Another good reason to magnetize models is if they have any long, spindly, delicate parts, like banners or a large model holding a long weapon. This makes them way easier to transport and saves them from breaking if they get mishandled. Another considerstion is posability.
the perfect Name Suggestions: there a 5 different types of magnets not counting superconductors or electromagnets. you should name each member of the kill team after a different kind of magnet. Neo for Neodymium, Sam or Col for Samarium cobalt, AL for Alnico, Fred or Freddy for Ceramic ferrite magnets, Temp /Tempest or Ferrous for Temporary Magnets. A temporary Magnet is just an Iron compound that can be magnetized.
"Magnets might be annoying, but you know what isn't annoying? You guessed it, our patreon". "Magnets are cool, but you know what else is cool? That's right, our patreon" "The sky is blue, but you know what else is blue? A pool. And you know what rhymes with pool? Cool. And what else is cool? Our patreon!"
When drilling pin holes, I was taught to put tac on the second part then dry fit it to the hole you just drilled on the first part. The resulting 'nipple' on impressed on the tac will be the direction in which you drill the second part to ensure the best fit. Even works with uneven breaks or older models with joints less flush than CAD precision pieces. Cheers!
Name suggestion, as you used and demonstrated a lot of magnets with this KillTeam how about Sergeant Polus (from magnetic pole) of the IronHands chapter.
It's like a complete sequel, the centurions were bare plastic in the last video from 2020 and now they have been painted the list of patrons has also increased astronomically.
1:30 PERFECT!!! I have never painted Warhammer 40,000 models when my buddy gifted me a preassembled army of Deathwatch. As I studied their lore and the parts, immediately thought: MAGNETS!!! They sat on a shelf unpainted for over a year, and I finally built up the gumption to paint them. Because I have ADHOCD, I watched close to 30 hours on painting miniatures and 30 hours of battle reports and lore videos before I bought my first painting supplies. $1,200 later, I painted my first two Deathwatch, the two Vanguard Veterans. Since I wanted to magnetize, I needed up buying fresh kits to assemble myself, and my buddy gave me part of Kill Team Cassius to begin with. I bought a complete set which meant I had dupes of some of the characters. That’s why I painted the two Vanguard Vets first…practice. So, here you are magnetizing my army!!! Thanks, bruv!! Cheers 🍻 14:30 I am toying around with a Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnaught named Apnetron. He is especially vicious when filthy Xenos are around, but he becomes extremely sleepy when no targets are present. This forces his Battle Brothers to do what they can to get him back to base before he goes into hibernation…which creates for some wild shenanigans like… Mission One: Waking up on the wrong side of the Nid. Shortly after a mission, Apnetron got as far as the supply depot in the base before shutting down. Unfortunately, the servitors charged with dismantling all the heavy equipment in the depot for redeployment to the next mission area couldn’t tell the difference between the heavy loaders and a Venerable Dreadnaught…also, how do servitors have the schematics for a Venerable Dreadnaught? Story for another day. The kill team noticed Apnetron wasn’t in his deployment cradle shortly before take off, but had no time to investigate. At the meeting base, the depot station was being reassembled when Apnetron’s Sarcophagus was discovered in an unmarked crate. This is when they figured out what happened and just as they were about to open all the crates, a flood of Nids poured out of an underground tunnel in the middle of the base. Mission debrief: defend the now fully awake and fully pissed off Apnetron in his Sarcophagus while busting open crates to find the rest of his body. Mission End: find enough of his body for the next mission to begin. Mission Two: ‘Twas only a flesh wound. Now that Apnetron is partially functional, he will do all he can to destroy the Nid. If all you found are his legs, he will rampage around stomping the filthy blighters. If he has a weapon, he’ll use that. Apnetron will move, charge, attack the nearest visible Nid unit focusing only on that unit. The rest of the squad will support while busting open the other crates looking for the rest of Apnetron. I’ve already got about 6 out of a target of 36 missions for Apnetron’s Adventures: An AA Meeting of the Minds.” There will be a plot hook in the 12 episode/mission; a huge reveal in the 24th that ties it to established lore and a climactic heart-wrenching battle to lead into the last 12 missions that can go down one of three paths depending on the player’s decisions. Magnetizing is gonna be a huge aspect of “Apnetron’s Adventures” so thank you for the video!!
