-ze-nin, ku-doku-fu-sho, butsu-setsu-ze-fu-mon-bon-ji, shu-chu-hachi man-shi-sen-shu-jyo, kai-hotsu-mu-to-do, a-noku-ta-ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai-shin.
Half of the people watching this are religious, half of the people saw the movie Akira, and I just think this is a bop
You forget the people that watched Akira and then became Buddhists
@@gudmundursteinn lmaoo me
Or Fire force
I'm also interested in this.
@@AbrahamLincoln4 off course you are - why wouldn't you be?
it's the kannon kyo, chap 25 of the lotus sutra, which is repeated daily in shingon shu and also zen shu.
Namo dai hi kanzeon bosatsu !
Thierry Mollandin do you have the lyrics of this please?
I used to chant it ion zen Buddhist temple week are week after week for many years
Ni-ji-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, soku-ju-za-ki, hen-dan-u-ken, gassho-ko-butsu, ni-sa-ze-gon, se-son, Kan-ze-on-bo-sa, i-ga-in-nen, myo-kan-ze-on, butsu-go-mu-jin-ni-bo-satsu, zen-nan-shi, nyaku-u-muryo-hyaku-sen-man-noku-shu-jo, ju-sho-ku-no, mon-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, isshin-sho-myo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, soku-ji-kan-go-on-jo, kai-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-u-ji-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, setsu-nyu-dai-ka, ka-fu-no-sho, yu-ze-bo-sa, i-jin-riki-ko, nyaku-i-dai-sui-sho-hyo, sho-go-myo-go, soku-toku-sen-sho, nyaku-u-hyaku-sen-man-noku-shu-jo, i-gu-kon-gon-ru-ri, sha-ko-me-no, san-go ko-haku, shin-ju-to-ho, nyu-o-dai-kai, ke-shi-koku-fu, sui-go-sen-bo, hyo-da-ra-setsu-ki-koku, go-chu-nyaku-u, nai-shi-ichi-nin, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, ze-sho-nin-to, kai-toku-ge-datsu, ra-setsu-shi-nan, i-ze-in-nen, myo-kan-ze-on, nyaku-bu-u-nin, rin-to-hi-gai, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, hi-sho-shu-to-jo, jin-dan-dan-e, ni-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-san-zen-dai-sen-koku-do, man-chu-ya-sha-ra-setsu, yoku-rai-no-nin, mon-go-sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, ze-sho-akuki, sho-fu-no-i-aku-gen-ji-shi, kyo-bu-ka-gai, setsu-bu-u-nin, nyaku-u-zai, nyaku-mu-zai, chu-kai-ka-sa-ken-ge-go-shin, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, kai-shitsu-dan-e, soku-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-san-zen-dai-sen-koku-do, man-chu-on-zoku, u-ichi-sho-shu, sho-sho-sho-nin, sai-ji-ju-ho, kyo-ka-ken-ro, go-chu-ichi-nin, sa-ze-sho-gon, sho-zen-nan-shi, mottoku-ku-fu, nyo-to-o-to, isshin-sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, ze-bo-sa, no-i-mu-i, se-o-shu-jo, nyo-to-nyaku-sho-myo-sha, o-shi-on-zoku, to-toku-ge-datsu, shu-sho-nin-mon, gu-hotsu-sho-gon, na-mu-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, sho-go-myo-ko, soku-toku-ge-datsu, mu-jin-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa-ma-ka-sa, i-jin-shi-riki, gi-gi-nyo-ze, nyaku-u-shu-jo, ta-o-in-yoku, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-yoku, nyaku-ta-shin-ni, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-shin, nyaku-ta-gu-chi, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-chi, mu-ji-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-to, dai-i-jin-riki, ta-sho-nyo-yaku, ze-ko-shu-jo, jo-o-shin-nen, nyaku-unyo-nin, setsu-yoku-gu-nan, rai-hai-ku-yo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-sho-fuku-toku, chi-e-shi-nan, setsu-yoku-gu-nyo, ben-sho-tan-sho-u-so-shi-nyo, shuku-jiki-toku-hon, shu-nin-ai-kyo, mu-jin-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-riki, nyaku-u-shu-jo, ku-gyo-rai-hai, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, fuku-fu-to-en, ze-ko-shu-jo, kai-o-ju-ji, kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, mu-jin-ni, nyaku-u-nin-ju-ji, roku-ju-ni-oku, go-ga-sha-bo-sa-myo-ji, bu-jin-gyo-ku-yo-on-jiki, e-buku-ga-gu, i-yaku, o-nyo-i-un-ga, ze-zen-nan-shi, zen-nyo-nin, ku-doku-ta-fu, mu-jin-ni-gon, jin-ta-se-son, butsu-gon, nyaku-bu-u-nin, ju-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, nai-shi-ichi-ji, rai-hai-ku-yo, ze-ni-nin-fuku, sho-to-mu-i, o-hyaku-sen-man-noku-go, fu-ka-gu-jin, mu-jin-ni, ju-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-satsu-myo-go, toku-nyo-ze-mu-ryo-mu-hen, fuku-toku-shi-ri, mu-jin-ni-bo-satsu, byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, un-ga-yu-shi-sha-ba-se-kai, un-ga-ni-i-shu-jo-seppo, ho-ben-shi-riki, go-ji-un-ga, butsu-go-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, zen-nan-shi, nyaku-u-koku-do-shu-jo, o-i-butsu-shin-toku-do-sha, kan-ze-on-bo-satsu, soku-gen-butsu-shin-ni-i-seppo, o-i-byaku-shi-butsu-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-byaku-shi-butsu-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sho-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-sho-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bon-no-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bon-no-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-tai-shaku-shin, toku-do-sha, soko-gen-tai-shaku-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ji-zai-ten-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ji-zai-ten-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-dai-ji-zai-ten-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-dai-ji-zai-ten-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ten-dai-shogun-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ten-dai-shogun-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bi-sha-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bi-sha-