Great great great video about Controling the Genos by an Ipad . Can we buy the templates you did ? It's exactly that's i am looking for . Many places where i play ask for musicians to be like a dj's now, to not making breaks betwin songs....sad but thru so this templates are the top i think, because twinking the Genos in realtime is really a stress and need a long practice and organisation to be confortable with . I am looking about setlist possibility too , but with 200 songs ,it can be a mess too , when you need to jump betwin the 1st song to the song 160 , here , you have all your banks and registrations ready to start on the ipad with the good song ! Great job you did, i can imagine all the works/times you passed on it....!!! Thanks Sam
That’s right, we’re expected to play less and less and be more of a DJ. Unfortunately, we have to adapt to that if we want to be competitive. I will be happy to send you my template so you can use it. Contact me in a private email
This way you can check if these MIDI controls are being sent. If Yamaha has blocked them then the MIDI designer can’t even receive them.
Hi. Thanks for you videos. Do you know if midi comander is bi directional. I am using it to send program changes to my line 6 pod go. I can learn program changes to buttons. When I press a pedal on the pod go, midi commander does not reflet the changes. Is this possible. The pod go is sending program change data when a pedal is pressed.
Not sure what to tweek. I know it receives as the monitor displays messages from the pod go and i can capture the program change dat for button programming I cant understand why the midi comander is not reflecting the change.
Može, samo što će ti snimak biti Mono. Pogledaj ovaj video, a umjesto Open Camera upotrijebi neku drugu aplikaciju koja snima samo zvuk, možda je već imaš u mobitelu.
The PSR SX900 has no WIFI, so you will need to use a USB cable (camera connection kit). It’s the same as with Genos, and I showed that at the very beginning of the video. 01:06
@@CasperVideo Muchas gracias por su atención. El vídeo es muy amplio y muy interesante para midi designer con ipad , pero yo solo tengo android y quiero utilizar midi commander. No se realmente como configurar los canales midi del sx900 para conectar y configurar con midi commander. He visto varios vídeos pero no lo consigo configurar. Muchas gracias de nuevo. Le sigo con todos sus vídeos y admiro su trabajo.
@@fernandopozo8109 The device you are using Android on must support USB OTG. Launch an app like this and check it out.
Trebalo bi pitati autore MIDI designera da li postoji način ali nekako sumnjam da on postoji. Koliko vidim, može se kontrolirati brzina, tempo ali je potrebno kreirati kontrolu s posebnim karateristikama.
Great video... I wonder if it is possibile to simply "mirror" the touchscreen of the Genos to an Ipad, in order to have a bigger display with the angle you like, using also Ipad touchscreen as a control. I know that it is possible to export only the screen to a monitor using usb adapter, but it is not possible to use touchscreen....
The iPad can connect wirelessly to Genos, but the screen will not display the keyboard screen. This is used to display lyrics when using the Songbook + app. Yamaha will need to upgrade the ability so that the external display can fully serve as one on the keyboard.
Pozdrav Caspere, slijepi sam glazbenik i do sad još nisam našao aranžer koji je pristupačan slijepima, pisao sam Korgu, Ketronu i Yamahi, ali ni od jedne tvrtke nisam dobio pozitivan odgovor. Možda bismo pomoću ove aplikacije mogli koristiti Genos, jer IOS ima ugrađen čitač ekrana. Zanima me jeli moguće putem ove aplikacije u potpunosti kontrolirati klavijaturu, dakle, ne samo spremati i pozivati registracije, nego ih i pripremati. Unaprijed vam zahvaljujem na odgovoru. Hvala na lijepim videima i dobrim objašnjenjima!
Pozdrav Mario. Ne znam jesi li koristio Voice Guide za Genos1/2. Ne znam pomaže li on uopće slijepim osobama ali ako se instalira, svaki pritisak na ekran će biti popraćen glasovnom obavijesti. Teško mi je reči koliko bi ti pomogao Midi Designer. Koristio sam ga samo za testiranje, napravio sam template ali ne koristim ga jer imam sasvim dovoljno mogućnosti na samoj klavijaturi. Mislim da bi ti on samo zakomplicirao stvari jer ima mnogo mogućnosti i samo programiranje na njemu zahtjeva dosta vremena. Poslije, kad se složi kako je prikazano u videu je sve pregledno i vjerojatno bi tebi olakšalo rad ali kažem, nisam siguran da bi programiranje klavijature bilo jednostavno.