2:48 an interesting way to view the new list building system! I hear a lot of negativity about the new list building and I normally divert to something else instead of tyring to directly counter their issue. I will steal this idea!
Most of the negativity is just space marine players who are mad because they no longer have to buy 5 different 50$ boxes to have one of each sergeant. I think the new list-building system is fine, although the bespoke teams seem to take advantage of it less than the index teams.
I am not even kidding right now!! I just finished assembling a death watch kill team with magnetized heads and weapons!! Same page baby!! I did do both heavy options even though I’ll probably only ever use the grenade launcher lol
These days I only magnetize things like AoS Stegadon/Engine of the gods, where one model can make 2 separate kits. Or when due to the model magnetizing is really easy.
Good point raised here. Magnetizing for ease of transport is a good idea too. I only magnetized my Imperial Knight arms and torso so they are not a massive waste of foam
Pinning is a great idea for smaller bits, surprised it was in a video about magnets! Some suggestions for names depending on your chapters Augustus Thracian Eros Magyar Xanatos Jinn Filipos Carvelian Aleister Augoides Definitely didn’t repurpose some of these names from other franchises 😜
The best magnetizing tip I've heard is making a polarity stick. I can't remember whose idea it was but basically take a piece of dowel, label one end BODY and the other ARM. Glue magnets to each end with the polarities facing the same way (schematic: NS [BODY] [DOWEL] [ARM] NS) Now, every magnet connection is going to have a "body" direction (generally towards the center of the mini) and an "arm" direction (towards the weapon/wing/arm, dangly bit). Even parts that have magnets on two ends have an orientation such that one connection is towards the center of model and the other connection is pointing out. When you want to glue a magnet into the body of a model, stick it on the BODY side of the stick and do the glue-slidey thing, you'll end up with the south pole of the magnet facing out, every time. Do the same thing on the weapons, and you'll end up with the north side of the magnet facing out, every time. All your models will be polarized the same way, so you won't end up in a situation where the weapons you magnetized for your last space marines are opposite from your new set. If you're ever paranoid about polarity in the middle of assembly: get the stick. The BODY side should stick to the "body," and the ARM side should stick to the "arm."
I’m in a similar boat. Loads of dreadnaught load out options sitting on the shelf unpainted. I did fully magnetise a gladiator that can also be any variant and an impulsor. I’m currently sitting here wondering if I even need to magnetise my chaos knight despoiler or if I can just pick a balanced load out. As far as dreadnaughts landed I opted to just buy more dreadnaughts.
I find that a cheap old jewelry vice is the best thing to use to hold on to small parts. They fit comfy in the hand, they grip the part really really well without easily crushing it and the leather pads make it so they don’t mar the model
I have found that drilling the hole a little deep and then using green stuff to partially fill it before supergluing the magnet in makes the magnet hold stronger.
Same brother, I've grouped several boxes of marines together categorized by weapons/body parts so that every marine I make is a joy to sift through the pile and make him his own unique lad. 😁😁🤘🤘
10:14 I would attach the magnet via clay to something, ant the insert magnet into the hole. It is easy to glue your fingers together, or glue yourself to the magnet.
this is a tremendous help. i am finishing up a coldstar battlesuit, and a cadre of crisis suits. i want to magnetize purely for the challenge/cool factor. i feel like elites/big robots lend to magnetization better.
Thanks for this video. I’ve been magnetising minis for a year and a half or so now but this has given me a couple of new ideas and your technique is more polished than mine. One advantage to magnetising which you sort of mention in a round about way is that you get to rebuild your minis over and over again. I know you said you have a love/hate relationship with building but I love it so for me it’s awesome! With regards to your sergeant, surely he needs to be called Sergeant Magneto.
