Why Will Some of Us Get Fewer Rewards in Heaven?

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 1188
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...


  • @edithquesenberry4356
    @edithquesenberry4356 4 роки тому +322

    Only rewards I'm looking for is just to be in heaven praising to my Lord Jesus that's my rewards

    • @AbaloneKid
      @AbaloneKid 4 роки тому +4

      If you working Him out into everyday life and sharing His truth you MUST be ready for blessings! God knows us better then we know us! He knows our beginning from our end.
      Truly a blessed home here that glorifies God and shares the word of truth.
      May God bless you in these perilous times. One day we will stand before our Lord God and Savior and He will open His "Book of Life" at His Bema Seat and turn to our page. In it will be all our faithful works & failures. These works are indelibly entered. The good will give birth in Heaven to "crowns". There are 5. These are heavenly awards which will be our treasures to offer up to Almighty God in adoration and great love.
      A soul saved from the Gospel preached gives birth to a soul winners crown; just 1 of 5. This IS our time to serve. Let us serve God's glory everyday. 1 Corinthians Chapter 9: verses 24-25: 1 Thessalonians Chapter 2:verse 19; James Chapter 1:verse 12; Revelation Chapter 2:verse 10; 2 Timothy Chapter 4:verse 8; 1 Peter Chapter 5:verse 4
      We must be diligent in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Who knows at what hour we will be called up to meet our Lord in the air. It can be at any moment. Saint Paul concentrated on the gospel as he walked the talk of truth near and far and said:
      Romans 1: 16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. "
      1 Cor.2: 1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. 2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
      Beloved in Christ Jesus the Lord; Look at John 14:3; Titus chapter 2: verses 11-14; Revelation chapter 3: verse 10; 1 Thess.chapter 5:verse 9 for pre-trib rapture. When the last "christian is saved" we are out of here at the call of Jesus Christ. Romans chapter 11:verse 25. It is "IMMINENT"!
      Your channel is a blessing! that sows the seed of the Word of God. Ever receiving from God and ever giving of His Word.
      Romans chapter 10: verse 17 "Then faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God."
      2 Samuel Chapter 22: Verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name."
      In the midst of chaos and spirit's of hate & destruction is the truth of Jesus Christ. We need to take hold of the Lord's promises! Pray to be blessed as one who stands up for Jesus Christ.
      God's life insurance : "Jesus Christ Is Lord & only He Saves".
      There is no greater praise than the blessed truth of God's word.
      God the Son has given us the gospel to share with the world.
      Mark 16: Verse 15: And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
      How can anyone hear the "good" news? Romans chapter 10: verse 17 Then faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God.
      Romans 10:
      13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
      15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
      Isaiah chapter 7: verse 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal, the body was mutilated, the blood was poured out, but the bones were not broken, buried and risen on the 3rd day.
      John Chapter 3: Verse 16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans chapter 3: verse 23
      "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans chapter 6: verse 23
      "I am the way, the truth and the life: no one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14.6)
      "1 Corinthians 15:
      1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
      2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
      3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
      4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
      “For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians chapter 5:verse 21.
      " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1: 7
      Matthew Chapter 26:verse 28 "for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
      Ephesians 2: 8 "For by grace have ye been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast.
      Romans 10:
      9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
      10 For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
      13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, John chapter 3: verse 16, "perish", which means their sins are judged and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God called the "second death". Rev.21: 8.
      Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. ”Romans 5: 1

    • @mr.cosmos5199
      @mr.cosmos5199 4 роки тому +26

      Edith Quesenberry
      Your desire seems noble and sounds wonderful but you will be “disappointed “ as much as God will be if just being in heaven without any rewards ( means no service here on earth at all to the Lord you desire to spend eternity worshipping)is all it is for you. The elders could worship more truly because of the golden crowns they can cast at Jesus’ feet. So sorry to point out the hypocrisy of so many who are so “humble” like you.
      The proper attitude that truly glorifies God should be that you want to earn lots of rewards (crowns) so that that you can lay them all at the Savior’s feet,in worship! Don’t go the Savior’s Party emptyhanded.

    • @johnneville904
      @johnneville904 4 роки тому +9

      Exactly, I just want to get to heaven, not concerned about less or more rewards than others..

    • @Bradmhj
      @Bradmhj 4 роки тому +11

      A lot of people say that, thinking it’s the right thing to say but to be honest with yourself is important, Paul says to run the race as to achieve a crown. Paul said he was happy to finally obtain the crown he was working for. Our rewards will give all glory to God. So run the race for the prize and don’t be ashamed that you want to store your treasure in heaven.

    • @AbaloneKid
      @AbaloneKid 4 роки тому +7

      @@Bradmhj May God bless you in these perilous times. One day we will stand before our Lord God and Savior and He will open His "Book of Life" at His Bema Seat and turn to our page. In it will be all our faithful works & failures. These works are indelibly entered. The good will give birth in Heaven to "crowns". There are 5. These are heavenly awards which will be our treasures to offer up to Almighty God in adoration and great love.
      A soul saved from the Gospel preached gives birth to a soul winners crown; just 1 of 5. This IS our time to serve. Let us serve God's glory everyday. 1 Corinthians Chapter 9: verses 24-25: 1 Thessalonians Chapter 2:verse 19; James Chapter 1:verse 12; Revelation Chapter 2:verse 10; 2 Timothy Chapter 4:verse 8; 1 Peter Chapter 5:verse 4

  • @lovealways3687
    @lovealways3687 4 роки тому +216

    I do not mind if people have more than me in Heaven. I know there are people who are believers and have been sold into sex slavery, have been raped, homeless, born with deformities. I know and am happy that they will have more than me in Heaven, they deserve it. Some people have insane trials and I am totally looking forward to seeing how the Lord blesses them :)

    • @RestlessMonarch
      @RestlessMonarch 4 роки тому +14


    • @saurabhjohnson
      @saurabhjohnson 4 роки тому +8

      @love always , so true.
      Really eye opener

    • @endtimesvoyager726
      @endtimesvoyager726 4 роки тому +8

      Yes, well said - I think that will be a joy to us to see these brethren of ours rewarded at long last.

