What to do if I am denied to receive Communion on the tongue?

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Because of Covid-19 issues, some parishes have opted to give the Eucharist in people's hands instead of on the tongue. What could you do about this?
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  • @terencemonteiro
    @terencemonteiro Рік тому +5

    I was just denied Communion on the tongue. I made a reverent bow to our Sacramental Lord, offered the incident to Him, went back to my pew and said the prayer "... Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already here, and unite myself wholly to You.",
    Also prayed for strength and grace to persevere in giving the utmost worship and honour to the Real Presence, witness and model this reverence to my wife and kids (we are blessed with four). This made me reflect on the Centurion who said "Lord I am not worthy to recieve you under my roof, but only say a word and my servant will be healed". This Centurions attitude of unworthiness to receive Christ helps me realise my own unworthiness to receive Him.
    Though he did not receive Christ under his roof, he believed that the lack of physical presence wouldn't stop Jesus healing and grace to flow in. Likewise I believe that the effects of receiving Christ wouldn't be denied me, but would fill me even more. Watching this also gave me the idea of joining another queue so thanks for that.

  • @iamfilipinas
    @iamfilipinas Рік тому +5

    This happened to me and my husband today. We were visiting town for my godson’s birthday, and today is Palm Sunday. It hurts so much i couldn’t help but cry. I would however starve rather than desecrate Our Lord! So I pray for that priest.

    • @toussaintmaxwell8071
      @toussaintmaxwell8071 Рік тому +2

      This morning I was denied communion on the tongue. Desecrate our Lord? I'd rather pray an act of spiritual communion instead.

    • @Catholics4Trump
      @Catholics4Trump Рік тому +2

      Receiving on the hand is NOT desecrating our Lord. That’s not Church teaching.

    • @iamfilipinas
      @iamfilipinas Рік тому +4

      @@Catholics4Trump yes it is. Only
      Ordained hands can touch the Body of Christ. You can watch Father Alar of you dont believe me. The Blessed Mother cries about this constantly.

    • @dansedevie123
      @dansedevie123 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@@iamfilipinasHe doesn't speak for the Church. The Church allows both, specifically in the GIRM; she would not allow for desecration!! And even Cardinal Sarah who encourages communion on the tongue said that bishops can ask that we receive in the hand during a pandemic.
      That said, outside of pandemic restrictions people should not be denied. It happened to me once and it was saddening but I will assume the person just did not know better

  • @rachelpops9239
    @rachelpops9239 Рік тому +5

    I went to receive communion from a priest who thankfully retired in 2021 and when I tried to receive Our Lord on the tongue he said through his mask "we don't do that here" I quietly walked back to my seat and offered up the injustice to the foot of the cross. Now we have a young orthodox priest who happily distributes this beautiful and reverent way. We are one of the only couples to receive kneeling/on tongue but I hope that changes. I've seen more veils and more people receiving at least on the tongue 😊

    • @DanielChan1
      @DanielChan1 7 місяців тому

      Don’t do this it’s perversion, nowhere is this practice found in the bible. Don’t kneel to men.

  • @ShonCon21
    @ShonCon21 2 роки тому +17

    I’ve been a Catholic since November and I have only received the Eucharist in the hand, they don’t receive it on the tongue here in NZ right now but I’m just glad to receive it at all 🙏🏽❤️

    • @MrSpenizzle
      @MrSpenizzle 2 роки тому

      Have you been confirmed yet? Only confirmed Catholics may receive

    • @ShonCon21
      @ShonCon21 2 роки тому +2

      Yes I went through RCIA and then did all 3 rites in one day (Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation) along with 3 others 🙏🏽

    • @Omi-ub3cu
      @Omi-ub3cu Рік тому +6

      Receive our Lord in your knees and on the tongue from the priest or ordained deacon only. That’s my suggestion.

    • @Catholics4Trump
      @Catholics4Trump Рік тому +1

      @@Omi-ub3cu that’s not always realistic though depending on the situation, type of Mass, Parish. It’s a personal conviction for each person.

