Lorenzo & Francesco ⚜ the last time. [I Medici]



  • @micaelaorlandi4218
    @micaelaorlandi4218 5 років тому +46

    Adoro, adoro, adoro! 😍❤ Sono letteralmente allibita dalla perfezione di questo video. Per fortuna, è la prova massima che non siamo in poche ad aver colto il legame indissolubile tra Lorenzo e Francesco, il preludio alla follia per entrambi. Il montaggio è pura arte, le clip editate con maestosità, così come l'audio di sottofondo. Mi ha regalato una scarica di emozioni tutte distinte tra loro. Molti hanno storto il naso per il finale della seconda stagione (che, a mio avviso, è stata fino ad adesso la migliore). Ma io non sono d'accordo: è così che doveva finire. L' orgoglio doveva per forza avere la meglio, altrimenti non sarebbe stato credibile. Nella storia dell'uomo, quella vera, l'orgoglio non può vincere su qualcos'altro, nemmeno sull'amore. Grazie per questo splendido lavoro, è una vera perla.
    PS. Percaso qualcuno sa dirmi in che episodio avviene lo "scontro" tra Jacopo e Contessina? :)

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +2

      Aaaaaaa, fulmini e saette su YT che stava tentando di mangiarsi la notifica del tuo splendido commento! Commenti così lunghi e nel dettaglio sono la vita, già solo per questo ti ringrazio tantissimo ♥♥
      Mi rende felicissima che il video ti abbia colpita così tanto, ma soprattutto come te sono sempre felice di scoprire che siamo davvero in tanti ad esserci appassionati a questo rapporto al tempo stesso rivale e fraterno tra i due. Ritrovarsi di fronte un Francesco così sfaccettato nella serie è stata la più bella delle sorprese, e ho amato come abbiano presentato il suo rapporto con Lorenzo quasi rendendolo uno studio sugli effetti di "nature vs nurture" -- di come quello che siamo dipenda sì da noi e dal nostro carattere, ma anche molto dall'ambiente e dai valori in cui veniamo cresciuti. Per Francesco liberarsi totalmente da questo giogo era una lotta abbastanza impari purtroppo -- così come anche Lorenzo, alla fine, la dà vinta alle circostanze che hanno la meglio sul carattere buono e fiducioso e lo portano finalmente a vendicarsi con giustificata ferocia. Due rette parallele fino alla fine T.T (e davvero non capisco chi storce il naso a riguardo, da libri di Storia non poteva andare diversamente...)
      Grazie ancora di cuore per un commento così bello, anche riceverne così è una perla rara! (E ancora di più lo è poter rispondere in italiano :'D)
      Re: Jacopo vs Contessina, l'episodio è il 4 :)

  • @missmaryXDD
    @missmaryXDD 5 років тому +124

    This broke my heart, it's so beautiful! Poor darlings they had such a complex relationship, i think Francesco did care for Lorenzo but his uncle knew how to manipulate him

  • @nightingalesrealm5566
    @nightingalesrealm5566 5 років тому +66

    I don’t think he lost his soul. What he did was justice for their sacrilege, the revenge for his murdered brother, the measure to protect himself and future heirs. He had every right to do so.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +31

      I agree with you -- the Pazzi committed a terrible act and absolutely had it coming after it. There was no way Lorenzo could or would overlook the death of his brother. But what I think they meant with that sentence in the show is that by finally snapping and becoming as merciless as his enemies Lorenzo lost his innocence and the will to always think the best of others that he had had up until that moment. So unfortunately in a way Jacopo had one last, bitter laugh :/

    • @nightingalesrealm5566
      @nightingalesrealm5566 5 років тому +8

      irydionlover. Wise thought. I agree with you - until that moment he was better than them, and now... Who knows where it would lead him, but I was really shocked seeing Lorenzo acting like that, I mean after being so persistent in his will to see the best in people and to give them one more chance, one more chance to make peace, he finally snapped. We know he did everything he could, he tried really hard. So yes, totally agree. I have watched only 6 episodes though - five plus the last one. So I can admire this innocence of Lorenzo’s s soul without any spilled blood, and alive Giuliano for a little longer... Thank you for the video, by the way! It was great job. It evoke so many thoughts...

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +2

      Thank _you_ for your insightful comments -- I'm glad you enjoyed the video!
      And I feel you so much, watching the last two episodes is really hard, even already knowing what's going to happen T.T

    • @leninmao326
      @leninmao326 Рік тому

      There’s no “justice” here. The Medicis and Pazzis both have done countless atrocities and have immeasurable blood on their hands. They have no right to judge each other on a moral standpoint.

  • @belle-ashton2167
    @belle-ashton2167 3 роки тому +6

    Hatred only brings hatred, so does violence. We all know history is cruel, but it sadly repeats itself, and if we do not recognize that we have a moral role to play, we are doomed to repeat the same ancestral mistakes.

  • @robertmills3830
    @robertmills3830 3 роки тому +6

    I'm a grown ass man and this series made me cry like a baby. The end scene between lorenzo and francesco where lorenzo sentence him to death was actually hard to watch with all those flashbacks, the innocence of childhood friends destroyed by family fued.
    Also hats off to Sean bean, loved him in GoT and hated him in medici lol, what a phenomenal cast. This series is pure art which shows the pain and cruelty of those times which makes you appreciate the times we live in today

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  3 роки тому +2

      Cannot agree more with your sentiments about the brilliant acting (Sean Bean dong that 180° from Ned Stark here was indeed amazing to watch!), storytelling and the series as a whole. It was truly a gem for me as well, in spite of the historical inaccuracies, because I do believe this series managed to capture the general feeling of that period -- how inspiring and energetic the Renaissance artistic world was, but at the same time how precarious and extremely cruel relationships could be, and how surviving in such a harsh world often demanded personal feelings to be put aside entirely. The back and forth between childhood innocence and friendship vs betrayed trust and irreparable walls between Lorenzo and Francesco right before the executions of the Pazzi is still definitely one of the most memorable scenes of the show to me -- it was specifically engineered to gut-punch us 😭