1.5 millimeter should be fine for Sisters of battle. Used 2x2 and 2x1 a lot for mine. Also with regards to powered drills you might want to look at the Wow-Stick. Pretty happy with mine.
Magnets on bases revolutionized both storage and painting for me. I don't use magnets on arms anymore because I now just cast extra bits to make extra models.
Magnets are useful,but sometimes weak. I use magnets and pins made by nails to make bond stronger. So the friction between plastic and nail helps the maghnet to do its work.
Just magnetized the entire deathwatch kill team. This has spread into terrain and now exploring how to install LED lights into kill team boards for that hive city funk.
When I magnetize I use a thin sheet of tin that I cut. It's malleable enough to bend and mold to whatever shape you need it. The other part I use a magnet. It saves money and time (not near as thick as say another magnet) using another magnet and because the tin can be shaped I've found allows for a greater degree of posing due to the magnet clinging to the surface at any angle.
Im magnetizing for the first time and doing it on acolyte hybrids and gants, and yeah, that beginning part about them being nearly impossible to magnetize hits hard
Hey Jay, I just recently got back into 40k and your videos have helped me a ton! I magnetized a model yesterday and am relieved to see that some of the techniques you used I also used, glad to see I didn't mess it up. I also tried to get creative with bases, which is something you have especially inspired me to start doing, but I'm having trouble. I was wondering if you had any ideas for how to make and attach large thorned vines much like are seen around the feet of Drukhari Incubi and Drazhar. So if you or anyone else has any ideas I'd love to hear it, thanks!
Making too big hole isn't that bad since you can put some greenstuff or liquified plastic from melted sprues which will make much stronger bond than any glue.
Love me some Magnetization, all my Orkz are magnetized, yes even the Boyz (slugga choppa or shoota loadouts), and the Nobz (all the options, so similar to what you did with your kill team, but with 10 Nobz, I did go a little overboard and magnetized heads too for even more randomization options) I used a power drill on very slow and neodynium magnets from home depot, even found a way to make the wheels on my Trukks roll using some tiny bearing assemblies
for making sure you do the right side of the magnet. i get one model completely done with al lthe magnets i want and then for every other model all i have to do is touch my first model with my magnet stack. i did the coloring one side thing but i wiped off to easy and id lose track often since the paint or marker would wear off.
God, Magnets were my bane back when I used to play, I magnetised all my Wraithlord weapon options in both positions. At the end of the day, I had a really functional game piece, but the model looked rough. Granted, I was 15 and didn't do the best job 😅
Have you ever thought of building and painting a gunpla model? Tons of crossover between the two hobbies and it'd be super cool to see how you'd go about painting one.
A lot of Chapters tend to have distinguishable naming conventions , so it's best if you chose from which Chapters your Kill Team members hail first , and then chose a name for each one accordingly :)
You may very well do this off camera, but a good way to make accurate drilling more attainable is to start with a smaller bit and work your way up to the full sized hole. Makes it easier on each successive bit and leads it towards staying center/not tearing.
For Name suggestions, I kinda like the Idea that they gave nicknames to each other. Pops for the oldest one and Shrimp for the "shortest" one for example.
Here are some names suggestions. Fergus, Delmir, Volian, Trell, Douglass, Arann, Theor, Zoltar, Martes, Adam, Isaiah, Eckler, Holm, Harrow. These are some names i have written whitin the years and are waiting to be used for something, probably a d&d campaing. Maybe you can find one you like, i feel like these are the most Deathwatch-like names. I hope this to be useful. Cheers man!
I magnetise the model with wargear I am interested in and then leave the rest on sprue. If I ever need to change them, I have the option but not a bag of unloved magnetised bits.
This video was great and very detailed. I'm super happy to hear the size of the magnets. Your last video only gave 1 dimension and left it feeling unclear. Anyway man, keep up the good work.
