fyi, they do teach this in schools (at least in australia) Source: am in year 10 and had more or less knew everything in this video. But yes, there should be more emphasis placed on more practical skills such as this.
this man inspired and explained chemistry better than all the teachers I've had in elementary, high school, and university put together! God bless your awesome practical soul Ruben Meerman!
I'm old...we never had chemistry in grade school or middle school & if it was offered in high school....I failed to notice. Or maybe it was my lack of math skills...only one year required, so it wasn't offered to me 🤔
Me too! It's the almighty ALGORITHM, a.k.a. The Hydra..... You must have been negligent, as I have, in your worshipping duties lately, so it went to the vault for some good fodder with which to draw us in a little closer to it's web... hanus, VILE! WHY I'LL...… ahem, mm sorry. peace
Ruben I'm also a science educator but you do it 1000x better. I loved your simplicity, enthusiasm, energy and charisma. It seems society in general has lost it's faith and trust in science and it makes me sad and worried for the future, like we are fighting a losing battle. If we all had science teachers like you I think the world would be a much better place. Keep up the good work, you have inspired me!!
It's not that people have lost faith in science, it's science that has lost faith in itself. Climate Change research is driving this trend more than anything. It is a pre-determined conclusion to which data and hypotheses are made to fit, because if they don't YOU GET NO GRANT MONEY. There is $0 of funding available from any major source for research that leads to a conclusion contrary to the 'consensus'. This is terrifying. The whole point of the scientific method is that consensus can always be wrong in light of new information and understanding. This has happened on many notable occasions, where the research of one individual rewrote and wiped out the supposed laws of entire fields that had stood as fact for, in some cases, thousands of years. Heliocentrism and Plate Tectonics are two towering examples. I just worry that 500 years from now, people will read scientific history books and snicker at our time and say "Wow, they believed people could actually affect an entire planetary climactic system, primitive idiots. They probably thought the Earth was flat, too, hahahahahah....oh wait, polls from that time showed the majority of people under 35 DID believe the planet was flat." Above all, science, more than any discipline, needs to keep an open mind free of presupposition.
Bobsmithgeorgette, talking about education and the world being a better place, even though I doubt that Donald Trump would understand the mathematics he might enjoy the visual effects and maybe take in a little bit of it. And then he would go and say: 'I told you, global warming is fake news!!'
If you want science teachers like him, PAY THEM BETTER. And give them plenty of administrative support (including getting rid of useless "assessments" of "skills"); replace that edubabble with SUBJECT MATTER.
Robert, the hole world is not like the US, in my country our government pays for a lot of the scientific work, not private companies. We do not need to come up with results showing that "this is not harmfull". Best regards from a swedish scientist. :)
Amazing explanation. My husband and I just started on our weight loss journey. He wants/needs to drop around 20lbs and I around 10-ish. We bought all the gym equipment needed, bike, treadmill, row, and that new TONAL. I will show him this video to take another step in our journey. Thank you!!
@@WeekendWoodworker7 you dont need any gym equipment to lose weight. 90% of this is better nutrition. You just need to eat less calories than you burn. Most people fall into the trap of adding exercise, but also consuming more food (because the body has established a "normal" rate of excess calories each day and that's how your appetite works. Your appetite will trick you. It is not telling you what the body needs. It's telling you what you normally do. And since you are looking to make a change (new healthier weight and lifestyle) you have to ignore your appetite and choose a good macro nutrient profile. Adding exercise helps of course, but ultimately you want to eat approx 100-150 calories less than you burn (you BMR + any exercise). Counting calories can be a bit tiring and tricky, but once your body adjusts to being a little hungry, you no longer associate that feeling with hunger, but with wellness, with not consuming excess.
i don't know where your husband and you are in your journey, but if you met your goals, congrats, and if not, here's a friendly reminder to not give up! consistency really is the key
+Dean Graves the part where all the food you eat is use for energy and or stored . A lot of the food you eat is used to repair and replace cells in the body. research done by ali crum proofed that just by modifying what a person believed ,has an effect on weight loss and or metabolic action ... eat less move more fail.
Nico, here's an easier simplification of what he said. If your body can't use everything you've put into it, the excess is stored or excreted. Too much energy in versus energy used = overweight. Thus, move more, eat fewer KJ or calories, make yourself cold while maintaining KJ/calories, etc. It really is that easy. He isn't comparing raw energy intake between individuals (i.e. fast vs slow metabolism); only in a particular case, if weight is a problem, just eat less, or move, or both.
+ualaelinlive I understand what he said ... the problem comes in when you understand that the process the determines energy yield(calories ) of food and what happens to food in your body is vastly different second to that food you eat doesn't only provide energy most of it is used to repair and replace cells in your body. Thirdly ali crum's research strongly suggest that by altering only a set of believes weight loss will occur . At 4:57 he actually says that little arrow there is a 3 year degree ... No how much would you trust a doctor that's 3 years short on his degree? Now when you eat your metabolism speeds up and when you don't eat it slows down so you must be referring to basal metabolic rates and that has nothing to do with having a weight problem .
The stated intention of his presentation was not to describe in 20 minutes or less the how or why of obesity, but to deliver a mathematics (84% as CO, 16% H2O) based answer to the question of 'Where does fat go?'. To that end, his speech was enlightening, articulate and entertaining. Excellent presentation.