  • @martinamontuori1832
    @martinamontuori1832 5 років тому +32

    “Ricordi quando tuo zio venne a prendere te e Guglielmo?” “Come potrei dimenticarlo? Pensai che il sole non avrebbe mai più brillato”
    “Ho sempre voluto che fossimo amici Francesco” “E lo saremo ancora”
    “Eravamo amici Francesco. Giuliano a volte era persino geloso di te” “Tu sei un Medici, io sono un Pazzi. L’amicizia tra noi è impossibile”
    Queste tre scene rendono perfettamente ed interamente il loro rapporto: due ragazzi che si sarebbero voluti tanto bene se non fosse stato per la famiglia che li ha tenuti distanti. Hanno provato ad essere amici ma Jacopo è stato così abile nel manipolare Francesco che quest’ultimo si è messo contro chi aveva più a cuore al mondo. Dall’altro lato, Lorenzo ha tentato tutto pur di essere amico di Francesco, fin da bambino, fallendo a causa di un nemico spietato qual era Jacopo. Il loro immenso rapporto può essere riassunto anche grazie alla lacrima versata da Francesco prima di morire. Un legame senza tempo, senza spazio né confini. Magari un altra vita si sono ritrovati.
    Complimenti per il video, la musica di sottofondo e il montaggio. Il loro legame unico è stato reso quasi mistico grazie alla tua bravura❤️

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Sono infinitamente dispiaciuta di rispondere proprio a _questo_ fantastico commento con tanto ritardo (mannaggia a feste e festicciole varie di stagione) -- ma dovevo assolutamente rimediare per ringraziarti di un feedback così approfondito, che non è per nulla scontato ed è la gioia di qualunque editor! ♥
      Sono felicissima che il video ti sia piaciuto così, e che ti sia parso rendere anche solo una minima giustizia al rapporto così sfaccettato tra questi due. E' sempre bello per me trovare altre persone che si siano soffermate ad analizzarlo -- e bello immaginare che si siano ritrovati, sì, o che in qualche universo parallelo le cose si siano risolte diversamente ç.ç
      Grazie ancora tantissimo! E buon anno :3

    • @martinamontuori1832
      @martinamontuori1832 5 років тому

      irydionlover. Grazie a te per questo capolavoro! Buon anno❤️

  • @simonaballario3573
    @simonaballario3573 5 років тому +61

    Francesco,personaggio intenso e contradditorio interpretato magistralmente da un attore italiano: matteo martari

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +7

      Magistrale è l'aggettivo perfetto, l'ho semplicemente adorato! Spero che questo ruolo porti a Matteo tante cose belle, di talento sicuramente ne ha da vendere ❤

    • @hannahelie5599
      @hannahelie5599 5 років тому

      Serai je possible de mettre le dernier épisode final la mort de giuliano en entier ou pas en espérant que quelqu'un parle français. Même si j aime beaucoup l Italie.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      @@hannahelie5599 hallo! Pardonnez moi pour mon français, je n'ai jamais ètudiè la langue. Je poudrai donner à toi un lien avec l'épisode, mais je l'ai seulement en anglais ou italien, et je ne sais pas lequel tu préfères 😅

    • @hannahelie5599
      @hannahelie5599 5 років тому

      Bonsoir l épisode que je veux c est la saison 2 la mort de giuliano en italien si tu l as stp car c'est plus beau.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      @@hannahelie5599 pardonnez moi à nouveau, j'ai eu deux occupé journées ç.ç
      Ici le lien pour la saison 2 en italien: mega.nz/#F!0J9GBYKQ!UQkpLyxc4kqavMLcKBAA-A?ZZNCWQbb

  • @QueenofTromwell
    @QueenofTromwell 5 років тому +41

    I got chills watching this! Thank you for including the English subtitles, I can't wait until it comes on Netflix now.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +2

      I'm so happy you liked it! And no problem about the subs, least I could do

  • @chaoticfangurl567
    @chaoticfangurl567 5 років тому +62

    I'm so freaking sad now. They deserved each other so much and then shit happens

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +12

      They diiiiid. 😭 I hated how easily they had Francesco fall back into the trap of his uncle's manipulation :(

  • @arysenna
    @arysenna 2 роки тому +1

    i remember when my sister and I first watched this vid together… we were so amazed, and we immediately fell in love with this edit! plus, i have this saved in my “fav edits” playlist ❤️😉

  • @TheSongIsEnding
    @TheSongIsEnding 4 роки тому +9

    This is amazing. I love how you portrayed their relationship and the fact that despite their differences, they cared for each other and Francesco was more of a tragic villain than a proper villain. Unfortunately, Francesco was easily manipulated. I am still sorry for Giulliano. (I just finished s2)
    Again, I loved this video, I think it shows everything so well! I noticed you had English subtitles too late, but being Romanian I understood some parts and others I guessed from already watching the show 😅

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +2

      Ah, so happy you liked this! I don't usually vid with Italian-dubbed episodes but I made an exception in this case, since the series was released in Italy first and I just felt the need to vid these two right after the finale aired. I'm glad you managed to enjoy the video nonetheless! They could have been such great allies, had Francesco just listened to his own advice and stopped listening to Jacopo's poison for good :( it was just beyond sad to see everything crumble so quickly, after they had worked so much to overcome their obvious differences. And I agree, I really loved Giuliano and Lorenzo's relationship as well, it was one of the best in the whole show imho. If you still have to watch s3, you will see the relationship between brothers is not forgotten and his loss still feels as heartbreaking as ever 💔 hope you enjoy the rest of the episodes, and thank you for sharing your thoughts 😊