For an upgrade to drill bits, look into brad point bits. They have a very sharp center tip and two cutters on the edges to help clean holes. There would be no need to drill at pilot hole and use a bit that could still walk away from the hole.
The only advice I would give when drilling space marine arms is put the should pad on after you put the magnet in. This means you cover the hole if you over-drill and go out the other side :)
I once though about magnetizing intercessor bolt rifle variants. Even bought 2x1mm round magnets. But then decided that the amount of work is too great and I used ABR variant exclusively.
It depends on the army. For instance, I play Tau and thousand Sons. Magnets are the lifeblood of a Tau army. Crisis suits can take three weapons from a list of like 7. Thousand sons, on the other hand, only really have one option for the most part. Rubric Marines can take one of two guns, but usually its better to just have a flamer squad and a bolter squad since you'll need that in game too.
When applying magnets I always use an arm or body that already has one to apply the next. Shove that hobby knife in between and place it into the drilled hole. Then Rotate the Blade by 90 degree so the magnet only sticks to the back of the blade. Avoids them jumping after the "application magnet" in case patience was too low when pulling back (no puns intended).
I can't remember where I saw it but I have a small piece of dowel with 2 10mm magnets glued on either end, one pos one neg, I have the dowel labeled hard point and attachment so I don't mix up my magnents.
Another good reason to magnetize models is if they have any long, spindly, delicate parts, like banners or a large model holding a long weapon. This makes them way easier to transport and saves them from breaking if they get mishandled. Another considerstion is posability.
I literally came across this after putting a sacred banner on a Zephyrim Superior lol. O well, better late than never.
the perfect Name Suggestions:
there a 5 different types of magnets not counting superconductors or electromagnets. you should name each member of the kill team after a different kind of magnet.
Neo for Neodymium, Sam or Col for Samarium cobalt, AL for Alnico, Fred or Freddy for Ceramic ferrite magnets, Temp /Tempest or Ferrous for Temporary Magnets. A temporary Magnet is just an Iron compound that can be magnetized.
Best name idea in my opinion.
I second this! Its good and has a super good inside.
"Magnets might be annoying, but you know what isn't annoying? You guessed it, our patreon".
"Magnets are cool, but you know what else is cool? That's right, our patreon"
"The sky is blue, but you know what else is blue? A pool. And you know what rhymes with pool? Cool. And what else is cool? Our patreon!"
gotta simp for the monthly pocketchange
@@ildlyn8966how else if he gonna afford the models?
As a red vs blue fan I say name them Sarg, Simmons, Grif, Donut, and Lopez.
When drilling pin holes, I was taught to put tac on the second part then dry fit it to the hole you just drilled on the first part. The resulting 'nipple' on impressed on the tac will be the direction in which you drill the second part to ensure the best fit. Even works with uneven breaks or older models with joints less flush than CAD precision pieces. Cheers!
Name Suggestion: Basteon Telfo
The name is an anagram of "Eons of Battle", would be awesome as a little shoutout to the channel
With a name like Basteon (bastion) he has to be an imperial fist too 👊
If his name is telfo I hope he sounds like Elfo from disenchanted.
"Hi I'm telfo"
@@tadhgmcelligott3693 The "T" is silent, like in Tzeentch.
Big brain moves over here 👆
@@Arbbal It's not silent. It's just incapable of being heard by mortal ears.
Name suggestion, as you used and demonstrated a lot of magnets with this KillTeam how about Sergeant Polus (from magnetic pole) of the IronHands chapter.
Add a slight change in the spelling and he becomes the glue that sticks your team together.
Well played. Polus lol
Maybe Polaris would be better? Good idea though!
Magents, in case you try to fix your mistake it's immortalised here.
It's like a complete sequel, the centurions were bare plastic in the last video from 2020 and now they have been painted the list of patrons has also increased astronomically.
I remember when we could read all the names at a glance. So many now
1:30 PERFECT!!! I have never painted Warhammer 40,000 models when my buddy gifted me a preassembled army of Deathwatch. As I studied their lore and the parts, immediately thought: MAGNETS!!!