    • @jolenaagapisou3803
      @jolenaagapisou3803 4 роки тому +16

      love always - rewards aren’t based on hardships in life, rather what we’ve done for the Lord AFTER being saved

    • @Generictubeuser
      @Generictubeuser 3 роки тому +1

      so beautifully put

  • @jameshalleluyah8133
    @jameshalleluyah8133 6 років тому +187

    I think of this in the same manner as how I think of my daughter. It would not make me jealous or unhappy to see her exceed me in every way in her life. The more she succeeds the greater my happiness would be. This is probably how we feel about each other in heaven.

    • @Raszcall
      @Raszcall 5 років тому +3


    • @lyndonjohnson2373
      @lyndonjohnson2373 5 років тому +6

      But make no mistake, many parents would be jealous about their children doing better than them

    • @jimmiepatrum
      @jimmiepatrum 4 роки тому +4

      @@lyndonjohnson2373 Such a sad thought. I have always wanted as many people as possible to love and respect my children. I wanted them to do better than I in every way. Can't imagine jealousy from any parent who truly loves his/her children. Diane in NC

    • @NoContextRDH
      @NoContextRDH 4 роки тому

      Good way to think about it

    • @jimmiepatrum
      @jimmiepatrum 4 роки тому +1

      I think you're right. God's love is perfect...our love for one another will come pretty close to His in Heaven when we get there.

  • @ryansmith2351
    @ryansmith2351 2 роки тому +59

    "Well done, my good and faithful servant" is my reward that will satisfy me for eternity

    • @theodoreritola7641
      @theodoreritola7641 3 місяці тому


  • @KQuinn672
    @KQuinn672 4 роки тому +221

    Getting into Heaven is my reward!!

    • @markboard1966
      @markboard1966 4 роки тому +8

      Same here too . Get away from money .

    • @xzypergods9867
      @xzypergods9867 4 роки тому +13

      To get away from this sinful body 😔

    • @endtimesvoyager726
      @endtimesvoyager726 4 роки тому +4

      It is for everyone but to be rewarded by Christ that would really be something. Too late for me. I will gain heaven but I doubt any rewards.

    • @resurrexitt
      @resurrexitt 4 роки тому +2


    • @thehaynesministry
      @thehaynesministry 4 роки тому +1


  • @tyb2526
    @tyb2526 4 роки тому +55

    The best thing about this is the fact that no saint will see himself or herself fitting for any reward. Every saint will be surprised and thankful, knowing that they didn’t deserve heaven, let alone additional rewards in heaven.

  • @umuzarin
    @umuzarin 3 роки тому +21

    My reward is shouting in amazement, " Oh I am in Heaven, though I was unworthy".

  • @Paul265
    @Paul265 3 роки тому +42

    The only thought that i will be in heaven is enough, even if my reward is to sweep the floor. 😊

  • @jrgallano2931
    @jrgallano2931 3 роки тому +35

    As long as I'm in the presence of the Lord in heaven, that's enough for me. That's the only reward I'm after. ❤️

  • @MyMr1212
    @MyMr1212 Рік тому +12

    I met this beautiful person while I was living and working for a Far Eastern company many years ago. His job is to make evening tea for everyone who works at the office. Everyone called him the "tea boy". Talking to him I soon came to know he is a Christian+a Jesus follower. He gave me the best answer for this question? He said "Sir if I'm to make tea every evening for everyone in heaven for eternity I will do it screaming the praises to Jesus saying Thank you." It changed my perception, faith and understanding of heaven mightily. That tea boy is in heaven.

  • @milananeverov5977
    @milananeverov5977 6 років тому +75

    “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” Matthew 19:30

    • @Isawwhatyoudid
      @Isawwhatyoudid 4 роки тому +1

      The times they are a changing

    • @heckdylan
      @heckdylan 4 роки тому

      @@Isawwhatyoudid amen we have less then 11 years no doubt how long do you think?

    • @caitlinmaynell2780
      @caitlinmaynell2780 4 роки тому +4

      @@heckdylan I would expect less than that also. I feel that the antichrist and the mark are very near and we don't have long until Jesus comes back for us. I so want Him to come back for us

    • @greyalien826
      @greyalien826 3 роки тому

      @@heckdylan by 2030 or earlier i believe.

    • @d.h5741
      @d.h5741 3 роки тому

      @@caitlinmaynell2780 Is the antichrist here yet?Or the mark of the beast?

  • @dennispreble4064
    @dennispreble4064 4 роки тому +40

    1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV
    [9] But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

    • @jolenaagapisou3803
      @jolenaagapisou3803 4 роки тому +5

      Yes, I can’t hardly wait, isn’t God wonderful!!!✝️💜🙏💜✝️🙏💜✝️🙏💜✝️🙏💜

    • @Galatians-vr8xd
      @Galatians-vr8xd Рік тому


  • @brendonburdett7015
    @brendonburdett7015 4 роки тому +26

    Jesus is My Reward.

  • @Dr.VonBraun
    @Dr.VonBraun 3 роки тому +42

    I dont seek rewards, I just seek to make it there and to be in his presence.

  • @audreynjanjo21
    @audreynjanjo21 3 роки тому +11

    I don’t even deserve heaven, but God is amazing ~ so being with Jesus is enough!! 🥰

  • @Danielle24
    @Danielle24 2 роки тому +12

    In heaven we will be casting our crowns at His feet..