And then he said that in order to lose weight, you should eat less and move more, which is a useless oversimplification of the task at hand. In other words, it's interesting for the science, but it's useless for weight loss.
im a student going into my las year of high school. if i had seen this in my sophomore year when i took biology, i would have loved the class. the fact that this has millions of views and has been around since i was in 3rd grade, and that i hadn't seen this until now is astonishing. i think i should share this with my old biology teacher.
The way we get energy blew my mind a bit. It's all still the sun. Excellent presenter and educator. Clearly knows his stuff, explains it well, and keeps the audience engaged.
Everything is the sun. Do some more reading on quantum physics and how it plays into biology. We SEE due to photons. We are powered by the sun ,but it's processed by the body. It's where melanin comes into play. Read about how mitochondria in the cells work. The earth evolved with the sun. All life upon the earth is connected with the sun. Fittingly, eventually, the sun will go nova and destroy all life on earth. What it giveth, it will take away.
This! This is how teacher need to impart information. With energy, engagement, personal relativity, enthusiasm, excitement, visualisations, humour, and regional colloquialisms (lol, bingo wings. 😂).
bob analhair if I tell you I am from Canada do you know where I'm from? No but if I say I'm from Toronto than you know a bit more see what I'm getting at?
I have watched this ten times. I have practiced it for the last 21 days. eating one meal a day and average of walking almost 5 miles a day. I have lost 15 pounds from 260 to 245. my goal is to get to 225 as I am 6'5" and 60 years old. this is simple mathematics. I used to do the atkins diet but it gets boring. this way eating less lets me eat anything I want, but I only eat a little and I exercise a lot. pay attention to this informative information. I have recommending it to many people.
Very impressive. I think now I will be more committed to exercise now that I understand the science behind it. Thanks for this solid explanation, Ruben.
Excellent presentation. I got lost in the weeds during the chemistry portion of the show, but overall I understood the very simple message which, turns out to be the same equation we've really known for years and years and years - eat less, exercise more, and breathe. Got it. Thank you!
How many people can live in a state of restriction (eat less) in a sustainable way for the rest of their lives? Not many. Then the overweight person is blamed and judged for not being able to live that way.
I’ve been telling people for the past several years, I don’t have to exercise to lose weight, I just eat less and achieve my goal. Couldn’t explain it. But now I can. 😉
I need to put that on my wall in big letters - "EAT LESS-MOVE MORE-KEEP BREATHING". Wow-what a concept! That should be a required poster at every buffet.
Mr Meerman has delivered sound info more ppl should see / hear. He has great awareness of the audience beyond those seated in attendance. I like this presentation. Bravo -- Ruben Meerman!
This is very interesting to me. As a side story, my family and I recently visited the Colorado Rockies (11,000+ ft.). Now the 1st day of the trip was spent at around 6000 feet. and I was surprised that I had forgot about the lack of oxygen I might encounter at high elevations, being from Fa. It had been 20+ years since I had been in Colorado and the one thing I forgot about was elevation and the breathing issues. But luckily my wife had a phone call with a friend who lived in the state, and she suggested we drink a lot of water.... (H20), which provided the extra oxygen we were missing... and it worked. No more breathing issues. Thanks and Great TED!
Sorry but drinking water does NOT provide oxygen for breathing. You're unclear on the physiology. In order to make breathing easier, there are only 2 ways - more oxygen IN THE AIR, or less activity (need for oxygen). Drinking or eating food or drink that contains oxygen thinking it's going to help with high altitude breathing is woo.
If I’m not mistaken, the problem with altitude (hypoxemia) has to do with the fact that overbreathing to help make up for less oxygen at higher elevation also effects blood acid-base balance by making the blood too alkaline (low CO2). The kidneys try to compensate for this by the excretion of bicarbonate ions (a base) in the urine. The drug “Diamox” (acetazolamide), a renal carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) mimics this process, by aiding in the excretion of bicarbonate ions, thereby allowing greater hyperventilation and more oxygenation. The primary trigger for breathing (respiratory drive) is not the lack of oxygen but the abundance of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide in the blood stream is in equilibrium with carbonic acid. If we breathe off too much CO2, that partially extinguishes our reflex to breathe. The kidney’s effort to compensate for this to acidify our blood stream allows us to breathe more. This is why exposure to higher altitude causes a well-hydrated individual to diurese (pee more).
The water helps because of the low humidity. You're constantly losing water to the air. The last thing you want is to be dehydrated and hypoxic. Water affects the former not the latter.
Yep, totally skipped over and greatly simplified and entire semester of biochemistry that covers the glycolic cycle. Just push the "I believe" button when I say you wouldn't understand it anyhow.
They tried to hide this from us brother, but we found it, 2019 is going to be the year we pull the cloak off the cosmos itself and stare into the heart of existence.
