Whilst peope complain about CO2 from cars and global warming.... ... people should realize that this vulcano caused more CO2 to escape than all vehicles in a year time. Just to put things in perspective
@@FransBlaas1 Bro what? First of all, who are "they"? Are you trying to say, that there is a significant increase in volcanic activity? Just to be clear, it is even less than 2%. This number is in relation to anthropogenic CO2. Even if the number was 15 times higher, it would be still less than what is caused by vehicles. PS: Vehicles are not the primary cause for man made CO2.
Too much co2 in the atmosphere is bad. A certain amount of it enters through natural events we can't avoid. A certain amount leaves the atmosphere through natural events. That is a balance that usually takes millennium to shift the climate one way or another. Humans adding co2 to the atmosphere unbalances that. This is not any different than any area of conservation. Deer naturally die to certain natural events and replace themselves. That balance goes to far out and either deer starve to death as they overpopulate or they decline. Humans coming along and over hunting deer is still a problem even if 50% of the deer that die a year do so to wolves and disease.
We are at the mercy of natural disasters. My heart goes out to those who lost it all. Like she said they are not a tourist town, they are just living together and supporting one another.
Why are there so many insensitive religious people in the comments? Why are you using a disaster where people and animals are suffering to push your beliefs?
Because religious people don't care about others, they just care about pushing their agenda on others because they THINK they're helping when they're not. Saying 'find Jesus' or 'I'll pray to god' doesn't help. Actions and money for rebuilding what was lost helps. Sending medical helps.
There are comments criticizing the construction of houses in seismic and volcanic areas.The reality is that all these two elements are found throughout the Canary Islands. Between Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria a volcano is emerging. The same between Gran Canaria and Tenerife with the Volcano of the middle. The Island of El Hierro has had seismic movements and volcanoes on all three sides of its marine waters in recent months. Lanzarote has more than 200 volcanoes, etc. The Canary Islands were born of volcanoes and it would be impossible to live in the Canary Islands if we have that fear. This is the third volcano in the last 100 years in La Palma and fortunately we have eight islands. Perhaps we can emigrate, although there are not many places to go now as when many canaries did in past centuries but this is still our ancestral land (or lava) and the price of living in such a beloved and beautiful place compensates more for these hard sacrifices
and honestly - that´s the way our Earth is working, born new land out of Lava, detroys everything in its way. Like we do with Mother Earth! BUT it is so sad to see suffer those people! I am in love with the Canary Islands, eyery Island has its own beauty! Stay safe and hopefully this volcano will end soon =) On the other side, Lava is very nourishing for plants...
I can understand this. Feel your words with my heart. Its a heart matter when you live on one of these islands. Words can never explain the feeling. I was on Tenerife and Grand Canaria and the beauty of nature is overwelming, specialy Tenerife has made a great impression on me.
Desde Puerto Rico, soliradida a nuestros hermanos de La Palma, que Dios les de fuerzas y mantengan la fe en alto, que todo pase pronto, y Dios los bendiga.
Why ? The volcano has a known history of erupting yet they have built houses and businesses on the slopes of it. Not a matter of 'if' but when. Human beings have the knowledge of what is going to happen yet ignore it. I have little to no sympathy for them as the eruption is giving them plenty of notice to get away with their lives. They gambled and lost. Naples is another one waiting to happen but on a vaster scale. We now know about volcanoes and their potential we are not ignorant any more, yet we still some choose to live next to them.
It’s the same with living on the beach in hurricane zone like New Orleans or tornado land in the plains. They’re worse as the events are more frequent.
@@Derail07 Obviously for a trailer trash like you anybody with a decent and normal house have to be """rich and famous"""...for your information this people ist just normal local people with normal jobs and normal lifes...is not even a tourist area...you don't know how to read the subtitles???...and on top of that...can you show some empathy for this people instead to just be nasty and envious because your small brains made you think and imagine this houses are """second homes """????