They sat on a shelf unpainted for over a year, and I finally built up the gumption to paint them. Because I have ADHOCD, I watched close to 30 hours on painting miniatures and 30 hours of battle reports and lore videos before I bought my first painting supplies.
$1,200 later, I painted my first two Deathwatch, the two Vanguard Veterans. Since I wanted to magnetize, I needed up buying fresh kits to assemble myself, and my buddy gave me part of Kill Team Cassius to begin with. I bought a complete set which meant I had dupes of some of the characters. That’s why I painted the two Vanguard Vets first…practice.
So, here you are magnetizing my army!!!
Thanks, bruv!! Cheers 🍻
14:30 I am toying around with a Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnaught named Apnetron. He is especially vicious when filthy Xenos are around, but he becomes extremely sleepy when no targets are present. This forces his Battle Brothers to do what they can to get him back to base before he goes into hibernation…which creates for some wild shenanigans like…
Mission One: Waking up on the wrong side of the Nid.
Shortly after a mission, Apnetron got as far as the supply depot in the base before shutting down. Unfortunately, the servitors charged with dismantling all the heavy equipment in the depot for redeployment to the next mission area couldn’t tell the difference between the heavy loaders and a Venerable Dreadnaught…also, how do servitors have the schematics for a Venerable Dreadnaught? Story for another day.
The kill team noticed Apnetron wasn’t in his deployment cradle shortly before take off, but had no time to investigate. At the meeting base, the depot station was being reassembled when Apnetron’s Sarcophagus was discovered in an unmarked crate. This is when they figured out what happened and just as they were about to open all the crates, a flood of Nids poured out of an underground tunnel in the middle of the base.
Mission debrief: defend the now fully awake and fully pissed off Apnetron in his Sarcophagus while busting open crates to find the rest of his body.
Mission End: find enough of his body for the next mission to begin.
Mission Two: ‘Twas only a flesh wound.
Now that Apnetron is partially functional, he will do all he can to destroy the Nid. If all you found are his legs, he will rampage around stomping the filthy blighters. If he has a weapon, he’ll use that. Apnetron will move, charge, attack the nearest visible Nid unit focusing only on that unit. The rest of the squad will support while busting open the other crates looking for the rest of Apnetron.
I’ve already got about 6 out of a target of 36 missions for Apnetron’s Adventures: An AA Meeting of the Minds.” There will be a plot hook in the 12 episode/mission; a huge reveal in the 24th that ties it to established lore and a climactic heart-wrenching battle to lead into the last 12 missions that can go down one of three paths depending on the player’s decisions.
Magnetizing is gonna be a huge aspect of “Apnetron’s Adventures” so thank you for the video!!
2:48 an interesting way to view the new list building system! I hear a lot of negativity about the new list building and I normally divert to something else instead of tyring to directly counter their issue. I will steal this idea!
Most of the negativity is just space marine players who are mad because they no longer have to buy 5 different 50$ boxes to have one of each sergeant. I think the new list-building system is fine, although the bespoke teams seem to take advantage of it less than the index teams.
I am not even kidding right now!! I just finished assembling a death watch kill team with magnetized heads and weapons!! Same page baby!! I did do both heavy options even though I’ll probably only ever use the grenade launcher lol
have you use them in game? haha i suppose but i´m afraid the pieces will start falling in the middle of a game if a do this
@@metalpatriot22 yes they do fall apart here and there but they stick right back together again
These came out great. Looking forward to seeing them painted!
For names…
I approve of these names
@@DancingOfDoom 🙏
These days I only magnetize things like AoS Stegadon/Engine of the gods, where one model can make 2 separate kits. Or when due to the model magnetizing is really easy.
Good point raised here. Magnetizing for ease of transport is a good idea too. I only magnetized my Imperial Knight arms and torso so they are not a massive waste of foam
Best magnet tutorial I’ve seen.
Would love to see these painted!
