You should do a video on the adverse reactions people can have due to psych medications. Once i got a nedle full of something i forgot the name of and i culdnt stop looking up at the sky. My neck mustles at the back of my head tightend up and i could not put my chin down.
You were probably given a type of medication called an antipsychotic. The reaction you experience is called acute dystonia which is one of the possible side effects of antipsychotics. It can cause stiffness and cramping of the neck muscles and rarely an upward deviation of the eyes called oculogyric crisis. I'm sorry you had experienced these side effects. Usually, a medication can be given alongside the antipsychotic to to lessen the risk of having these adverse reactions.
Glad to see Giles doing his thing.
Great to have this updated. Thank you.
I love the british acent
You should do a video on the adverse reactions people can have due to psych medications. Once i got a nedle full of something i forgot the name of and i culdnt stop looking up at the sky. My neck mustles at the back of my head tightend up and i could not put my chin down.
You were probably given a type of medication called an antipsychotic. The reaction you experience is called acute dystonia which is one of the possible side effects of antipsychotics. It can cause stiffness and cramping of the neck muscles and rarely an upward deviation of the eyes called oculogyric crisis. I'm sorry you had experienced these side effects. Usually, a medication can be given alongside the antipsychotic to to lessen the risk of having these adverse reactions.
Always good to see Giles.
Just a little bit of a lid lag on her left side.