This is just heartbreaking to see and the despair of the local people is palpable..The idea of this eruption and lava flow possibly lasting months is unbearable and I do wish everyone affected there, the strength to cope and help each other through this most desperate of times. I know the island will never be the same, but I do hope all those who, like myself have visited the place and fallen in love with it, may return one day soon and support the people there and help them get back at least some of what they've lost. 💜
@@markbrophy5454 The Sahara desert is in the north of the African continent...the canarian archipelago is in the Atlantic ocean completely separated from the African continent...The canary islands have absolutely nothing to do with the Sahara desert.
@@sacroarte6462 By your logic, Nantucket isn't in Massachusetts or North America, the Falklands, Aruba, and Trinidad aren't in South America, Madagascar isn't in Africa, and Japan isn't in Asia. In reality, the sand in the Canaries comes from mainland Africa and the Canaries are in Africa, too, and is one of the driest places on the planet because they're in the Sahara.
@@markbrophy5454 Not "darling"...don't try to change your own words now...you clearly SAID "the Canary islands are in the Sahara desert". Ah....and Tenerife,La Gomera,El Hierro and La Palma are one of the driest places in the planet ????. Obviously you never ever set foot in the Canary Islands ... you have not even bothered to look on gogle maps(or in any other maps) at the orography,climate and vegetation of the Canary Islands. So if the Canaries are one of the driest places on the planet ... how is it possible that thousands and thousands of hectares of plantations of bananas, avocados, sugarcane and other tropical fruits can be irrigated daily by the land owners of this islands???. Do you know what a canarian laurisilva or a laurel forest is? Have you ever heard of the Garajonay National Park in La Gomera?...the park provides the best example of Canarian laurisilva,(or laurel forest) a humid subtropical forest ...or the Caldera de Taburiente National Park in La Palma?...another national park with a perfect example of Canarian laurisilva humid subtropical forest in the interior of a massive volcanic caldera full of waterfalls,spectacular canarian pine forest and streams everywhere...both national parks are World Heritage Sites by UNESCO and biosphere reserves...cheque properly this places,try to think deeply...and try to tell me if these islands with these ecosystems can be considered """one of the driest places on EARTH """... or what they have to do with the Sahara desert.
The whole world is facing disaster. End times are near, no water,earth quarters,fires,famine,wars.Please let the ones you live how much you love them and you will be together again in a better place.
For people like me who living in indonesia which more than 120 active volcano all around us, something like this almost happen every years,, be save this is what nature being, hope this is end soon.
We humans build for years, we save for a good life and to have good times, when we are old...😟...but nature has it's own plan... sorry for everyone's loss there...may both human & nature find peace...♥️
Nope, not at all. They gambled living on the slopes of an active volcano. They lost. Fortunately they have had plenty of warning and live on. Let;s hope the majority of them rented rather than own the properties !
Vivo a Miles de kilómetros de ahí y aún así siento dolor e impotencia de ver cómo personas pierden todo en un momento, la naturaleza siempre reclama su espacio, es así y siempre será.
The whole island is a big volcano and its population is very rooted to their land for many reasons, so... I guess it's too easy say: don't live there or whatever. However, I understand why people is so impressed and think that way. Greeting from Canary Irelands and excuse my english.
@@soliadov649 Your English is fine. I live in California USA and we are always having earthquakes. In fact, we have many earthquakes every day. Most are so deep and weak that we never feel it but occasionally we have a strong quake. People tell me all the time....”Why do you want to live there? You’re stupid!”. Well, It’s very different than living where massive tornados rip apart building and it’s different than living where hurricanes cause floods and high winds destroying everything in its path. Volcanos are much different in that it can and often is massive and very deadly. I think it’s just foolish to live on a volcano and then cry when your home is consumed by lava and the air is poisonous to breath. You chose to live there.
Where do you want them to live? At the ocean? It is not as simple as take a plane. These people have long standing way of living and working. its not foolish since they assume their risk. What can I say. To cry because you lost your home and memories is very understandable, even when you accept the consequences. You maybe have no empathy, but at least show some respect.
