It's nice to provide a solution to the fixed dial indicator problem. Since it's 3d printed. it would be even nicer to provide a free STL file to have it printed locally.
It's a marker what ever the zero point is let's say it's not on zero but 3 you put this ring over the top at the 3 that's your zero point but theirs other ways to get that zero point to a true zero on the indicator ring of the df54. To me i don't care if it's zero is off but to know where the true zero is important to dialing in.
On many DF54s, when the stock pointer is on "0," that's not the "true zero" -- that is, when the burrs are touching. What is going on in the video is finding that true zero point. With the grinder running, you *slowly* lower the grind setting until you hear that "chirping" sound, which is when the burrs start to touch each other. You remove the stock indicator (which is probably below "0" at this point) and put the new indicator on 0.
It's nice to provide a solution to the fixed dial indicator problem.
Since it's 3d printed. it would be even nicer to provide a free STL file to have it printed locally.
Can we have free stl? We costumers that paid a lot for the grinder still have to pay to correct this limitation?
Can we get a better explanation of how this indicator works? Video has me confused.
It's a marker what ever the zero point is let's say it's not on zero but 3 you put this ring over the top at the 3 that's your zero point but theirs other ways to get that zero point to a true zero on the indicator ring of the df54. To me i don't care if it's zero is off but to know where the true zero is important to dialing in.
On many DF54s, when the stock pointer is on "0," that's not the "true zero" -- that is, when the burrs are touching.
What is going on in the video is finding that true zero point. With the grinder running, you *slowly* lower the grind setting until you hear that "chirping" sound, which is when the burrs start to touch each other. You remove the stock indicator (which is probably below "0" at this point) and put the new indicator on 0.
Fellow opus vs MiiCoffee DF54??? which one is better?