Unpopular opinion - Jerry from season 10 was Dan’s biggest competition in any season. He won comps, and made it clear to everyone what Dan and Memphis were doing. He just didn’t have anyone good to play with.
An even more unpopular opinion: This was more or the less the reason Memphis couldn't ever win the season, even if Dan wasn't in the final 2. Dan was obviously the best player, so him winning over Memphis makes sense. But ever since Memphis entered the endgame, he was destined to end up at best on 2nd. Jerry was more respected by the rest of the houseguests and has the better story compared to Memphis (specially if somehow Jerry managed to get rid of Dan at the final 3), Keesha was a little bit better as a player both socially and strategically, and (as far as I can remember) won as many competitions as Memphis did. The only player I see Memphis defeating at the final 2 is Renny, but let's be real, she had no chance to get there alongside Memphis, as she wasn't that much connected with him game wise. She might've had a better chance to get there alongside Keesha, Jerry or even Dan if things went a little bit differently in the game, but not Memphis. And to me that part of the reason Memphis didn't stand a chance of winning even if he played a very good game. He didn't have any enemies, he barely called any of the shots inside the house compared to other players, and he didn't have that much win equity other than managing to stay in the house despite being a huge threat for competitions. Dan being kinda rivals with Jerry hugely helped his game, since he was the biggest target to only one houseguest and, because of it, he managed to slowly evict everyone else in the house and overcome the odds until he got to the final 2. A huge respectable story and game, something that Memphis didn't have, because he wasn't rivals with anyone.
@@lucrative6477 I mean, he was definitely obnoxious. But its reality TV...everyone is obnoxious to an extent. The whole "my sister is Ariana Grande, I'm a social media star" thing got old fast, and I think that's what turned people off. I personally didn't mind Frankie, he was undeniably entertaining.
@@meg6331 I just thought there was more to it. Don’t get me wrong, I get what you are saying. But tbh the amount of backlash I’ve seen him get in comments recently I thought he like did something or said something awful. If we’re just going off of the show then eh, annoying and over the top sure, but a damn good player. And to be fair, if I was Ariana grandes brother I’d use that to my advantage too (although in big brother that means never mentioning it).
@@lucrative6477 Oh he said a LOT of awful things on live feeds, on top of being really annoying. I think the most notable was as really, REALLY off color joke about Victoria being gang-r***d. But he also was WAY too touchy feely with a lot of the guys, particularly Cody, even when they were clearly uncomfortable with it. Add that along with him turning on both of the fan favorites of the season, (Donny and Zach), Zach especially for literally no reason, and you've got a recipe for disaster
Not technically because you’re at higher risk throughout the game of going home if people don’t see you working, want to work with you because of that and have some say over who goes home. It’s a coo strategy but not the smartest in a game of odds, numbers and emotions.
Andy really is a great winner! People don’t like “rat” games but he truley pulled it off flawlessly! It’s not easy having to convince everyone that you’re their number 1. When you take the feelings out of BB, he is an objectively good player.
Xavier in BB23 was not the best player in the house, but he had the best timing I would say. He played slow in the beginning, stuck with his alliance, and when they had to go at each other, he turned his game on and made sure that he got to the end with Big D to secure a win. While its agreeable that Azah and Tiffany threw their gameplay near the end, like I said Xavier's timing and luck got him to the best ending for himself . I enjoyed the cast of the season, but it was indeed pretty predictable all throughout.
Oh I have a few unpopular opinions. Some may ruffle some feathers. 1. (Big Brother 5) Marvin deserves more credit for the Six Finger Plan than Nakomis. 2. (Big Brother 6) Maggie truly was the best player that season, and Janelle outshadows her game as Maggie is deemed a villain for America’s favorite player. 3. (Big Brother 8) Zach had the greatest underdog story in such of a production favored season. The fact they tried to bury him in the edit, given that he was a social outcast and managed to make it final 3, it would’ve been amazing to see production cry a river if Zach made it to final 2 and won. 4. (Big Brother 9) Team Christ is one of the most dominant alliances ever in the shows history. It’s forgotten because people like to bash the season. 5. (Big Brother 11) When Chima got expelled, she wasn’t added to the jury. What they should’ve done is made it a final 3 and then have America vote out the final person. Then the seven person jury would vote for the winner. I like that idea better than putting America on the jury. 6. (Big Brother 13) Worst cast in the history of the show. Even worse than Big Brother 19. 7. (Big Brother 15) Despite the racism and crazy people, it is one of the best seasons for gameplay I’ve ever seen in the show. Andy was a master at manipulation. 8. (Big Brother 17) The best modern season. (Big Brother 16 to present). Yes, I think it’s better than BB20. 9. (Big Brother 20) Brett and Tyler carried the entertainment for Season 20. Other than that, it was pretty predictable. It was fun watching the blindsides pre-jury and early jury. When it got to deeper in the jury, it got a bit stale. 10. (Big Brother 23) It will forever be a mid-tier season. The alliance gameplay was next level, but that’s also accompanied by the absolute worst individual gameplay from over half of the cast I’ve ever seen in the shows history. Honorable Mention: (Big Brother 16) Great on the first watch, but gets worse after rewatch(es).
Although I don't agree with every one of these, I definitely agree with the majority and for that (plus it overall just being a fun read) you get a heart
I love the idea for Big Brother 11. I don’t want America voting for who wins, I’d rather them vote for who goes. It’s preference really. Another version I wouldn’t have minded is seeing the pre-jurors cast a unanimous vote for a person and have that act as the seventh vote.
I agree with most of these except for the Big brother 11 one, because I dont think the public should have the sole decision of someone winning or losing.
@@tvmania2 what if instead of America voting, the pre-jury got to cast the seventh vote as a group? Keep America out of it? I just felt the vote was always going to Jordan. Regardless if America was voting for Jordan to stay, or voting for Jordan to win. The fact they resorted to America voting in the first place kind of bothers me. It doesn’t make me all that impressed with Jordan’s win. Yeah she’s nice and she was associated with Jeff who America just loved at the time. But either way you dice it, if America decides who goes or casts a vote for someone to win, isn’t optimal. I just prefer America voting someone out because it would’ve been interesting to see how that would’ve played out. I mean over the top technically did this?
An unpopular opinion that I have is you deserve the win if you’re smart enough to realize that people would rather vote for you than the person sitting next to you because the bitter jurors. Yes I mean josh
I agree. The people who win to bitter juries almost always deserve it (Lisa being the exception due to the DRs essentially handing her the win). These people are usually low tier winners, but low tier doesn't mean undeserving imo.
You deserve the win period if you’re sitting at final 2 and the jury votes for you, that’s the game. Day 1 to final 2 is just buildup to getting yourself in one of those seats and are honestly kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, the only thing that matters is being there and having a jury that is willing to vote for you.
Unpopular opinion: controversy aside, b15 was a great season for gameplay. the cast were horrible but there were a lot intelligent and all-star potential casts
One of my favorite seasons. Most people claim to hate it because that’s the PC thing to do, and the Woke mob tries to make you feel like a bad person for enjoying it.
Yea I agree 100%. Power shifts, power moves, etc. One alliance didint steam roll through the whole season and it left a lot of room for good gameplay. Just finished re watching this season
Just watched for the first time. Honestly, was the most entertaining season for me sine BB10 and there were some really good players. It’s just a shame many of those good players were horrible and/or racist people. Wish they’d bring Helen back.
Unpopular Opinion: I kind of unironically love BB9. While it is hard to watch at times (even if you go in with no expectations), there is a lot of raw gameplay that happens towards the end of the season that gets me super invested. It may be trash, but it's my trash
@@veraweng9908 Right. If we take away pre-jury, BB9 is genuinely one of the best seasons game-play wise. James winning Veto 3 times in a row, Sheila winning HoH and dumping Natalie and Adam completely selling Ryan out. Ntm, Chelsia dragging them for their game play. This season had one of the best Mid and Endgame in the show’s history
I think the whole thing with Andy and the general perception of him is for a lot of people he “came out of nowhere” which is just due to production not giving him enough screen time in the beginning, and also the fact of how chaotic bb15 was, so that was the main focal point of it, rather than of how good Andy played in the season.
I mean I could see that but people should know how wrong it would be to presume something like that. I also don’t think players will be eager to create a similar alliance again since the cookout was formed based on a mission at the sacrifice of what they all really wanted. As Tiffany said, they all sacrificed their game plans for a bigger purpose, minus Big D and X but even so it goes to show that the decision did have its consequences to it and was done more out of bigger goals and less about personal desires!
See I thought about that too but then I realized with a half white half minority cast that Big Brother has now the diverse alliances actually have a chance to fire back early game as well because of the balance in numbers
Just based off of the thumbnail, I'm hoping you give Andy props for his game because so many people think he is a bad winner when I think he is one of the best of all time!