@@joemusic2882 And why do you live in California hif you know is a area with high risk of seismic activity???...California have a bigger risk of suffer a massive earthquake than La Palma island a massive eruption...for start this volcano never existed before,it is a new volcano, so the people who built their houses there never knew they were living close to a volcano.
@@LadialecticaLadialectica Amiga la era Greta Thumberg está dejando sin cerebro a la inmensa mayoría de las nuevas generaciones que pueblan éste planeta llamado Tierra..todos repiten los mismos eslóganes sin sentido y sin ni siquiera saber de lo que están hablando,además ya no son ni capaces de mostrar o sentir empatía por los demás...sólo hay que leer la cantidad de comentarios del mismo estilo al que has contestado...ni piensan las cosas antes de escribir...ni se molestan en informarse si éste volcán existía o no existía antes...a ellos qué más les da. Pues resulta que no..que es un volcán completamente nuevo,por lo tanto los que están perdiendo sus casas poco podían saber de qué un nuevo volcán surgiría de la noche a la mañana y acabaría con sus casas y las posesiones y recuerdos de toda una vida...sólo los que hemos perdido nuestras casas por catástrofes naturales o por accidentes creados por el hombre sabemos por lo que se pasa y el tiempo que cuesta superarlo.
Because human beings tend to ignove the inevitable even they know it can happen. Naples is a huge city built on very volcanically active area - probably another one for the future......People seem to feel sorry for those being forced off their land. I have little sympathy as they have been given plenty of time to leave. They gambled and lost.
Cada vez que veo las noticias medan ganaste de llorar Dios mio ten compasión de ese pais que lo esta perdiendo todos. Haz que eso ya pared y porque lo esta destruyendo todo ✝🙌🏻🙌🏻
No he visto a ese pueblo doblar sus rodillas y clamar misericordia delante la presencia de Dios. Dios está esperando que su clamor. Solo así verán la Gloria de Dios
How do you stop/control lava? Is it even possible? Do these people just have to watch everything get engulfed in boiling dirt until it's done and then start to re-build? It looks like such a beautiful area. I wish there were some way to prevent the destruction if/when volcanoes erupt...like a lava dam or something lol. My heart feels for these people. I certainly would never have the courage to live in such an active land
2 Peter 3:12,13 "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness."
@@1414141x Malachi 4:1 "Behold, the day comes, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that comes shall burn them up, said the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch."
My prayers 🙏 for comfort to those lost it all , and miracles for this to go out to the ocean , and stop destroying more communities in this beautiful Island .🙏 in JESUS CHRIST Name 🙏 Amen
@alexanderecohen sir please resume FSW draws, many of us are losing age points, Ielts are expiring, its been 9 months no sign of draw even no updates/tweets, doctors engineers are in limbo because of IRCC
She is not doing it on purpose. The island 🏝 belongs to her she created the island. It belongs to her. The only reason they are there is because of her. Soil rich with nutrition, black gold. You can grow anything from banana, papayas,pineapple, watermelon 🍉, flowers 💐. Soil absorbing the water 💧. They forget its a volcano 🌋. Dormant or not. Look where they build there homes. She is not a monster doing it on purpose. She just wanted to make it little bigger. And your belongings are in the way. People need to understand. They took a gamble and build on the slopes of the volcano. Everyone in that island knows. It erupted what?? In the 42, 73. It's not even long a go. Not for a volcano saying hi. You build right up her way. And she doesn't care what it is in her way. I can imagine how much it hurts 😢 😫. But at the end of the day. No one got hurt. My respect to the countless of hour's they. Worked sometime they didn't even go and checked on there family's and friends. Just a phone call to say hi I love everyone. Iam ok 👍 they did there job's 👏. And if nobody understand what a volcano can do see Pompeii, Herculaneum, and 1 more.but i can't remember. The name. Anyway she destroyed it. People just grabbed what ever was valuable. Put there life stack,and gone down the pier. Believing it's just dust. Gone to the boat harbor. People dancing music big fires 🔥 over here. Buy lunch time. It was getting dark day turning to night. They had table lamp 🔦. Screaming trying to find family's, friend's someone any1 the dust was choking them. They can't breed the little stones turning into big boulders. Coming down on them crashing in to the house's. People praying to God of the sea 🌊 🙏. To spare them and then. Came hot 🔥 🥵 steaming boiling steam 200.miles 760. Hot steam striped there flesh and everyone lived for 2 Second there brain 🧠 boiled. And then she buried them. Timeless in that condition. Time forgot about them.