Pinning is a great idea for smaller bits, surprised it was in a video about magnets!
Some suggestions for names depending on your chapters
Augustus Thracian
Eros Magyar
Xanatos Jinn
Filipos Carvelian
Aleister Augoides
Definitely didn’t repurpose some of these names from other franchises 😜
Glad the intro is here to stay, so charismatic
The best magnetizing tip I've heard is making a polarity stick. I can't remember whose idea it was but basically take a piece of dowel, label one end BODY and the other ARM.
Glue magnets to each end with the polarities facing the same way (schematic: NS [BODY] [DOWEL] [ARM] NS) Now, every magnet connection is going to have a "body" direction (generally towards the center of the mini) and an "arm" direction (towards the weapon/wing/arm, dangly bit). Even parts that have magnets on two ends have an orientation such that one connection is towards the center of model and the other connection is pointing out.
When you want to glue a magnet into the body of a model, stick it on the BODY side of the stick and do the glue-slidey thing, you'll end up with the south pole of the magnet facing out, every time. Do the same thing on the weapons, and you'll end up with the north side of the magnet facing out, every time. All your models will be polarized the same way, so you won't end up in a situation where the weapons you magnetized for your last space marines are opposite from your new set.
If you're ever paranoid about polarity in the middle of assembly: get the stick. The BODY side should stick to the "body," and the ARM side should stick to the "arm."
This is a great idea
I’m in a similar boat. Loads of dreadnaught load out options sitting on the shelf unpainted. I did fully magnetise a gladiator that can also be any variant and an impulsor. I’m currently sitting here wondering if I even need to magnetise my chaos knight despoiler or if I can just pick a balanced load out. As far as dreadnaughts landed I opted to just buy more dreadnaughts.
I find that a cheap old jewelry vice is the best thing to use to hold on to small parts.
They fit comfy in the hand, they grip the part really really well without easily crushing it and the leather pads make it so they don’t mar the model
Don't forget about considering square magnets for when you need it to be held in a particular direction and not spin. for example, Tau crisis suits.
I have found that drilling the hole a little deep and then using green stuff to partially fill it before supergluing the magnet in makes the magnet hold stronger.
Same brother, I've grouped several boxes of marines together categorized by weapons/body parts so that every marine I make is a joy to sift through the pile and make him his own unique lad. 😁😁🤘🤘
Gotta love your peppy cadence when presenting.
10:14 I would attach the magnet via clay to something, ant the insert magnet into the hole. It is easy to glue your fingers together, or glue yourself to the magnet.
Who would have thought warhammer needed paperwork. Lots of nice ideas for me to try, thanks.
this is a tremendous help. i am finishing up a coldstar battlesuit, and a cadre of crisis suits. i want to magnetize purely for the challenge/cool factor. i feel like elites/big robots lend to magnetization better.
I would love to see how you tackle painting all of the models and individual bits from this.
I did it a couple of times and find it really fun to see it work properly. It’s great. Plus you get to try different loadouts depending on the mini.
Thanks for this video. I’ve been magnetising minis for a year and a half or so now but this has given me a couple of new ideas and your technique is more polished than mine.
One advantage to magnetising which you sort of mention in a round about way is that you get to rebuild your minis over and over again. I know you said you have a love/hate relationship with building but I love it so for me it’s awesome!
With regards to your sergeant, surely he needs to be called Sergeant Magneto.
These are helpful tips. I need to magnetize 12 Crisis suits, but I've been putting it off because I did 3 in a real tedious way.
Where do you find the 1.5 x 1.5 disk magnets?
That opening animation/music is much more your style than what you had before.
Thanks for the fun informative video. That Seinfeld had me 😂
1.5 millimeter should be fine for Sisters of battle. Used 2x2 and 2x1 a lot for mine.
Also with regards to powered drills you might want to look at the Wow-Stick. Pretty happy with mine.
What size magnet would you recommend for putting on the underside of the base to magnetise the mini to a case?