  • @brandonmanuel2842
    @brandonmanuel2842 6 місяців тому +3

    As long as you faithfully serve Jesus as best as you can you will receive your reward. I want to hear these words of Jesus to me: Well done good and faithful servant!

  • @danball4410
    @danball4410 6 років тому +89

    To say that rewards are not important is to tell God that the system He designed is inferior. We should TREMBLE at His Word, not tell ourselves that we are of higher moral character than God because we don't need His rewards.
    Philippians 1:21 "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
    The majority of Christians might believe that "to die is gain", but how many can truly say with Paul, "for me to live is Christ?"
    It's likely that most of those who are giving their lives for the Gospel know this truth, and most of those who are comfortably living for themselves, don't understand this doctrine of rewards.

    • @darrylwills1062
      @darrylwills1062 6 років тому +12

      I love what you said brother God bless! what you said was powerful.

    • @BryanLChess
      @BryanLChess 4 роки тому +7

      Well said! Amen!

    • @mpcolucci12
      @mpcolucci12 4 роки тому +5

      These are wise words

    • @newcreationkoi4577
      @newcreationkoi4577 3 роки тому +4

      Now those are some weighty words!

    • @zy8753
      @zy8753 3 роки тому +7

      Amen! Christ lived in love and obedience to receive the highest reward--ruling beside God as Man. When it "should've" been Adam before he sinned. So it makes sense Christ was/ is/ always will be the most humbled and lowly as depicted in the Gospels, and also, in proportion, the LORD Most High Psalm 78:35. It's only right and holy to walk humbly with God to an optimum to satisfy our desire in Him. Christ will always be our first and foremost treasure, but He is the Giver of Gifts, the Father, and obedient servants receive befitting gifts... in His kingdom. I think it's a fair system, as long as Jesus is first, our contentment will be met and abound.

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 3 роки тому +13

    Surely just being saved is reward
    The martyrs and those who have suffered more will reap the greater
    We in the western countries have it quite cosy no persecutions

  • @darlalei4303
    @darlalei4303 2 роки тому +6

    Well I'm happy that I will be going to heaven. I've been a Christian for less than a year. I'm 58 so I don't have any merits or crowns. Christ's salvation will be my reward.

  • @Comedyvibes
    @Comedyvibes 4 роки тому +11

    Jesus loves you and he wants you to accept him as your lord and saviour

  • @lactate
    @lactate 3 роки тому +13

    I think we will just be proud of those that overcame things we didnt. just as we are in aw of what our lord was able to do that we couldnt.

  • @thomasbaird4200
    @thomasbaird4200 4 роки тому +21

    I want to be richly rewarded in heaven. It's something that I keep in mind where I can do good in the name of Jesus. I won't be content with a mop and bucket if I could have had a mansion near my Lord Jesus.

    • @zy8753
      @zy8753 3 роки тому +4

      lol truth! (to me at least 😄) I've accepted I have high taste for things where I'd be content--luxuries and rich experiences I wish for in an "ideal" life. And if Jesus rewards alike to that, w/ himself the Best Gift, no harm in yielding more and working in the faith. Pouring all that desire in Him, we'll reap what is sowed (w/ God).

    • @jesusreturning3003
      @jesusreturning3003 Рік тому +1

      Ha😊 mop/bucket, that's cute.. for some they may get in by the scrape of their teeth, but at least they got to heaven rather than hell, it would still be a blessing to get in and be in the presence of God and his magnificent creation, it would be nothing like earth to just get in, maybe some of these ppl didn't have time to repent but found Jesus on their death bed, maybe that's how they just get in, or maybe some knew christ, fell away and came back to him later in life, nonetheless at least they made it back in. However how God measures rewards is not like us humans, some could be on this earth for a short while and they are sacrificing themselves for the Lord, they could even find themselves in dangerous persecution for his name sake and that would qualify for rewards too. I don't think it's a matter of time of what we did, because God measures our works and what he deems as rewards, many of our works will be consumed by fire, to God it would be considered useless and some of our works will be rewarded, so we don't really know how we are going to be rewarded, it's also a matter of the heart, did we do things with an ulterior motive or with the right heart? Only God knows our hearts, some of our works might be consumed by fire, however, this is part of us growing in maturity on earth, to do things with the right heart, but I know those who may still be babes, they want to serve God but still not sure how in some ways, I believe Jesus meets us where we are and rewards us in each level we in him, so I think we all get rewards no matter what level or time we have been on earth, some will get more, I believe going thru extreme persecution and martyrdom will qualify for rewards too.. ppl who went thru hell for christs sake will be acknowledged, they didnt deny christ and went thru hell, some even death for his name sake. I believe there will be different levels of rewards that only God knows how he will distribute it, as his ways is higher then our ways.

    • @mattr.1887
      @mattr.1887 Рік тому +2

      So you're too good to mop the floor?

    • @Susan-fg3nv
      @Susan-fg3nv 2 місяці тому

      ​@@mattr.1887 if mopping the floor VS ruling as mayor over three cities were an option which would you choose? If being a mayor required weekly meetings with Jesus VS the annual dinner party where all workers are allowed to attend and Jesus makes a presence which would you choose? Bible clearly says to strive for the treasures of heaven. Not work for salvation but to have a stake in the inheritance

  • @louisjordan4702
    @louisjordan4702 3 роки тому +7

    To be in the presence of the LORD in Heaven is all the reward I need. What ever the LORD blesses me with will be accepted with a glad hart.