Whilst peope complain about CO2 from cars and global warming....
... people should realize that this vulcano caused more CO2 to escape than all vehicles in a year time.
Just to put things in perspective
True, Gore created jobs in UNO and administrations at cost of the people.
Can you give any numbers? As far as i know vehicles are responsible for about 25% of anthropogenic CO2, while vulcanos are less than 2%.
@@JahNgo17 2% has to be adjusted with current volcanic activity all over the world.. but they won’t as willing to blame all on the people.
@@FransBlaas1 Bro what? First of all, who are "they"? Are you trying to say, that there is a significant increase in volcanic activity?
Just to be clear, it is even less than 2%. This number is in relation to anthropogenic CO2. Even if the number was 15 times higher, it would be still less than what is caused by vehicles.
PS: Vehicles are not the primary cause for man made CO2.
Too much co2 in the atmosphere is bad. A certain amount of it enters through natural events we can't avoid. A certain amount leaves the atmosphere through natural events. That is a balance that usually takes millennium to shift the climate one way or another. Humans adding co2 to the atmosphere unbalances that.
This is not any different than any area of conservation.
Deer naturally die to certain natural events and replace themselves. That balance goes to far out and either deer starve to death as they overpopulate or they decline. Humans coming along and over hunting deer is still a problem even if 50% of the deer that die a year do so to wolves and disease.
Sending big love from Sweden!!
Bless the people working to divert the lava flow. Brave brave men and women . keep safe. Your efforts matter.
So sad to see these people lost everything, thank goodness there’s no casualty. Very brave of the firefighters and policemen.
Yeah, I pray for all the millionaires that lost STUFF because they CHOOSE to live there. Get some perspective.
Behind teh beautiful mount
We are at the mercy of natural disasters. My heart goes out to those who lost it all. Like she said they are not a tourist town, they are just living together and supporting one another.
Why are there so many insensitive religious people in the comments? Why are you using a disaster where people and animals are suffering to push your beliefs?
Because religious people don't care about others, they just care about pushing their agenda on others because they THINK they're helping when they're not. Saying 'find Jesus' or 'I'll pray to god' doesn't help. Actions and money for rebuilding what was lost helps. Sending medical helps.
@@Astermints yup
A big hug from sicily, i live under the etna volcano and i can understand what you are feeling..
Just want to thank that firefighter for saving that chicken, it’s a life, it wouldn’tve been aware of its situation and impending doom.
Lobsters and crabs don't go to pain shock so they experience extreme pain longer
Should have roasted it in the lava and had it with fresh bread.
Fuerza mi solidaridad 😭🙏🇨🇴❤️
So sad.Please stay safe all.God bless u all.
I will pray for all those losing their homes in this tragedy… love from Portugal
There are comments criticizing the construction of houses in seismic and volcanic areas.The reality is that all these two elements are found throughout the Canary Islands. Between Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria a volcano is emerging. The same between Gran Canaria and Tenerife with the Volcano of the middle. The Island of El Hierro has had seismic movements and volcanoes on all three sides of its marine waters in recent months. Lanzarote has more than 200 volcanoes, etc.