@@CasperVideo please make a video about it, we are so poor we can't afford ios, we some how managed to buy a keyboard, but now this is the situation we get to face 😢
@@imashikda The Learn option in Midi Commander is called Rec MIDI Message. I don't have time to make that video, this picture will help you do it yourself.
Excellent video. I saw somewhere that there was a pc program to change registrations in a similar way but in addition there were virtual buttons so you could select up to 8 layered right and left and bass pedal voices with a dual manual Genos type organ setup with bass pedals Also add keyboard splits .Would this be possible with your method in midi designer?
Thank you. I don’t know what the program you mention looks like. The MIDI designer can control all the parameters you mention via the virtual buttons. You can control up to 16 instrument channels at a time. Configuring a MIDI designer for this is not the same as in the video, but it is a very similar process.
I saw your original post in which you mentioned the program you are referring to. I think all these controls can also be called through MIDI Designer because they are common MIDI messages. The advantage of the program you mentioned is that everything is already complex, and with a MIDI designer you have to configure it yourself. 07:18
Hello Casper You showed a lot in this video, thank you very much. I have a question: is there anywhere access to your Template MidiDesignerPro that you showed in this video? I'd love to try on my MDP2 and Genos Regards Darek S.
@@CasperVideo Thank you Casper for your Template. Not all features are available. I don't know how to set the MIDI ports in Genos: System, Transmit and Recive in Menu/Midi. I think that's why MidiDesigner doesn't transmit the messages, or they are not complete. Your Sysex (learn) is long (43 73 01 52 26 03 00 00 00 55 71 65 72 3...), and mine is very short: 43 10 4C 08 00 0D 40. After remembering, it does not call Voice. Casper, do you have a video somewhere showing the Genos and MidiDesigner settings? I'd love to see it. I know you can also import such settings into USER in Genos. I think I have the wrong MIDI transmission settings in Genos. Regards Darius
Great Video, as always. I am using a Tyros 5 and was able to implement a lot of commands into to Midi Designer. It works also perfect for Registration select, but now I am struggling with the the Sysex for selecting a bank. The Learn function doesn't work for Registration Bank select in Tyros 5. Can you maybe provide the complete Sysex for Bank select? Thank & regards Herbert
Hi Herbert, Banks seems to be sending slightly different sysex data to Genos than to Tyros. I noticed that I am not allowed to change the name of the Bank, because then the button in the MIDI designer is not correct. Here you can see the sysex arrays for the 4 banks located in the first and second folders and the 4 banks located in the root. I hope this will help you activate the Banks.
I was able do encrypt the sysex message. The path/filename is in the sysex. That's the reason why Midi Designer couldn't find it any more, when you change the name of the registration. Attached the encrypted file: Still not sure if it works for Tyros, but maybe this will help Genos Users too.
@@CasperVideo There is even more path information in the sysex. Just updated the DroBox file:
Ima jedan problem, boje su mi napravljene na registracijama,promena izmedju reg banki radi isto kao kod tebe......Ali zelim da mi poziva odredjenu boju odmah unutar banke sa registracijom,ne da kliknem registraciju pa onda moram broj od 1-10.....da li je to uopste izvodljivo?
Ako se radi o pozivanju samo o jednog zvuka, može se dodijeliti jedan gumb, jedan zvuk. Ali ako se radi o kombinaciji RIGHT 1,2 i 3, onda je nešto drugačije situacija jer ti u stvari trebaš aktivirati registraciju na "jedan gumb". Na isto pitanje sam odgovorio Milan Pantic, par postova niže pa pogledaj odgovor.
@@CasperVideo Hvala na odgovoru....U sustini boje su sem terci na jedn zuvk,tako da bi mi to bilo ok,ali ne kapiram kako preko super controlsa?Zar ne mogu nekako da sastavim ovaj system ex koji se dobije kada izaberem registracijui i ovaj niz sto si ti napisao za reg 1-10,ili da se napravi da se oba gumba pritisnu u isto vreme tipa piano i broj 1?
@@darkogolubovic4124 Upravo SuperControl radi na principu pozivanja dva sysex niza (bank+reg), to je ono što tebi treba. Tako ćeš dobiti jedan gumb koji će direktno pozivati sadržaj registracije. Kažem, probao sam, ponekad se događalo rušenje aplikacije. Možda je i zato jer imam stari iPad i staru verziju MIDIDesignera. Pogledaj 01:56 na videu, tu je taj ekran. A za više o tome pogledaj upute, imaju odličan suport na forumu. Sretno.