    • @TheSongIsEnding
      @TheSongIsEnding 4 роки тому +1

      @@irydionlover I agree, it all crumbled too quickly, there wasn't even much time to register the bond. But it is what it is...I am exited for s3 though. (I know, very late)

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +2

      @@TheSongIsEnding I suppose the writing could have used better pacing for sure. At least the actors' performances made up for it some 😊 (I was especially impressed with Matteo, since I tend not to give Italian actors -with a few exceptions- as much credit, but he was amazing in this). And well, better late than never! I have lost count of the series I fell behind with, so I'll be the last person who can judge you for that :'D

    • @TheSongIsEnding
      @TheSongIsEnding 4 роки тому +1

      @@irydionlover I think they did as much as they could with 8 episodes. But it still happened too soon. *sighs* The actors played their parts really well to make up for it though, as you said.

  • @twiggy8264
    @twiggy8264 4 роки тому +5

    Non ho potuto fare a meno di innamorarmi di Francesco dei Pazzi, un uomo severo perfino con se stesso, ma allo stesso tempo fragile. Soffre perchè si sente inferiore a Lorenzo ed è costantemente manipolato da suo zio che odia il legame che c'è tra i due e approfitta dell'ingiustificato senso di inferiorità di Francesco verso Lorenzo per fargli credere che in fondo Lorenzo stesso lo disprezza. Si vede la sete di potere che annebbia la mente di Jacopo, i ricatti morali( "Se la sposi non sei più un Pazzi"),mentre Francesco cerca di guardare oltre (bella la scena quando risponde a suo zio "Se lui non è più un Pazzi, non lo sono neanche io"). Alla fine è stato un massacro in cui hanno pagato tutti e dove Lorenzo, oltre a perdere il fratello amatissimo, ha perso un probabile amico😢

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +1

      Sono pienamente d'accordo! Sicuramente complice anche l'interpretazione meravigliosa di Matteo Martari (perché la scrittura invece forse poteva essere migliore, un po' più graduale nella ricaduta sotto l'influenza dello zio) Francesco ne è uscito un personaggio molto complesso e interessante, che ha spiccato davvero nella sua stagione (ne ho sentito molto la mancanza nella s3, ma alas, era inevitabile ;_;). Ne fai un'analisi molto accurata con questo commento, penso! Alla fine la congiura è davvero un massacro senza vincitori, perché purtroppo anche Jacopo in parte ce l'ha vinta e Lorenzo davvero perde una parte di sé (e la s3 rende più volte chiaro che la radice della sua nuova spietatezza siano le cicatrici che si porta addosso da questi eventi). Resta in bocca l'amarezza che tutto sia andato a finire nel modo peggiore possibile 😢

  • @theladyofisell
    @theladyofisell 5 років тому +10

    the sound of a *broken heart* tells you hello and thank you for this little treasure!
    Francesco and Lorenzo's relationship destroyed me this season, even knowing like you how it was going to end, it was impossible not to give them my heart -plus Matteo Martari's performance was amazing like you said-
    you edited these two friends/ennemies so well, it's such a pleasure to watch this little tragic piece of art

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +2

      *runs to gather the shattered pieces* argh, look what I've done! Sorry to make you relive all the pain T.T it's hardly avoidable where these two are concerned unfortunately! As soon as I noticed they were making Francesco into a way more conflicted character than the first episode seemed to suggest, I knew I was screwed, because these kinds of relationships are always my jam...and so I was xD. Thank you so much for your lovely words, you are so nice ♥♥
      -and yes it's so lovely to see appreciation for Matteo, I hope this role brings lovely things his way-

    • @theladyofisell
      @theladyofisell 5 років тому +1

      @@irydionlover don't be sorry, it such a privilege to have my heart broken by your work and by these two cursed boys! :D
      yeah you're right, for those you appreciated/loved their relationship (including so you and me and many others I think), pain was inevitable. we were kind of cursed I guess
      and you're welcome! you completely deserve it, you're so talented!
      -oh yes, it would be really nice to see him in more series or movies-

  • @OViolentDarkKnightO
    @OViolentDarkKnightO 5 років тому +6

    After watching the second season I had to come back and watch this again!! Bravo again!! All the feels!! I love Lorenzo, he really did try to bring both the families together but the Pazzi family wouldn’t have it...loved all the quotes and layovers. Beautifully done!!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      So lovely of you to come back to this after watching the season! ♥ I'm really happy you enjoyed the episodes! Historically, I think Lorenzo was nowhere near as forgiving (nor as handsome :'D) as the series portrays him (from what I read about the Volterra situation, for example, it seems it actually was completely reversed), but as far as the character is concerned he makes for a protagonist you really root for. It's heartbreaking to see him forced to give up on that well-meaningness in the end (I wonder how changed he'll be in season 3?). And it's also really heartbreaking to see things almost work out between the families, until decades of being raised with the opposite belief prove stronger :(

  • @anne156
    @anne156 5 років тому +3

    this is absolutely stunning i can’t even comprehend how amazing this is right now the way you edited it and captured the emotions and the struggle of these two characters is brilliant

  • @brooke2402
    @brooke2402 5 років тому +2

    These two were absolutely the ground season 2 was built on, for me at least they have shown their complex relationship beautifully from start to finish and broke my heart in the process. I only wish the end wasn't so abrupt and we got nothing from Francesco but that brief scene, I feel like he cared way more about Lorenzo then that last scene showed, despite his father's manipulations. Oh well, at least there are beautiful edits such as yours on yt to do them justice, so thank you for this!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +3

      I'm always so happy when I find people that loved the complex relationship they had on the show! I agree that their final scenes were a bit abrupt, but I do think that the execution of the Pazzi after the assassination attempt was conducted in a very summary, abrupt way, so in that regard it was pretty realistic I guess. I think Matteo was able to convey a lot just with his facial expressions in that last scene where Lorenzo decides their fate, and that was already heartbreaking as it was ;_;
      In any case, thank you so much for your lovely comment, you are always too kind! ❤

    • @brooke2402
      @brooke2402 5 років тому +1

      I think you are right about the reason for such an abrupt end and I couldn't agree more about Matteo..he broke my heart with his acting in those last scenes :( their facial expressions said all words could not, but selfishly I wish we got more...