This may sound like a conspiracy theory... All this 'new' information, particularly about diet and medicine, has been hushed up by the food industry (can you imagine the problems caused if the public stated demanding that HFCS and sugar be removed form the foods we eat), the pharmacological industry, and the weight loss industry for years. The drug companies have no interest in you learning how to live without their drugs. That's why we haven't seen a disease CURED in almost 50 years. There's no money in curing a disease, but plenty in 'managing' it... Why sell one pill that stops the disease, when you can sell a lifetime of pills to extend that person's life? And who funds most medical research, and medical training facilities, and offers fantastic incentives to doctors to prescribe, prescribe, prescribe? The 'weight loss' industry is worth BILLIONS a year. A lot of that heads back to the treasury as taxes, so government has a strong incentive to 'leave sleeping dogs lie' (and paying tax)... The food industry has lobby groups whose specific task is to ensure the government does nothing to alert people the wool being pulled over our eyes. I am now seeing more and more videos, TED talks and promotional videos basically trying to take down all these barriers to 'truth'. A film-maker in Australia made a controversial film regarding high sugar diets. It was pointing out some really interesting information. The Australia Medical Association had the film pulled off Netflix as 'misleading and dangerous'... What they didn't say was that it was dangerous to the incomes of the drug companies who support the medical industry... As I said, sounds like a conspiracy theory to me, but remember, a few 'conspiracy theories' have actually been proven to actually be the truth... So, 'please consider'...
awesome info! i have always love eating and that made me lose weight super hard, tried a lot of diets and exercises along with it, but what made it possible was agoge diet. it changed my life. its always about the right diet for u
literally the best tedx talk ever... and pretty much is the simple answer to an entire industry, i will be explaining this to anyone how asks the question, how do i loose weight. It baffles me that we can't just answer these simple questions with sience and instead just make up all this missinformation and weightless arguments, with no meaning.
It’s not that the concept is difficult to understand. People understand it. The difficult part is putting it into practice. There isn’t one single reason people are overweight or obese. People are triggered by so many things and food has become their vice. By no means am I saying that is an excuse to live an unhealthy lifestyle. I’m saying that unless one knows a person’s story and knows what they’ve been through people shouldn’t judge. Many obese people are judged to be lazy and gluttonous. It may be true for some but others have tried to lose weight. Life deals them a blow and they derail. Other times the body actually works against them.We all have vices and things we are addicted to. This world would be a better place if there was less judgmental people. I’m not saying you’re judgmental by your comment I’m just saying people in general.
Man I love this talk and often reference it to my transformation... almost 40kgs... Shared it on my Facebook page a year ago when I realised how much it was helping me... Thanks @Ruben Meerman if you're ever looking through these comments :)
I watched this video a year ago and it actually made me gain weight. Eating is like breathing you can skip a few times and don't do it but your body will grasp for breath eventually. Instead, you want to eat till you're satisfied BUT eat whole food plant based meals so they don't have a lot of calories in them. Now I eat as much as I want and whenever I want. I always feel satisfied. And, I'm at BMI of 23 now effortlessly. No calorie counting no restrictions no extra workout. Not to mention my health that has improved significantly.
183.amir This video didn't make you do anything. This video gave you the facts, you used them incorrectly. 'Eat until you're satisfied' is very ambiguous advice. Most people aren't satisfied until they've eaten far more than they need, that's the problem.
@@Quantiad you clearly ignored my but in my comment. If it's whole food plant based and balanced, you have to eat as much as you can just to get enough calories for the day. Eat more but less calorie density. For example, you can't physically overeat WHOLE carrots but you can easily do it with a soda.
No that's not solely respiration that's to do with diffusion / osmosis to a cellular membrane AK the lung air interface. It's got nothing to do with the respiration part. Respiration part produces the water. The vapour part happens in lung due to things to do with relative humidity and temperature differentials but I won't bore you with that
Muhammad Abdullah I see your point, but I have to disagree about the nuance. I think a wait and see attitude may be apropos. Either way, you have given me food for thought...
Well Tech has too much money, he doesn't mingle with the public. Entertainment is always yapping, nobody who isn't a 14 yr old girl really cares what he has to say. And Design, well, he's a good man, happy to give you a talk someday, but would you really understand? I mean, c'mon, it's Design, it takes a special mind. Maybe someday, when you grow up, young padewan.
No wonder this video is easier to understand than when I first watched it 10 years ago. This was 10 years of chemistry being taught and thus it would take that long to learn.
Ruben Meerman you are surely the Julius Sumner Millner of our time. Please keep talking in public spreading your ideas on advancing our learning practices.
Remember that woman from like 20 years ago, her last name was Power or Powter...? she had short spikey blonde hair and she did weight loss lectures.... and her mantra was You gotta eat, you gotta breathe and you gotta move.
PhD biochemist here, eating less is good but you'll also feel hungry when ur stomach is empty. So I think rather than changing the volume its more effective to change the content we eat. Instead of eating high energy food like sugar, u just eat more veges that cannot be absorbed and get pooped out. Veges are also good for your bowls so double win
Yes and constantly lowering your calorie intake will cause your metabolism to slow down too so your weight loss will come to an end and leave you with a slow metabolism. You will still be overweight and will put on weight eating less than when you started
@@gordonpaulsen7359 i dont think a lower calorie intake will slow your metabolism. perhaps if u lose a lotta muscle mass then ur body's consumption of energy also goes down. so that's when muscle-training and high protein food (to increase muscle mass) will be beneficial to weight loss
@@gordonpaulsen7359 The speed of the metabolism is not directly linked to your calorie intake. It is a factor, but a VERY minor one. Something that Slimming World, Weight Watchers and these kinds of ridiculous diet programs have abused and exaggerated for their own success, and to the detriment of their customers. Weight loss does simply not just come to an end by reducing your calories, so I'd highly (and respectfully) recommend doing some more reading on this before making statements to your friends such as this one, as they only do more harm.
@@markwillis1045 I have done research on this topic and believe my comment is correct. If you're interested, listen to Dr Jason Fung's talks on fasting vs reducing calories
this is brilliant. honestly this should be part of a regular curriculum in schools. no only would it likely result in a reduction in obesity, it would promote proper weight loss rather than those unfortunately practices some young women employ in order to achieve the unrealistic standard set by tv and social media. cheers
ep·i·dem·ic a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. So...we should stay in our homes, so we dont catch it? Exaggeration is a disease, by your usage.
