Thanks for sharing. It's actually quite easy to do when you know what you require to set it up. Next time, wait until you're in a parking lot with space. I used our local Independent grocer parking lot early n the morning and it was easy peasy. I used the long straight entrance that trucks use to access the loading area. Once calibrated, it's a dream to use. I've set up three trucks now and each one was a smooth process. It's harder when you're recording it for UA-cam, I'm sure....
Thanks for sharing. It's actually quite easy to do when you know what you require to set it up. Next time, wait until you're in a parking lot with space. I used our local Independent grocer parking lot early n the morning and it was easy peasy. I used the long straight entrance that trucks use to access the loading area. Once calibrated, it's a dream to use. I've set up three trucks now and each one was a smooth process. It's harder when you're recording it for UA-cam, I'm sure....
Well said!
Mine only comes with a sticker. We have the 2022 model
How was the setup process?
I was freaking out cause I just bought my xlt and didn't get no sensor kit
For the pro trailer package you mean?