I consider him to have a top 5 winning game. my order is 1.Cody(22) 2. Dan (10) 3. Derek (16) 4 and 5 are Andy (15) and Xavier.(23) I'm not quite sure how to rank them against each other.
opinion - bb21 post jury had pretty solid gameplay because there was no majority alliance controlling the house. after the majority alliance broke up, it was a bunch of rogue agents that was constantly targeting each other and kept me wanting to see who would get rid of who
I completely agree with you on BB9. On a rewatch, I actually REALLY loved team christ (minus ryan who was just whatever). Adam, Sheila, Natalie and Matt were all amazing characters, even if they weren't necessarily the most likable. And I actually found a lot of the pre jury boots compelling too. Jacob, Jen, Parker, Alex, Amanda, and Allison were all really interesting, and even in their non boot weeks dominated a lot of the screen time in that pre jury, meaning that their evictions actually felt notable. The problem for the season, imo, is the other side. James, Chelsia, and ESPECIALLY Joshuah were AWFUL. Felt like the friendship 2.0. Thankfully, the season is kinda saved by the fact that they didn't win in the end. All in all, on my recent rewatch, I was shocked by how much of that cast I'd be happy to see brought back for another season, even if it will never happen
Vanessa is extremely overrated in my opinion. She played a terrible social by gaslighting and crying when she was caught in a lie. If Big Brother would have given Steve a better edit we would barely talk about her.
Vanessa's social game definitely made her a big target throughout the game, but in her defense, she was HOH 4 times, and in each of her HOH reigns, she had to change her target as a result of an upset in the BOB or the POV. Naturally, everytime Vanessa changed her targets, the houseguests would trust her less and less.
vanessa has said that her game worked despite the crying so the crying wasn't calculated she said it was her lawyer skills that got everyone past her crying the only reason everyone thinks the crying was fake is cause paulie says it was and what does paulie know
In my opinion, if CBS ever does a season where they don’t tell us of any alliances ALL SEASON I think it might be a little more enjoyable and leave us guessing in what pair will go up and who will go home. I know it sounds impossible but it just sounds like an amazing idea
Could be an interesting viewing experience for the casual viewers but the live feeders will obviously know everything going on anyway so it wouldn’t serve much of a point. What they need to do is to figure out how they can incentivise individual gameplay throughout the entire season, so the chance of a flip becomes a lot higher every single episode. BB16 established the huge alliance meta that they still haven’t been able to shake because it’s just the most optimal strategy, especially since modern casts are so large compared to earlier seasons.
The twists in BB 5 were so good and I acknowledge I am somewhat biased because it was the first season I ever watched! Finding out two of the houseguests were half-siblings when they didn’t even know it themselves was wild, and watching Cowboy evict Nakomis in final 4 was heartbreaking to watch because you could tell it was a hard choice for him! I also agree wholeheartedly with the points on 14 and 15. People should understand that while Dan did play very well it was also completely understandable that he would not get the jury votes like he did in 10. Plus, Ian played a great game and I feel that the way he made his case before the jury was excellent! Regardless of whatever bitterness they felt toward Dan, the jury clearly voted for Ian because of how well he sold his case for why he should be the winner. The fact that he easily could have gone home in final 4 had Dan not played Danielle should not take away from his big win! And as for Andy, people really underestimate how strategic his game was, he was playing both sides and never let anyone think he was disloyal to them, which has backfired for plenty of other players. In the end he won when he needed to win and while he did do a lot of lying, none of it ever felt malicious and in the end he was most loyal to the people who made it to the final 3 with him, so I think that’s pretty noteworthy! Plus, he helped get rid of many of the strongest male competitors before the jury phase which obviously helped him in the late game! Solid video as always though!
Totally agree bb21 was great after the six shooters blew up. And Jackson played a pretty good game. Positioning himself so Nicole and Cliff wouldn't target him and holly during the double was genius. He was more than just a comp beast.
I love hearing hot takes like this! Here are mine: -S18 is a top tier season -Cody and Enzo are one of the best final 2s ever. -some of the fights in the beginning of S10 made me want to turn the season off. The season was great in the end so I'm really glad I stuck with it. -If Jesse wasn't booted in S11 he would have played essentially Paul's game in BB19 except he would've won.
@@richwrites5683 I didn’t watch it when it was on (my first season was season 21) but when I went back and watched it I really appreciated it. And one of my friends said it was one of their favorites as well.
@@richwrites5683 100% agree with the last one. motherfuck the coup d'etat. to this day i still think that if jessie and bruno didn't get sniped out of the game when they did because of the twist, i see them going all the way to the end and potentially winning
An unpopular opinion I have is I think every winner deserves their win, and while some seasons I would say there could have been better winners, but they did what they had to do to win, gotta get that 500k somehow 🤣
I still don't think Nicole deserved her win, I have watched BB18 a few times now and she really didn't game very much imo. She won because a lot of the jury didn't like Paul and thought Viktor was the one who did more (though Paul was the puppet master pulling viktors strings.) I still think Viktor should have won and could have won, either sitting next to Paul or Nicole.
@@Hahsggsg I just personally felt like she didn't really play until near the end, but I guess it all worked out for her in the end. I just think Paul or Viktor deserved to win more than her.
Technically speaking, if you make it to the final two and the majority of the jury decides to give you their vote, by the Big Brother rule book, you deserved your win.
I fully agree on the Andy point. He was very good at keeping himself out of trouble and moving through different social circles. Also he won where he had to which is a plus for me.
He floated the entire season and won competitions against all floaters because the final 5 were floaters. It was literally a Big Brother floater finale. They all were bad game players. Andy performed more better than those 4 that were horrible.
honestly big brother 19 was a really entertaining season. although it felt like a fever dream half the time, it was definitely entertaining and i kept watching every episode.
Unpopular opinion: BB 16 had the best cast. 1. It had 3 eventual winners. (Derek, Nicole, Cody) 2. Deven and Zack’s total chaotic game play 3. The most popular player ever (Donnie) 4. A future challenge champ (Amber) 5. 2 extremely unpopular players (Christine and Frankie) 6. Heavy hitters that were great at challenges. (Deven, Cody, Caleb, Donnie, Derek, Frankie, Amber, Zack)
Will DID play with vetoes during BB7 - an ALL STAR season - was almost ALWAYS the backup target, actually VOLUNTEERED to go on the block several times, and STILL made it to Final Four. You even said yourself, had Erica and Janelle not talked, Will wins. Again. WITH vetoes.
You’re right! I’m not disagreeing with anything you just said. What I am saying is that Big Brother 2 had different people with much different circumstances. If Hardy or Nicole win veto at the final 4 of Big Brother 2, there’s almost no doubt in my mind that Will gets evicted (and that’s just one example). He adapted to the game in Big Brother 7 and played one of the best games ever seen, but I think circumstantially, a veto being in play in Big Brother 2 would lower Will’s chances a lot
Unpopular opinion: I found the cookout alliance interesting. These people actually got attached to there fake/side alliances which sometimes caused Issues within the group. Xavier, Kyland, Tiffany, and Derek have all considered breaking the alliance at some point. Somewhat of a power struggle in the house/group with Tiffany vs Xavier/Tiffany vs Kyland (which eventually blossomed into some type of.... showmance......idk what that was 😭💀) and just watching the 6 of them trying to keep there shit together, Hannah making noise at the door to stop Tiffany and I think it was Derek F. or Azah from getting too heated and exposing the alliance. Tiffany v. Azah/Derek about Britni, them not fully trusting Kyland, Them not trusting Tiffany for that second HOH. I'm sorry but I had fun 😭💀
Yes! While the gameplay seems predictable when you know the outcome, throughout the season there always seemed to be a chance someone would flip. It's interesting because their real alliances in the house, the ones they wanted to play with and take to the end, are the ones they flip on every week, while staying with an alliance that was good for almost none of their personal games.
@@rockstarbenjamin02 you make no sense… this is a fact big brother lost half its viewership over big brother 23. What you just said made absolutely no sense whatsoever
I think Josh’s social game was so much better than Paul’s but everyone is so into Paul that they couldn’t see how awful Paul’s social game was that season.