Your videos are really useful. The only issue is and maybe it is not an issue for you, but it is an issue for people that speak any other language like English is that for visually impaired people or just any person in general it is difficult to follow your videos in a different language, so I was wondering if you have a channel where you have videos like this in English or is there a feature on UA-cam that I am unaware of that can transcribe the audio into English in some type of text to speech?
Thanks for the compliments, I'm trying. Each of my videos has English text manually entered so you can read the translation. Subtitles are activated in this way.
Zdravo kolega. Pitanje u vezi midi designer. Da li postoji opcija da se poveže banka i jedna registracija iz banke da mi prozove na jedno dugme koje odredim za tu funkciju. Unaprjed hvala
Koristim stariju verziju MD i tamo se to može napraviti pomoću SuperControla ali ponekad postoji problem zamrzavanja. Nešto su govorili da će se to u novijim varijantama aplikacije riješiti na bolji način. Trebao bi pitati MD Team da ti ponude rješenje i daju odgovor. Sama aplikacija ima mnogo mogućnosti, pogledaj njihove video materijale. S ovim što sam prikazao na videu MD je za mene ispunila očekivanja i nemam potrebe ulaziti u dublju analazu i istraživanje što se sve može s njom.
Çap kolega , na genos main A , B , start-stop… funk. Kako cemo da programiramo? Vocal on-off ? Tempo up-down ? Da li mozete da snimate video za te stvari ? İli da nam preporucite site ili neki video ? Hvala vam puno 🙏🏻
Ne znam koji bi web preporulio za te stvari jer to nisam našao nigdje. Da li te ove komande zanimaju za upravljanje preko MIDI Designer app ili općenito?
Casper tutorSynth Zanimaju me za upravljanje preko MIDI Designer app. Ja sviram harmoniku sa bezicnim Midi sistemom i kad se udaljim od klavijature zelim preko Iphone na aplikaciji da menjam tempo , varijacije i slicne stvari.
@@emrahtasl9694 Nemam iskustva s takvim stvarima. Jesi li do sada koristio svoj midi wifi setup ili to tek planiraš napraviti? Same komande poput vh on off, start stop, tempo -/+ nisu problem, problem nastaje kada ih treba isprogramirati i uskaditi između dva tijela.
Casper tutorSynth Ja sam povezao sa Wifi-jem sve sto ste pokazali na vasem videu je ok jedino ove stvari sto sam vas pitao, ne znam kako da za bjih ukucam na aplikaciju.
Komande za koje pitaš nisu nikakav problem, povezivanje uređaja je ono što je osnova. Kod tebe bi ih trebalo biti tri, ako sam dobro shvatio. Harmonika > WIFI iPada (MIDI designer) > Genos. To ćeš vrlo teško osposobiti da radi stabilno. Da li do sada koristio bilo kakvu komunikaciju između Harmonike koja ima bežićni MIDI sistem i nekog drugog instrumenta/aranžera? Ako jesi, što je bilo s druge strane? To pitam zato jer tebi uopće nije potreban iPAd i MIDI Designer kao "posrednik".
Activate subtitles (ENG) and translation option (watch video)
Great Video, very helpful, please more from this software
Another brilliant video, thanks !
My pleasure!
Hello, is it possible to add start and stop button for midi song ? I can't make it work.
Great great great video about Controling the Genos by an Ipad .
Can we buy the templates you did ? It's exactly that's i am looking for .
Many places where i play ask for musicians to be like a dj's now, to not making breaks betwin songs....sad but thru so this templates are the top i think, because twinking the Genos in realtime is really a stress and need a long practice and organisation to be confortable with . I am looking about setlist possibility too , but with 200 songs ,it can be a mess too , when you need to jump betwin the 1st song to the song 160 , here , you have all your banks and registrations ready to start on the ipad with the good song !
Great job you did, i can imagine all the works/times you passed on it....!!!
That’s right, we’re expected to play less and less and be more of a DJ. Unfortunately, we have to adapt to that if we want to be competitive. I will be happy to send you my template so you can use it. Contact me in a private email
how do i control the start stop and style buttons on Genos - the learn midi does not work
This way you can check if these MIDI controls are being sent. If Yamaha has blocked them then the MIDI designer can’t even receive them.
@@CasperVideo Midi designer sees a code from the instrument but when try to use it, it doesn’t start the style playing.
I didn't understand you well. What is "code" and how do you try to do it "start the style playing".
Hi. Thanks for you videos.
Do you know if midi comander is bi directional. I am using it to send program changes to my line 6 pod go. I can learn program changes to buttons. When I press a pedal on the pod go, midi commander does not reflet the changes. Is this possible. The pod go is sending program change data when a pedal is pressed.