  • @OViolentDarkKnightO
    @OViolentDarkKnightO 5 років тому +15

    This is gorgeous!!! Beautifully done
    There’s a Medici on Netflix in America so I know these characters and now I want to watch this version of the show even if it is in a different language!!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +3

      Thank you so much dear! ♥
      If the Medici you see on Netflix is the one with Richard Madden, then it's the same show, but this is the second season! It airs in Italy before anywhere else (a unicum I guess xD). If there's another Medici however I would love to watch that too :3

  • @mayaamis
    @mayaamis 5 років тому +3

    this is the first time I saw this actor Matteo Martari that plays Francesco and I was instantly impressed by him! he has such amazing charisma and presence on screen, very unique and interesting and intense, and you just want to look at him, great actor and need to see more of him in the future!! Also it was heartbreaking how he portrayed Francesco and how he was in this show, because you could really feel he's a decent guy who was manipulated from all sides, and mostly by Jacopo, and you want things to work out and for him to find peace and friendship with Lorenzo and Medici family, you could almost believe they will work it out. In history he is shown as a pretty bad guy (tho history is often one-sided) but in the show I really rooted for him and yet I know history and how things ended up, tragic :(

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +4

      Honestly, Matteo deserves the recognition and I am so happy this role is giving him that! Francesco wasn't a character I expected to love in the slightest (like you said, history hasn't been very kind to him), but Matteo made him conflicted and human -- and yes, charismatic is absolutely the right word here. Feel you so, so much on watching this show already knowing how it's going to end and yet ending up hoping against hope for some happiness that couldn't possibly last! :'(

  • @marchu121
    @marchu121 5 років тому +7

    Che brutto come è finita ma il video è meraviglioso come la stessa serie.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Sapevamo a cosa andavamo incontro con questi due... 😭 grazie mille!

    • @faby2043
      @faby2043 5 років тому +1

      Complimenti per il video, e' stupendo!😍

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      @@faby2043 grazie! ❤❤

  • @ontheground09
    @ontheground09 5 років тому +3

    So beautiful. I love this relationship and the actors' work. Truly great job. Thanks so much for sharing

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      You're very welcome ♥ it's always great to see appreciation for them!

  • @Ms22491
    @Ms22491 5 років тому +4

    Sempre bellissimo trovare altri italiani che shippano Francesco/Lorenzo (ovvero il motivo principale per cui mi son sorbita la seconda stagione!).
    Mi hai fatta piangere, per cui il video finisce dritto dritto tra i preferiti

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      Shippers unite! *porge fazzoletto virtuale* e argh, scusami per le lacrime, questi due ce ne hanno risparmiate proprio poche T.T (e dire che lo si sapeva già in partenza, ma era impossibile non finire con l'amare il Francesco di Matteo --e non ricamare subtext shipposo su certi scambi di sguardi da patate cotte tra i due xD)
      In ogni caso, sono contentissima che ti sia piaciuto il video

    • @Ms22491
      @Ms22491 5 років тому +1

      @@irydionlover Sì, Matteo è stato proprio un fuoriclasse. Ma anche Daniel si è gettato a pesce sulla bromance xDD.
      Ancora complimenti!

  • @naydenlover
    @naydenlover 3 роки тому +1

    *starts crying again* only one day after I finished S2 and I'm STILLemotional LORENZO AND FRANCESO!!!! these two adopted brothers were so close and Franceso damn uncle HAD to intervene and Franceso killed Lorenzo's brother so beautiful! breaks my heart even more now that I've watched the season

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  3 роки тому +2

      Your comments about these two are giving me life! Reliving this season with you was an absolute BLAST (albeit a painful one 😭), and I was so happy you saw all the parallels with our first beloved found brothers too ;_; they could -and should- have just been one happy family together, they would have been an unstoppable force too. Lorenzo did become one on his own after all, but he was just never the same again :( all the Jacopos in the world are just the WORST. Thanks for sharing the feels onslaught with me! ♥

    • @naydenlover
      @naydenlover 3 роки тому +1

      @@irydionlover It was so great having you there while I watch this amazing season which had SO much to go through sorry for making you re live the pain but you helped explain and make me understand things alot and the parallels now after seeing Medici they were PERFECTION! and YES THEY CHOULD HAVE BEEN AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE!!! JAOPO!!!! THEY ARE THE WORST!! they ruin everything! thank you for putting up with my commentaries!