“And he’ll never (BULL!) admit that brittany might, (BULL!) she had Ian by the leash(…BULL!)” always sends me 😂😂😂😂 and i wasn’t high on Xs win either until i seen on The Challenge
FUN post!!! OK -- I give you my unpopular opinion -- and its for BB1! Here goes: I LOVED this season. That's it! That's my "unpopular" opinion! Slow - yes! Waaaay overexposed with daily broadcasts oftentimes with not that much going on -- Yes! BUT it was a true look into the psychological makeup of by-and-large non-showbiz people with the focus on their cooperation 95% of the time (or more) With regard to that -- it was a true look at the psychologies of people in an abnormal situation trying to co-operate, which is what most people do in societies and in their every day lives. And the result was often quite fascinating! Sometimes a spotlight was put on emotions - common, mundane, ordinary - but which occasionally welled up -- and when they did, it was riveting. (Who didn't shed tears when Brittany was evicted - in those days by audience vote - and subsequently with the other HGS -- shouting out in the backyard how they loved her and missed her -- just in case she could hear them as she was leaving). And then there were truly fun moments -- when Chicken George was able to memorize and do really well with the "roadmap challenge", complete with the HGs cheering him on, and when Karen with her genuinely fragile personality still would at least try to blend in with the other HGs. How they each individually dealt with loneliness, cooperation, fun -- it was in all honesty more like a psychology study that might have been broadcast in those days on PBS, rather then prime time TV on ABC, CBS or NBC. Could a program like that have continued on? NO way! One season was plenty for me! BUT -- I did enjoy it -- and was fascinated by the premise and the look into the psychologies of people which any of us non-TV folk could identify or spot as someone we might very well know, or even could be! And -- to cap this all off, who'd've ever thought that Jamie, a BB1 HG, who was considered a very pretty, but somewhat half goody-goody, but also half kind-of-fake HG, would become BY FAR, the richest HG in the history of the game - to the tune of a half a billion (b-i-l-l-i-o-n) dollars with her post BB cosmetics investments? Yep! BB1 -- a pretty darn good season!
Gotta love the unpopular opinions post. Here are two of mine: 1) I love Team Christ. Granted, most people don't like alliances that are self-righteous, thinking that they have divine intervention on their side. But I find this alliance to be more rootable and more likeable players than the other side. 2) I find that the Cookout Alliance was an overcorrection to the lack of black Big Brother winners. When everybody claims that the alliance was a "necessary evil," I question if they even forgot how shitty the casting was prior to BB23.
BB23 could have been awesome, but the casting is getting rough. They are casting people who know the show too well, and it leads to passive, very safe gameplay, which is boring. Even though it would never happen, imagine a season where half the people are like Frenchie, where they are super chaotic and explosive, making rash decisions
Dropping my unpopular opinion before even watching the video. Dan deserved to lose BB 14 because his jury management was abysmal and his final speech was even worse.
Great video! I would agree that BB19 wasn’t terrible… it was good enough to hook me onto the show haha! But having 20 right after, it was so much better
Also, this one will definitely be unpopular but Da’Vonne was never a good player. I agree that she didn’t really get a chance in her first season but she did in her second and majorly blew it. She only won 1 competition ever despite being on 3 different seasons. Also, even though the Committee pretty much made it impossible for her to win, BB22 exposed her for how bad she was at the game. Her reads were horrible all season long and the way she got played by Nicole proved that. The fact that Nicole was able to convince her to turn on David (who was one of the few people that was actually on her side) proves how bad her reads were. She was so smart at figuring people out on BB17 so I have no idea how she became so bad at reading people on her subsequent seasons. Yes, she’s incredibly likable and entertaining but the fact that so many people hype her up as being such a great player is ridiculous.
Time for my super unpopular opinion: The Coup De'Tat was a great twist in BB11. The cast knew from the jump that America could affect the gameplay as they did in the previous 2 summer seasons, BB8 and BB10, so they should've known it was important not to come off as unlikeable to them. They also knew this twist was in the game, as Julie told the house America would vote for someone to receive a special power, which everyone knew could only be the Coup De'Tat as that was the only "special power" up to this point. The house also knew the HoH and Veto Holder were also immune to this power, so there were outs to being sniped out by it even outside the hard (but not impossible!) one of having a working relationship with everyone in the hosue. And finally, it provided a huge flashy moment and a crazy fallout where the entire game shifted as a result, making BB11 one of the most back and forth BB seasons ever as opposed to a Jessie and Co steamroll.
Will’s BB2 game is one of the best of all time in my opinion. The way that he masterfully maneuvered his way into the majority after being such a social outcast was amazing to watch, and he set the stage for all future survivor players by creating new ways of using social capital to sneak all the way to the end. I think the best part of his game was how he used the diary room to communicate with the jury, making it so that he would win in the final 2 against anyone in that final 4. He also brilliantly practically “taught” his fellow houseguests strategy in the game while also pulling the wool over their eyes.
My unpopular opinion for BB23 is that Tiffany would've actually gotten way farther than she did if she didn't nominate Claire in week 9. Claire would always be targeted first and Tiffany could've used her as a shield.
The cookout basically collectively threatened Tiffany that she would have to go next if she didn't put up Claire. She was past the point of no return there.
I think Xavier was a good winner but what he did to Kyland was a rookie mistake. I've been in lots of online BB competitions and I have a ton of experience when it comes to jury management. Insisting on that blindside instead of letting Kyland down lightly (like the renegades did for Keesha and brigade did for Britney) was a very poor jury management strategy at that stage in the game, especially in this case because Kyland caught on fairly quickly and Xavier still wouldn't come clean. It may not have cost him anything but it was a bad move.
Nicole(BB2) played a marvelous game and one could even argue that a bitter jury led to her downfall. But ppl don’t wanna talk about it because Dr. Will is arguably the greatest player ever, however Nicole ran the entire house from week 2 till the final 4. I think season 16 is actually a pretty boring season. Season 10 and 17 was the most unpredictable seasons of BB for me as I don’t think u could definitively pick a winner in either one of those seasons until the fan actually watched the jury segment at the very end.
Funny enough, S10 was the very first season I watched and I knew Dan was going to win by week 2 when he successfully threw the veto and stayed, I knew if he stayed that week along with Keesha drama that he was going to be able to be similar Renny where a little disagreement won’t eliminate you from the bigger picture which he did amazing.
First off, I completely agree with you on Andy easily being a top 5 player, I even think that he has the second best winning game of all time behind Cody. Next, BB8 is my second favorite season. That being said, I would have loved to see Zach win the season, especially if he brought Dick to the Final 2. Seeing the two of them i the house for five days alone would have been hillarious and the Dick's reaction when Zach won would have been even better. Finally, I went into BB9 thinking it was an awful season. I found the drama super annoying at first because of that. However, after I dropped that notion, I enjoyed the season so much that it's my third favrotie season now. Also BB16 is a high tier season for me.
Tbh i feel like people “dog” Andy’s game because he is looked at as a top 5ish player, I also think Paul v Nicole is the most even final two (or one of the most even that’s popular) and BB20 is a top 5 szn, Personality wise a all timer !!!
The cookout was comprised of 5 of the dumbest players in BB history and Xavier. Derek and Azah were both going into a final 6 with 0% winrates and did nothing to change that fact. Tiff and Hannah had the choice to either guarantee themselves final 4 (at least), but instead chose to force themselves into a final 6 where they had to win out against 2 comp beasts. Kyland had 2 shots at Xavier and decided instead to go after smaller fish, and he lost the season because of it. Only Xavier’s gameplay made any sense and wasn’t motivated by the idea that creating an all African American final 2 was the only goal, even if it meant sacrificing your game to do it.
I 100% agree on the BB18 one, when I was younger I watched clips from that season and even if it wasn’t the best season I was blown away with everything I was watching. It still is so near and dear to my heart lol
My unpopular opinion of BB23: Tiffany is the most overrated player in BB history. She played emotionally in trying to get Sarah Beth out every week only to fail week after week until her HoH. Failed to flip the votes to keep Derek X because she didn’t want SB to have a big move on her resume. And she made no connections with the other Cookout members other Hannah. No one else trusted her enough to bring her past F6. And her “master plan” was invented on BB12 so she really doesn’t deserve the credit in creating in. Had she spent more time building relationships I think her alliance like Xavier did, then maybe she’d be close to the player he is but she isn’t.
Tiffany from BB23 was a bad player. There, I said it. Her alliance hated her and wanted her gone, yet she evicted HER CLOEST ALLY to save them. That's called bad gameplay!
Unpopular opinion: BB23 is the worst season of bb. Some of the cast was likeable but predictably and lack of "high risk high reward" gameplay made watching the show a chore more than anything. Also, DX could have ran away with it if he played a better game in general.
BB20 didn’t really save modern BB. But it did provide another bright light amidst a slew of Mediocre/bad seasons. BB17 and 20 are the epitome of Modern BB being good and fun and the reasons why we still hold out hope for another awesome season. It will come, and hopefully soon
My unpopular opinion: Paul did not play as good of a game as people say they did in bb19. Paul’s biggest downfall was jury management, which was something they tried to improve on after losing to Nicole, but instead it got worse. Pauls tactics trying to convince their targets that they were not the reason they were going home make some of the Jury members upset, (AKA Alex and Jason) which was the opposite of what Paul was trying to do. And there was the fact that just nobody was playing a good game at all so that yes, Paul’s game looks amazing in comparison to the others on that season, but if you compare to the gameplay on other seasons Paul honestly just didn’t play that good.
I agree !000% about Danielle Reyes. Is she one of the greatest of all time? Absolutely, but she would not have won against Lisa or Jason, even if the jury was sequestered.