The Canary Islands were born of volcanoes and it would be impossible to live in the Canary Islands if we have that fear. This is the third volcano in the last 100 years in La Palma and fortunately we have eight islands. Perhaps we can emigrate, although there are not many places to go now as when many canaries did in past centuries but this is still our ancestral land (or lava) and the price of living in such a beloved and beautiful place compensates more for these hard sacrifices
and honestly - that´s the way our Earth is working, born new land out of Lava, detroys everything in its way. Like we do with Mother Earth! BUT it is so sad to see suffer those people! I am in love with the Canary Islands, eyery Island has its own beauty! Stay safe and hopefully this volcano will end soon =) On the other side, Lava is very nourishing for plants...
People always say "Just live somewhere else" until it is their turn to just live somewhere else.
I can understand this. Feel your words with my heart. Its a heart matter when you live on one of these islands. Words can never explain the feeling. I was on Tenerife and Grand Canaria and the beauty of nature is overwelming, specialy Tenerife has made a great impression on me.
Desde Puerto Rico, soliradida a nuestros hermanos de La Palma, que Dios les de fuerzas y mantengan la fe en alto, que todo pase pronto, y Dios los bendiga.
Stay safe
Prayers from
New Zealand
am sorry but the firefighter @2:11 made me laugh with how he came out with the chicken
I feel so heartbroken for the people of this town I just hope everyone stays safe. 🥺
Pretty sure they are rich second home people
Why ? The volcano has a known history of erupting yet they have built houses and businesses on the slopes of it. Not a matter of 'if' but when. Human beings have the knowledge of what is going to happen yet ignore it. I have little to no sympathy for them as the eruption is giving them plenty of notice to get away with their lives. They gambled and lost. Naples is another one waiting to happen but on a vaster scale. We now know about volcanoes and their potential we are not ignorant any more, yet we still some choose to live next to them.
It’s the same with living on the beach in hurricane zone like New Orleans or tornado land in the plains. They’re worse as the events are more frequent.
@@Derail07 Obviously for a trailer trash like you anybody with a decent and normal house have to be """rich and famous"""...for your information this people ist just normal local people with normal jobs and normal lifes...is not even a tourist area...you don't know how to read the subtitles???...and on top of that...can you show some empathy for this people instead to just be nasty and envious because your small brains made you think and imagine this houses are """second homes """????
This is just heartbreaking to see and the despair of the local people is palpable..The idea of this eruption and lava flow possibly lasting months is unbearable and I do wish everyone affected there, the strength to cope and help each other through this most desperate of times. I know the island will never be the same, but I do hope all those who, like myself have visited the place and fallen in love with it, may return one day soon and support the people there and help them get back at least some of what they've lost. 💜
I am blown away by how high the piles of lava are as they move forward.
Please pray for them... I'm feeling cry
Looks like what happened in Hawaii 3 years ago. The place we stayed in there now has 50 feet of lava on top of it. So devastating.
The Canaries are Spain's Hawaii, they're very similar but the Canaries are in the Sahara Desert.
@@markbrophy5454 The Sahara desert is in the north of the African continent...the canarian archipelago is in the Atlantic ocean completely separated from the African continent...The canary islands have absolutely nothing to do with the Sahara desert.
@@sacroarte6462 By your logic, Nantucket isn't in Massachusetts or North America, the Falklands, Aruba, and Trinidad aren't in South America, Madagascar isn't in Africa, and Japan isn't in Asia. In reality, the sand in the Canaries comes from mainland Africa and the Canaries are in Africa, too, and is one of the driest places on the planet because they're in the Sahara.
@@markbrophy5454 Not "darling"...don't try to change your own words now...you clearly SAID "the Canary islands are in the Sahara desert".
Ah....and Tenerife,La Gomera,El Hierro and La Palma are one of the driest places in the planet ????.
Obviously you never ever set foot in the Canary Islands ... you have not even bothered to look on gogle maps(or in any other maps) at the orography,climate and vegetation of the Canary Islands.
So if the Canaries are one of the driest places on the planet ... how is it possible that thousands and thousands of hectares of plantations of bananas, avocados, sugarcane and other tropical fruits can be irrigated daily by the land owners of this islands???.