  • @smeatonlighthouse4384
    @smeatonlighthouse4384 4 роки тому +23

    Typical of human beings. We are all so selfish. First we must make sure that we will be in Heaven through the finished work of Christ on the cross, when He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, to the full satisfaction of the wrath and the glory of God.
    Second: When we rise to meet the Lord in the air at the rapture of the church, we will be in bodies of glory, like unto the Lord's glorious body. We will be holy and without blame before Him in love and perfectly content with our lot.
    Why be concerned with 'reward' when our being in Heaven is for the desire of the Lord Jesus to have us for Himself to share His glory and Love, especially after He offered up Himself completely for us.

    • @jolenaagapisou3803
      @jolenaagapisou3803 4 роки тому +4

      God in His Glory wants to give us rewards, it’s His loving way of rewarding us when we preached or witnessed for Him after being saved. To not accept his gift would be an insult to my God. I’m not concerned about it, I don’t think others are either.

    • @johnhoffman8203
      @johnhoffman8203 3 роки тому

      First of all His reconciliation for us gets us to the place heaven, which ultimately is here on earth for the ages. There is no hope of heaven, its a sealed done deal you cant loose if you tried. Secondly, we are not raptured in a glorified body (Read 1 Cor 15 as many times as necessary to see we are still in a corruptable body) but in a natural body of flesh and blood but without the sin nature (first death) and we stand before Christ at the JSOC in this body. Those counted as worthy receive a glorified then and are invited into the KOG/KOH (a position) for the Millennium. Those not stay in there natural body and are cast to outer darkness for the Millennium and receive their glorified body per 1 Cor 15.51&52 after the 1K years. Rewards are not really crowns but are depicted by the brightness of the glorified body.

  • @willow2290
    @willow2290 4 роки тому +17

    All I want for my reward is a cuddle with our Lord❤️

  • @timothycheng7765
    @timothycheng7765 Рік тому +3

    Years ago I heard a pastor declared from the pulpit that he was going to receive more and greater rewards for he was a pastor of the church. And years passed, he fell into sin of pride and conceits. Many of us struggle in our faith after leaving the church and greatly blessed by God with greater faith. That is reward itself on earth. Just as we look forward for rewards in heaven, we are greatly reminded to be humble, not to be more than we are supposed to.

  • @theodoremyers398
    @theodoremyers398 3 роки тому +8

    I've listened to many good Piper sermons. According to the Bible our works are nothing in God's sight. If we do truly do good works in God's sight it is by the power of the Holly Ghost. I can't help but think of Matthew 24:24.

  • @CWRobinsonMusic
    @CWRobinsonMusic 3 роки тому +5

    Peace is all you need. If you have peace in the Lord you can be the least in the kingdom and never care or worry about a thing. Heaven is not a grounds for measuring anyone above another except He which is already above all and created all. No concern of anger, malice, hate, tears, pain, suffering, guilt, sadness, sorrow, no conscious of death, only life eternal. Peace.

  • @tawnjoans9812
    @tawnjoans9812 3 роки тому +9

    I'll be happy resting on the grass just as long as I make it💖💖💖💖 that's what is important to me.

    • @savedbygracenotworks
      @savedbygracenotworks Рік тому +1

      Being born again will make you crave to perform acts of service to others

    • @yemisiikejesu
      @yemisiikejesu 8 місяців тому

      Yes you're absolutely right ​@@savedbygracenotworks

    @JESUSLOVESYOU219 2 роки тому +6

    I just care about being in His presence, with my Father and my best Friend. I want to be with Jesus 😢😢😢

  • @amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760
    @amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760 4 роки тому +10

    I don't care whether I get less rewards.. For me the important thing is I'm with God in heaven.. That's a big reward for me

    • @TheKnoxvicious
      @TheKnoxvicious 5 місяців тому

      Be humble. The rewards are Gods gifts. Attach some importance to the love he is giving you and don’t just dismiss it like it’s nothing. These comments just feel so insulting to him. He WANTS you to enjoy your gifts, not COMPLAIN about them which is what this whole comment section feels like they’re doing.
      Is it some holler than thou thing or something?

  • @mday3821
    @mday3821 3 роки тому +9

    I'll just be happy to be in Heaven with my Lord!🙌

  • @tanyacat5089
    @tanyacat5089 5 років тому +13

    That’s the most beautiful thing I have ever heard!Glory!Thank you Lord God and Pastor!!!

  • @truthwarrior5521
    @truthwarrior5521 4 роки тому +7

    If I get to Heaven. I will just be thankful....

  • @theman2947
    @theman2947 3 роки тому +6

    Hey I’ve been struggling a lot recently and fear my time is short. I’ve been seeing faces, hearing voices, and I believe I’m being haunted by some demon so some prayer would be nice in Christ name amen.

  • @deniselandmesser9966
    @deniselandmesser9966 4 роки тому +7

    I be happy to be with Jesus.

  • @flipChoco2283
    @flipChoco2283 4 роки тому +15

    honestly happy to just get to heaven in the first place even with no rewards

  • @kissy24087
    @kissy24087 3 роки тому +4

    As long as Jesus/ god are my lamp my light I will feel content I just want to be in heaven with them

  • @tnd-gy8mi
    @tnd-gy8mi Рік тому +3

    The purpose of telling us about rewards in the Bible is so that we strive to get them, not passively wait and hope for whatever we get. We all will enjoy it but we are to build up treasures in heaven. God told us so we could have the best, and not be lazy as Christians. Live by faith.

    • @mattr.1887
      @mattr.1887 Рік тому +1

      So self-centeredness motivates you?