Yes, midi commander can receive and send midi data. You probably need to tweak something else in the settings.
Not sure what to tweek. I know it receives as the monitor displays messages from the pod go and i can capture the program change dat for button programming
I cant understand why the midi comander is not reflecting the change.
@@MrTriangulation Tx/Rx MIDI PC > set to ON
Yes. Also midi in mode set to on. I will check everything and update you. Thanks for the reply.
Ako može jedno pitanje, nevezano za temu.. Može li se povezati telefon sa Genosom odnosno može li se napraviti snimak a da zvuk ide sa Genosa ??
Može, samo što će ti snimak biti Mono. Pogledaj ovaj video, a umjesto Open Camera upotrijebi neku drugu aplikaciju koja snima samo zvuk, možda je već imaš u mobitelu.
@@CasperVideo Hvala Casper.
Hola, sería tan amable de explicarme como configurar psr sx900 con midi commander? Muchas gracias.
The PSR SX900 has no WIFI, so you will need to use a USB cable (camera connection kit). It’s the same as with Genos, and I showed that at the very beginning of the video.
@@CasperVideo Muchas gracias por su atención. El vídeo es muy amplio y muy interesante para midi designer con ipad , pero yo solo tengo android y quiero utilizar midi commander. No se realmente como configurar los canales midi del sx900 para conectar y configurar con midi commander. He visto varios vídeos pero no lo consigo configurar. Muchas gracias de nuevo. Le sigo con todos sus vídeos y admiro su trabajo.
@@fernandopozo8109 The device you are using Android on must support USB OTG. Launch an app like this and check it out.
Tem como controlar as funções do teclado com um pedal Midi beringher fcb 1010?
I haven't used fcb 1010 but I know it can be configured to control a Yamaha keyboard.
@@CasperVideo obrigado,teria algum link pra me enviar?
@@edgarribeiro678 maybe this will help
@@CasperVideoobrigado amigo
@@CasperVideono teclado uso as portas midi in out ou USB? meu cabo é midi usb
Hvala kolega za video!
Kolega da li može da se postavi tempo na panel programa da pokazuje vrijednost tempa sa klavijature? Unaprijed hvala
Trebalo bi pitati autore MIDI designera da li postoji način ali nekako sumnjam da on postoji. Koliko vidim, može se kontrolirati brzina, tempo ali je potrebno kreirati kontrolu s posebnim karateristikama.
Great video... I wonder if it is possibile to simply "mirror" the touchscreen of the Genos to an Ipad, in order to have a bigger display with the angle you like, using also Ipad touchscreen as a control. I know that it is possible to export only the screen to a monitor using usb adapter, but it is not possible to use touchscreen....
The iPad can connect wirelessly to Genos, but the screen will not display the keyboard screen. This is used to display lyrics when using the Songbook + app.
Yamaha will need to upgrade the ability so that the external display can fully serve as one on the keyboard.
Pozdrav Caspere, slijepi sam glazbenik i do sad još nisam našao aranžer koji je pristupačan slijepima, pisao sam Korgu, Ketronu i Yamahi, ali ni od jedne tvrtke nisam dobio pozitivan odgovor. Možda bismo pomoću ove aplikacije mogli koristiti Genos, jer IOS ima ugrađen čitač ekrana. Zanima me jeli moguće putem ove aplikacije u potpunosti kontrolirati klavijaturu, dakle, ne samo spremati i pozivati registracije, nego ih i pripremati. Unaprijed vam zahvaljujem na odgovoru. Hvala na lijepim videima i dobrim objašnjenjima!
Pozdrav Mario. Ne znam jesi li koristio Voice Guide za Genos1/2. Ne znam pomaže li on uopće slijepim osobama ali ako se instalira, svaki pritisak na ekran će biti popraćen glasovnom obavijesti. Teško mi je reči koliko bi ti pomogao Midi Designer. Koristio sam ga samo za testiranje, napravio sam template ali ne koristim ga jer imam sasvim dovoljno mogućnosti na samoj klavijaturi. Mislim da bi ti on samo zakomplicirao stvari jer ima mnogo mogućnosti i samo programiranje na njemu zahtjeva dosta vremena. Poslije, kad se složi kako je prikazano u videu je sve pregledno i vjerojatno bi tebi olakšalo rad ali kažem, nisam siguran da bi programiranje klavijature bilo jednostavno.