@@longdong982 so obesity is a widespread lifestyle disease and prone to infect others, or an epidemic as you yourself defined. One can catch it through neglect and some thought patterns (memes) can be used to spread it. Thus, it isn't that crazy to quarantine yourself from other people (both in real life and in virtual life) or things that will make you more likely to become obese. UA-cam search "This videa will make you angry" which explains this better than I can.
I knew exactly what happened to it and how we got rid of it. .... but I wouldn’t have been able to explain it in an engaging great talk and with a lovely simple explanation.
My niece would have liked this presentation. I had to get her to use her imagination and made hand/body gestures that included red, yellow, green light, go to stimulate her bowels to ease the fear and pain of severe constipation. Amazingly it worked. The next morning she went and came out with a smile. IT WORKED! So imagine had I the tools to keep her thinking. Great instruction. I maintain the same weight usually. This was very interesting.
This was superb, so well explained, such a valuable answer, a fun and interesting presentation. I haven't been to school for a long time so loved catching up in this session. I loved Chemistry.
am in lockdown for 2 months in Malaysia n worries are burning my fats because of overthinking and I can see it in the mirror. Just want to go back to my country
Eat healthy, don't just count calories. It's a lot more to being healthie than calories in and out. This Ted talk is is plain bs when you don't take any notice of human metabolism an fysiologi. You can harm yourself even while eating no more calories than you need and get a lot of illness as reward of being mislead even though it's seems to be convenient learning all you need to now in a few minutes.
Also give it ample time to work its magic. Some (Including me) expect the weight loss to happen right away after making changes and it doesnt, it takes time, but the more steady you allow yourself to lose, the more steady your weight will stay over time. If you crash diet and lose fast, the weight usually doesnt stay off.
Except you fail the two compartment problem, and the hormonal problem. Calories in vs calories out fails over 90 percent of the time, now either 90 percent of overweight people are lazy good for nothing slobs, or we are not taking into account the two compartment problem and the issue of hormone driven hunger/satiation.
@@TwoPlusTwoEqualsFive32 This is where macro ratios come into play. There is no magic in the % of proteins, carbs, and fats that you eat when it comes to weight loss. It doesn't matter. Calories are all that matter. But your macros DO matter in your satiety and energy level. You COULD lose weight eating 1200 Kcal of cookies each day and nothing else. Problem is you will feel like junk and be starving and quit the diet in 2 days. Eating more protein and fats helps you feel full and satisfied, as well as energetic while you cut your calories. I have found that 16/8 intermittent fasting is a GREAT tool for cutting calories. If I don't eat until noon each day, and not after 8:00 - it becomes MUCH easier to regulate my calories into lower daily totals. Exercise ALSO helps regulate hunger and cravings. Break a sweat everyday for 30 min (or longer if you can!) and eat in an 8 hour window with .8 - 1g of protein per lb of lean mass on your body per day. You WILL see results week by week. (Plus - sugar is an addictive substance just like a drug so get that out of your life and body and that is a difference maker.)
This was so throughly educating and enjoyable. You definitely break it down into simple terms and make it very easy to understand. I enjoy chemistry and have a good background on it but learned a few things today. Thank you! I did watch a video a few months ago (I don’t recall from where, but they explained where our weight loss actually went. But it was nothing compared to this! This was so educational! And fun. 💯🙌💗
“To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.” Benjamin Franklin Skip a few meals & snacks. Treat added sugar like alcohol (the body doesn’t need it, use it on occasion). Think when you eat...about what you’re eating. Eat well, be well.
nice upload there are many good info here wondering the same questions... . Also today while searching the topic i learned the difference between Physical activity and exercise Physical activity is simply any movement that uses energy. Walking up stairs, lifting boxes, folding laundry are all movements that use energy and involve different parts of the body. Exercise is defined as "physical activity that is structured and done at a specific intensity for a length of time." We engage in exercise for fitness and health benefits, to improve some components of our physical well-being - cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength or endurance, flexibility, body composition, etc.
He said he wouldn't comment on "low protein" diets, but in context I think he meant low carbohydrate diets. Anyone else notice this? Obviously he was rushed for time and it's a simple mistake, just want to confirm, as I've never heard of a "low protein" diet.
No, keto is a low-protein diet as well, I think he was commenting on how low-protein diets aren't a great idea because they can cause depression. The fact that keto is low-carb is a given already in that context.
A friend of mine lost 100 pounds. He said the only way to lose weight is to stop watching tv. He got rid of the tv, started photography as a hobby, and lost 100 pounds in less than a year.
He just confirmed what this video was about. Move more. However most people won’t commit unless it’s easy and rewarding. If you love to do it, you’ll do it more.
@@fortnitegaming4187 The average person that fasts (drinking water only) loses a pound a day, so you could lose 100 pounds in 100 days. A guy on youtube fasted 40 days and lost 50 pounds.
Ruben Meerman, you might want to take a look at Kapalbhati Pranayam. After watching this video it makes sense to me how Kapalbhati helps in weight loss. It is a full circle of knowledge for me now. Thanks!
Wow.... thank you for bringing me back my uni memories studying biochem which i thought I understand more about the chemicals reactions between C - O & H... your profound explanations where body weight loss goes to is amazing. In fact, i will apply to explain or let my clients understand how important breathing than sweating out during physical exertion such as exercising. Thank you once again.