    • @1Hope4All
      @1Hope4All Рік тому +1

      ​@@ShonCon21 For the reverence of receiving Jesus, we should all receive Jesus while kneeling and on the tongue. The reason for this is because if you receive Jesus in your hand, you are desecrating our Lord. If you could see the crumbs that remain on your hand you would receive on your tongue. There will be crumbs on your hand if you receive Jesus on your hand.
      As far as receiving Jesus while kneeling, every knee should bend at the name of Jesus. It's in the Bible. Kneel to receive Jesus.
      Most RCIA classes are very deficient in teaching the faith. We should all do our own research when it comes to learning the faith if we are new to the faith. Do not rely on just a little class that meets once a week to become Catholic. Do your own research and learn the right way.
      Trust me, I taught a Catechism class. I also taught someone the faith who was actually going to an RCIA class. She came to me to enrich her learning and to make up for what was not taught to her in RCIA. She told me that she learned so much more from me than from her RCIA class.

  • @liliarosales1961
    @liliarosales1961 2 роки тому +6

    “TOTAL shame” lol love it! Yes 🙌🏽

  • @mikethemonsta15
    @mikethemonsta15 2 роки тому +19

    "If I am denied communion on the tongue, I would say Shame on You and walk away."
    Matt, I love you, but not good. Our Lord would rather you receive Him in your hands than not at all. God will judge that priest when the time comes. You should be seeking however you can to unite yourself with Him in the eucharist. Either by tongue or hand. And after mass, talk to the priest in private. Not in public.

    • @bm6093
      @bm6093 2 роки тому +1

      I was also denied communion in the tongue because of the pandemic and I feel I must be obedient to our priests and bishops who have chosen to still give the Holy Communion but are not allowed to give through the tongue mandated by our government. I still kneel and veil but I receive now through the hand but God knows I try to be as reverent as possible and understands the crisis we are in. I lick my palm to avoid leaving particles. When I receive the Holy Eucharist in the state of grace, so many graces are further given us. We need to use these graces to pray for our Church, the conversion of sinners, the reparation of sins.

    • @michellemcdermott2026
      @michellemcdermott2026 2 роки тому +6

      I used to agree with you but I no longer do.
      After hearing Fr Chris Alar explaining why not to receive on the hand I will never ever do it again nor will I receive from anyone but a priest with anointed hands

  • @kristintracy6406
    @kristintracy6406 2 роки тому +8

    I just got denied receiving communion with the tongue. I was there kneeling before the priest and he pointed his finger to my hand signaling I should receive it with hand instead of tongue. 💔

    • @iamfilipinas
      @iamfilipinas Рік тому +7

      Its so sad. I felt so humiliated too!! I cried when i walked away!

    • @DanielChan1
      @DanielChan1 7 місяців тому

      Don’t do this it’s perversion, nowhere is this practice found in the bible. Don’t kneel to men.

  • @HoldYourBreat4
    @HoldYourBreat4 Рік тому +2

    Matt’s reaction to drive through mass 😂😂😂priceless

  • @randyvalenton6991
    @randyvalenton6991 Рік тому +4

    Saying shame on you is NOT a good option.

  • @rudya.hernandez7238
    @rudya.hernandez7238 2 роки тому +3

    I was today and pitifully accepted it on my wretched hands then begged the Lord for forgiveness of the Father and then for myself.

    • @Catholics4Trump
      @Catholics4Trump Рік тому +3

      As Pope Benedict XVI said, if you think your hands or wretched, imagine how bad your tongue is. What he’s saying is whether you receive on the hand or tongue, it’s all about the intention.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 7 місяців тому

      Well answered.​@@Catholics4Trump

  • @citlalyrendon8793
    @citlalyrendon8793 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for this video! God bless you and your family!✝️♥️

  • @benaim7925
    @benaim7925 Рік тому +2

    This just happened to me. Not that I have issues receiving communion on the hands. I just wanted to receive Jesus on the tongue for reverence's sake but I was denied it. But I just spread out my hands to receive communion instead. Maybe it would have been different if it was the priest who was distributing to me since it was an extraordinary minister who distributes the host to me. It made me feel sad and ashamed afterwards. I felt like my heart was pierced.