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sho-o-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-sho-o-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-cho-ja-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-cho-ja-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ko-ji-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ko-ji-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sai-kan-shin, toku-do-sha-soku-gen-sai-kan-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ba-ra-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ba-ra-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bi-ku-bi-ku-ni, u-ba-soku, u-ba-i-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bi-ku, bi-ku-ni, u-ba-soku-u-ba-i-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-cho-ja, ko-ji, sai-kan, ba-ra-mon, bu-nyo-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bu-nyo-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-do-nan, do-nyo-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-do-nan, do-nyo-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ten-ryu, ya-sha, ken-datsu-ba, a-shu-ra, ka-ru-ra, kin-na-ra, ma-go-ra-ka, nin-pi-nin-to-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-kai-gen-shi-ni-i-seppo, o-i-shu-kon-go-jin-toku-do-sha, soku-gen-shu-kon-go-jin-ni-i-seppo, mu-jin-ni-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, jo-ju-nyo-ze-ku-doku, i-shu-ju-gyo, yu-sho-koku-do, do-datsu-shu-jo, ze-ko-nyo-to, o-to-isshin-ku-yo-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-ma-ka-sa, o-fu-i-kyu-nan-shi-chu, no-se-mu-i, ze-ko-shi-sha-ba-se-kai, kai-go-shi-i-se-mu-i-sha, mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, ga-kon-to-ku-yo-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, soku-ge-kyo-shu-ho-ju-yo-raku, ge-jiki-hyaku-sen-ryo-gon, ni-i-yo-shi-sa-ze-gon, nin-ja, ju-shi-hosse-chin-bo-yo-raku, ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, fu-ko-ju-shi, mu-jin-ni, bu-byaku-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-gon, nin-ja, min-ga-to-ko, ju-shi-yo-raku, ni-ji, butsu-go-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-to-min-shi-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, gyushi-shu-ten-ryu, ya-sha, ken-datsu-ba, a-shu-ra, ka-ru-ra, kin-na-ra, ma-go-ra-ka, nin-pi-nin-to-ko, ju-ze-yo-raku, soku-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, min-sho-shi-shu, gyu-o-ten-ryu, nin-pi-nin-to, ju-go-yo-raku, bun-sa-ni-bun, ichi-bun-bu-sha-ka-mu-ni-butsu, ichi-bun-bu-ta-ho-butsu-to, mu-jin-ni-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-ji-zai-jin-riki, yu-o-sha-ba-se-kai, ni-ji-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, i-ge-mon-watsu.
Se-son-myo-so-gu, ga-kon-ju-mon-pi, butsu-shi-ga-in-nen, myo-i-kan-ze-on, gu-soku-myo-so-son, ge-to-mu-jin-ni, nyo-cho-kan-non-gyo, zen-no-sho-ho-sho, gu-zei-jin-nyo-kai, ryaku-ko-fu-shi-gi, ji-ta-sen-noku-butsu, hotsu-dai-sho-jo-gan, ga-i-nyo-ryaku-setsu, mon-myo-gyu-ken-shin, shin-nen-fu-ku-ka, no-metsu-sho-u-ku, ke-shi-ko-gai-i, sui-raku-dai-ka-kyo, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ka-kyo-hen-jo-chi, waku-hyo-ru-go-kai, ryu-gyo-sho-ki-nan, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ha-ro-fu-no-motsu, waku-zai-shu-mi-bu, i-nin-sho-sui-da, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, nyo-nichi-ko-ku-ju, waku-hi-aku-nin-chiku, da-raku-kon-go-sen, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, fu-no-son-ichi-mo, waku-chi-on-zoku-nyo, kaku-shu-to-ka-gai, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, gen-soku-ki-ji-shin, waku-so-o-nan-ku, rin-gyo-yoku-ju-jyu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, to-jin-dan-dan-e, waku-shu-kin-ka-sa, shu-soku-hi-chu-kai, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shaku-nen-toku-ge-datsu, shu-so-sho-doku-yaku, sho-yoku-gai-shin-ja, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, gen-jaku-o-hon-nin, waku-gu-aku-ra-setsu, doku-ryu-sho-ki-to, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ji-shitsu-pu-kan-gai, nyaku-aku-ju-i-nyo, ri-ge-so-ka-fu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shitsu-so-mu-hen-bo,gan-ja-gyu-fuku-katsu, ke-doku-en-ka-nen, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, jin-sho-ji-e-ko, un-rai-ku-sei-den, go-baku-ju-dai-u, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, o-ji-toku-sho-san, shu-jo-hi-kon-nyaku, mu-ryo-ku-hitsu-shin, kan-non-myo-chi-riki, no-gu-se-ken-ku, gu-soku-jin-zu-riki, ko-shu-chi-ho-ben, jip-po-sho-koku-do, mu-setsu-fu-gen-shin, shu-ju-sho-aku-shu, ji-goku-ki-chiku-sho, sho-ro-byo-shi-ku, i-zen-shitsu-ryo-metsu, shin-kan-sho-jo-kan, ko-dai-chi-e-kan, hi-kan-gyu-ji-kan, jo-gan-jo-sen-go, mu-ku-sho-jo-ko, e-nichi-ha-sho-an, no-buku-sai-fu-ka, fu-myo-sho-se-ken, hi-tai-kai-rai-shin, ji-i-myo-dai-un, ju-kan-ro-ho-u, metsu-jo-bon-no-en, jo-sho-kyo-kan-jo, fu-i-gun-jin-chu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shu-on-shitsu-tai-san, myo-on-kan-ze-on, bon-non-kai-cho-on, sho-hi-se-ken-on, ze-ko-shu-jo-nen, nen-nen-motsu-sho-gi, kan-ze-on-jo-sho, o-ku-no-shi-yaku, no-i-sa-e-ko, gu-itsu-sai-ku-doku, ji-gen-ji-shu-jo, fuku-ju-kai-mu-ryo, ze-ko-o-cho-rai, ni-ji, ji-ji-bo-sa, soku-jyu-za-ki, zen-byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, nyaku-u-shu-jo, mon-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-bon, ji-zai-shi-go, fu-mon-ji-gen, jin-tsu-riki-sha, to-chi-ze-nin, ku-doku-fu-sho, butsu-setsu-ze-fu-mon-bon-ji, shu-chu-hachi man-shi-sen-shu-jyo, kai-hotsu-mu-to-do, a-noku-ta-ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai-shin.