Bravo, great video about a sometimes hard to use process. Even but it can be easy, know what else is easy, those transitions. love it.
dude i haven't done that for years. just watching this triggered my magnet PTSD!
Magnets on bases revolutionized both storage and painting for me.
I don't use magnets on arms anymore because I now just cast extra bits to make extra models.
Yo that intro animation is amazing
Magnets are useful,but sometimes weak. I use magnets and pins made by nails to make bond stronger. So the friction between plastic and nail helps the maghnet to do its work.
Dude-❤️. Great video. I learned a lot.
Just magnetized the entire deathwatch kill team. This has spread into terrain and now exploring how to install LED lights into kill team boards for that hive city funk.
thank you, this guide is super easy to follow
13:19 🌝 thanks for your work! Finally able to realize my childhood dream 😭😭
the peanut butter on an oreo comment got the inst- like. try heating up the PB in the microwave it will change your life.
Great tips big help 😃 ps you got to have a Bob
Vet- Lutien
Gunner- Remlez
Heavy Gunner- Bald
Sgt - Bricky
When I magnetize I use a thin sheet of tin that I cut. It's malleable enough to bend and mold to whatever shape you need it.
The other part I use a magnet.
It saves money and time (not near as thick as say another magnet) using another magnet and because the tin can be shaped I've found allows for a greater degree of posing due to the magnet clinging to the surface at any angle.
I use my hobby knife the exact same way, in the same hands too even though I'm right handed.
Im magnetizing for the first time and doing it on acolyte hybrids and gants, and yeah, that beginning part about them being nearly impossible to magnetize hits hard
Hey Jay, I just recently got back into 40k and your videos have helped me a ton! I magnetized a model yesterday and am relieved to see that some of the techniques you used I also used, glad to see I didn't mess it up. I also tried to get creative with bases, which is something you have especially inspired me to start doing, but I'm having trouble. I was wondering if you had any ideas for how to make and attach large thorned vines much like are seen around the feet of Drukhari Incubi and Drazhar. So if you or anyone else has any ideas I'd love to hear it, thanks!
Any reccomendations on painting magnetized parts? Find it finicky trying to airbrush a part flying away lol
The fact, that I recently made use of the exactly same heads on my marines is pretty epic
Great video! Thanks for all the magnetization tips
Deathwatch is peeeerfect for magnetizing
New intro is sick!
Who farted? Lol
Rex! Like captain Rex, not anybody else though, I swear!
What happened to the EoB Complete section at the end of the videos? I miss seeing what everyone else was working on.
Making too big hole isn't that bad since you can put some greenstuff or liquified plastic from melted sprues which will make much stronger bond than any glue.
Love me some Magnetization, all my Orkz are magnetized, yes even the Boyz (slugga choppa or shoota loadouts), and the Nobz (all the options, so similar to what you did with your kill team, but with 10 Nobz, I did go a little overboard and magnetized heads too for even more randomization options) I used a power drill on very slow and neodynium magnets from home depot, even found a way to make the wheels on my Trukks roll using some tiny bearing assemblies
Aah a fellow man of excellent taste I see, Seinfeld is great for building/painting to lol
Love the new Intro! 😁
for making sure you do the right side of the magnet. i get one model completely done with al lthe magnets i want and then for every other model all i have to do is touch my first model with my magnet stack. i did the coloring one side thing but i wiped off to easy and id lose track often since the paint or marker would wear off.
I’d love to see a video of you painting these!
I would totally watch reruns of Jayfeld on TBS while waiting for something else to come on.
God, Magnets were my bane back when I used to play, I magnetised all my Wraithlord weapon options in both positions. At the end of the day, I had a really functional game piece, but the model looked rough. Granted, I was 15 and didn't do the best job 😅
Augustus Graphillial for the heavy gunner!
Can anyone suggest where I can get some of that metal wire he used to stick on the weapons please? (The pinning wire on the wrist to gun)
Have you ever thought of building and painting a gunpla model? Tons of crossover between the two hobbies and it'd be super cool to see how you'd go about painting one.