  • @wendkunimaman
    @wendkunimaman 2 роки тому +5

    The amount of negative comments here are shocking. The amount of Catholics in fear is sad. Finding another Parish is a good suggestion, because some are lost in fear and other failures

    • @Hereticalable
      @Hereticalable 8 місяців тому

      It's not always easy to find another Parish. I work in a country that has two Catholic churches in one city, and only two others nationally. They are all NO and have no communion on the tongue. We would have to take flights to find a church that remotely traditional.

    • @DanielChan1
      @DanielChan1 7 місяців тому

      @@Hereticalable Don’t do this it’s perversion, nowhere is this practice found in the bible. Don’t kneel to men.

  • @liliarosales1961
    @liliarosales1961 2 роки тому +5

    Amen, Cameron! Since the beginning of this I’ve continuously asked those in charge at my parish “how do we reconcile the example of the the apostles and rest of the martyrs with this safety always theology?” 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @8plamondon8
    @8plamondon8 2 місяці тому

    My husband, was in another city(work related) was refused communion on the tongue, my husband remained kneeling, the priest scooted around him, my hubby remained on his knees. The priest looked over and said, you’re not gonna move are you?” My hubby, “Nope”
    He reluctantly gave him communion… but was totally ticked and stormed out after Mass.
    Just last Sunday, my husband happened to be at the same church- same priest outright and audibly told him he would NOT give him communion on the tongue. So my husband proceeded along got in another line and was given holy communion kneeling and in tongue by other priest. The priest who denied him gave him a look others in the church observed. An elderly woman stopped my husband while on his way out and shared her disgust at seeing my husband refused communion and declared she was going to notify the bishop.
    If nothing else, my hubby hopes to stir up a reverence revolution in these modern parishes.
    Code of canon law states that a person cannot be denied communion on the knees and on the tongue.
    Communion on tongue is the norm. This priest definitely has issues.

  • @eduardohacar5474
    @eduardohacar5474 Рік тому +2

    I read a message of Virgin Mary on some tabloid I don't know the exact year and in Her message receiving communion by hand is a big sacrilege on the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I experienced denial receiving of holy communion by tongue by a layman and then I walked away

  • @michaelkern8856
    @michaelkern8856 Рік тому +1

    To all that want to know the proper response and your legal right to receive on the tongue. All Catholics without mortal sin can receive communion on the tongue.
    The universal law of the Latin rite is that we receive Communion on the tongue. To receive in the hand is an indult or special permission that does not exist in most parts of the world. By law, it is a right of the faithful to receive on the tongue, and the faithful must not have their rights denied.
    From Catholic Answers:
    Recently I was attending Mass in another diocese, and when I approached the extraordinary minister of the Eucharist to receive on the tongue, I was denied Communion. Not wanting to make a scene, but fairly confident of my rights, I whispered that I can receive this way. The minister apologized but said that the bishop does not permit Communion on the tongue. How can this be?
    The Vatican promotes Communion on the tongue not only for its long tradition but because it “expresses the faithful’s reverence for the Eucharist” and “removes the danger of profanation of the sacred species” (Memorial Domini 1277).
    Since the indult was granted, profanation of the sacred species does now occur. John Paul II states,
    In some countries the practice of receiving Communion in the hand has been introduced. This practice has been requested by individual episcopal conferences and has received approval from the Apostolic See. However, cases of a deplorable lack of respect toward the Eucharistic species have been reported, cases that are imputable not only to the individuals guilty of such behavior but also to the pastors of the church who have not been vigilant enough regarding the attitude of the faithful toward the Eucharist. It also happens, on occasion, that the free choice of those who prefer to continue the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue is not taken into account in those places where the distribution of Communion in the hand has been authorized. (Dominicae Cenae 11.9)
    The new GIRM, in its directives for distributing Communion, states,
    The consecrated host may be received either on the tongue or in the hand, at the discretion of each communicant. . . . The priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, Corpus Christi (the body of Christ). The communicant replies Amen and receives the sacrament either on the tongue or, where this is allowed and if the communicant so chooses, in the hand. (160-161)
    Notice that it says, “The consecrated host may be received either on the tongue or in the hand, at the discretion of each communicant.” It does not say, “At the discretion of the extraordinary minister of the Eucharist” or “at the discretion of the priest or bishop.