I workout and listen to Nam Myoho Ren Ge Kyo, Vairocana, Fudô Myo Mantra and Indra Gayatri Mantra.
We are going to ride the tiger with this one 🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
we raising our tree to heaven while keeping its roots in hell with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
The Renge Kyo (Lotus Sutra) is common to most Mahayana/Vajrayana sects, like Shingon and Soto, not only to Nichiren.
I'm just passing by to enjoy the beats.
Nicker nation rise up!
@@bademantil6046 nickers watching pagan videos? colour me surprised
@@isidore551 not pagan.
@@enclaveofdoom For a chr*stian it is
@@sauvagesauvage1869 rather be a christian than a leftist.
Very meditative and soothing. Nutrition for the soul.
Beautiful artwork!
0:00 - 0:59
Ni-ji-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, soku-ju-za-ki, hen-dan-u-ken, gas-sho-ko-butsu, ni-sa-ze-gon, se-son, Kan-ze-on-bo-sa, i-ga-in-nen, myo-kan-ze-on, butsu-go-mu-jin-ni-bo-satsu, zen-nan-shi, nyaku-u-muryo-hyaku-sen-man-noku-shu-jo, ju-sho-ku-no, mon-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, isshin-sho-myo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, soku-ji-kan-go-on-jo, kai-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-u-ji-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, setsu-nyu-dai-ka,
1:00 - 2:00
ka-fu-no-sho, yu-ze-bo-sa, i-jin-riki-ko, nyaku-i-dai-sui-sho-hyo, sho-go-myo-go, soku-toku-sen-sho, nyaku-u-hyaku-sen-man-noku-shu-jo, i-gu-kon-gon-ru-ri, sha-ko-me-no, san-go ko-haku, shin-ju-to-ho, nyu-o-dai-kai, ke-shi-koku-fu, sui-go-sen-bo, hyo-da-ra-setsu-ki-koku, go-chu-nyaku-u, nai-shi-ichi-nin, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, ze-sho-nin-to, kai-toku-ge-datsu, ra-setsu-shi-nan, i-ze-in-nen, myo-kan-ze-on, nyaku-bu-u-nin, rin-to-hi-gai, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, hi-sho-shu-to-jo,
2:00 - 3:00
jin-dan-dan-e, ni-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-san-zen-dai-sen-koku-do, man-chu-ya-sha-ra-setsu, yoku-rai-no-nin, mon-go-sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, ze-sho-akuki, sho-fu-no-i-aku-gen-ji-shi, kyo-bu-ka-gai, setsu-bu-u-nin, nyaku-u-zai, nyaku-mu-zai, chu-kai-ka-sa-ken-ge-go-shin, sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-sha, kai-shitsu-dan-e, soku-toku-ge-datsu, nyaku-san-zen-dai-sen-koku-do, man-chu-on-zoku, u-ichi-sho-shu, sho-sho-sho-nin, sai-ji-ju-ho, kyo-ka-ken-ro, go-chu-ichi-nin, sa-ze-sho-gon, sho-zen-nan-shi, mo-ttoku-ku-fu,
3:00 - 4:00
nyo-to-o-to, isshin-sho-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, ze-bo-sa, no-i-mu-i, se-o-shu-jo, nyo-to-nyaku-sho-myo-sha, o-shi-on-zoku, to-toku-ge-datsu, shu-sho-nin-mon, gu-hotsu-sho-gon, na-mu-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, sho-go-myo-ko, soku-toku-ge-datsu, mu-jin-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa-ma-ka-sa, i-jin-shi-riki, gi-gi-nyo-ze, nyaku-u-shu-jo, ta-o-in-yoku, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-yoku, ny-aku-ta-shin-ni, jo-nen-ku-gyo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-shin, ny-aku-ta-gu-chi, jo-nen-ku-gyo,
4:00 - 5:00
kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-toku-ri-chi, mu-ji-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-to, dai-i-jin-riki, ta-sho-nyo-yaku, ze-ko-shu-jo, jo-o-shin-nen, nyaku-unyo-nin, setsu-yoku-gu-nan, rai-hai-ku-yo, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ben-sho-fuku-toku, chi-e-shi-nan, setsu-yoku-gu-nyo, ben-sho-tan-sho-u-so-shi-nyo, shuku-jiki-toku-hon, shu-nin-ai-kyo, mu-jin-ni, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-riki, nyaku-u-shu-jo, ku-gyo-rai-hai, kan-ze-on-bo-sa, fuku-fu-to-en, ze-ko-shu-jo, kai-o-ju-ji, kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, mu-jin-ni,
5:00 - 6:00
nyaku-u-nin-ju-ji, roku-ju-ni-oku, go-ga-sha-bo-sa-myo-ji, bu-jin-gyo-ku-yo-on-jiki, e-buku-ga-gu, i-yaku, o-nyo-i-un-ga, ze-zen-nan-shi, zen-nyo-nin, ku-doku-ta-fu, mu-jin-ni-gon, jin-ta-se-son, butsu-gon, nyaku-bu-u-nin, ju-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-myo-go, nai-shi-ichi-ji, rai-hai-ku-yo, ze-ni-nin-fuku, sho-to-mu-i, o-hyaku-sen-man-noku-go, fu-ka-gu-jin, mu-jin-ni, ju-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-satsu-myo-go, toku-nyo-ze-mu-ryo-mu-hen, fuku-toku-shi-ri, mu-jin-ni-bo-satsu, byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, kan-ze-on-bo-sa,
6:00 - 6:59
un-ga-yu-shi-sha-ba-se-kai, un-ga-ni-i-shu-jo-seppo, ho-ben-shi-riki, go-ji-un-ga, butsu-go-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, zen-nan-shi, nyaku-u-koku-do-shu-jo, o-i-butsu-shin-toku-do-sha, kan-ze-on-bo-satsu, soku-gen-butsu-shin-ni-i-seppo, o-i-byaku-shi-butsu-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-byaku-shi-butsu-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sho-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-sho-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bon-no-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bon-no-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-tai-shaku-shin, toku-do-sha, soko-gen-tai-shaku-shin, ni-i-seppo,
7:00 - 8:03