  • @callummarks2080
    @callummarks2080 Рік тому +4

    I didn't listen etc past 5:39 after I heard that "some will be happier than others in heaven etc", I have never been taught that or heard etc and that really took me back because I just looked at heaven as like the end of the line so to speak and just "gathered" that "everyone would be happy immensely", I never knew there would be others that would be perpetually happier because of their acts / faith etc etc on earth during their time there. I just stopped and thought "your kidding me" with that comment.. I just thought simply as a simple person that "we would all be happy" kind of without the favorites etc.. (generally I mean because I do know in the bible it say's we will be blessed and some will be blessed more than other etc etc et) Really has made me think about things.. Kind of makes you think.. God chose those from the beginning etc.. I really wonder if I'll even make it with all the "nay sayer" comments in UA-cam uploads concerning being saved regardless of if you have been baptized, believe in God and Jesus etc and how by "not being a good Christian" you can not be saved also.. Really makes you think about everything.. When I first became a Christian and was baptized etc I was basically taught your saved when you believed Jesus died on the cross for my sins and repented.. Many years later I found out you can loose salvation by grieving the holy spirit etc etc. Not always explained all this from word go and find out later or a lot later and it makes things harder.. You question things etc.. I've found the Christian walk quite hard and constantly pray about troubles and have many troubles and don't seem to live as other do or have "their normal happy life" that's "the usual for most Christians".. Pretty much my prayers don't get answered and yer, things are really different for some I guess.. I don't really hear this stuff from other people so I guess they're "happy with their lot in life etc".. I guess a lot of people are happy about things.. I feel kind of "shafted mostly"! Didn't think when I was little I'd grow up and my life would turn out the way it did and "thought" by praying you know at some stage things would / will change but for me pretty much - nope, nothing changes but there's more problems and existing one's become harder to deal with and with many years of it and the same prayers over years not being answered it kind of just "shatters you".. They don't explain when "your saved" that this "can be your life" (suffering and misery) and yes in the bible it says that etc but they when your saved inadvertently or intentionally portray and "Churches" etc try to make out "the stereo typical Christian life" it's kind of hard to explain because I was never told it was going to be perfect, there were many sermons (all I think) about suffering / things going awry I just mean in general it's like when you become Christian you think "things will go good etc" but they don't is kind of what I'm saying.. I'm 38 and had many addictions for many years that I've given up recently and I've just suffered and had misery. Only have like 2 times in my life that I look at were substantially good / of benefitting of and that was my son being born and being "saved" but everything else has been horrible and I just think "if I don't make it and go to hell" that basically I already just suffered and was in misery etc and now I've got to go to hell! Make's you think about life and God - Jesus and The Holy Spirit. I even pray that God , Jesus and The Holy Spirit would all reveal themselves to myself and my son and those I pray for as I don't feel close etc etc etc but nope, prayers doesn't get answered.. Life's really crap and I just thing "geez I'm probably going to hell after being in what I feel like is hell already".. Kind of sucks!

  • @leonard9636
    @leonard9636 Рік тому +3

    Forget getting fewer rewards, getting in is simply more than enough

  • @mayagoodson3774
    @mayagoodson3774 2 роки тому +4

    We are all members of the same body and none of us are lesser than the other. We are all just as important and vital and necessary for the entire body- whether we are the eye or the foot or the ear or the fingernail--- or even the sphincter (had to do it for comedic relief haha) we are all just as vital as the next. I am overjoyed with the gladness I feel, for my life was once spent striving for glory here on earth and the pain it brought me was deafening. To strive for glory in heaven, I can only humble myself to realize that nothing I do brings glory to God, but what He does in me- which He has ordained- Is what shall bring my glory in heaven. If God has willed it then it is sufficient for me and that contentment I feel is a gift from Him.

  • @ecaterinagrace7342
    @ecaterinagrace7342 4 роки тому +4

    Praise the Lord, for rewarding His people. We should praise Him not consider His goodness and grace for us, unnecessary. It makes Him happy to give to us, what makes Him happy, makes me happy. ☺️🙏🏻

  • @Gramaron1313
    @Gramaron1313 Рік тому +3

    Who cares what kind of reward we are going to get..... we're going to be in heaven people!!!!! in heaven!!!!! that's going to be the most awesome Part!!!! just be happy you're going to be in heaven with JESUS that going to be awesome amen!!!!!❤🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳😇🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

  • @kirstenfox182
    @kirstenfox182 6 років тому +17

    Thank you! This has been on my mind. I feel more peace now and will read the whole sermon.

    • @jonathanwick5582
      @jonathanwick5582 6 років тому

      Kirsten Fox its a wrong doctrine though. I dont see how one could have "peace" with never being able to enjoy God as others for all of eternity. Its quite a destructible doctrine with very very poor bible proofs

    • @bptuggs
      @bptuggs 5 років тому

      All of you got wrong doctrine!! The blacks American are the TRUE biblical jews that God into slavery like Egypt..Plus everyone in the bible is black..Plus no gentile will get in...sorry white folks...I can provide scriptures for everything I say

    • @madambutterfly7513
      @madambutterfly7513 5 років тому +1

      lee jones - I hope you read the Bible, you are very wrong in your statement

  • @teddyshunnarah4992
    @teddyshunnarah4992 4 роки тому +4

    Should you get to Heaven consider that as reward enough in Heaven your with God, and when your with God your with God, No more worry no more pain no need for money no more suffering. I pray you get this picture, God is Love. happy / Glory.

  • @josephmarucci508
    @josephmarucci508 2 роки тому +4

    Wow that is some of the things I think of what a break down love this tony best utube I've found thank u god has called you to help us thank god thank u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤

  • @laxi8305
    @laxi8305 3 місяці тому

    To me it feels like seeing somone with a beautiful outfit while you are dressed in sweatpants. You would just be happy and amazed at such beautiful achievement and creation rather than looking down at yourself for your fit. For you have both been blessed with clothing

  • @ashtonharris2836
    @ashtonharris2836 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you, Ps John, verrrry blessed by your teachings! Please continue! Ps Ashton Harris, India.