If the schools taught chemistry like this, more kids would find it interesting and worthwhile...
Be careful, education reform might one day lead to a well informed electorate.
Good thing I’m a kid at school:)
STEM subjects are definitely a lot more interesting as a kid when it's applied to something practical.
fyi, they do teach this in schools (at least in australia)
Source: am in year 10 and had more or less knew everything in this video.
But yes, there should be more emphasis placed on more practical skills such as this.
I learnt this is biology...
this man inspired and explained chemistry better than all the teachers I've had in elementary, high school, and university put together! God bless your awesome practical soul Ruben Meerman!
It's a very superficial amount of chemistry in the video.
I'm old...we never had chemistry in grade school or middle school & if it was offered in high school....I failed to notice.
Or maybe it was my lack of math skills...only one year required, so it wasn't offered to me 🤔
Physics really.
I 2nd that💪🏽
UA-cam, please recommend videos like this BEFORE THE HALF DECADE MARK
Me too! It's the almighty ALGORITHM, a.k.a. The Hydra..... You must have been negligent, as I have, in your worshipping duties lately, so it went to the vault for some good fodder with which to draw us in a little closer to it's web... hanus, VILE! WHY I'LL...… ahem, mm sorry. peace
so said it
I would if he had something different to say hahaha
@@deepsinghheadlesswarrior8972 Does adding to the watch later playlist affect the algorithm? I didn't know that.
What happened at that mark?
Wow this was my first time to actually finish a 20 min ted talk. Very interesting! Thanks a lot sir!
I would have actually learned something in school if I only had teachers like this. Teaching is not just a job/career, its a Mission.
why can't matter be turned into energy E=mc^2
You need to have lots of letters after your name, THEN they will listen to you.
And be ready to argue...
You be a teacher then
"So you are breathing it all out"
Me - Looks at my gut... starts breathing fast
Literally the next thing he sais - "You can't just breath faster"
I was going to just start blowing up a bunch of balloons every day until he said that lol
I was doing it too, until I read your comment. Lol
Ruben I'm also a science educator but you do it 1000x better. I loved your simplicity, enthusiasm, energy and charisma. It seems society in general has lost it's faith and trust in science and it makes me sad and worried for the future, like we are fighting a losing battle. If we all had science teachers like you I think the world would be a much better place. Keep up the good work, you have inspired me!!
It's not that people have lost faith in science, it's science that has lost faith in itself. Climate Change research is driving this trend more than anything. It is a pre-determined conclusion to which data and hypotheses are made to fit, because if they don't YOU GET NO GRANT MONEY. There is $0 of funding available from any major source for research that leads to a conclusion contrary to the 'consensus'. This is terrifying. The whole point of the scientific method is that consensus can always be wrong in light of new information and understanding. This has happened on many notable occasions, where the research of one individual rewrote and wiped out the supposed laws of entire fields that had stood as fact for, in some cases, thousands of years. Heliocentrism and Plate Tectonics are two towering examples.
I just worry that 500 years from now, people will read scientific history books and snicker at our time and say "Wow, they believed people could actually affect an entire planetary climactic system, primitive idiots. They probably thought the Earth was flat, too, hahahahahah....oh wait, polls from that time showed the majority of people under 35 DID believe the planet was flat."
Above all, science, more than any discipline, needs to keep an open mind free of presupposition.
Robert Morgan I know we need to start getting that flat Earth funding going , am I right? Moron.
Bobsmithgeorgette, talking about education and the world being a better place, even though I doubt that Donald Trump would understand the mathematics he might enjoy the visual effects and maybe take in a little bit of it. And then he would go and say: 'I told you, global warming is fake news!!'
If you want science teachers like him, PAY THEM BETTER. And give them plenty of administrative support (including getting rid of useless "assessments" of "skills"); replace that edubabble with SUBJECT MATTER.
Robert, the hole world is not like the US, in my country our government pays for a lot of the scientific work, not private companies. We do not need to come up with results showing that "this is not harmfull". Best regards from a swedish scientist. :)
Amazing explanation. My husband and I just started on our weight loss journey. He wants/needs to drop around 20lbs and I around 10-ish. We bought all the gym equipment needed, bike, treadmill, row, and that new TONAL. I will show him this video to take another step in our journey. Thank you!!
I'll wait too see if achieve your task
It’s a lot easier than people make it sound
@@WeekendWoodworker7 you dont need any gym equipment to lose weight. 90% of this is better nutrition. You just need to eat less calories than you burn. Most people fall into the trap of adding exercise, but also consuming more food (because the body has established a "normal" rate of excess calories each day and that's how your appetite works. Your appetite will trick you. It is not telling you what the body needs. It's telling you what you normally do. And since you are looking to make a change (new healthier weight and lifestyle) you have to ignore your appetite and choose a good macro nutrient profile. Adding exercise helps of course, but ultimately you want to eat approx 100-150 calories less than you burn (you BMR + any exercise). Counting calories can be a bit tiring and tricky, but once your body adjusts to being a little hungry, you no longer associate that feeling with hunger, but with wellness, with not consuming excess.
i don't know where your husband and you are in your journey, but if you met your goals, congrats, and if not, here's a friendly reminder to not give up! consistency really is the key
@@the42nd this
That was probably the most direct and straight forward discussion on weight loss I've ever encountered! Bravo!