Do you know what a canarian laurisilva or a laurel forest is? Have you ever heard of the Garajonay National Park in La Gomera?...the park provides the best example of Canarian laurisilva,(or laurel forest) a humid subtropical forest ...or the Caldera de Taburiente National Park in La Palma?...another national park with a perfect example of Canarian laurisilva humid subtropical forest in the interior of a massive volcanic caldera full of waterfalls,spectacular canarian pine forest and streams everywhere...both national parks are World Heritage Sites by UNESCO and biosphere reserves...cheque properly this places,try to think deeply...and try to tell me if these islands with these ecosystems can be considered """one of the driest places on EARTH """... or what they have to do with the Sahara desert.
I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏May God keep you safe❤️
Just awful. Poor people 😭🖤
So sad to be watching this. Thoughts and prayers to you all 🙏
Pray for the people and remember the firemen and all responders, real heroes.🙏
Como esse pessoal conseguiram morar perto do vulcão 🌋🌋
Как страшно, я даже представить не могу, что испытывают люди! Божеее!
The whole world is facing disaster. End times are near, no water,earth quarters,fires,famine,wars.Please let the ones you live how much you love them and you will be together again in a better place.
What better place?
Sigh. Disasters somewhere in the world continue all the time. Had you not noticed this ?
@@1414141x end times coming soon
stop scaring young people to attract followers of your sect
For people like me who living in indonesia which more than 120 active volcano all around us, something like this almost happen every years,, be save this is what nature being, hope this is end soon.
So so sad. Hope everyone there stays safe.
When you see this in your neighborhood you know that all is no longer well.
Imagine living on top of and under a volcano tho…..
We humans build for years, we save for a good life and to have good times, when we are old...😟...but nature has it's own plan... sorry for everyone's loss there...may both human & nature find peace...♥️
So heartbreaking.
Nope, not at all. They gambled living on the slopes of an active volcano. They lost. Fortunately they have had plenty of warning and live on. Let;s hope the majority of them rented rather than own the properties !
Mother Earth gives her love. 3 years later it is gonna be an agricultural paradise.
Love and best wishes from Prague. (L)
Sending love from New Zealand 🇳🇿❤🙏🏼
Wow!!! Amazing
Señora dele gracia a Dios que están vivo
Praying for you from South Africa. 🙏❣
Dios te bendiga
So sad. I hope the people stay safe.
The dust.. im wondering is there any agricultural benefit to it? Btw hopefully everyone evacuated safely.
Muy doloroso! oración para España!
Muito triste perder tudo o q se construiu numa vida. Sinto muito por todos!
Semoga diberikan keselamatan buat saudara-saudaraku disana. Aamiin YRA
Vivo a Miles de kilómetros de ahí y aún así siento dolor e impotencia de ver cómo personas pierden todo en un momento, la naturaleza siempre reclama su espacio, es así y siempre será.
that's tough
Real sad, but it happend before and it gona happend again. It is just part off living on a volcanic island.
We send our prayers to the La Palma 🙏🙏🙏in Jesus name Amen 🙏🙏🙏🇵🇭
Que Deus tem misericórdia 🙏
Volcano is the real Earth. We can learn about Universe from lava and volcano. Community should help each other in these times.
All I see is that ash and dust is gold for the farmers of the world.
Потрясены. Сочувствуем горю людей. Украинцы.
don´t put the ash to garbage, mix it with soil, fantastic fertilizer. btw, when will the evacuation start, its not much time left.
Hate it for the residents. Nothing they can do to stop it. Very sad 😔
pray for them🙏🙏🙏
Mamma mia, Dio aiuta !😢😢😢😢😢
lava dust can scratch vehicles when pushed off with a broom
@black mantra actually just get a fan ✌🌧
Sweeping dust when the lava will probably destroy everything in its path.
very bad .God bless them all.
нехай Бог Вас береже💞🙏🇺🇦
Las palmas like Catania
What did these people expect to happen when they decided to build homes on a volcano?
The whole island is a big volcano and its population is very rooted to their land for many reasons, so... I guess it's too easy say: don't live there or whatever. However, I understand why people is so impressed and think that way.