  • @toliveischrist950
    @toliveischrist950 2 роки тому +9

    Desire all the rewards Jesus wants to give you because this honors him.

    • @AkaliTheKid
      @AkaliTheKid 10 місяців тому

      What does that mean? What verse is that? :3

  • @stephanief3506
    @stephanief3506 4 роки тому +5

    That was a anointed message mahalo for sharing God bless✝️👑🛐💞

  • @bengagliardo
    @bengagliardo Рік тому +1

    im just glad i can get in .. being in with less awards is still in, as in not in hell.. peace joy forever.. just amassing really .. little ol me a sinner in heaven with god wow ..

  • @AndrewKendall71
    @AndrewKendall71 Рік тому +2

    The concept of fullness and the different sizes of vessels is very helpful. Whether large or small, to the vessel, full is full.

  • @ChickenMcThiccken
    @ChickenMcThiccken 2 роки тому +1

    ive given up many things ; and given away many things; not for any personal benefit. i have almost nothing now; but what i do have is my compassion and sensibility. god knows this; as does jesus. i have no doubt. if i get even more poor; then that is what i must overcome; both mentally and spiritually. physically it doesn't matter at all. what sense does it make to carry a huge burden on your shoulders?

  • @rsarahi14
    @rsarahi14 5 років тому +15

    I’ll be in heaven and not in hell!!! I’ll be with God and not the lake of fire!! I don’t care what rewards little or many I have!!! Being there with Him is the only reward I want!!!

    • @eternalrewardsandriches9327
      @eternalrewardsandriches9327 5 років тому +1

      So you are spitting in Jesus's face and despising the great eternal rewards Christ wants you to have, live for, and rejoice by leaping up that you could get those rewards (Matt. 5:11-12; 6:19-21) and thus you love earthly rewards more than God's rewards.

    • @madambutterfly7513
      @madambutterfly7513 5 років тому +3

      Eternal Rewards and Riches - I think you misunderstood - they’re not spitting in God’s face - you are very judgmental, I would ask for God’s help if I were you

    • @thenameisnex3598
      @thenameisnex3598 4 роки тому +2

      Eternal Rewards and Riches what is your name??, do you do works for these rewards? You should not be doing anything for these rewards, because then you won’t receive them! If you do things out of selfishness (e.g to receive eternal rewards)

  • @cmullenmusic
    @cmullenmusic 4 роки тому +5

    Great question, great answer. ✞🕊💚

  • @deusx.machinaanime.3072
    @deusx.machinaanime.3072 2 роки тому +3

    I would be happy to be a street cleaner 🧹, a janitor 🪠, or simple a gardener 🪴 in Heaven.
    I would be lucky and blessed just to be there.

  • @alexyandell.
    @alexyandell. Рік тому +2

    It's funny because I feel like the Alex you talked about worthless before others I want to do more for god than ever before but am scared it will be to late before Jesus comes 😭 I'm so tired of this whole competition mind set hell is the opposite of all good things God will give us his life his grace his Mercy is Glory and so much infinitely more and I find out that my finite life is just for working for goals in heaven and serving God just for rewards why bother with this less happiness less this and that sounds terrifying I want the highest rewards possible but I just felt like a lesser saint because of this just letting you know what's in my heart we should have everything god has for us 🥺

  • @krispipes
    @krispipes 3 роки тому +3

    I dont need any reward, im super happy as long im in heaven, make sure 1st you go to heaven, before thinking any reward

  • @Comedyvibes
    @Comedyvibes 4 роки тому +4

    God wonderfully bless you

  • @dianeambrose683
    @dianeambrose683 8 місяців тому

    I am not envious so will be happy to be included! I imagine a farmhouse in the country with a barn, rolling hills, flowers and mountains in the distance. Goats, chickens, horses cats and good dogs. Berry patches and fruit trees. Loving neighbors. A helpmate and perhaps offering our home for the raising of two little boys. A pond, frogs, dragonflies. Flower gardens and bees and honey hives. Vegetable gardens. A simple life full of love and peace. I ask my Holy Father for such bliss forever. ❤️🙏

    • @Susan-fg3nv
      @Susan-fg3nv 2 місяці тому

      You will be spirit. If born again by the blood of christ. There is work to do in the kingdom. The humans will have kids during the millinenium. After that it sounds like all beings will be spirit

  • @donnathornburg4572
    @donnathornburg4572 4 роки тому +4

    what an awesome description. Thank you

  • @anacondaeunectes1854
    @anacondaeunectes1854 3 роки тому +2

    Living long enough to grow a redwood from seed is a good start. Imagine all the new orchids I'll be able to hybridize!

  • @timhowell6929
    @timhowell6929 2 роки тому +2

    It seems to me that in the same way Paul describes the body of believers as being made up of many different parts (1 Cor 12), having different functions, the society of those in Heaven would also be made up of people with different functions… it is speculation on my part but it’s an interesting question. As for me personally, I agree with all those in this forum who say the privilege is in being in the presence of Christ. I’ll probably pass out when I hear our Heavenly Father say “well done good and faithful servant…” :)

  • @Humblestudent04
    @Humblestudent04 9 місяців тому

    According to scripture our inheritance is our reward....Colossians3:24....

  • @evanintihar7590
    @evanintihar7590 3 роки тому +4

    For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:21) I believe it's literal but you don't get the crown for yourself it's by love it's your heart you give that reward to Jesus as a thanks for saving you. That's why it talks about casting crowns "the twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying,“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” revelations 4:10-11 pretty sure the 24 elders are 12 tribes of israel and the 12 apostles which would I believe represent the gentiles grafted in as God's people when you are born again are you not God's child now?