  • @birdman9265
    @birdman9265 Рік тому +2

    I was denied by 3 different priests during covid when I refused to receive in the hand. I have not gone back to novus ordo.

  • @delmarramirez6940
    @delmarramirez6940 Рік тому +1

    Before COVID, communion on the hand was banned here in Guatemala. Now, In 2023, they still won’t give communion on the tongue. That’s so sad.

    • @cfradd
      @cfradd  Рік тому

      my kids and I have been receiving on the tongue, but certain priests load up on hand sanitizer before and after! I've been surprised by the amount of masking here.

    • @delmarramirez6940
      @delmarramirez6940 Рік тому

      @@cfradd Are you here in Guatemala? Some priests here recommend masking up, which I think is nonsense. Luckily my parish doesn’t make people wear masks, in fact no one wears one. Our priest just went back to communion on the tongue, the way how it used to be. That means that he is “disobeying” the bishop, because the bishop recommends it on the hand still.

    • @jacobdurda1993
      @jacobdurda1993 5 місяців тому

      That’s a violation of church law!

  • @tomsimon104
    @tomsimon104 9 місяців тому +1

    I do know the answer as I am ordained as an Eastern Catholic and we distribute on the tongue only. Answer me this. Why do the clergy purify their hands after distributing the precious body & blood of Christ and in the Roman Church the laity who receive in the hand do not? Isn't this problematic?

  • @Hereticalable
    @Hereticalable 8 місяців тому

    It's standard in my parish - no church in the area receives communion on the tongue. They also have 'assistants' helping the priest to give communion so it's hard to even have communion sometimes by an ordained man.

  • @Noah-nw4mx
    @Noah-nw4mx 2 роки тому +6

    The Bishop of Atlanta denied me the Eucharist on the tongue.

  • @KathoMama
    @KathoMama 2 роки тому +6

    I live in Germany. Here ist forbidden in ALL parishes to give the Eucharist on the tongue. Please pray for the katholics in Germany, in Europe. My husband and I decided to look after a parish that doesn't hang a rainbow on his front and dosent teach that for your first communion you don't have to go to confession, and so on. We just wanted a community of catholic people in a parish with a priest that knows and teaches what the catechism says to be true. In our research, among another faithful catholics, the answer to our question ( where do we find that?) was: not in this country. On youtube there are also barely catholics to confess their faith and the beauty of it. The most videos are about the church scandals and how bad the church is. Europe needs missionaries. We pray for our church and hope in Jesus, to pour his mercy on all his children! Amen

    • @cfradd
      @cfradd  2 роки тому

      I’m so sorry you don’t have good parishes or good holy priests that uphold the churchs teaching. Prayers for all of you there!! I actually went to world youth day there!! Praying for courage for all Germans!

    • @KathoMama
      @KathoMama 2 роки тому

      @Laura Me Hi! Ich wohne in Köln.

    • @jacobdurda1993
      @jacobdurda1993 5 місяців тому

      No wonder very few practice the faith in Germany

  • @Hadrianus01
    @Hadrianus01 Рік тому +1

    I've been denied Communion on the tongue multiple lines by different priests. There's a parish I know of, which has a notice saying that Communion will only be given on the hand........

  • @tannerrichards8287
    @tannerrichards8287 2 роки тому +2

    There are some priests who will deny communion on the tongue even if you add kneeling and in the catechism they can’t do that right?

  • @ADDM1531
    @ADDM1531 2 роки тому +1

    I am here because this just happened with me. It was a lay person, though. I am not one who is a snob and thinks he is superior for receiving on the tongue. It comes down to having watched an elderly man drop our Lord having received in the hand and having shaky hands. On the tongue eliminates steps that make that possible, and it is highly reverent. The guy in line sort of sighed when I opened my mouth and waited. It is a holy moment receiving the Lord so I acquiesced and received in the hand. I think the Lord wants us to bear that patiently then address it charitably with the priest afterward like Cameron said. It could be he didn’t see me open my mouth. I dont think so but it is possible. He seemed to have his head down through the whole line.