o-i-ji-zai-ten-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ji-zai-ten-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-dai-ji-zai-ten-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-dai-ji-zai-ten-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ten-dai-shogun-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ten-dai-shogun-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bi-sha-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bi-sha-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sho-o-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-sho-o-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-cho-ja-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-cho-ja-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ko-ji-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ko-ji-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-sai-kan-shin, toku-do-sha-soku-gen-sai-kan-shin, ni-i-seppo,
8:03 - 9:00
o-i-ba-ra-mon-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-ba-ra-mon-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-bi-ku-bi-ku-ni, u-ba-soku, u-ba-i-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bi-ku, bi-ku-ni, u-ba-soku-u-ba-i-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-cho-ja, ko-ji, sai-kan, ba-ra-mon, bu-nyo-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-bu-nyo-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-do-nan, do-nyo-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-gen-do-nan, do-nyo-shin, ni-i-seppo, o-i-ten-ryu, ya-sha, ken-datsu-ba, a-shu-ra, ka-ru-ra, kin-na-ra, ma-go-ra-ka, nin-pi-nin-to-shin, toku-do-sha, soku-kai-gen-shi-ni-i-seppo,
9:00 - 10:03
o-i-shu-kon-go-jin-toku-do-sha, soku-gen-shu-kon-go-jin-ni-i-seppo, mu-jin-ni-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, jo-ju-nyo-ze-ku-doku, i-shu-ju-gyo, yu-sho-koku-do, do-datsu-shu-jo, ze-ko-nyo-to, o-to-isshin-ku-yo-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-ma-ka-sa, o-fu-i-kyu-nan-shi-chu, no-se-mu-i, ze-ko-shi-sha-ba-se-kai, kai-go-shi-i-se-mu-i-sha, mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, ga-kon-to-ku-yo-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, soku-ge-kyo-shu-ho-ju-yo-raku, ge-jiki-hyaku-sen-ryo-gon, ni-i-yo-shi-sa-ze-gon, nin-ja, ju-shi-hosse-chin-bo-yo-raku,
10:03 - 11:05
ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, fu-ko-ju-shi, mu-jin-ni, bu-byaku-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-gon, nin-ja, min-ga-to-ko, ju-shi-yo-raku, ni-ji, butsu-go-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-to-min-shi-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, gyushi-shu-ten-ryu, ya-sha, ken-datsu-ba, a-shu-ra, ka-ru-ra, kin-na-ra, ma-go-ra-ka, nin-pi-nin-to-ko, ju-ze-yo-raku, soku-ji-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, min-sho-shi-shu, gyu-o-ten-ryu, nin-pi-nin-to, ju-go-yo-raku, bun-sa-ni-bun, ichi-bun-bu-sha-ka-mu-ni-butsu, ichi-bun-bu-ta-ho-butsu-to, mu-jin-ni-kan-ze-on-bo-sa, u-nyo-ze-ji-zai-jin-riki, yu-o-sha-ba-se-kai, ni-ji-mu-jin-ni-bo-sa, i-ge-mon-watsu.
11:05 - 11:59
Se-son-myo-so-gu, ga-kon-ju-mon-pi, butsu-shi-ga-in-nen, myo-i-kan-ze-on, gu-soku-myo-so-son, ge-to-mu-jin-ni, nyo-cho-kan-non-gyo, zen-no-sho-ho-sho, gu-zei-jin-nyo-kai, ryaku-ko-fu-shi-gi, ji-ta-sen-noku-butsu, hotsu-dai-sho-jo-gan, ga-i-nyo-ryaku-setsu, mon-myo-gyu-ken-shin, shin-nen-fu-ku-ka, no-metsu-sho-u-ku, ke-shi-ko-gai-i, sui-raku-dai-ka-kyo, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ka-kyo-hen-jo-chi, waku-hyo-ru-go-kai, ryu-gyo-sho-ki-nan, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ha-ro-fu-no-motsu, waku-zai-shu-mi-bu, i-nin-sho-sui-da, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, nyo-nichi-ko-ku-ju,
11:59 - 12:57
waku-hi-aku-nin-chiku, da-raku-kon-go-sen, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, fu-no-son-ichi-mo, waku-chi-on-zoku-nyo, kaku-shu-to-ka-gai, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, gen-soku-ki-ji-shin, waku-so-o-nan-ku, rin-gyo-yoku-ju-jyu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, to-jin-dan-dan-e, waku-shu-kin-ka-sa, shu-soku-hi-chu-kai, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shaku-nen-toku-ge-datsu, shu-so-sho-doku-yaku, sho-yoku-gai-shin-ja, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, gen-jaku-o-hon-nin, waku-gu-aku-ra-setsu, doku-ryu-sho-ki-to, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, ji-shitsu-pu-kan-gai, nyaku-aku-ju-i-nyo, ri-ge-so-ka-fu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shitsu-so-mu-hen-bo,gan-ja-gyu-fuku-katsu, ke-doku-en-ka-nen,
12:57 - 13:59
nen-pi-kan-non-riki, jin-sho-ji-e-ko, un-rai-ku-sei-den, go-baku-ju-dai-u, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, o-ji-toku-sho-san, shu-jo-hi-kon-nyaku, mu-ryo-ku-hitsu-shin, kan-non-myo-chi-riki, no-gu-se-ken-ku, gu-soku-jin-zu-riki, ko-shu-chi-ho-ben, jip-po-sho-koku-do, mu-setsu-fu-gen-shin, shu-ju-sho-aku-shu, ji-goku-ki-chiku-sho, sho-ro-byo-shi-ku, i-zen-shitsu-ryo-metsu, shin-kan-sho-jo-kan, ko-dai-chi-e-kan, hi-kan-gyu-ji-kan, jo-gan-jo-sen-go, mu-ku-sho-jo-ko, e-nichi-ha-sho-an, no-buku-sai-fu-ka, fu-myo-sho-se-ken, hi-tai-kai-rai-shin, ji-i-myo-dai-un, ju-kan-ro-ho-u, metsu-jo-bon-no-en, jo-sho-kyo-kan-jo, fu-i-gun-jin-chu, nen-pi-kan-non-riki, shu-on-shitsu-tai-san,
13:59- 14:56
myo-on-kan-ze-on, bon-non-kai-cho-on, sho-hi-se-ken-on, ze-ko-shu-jo-nen, nen-nen-motsu-sho-gi, kan-ze-on-jo-sho, o-ku-no-shi-yaku, no-i-sa-e-ko, gu-itsu-sai-ku-doku, ji-gen-ji-shu-jo, fuku-ju-kai-mu-ryo, ze-ko-o-cho-rai, ni-ji, ji-ji-bo-sa, soku-jyu-za-ki, zen-byaku-butsu-gon, se-son, nyaku-u-shu-jo, mon-ze-kan-ze-on-bo-sa-bon, ji-zai-shi-go, fu-mon-ji-gen, jin-tsu-riki-sha, to-chi-ze-nin, ku-doku-fu-sho, butsu-setsu-ze-fu-mon-bon-ji, shu-chu-hachi man-shi-sen-shu-jyo, kai-hotsu-mu-to-do, a-noku-ta-ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai-shin.