  • @kingdomofstories
    @kingdomofstories 5 років тому +4


    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +2

      Aw, I had totally missed out on you watching Medici too, that's amazing! ♥ and it is even more so if you loved the relationship between these two as well! I really loved and was broken (for different reasons) by Lorenzo's relationship with Giuliano, too -- but I have always had a soft spot for friends/enemies dynamics, and these two really didn't want to hate each other after all. I was so mad that they had them go back to square one over a silly misunderstanding T.T but I digress, feels are still fresh unfortunately xD. All in all I am so very glad you liked this, and so very humbled by your ever lovely words! Many bear hugs to you too

  • @angelica0834
    @angelica0834 5 років тому +7

    grandioso, anche tu guardi i medici!!
    come sempre, adoro il tuo video, gli effetti e i voiceovers sono tutti perfetti e la canzone è una delle mie preferite!
    no riesco neanche a dirti quante emozioni mi hai fatto provare!
    questo è ufficialmente uno dei miei video preferiti!!
    (scusa, ho cancellato per sbaglio il commento precedente)

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +2

      Haha, ebbene sì! Già dalla prima stagione in realtà, ma questa seconda mi ha presa (e fatta soffrire) molto di più in generale ç.ç
      Grazie di cuore per sempre troppi complimenti! ♥♥

  • @Estaaaas
    @Estaaaas 5 років тому +2

    Totally awesome! :) You captured all those emotions so well that I am "re-living" the betrayal again, and I am so sad about that.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Aw, sorry to re-evoke the painful feelings! If you knew your history it was unavoidable that these two would fall apart, but the way they made them into tentative frienemies who clearly would have liked to stay friends only added fuel to the painful fire I was already expecting from Giuliano's death 😭. In any case, I'm so happy to hear you're watching this show too!

    • @Estaaaas
      @Estaaaas 5 років тому +1

      @@irydionlover I know about Pazzi conspiration from history and I knew it would lead to Giuliano's death, which I was prepared to mourn, but they made it clever to make Francesco and Lorenzo friends and then it all fell apart. And I cried when I saw Lorenzo to pass the sentence a lot. It was really emotinal.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      @@Estaaaas it really was -- and the way they kept throwing flashbacks to when they were kids in the middle of tense moments was so cleverly done. They know how to destroy feelings T.T

  • @turquoisetumult
    @turquoisetumult 5 років тому +1

    Ohh, ouch, ouch, ouch. This is so beautifully edited, both aesthetically and as a narrative. I can't even get into specifics because it's all so well-done! Gorgeous job!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      Thank you so so much! Really happy you enjoyed this ❤

  • @erikalovesvampires
    @erikalovesvampires 5 років тому +6

    I am beyond tears!!

  • @hannahelie5599
    @hannahelie5599 5 років тому +3

    Francesco était un personnage far de la série. C'était une amitié impossible entre eux. La mort de giuliano a fait beaucoup de mal quel trahison.

  • @barborabackute9429
    @barborabackute9429 4 роки тому +1

    not me crying about them and this video

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +2

      is it ever possible to stop crying about these two? ;_;

  • @darlingchia2932
    @darlingchia2932 5 років тому

    Gran bel video. Mi piace come hai interposto il loro passato, l'amicizia di quando erano bambini, con il loro rapporto da adulti. Il desiderio di Lorenzo di fare pace ed il conflitto tra le due famiglie. Sei riuscita a rappresentare perfettamente l'evoluzione del loro rapporto e delle loro famiglie. Dal desiderio di pace di Lorenzo, all'iniziale riconciliazione (per quanto traballante), ed il punto definitivo di rottura (congiura dei Pazzi ed uccisione di Giuliano) e di come questo avrà delle conseguenze per Lorenzo che, dopo aver più volte cercato di trovare un punto in comune, a causa del suo ottimismo e della sua buona fede ha perso il fratello. Effettivamente io vedo il loro rapporto come puramente platonico ed ammiro come tu sia riuscita a rappresentare il loro rapporto per quello che era, con la sua importanza, senza però dargli un taglio eccessivamente romantico o sminuirlo per far sì che, chi lo guarda, lo veda per forza in modo platonico. Diciamo che è un video che permette a chi vede il rapporto come platonico di continuare a vederlo tale e di vederlo romantico se lo si vede romantico.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      Ti ringrazio tantissimo per questo lungo, bel commento! ♥ mi fa davvero molto piacere che secondo te sia riuscita a rendere giustizia al loro rapporto, così com'è stato presentato -- non sempre occorre romanticizzare per trovare un rapporto coinvolgente e tragico (anzi, per me spesso le brotp non shippate in senso romantico che vanno a rotoli sono più mortali delle otp con lo stesso fato T.T).

  • @naydenlover
    @naydenlover 5 років тому +2

    *screams* AH!!!! A NEW VIDEO FROM YOU!!! AH!!!! and its for a fandom I haven't seen but want to see *squeals even more* oooh I hope this comes onto Netflix soon!!! this looks SO good and you know how much I like medieval style shows and Lorenzo and Francesco look like they have a beautiful and caring friendship if not tragic at times but you edited this together so brilliantly and beautiful you should be so proud of this, not gonna like when I saw Bradley I smiled so much {after all these years} and he's a scene stealer you say? LOVE IT!!! this was amazing!!! and this has only made me want to see the show even more!! Cannot wait for more videos from you!!
    BTW the poll I wanted an option for ALL!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Your enthusiasm even when I edit something you haven't seen never ceases to amaze me, dear!

    • @naydenlover
      @naydenlover 5 років тому +1

      You've introduced me to quite a few fandoms and I love seeing the fan videos you make for them makes me want them even more, hmm these writers sound like Game of Thrones writers, happiness one moment then dagger I the heart the next, the Red Wedding still upsets me its SO hard to vid scenes with Robb at times cause I need to go into that episode. Come on Netflix I need this show!!!! I need to see Bradley!!! this show sounds amazing and parallels with Obikin WHAT!!!!! MUST HAVE THIS SHOW NOW!!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Haha, now that you mention GOT...the whole episodes 7&8 give off very RW-ish vibes imho 😰 (which made them even more of a trauma!). And after seeing Sean Bean playing Ned Stark it is now so weird to see him so evil here as Jacopo. I will be looking forward to your impressions! (And to the Bradley fangirling then xD)

    • @naydenlover
      @naydenlover 5 років тому +1

      I thought I was seeing Sean Bean in the video here! oh man he's evil here!!! I still remember him playing a "villain" in the Island ha! oh man love Ned Stark oh no really? 7 and 8 give RWish vibes better get the tissues! hehehe yes here's hoping Netflix puts it on soon!!!! cause I'm getting through my list this week and today alone I'll have finished 3 shows!