Can we control main abcd with this software
Kolega da li može da se postavi na ipad tempo sa klavijature da pokazuje stavrnu vrijednost? Hvala u naprijed kolega
How to do in midi commander, the learn command you did in ios
There is the same Learn option for Midi Commander as in IOS
@@CasperVideo there isn't
@@CasperVideo please make a video about it, we are so poor we can't afford ios, we some how managed to buy a keyboard, but now this is the situation we get to face 😢
@@imashikda The Learn option in Midi Commander is called Rec MIDI Message. I don't have time to make that video, this picture will help you do it yourself.
@@CasperVideo Just say you are too lazy
does it work for korg ?
I don't know, you must try.
Excellent video. I saw somewhere that there was a pc program to change registrations in a similar way but in addition there were virtual buttons so you could select up to 8 layered right and left and bass pedal voices with a dual manual Genos type organ setup with bass pedals Also add keyboard splits .Would this be possible with your method in midi designer?
Thank you. I don’t know what the program you mention looks like. The MIDI designer can control all the parameters you mention via the virtual buttons. You can control up to 16 instrument channels at a time. Configuring a MIDI designer for this is not the same as in the video, but it is a very similar process.
Casper tutorSynth thank you for your reply Casper, you are a Genios with midi.
I saw your original post in which you mentioned the program you are referring to. I think all these controls can also be called through MIDI Designer because they are common MIDI messages. The advantage of the program you mentioned is that everything is already complex, and with a MIDI designer you have to configure it yourself. 07:18
Casper tutorSynth Thank you for your help. 🙂
Hello Casper
You showed a lot in this video, thank you very much.
I have a question: is there anywhere access to your Template MidiDesignerPro that you showed in this video?
I'd love to try on my MDP2 and Genos
Darek S.
@@CasperVideo Thank you so much Casper, I didn't expect you to send me. The more I thank you 🙂
@@CasperVideo Thank you Casper for your Template. Not all features are available. I don't know how to set the MIDI ports in Genos: System, Transmit and Recive in Menu/Midi.
I think that's why MidiDesigner doesn't transmit the messages, or they are not complete. Your Sysex (learn) is long (43 73 01 52 26 03 00 00 00 55 71 65 72 3...),
and mine is very short: 43 10 4C 08 00 0D 40.
After remembering, it does not call Voice. Casper, do you have a video somewhere showing the Genos and MidiDesigner settings? I'd love to see it. I know you can also import such settings into USER in Genos.
I think I have the wrong MIDI transmission settings in Genos.
What about the android app, please give me a detail
Great Video, as always. I am using a Tyros 5 and was able to implement a lot of commands into to Midi Designer. It works also perfect for Registration select, but now I am struggling with the the Sysex for selecting a bank. The Learn function doesn't work for Registration Bank select in Tyros 5. Can you maybe provide the complete Sysex for Bank select? Thank & regards Herbert
Hi Herbert, Banks seems to be sending slightly different sysex data to Genos than to Tyros. I noticed that I am not allowed to change the name of the Bank, because then the button in the MIDI designer is not correct. Here you can see the sysex arrays for the 4 banks located in the first and second folders and the 4 banks located in the root. I hope this will help you activate the Banks.
@@CasperVideo Thanks a lot for all the information you put together for me and the file you provided. I will give it a try :) Cheers Herbert
I was able do encrypt the sysex message. The path/filename is in the sysex. That's the reason why Midi Designer couldn't find it any more, when you change the name of the registration. Attached the encrypted file:
Still not sure if it works for Tyros, but maybe this will help Genos Users too.
@@hmobil62Great diagnosis, Harbert. Thanks for the info. I hope you find a way to make everything work on Tyros5 as well.
@@CasperVideo There is even more path information in the sysex. Just updated the DroBox file:
Ima jedan problem, boje su mi napravljene na registracijama,promena izmedju reg banki radi isto kao kod tebe......Ali zelim da mi poziva odredjenu boju odmah unutar banke sa registracijom,ne da kliknem registraciju pa onda moram broj od 1-10.....da li je to uopste izvodljivo?
Ako se radi o pozivanju samo o jednog zvuka, može se dodijeliti jedan gumb, jedan zvuk. Ali ako se radi o kombinaciji RIGHT 1,2 i 3, onda je nešto drugačije situacija jer ti u stvari trebaš aktivirati registraciju na "jedan gumb". Na isto pitanje sam odgovorio Milan Pantic, par postova niže pa pogledaj odgovor.