this was excellent!!!!! thank you
prayer praying prayer praying prayer praying
gracias por compartir, cuando lo escuchaba con los ojos cerrados, toda mi cabeza empezó a vibrar adentro, sobre todo una presión fuerte en la cabeza sobre los costados, como que una energía empezaba a elevarse hacia arriba desde los costados de mi cabeza.
Where can I find more Buddhist chants specifically with this constant, booming, marching-style of drumming?
Uhhhh this channel????
@@BL-zi9wb But none of the other ones on this channel sound like this, with a constant beat of a loud drum. do a UA-cam search "sutra drumming"
Hello, try ''Buddhist Chant'' or ''Buddhism sing'' or Kodo drums to get this samples...
Depends on the mantra fam
Just look up the drums used and sample that to what you need it for
Otherwise you will be searching a while
ॐ नमः सर्वबुद्धबोधिसतवेभ्यः ।
𑀑𑀫 𑀦𑀫𑀂 𑀲𑀯𑁆𑀯𑀩𑀼𑀥𑀩𑁄𑀥𑀺𑀲𑀢𑀯𑁂𑀪𑁆𑀬𑀂
Truly extatic!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
I will be listening again.
a écouter absolument
This why I'm a youtube addict and constantly late for work.
It's Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sutra, concerned with Kanzeon (Kwannon)
Years ago I was lead to believe that to practice Nichiren’s Buddhism correctly, one had to attend meetings and belong to an organisation. Nowadays I’ve come to understand that anyone, regardless of whether they become a ‘member’ of a group or not, can benefit from their own personal practice.
The universal Law of myoho-renge-kyo represents the identity of what some now refer to as the ‘unified field of all consciousnesses’. In other words, it’s the essence behind all existence and non-existence, the ultimate creative force behind planets, stars, nebulae, people, animals, trees, fish, birds and all phenomena, manifest or latent. All matter and intelligence is simply waves or ripples manifesting to and from this core source.
Consciousness (enlightenment) is itself the true creator of everything that is, ever was and ever will be, right down to the minutest particles of dust, each being an individual ripple or wave. The big difference between chanting ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo’ (Nam is like a password to our deepest inner-self) and most conventional prayers is that instead of depending on a middle man to connect us to our state of enlightenment, we’re able to do it ourselves by tapping directly into it by way of self-produced sound vibration.
On the subject of ‘what or who is God?’, when we compare the concept of ‘God’, as a separate entity that is forever watching down on us, to Nichiren’s teachings, the true omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of what most people call ‘God’ is our enlightenment, which exists nowhere else but within us. When the disciples asked Jesus where the Kingdom of God is, didn’t he tell them that it was within them?
Some say that ‘God’ is an entity that can never be seen. I think that the vast amount of information that is constantly being conveyed via electromagnetic waves gives us proof of how an invisible state of what many call ‘God’ could actually exist. It’s widely known that certain data being relayed by way of electromagnetic waves has the potential to help bring about extraordinary and powerful effects, including instant global awareness of something or mass emotional reaction. As well as many other things, it’s also common knowledge that these waves can be used to detonate a bomb or to even enable NASA to control the movements of a robot as far away as the Moon or Mars. However, none of this is possible without a receiver to decode the information that is being transmitted. Without the receiver, the information would remain impotent. In a similar way, it’s very important for us to have our receiver switched on, so that we can activate a clear and precise understanding of our life, all other life and who we and all else that exists truly is.
Chanting ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo’ allows us to achieve this, because it lets us to reach into the core of our enlightenment and switch it on. That’s because, as I mentioned before, the sound vibration of ‘myoho-renge-kyo’ represents the combination of the three major laws that underlie all existence. ‘Myoho’ represents the Law of latency and manifestation (Nature), and consists of two alternating states. One state of ‘myo’ is where everything in life that’s not obvious to us exists. This includes our stored memories when we’re not thinking about them, our hidden potential and inner emotions whenever they’re not being expressed, our desires, our fears, our wisdom, happiness, karma, and more importantly, our enlightenment. The other state, ‘ho’, is where everything in Life exists whenever it becomes obvious to us, such as when a thought pops up from our memory, whenever we experience or express our emotions, or whenever a good or bad effect comes forth from our karma. When anything becomes apparent, it simply means that it has come out of the state of ‘myo’ (dormancy/latency) and into a state of ‘ho’ (manifestation). It’s the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness, being awake or asleep, or knowing and not knowing something.