  • @psjche4292
    @psjche4292 5 років тому

    comunque le lacrime che mi sono uscite con questo video manco nella congiura oh...

  • @martinacolapietra7774
    @martinacolapietra7774 5 років тому +5

    Bellissimo, molto emozionante😍

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Grazie! Sono contenta che ti piaccia ❤

  • @butterflyeffect.94
    @butterflyeffect.94 4 роки тому

    Bellissimo video! Sto guardando la seconda stagione ed ovviamente mi sono, volontariamente, spoilerata tutto.. Ma ne è valsa la pena per tanta magnificenza. Questo legame 'atipico' ma indissolubile tra Francesco e Lorenzo mi ha incuriosito sin dall'inizio.. E non mi sbagliavo sul fatto che continuerà a stupirmi! Vedrò tutto ciò molto presto perché la sto consumando MOLTO velocemente ❤️

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +1

      Aaaaaah, sono così contenta che tu stia guardando i Medici! E' difficile per noi italiane non spoilerarsi qualcosa, anche solo da ricordi scolastici (e specialmente per la s2 con la famosa congiura), ma il modo in cui hanno reso questo rapporto è assolutamente inedito ed è stata una grande sorpresa per me (oltre alla bravura di Matteo che si è fatto più che valere in mezzo a cotanto cast internazionale, una rivelazione). Spero che riuscirai comunque a goderti le puntate che verranno ❤️ e se hai bisogno di commentare/soffrire in compagnia, do write, mi piacerebbe davvero molto aggiornarci! (anche in virtù della situazione "particolare" diciamo D:)

    • @butterflyeffect.94
      @butterflyeffect.94 4 роки тому

      @@irydionlover Ciao Vale! Si sarebbe carino aggiornarsi, non ho più il tuo numero però! 😢
      Ho finito la S2 ieri sera e sono certamente riuscita a godermela anche con gli spoilers ❤️ bellissimo video again.. Peccato che su questa serie ce ne siano pochini 😭

  • @angelicagiuliani1255
    @angelicagiuliani1255 4 роки тому

    Vabbè grazie mi sono innamorata di questo video. Racchiude così tante emozioni in pochi minuti che è sempre fantastico trovare dei video editati così bene.
    Davvero è uno dei migliori edit su questa serie che abbia visto❤️

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому

      Grazie di cuore a te per avermi illuminato la mattinata con questo commento ❤ sono davvero contenta che ti sia piaciuto! Credo che questa dinamica mi mancherà immensamente con la stagione tre alle porte T.T

  • @acidbetta
    @acidbetta 4 роки тому

    ma non avevo commentato questo video stupendo? Mi è ricapitato sotto mano oggi e mi sono accorta, che non ti avevo fatto milioni di complimenti per questo video che è perfetto, musica, scene...sei bravissima!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +1

      E' sempre una sorpresa graditissima trovare un tuo commento

  • @acidbetta
    @acidbetta 5 років тому

    Video stupendo, te l' ho già detto altre volte ma i tuoi video sono come dei piccoli film, pieni di emozioni che con il montaggio e le musiche sei bravissima a trasmettere!❤

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Ti rispondo in megaritardo (e a ore poco normali), ma i tuoi commenti sono sempre una gioia per il cuoricino (e per la testa che ogni tanto a questa parte pensa di non essere più capace a editare un bel niente ^^'). Grazie mille, my dear ♥

  • @ileocean
    @ileocean 5 років тому +1

    che meraviglia, un video bellissimo!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      Grazie! Sono contenta ti sia piaciuto 💕

  •  5 років тому +3

    Bellissimo, non ho parole 😭

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Ci hanno lasciato solo le lacrime questi malefici 😭
      (Grazie ♥)

  • @sweetpuppy95
    @sweetpuppy95 5 років тому +2

    I AM SO MAD cause I can't find the serie anywhere, plus I don't Netflix and it HURTS so much!!! 😭 I WANT TO WATCH THIS SEASON!!!! It seems incredible and painful at the same time but the cast is much better that the previous one!!!!!And your video made me wanna watch it MORE!!!!GOD, INCREDIBLE WORK honey. I LOVE IT!!! 💕 Mateo and Daniel are so charming, I am in love with them!!! 😍

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +3

      Thank you so much, I am so incredibly happy you liked this! ♥
      If you want to watch the series and don't like having to wait further, a lovely fellow vidder found the eps in English (with Spanish subs, I think) -- they may not have amazing quality but I suppose it's something! ^-^ mega.nz/#F!VdcTCaiS!l5UNdOxfISbCrj2eNM2ExA
      Also yes, Matteo and Daniel

    • @sweetpuppy95
      @sweetpuppy95 5 років тому +1

      OMG THAT WAS THE BEST GIFT EVER!!!! 😲 Thank you so freaking much my love!!!! It means a lot to me cause I searched everywhere. At least the episodes are in English and I can understand them, even though there aren't subs!!!Never mind I will make practice!!!! 😂😂 THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!!!!
      As for the Italian actors, I don't have a general opinion but I love the language and I think that you are so charming as people. I think all the Mediterranean countries have something special. Sure, just like you, our cinematography and acting is not the BEST and it doesn't compare to the British one but Mateo was absolutely incredible and I can't wait to see the series complete!!! 😊🤗

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +3

      @@sweetpuppy95 it's my pleasure! And I can't actually claim any credit for finding these, since I literally just reposted this link after being greenlit to share -- but the important thing is that they can be seen in some way or the other. Now, dear Netflix, do your job and HURRY THE HELL UP YOURSELF xD. I am pretty curious to rewatch the episodes in English as well! (Even though I'm pretty much used to the Italian dub now 😅)
      That's sweet what you said about Italians as a whole! I feel like it's not always true, but the fact that Italian has a very musical lilt to it probably helps with the charming impression xD. I must say I am fascinated by Greece myself -- spent years studying ancient Greek in high school, and the linguist in me still loves how elegant your alphabet is and all your deeply rooted traditions and history