A lot of Chapters tend to have distinguishable naming conventions , so it's best if you chose from which Chapters your Kill Team members hail first , and then chose a name for each one accordingly :)
Love the intro!
You may very well do this off camera, but a good way to make accurate drilling more attainable is to start with a smaller bit and work your way up to the full sized hole. Makes it easier on each successive bit and leads it towards staying center/not tearing.
For Name suggestions, I kinda like the Idea that they gave nicknames to each other. Pops for the oldest one and Shrimp for the "shortest" one for example.
New intro I see - I like it. However, I wonder what the previous intro tune was called. The one with the whistling.
Here are some names suggestions.
Fergus, Delmir, Volian, Trell, Douglass, Arann, Theor, Zoltar, Martes, Adam, Isaiah, Eckler, Holm, Harrow.
These are some names i have written whitin the years and are waiting to be used for something, probably a d&d campaing. Maybe you can find one you like, i feel like these are the most Deathwatch-like names. I hope this to be useful. Cheers man!
Tobias Bloodclaw, former blood angel serving in the Death Watch to earn his Sergeant status
I magnetise the model with wargear I am interested in and then leave the rest on sprue. If I ever need to change them, I have the option but not a bag of unloved magnetised bits.
Can you perhaps provide a link to the exact magnets you use?
This video was great and very detailed. I'm super happy to hear the size of the magnets. Your last video only gave 1 dimension and left it feeling unclear. Anyway man, keep up the good work.
Steve, Bob, Al, Dave and Jimmy.
The editing was on point on this one... Thicc
For an upgrade to drill bits, look into brad point bits. They have a very sharp center tip and two cutters on the edges to help clean holes. There would be no need to drill at pilot hole and use a bit that could still walk away from the hole.
You're almost there with the names, going by the notation on the blocks; SERGei, WATson, FIGaro, GUNderson and HEAphy?
Do you have a link for the drill you used?? I have been struggling to find a hand drill that can accommodate a 3mm bit thats works well.
The only advice I would give when drilling space marine arms is put the should pad on after you put the magnet in. This means you cover the hole if you over-drill and go out the other side :)
Where did you get your magnets from? Every magnet I end up buying is either too big or too strong. Any advice?
Alpharius, Alpharius, Alpharius, Alpharius, Jay
how strong shuld the magnets be for the knights, are N35 good enugh or something more like N52?
Smart and Well skilled.
thanks for educating about mag.
Bob1, Bob2, Bob3, Bob4, and of course, Tim
I once though about magnetizing intercessor bolt rifle variants. Even bought 2x1mm round magnets.
But then decided that the amount of work is too great and I used ABR variant exclusively.
You dont really need to magnetize intercessor bolt rifles, after they are primed and painted they stay slotted in pretty well.
@@colinbielat8558 probably, didn't think about it that way. Thanks for the tip
Sweet, I love using magents on my miniatures. Unlike those damn magnet. I mean really now, how do they even work?
Here's a name suggestion: Sergeant Mc Sargeface
It depends on the army. For instance, I play Tau and thousand Sons. Magnets are the lifeblood of a Tau army. Crisis suits can take three weapons from a list of like 7. Thousand sons, on the other hand, only really have one option for the most part. Rubric Marines can take one of two guns, but usually its better to just have a flamer squad and a bolter squad since you'll need that in game too.
Any suggestions for the redemptor dreadnought kit?
Magnetize the weapons, glue the legs into a cool pose
When applying magnets I always use an arm or body that already has one to apply the next. Shove that hobby knife in between and place it into the drilled hole. Then Rotate the Blade by 90 degree so the magnet only sticks to the back of the blade. Avoids them jumping after the "application magnet" in case patience was too low when pulling back (no puns intended).
Magents are graet, OensOfBattle
I can't remember where I saw it but I have a small piece of dowel with 2 10mm magnets glued on either end, one pos one neg, I have the dowel labeled hard point and attachment so I don't mix up my magnents.