The second law, ‘renge’, governs and controls the functions of ‘myoho’ - ‘ren’ meaning cause and ‘ge’ meaning effect. These two laws, ‘myoho’ and ‘renge’, work together simultaneously and underlie all spiritual and physical existence. The final and third part of the tri-combination, ‘kyo’, is what allows the law ‘myoho’ to integrate with the law ‘renge’. It’s the great, invisible thread of energy that fuses and connects together all Life and matter, as well as the past, present and future. It is often termed the Universal Law of Communication. Perhaps it could even be compared to the ‘string theory’ that some scientists now suspect exists.
Just as our body cells, thoughts, feelings and all else are constantly fluctuating within us, everything in the world around us and beyond is also in a constant state of flux, in accordance with these three laws. In fact, more things are going back and forth between the two states of ‘myo’ and ‘ho’ in a single moment than it would ever be possible for us to calculate or describe. And it doesn't matter how big, small, important or trivial anything may appear to be, everything that’s ever existed in the past, exists now, or will exist in the future, exists only because of the workings of 'myoho-renge-kyo'. These three laws are also the basis of the four fundamental forces and if they didn't function, neither we nor anything else could go on existing. Simply put, all forms of existence, including the seasons, day and night, birth, death and so on, are moving forward in an ongoing flow of continuation, rhythmically reverting back and forth between the two states of ‘myo’ and ‘ho’ in accordance with ‘renge’ and by way of ‘kyo’. Even stars are dying and being reborn again in accordance with the workings of ‘myoho-renge-kyo’.
‘Nam’ is like a password or key; it allows us to reach deep within our life and fuse with or become one with ‘myoho-renge-kyo’. On a more personal basis, nothing ever happens by chance or coincidence, it’s the causes that we’ve made in our past, or are presently making, that determine how these laws function uniquely in each of our lives from moment to moment, as well as our environment. By facing east, in harmony with the direction that the Earth turns and rhythmically chanting ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo’ repeatedly for a minimum of ten minutes daily, any of us can gain actual proof of its effects in our life. By building up a force from within, it allows us to pierce through even the thickest layers of our karma and reach directly into the ultimate wisdom of our and all other life. Unlike the fantasy of a magic wand to make our problems vanish, chanting ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo’ awakens our innate wisdom and brings to the surface our hidden potential, a much clearer realisation and understanding of our good and bad karma, and positive ways that we can both cope with and change our negative circumstances into positive ones. It brings forth the wisdom that can free us from the ignorance and stupidity that is preventing us from accepting and being proud of who we truly are, regardless of our race, colour, gender or sexual preference. It also allows us to see and understand things outside of ourselves more clearly and, by way of the electromagnetic forces of which we are all a part, helps us to connect with, or draw towards us, any external circumstances or help that we need. Proof of this effect soon becomes obvious to anyone who chants ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo’ on a regular basis. Of course, the more sincerely we chant, the more powerful and faster its effect will be.
Beautifully explained.Thanks.I chant daily.
Woah woah!!! That’s a lot of wrote
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
@@monotheist..we are Buddhists not christians
@@monotheist..Aisha was 9 Muhammad was 56
🙋🙏👏👏👏 Magnífico 💛💫
Great Great Great information great great greatest knowledge
Wonderful! A deep gasshō.
Please praying 🙏🗣🎙🙏🏽merciful LORD BUDDHA 🙏🏽BLISS BLESSING ON THIS earth 🌍🌎🌏PLANET Good Health, prosperity ✌🏼
100s of Buddhas. The one you’re thinking of has an actual name. Find it out. Then practice the Buddha’s breath(laugh). It’s very effective.
You can become buddhishatva too. Many living Buddhisthatvas to this day
This is the best chant of all time.
Great quality.
Powerful prayer 🙏
Very scared powerful chanting
Chapter 25 of sutra lótus( avalokiteshwara)...why Vairocana Chant?
Thank you! 🙏🧘📿
me hace erizar la piel
This is awesome. Who exactly is chanting, and when/where was this recorded? The drumming is very distinct for the Buddhist chants from Japan that I've heard.
put this on your Wheaties every morning!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE remove the advertisement. Destroyed my meditation
Thank you!
🙏🏻 Cosmic Buddha,…🙇🏼
I listen while I play gekokujo mod having a sohie armour
Isn't this the Lotus Sutra, specifically the 25th chapter (about Avalokitesvara)?
What does it have to do with Vairocana? Misleading title.
To praise one part of the Dharma is to praise all of the Dharma. Likewise, to praise the Dharma is to praise the Buddha. In an indirect way, all Buddhist recitation is relevant to Mahavariocana.
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
shut up nobody cares you absolute permavirgin@@monotheist..
We all have some specific requirements for music if we searched for this lol
The Vedic influence is strong in this sect of Buddhism. Beautiful.
This is the only chanting of a sutra that makes me more anxious than I was before I started listening to it...
I personally like it, the beats are good
Anxious? Interesting reaction. Why do you think that is so?
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
Thanks for sharing. I would really appreciate if you can tell me the name of the figure on min 1:20 of the video. Best wishes
That is Bishamon or Vaishravana, a Buddhist God of wealth. He is very popular in Japan
its good to appreciate what shakyamuni Buddha brought to us....but I sometimes wonder what he would have thought about the religious aspect. skyamunin was a human being like you n me. how comforting .
This sutra they are singing says the Buddha is eternal and the father of all beings
He was an agnostic.....not a very zealous believer in God.
@@tungavidyavijaya8960 The Buddha was not an agnostic as we think of the term. He apparently met many of the gods, and often referred to them in his teachings.
He did, however, categorically deny the existence of an all-powerful creator god.
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
🙏🏻🪷 Cutting through the flames of delusion. Let us train hard! 🪷🙏🏻
~ Nikko Hogetsu
it goes hard af
thank you for sharing
prayer praying prayer praying prayer praying
Just what are you doing? Those aren't the lyrics in this arch.
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
Was enjoying meditating to this until the intrusive ad 6 minutes in 😢
Download the video or mp3 version. Solved. ❤
you could also use the Brave Browser...blocks all kinds of ads and you don't even have to pay a dime.