Love the Vanessa pick. Vanessa is an excellent player in a closed situation. Put her in the house for 1 week and she will almost always send out whoever she wants. Her moves stacked up on her though, and eventually she was in a situation where she had trust with almost no one. She was often compared to Derrick at the end of 17, and I really don't see it. You could count the number of times Derrick's name even came up as a target on one hand, and every time it was alongside two or three other names. After prejury there was almost always at least one person that had Vanessa as their primary target. The only reason people see her as a top tier player is because she got to final 3 despite all of the chaos coming her way, and I don't see that as excellent gameplay.
Will's Big Brother 2 game is so odd. The first bit of it is completely abysmal. The second bit of it is masterful. Probably fair overall it as average, but it's just so wildly impressive that he was able to claw his way out of the hole he dug for himself. Or rather, he more-so dug even deeper until he completely looped around to on top of the other side.
People have been saying Ian is one of the worst winners even though Ian is one of the best winner and one of the most likable if not the most likable winner ever
For Big Brother 16, while I don't think she deserves to win over Derrick - or anyone else from the final 8, really - I will say that I feel that Victoria's social game with the guys was somewhat underrated (primarily with Derrick, Zack, Frankie, Devin, and Hayden). From a narrative standpoint, I also will say that Victoria was a bit underappreciated as a comic relief.
BB23 is one of the most predictable seasons, which brings it down a bit. Big D brings it down a bit more. With that being said, it’s like bb12: predictable, boring, but a good cast.
I think the partners twist in bb 13 was actually fine and added more layers of strategy as it was taking a gamble that if you took out someone's partner you were actually keeping someone who could potentially cause problems down the line, see Porsche turning on the vets in the jury phase. I think it gets as much hate as it does because the vets won some many early comps that it made the house very heavily side to them.
Hard disagree, as we saw in BB24, that kind of twist not only encourages big alliances sticking together but also makes it a near guarantee they'll steamroll. An unpopular opinion of mine is that a duos twist only works if they do it BB9 style, or at least a combination of it and future iterations where there's always a chance both members of the duo go home. It makes it so the pairs actually have to work with their partner at least to some degree rather than one member being able to use their partner as an easy scapegoat.
Popular opinion: For season 14, i still do not get Danielle's decision. It's just so stupid. Even without the wisdom of retrospect, it doesnt make a single dust particle of sense.
I don’t get why people hate Nicole F. so much. I hear people often say it feels like they’ve seen Nicole more than any other houseguest, but that’s not because she’s so annoying that it feels longer, it’s because she has actually spent the most days in the BB house of any houseguest
The sovereign six was one of the worst alliances in big brother history but there only saving grace was Janelle (which wasn’t much) and the randomness of old school bb comps saving them.
the randomness of old school bb comps is what made old school bb great. the fact that comps, and by proxy the entire game itself, is now skewed to gym bros / juice heads / physically athletic men is one of the key factors as to why the seasons have become so predictable and boring now.
My Unpopular Opinions S2: With Vetos Hardy wins the season S3: Lisa keeping Amy over Eric doesn't prove anything S4: Justin is an underrated player S5: Diane needed Drew to navigate in the game S6: Maggie isn't a top 10 winner and extremely overrated S7: Chicken George wasn't that terrible, bad but I've seen much worse S8: Eric > Dr. Will without Americas Player twist S9: Matt would've went far without James returning S10: Libra and Michelle are pretty underrated players S11: Kevin wasn't that impressive of a player S12: Hayden is a top 5 winner S13: Porsche was a bad player S14: Janelle orchestrating the Frank backdoor was impressive before restart S15: The social games were terrible and many players would struggle in other seasons S16: Frankie is one of the best players to never win S17: Austin > Steve S18: Pauls game was fluky and overrated S19: Even without Paul, Cody still would've played an abysmal game S20: JC is a top 25 player ever S21: Michie outplaying Tommy deserves more credit S22: Christmas proved she's a quality player S23: Half of the Cookout wasn't good S24: Kyle had the highest highs
BIGGEST HOT TAKE EVER: the pre jury of bb22 was actually really good. Week 1 was nice to see some of my favorites come back like Dani, davonne and keesha and Janelle and kaysar, Week 2 was sort of boring but it was nice to see Memphis suffer from HoH-atis, Week 3 despite Janelle going home, we see some entertaining gameplay with the David, davonne and Tyler drama and week 4 was the most boring week but at least kaysar tried to blow up Cody and Nicole’s game that week and finally we have week 5 which was the best week of the season in my opinion. We had the one and ONLY fight of the season, Tyler trying to quit, Dani’s game starts to go downhill here, and I wasn’t the biggest fan of Bayleigh so losing her wasn’t that bad. Overall I’m not saying bb22 was my favorite season and is probably number 20 or 21 on my season rankings but I did enjoy the pre jury more than most.
I feel like Frankie had an easy shot at winning BB 16 but since the twist was added of the golden button it ruined his chances of winning and ultimately set it up for Derrick to win
I’ve heard you say in a few of your videos that you think Ragan wins season 12 if he beats Enzo in Otev. I would love for you to do a Ragan deep dive video that explains this. I haven’t watched season 12 in a LONG time so I don’t really remember how much of a front runner he was.
For bb11 I think Natalie is a better player than Jordan. For bb16 I never cared for Nicole even in this season. For bb23 people who shame Kyland for what he said about X's nephew but praise Howie for what he said about April's husband (and dog) in bb6 are hypocrites.
I still don't understand how they found two random people, discovered they were siblings, and then set this up in the season. Or how they both auditioned and then found out they were siblings. So lost.
I feel like seeing Andy Herren as top tier is a prerequisite to being a super fan. I don’t really know how you could love this game, but not his gameplay
Unpopular opinion - Jerry from season 10 was Dan’s biggest competition in any season. He won comps, and made it clear to everyone what Dan and Memphis were doing. He just didn’t have anyone good to play with.
Realistically it was ageism. They didnt believe him cus he was 75 and thats about it straight up
Definitly Libra too. She clocked Dans each and every move from the first day to when she left the house.
@@slowrabbit604she definitely was noticing Dan but she was so irritated with Jessie and the other side that it clouded her
An even more unpopular opinion: This was more or the less the reason Memphis couldn't ever win the season, even if Dan wasn't in the final 2.
Dan was obviously the best player, so him winning over Memphis makes sense. But ever since Memphis entered the endgame, he was destined to end up at best on 2nd. Jerry was more respected by the rest of the houseguests and has the better story compared to Memphis (specially if somehow Jerry managed to get rid of Dan at the final 3), Keesha was a little bit better as a player both socially and strategically, and (as far as I can remember) won as many competitions as Memphis did.
The only player I see Memphis defeating at the final 2 is Renny, but let's be real, she had no chance to get there alongside Memphis, as she wasn't that much connected with him game wise. She might've had a better chance to get there alongside Keesha, Jerry or even Dan if things went a little bit differently in the game, but not Memphis.
And to me that part of the reason Memphis didn't stand a chance of winning even if he played a very good game. He didn't have any enemies, he barely called any of the shots inside the house compared to other players, and he didn't have that much win equity other than managing to stay in the house despite being a huge threat for competitions.
Dan being kinda rivals with Jerry hugely helped his game, since he was the biggest target to only one houseguest and, because of it, he managed to slowly evict everyone else in the house and overcome the odds until he got to the final 2. A huge respectable story and game, something that Memphis didn't have, because he wasn't rivals with anyone.
only speaking facts my guy
Frankie's gameplay was actually very impressive. I feel like a lot of people discredit it because of their personal opinion of him.
Hey, can I ask why people hate him? I never rly liked him but he was everyone’s favorite during the season…what changed?
@@lucrative6477 I mean, he was definitely obnoxious. But its reality TV...everyone is obnoxious to an extent. The whole "my sister is Ariana Grande, I'm a social media star" thing got old fast, and I think that's what turned people off. I personally didn't mind Frankie, he was undeniably entertaining.
@@meg6331 I just thought there was more to it. Don’t get me wrong, I get what you are saying. But tbh the amount of backlash I’ve seen him get in comments recently I thought he like did something or said something awful. If we’re just going off of the show then eh, annoying and over the top sure, but a damn good player. And to be fair, if I was Ariana grandes brother I’d use that to my advantage too (although in big brother that means never mentioning it).
@@lucrative6477 Oh he said a LOT of awful things on live feeds, on top of being really annoying. I think the most notable was as really, REALLY off color joke about Victoria being gang-r***d. But he also was WAY too touchy feely with a lot of the guys, particularly Cody, even when they were clearly uncomfortable with it. Add that along with him turning on both of the fan favorites of the season, (Donny and Zach), Zach especially for literally no reason, and you've got a recipe for disaster
@@morbidpanda25 ah, okay that makes more sense. Not exactly the worst thing said or done, but I can see that turn people off.
Unpopular opinion: playing under the radar is the SMARTEST strategy of them all.