So sad that is absolutely oversimplified and not really true...
Which part isn't true?
+Dean Graves the part where all the food you eat is use for energy and or stored . A lot of the food you eat is used to repair and replace cells in the body. research done by ali crum proofed that just by modifying what a person believed ,has an effect on weight loss and or metabolic action ... eat less move more fail.
Nico, here's an easier simplification of what he said. If your body can't use everything you've put into it, the excess is stored or excreted. Too much energy in versus energy used = overweight. Thus, move more, eat fewer KJ or calories, make yourself cold while maintaining KJ/calories, etc. It really is that easy. He isn't comparing raw energy intake between individuals (i.e. fast vs slow metabolism); only in a particular case, if weight is a problem, just eat less, or move, or both.
+ualaelinlive I understand what he said ... the problem comes in when you understand that the process the determines energy yield(calories ) of food and what happens to food in your body is vastly different second to that food you eat doesn't only provide energy most of it is used to repair and replace cells in your body. Thirdly ali crum's research strongly suggest that by altering only a set of believes weight loss will occur .
At 4:57 he actually says that little arrow there is a 3 year degree ... No how much would you trust a doctor that's 3 years short on his degree?
Now when you eat your metabolism speeds up and when you don't eat it slows down so you must be referring to basal metabolic rates and that has nothing to do with having a weight problem .
The stated intention of his presentation was not to describe in 20 minutes or less the how or why of obesity, but to deliver a mathematics (84% as CO, 16% H2O) based answer to the question of 'Where does fat go?'. To that end, his speech was enlightening, articulate and entertaining. Excellent presentation.
And then he said that in order to lose weight, you should eat less and move more, which is a useless oversimplification of the task at hand. In other words, it's interesting for the science, but it's useless for weight loss.
Simboiss True
Run. Do push-ups sit ups, subscribe to the bodycoach. There you go. You have to supply discipline
Simboiss Why? It's true, if you take in less calories then you burn you will loose weight.
I must have gained weight as this made me breath less and fall asleep 💤
As a science lover 🧪 and someone struggling to lose weight I highly enjoyed this lecture.
@@31minutesago DUDE
As a science lover, there's some issues with this, the overall message is fair but the demonstrations are hyperbole.
Ya mee to
@@31minutesago Reeeeecist
im a student going into my las year of high school. if i had seen this in my sophomore year when i took biology, i would have loved the class. the fact that this has millions of views and has been around since i was in 3rd grade, and that i hadn't seen this until now is astonishing. i think i should share this with my old biology teacher.
yes! share it!
You can learn alot of really wild stuff if you go look for it instead of cheap entertainment
The way we get energy blew my mind a bit. It's all still the sun.
Excellent presenter and educator. Clearly knows his stuff, explains it well, and keeps the audience engaged.
Everything is the sun. Do some more reading on quantum physics and how it plays into biology. We SEE due to photons. We are powered by the sun ,but it's processed by the body. It's where melanin comes into play. Read about how mitochondria in the cells work.
The earth evolved with the sun. All life upon the earth is connected with the sun.
Fittingly, eventually, the sun will go nova and destroy all life on earth.
What it giveth, it will take away.
Except that he clearly doesn't understand ketosis, and there are many other scholars to argue that it's much more than eat less move more 🙄
Does this skirt make me look C55H104O6?
Vincent Vicari well played..
so if fat is mostly hydrogen, which is lighter than air, why don't we float in air?
Steve Haigh lol
Steve Haigh gravity
can we get this on a tshirt?
I know where the weight goes. It goes behind the couch, reproduces and then jumps back on me when I least expect it. That is where it goes.
mcconn746 lol
Mc Conn 746: It boomerangs back!
This makes so much sense now hahaha
Yes, it's a sentient monster, lurking, and waiting to victimize you. It has nothing to do with your choices.
This kind of lectures can make you fall in love with science I love it 🥺
This! This is how teacher need to impart information. With energy, engagement, personal relativity, enthusiasm, excitement, visualisations, humour, and regional colloquialisms (lol, bingo wings. 😂).
Summary: Eat less, Move more, Keep Breathing.
Is actually that simple.
well eat more (healthy foods), move more, keep breathing is more efficient
Meat only, move and mindfulness works for me
@@jmcglifting453 that's healthy which difference aspect of weight loss
u will lose ur mind and all the muscle/lean mass u have,, eat less but nutrition dense food, so that u lose weight healthily
20 minutes of TEDx taught me more than multiple years of school ❤
Condor you were the one child left behind 😆
Were you making that face while watching lol
I just had that same thought
You weren't paying attention...
first seen this nearly 10 years ago...still amazing to watch. he does such an amazing job showing how this works
i love how he straight up kept the safety glasses
😂😂😂I didn't notice that until i saw you'r coment,the glasses looks good on him though🤓,love and Light from faraway Norway 🤗
@@sylwia7060 Exactly the same!
"Safety glasses on."
The title should be: The chemistry of weight loss.
I recommend you try this Weight Loss Green Store Tea product to help you get on that right road to a healthier you!
16:44 no it is math cause he broke it down to percentages:
%84 exhalation(CO2) + %16 water (H2O)
Chemistry is just a subsection of physics and physics is just a subsection of maths
bob analhair if I tell you I am from Canada do you know where I'm from? No but if I say I'm from Toronto than you know a bit more see what I'm getting at?
or "The Biochemistry of Weight Loss"
Anyone else praying it all comes together in their heads at the end? 😩🙏🏻
Chemistry never had been this interesting to me in my entire life.
lol agreed
If you're in ANY allied healthcare degree in college it's - BIOCHEMISTRY!