Only this language can wakeup the gods absolutely
That language my friend is Sanskrit 🙏
Gods dont sleep... *YOU* need to wakeup 😆
@@xdaggy8701 yeah I have put a good joke man ☺️☺️☺️ but some gods in buddhist mythology are wake up or summoned by the mantras like vidyaraja these are holy spirits needs to waked up by meditation or chanting of mantras
@@ovrdozzzz oh really i thought it was japanese? how interesting
@@lijhbgr4456....isn't it😊😊 some more on it....ull love the sanskrit connection in japan
सद्धर्मपुंडरीक सूत्र अध्याय 25 🙏🇮🇳🙏
WAU!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
the word is spelled WOW
Ancestral, creepy, mystic, brutal, hypnotic.
Thank You
This is not Shingon, and it's not Vairochana. It's the Lotus Sutra verse section.
Wow i love This mantra, Vairocana is Prajnaparamita?
Aum mane padme hum l naka bum dorji boi drap l aum vajrapani hum phat l aum yamakanta khatuneeyars l aum mane padme hum l aum mane peme hum l aum hiri shirthi vikrantans hum phat l
10:19 Can someone explain to me these deities and their symbols? Is one of them Bishamonten or am I wrong?
Acala, Japanese name Fudo Myoo. But I don't know what their symbols are
These are the Vidyarajas (or Myoo in Japanese), wrathful manifestations of Buddhist deities. The blue ones are the manifestations of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, while the red one is (I believe) Aizen Myoo. There are a few others that I don't recognize off the top of my head, but a quick google search for Myoo should yield results.
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
This is not about Vairocana at all ... it is a chant for Kannon and not Shingon, either.
Well, the Lotus Sutra _is_ scripture in Shingon, so Chapter 25 does get recited in Shingon temples.
can anyone post a transliteration?
Here are some important points of the 25th chapter from the Nikko lineage
Chapter Twenty-five: The Universal Gateway of the Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds
Five important points
Point One, concerning the Bodhisattva Inexhaustible Intent
The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The name Inexhaustible Intent (Mu-jin-ni) stands for the perfect unification of the three truths. The element mu, or “not,” represents the truth of non-substantiality; the element jin, or “exhaustible,” represents the truth of temporary existence; and the element ni (or i), or “intent,” represents the truth of the Middle Way.
In the name Perceiver of the World’s Sounds (Kan-ze-on) the element kan, or “perceiver,” represents the truth of non-substantiality; the element ze, or “world,” represents the truth of temporary existence; and the element on, or “sounds,” represents the truth of the Middle Way.
In the words Myoho-renge-kyo, or the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law, the element myō, or “wonderful,” represents the truth of non-substantiality; the element hō-renge, or “the lotus of the law,” represents the truth of temporary existence; and kyō, or “sutra,” represents the truth of the Middle Way.
In this chapter the wonderful principle of the Dharma nature that is embodied in the three truths is being expressed in terms of the three truths of the Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and the three truths of the Bodhisattva Inexhaustible Intent.
Now when Nichiren and his followers chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are acting as the Inexhaustible Intent of the Latter Day of the Law. Thus we may say that the element mu in the name Mujinni, or Inexhaustible Intent, is the sign of our death, the element jin is the sign of our birth, and the element ni or i is the root or source of our life force. For this reason, all the various doctrines, such as the doctrine of the fusion of reality and wisdom, are contained in this single word i, or “intent.” This “intent” represents the Dharma nature or the Middle Way.
The Dharma nature represents Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. These five characters1 are the “intent” of the Lotus Sutra.
In terms of the five stages of development of the fetus in the womb, the character i, or “intent,” corresponds to the fifth stage, that of bodily form. Hence the form of a being in the fifth stage corresponds to the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and space, and the five elements in turn correspond to the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo.
These five characters are also expressed in the single character i or “intent.” The intent or meaning of the Buddha is the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo. It is nothing but this. The intent of the Buddha is the Lotus Sutra. This is the “good medicine” described in the “Life Span” chapter, the good medicine favored by all the Buddhas of the three existences.
All the countless phenomena of the three thousand realms are nothing more than this single character i, or “intent.” And to have faith in this intent of the Buddha is what is meant by the mind of faith. The element of mind has its various divisions or categories, but all are completely encompassed in the entirety of the Wonderful Law.
Point Two, concerning the bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds represented by “wonderful”
The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The term “Wonderful Law” in Sanskrit is saddharma. Sad (the phonetic change of sat) may be translated as “wonderful.” This syllable sad is the seed, or the mystical syllable, that represents the bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds. Hence a commentary says that Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and the Lotus Sutra are simply different names for the same thing, like the words gen and moku, both of which mean “eye.” Now that we have entered the Latter Day of the Law, the benefits Nichiren and his followers enjoy in their chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are as far above those conferred by Perceiver of the World’s Sounds as heaven is above earth or clouds are above mud.
In general we may say that the element kan, or Perceiver, in the name Kanzeon represents enkan, or “perfect perception.” The element ze, or World, means “miraculous,” while the element on, or Sounds, refers to the capacity for attaining Buddhahood. Kan is another name for the Dharma-realm; hence, as already stated, it stands for perfect perception. And because Perceiver of the World’s Sounds is a perceiver of the true aspect of all phenomena, he can see and understand the different realms such as those of hell, hungry spirits, animals, etc. that make up this miraculous world.
On, or Sounds, refers to the sounds of the true aspect of all phenomena, and hence it means that there are no living beings that do not possess the true aspect of Buddhahood. This has been referred to, in the “Life Span” chapter, as the original state endowed with the Ten Worlds, the three bodies with which the Buddha is eternally endowed.
The bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds has already accepted the Lotus Sutra reverentially. And now the practitioners, who accept and uphold this sutra, can enjoy benefits that surpass even those of the bodhisattva.
Point Three, on the passage “Wonderful sound, Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, / Brahmā’s sound, the sea tide sound- / they surpass those sounds of the world; / therefore you should constantly think on them, / from thought to thought never entertaining doubt!”