  • @MikeLawson-cj4kt
    @MikeLawson-cj4kt 11 місяців тому +1

    No matter how many or how few rewards I get in heaven I'll always take heart in knowing, things could've been infinitely much worse.

  • @nicolapicola4502
    @nicolapicola4502 3 місяці тому

    I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

  • @pnutbteronbwlz9799
    @pnutbteronbwlz9799 Рік тому +3

    The whole rewards thing is over emphasized, and centered around being good to gain, not being good because it’s what you were made for.
    People do this with many biblical issues, taking a verse or a few, and overemphasizing them over the rest of the Bible, or interpreting them how they will it.
    Maybe discuss the different possibilities.
    I believe it’s clear everyone is made perfect in Christ and in heaven. There is no evidence of a hierarchy of “holiness”. In fact, no one is holy without God, therefore no one is deserving of the rewards God gives us.
    You take this verse about reward, but don’t understand that the reward mentioned that won’t be lost, is the reward of being with God. You are interpreting it for a benefit. That is not the kingdom.
    The overzealous confidence shown here is something I feel keeps many pastors behind in giving tempered humble guidance and seeking the whole truth.

  • @aA2GuNZz
    @aA2GuNZz 9 місяців тому +1

    Just give me a log cabin in heaven and I’m ok!

  • @LloydXL
    @LloydXL 7 місяців тому

    Point is to just do your mightiest best now

  • @justpeachy4393
    @justpeachy4393 2 роки тому +1

    I can't even fathom this stuff. Eternity is going to be so different than this life...

  • @RandyNathanYan
    @RandyNathanYan Рік тому +2

    I just want to be in heaven, i do not really care about the rewards because i believe God is just and he will reward us fairly, if other people get more i will be happy for them, they deserve it and i believe in God's judgement.

  • @SalvableRuin
    @SalvableRuin Рік тому +1

    I don't know what heavenly rewards look like. I don't mind being naked and sleeping on the floor if I can be in eternity on the new earth with Jesus, Moses, Tim Allen, Ken Ham, C. S. Lewis, Chris Pratt, and every other believer who has ever lived. I can't imagine any greater reward than eternal youth, health, beauty and joy in a sinless world where dinosaurs roam the earth.

  • @isaiahmcallister3883
    @isaiahmcallister3883 2 роки тому +4

    Personally I no longer care about those rewards. I just want to go to heaven with Jesus.

  • @PeaceFan1
    @PeaceFan1 3 місяці тому +1

    As for ME, I will be HAPPY for those who have Greater Rewards because they DESERVE them .. I think of PILLARS of FAITH like Joni Eareckson Tada, Corrie ten Boom, Billy Graham and JOHN PIPER, etc. WE will ALL BE TOGETHER in HEAVEN, Let's just Focus on THAT!!!!

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 3 роки тому +3

    Will he own my worthless name before his fathers throne
    People we thought would be there
    Wont be there
    And people we thought wouldn't be
    There will be there
    And I would be surprised to see myself there

  • @itsopinion7430
    @itsopinion7430 2 роки тому +1

    Would rather have a basement apartment in heaven that a townhouse in hell. As for myself, I don't wish to be in charge of anybody in heaven or anywhere else. I wonder if some folks think they are the cat's meow and think they will have major pull in heaven over us less fortunate that made it in despite imperfections. Lord protect us from the know-it-alls in heaven and in hell.

  • @TMB-eq4ed
    @TMB-eq4ed Рік тому +1

    that is actually an amazing description and makes holy sense ...

  • @fromthebeginning6064
    @fromthebeginning6064 4 роки тому +2

    Exactly...people assume and measure the spirit realm and Heaven by the only thing they know...this realm. How do you know what you will feel if you even do, in your new body? Don't assume to know God's wisdom, none of us do. We may have an iota of an idea if even that. People also assume that God will give out rewards to those who He bestows more faith upon. Wrong, He may give out the level of faith you deserve, but it is up to you to deserve that faith. Faith can be gotten Romans 10:17 and if you don't try to get it, don't envy the person who does. No respect of persons means just that. We need to stop trying to find excuses for our laziness and i include myself. I'm sure of one thing: on that day no excuses will be heard. God bless

  • @Ch3rishtheday
    @Ch3rishtheday 5 місяців тому

    John Edward’s sermon Romans 2:10
    Ban of Truth

  • @ximec7775
    @ximec7775 4 роки тому +4

    I don't care! I'll be happy to be there. There's no discouragement up there. Everything is perfect there. We will have and experience fullness of joy, love, peace

  • @simoncollins493
    @simoncollins493 2 роки тому +1

    Absolutely brilliant answer.

  • @JamesPetrycia-zj7yq
    @JamesPetrycia-zj7yq 3 роки тому

    Yes! Just like Temple in Jerusalem Inner court and outer court and priestly class.

  • @08practice
    @08practice 5 років тому +2

    Some leader off the Church think they better ! But I think God can only see who is of higher reword! If there is any

  • @kensnedegar5925
    @kensnedegar5925 Рік тому

    Heaven will be a great place for anybody and everybody and I will accept your rewards because God wants us to save Souls like his profits did spread the word of God and everyone will be happy in heaven no matter where you are graded at by almighty God our Father I do it because the love of God and Jesus Christ

  • @itstoasty7089
    @itstoasty7089 Рік тому +1

    Yeah just to be in the presence of the Creator is awesome. I wonder what he does, him being an all powerful being. Like does he get bored or does he like to have fun with us in heaven? Would the Lord really just want us to praise him for eternity? I wonder if we can fly up there and play games in the air with him. I’m having childish thoughts now lol I just really want to see what he’s gonna do next after his kingdom is established for eternity