    • @Catholics4Trump
      @Catholics4Trump Рік тому

      I’d be careful using the “shaky hands” argument because people who are against receiving on the tongue use the “you could trip while getting up and knock the bowl of the consecrated host out of the clergy/ministers hands” argument. Both are far fetched and used to manipulate the other. The Church teaches receiving on the tongue and hand are both valid.

    • @hobbiton64
      @hobbiton64 Рік тому

      You can drop more easily if you're doing on the tongue. On the hand is actually better and more reverent.

    • @hobbiton64
      @hobbiton64 Рік тому

      You can drop more easily if you're doing on the tongue. On the hand is actually better and more reverent.

    • @dansedevie123
      @dansedevie123 11 місяців тому

      ​@@hobbiton64I am an EMHC. When done properly it is actually harder to drop on the tongue because it is sticky.

  • @mariadle8715
    @mariadle8715 2 роки тому +4

    What do you do if the priest himself denies you communion on the tongue ?

    • @Krafanio
      @Krafanio 2 роки тому +1

      I'll be thinking about it. I think I will just said "Sorry, I cannot receive like this" and walk away.

    • @michellemcdermott2026
      @michellemcdermott2026 2 роки тому

      Say shame on you

    • @jacobdurda1993
      @jacobdurda1993 5 місяців тому

      I would just walk away

  • @SS-wt7kc
    @SS-wt7kc 2 роки тому

    I love that you were charitably assertive about what you wanted with your priest. That's wonderful!
    I'm not sure if I understand why communion on the hand is something to switch parishes over? Is it your position that it is immoral to receive on the hand?

  • @jacobdurda1993
    @jacobdurda1993 5 місяців тому

    It’s a violation of church law to do this. If it happened to me I would continue kneeling or standing in front of the priest and not move

  • @nicoleschuler6465
    @nicoleschuler6465 2 роки тому +1


  • @marylsmith3604
    @marylsmith3604 4 місяці тому

    I would say nothing I would genuflect in front of the tabernacle or the hand that is holding Christ. I would walk out of the church, and I would find a Traditional Parish, where in Christ is treated with respect, adoration, love and dignity because he is God.

  • @mikaelamona
    @mikaelamona Рік тому +2

    What if a priest refused communion on the tongue? I’m so disturbed today, that happened to me this morning, hence I searched for answer, as I’m so confused. I just recently changed the way I received Communion, and the same priest had given me once on the tongue, but today he insisted not to, he made motion with his hand holding Eucharist, for me to get my hands out twice, while I opened my mouth after I said Amen. I felt so broken after & a bit lost. Contemplated to go to other parish. The sad part, I just started to help in the parish as a catechist. Should I just move?

  • @knightsofmary-militiaimmac9241
    @knightsofmary-militiaimmac9241 2 роки тому +3

    How about don’t go to the Freemasonic Novus Ordo…this does not happen in the Latin Mass. This only happens in Modernist parishes.

  • @keith2218
    @keith2218 Рік тому

    COVID aside, I can’t believe this is an issue. This is one more reason I am a Christian and no longer Catholic

    • @cfradd
      @cfradd  Рік тому +1

      I'm sorry... there are good parishes where this is NOT an issue. You are ALWAYS welcome to come back HOME! :-)

    • @keith2218
      @keith2218 Рік тому

      @@cfradd Why would I want to come back? That’s high treason against God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
      It’s bad enough that I was baptized Catholic by my parents against my will. Being Catholic for the first 20 years of was an absolute waste. The only worse would have been rejecting the Gospel, remaining an unsaved Catholic and then dying and going to hell

  • @bthemedia
    @bthemedia Рік тому

    1:06 is the proper response… this was from January 2022 not 2020 or 2021!?! 😢

  • @edukaeshn
    @edukaeshn 4 місяці тому

    "Car Mass" ...

  • @courgette3401
    @courgette3401 2 роки тому +4

    I think you are misunderstanding how viruses are transmitted. You are correct that the priest would probably not be at a higher risk ( other than he would be very close to you) . However, if your saliva gets onto his hand ( even a microscopic quantity) then that could be passed onto the next person. So it is other people in the church that you are putting at risk. If the priest washed his hands after each person then that would help. Everyone sharing the same cup of wine would be a much greater risk.