The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: In the phrase “from thought to thought,” the first “thought” stands for the six paths or lower realms of unenlightened beings, while the second “thought” stands for the four noble realms. The meaning is that the benefits of Perceiver of the World’s Sounds are bestowed on beings in both the six paths and in the four noble realms. One is told never to entertain doubt on this point.
Again, the phrase “from thought to thought” can refer to the former thought and the latter thought. Or again, it may be cautioning us that we are never to entertain doubt in regard to our thoughts on the Wonderful Law.
Or again, it may refer to the succession of thoughts or moments of life that constantly abides throughout the three existences of past, present, and future. This is what is meant by the words that come earlier, “For this reason, living beings should constantly keep the thought [of the Wonderful Law] in mind.”
Now when Nichiren and his followers chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they should abide in the mind of faith that “from thought to thought never entertains doubt.” Earthly desires are enlightenment, the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana-one should have no doubts concerning this.
Point Four, on the passage “If a woman wishes to give birth to a male child, she should offer obeisance and alms to Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and then she will bear a son blessed with merit, virtue, and wisdom. And if she wishes to bear a daughter, she will bear one with all the marks of comeliness, one who in the past planted the roots of virtue and is loved and respected by many persons.”
The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The two wishes referred to here are the wish for a son and the wish for a daughter. The wish for a daughter stands for the wish for worldly reward and recompense; the wish for a son stands for the wish for spiritual rewards. Accordingly, peace and security in one’s present existence is the virtue that pertains to the wish for a daughter, while good circumstances in one’s future existences is the virtue that pertains to the wish for a son.
The wish for a daughter is represented by the dragon king’s daughter and her attainment of Buddhahood, which makes manifest the principle that the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana. The wish for a son is represented by Devadatta’s attainment of Buddhahood, which makes manifest the principle that earthly desires are enlightenment. And these two examples in turn make manifest the principle that one may attain Buddhahood in one’s present form.
Now when Nichiren and his followers as practitioners of the Lotus Sutra chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are fulfilling both the wish for a son and the wish for a daughter and are assuring the attainment of Buddhahood for both their fathers and mothers.
Point Five, concerning the thirty-three bodies or bodily transformations that Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds undergoes in order to benefit living beings
The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The number “thirty” stands for the doctrine of three thousand realms [in a single moment of life]. The “three bodies” stand for the doctrine of the three truths.
Again we may say regarding the thirty-three bodies or bodily transformations that, if one is endowed with the three bodies in each of the Ten Worlds, this constitutes thirty bodies, and if the original three bodies are then added in, we have a total of thirty-three bodies.
Generally speaking, [concerning thirty or “three multiplied by ten”], the number three stands for the three categories of action, namely, actions of the body, mouth, and mind or physical, verbal, and mental actions; while the number ten stands for the Ten Worlds. The number three [of thirty-three] may stand for the three poisons of greed, anger, and foolishness. The word “bodies” represents the bodies of all living beings.
Now when Nichiren and his followers chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are enjoying the benefits of the thirty-three bodies or bodily transformations.
Is this the mantra recited by the shogun general in the film exhuma?
I do not practice Buddhism, but I appreciate and honor his ideology. I find this chant to be very calming. Can someone explain to me the demon looking statues/images and what do they mean?
Demon looking statues/images are the angry aspect of the Bodhisattva/Buddha. Their terrible/angry aspect is not directed towards you, but towards those things and situations that present in samsara as an obstacle to reach Nirvana.
These wrathful deities are extremely powerful and are not to be taken lightly. Advanced initiations are taken in order to make these practices.
Some are emanations of Buddhas/Bodhisattvas, others were back in their day demons (such as Yama) but once facing the Dharma, they became protectores/guardians of it.
+Goose GHC thats Arya Acala Vidyaraja. he cuts through ignorance by his sword. Protector of Japanese Buddhism.
Arya Acala Vidyjaraja, called in Tibetan Buddhism as Mahakala.
His name is Acala Vidyaraja, one of Guardians ( aka Dharmapala) and wisdom kings (aka Vidya-Rajah) of Buddhism.
Goose GHC Jesus christ was a Buddhist believe. It or not.
I reallly Dig this shingonwu on the Jackie chan cartoon series mmmmmm?? Fascinating.
Naamo Mahavairocana buddha
Thank you shiva 😊 AUM namah shivaya
Hi, will someone please tell me who the deities at 11.04 are? I'd like to do some more reasearch about them, thanks!
Bronze Age sent me 😀
I got to ask...the one siting is Buddha but who are the ones with darker skin holding a sword surrounded by flames with an angry expression???
Fudo Myo-o
Acalanath the immovable one of dharmapala
Can someone tell me who is depicted at 6:24? seems very unusual...
by the sword and the jewels it's more likely Kokuzo (Akasagarbha) Bodhisattva, although it looks...weird, anyway japanese people mistook a painting of Jesus for Kokuzo once so I guess his appearance is not that fixed
hello brother and sister we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible
the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases
first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million, historian put some estimation that in ancient egypt the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line of people that way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots and that too many people would not perfectly fit the historical story, all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof
but the census that moses did and tax resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million
It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46.
The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas
utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number
to render to the small number in bible its require scribal error in the total resulting number among many hereditary scribal error in jewish torah
but the quran said its only small number
and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but more accurately is quran because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king
the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name not hebrew name
and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament
and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran
Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word?
bible interpolation
quranic preservation
how can patriavh commit sin? patraich commit sin?
septuagint problem bible error
quran preservation
byzantine text not accurate
heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
Very nice frog musics
Amazing!!! 8)
Yes hello
it reminds me AKIRA ❤️
Absolutely bodhisatta
What's the advantage of this mantra? Is it Chinese or Japanese?
Where can I find an English Translation?
Japan music?
These are powerful Buddhist Sutras
wat mean
It feels like the removal of otakemaru yokai
Buddha vairocana bless
Semoga semua mahluk mencapai Nibbana
I will no longer goon
I will pray
I wish you well in this journey of yours.
I gooned and came to listen to this because I cannot hold myself any longer
Needs more woodblock.
😂 haha
Yes ✋