Not technically because you’re at higher risk throughout the game of going home if people don’t see you working, want to work with you because of that and have some say over who goes home. It’s a coo strategy but not the smartest in a game of odds, numbers and emotions.
@@raheemfielder-bey998 thats why it is an unpopular opinion
Andy really is a great winner! People don’t like “rat” games but he truley pulled it off flawlessly! It’s not easy having to convince everyone that you’re their number 1. When you take the feelings out of BB, he is an objectively good player.
I like Andy as a winner but I totally forgot he won lol but it wascmy first season and I was like 12?
Xavier in BB23 was not the best player in the house, but he had the best timing I would say. He played slow in the beginning, stuck with his alliance, and when they had to go at each other, he turned his game on and made sure that he got to the end with Big D to secure a win. While its agreeable that Azah and Tiffany threw their gameplay near the end, like I said Xavier's timing and luck got him to the best ending for himself . I enjoyed the cast of the season, but it was indeed pretty predictable all throughout.
hot take, if andy ever was brought back, he easily has the potential to be the first 2x winner of BB
Absolutely not he would be gone first
@@owynrobinson7790i dont think he would be gone first everyone thinks he sucks and casual fans dont even know who he is
Oh I have a few unpopular opinions. Some may ruffle some feathers.
1. (Big Brother 5) Marvin deserves more credit for the Six Finger Plan than Nakomis.
2. (Big Brother 6) Maggie truly was the best player that season, and Janelle outshadows her game as Maggie is deemed a villain for America’s favorite player.
3. (Big Brother 8) Zach had the greatest underdog story in such of a production favored season. The fact they tried to bury him in the edit, given that he was a social outcast and managed to make it final 3, it would’ve been amazing to see production cry a river if Zach made it to final 2 and won.
4. (Big Brother 9) Team Christ is one of the most dominant alliances ever in the shows history. It’s forgotten because people like to bash the season.
5. (Big Brother 11) When Chima got expelled, she wasn’t added to the jury. What they should’ve done is made it a final 3 and then have America vote out the final person. Then the seven person jury would vote for the winner. I like that idea better than putting America on the jury.
6. (Big Brother 13) Worst cast in the history of the show. Even worse than Big Brother 19.
7. (Big Brother 15) Despite the racism and crazy people, it is one of the best seasons for gameplay I’ve ever seen in the show. Andy was a master at manipulation.
8. (Big Brother 17) The best modern season. (Big Brother 16 to present). Yes, I think it’s better than BB20.
9. (Big Brother 20) Brett and Tyler carried the entertainment for Season 20. Other than that, it was pretty predictable. It was fun watching the blindsides pre-jury and early jury. When it got to deeper in the jury, it got a bit stale.
10. (Big Brother 23) It will forever be a mid-tier season. The alliance gameplay was next level, but that’s also accompanied by the absolute worst individual gameplay from over half of the cast I’ve ever seen in the shows history.
Honorable Mention:
(Big Brother 16) Great on the first watch, but gets worse after rewatch(es).
Although I don't agree with every one of these, I definitely agree with the majority and for that (plus it overall just being a fun read) you get a heart
The big brother 11 take is the worst idea I’ve ever heard
I love the idea for Big Brother 11. I don’t want America voting for who wins, I’d rather them vote for who goes. It’s preference really.
Another version I wouldn’t have minded is seeing the pre-jurors cast a unanimous vote for a person and have that act as the seventh vote.
I agree with most of these except for the Big brother 11 one, because I dont think the public should have the sole decision of someone winning or losing.
@@tvmania2 what if instead of America voting, the pre-jury got to cast the seventh vote as a group? Keep America out of it? I just felt the vote was always going to Jordan. Regardless if America was voting for Jordan to stay, or voting for Jordan to win. The fact they resorted to America voting in the first place kind of bothers me. It doesn’t make me all that impressed with Jordan’s win. Yeah she’s nice and she was associated with Jeff who America just loved at the time. But either way you dice it, if America decides who goes or casts a vote for someone to win, isn’t optimal. I just prefer America voting someone out because it would’ve been interesting to see how that would’ve played out. I mean over the top technically did this?
An unpopular opinion that I have is you deserve the win if you’re smart enough to realize that people would rather vote for you than the person sitting next to you because the bitter jurors. Yes I mean josh
1000% agree
let's go, we love the Josh appreciation here
@@Ethanimale Yes!! You’re seemingly the only person on UA-cam that loves Josh too !
I agree. The people who win to bitter juries almost always deserve it (Lisa being the exception due to the DRs essentially handing her the win). These people are usually low tier winners, but low tier doesn't mean undeserving imo.
You deserve the win period if you’re sitting at final 2 and the jury votes for you, that’s the game. Day 1 to final 2 is just buildup to getting yourself in one of those seats and are honestly kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, the only thing that matters is being there and having a jury that is willing to vote for you.
Season 11 had three of the best villains ever in Russell, Ronnie, and Jessie. This is what made Jeff and Jordan so popular.
It’s crazy how the villains are genuinely more likable people than the heroes in question
Unpopular opinion: controversy aside, b15 was a great season for gameplay. the cast were horrible but there were a lot intelligent and all-star potential casts
One of my favorite seasons. Most people claim to hate it because that’s the PC thing to do, and the Woke mob tries to make you feel like a bad person for enjoying it.
Agreed! The season was tainted by Aaryn, GM, Kaitlyn, and Jeremy but there were some people that played their ass off on that season.
Yea I agree 100%. Power shifts, power moves, etc. One alliance didint steam roll through the whole season and it left a lot of room for good gameplay. Just finished re watching this season
Just watched for the first time. Honestly, was the most entertaining season for me sine BB10 and there were some really good players. It’s just a shame many of those good players were horrible and/or racist people. Wish they’d bring Helen back.
Unpopular Opinion: I kind of unironically love BB9. While it is hard to watch at times (even if you go in with no expectations), there is a lot of raw gameplay that happens towards the end of the season that gets me super invested. It may be trash, but it's my trash
@@veraweng9908 Right. If we take away pre-jury, BB9 is genuinely one of the best seasons game-play wise. James winning Veto 3 times in a row, Sheila winning HoH and dumping Natalie and Adam completely selling Ryan out. Ntm, Chelsia dragging them for their game play. This season had one of the best Mid and Endgame in the show’s history
I think the whole thing with Andy and the general perception of him is for a lot of people he “came out of nowhere” which is just due to production not giving him enough screen time in the beginning, and also the fact of how chaotic bb15 was, so that was the main focal point of it, rather than of how good Andy played in the season.
My opinion: I’m afraid the Cookout might have ruined the future all diverse alliances as people will target them right at the beginning.
I mean people were afraid of even pointing out the fact that there might be a only poc alliance so I don’t think thats very likely.
I mean I could see that but people should know how wrong it would be to presume something like that. I also don’t think players will be eager to create a similar alliance again since the cookout was formed based on a mission at the sacrifice of what they all really wanted. As Tiffany said, they all sacrificed their game plans for a bigger purpose, minus Big D and X but even so it goes to show that the decision did have its consequences to it and was done more out of bigger goals and less about personal desires!
See I thought about that too but then I realized with a half white half minority cast that Big Brother has now the diverse alliances actually have a chance to fire back early game as well because of the balance in numbers
@@aalimmomin5303 so now we get a race war? Definitely not a good thing
I agree. I think it'll be hard for more than two black people to be caught in a room together without anyone suspecting anything
Just based off of the thumbnail, I'm hoping you give Andy props for his game because so many people think he is a bad winner when I think he is one of the best of all time!
I consider him to have a top 5 winning game. my order is
2. Dan (10)
3. Derek (16)
4 and 5 are Andy (15) and Xavier.(23) I'm not quite sure how to rank them against each other.
He's a great player but a shitty person and people sometimes let that cloud their judgement.
@@gqprince2 This is so accurate. My Top 5 Players go:
1. Cody
2. Dan
3. Xavier
4. Andy
5. Derrick
I've been binging your videos the past couple days, great content!
I’m glad you’re enjoying, thank you!
opinion - bb21 post jury had pretty solid gameplay because there was no majority alliance controlling the house. after the majority alliance broke up, it was a bunch of rogue agents that was constantly targeting each other and kept me wanting to see who would get rid of who
I completely agree with you on BB9. On a rewatch, I actually REALLY loved team christ (minus ryan who was just whatever). Adam, Sheila, Natalie and Matt were all amazing characters, even if they weren't necessarily the most likable. And I actually found a lot of the pre jury boots compelling too. Jacob, Jen, Parker, Alex, Amanda, and Allison were all really interesting, and even in their non boot weeks dominated a lot of the screen time in that pre jury, meaning that their evictions actually felt notable.
The problem for the season, imo, is the other side. James, Chelsia, and ESPECIALLY Joshuah were AWFUL. Felt like the friendship 2.0. Thankfully, the season is kinda saved by the fact that they didn't win in the end.