Greeting from Canary Irelands and excuse my english.
@@soliadov649 Your English is fine. I live in California USA and we are always having earthquakes. In fact, we have many earthquakes every day. Most are so deep and weak that we never feel it but occasionally we have a strong quake. People tell me all the time....”Why do you want to live there? You’re stupid!”. Well, It’s very different than living where massive tornados rip apart building and it’s different than living where hurricanes cause floods and high winds destroying everything in its path. Volcanos are much different in that it can and often is massive and very deadly. I think it’s just foolish to live on a volcano and then cry when your home is consumed by lava and the air is poisonous to breath. You chose to live there.
Where do you want them to live? At the ocean? It is not as simple as take a plane. These people have long standing way of living and working. its not foolish since they assume their risk. What can I say. To cry because you lost your home and memories is very understandable, even when you accept the consequences.
You maybe have no empathy, but at least show some respect.
@@soliadov649 Where do I expect them to live? Well, sure as hell not on a volcano .
@@joemusic2882 And why do you live in California hif you know is a area with high risk of seismic activity???...California have a bigger risk of suffer a massive earthquake than La Palma island a massive eruption...for start this volcano never existed before,it is a new volcano, so the people who built their houses there never knew they were living close to a volcano.
Vocês estão de parabéns 🎉👏🎉👏🎉👏🎉👏 a rede Globo sempre terá muito boa notícia 👏🎉👏🎉👏 porque vocês tem muito respeito com os ouvinte
Sending our thoughts & prayers Spain God bless love ENGLAND UK
It's a volcano island not a pleasure island to some folks.
I paid 14£ a bag for those volcanic dust. Great for the garden
Non si costruisce le case dove stanno i vulcani .
How can they do that IN A VOLCANIC ISLAND? 🧐
@@LadialecticaLadialectica Amiga la era Greta Thumberg está dejando sin cerebro a la inmensa mayoría de las nuevas generaciones que pueblan éste planeta llamado Tierra..todos repiten los mismos eslóganes sin sentido y sin ni siquiera saber de lo que están hablando,además ya no son ni capaces de mostrar o sentir empatía por los demás...sólo hay que leer la cantidad de comentarios del mismo estilo al que has contestado...ni piensan las cosas antes de escribir...ni se molestan en informarse si éste volcán existía o no existía antes...a ellos qué más les da.
Pues resulta que no..que es un volcán completamente nuevo,por lo tanto los que están perdiendo sus casas poco podían saber de qué un nuevo volcán surgiría de la noche a la mañana y acabaría con sus casas y las posesiones y recuerdos de toda una vida...sólo los que hemos perdido nuestras casas por catástrofes naturales o por accidentes creados por el hombre sabemos por lo que se pasa y el tiempo que cuesta superarlo.
How does it smell? Does it smell like a forest fire or a house fire or road construction?
Может дождиком смоет эту пыль с тротуаров?! Коварный вулкан, его ,, сюрпризы" плачевны! Очень опасно жить вблизи вулкана!
Why do people build houses near volcanoes?
Because human beings tend to ignove the inevitable even they know it can happen. Naples is a huge city built on very volcanically active area - probably another one for the future......People seem to feel sorry for those being forced off their land. I have little sympathy as they have been given plenty of time to leave. They gambled and lost.
@@1414141x Life is more important than Property
We are not Australia, we are small islands, we are volcánic islands
¡ Todos perdemos, somos familia.!
The finest organics on the planet wish I could have some of that soil
Cada vez que veo las noticias medan ganaste de llorar Dios mio ten compasión de ese pais que lo esta perdiendo todos. Haz que eso ya pared y porque lo esta destruyendo todo ✝🙌🏻🙌🏻
It's like a microcosm and geological analogue for the Kalergi Plan.
