Totally agree! I couldn't think of a different song. John lets Margareth go even if he loves her so much. He would love to help her but he doesn't think he is enough for her. I really love them
What amazes me is that after so many years and so many such video compilations all the comments read the same: beautiful, loving ,mesmerizing, breath taking. So many of us who ever saw this series loves it, thinks the same about John and Margaret (Richard and Daniella' acting) interprets the same way their love, glances, movements, sees the same, loves the same...and comes back again and again. We all here are soul mates. Cheers to all of you wherever you are, insurmountable romantics!
Gorgeous video, thank you. When I watch John look up at Margaret pouring tea, I can't help but smile, neither of them yet knowing they will spend the rest of their lives together, so very much in love.
Идеальный подбор актёров. Сыграть чувства без чувств невозможно. Весь фильм держится на их игре. Самая лучшая экранизация. От них глаз не оторвать, настолько они прекрасны.
This is one of my favourite video edits ever. The song choice, the scene choices, the transitions; they're all absolutely amazing. I've seen this time and time again and I never ever get tired of it, especially that ending where you've split the song and John's quote. That's probably why I hold this edit in such high esteem. This is absolutely amazing. X
kyle Ferrer I know, it's just that I felt like the lines "look back" were something like this song. He didn't want her to go, but he let her because he felt like he couldn't do anything else... Anyway, agree, North and South and 1995 Pride and Prejudice are my favorites. Also 2004 Jane Eyre is really good
Yeah I agree with you, that scene though pricked our hearts, I can totally feel the lost and hurt in John's eye.. Anyway, its great to know that there's still some n&s fanatics here.. I still can get over this story after all these years, I content my self with reading fan fictions just to keep them alive in my imagination at least.. Thanks for this vid, I hope you can make more vids.. 😊
Thank you so much! I've always loved english literature, but I "met" North and South only last year because a friend told me that I would've loved it (and I did). Now I also made my mother, my sister and my best friend watch the series and my mom has also read the book because she loved it so much ^^ I hope I'll be able to do other North and South videos, unluckily the university is really killing me right now! But I already have certain ideas
When I started watching this, I hated the way he looked. So scruffy with those side burns, he was yelling and beating the worker.... I hated it. Then magic happened. I am totally in love with north and south.
This song goes sooo much with his situation
Totally agree!
I couldn't think of a different song. John lets Margareth go even if he loves her so much. He would love to help her but he doesn't think he is enough for her.
I really love them
I know I'm quite off topic but do anyone know a good website to watch newly released tv shows online ?
@Byron Aarav i use Flixzone. Just google for it :)
What amazes me is that after so many years and so many such video compilations all the comments read the same: beautiful, loving ,mesmerizing, breath taking. So many of us who ever saw this series loves it, thinks the same about John and Margaret (Richard and Daniella' acting) interprets the same way their love, glances, movements, sees the same, loves the same...and comes back again and again. We all here are soul mates. Cheers to all of you wherever you are, insurmountable romantics!
Gorgeous video, thank you. When I watch John look up at Margaret pouring tea, I can't help but smile, neither of them yet knowing they will spend the rest of their lives together, so very much in love.
Thank you for existing 💓
Richard Armitage makes the perfect John Thornton. I've since seen as many of his performances as feasible and this is undoubtedly a standout.
Oh my soul what IS THIS best North and South edit ever. ❤❤
The way he looks at her. Its so awesome and warm.😊
Идеальный подбор актёров. Сыграть чувства без чувств невозможно. Весь фильм держится на их игре. Самая лучшая экранизация. От них глаз не оторвать, настолько они прекрасны.
God I can watch Richard Armitage all day and endless Time 💋💋💋💋👄👄👄💞💞💞
Me tomo i Love Richard Armitage
Omg he is gorgeous
Richard Armitage....
He let her go and she came back when she realized the kind of man she rejected. If it's meant to be it will be, can't force things. 🥰
Eita homem bonito ...Oh my god
Richard Armitage endless Love 🧡🧡🧡🧡🙉🙉🙉🙉
So beautiful!
This is one of my favourite video edits ever. The song choice, the scene choices, the transitions; they're all absolutely amazing. I've seen this time and time again and I never ever get tired of it, especially that ending where you've split the song and John's quote. That's probably why I hold this edit in such high esteem. This is absolutely amazing. X
My favorite show and my favorite song. What else would i want.
Where did you watch it?
Спасибо за клип.Фильм превосходный!
This is one of my favorite shows .I have watched it so many times . To bad Netflix took it off
Me too I am looking to watch more
Es mi historia! Amo tanto esta serie! Mi Jhon adorado!❤️
Oooh lovely dear thk u sooooo much.👍👍👍
What a wonderful video!
Best clip ever😍❤💜
Loved this video!! How hoy could get together song, scenes and a few deep sentences!
A good song to highlight those moments.. and I like the instruments ... I can hear a guitar, and guess a fiddle...
I love this movie. I never heard this song, it's a good match.
Que l
Filme é esse gosto muito de filmes de época desde já agradeço 🌸🌺🏵️
É uma minissérie: Norte e Sul
Eu amo está série 😍😘🤩
Qual é o nome da série, e onde assistir?
@@deboradasilvasantos1732 norte e sul. Achei na Net não lembro onde.
Mas é perfeita
Only thing is he knew he loved her before he let her go... lol
I really love this seriels …every think about
True love it’s touched my soul …
yea this is terrific
Amazingggg vid! I love both of them omg!!! ❤️😍😭
I loved them awfully they are just fab
Words so true
beautiful video!
SleepingSun thank you so much *^*
Mooie film
Only you love her when you let her go.
But it was margaret letting john go.. 😛 but beautiful video one of my most favorite period dramas next to 1995 pride and prejudice..
kyle Ferrer I know, it's just that I felt like the lines "look back" were something like this song. He didn't want her to go, but he let her because he felt like he couldn't do anything else...
Anyway, agree, North and South and 1995 Pride and Prejudice are my favorites. Also 2004 Jane Eyre is really good
Yeah I agree with you, that scene though pricked our hearts, I can totally feel the lost and hurt in John's eye.. Anyway, its great to know that there's still some n&s fanatics here.. I still can get over this story after all these years, I content my self with reading fan fictions just to keep them alive in my imagination at least.. Thanks for this vid, I hope you can make more vids.. 😊
Thank you so much!
I've always loved english literature, but I "met" North and South only last year because a friend told me that I would've loved it (and I did). Now I also made my mother, my sister and my best friend watch the series and my mom has also read the book because she loved it so much ^^
I hope I'll be able to do other North and South videos, unluckily the university is really killing me right now! But I already have certain ideas
Спасибо за видео.фильм великолепный
А что за фильм? Не видела
@@ИринаСоколова-к1я Север и юг
m'agradat 💕
Que filme é esse?
North & South (2004)
@@V.E.R.O. Obrigada!!!
@@dra.elainecunhadoringestig8762 De nada
Have been there how I regret it
Hey, wait, is that the dude from Robin Hood? 🧐
She should have looked back.
Name English plz
Отпусти ее сегодня,чтобы она навсегда вернулась завтра
Isso é viver uma cultura de auto sofrimento, automutilação, querer sofrer, querer chorar, não compreendo o motivo
Quer dizer 2005 com keira e matthew
When I started watching this, I hated the way he looked. So scruffy with those side burns, he was yelling and beating the worker.... I hated it. Then magic happened. I am totally in love with north and south.
He had a reason plus people were more rough in the north both in manner and temperament.
This music doesn’t even suit the period awful 😞