All in all, on my recent rewatch, I was shocked by how much of that cast I'd be happy to see brought back for another season, even if it will never happen
Vanessa is extremely overrated in my opinion. She played a terrible social by gaslighting and crying when she was caught in a lie. If Big Brother would have given Steve a better edit we would barely talk about her.
Vanessa's social game definitely made her a big target throughout the game, but in her defense, she was HOH 4 times, and in each of her HOH reigns, she had to change her target as a result of an upset in the BOB or the POV. Naturally, everytime Vanessa changed her targets, the houseguests would trust her less and less.
vanessa has said that her game worked despite the crying so the crying wasn't calculated she said it was her lawyer skills that got everyone past her crying the only reason everyone thinks the crying was fake is cause paulie says it was and what does paulie know
In my opinion, if CBS ever does a season where they don’t tell us of any alliances ALL SEASON I think it might be a little more enjoyable and leave us guessing in what pair will go up and who will go home. I know it sounds impossible but it just sounds like an amazing idea
Then what would you be watching? The competitions? The comps are ass.
That would probably never work bc you can just watch the live feeds and see who was working together. Interesting concept though!
Could be an interesting viewing experience for the casual viewers but the live feeders will obviously know everything going on anyway so it wouldn’t serve much of a point. What they need to do is to figure out how they can incentivise individual gameplay throughout the entire season, so the chance of a flip becomes a lot higher every single episode. BB16 established the huge alliance meta that they still haven’t been able to shake because it’s just the most optimal strategy, especially since modern casts are so large compared to earlier seasons.
That was basically what it was like rooting for Steve in BB17
The twists in BB 5 were so good and I acknowledge I am somewhat biased because it was the first season I ever watched! Finding out two of the houseguests were half-siblings when they didn’t even know it themselves was wild, and watching Cowboy evict Nakomis in final 4 was heartbreaking to watch because you could tell it was a hard choice for him!
I also agree wholeheartedly with the points on 14 and 15. People should understand that while Dan did play very well it was also completely understandable that he would not get the jury votes like he did in 10. Plus, Ian played a great game and I feel that the way he made his case before the jury was excellent! Regardless of whatever bitterness they felt toward Dan, the jury clearly voted for Ian because of how well he sold his case for why he should be the winner. The fact that he easily could have gone home in final 4 had Dan not played Danielle should not take away from his big win!
And as for Andy, people really underestimate how strategic his game was, he was playing both sides and never let anyone think he was disloyal to them, which has backfired for plenty of other players. In the end he won when he needed to win and while he did do a lot of lying, none of it ever felt malicious and in the end he was most loyal to the people who made it to the final 3 with him, so I think that’s pretty noteworthy! Plus, he helped get rid of many of the strongest male competitors before the jury phase which obviously helped him in the late game!
Solid video as always though!
Totally agree bb21 was great after the six shooters blew up. And Jackson played a pretty good game. Positioning himself so Nicole and Cliff wouldn't target him and holly during the double was genius. He was more than just a comp beast.
I love hearing hot takes like this! Here are mine:
-S18 is a top tier season
-Cody and Enzo are one of the best final 2s ever.
-some of the fights in the beginning of S10 made me want to turn the season off. The season was great in the end so I'm really glad I stuck with it.
-If Jesse wasn't booted in S11 he would have played essentially Paul's game in BB19 except he would've won.
Glad to see the season 18 appreciation
@@chriswitherspoon1601 it's so bizarre that people say it's bad now, because I remember people being super positive on it when it was on
@@richwrites5683 I didn’t watch it when it was on (my first season was season 21) but when I went back and watched it I really appreciated it. And one of my friends said it was one of their favorites as well.
@@richwrites5683 100% agree with the last one. motherfuck the coup d'etat. to this day i still think that if jessie and bruno didn't get sniped out of the game when they did because of the twist, i see them going all the way to the end and potentially winning
An unpopular opinion I have is I think every winner deserves their win, and while some seasons I would say there could have been better winners, but they did what they had to do to win, gotta get that 500k somehow 🤣
Every winner deserved their win, as they succeeded in the most important part of the game: winning over the jury. especially Josh
@@Ethanimale speaking facts
I still don't think Nicole deserved her win, I have watched BB18 a few times now and she really didn't game very much imo. She won because a lot of the jury didn't like Paul and thought Viktor was the one who did more (though Paul was the puppet master pulling viktors strings.) I still think Viktor should have won and could have won, either sitting next to Paul or Nicole.
@@Hahsggsg I just personally felt like she didn't really play until near the end, but I guess it all worked out for her in the end. I just think Paul or Viktor deserved to win more than her.
Technically speaking, if you make it to the final two and the majority of the jury decides to give you their vote, by the Big Brother rule book, you deserved your win.
The Big Brother 21 opinion is something I get heat for saying in my friend group so I’m glad someone else sees it the same way
I fully agree on the Andy point. He was very good at keeping himself out of trouble and moving through different social circles. Also he won where he had to which is a plus for me.
He floated the entire season and won competitions against all floaters because the final 5 were floaters. It was literally a Big Brother floater finale. They all were bad game players. Andy performed more better than those 4 that were horrible.
Thank you for the 18 one. James getting knocked out at 3 was so satisfying to watch because I thought for sure Paul was gonna take him
honestly big brother 19 was a really entertaining season. although it felt like a fever dream half the time, it was definitely entertaining and i kept watching every episode.
Andy played an AMAZING game. He pivoted at the perfect moment in the season.
Unpopular opinion: BB 16 had the best cast.
1. It had 3 eventual winners. (Derek, Nicole, Cody)
2. Deven and Zack’s total chaotic game play
3. The most popular player ever (Donnie)
4. A future challenge champ (Amber)
5. 2 extremely unpopular players (Christine and Frankie)
6. Heavy hitters that were great at challenges. (Deven, Cody, Caleb, Donnie, Derek, Frankie, Amber, Zack)
I think BB16's cast, when looked in a vacuum, is one of the best ever
and then there was victoria.
Lmao he said ‘imma capitalize on this shit, one sec’
Will DID play with vetoes during BB7 - an ALL STAR season - was almost ALWAYS the backup target, actually VOLUNTEERED to go on the block several times, and STILL made it to Final Four. You even said yourself, had Erica and Janelle not talked, Will wins. Again. WITH vetoes.
You’re right! I’m not disagreeing with anything you just said. What I am saying is that Big Brother 2 had different people with much different circumstances. If Hardy or Nicole win veto at the final 4 of Big Brother 2, there’s almost no doubt in my mind that Will gets evicted (and that’s just one example). He adapted to the game in Big Brother 7 and played one of the best games ever seen, but I think circumstantially, a veto being in play in Big Brother 2 would lower Will’s chances a lot
Chicken George is the greatest Underdog in BB history
Unpopular opinion: I found the cookout alliance interesting. These people actually got attached to there fake/side alliances which sometimes caused Issues within the group. Xavier, Kyland, Tiffany, and Derek have all considered breaking the alliance at some point. Somewhat of a power struggle in the house/group with Tiffany vs Xavier/Tiffany vs Kyland (which eventually blossomed into some type of.... showmance......idk what that was 😭💀) and just watching the 6 of them trying to keep there shit together, Hannah making noise at the door to stop Tiffany and I think it was Derek F. or Azah from getting too heated and exposing the alliance. Tiffany v. Azah/Derek about Britni, them not fully trusting Kyland, Them not trusting Tiffany for that second HOH. I'm sorry but I had fun 😭💀
Yes! While the gameplay seems predictable when you know the outcome, throughout the season there always seemed to be a chance someone would flip. It's interesting because their real alliances in the house, the ones they wanted to play with and take to the end, are the ones they flip on every week, while staying with an alliance that was good for almost none of their personal games.
No one watched it so the opinion just doesn’t matter big brother lost half its viewership in one season having the cookout on their show
@@billwe5772 No one watched but the cookout was always at the center of every negative and positive conversation this season, yeah ok 🤣
@@rockstarbenjamin02 you make no sense… this is a fact big brother lost half its viewership over big brother 23. What you just said made absolutely no sense whatsoever
@@billwe5772 so cbs managed to find a cast that was able to scare away bigots instead of minorities for once.........good on them
I think Josh’s social game was so much better than Paul’s but everyone is so into Paul that they couldn’t see how awful Paul’s social game was that season.
“And he’ll never (BULL!) admit that brittany might, (BULL!) she had Ian by the leash(…BULL!)” always sends me 😂😂😂😂 and i wasn’t high on Xs win either until i seen on The Challenge
I completely agree with season 23, I have so many conflicting feelings about the season I have to place to somewhere in the middle.