No he visto a ese pueblo doblar sus rodillas y clamar misericordia delante la presencia de Dios. Dios está esperando que su clamor. Solo así verán la Gloria de Dios
How do you stop/control lava? Is it even possible? Do these people just have to watch everything get engulfed in boiling dirt until it's done and then start to re-build? It looks like such a beautiful area. I wish there were some way to prevent the destruction if/when volcanoes erupt...like a lava dam or something lol. My heart feels for these people. I certainly would never have the courage to live in such an active land
Πόσο λυπάμαι αυτούς τους ανθρώπους που έχασαν τα σπίτια τους, την ζωή τους καθημερινότητα τους. Τι να κάνεις όμως; Προσευχόμαστε για εσάς.
God bless 🙏
May ALLAH bless all humanity in this planet. Sply spain🇪🇸 all over the world were problem's have now...
Volcano’s dust are bad for their lung.
2 Peter 3:12,13 "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of
God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the
elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless we, according to
His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells
Amen 🙌❤️🙏
@@Noona22 You look romantic on the picture.
What's all that crap mean ?
@@1414141x Malachi 4:1 "Behold, the day comes, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that comes shall burn them up, said the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch."
My prayers 🙏 for comfort to those lost it all , and miracles for this to go out to the ocean , and stop destroying more communities in this beautiful Island .🙏 in JESUS CHRIST Name 🙏 Amen
Hãy ăn nan cầu nguyện xin lòng thương xót chúa
Che meraviglia madre terra che se ne frega dell'umanoide tecnologico haaahaaaa haaahaaaa e si riprende il suo spazio vitale meraviglioso
This is just a small punishment. Imagine on judgment day?
Someone skipped their sensitivity training
Go ahead run from the truth see how far you going to get
tjhis should have happened in ibiza... poor canary island people what have they done????
@alexanderecohen sir please resume FSW draws, many of us are losing age points, Ielts are expiring, its been 9 months no sign of draw even no updates/tweets, doctors engineers are in limbo because of IRCC
Es tiempo de doblar sus rodillas pedir misericordia al padre Creador del mundo oren tenga fe ♥
Na całym świecie jest sodowa i gomora
Jezus już tego wszystkiego nie ogarnie
Help Jesus
If this is Hollywood/american movie, people will be looting everywhere during disaster
In the real world people are still human 😭
ma guardano e basta i pompieri senza incanalare a lava
She is not doing it on purpose. The island 🏝 belongs to her she created the island. It belongs to her. The only reason they are there is because of her. Soil rich with nutrition, black gold. You can grow anything from banana, papayas,pineapple, watermelon 🍉, flowers 💐. Soil absorbing the water 💧. They forget its a volcano 🌋. Dormant or not. Look where they build there homes.
She is not a monster doing it on purpose. She just wanted to make it little bigger. And your belongings are in the way.
People need to understand. They took a gamble and build on the slopes of the volcano. Everyone in that island knows. It erupted what?? In the 42, 73. It's not even long a go. Not for a volcano saying hi. You build right up her way.
And she doesn't care what it is in her way. I can imagine how much it hurts 😢 😫. But at the end of the day. No one got hurt. My respect to the countless of hour's they.
Worked sometime they didn't even go and checked on there family's and friends. Just a phone call to say hi I love everyone. Iam ok 👍 they did there job's 👏.
And if nobody understand what a volcano can do see Pompeii, Herculaneum, and 1 more.but i can't remember.
The name. Anyway she destroyed it. People just grabbed what ever was valuable. Put there life stack,and gone down the pier. Believing it's just dust. Gone to the boat harbor. People dancing music big fires 🔥 over here. Buy lunch time. It was getting dark day turning to night.
They had table lamp 🔦. Screaming trying to find family's, friend's someone any1 the dust was choking them. They can't breed the little stones turning into big boulders. Coming down on them crashing in to the house's. People praying to God of the sea 🌊 🙏. To spare them and then.
Came hot 🔥 🥵 steaming boiling steam 200.miles 760.
Hot steam striped there flesh and everyone lived for 2
Second there brain 🧠 boiled. And then she buried them.
Timeless in that condition. Time forgot about them.