    • @cfradd
      @cfradd  2 роки тому

      That makes sense, we were going to Byzantine most of the pandemic, so he used individual spoons.

  • @BlessedisShe
    @BlessedisShe 2 роки тому


  • @mikethemonsta15
    @mikethemonsta15 2 роки тому +8

    "If the priest isn't open to that, I'd say just go to another parish."
    Cameron I love you too, but please don't encourage parish shopping. You live in canonical borders and the priest at your local parish is your spiritual father. Who is given special graces to guide you in the faith. Talk to your priest several times about it, then the Bishop. And then obey whatever the Bishop says. Obedience in this life brings merit in heaven.

  • @MarkJohnson-yn2ol
    @MarkJohnson-yn2ol 2 роки тому +1

    But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
    1 Corinthians:11:28For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
    1 Corinthians:11:29

  • @thomasdaugherty472
    @thomasdaugherty472 2 роки тому +2

    Courageous isn't the same thing as Stupid. For her to state that she would be the one in danger if her tongue might be touched by someone's thumb is absolutely moronic and ignorantly reckless but mostly self-centered thinking. If anyone is putting others in danger it's those who want to approach the eucharistic minister and open their mouth right in front of them. Their mouth open right in front of another person!!!!!
    And she's worried that their thumb might touch her tongue? She doesn't realize that thumb is already touching the Host she wants to receive? And this self-righteous man-child next to her is just as sickening, probably worse. To be so unaware as to even consider saying anything other than the word Amen after hearing "The Body of Christ" to one worthy of offering it during this most reverently sacred celebration of the Holy Sacrament is absolutely unbelievable. It brings me no joy to witness such a video as this one but I felt compelled to give my thoughts and not remain silent. God bless.

  • @stokrotnie
    @stokrotnie 2 роки тому +4

    But it seems that the early Church accepted Communion in hands...
    I'm from Poland - a country where everyone would take Communion on togues before the pandemic. It was allowed to receive the Eucharist in the hand, but since the custom was so deeply ingrained in people, nobody did it. So I can relate to your objections. But, apparently, if you trace the history of the Church, there's no reason to think that there's something wrong with receiving the Body of Christ in the hand. It seems that it was the custom in the early Church.
    Receiving Christ in my hand was difficult for me at first. But now I have greater joy in doing it this way. I disinfect my hands before I go to Communion - for safety reasons.
    In some churches, there are even dispensers with disinfection installed along aisles. The Dominicans in my city are very strict about it. Every time, at the beginning of the Communion, they announce the rule of receiving the Body of Christ in the hand. They remind people to disinfect their hands. And they say that if anyone for important reasons doesn't want to do it this way, they are asked to stand at the end of the line and receive the Holy Communion last. I love a lot how they organized it. It makes me feel safe.
    If I go to another church with no rules about that, I feel extremely stressed. But aside from personal safety, I think we should do it for other people's sake. We have no right to put their lives at risk (even if there is eternal life).
    I cannot see why there's a need to be courageous about not receiving in the hand... I understand it may be difficult for some people and that is why they should have the right to accept communion after everyone else. But there's nothing wrong in receiving the Eucharist in the hand.
    And, the history of Church aside, there's obedience in the Church. If Popes allows it, why should we think it's wrong? ( The Church had sanctioned it long before the pandemic.) I know that the Pope is not always right, but doesn't this bit fall under the infallibility dogma? (I'm asking. I don't know...) It would be interesting to hear you speak about it with Fr. Gregory Pine... Sending both of you love and greetings from my side of the globe! ;) ☀

    • @michellemcdermott2026
      @michellemcdermott2026 2 роки тому +2

      Communion in the hand is not good. Only anointed hands should touch His Sacred Body

    • @SS-wt7kc
      @SS-wt7kc 2 роки тому +2

      I think you are exactly right. The norm of the church for 800 years was to receive on the hand. It's so sad that people are tempted not to receive Holy Communion because of a false perception that it is somehow immoral...