  • @shawnholey6976
    @shawnholey6976 Рік тому

    Nobody has lived properly!
    Only Jesus was perfect!❤❤
    You do not earn Heaven!
    It is a pardon, of your wages of death, which is sin!
    Grace is given, not earned!
    My Father is AWESOME and His Grace Perfect!❤❤❤🙏😊😊😊😊

  • @Rinkyu
    @Rinkyu 2 роки тому +3

    It seems like the people in the comments don’t want the rewards lol. I want to get all the rewards and I’ll work for the 5 crowns:)

  • @manuelalfaro2207
    @manuelalfaro2207 2 роки тому

    No one deserves salvation until God sees we truly deserve salvation individually. How God has mercy and purity on everyone that is how we have to live. Many people live thinking bei g good to certain people does good. And while many people see that good. God sees it as a disappointment. While God did not educate us we still should be who God wants us to be. That is why don't expect salvation unless God sees it.

  • @endtimesvoyager726
    @endtimesvoyager726 4 роки тому +4

    I look forward to seeing people get their rewards. Especially those who have suffered for Christ. I reckon there will be some big surprises at the bema seat of Christ. I totally agree with the book extract. I don't think that we thing about eternal rewards enough, to be honest. Anyone who is reading this please think about it and pray about it. It is too late for me - I will be happy in heaven but I doubt any rewards to be honest. I took a decision that was unrighteous and it has ongoing consequences. If I could turn back the clock I would. My hope is that with what is left of life to suffer for Christ or die for Him, No,I am not being melodramatic,

  • @michaelhayward9532
    @michaelhayward9532 4 роки тому +4

    I always wanted a little fishing boat and if ever get one when going out on the water I'll admire the big ones but will be happy in my little one :)

  • @jonathanwick5582
    @jonathanwick5582 6 років тому +15

    I am personally a calvanist and listen quite a bit to Piper. I also read lots of John Gill's Bible Commentary. Really helpful
    John Gill cobtradicts John Piper hard on this matter of unequal rewards. I personally have suffered quite a bit under this (in my view) completely wrong doctrine. Read john gill he explains with bible proof how every saint will be the rewared to the max and equal. nothing good is our own doing its all pure grace.
    John gill also explains the verses which seem to point to different rewards but they really dont.
    Jesus and the apostles are very clear on this matter! It is not an earthly kingdom it is a heavenly one where saints will be like Jesus in complete enjoyment and unity with Christ. Everyone will enjoy it with the same maximum capacity!as much as can be desired by a creature and even more

    • @danball4410
      @danball4410 6 років тому +1

      Do you think there are angels, above other angels? Is there an Arc Angel after Lucifer was cast out? Are there some closest to the Lord, saying holy, holy, holy? Or do you think that is unfair?
      Luke 19:24 -26 Give it to the one who has the ten minas.' And they said to Him, 'Lord, he has ten minas already !'
      'I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

    • @jonathanwick5582
      @jonathanwick5582 6 років тому

      Dan Ball Citing those kind of passages are exactly what I mean. Sorry go read John Gills explanation and then come back. It has zero to do with work salvation and getting paid more that your brothers.
      This angel example is not very good you know. Am I an angel?
      Angels are so different from us on so many levels. Of us it is said that we were made in the image of God. For us God himself died as a man while he doesnt make any effort to save the fallen angels does he? Arent we the only adopted children of God? Made as glorious as Christ is in heaven with his perfect body? Every heavenly promise is made for every christian. All will wear the same crown of glory, life and so on. There is no hidden meaning in those things

    • @jonathanwick5582
      @jonathanwick5582 6 років тому

      Dan Ball Let me correct myself. I think the bible nowhere indicates that there are higher and lower angels. IMO
      Read John Gill about Seraphim, Cherubim, Michael the archangel and so on. It makes lots more sense

    • @danball4410
      @danball4410 6 років тому +4

      Jonathan, thanks for replying. If John Gill agrees with what our Lord says, then he's right. I confess that I have not very much interest in researching Gill on all these topics when the Lord and Bible are the source that matter. You should read the Bible about Lucifer and see that there are positions for Angels also.

    • @Vae07
      @Vae07 6 років тому +2

      Seems there are degrees of hell and punishments. Wouldn't it make sense for heaven to also be the same? We are told to give an account of ourselves. Why? Jesus says to store up our treasures in heaven and Paul says to run the race for the prize and Jesus says he comes back soon and will bring his prize with him.
      Any thoughts?

  • @ECIncredibleAnimalEncounters
    @ECIncredibleAnimalEncounters 2 роки тому +1

    Quiz: Please look What scripture in the Bible said we will go or to be in Heaven? Jesus Christ is coming to Earth and people wish to go to heaven? Question Answered. Thanks

  • @brandonmanuel2842
    @brandonmanuel2842 6 місяців тому

    Jesus says He was hungry and you fed Him.
    Jesus says He was thirsty and you quinched Him.
    Jesus says He was sick and you took care of Him.
    Jesus says when you did to the unfortunate you did it to Him.

  • @amynvasaya702
    @amynvasaya702 2 роки тому +2

    In heaven we will be perfected that means you will be happy for others there will be no jealousy

  • @keithreid8629
    @keithreid8629 3 роки тому +1

    All will rejoice in heaven

  • @addyrule1520
    @addyrule1520 4 роки тому +2

    Im just trying to get to heaven..

  • @geraldjohnson8871
    @geraldjohnson8871 5 років тому +1

    Think Npt We were created to seek Gods rewards, We are created to bring Glory to the living God Almighty and Christ Jesus said: do All you do for the glory of the Fathet and He will justly give you U your Reward, Do Not worry about tomorrow for sufficient of this day ls the Evil thereof!!!*****)