FUN post!!! OK -- I give you my unpopular opinion -- and its for BB1! Here goes: I LOVED this season. That's it! That's my "unpopular" opinion! Slow - yes! Waaaay overexposed with daily broadcasts oftentimes with not that much going on -- Yes! BUT it was a true look into the psychological makeup of by-and-large non-showbiz people with the focus on their cooperation 95% of the time (or more) With regard to that -- it was a true look at the psychologies of people in an abnormal situation trying to co-operate, which is what most people do in societies and in their every day lives. And the result was often quite fascinating! Sometimes a spotlight was put on emotions - common, mundane, ordinary - but which occasionally welled up -- and when they did, it was riveting. (Who didn't shed tears when Brittany was evicted - in those days by audience vote - and subsequently with the other HGS -- shouting out in the backyard how they loved her and missed her -- just in case she could hear them as she was leaving). And then there were truly fun moments -- when Chicken George was able to memorize and do really well with the "roadmap challenge", complete with the HGs cheering him on, and when Karen with her genuinely fragile personality still would at least try to blend in with the other HGs. How they each individually dealt with loneliness, cooperation, fun -- it was in all honesty more like a psychology study that might have been broadcast in those days on PBS, rather then prime time TV on ABC, CBS or NBC. Could a program like that have continued on? NO way! One season was plenty for me! BUT -- I did enjoy it -- and was fascinated by the premise and the look into the psychologies of people which any of us non-TV folk could identify or spot as someone we might very well know, or even could be! And -- to cap this all off, who'd've ever thought that Jamie, a BB1 HG, who was considered a very pretty, but somewhat half goody-goody, but also half kind-of-fake HG, would become BY FAR, the richest HG in the history of the game - to the tune of a half a billion (b-i-l-l-i-o-n) dollars with her post BB cosmetics investments? Yep! BB1 -- a pretty darn good season!
100% agree
Gotta love the unpopular opinions post. Here are two of mine:
1) I love Team Christ. Granted, most people don't like alliances that are self-righteous, thinking that they have divine intervention on their side. But I find this alliance to be more rootable and more likeable players than the other side.
2) I find that the Cookout Alliance was an overcorrection to the lack of black Big Brother winners. When everybody claims that the alliance was a "necessary evil," I question if they even forgot how shitty the casting was prior to BB23.
An "overcorrection" as if there haven't been all-white alliances in past seasons
@@slefievero5336 Did you also forgot how shitty casting was prior to BB23?
@Videoandme1 And that changes his point how? Just cause the casting could be to blame, does not mean this is an overcorrection.
BB23 could have been awesome, but the casting is getting rough. They are casting people who know the show too well, and it leads to passive, very safe gameplay, which is boring. Even though it would never happen, imagine a season where half the people are like Frenchie, where they are super chaotic and explosive, making rash decisions
The casting was one of the best parts of 23.
Dropping my unpopular opinion before even watching the video. Dan deserved to lose BB 14 because his jury management was abysmal and his final speech was even worse.
that speech and his jury management kinda made me lose respect for dan. like after that i don’t really hold him as the #1 player anymore.
1:48 I have no memory of this guy yelling at Jun to "put the fcking cheese and macaroni in the oven" lmao
best channel posted today? it’s a great monday.
best viewer commented today? it's a great monday.
Great video! I would agree that BB19 wasn’t terrible… it was good enough to hook me onto the show haha! But having 20 right after, it was so much better
Also, this one will definitely be unpopular but Da’Vonne was never a good player. I agree that she didn’t really get a chance in her first season but she did in her second and majorly blew it. She only won 1 competition ever despite being on 3 different seasons. Also, even though the Committee pretty much made it impossible for her to win, BB22 exposed her for how bad she was at the game. Her reads were horrible all season long and the way she got played by Nicole proved that. The fact that Nicole was able to convince her to turn on David (who was one of the few people that was actually on her side) proves how bad her reads were. She was so smart at figuring people out on BB17 so I have no idea how she became so bad at reading people on her subsequent seasons. Yes, she’s incredibly likable and entertaining but the fact that so many people hype her up as being such a great player is ridiculous.
BB21 is and always will be my favorite season. The drama was wild
Time for my super unpopular opinion: The Coup De'Tat was a great twist in BB11.
The cast knew from the jump that America could affect the gameplay as they did in the previous 2 summer seasons, BB8 and BB10, so they should've known it was important not to come off as unlikeable to them. They also knew this twist was in the game, as Julie told the house America would vote for someone to receive a special power, which everyone knew could only be the Coup De'Tat as that was the only "special power" up to this point. The house also knew the HoH and Veto Holder were also immune to this power, so there were outs to being sniped out by it even outside the hard (but not impossible!) one of having a working relationship with everyone in the hosue. And finally, it provided a huge flashy moment and a crazy fallout where the entire game shifted as a result, making BB11 one of the most back and forth BB seasons ever as opposed to a Jessie and Co steamroll.
Will’s BB2 game is one of the best of all time in my opinion. The way that he masterfully maneuvered his way into the majority after being such a social outcast was amazing to watch, and he set the stage for all future survivor players by creating new ways of using social capital to sneak all the way to the end. I think the best part of his game was how he used the diary room to communicate with the jury, making it so that he would win in the final 2 against anyone in that final 4. He also brilliantly practically “taught” his fellow houseguests strategy in the game while also pulling the wool over their eyes.
My unpopular opinion for BB23 is that Tiffany would've actually gotten way farther than she did if she didn't nominate Claire in week 9. Claire would always be targeted first and Tiffany could've used her as a shield.
The cookout basically collectively threatened Tiffany that she would have to go next if she didn't put up Claire. She was past the point of no return there.
I agree with Lisa winning BB3 no matter what. She deserved the win
I think Xavier was a good winner but what he did to Kyland was a rookie mistake. I've been in lots of online BB competitions and I have a ton of experience when it comes to jury management. Insisting on that blindside instead of letting Kyland down lightly (like the renegades did for Keesha and brigade did for Britney) was a very poor jury management strategy at that stage in the game, especially in this case because Kyland caught on fairly quickly and Xavier still wouldn't come clean. It may not have cost him anything but it was a bad move.
Nicole(BB2) played a marvelous game and one could even argue that a bitter jury led to her downfall. But ppl don’t wanna talk about it because Dr. Will is arguably the greatest player ever, however Nicole ran the entire house from week 2 till the final 4. I think season 16 is actually a pretty boring season. Season 10 and 17 was the most unpredictable seasons of BB for me as I don’t think u could definitively pick a winner in either one of those seasons until the fan actually watched the jury segment at the very end.
Funny enough, S10 was the very first season I watched and I knew Dan was going to win by week 2 when he successfully threw the veto and stayed, I knew if he stayed that week along with Keesha drama that he was going to be able to be similar Renny where a little disagreement won’t eliminate you from the bigger picture which he did amazing.
BB11 is my second favorite season of all-time and was truly the turning point that got me into being larger invested into the show. Yes, really.
I love 11 and I'm torn between seasons 6, 8, 10, and 11 of which is better.
@@pistachiosandpopcorn7146 amazing seasons! Besides 8 is only meh to me
First off, I completely agree with you on Andy easily being a top 5 player, I even think that he has the second best winning game of all time behind Cody. Next, BB8 is my second favorite season. That being said, I would have loved to see Zach win the season, especially if he brought Dick to the Final 2. Seeing the two of them i the house for five days alone would have been hillarious and the Dick's reaction when Zach won would have been even better. Finally, I went into BB9 thinking it was an awful season. I found the drama super annoying at first because of that. However, after I dropped that notion, I enjoyed the season so much that it's my third favrotie season now. Also BB16 is a high tier season for me.
I completely agree about Andy! He played one hell of a game.
Boogie would have won because Will would have told the season to vote for Mike. He has said he played for Mike to win.
loved the clip at the end lol
Tbh i feel like people “dog” Andy’s game because he is looked at as a top 5ish player, I also think Paul v Nicole is the most even final two (or one of the most even that’s popular) and BB20 is a top 5 szn, Personality wise a all timer !!!
The cookout was comprised of 5 of the dumbest players in BB history and Xavier. Derek and Azah were both going into a final 6 with 0% winrates and did nothing to change that fact. Tiff and Hannah had the choice to either guarantee themselves final 4 (at least), but instead chose to force themselves into a final 6 where they had to win out against 2 comp beasts. Kyland had 2 shots at Xavier and decided instead to go after smaller fish, and he lost the season because of it. Only Xavier’s gameplay made any sense and wasn’t motivated by the idea that creating an all African American final 2 was the only goal, even if it meant sacrificing your game to do it.
I 100% agree on the BB18 one, when I was younger I watched clips from that season and even if it wasn’t the best season I was blown away with everything I was watching. It still is so near and dear to my heart lol
Frankie has one of the most underrated and under appreciated players
My unpopular opinion of BB23: Tiffany is the most overrated player in BB history. She played emotionally in trying to get Sarah Beth out every week only to fail week after week until her HoH. Failed to flip the votes to keep Derek X because she didn’t want SB to have a big move on her resume. And she made no connections with the other Cookout members other Hannah. No one else trusted her enough to bring her past F6. And her “master plan” was invented on BB12 so she really doesn’t deserve the credit in creating in. Had she spent more time building relationships I think her alliance like Xavier did, then maybe she’d be close to the player he is but she isn’t.