Knew it turned into co2 and h20 but not the percentages! That’s so cool!
Same for me, he made it fun
Then go and watch breaking bad
I have watched this ten times. I have practiced it for the last 21 days. eating one meal a day and average of walking almost 5 miles a day. I have lost 15 pounds from 260 to 245. my goal is to get to 225 as I am 6'5" and 60 years old. this is simple mathematics. I used to do the atkins diet but it gets boring. this way eating less lets me eat anything I want, but I only eat a little and I exercise a lot. pay attention to this informative information. I have recommending it to many people.
How much do you weigh now?
Congrats man! And yeah, I wanna know too... how much now? :-)
you not very inteligent man, what about the nutrients, vitamins and minerals? you are going to enter in a nutrient deficiency
@@alejandropradillomacias9167 the one meal a day has all those things....think it through man. i hope the best for you....
Turner Roberts why have you watched it ten times ? Is it your favourite
I watched this a couple years ago, and it stayed on my mind so long that I came back in 2019 to watch it again. Great talk.
I love the way this man talks.
It's called 'Brittish'.
@@SWEDISHgamingConsult - That's an Australian accent m8
@@synthesisv3444 Oh, ok. LoL
@@synthesisv3444 😂😂😂😂
This should be required material for any Personal Trainer. Thanks for the video and the book!
Certified Personal Trainer here !! :)
Very impressive. I think now I will be more committed to exercise now that I understand the science behind it. Thanks for this solid explanation, Ruben.
Educational, thought provoking and comical. A perfect combination. One of the most engaging presentations I've ever seen.
What a beautiful method to communicate scientific information to common audiences. Amazing teaching skills.
We need teachers like Reuben. This is the best illustration of weight loss.
Excellent presentation. I got lost in the weeds during the chemistry portion of the show, but overall I understood the very simple message which, turns out to be the same equation we've really known for years and years and years - eat less, exercise more, and breathe. Got it. Thank you!
How many people can live in a state of restriction (eat less) in a sustainable way for the rest of their lives? Not many. Then the overweight person is blamed and judged for not being able to live that way.
@@canterlevi most people can. That's why most people aren't obese.
Who else needed him to introduce himself at the beginning
Me !!!!!!
Richie Kausche he’d apparently been teaching all day and this was the last talk of the day but someone recorded just this last part! Too funny!
I didn't, because the editor of the video did it for him. Until that moment i just figured he was Mel Gibson's brother, or cousin.
So I'm breathing in other peoples calories, I knew it wasn't my fault.
And yo corona 😳😳
Errrr, wrong. Did you not watch the video? It’s not calories you’re breathing in...
I’ve been telling people for the past several years, I don’t have to exercise to lose weight, I just eat less and achieve my goal. Couldn’t explain it. But now I can. 😉
I need to put that on my wall in big letters - "EAT LESS-MOVE MORE-KEEP BREATHING". Wow-what a concept! That should be a required poster at every buffet.
That’s a horrible idea
lol 😂 oink 🐷
Mr Meerman has delivered sound info more ppl should see / hear. He has great awareness of the audience beyond those seated in attendance. I like this presentation. Bravo -- Ruben Meerman!
They couldn't have given him a bigger table? 😂
us aussies like showing off the fact we can acomplish almost anything on ya standard outdoor BBQ camping table
Didn’t know there was such a standard for tables.
Sarah Kozak.....Your comment made me laugh way too hard! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The table used to be bigger, but it lost weight.
Eat less, move more is truly the key to losing weight. That’s been my go to phrase for years. When people try to over complicate, run! Great talk!
literally run, hahaha
@@vishalreturnsgmail Right! lol 🏃♂️
**breathes aggressively**
Good one.
So does breathing make me lose weight?
@@KNVBsakanable more like losing weight makes you breathe
eat more move less keep breathing
@@KNVBsakanable Of course! A qi gong grandmaster once told me that my overweight was caused by breathing problems (sinus and lung problems).
This is very interesting to me. As a side story, my family and I recently visited the Colorado Rockies (11,000+ ft.).
Now the 1st day of the trip was spent at around 6000 feet. and I was surprised that I had forgot about the lack of oxygen I might encounter at high elevations, being from Fa.
It had been 20+ years since I had been in Colorado and the one thing I forgot about was elevation and the breathing issues.
But luckily my wife had a phone call with a friend who lived in the state, and she suggested we drink a lot of water.... (H20), which provided the extra oxygen we were missing... and it worked.
No more breathing issues. Thanks and Great TED!
Wow, that could actually be a helpful tip for anyone doing something like that! I would have never thought of that.
Sorry but drinking water does NOT provide oxygen for breathing. You're unclear on the physiology. In order to make breathing easier, there are only 2 ways - more oxygen IN THE AIR, or less activity (need for oxygen). Drinking or eating food or drink that contains oxygen thinking it's going to help with high altitude breathing is woo.