@@CasperVideo Hvala na odgovoru....U sustini boje su sem terci na jedn zuvk,tako da bi mi to bilo ok,ali ne kapiram kako preko super controlsa?Zar ne mogu nekako da sastavim ovaj system ex koji se dobije kada izaberem registracijui i ovaj niz sto si ti napisao za reg 1-10,ili da se napravi da se oba gumba pritisnu u isto vreme tipa piano i broj 1?
@@darkogolubovic4124 Upravo SuperControl radi na principu pozivanja dva sysex niza (bank+reg), to je ono što tebi treba. Tako ćeš dobiti jedan gumb koji će direktno pozivati sadržaj registracije. Kažem, probao sam, ponekad se događalo rušenje aplikacije. Možda je i zato jer imam stari iPad i staru verziju MIDIDesignera. Pogledaj 01:56 na videu, tu je taj ekran. A za više o tome pogledaj upute, imaju odličan suport na forumu. Sretno.
Ola amigo boa noite ,tudo bem? funciona no SX900 mais Android? obrigado abraço
Hello to you too. It also works on sx900 but on android there must be another application like MIDI Commaner.
Your videos are really useful. The only issue is and maybe it is not an issue for you, but it is an issue for people that speak any other language like English is that for visually impaired people or just any person in general it is difficult to follow your videos in a different language, so I was wondering if you have a channel where you have videos like this in English or is there a feature on UA-cam that I am unaware of that can transcribe the audio into English in some type of text to speech?
Thanks for the compliments, I'm trying. Each of my videos has English text manually entered so you can read the translation. Subtitles are activated in this way.
Zdravo kolega. Pitanje u vezi midi designer. Da li postoji opcija da se poveže banka i jedna registracija iz banke da mi prozove na jedno dugme koje odredim za tu funkciju. Unaprjed hvala
Koristim stariju verziju MD i tamo se to može napraviti pomoću SuperControla ali ponekad postoji problem zamrzavanja. Nešto su govorili da će se to u novijim varijantama aplikacije riješiti na bolji način. Trebao bi pitati MD Team da ti ponude rješenje i daju odgovor. Sama aplikacija ima mnogo mogućnosti, pogledaj njihove video materijale. S ovim što sam prikazao na videu MD je za mene ispunila očekivanja i nemam potrebe ulaziti u dublju analazu i istraživanje što se sve može s njom.
Çap kolega , na genos main A , B , start-stop… funk. Kako cemo da programiramo? Vocal on-off ? Tempo up-down ? Da li mozete da snimate video za te stvari ? İli da nam preporucite site ili neki video ? Hvala vam puno 🙏🏻
Ne znam koji bi web preporulio za te stvari jer to nisam našao nigdje.
Da li te ove komande zanimaju za upravljanje preko MIDI Designer app ili općenito?
Casper tutorSynth Zanimaju me za upravljanje preko MIDI Designer app. Ja sviram harmoniku sa bezicnim Midi sistemom i kad se udaljim od klavijature zelim preko Iphone na aplikaciji da menjam tempo , varijacije i slicne stvari.
@@emrahtasl9694 Nemam iskustva s takvim stvarima. Jesi li do sada koristio svoj midi wifi setup ili to tek planiraš napraviti?
Same komande poput vh on off, start stop, tempo -/+ nisu problem, problem nastaje kada ih treba isprogramirati i uskaditi između dva tijela.
Casper tutorSynth Ja sam povezao sa Wifi-jem sve sto ste pokazali na vasem videu je ok jedino ove stvari sto sam vas pitao, ne znam kako da za bjih ukucam na aplikaciju.
Komande za koje pitaš nisu nikakav problem, povezivanje uređaja je ono što je osnova. Kod tebe bi ih trebalo biti tri, ako sam dobro shvatio. Harmonika > WIFI iPada (MIDI designer) > Genos. To ćeš vrlo teško osposobiti da radi stabilno. Da li do sada koristio bilo kakvu komunikaciju između Harmonike koja ima bežićni MIDI sistem i nekog drugog instrumenta/aranžera? Ako jesi, što je bilo s druge strane? To pitam zato jer tebi uopće nije potreban iPAd i MIDI Designer kao "posrednik".
Imam jedno pitanje ako može?
Make a dedicated video in android
I have no plans for that any time soon. Only MIDI Commander can be used for Android, and the working principle is the same as MIDI designer.
Uspio sam povezati i radi sve.
Why do you title in English, for the Russian language clip?
He he, probably because those who understand English can watch the video. BTW, this is the Croatian language, it is not similar to Russian at all.