    • @sweetpuppy95
      @sweetpuppy95 5 років тому +1

      You saved me!!! I wanted to watch this season so badly after all these videos in YT so that was the best gift. I don't have Netflix so it would take a long time to upload it to online sites. I CAN'T WAIT to see more videos from you too. This one is brilliant and in general you have an inclination on vidding these kind of shows. 😊
      I mean every word. Besides, I want to start Italian lessons in the future (I used to learn Latin in high school and after that I decided to start Italian lessons after University ends but still I haven't found the chance) and as I said once again I adore your attitude and your style. We look like a little bit you know but I have to admit that you are more lovely in some aspects. 😂 Now it's my turn to thank you for your kind words about my civilization. The truth is that only Greek people don't appreciate our history and our language although it's really wonderful and difficult at the same time. But just like you, I am not fascinated by our acting industry. It comes times that I really hate it!!!
      Sure, I added you in Twitter so when I find time and I will have completed the series I will send you there!!! 👍😉

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      I followed you back right before I went to sleep ❤. I will look forward to our opinions then! (And perhaps some videos from you, as well? :3)
      Wow, that's so cool you want to learn Italian! I find it unusual when people tell me this, because it's not as useful a language as Spanish or French or German, but apparently it is quite popular abroad :D and noo, how come aren't the Greeks generally proud of their own culture? You have more reasons than most to do so 😊
      And haha, we are agreed upon the cinema from our countries then. I might have to revise my policy just a bit now though, because I'm curious to see some more of Matteo's previous work! I've just recently found out he filmed a crime series in my home city of Turin a couple of years ago and I never knew -- why do I always find these things out so late? 😅

  • @tvandmovieedits4233
    @tvandmovieedits4233 4 роки тому

    This is so beautiful! My heart.

  • @IceBreather
    @IceBreather 4 роки тому

    This is so beautiful.

  • @MichaelMedici61W2
    @MichaelMedici61W2 4 роки тому

    This was an awesome video.... thank you very, very well done.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +1

      Thank _you_ so much for commenting! Really happy you liked this 😊

    • @MichaelMedici61W2
      @MichaelMedici61W2 4 роки тому

      irydionlover. You’re welcome. Yes, I loved the video and the show even though it is historically inaccurate they did a VERY good job with the story . So is the part where Lorenzo looks at the fresco of the pazzi’s and salvaretti hanging in season 3? When did this season become available? Netflix in the U.S. doesn’t have it yet

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому

      @@MichaelMedici61W2 yeah, the show has many, many inaccuracies, but good acting and emotional weight (and the beautiful photography of our Tuscan cities) compensate for it really well!
      S3 aired first here in Italy in December, I expect they will add it on Netflix soon 😊

  • @onnall
    @onnall 5 років тому +1

    Love love love this edit😘

  • @robertabarbieri8226
    @robertabarbieri8226 3 роки тому

    Bellissimo video complimenti

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  3 роки тому

      Grazie mille! Felice che ti sia piaciuto 😊

  • @msdisco85
    @msdisco85 4 роки тому +1

    I was so sad when he went back to Jacopo. He was so happy. Him and Novella were instant cute and everyone knew it! I love Sean Bean but he deserved his comeuppance for destroying Loresco and Franvella!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +1

      It was truly heartbreaking how his uncle knew how to play his insecurities perfectly ;_; Francesco himself was aware of his manipulative ways and it still wasn't enough, argh. The plot revisions in the show version are so contradictory: they gave us a lot of unexpected joy with the Lorenzo/Francesco relationship (before it all fell apart anyway T.T), but they also robbed us of Francesco and Novella's children, when historically they had many :( he was completely isolated in the show, partly by his own choice, it was really sad to see.

    • @msdisco85
      @msdisco85 4 роки тому

      @@irydionlover I remember feeling indifferent to season 1 of medici bur francesco made season 2. The tragedy in his character... :(. I cared more about him dying than mopey Giuliano!
      I guess its a historic disservice but it makes more sense for his character to be alone!

  • @giuliacardilli4263
    @giuliacardilli4263 5 років тому

    Semplicemente fantastico!

  • @coccolosaify
    @coccolosaify 5 років тому +1

    Bellissimo 😍 Complimenti!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      Grazie mille, sono molto felice che ti piaccia! 💕

  • @hellokafkiana
    @hellokafkiana 5 років тому

    Che poi so benissimo che questa rappresentazione non rispetta la realtà storica MA... LI HO AMATI COSI' TANTO!!!

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      I know right?! Credo che il modo in cui hanno dipinto questo rapporto abbia colto tutti di sorpresa, e che anche per questo sia risultato ancora più riuscito ♥

  • @EditsByLyra
    @EditsByLyra 5 років тому +2

    Wow, I love your editing. It makes me want to give the show a chance. Is that Bradley James?

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +3

      OMG -- I've been watching your Merthur vids for literally forever?! Thank you so much for commenting, it means a lot! ❤
      And yes, it is indeed Bradley :) here he plays Giuliano de' Medici, Lorenzo's younger brother. Hope you decide to give the show a shot -- it's not always that accurate to history but it's really engaging, and the characters have been given such interesting personalities, especially this last season.