Tiffany from BB23 was a bad player. There, I said it. Her alliance hated her and wanted her gone, yet she evicted HER CLOEST ALLY to save them. That's called bad gameplay!
She chose race over character. Dr. King is rolling in his grave.
Big brother season 1 is a season worth mentioning
I agree with you on Season 20. Fantastic cast.
Unpopular opinion: BB23 is the worst season of bb. Some of the cast was likeable but predictably and lack of "high risk high reward" gameplay made watching the show a chore more than anything. Also, DX could have ran away with it if he played a better game in general.
Season 21: Christie is a top tier player
Oh 100% this one right here
I am ready to be not offended at all.
get ready
BB20 didn’t really save modern BB.
But it did provide another bright light amidst a slew of Mediocre/bad seasons.
BB17 and 20 are the epitome of Modern BB being good and fun and the reasons why we still hold out hope for another awesome season.
It will come, and hopefully soon
My unpopular opinion: Paul did not play as good of a game as people say they did in bb19. Paul’s biggest downfall was jury management, which was something they tried to improve on after losing to Nicole, but instead it got worse. Pauls tactics trying to convince their targets that they were not the reason they were going home make some of the Jury members upset, (AKA Alex and Jason) which was the opposite of what Paul was trying to do. And there was the fact that just nobody was playing a good game at all so that yes, Paul’s game looks amazing in comparison to the others on that season, but if you compare to the gameplay on other seasons Paul honestly just didn’t play that good.
I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. I think most everyone agrees that Paul was dominant but screwed up the jury aspect
I agree !000% about Danielle Reyes. Is she one of the greatest of all time? Absolutely, but she would not have won against Lisa or Jason, even if the jury was sequestered.
Love the Vanessa pick. Vanessa is an excellent player in a closed situation. Put her in the house for 1 week and she will almost always send out whoever she wants. Her moves stacked up on her though, and eventually she was in a situation where she had trust with almost no one. She was often compared to Derrick at the end of 17, and I really don't see it. You could count the number of times Derrick's name even came up as a target on one hand, and every time it was alongside two or three other names. After prejury there was almost always at least one person that had Vanessa as their primary target. The only reason people see her as a top tier player is because she got to final 3 despite all of the chaos coming her way, and I don't see that as excellent gameplay.
completely agree about rachel winning without pandora's box
good video but lets be clear on the top winners list:
1) Dr. Will
2) Dan
Will's Big Brother 2 game is so odd. The first bit of it is completely abysmal. The second bit of it is masterful. Probably fair overall it as average, but it's just so wildly impressive that he was able to claw his way out of the hole he dug for himself. Or rather, he more-so dug even deeper until he completely looped around to on top of the other side.
People have been saying Ian is one of the worst winners even though Ian is one of the best winner and one of the most likable if not the most likable winner ever
For Big Brother 16, while I don't think she deserves to win over Derrick - or anyone else from the final 8, really - I will say that I feel that Victoria's social game with the guys was somewhat underrated (primarily with Derrick, Zack, Frankie, Devin, and Hayden). From a narrative standpoint, I also will say that Victoria was a bit underappreciated as a comic relief.
BB23 is one of the most predictable seasons, which brings it down a bit. Big D brings it down a bit more. With that being said, it’s like bb12: predictable, boring, but a good cast.
i 100% agree with your bb21 take, the jury phase is so good and so fun
Popular opinion: Dan’s funeral is the most strategic move in BB history.
Unpopular opinion: season 19 is the best season ever, even better than season 1
I know your joking but I actually enjoy watching season 19.
I think the partners twist in bb 13 was actually fine and added more layers of strategy as it was taking a gamble that if you took out someone's partner you were actually keeping someone who could potentially cause problems down the line, see Porsche turning on the vets in the jury phase. I think it gets as much hate as it does because the vets won some many early comps that it made the house very heavily side to them.
i agree. it’s an awesome twist if only production didn’t get in the way
Hard disagree, as we saw in BB24, that kind of twist not only encourages big alliances sticking together but also makes it a near guarantee they'll steamroll.
An unpopular opinion of mine is that a duos twist only works if they do it BB9 style, or at least a combination of it and future iterations where there's always a chance both members of the duo go home. It makes it so the pairs actually have to work with their partner at least to some degree rather than one member being able to use their partner as an easy scapegoat.
Andy was a good game player. His whiny Twitter persona is what makes people hate him.
andy is definitely top 5 with derrick, dan, will and cody. if bb20 was the 2nd best f3 btw, which was the best?
in terms of raw gameplay skill throughout the season, bb22 may have bb20 beat out
BBCAN5 opinion. Dre wins if William doesn’t use the black hole veto.
Popular opinion: For season 14, i still do not get Danielle's decision. It's just so stupid. Even without the wisdom of retrospect, it doesnt make a single dust particle of sense.
Here are mine.
BB 9 is one of the better seasons cast wise and the right person always wins.
Scottie from bb20 is underrated
I don’t get why people hate Nicole F. so much. I hear people often say it feels like they’ve seen Nicole more than any other houseguest, but that’s not because she’s so annoying that it feels longer, it’s because she has actually spent the most days in the BB house of any houseguest
I think it’s how she treated Ian.
The sovereign six was one of the worst alliances in big brother history but there only saving grace was Janelle (which wasn’t much) and the randomness of old school bb comps saving them.
the randomness of old school bb comps is what made old school bb great. the fact that comps, and by proxy the entire game itself, is now skewed to gym bros / juice heads / physically athletic men is one of the key factors as to why the seasons have become so predictable and boring now.
My Unpopular Opinions
S2: With Vetos Hardy wins the season
S3: Lisa keeping Amy over Eric doesn't prove anything
S4: Justin is an underrated player
S5: Diane needed Drew to navigate in the game
S6: Maggie isn't a top 10 winner and extremely overrated
S7: Chicken George wasn't that terrible, bad but I've seen much worse
S8: Eric > Dr. Will without Americas Player twist
S9: Matt would've went far without James returning
S10: Libra and Michelle are pretty underrated players
S11: Kevin wasn't that impressive of a player
S12: Hayden is a top 5 winner
S13: Porsche was a bad player
S14: Janelle orchestrating the Frank backdoor was impressive before restart
S15: The social games were terrible and many players would struggle in other seasons
S16: Frankie is one of the best players to never win
S17: Austin > Steve
S18: Pauls game was fluky and overrated
S19: Even without Paul, Cody still would've played an abysmal game
S20: JC is a top 25 player ever
S21: Michie outplaying Tommy deserves more credit
S22: Christmas proved she's a quality player
S23: Half of the Cookout wasn't good
S24: Kyle had the highest highs
the pre jury of bb22 was actually really good. Week 1 was nice to see some of my favorites come back like Dani, davonne and keesha and Janelle and kaysar, Week 2 was sort of boring but it was nice to see Memphis suffer from HoH-atis, Week 3 despite Janelle going home, we see some entertaining gameplay with the David, davonne and Tyler drama and week 4 was the most boring week but at least kaysar tried to blow up Cody and Nicole’s game that week and finally we have week 5 which was the best week of the season in my opinion. We had the one and ONLY fight of the season, Tyler trying to quit, Dani’s game starts to go downhill here, and I wasn’t the biggest fan of Bayleigh so losing her wasn’t that bad.
Overall I’m not saying bb22 was my favorite season and is probably number 20 or 21 on my season rankings but I did enjoy the pre jury more than most.
That is definitely a spicy hot take that I had never heard before, thank you for the explanation along with it!
Steve earned his win.
I feel like Frankie had an easy shot at winning BB 16 but since the twist was added of the golden button it ruined his chances of winning and ultimately set it up for Derrick to win
Unpopular opinion: Helen wasn't pushed
I agree with you on 14, 20, and 23.
I’ve heard you say in a few of your videos that you think Ragan wins season 12 if he beats Enzo in Otev. I would love for you to do a Ragan deep dive video that explains this. I haven’t watched season 12 in a LONG time so I don’t really remember how much of a front runner he was.
For bb11 I think Natalie is a better player than Jordan.
For bb16 I never cared for Nicole even in this season.
For bb23 people who shame Kyland for what he said about X's nephew but praise Howie for what he said about April's husband (and dog) in bb6 are hypocrites.
Adam took his winnings and started an in real life cocaine empire . I think he is still in prison.
Nope. He has actually turned his life around. Google him in 2022.
I still don't understand how they found two random people, discovered they were siblings, and then set this up in the season. Or how they both auditioned and then found out they were siblings. So lost.
I feel like seeing Andy Herren as top tier is a prerequisite to being a super fan. I don’t really know how you could love this game, but not his gameplay