    • @EditsByLyra
      @EditsByLyra 5 років тому +1

      @@irydionlover Thank you to you too :')

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      @@EditsByLyra actually it is filmed in English, but the Italian TV has the rights to the world premiere so it comes out in Italian dub first (the Italian actors basically have to act in English and then dub themselves over xD). They should put the show on Netflix some time soon, but the English eps are already floating around the net :)

  • @costanzabenvenuti4146
    @costanzabenvenuti4146 10 днів тому

    Povero amore mio francesco..😭😭❤️❤️

  • @turhanhaticesultan9912
    @turhanhaticesultan9912 5 років тому

    Francesco un personaggio unico completo travolgente e la voce unica di Matteo Martari

  • @roterbaron97
    @roterbaron97 3 місяці тому

    madonna Che bellissima serie

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  3 місяці тому +1

      Sìììì! Se ne sente la mancanza 💔

  • @crazycat246
    @crazycat246 4 роки тому

    Great edit!! I love your videos!! Where did you find so many awesome scenes? Was it here on UA-cam?

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much, I'm really happy you like them! Back when I made this I got the episodes from Raiplay, but they are no longer there apparently. I'm pretty sure the series can be found in English elsewhere though 😊

    • @crazycat246
      @crazycat246 4 роки тому

      @@irydionlover Ok then. Thank you!!

  • @Mrprince4245
    @Mrprince4245 4 місяці тому

    After Guiliano died I had not an ounce of care for their friendship at all

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  3 місяці тому

      It sure was as definitive a nail in a coffin as I've ever seen one 😟. I knew from the start that it would happen, so perhaps I was able to enjoy the tragic journey to that point more having little expectations of lasting happiness for anyone involved :')

    • @Mrprince4245
      @Mrprince4245 3 місяці тому

      @@irydionlover I knew Giuliano was going to die but i didn’t know Francesco would do the killing and as soon as he said “they are not wearing any armor” I knew it was over

  • @guendalinacotugno4736
    @guendalinacotugno4736 4 роки тому

    Video bellissimo. Complimenti, per caso sai dove posso vedere la serie? Su rai play non c'è... 😓

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  4 роки тому

      Grazie mille! L'hanno tolta da Raiplay, davvero? D: il nonsense! Non ho un'alternativa precisa in mente, purtroppo. Forse su qualche sito di streaming?

  • @aglajaep
    @aglajaep 5 років тому

    Ci ho provato,ho provato a fare pace con te, a fidarmi. E tu mi hai pugnalato. E allora io voglio che il tuo nome sia cancellato per sempre.
    "Ma tu con i tuoi preziosi ideali cosa hai perso tu? Hai perso tutto quello per cui hai combattuto. Hai perso la tua anima."
    L'anima, l'ho persa perché mi è stata strappata indegnamente.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      L'hanno strappata a tutti noi poveri spettatori ignari, maledetti loro! Mi scuso per aver contribuito al dolore, non potevo proprio esimermi ç.ç

    • @aglajaep
      @aglajaep 5 років тому

      @@irydionlover Non devi scusarti di nulla, anzi sei riusciuta ad esprimere, congiungendo le scene più belle ed emozionanti;con un rincorrersi tra presente e passato di tutto quello che poteva essere e purtroppo non è stato. Da qui si evince tutto l'immenso dolore di Lorenzo, la doppia perdita per il fratello e per l'amico, che lo ha tradito due volte. Francesco perde la vita, come Giuliano, Lorenzo perde la sua "innocenza" perché è riuscito a cedere all'odio. Questo credo che sia il dolore di tutti noi, quando perdiamo quello per cui abbiamo combattutto con lealtà e amore, ma ci è stato strappato. E allora anche noi, come Lorenzo, siamo trascinati dagli eventi. Grazie per il tuo video, bellissimo e struggente, tocca le corde del cuore che le sublima all'anima.

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Grazie a te per queste parole così poetiche, non avrei saputo descrivere meglio il perché questa storia (e in generale le dinamiche simili di amici o innamorati che si ritrovano nemici su fronti opposti per pressioni esterne e/o divergenze ideologiche) sia così struggente! Purtroppo Jacopo ha trovato il modo di avere l'ultima parola sulla vicenda, e gli si deve anche dare ragione...ma più di quel che ha fatto Lorenzo non avrebbe potuto agire diversamente. Sono a questo punto davvero curiosa di vedere come la somma degli eventi possa riconsegnarcelo cambiato nella stagione 3 -- in ogni caso ripensarlo ragazzo giovane e quasi ingenuo, con i suoi due fratelli (di sangue e non) a fianco, e pensare alle what-ifs farà sempre male ;_;

  • @psjche4292
    @psjche4292 5 років тому

    They deserved to be endgame💔

  • @lucreziaromanini3173
    @lucreziaromanini3173 2 роки тому

    Li adoro insieme, adoro questa serie TV,vi prego di dirmi dove posso rivederla basta che non sia Amazon prime o Netflix

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  2 роки тому

      L'angst della s2 con questi due è rimasto insuperato 💔
      Temo che per rivedere la serie l'unico modo legale sia effettivamente Netflix, perché da Raiplay ricordo che fosse scomparsa :(

  • @eray19korkmaz
    @eray19korkmaz 5 років тому +1


  • @kaylinacevedo9351
    @kaylinacevedo9351 5 років тому

    Is there gonna be a 3rd season?

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому

      Yes! They've already finished filming, I think it will air sometime during next autumn in Italy :)

  • @shamandalies8736
    @shamandalies8736 5 років тому

    La mia OTP

  • @pascalgiuan6635
    @pascalgiuan6635 5 років тому


  • @ΕλένηΠάκα
    @ΕλένηΠάκα 5 років тому

    What's the name of the song??

    • @irydionlover
      @irydionlover  5 років тому +1

      Song link is in the description :)

  • @annalisastella5408
    @annalisastella5408 5 років тому

    francesco francesco

  • @psjche4292
    @psjche4292 5 років тому

    comunque le lacrime che mi sono uscite con questo video manco nella congiura oh...