@@ScienceNotFaith Acetazolamide helps as well
If I’m not mistaken, the problem with altitude (hypoxemia) has to do with the fact that overbreathing to help make up for less oxygen at higher elevation also effects blood acid-base balance by making the blood too alkaline (low CO2). The kidneys try to compensate for this by the excretion of bicarbonate ions (a base) in the urine. The drug “Diamox” (acetazolamide), a renal carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) mimics this process, by aiding in the excretion of bicarbonate ions, thereby allowing greater hyperventilation and more oxygenation. The primary trigger for breathing (respiratory drive) is not the lack of oxygen but the abundance of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide in the blood stream is in equilibrium with carbonic acid. If we breathe off too much CO2, that partially extinguishes our reflex to breathe. The kidney’s effort to compensate for this to acidify our blood stream allows us to breathe more. This is why exposure to higher altitude causes a well-hydrated individual to diurese (pee more).
The water helps because of the low humidity. You're constantly losing water to the air. The last thing you want is to be dehydrated and hypoxic. Water affects the former not the latter.
He just discussed 4 years of collegiate organic, inorganic biochemistry and additional 1 year of biochem in medica school. Just wow!
He didn't. He skipped it by calling it biochemistry. He actually went out of his way to call what he discussed year 10 chemistry, but okay.
No, he discussed 20 minutes of it.
Of course this is UA-cam, people won't watch 1 thing all day! If they tried to be concise in school no one would need college!
Yep, totally skipped over and greatly simplified and entire semester of biochemistry that covers the glycolic cycle. Just push the "I believe" button when I say you wouldn't understand it anyhow.
I first saw this video years ago, and it's still stuck with me. Very impressive performance!
Amazing, why am i only seeing this in 2019?
They tried to hide this from us brother, but we found it, 2019 is going to be the year we pull the cloak off the cosmos itself and stare into the heart of existence.
Because you haven’t looked. This is obvious.
Bernardino Franque exactly
I've watched qute some Ted Talks in my Young life, but this comes so late.
This may sound like a conspiracy theory...
All this 'new' information, particularly about diet and medicine, has been hushed up by the food industry (can you imagine the problems caused if the public stated demanding that HFCS and sugar be removed form the foods we eat), the pharmacological industry, and the weight loss industry for years. The drug companies have no interest in you learning how to live without their drugs. That's why we haven't seen a disease CURED in almost 50 years. There's no money in curing a disease, but plenty in 'managing' it... Why sell one pill that stops the disease, when you can sell a lifetime of pills to extend that person's life? And who funds most medical research, and medical training facilities, and offers fantastic incentives to doctors to prescribe, prescribe, prescribe?
The 'weight loss' industry is worth BILLIONS a year. A lot of that heads back to the treasury as taxes, so government has a strong incentive to 'leave sleeping dogs lie' (and paying tax)...
The food industry has lobby groups whose specific task is to ensure the government does nothing to alert people the wool being pulled over our eyes.
I am now seeing more and more videos, TED talks and promotional videos basically trying to take down all these barriers to 'truth'. A film-maker in Australia made a controversial film regarding high sugar diets. It was pointing out some really interesting information. The Australia Medical Association had the film pulled off Netflix as 'misleading and dangerous'... What they didn't say was that it was dangerous to the incomes of the drug companies who support the medical industry...
As I said, sounds like a conspiracy theory to me, but remember, a few 'conspiracy theories' have actually been proven to actually be the truth... So, 'please consider'...
awesome info! i have always love eating and that made me lose weight super hard, tried a lot of diets and exercises along with it, but what made it possible was agoge diet. it changed my life. its always about the right diet for u
WOW, hands down the best weight-loss GURU I've ever listened to. I will share this with everyone. LOVE IT
literally the best tedx talk ever... and pretty much is the simple answer to an entire industry, i will be explaining this to anyone how asks the question, how do i loose weight. It baffles me that we can't just answer these simple questions with sience and instead just make up all this missinformation and weightless arguments, with no meaning.
Feel like I would have had a shot at chemistry in school If I had a teacher like him
Don't worry there're plenty of teachers you can do chemistry with
That's completely wrong!!
@William Cunningham right?!
Nah, you still wouldn't actually sit down and digest the knowledge. Blaming external stimuli solves nothing.
Except he's a physicist
i've learned more from this than i have in most science classes, all because of this guys personality, it makes you actually want to listen
This guy is really knowledgeable and unknowingly funny and entertaining. Big kudos!
I love that everyday I see a BRAND NEW weight loss thing on UA-cam. Exersize and eat less seems to be to hard for some people to understand.
It’s not that the concept is difficult to understand. People understand it. The difficult part is putting it into practice. There isn’t one single reason people are overweight or obese. People are triggered by so many things and food has become their vice. By no means am I saying that is an excuse to live an unhealthy lifestyle. I’m saying that unless one knows a person’s story and knows what they’ve been through people shouldn’t judge. Many obese people are judged to be lazy and gluttonous. It may be true for some but others have tried to lose weight. Life deals them a blow and they derail. Other times the body actually works against them.We all have vices and things we are addicted to. This world would be a better place if there was less judgmental people. I’m not saying you’re judgmental by your comment I’m just saying people in general.
Man I love this talk and often reference it to my transformation... almost 40kgs...
Shared it on my Facebook page a year ago when I realised how much it was helping me...
Thanks @Ruben Meerman if you're ever looking through these comments :)
Think about it… in the process you breathed out 33.6 kg of carbon dioxide - pretty incredible
I watched this video a year ago and it actually made me gain weight. Eating is like breathing you can skip a few times and don't do it but your body will grasp for breath eventually. Instead, you want to eat till you're satisfied BUT eat whole food plant based meals so they don't have a lot of calories in them. Now I eat as much as I want and whenever I want. I always feel satisfied. And, I'm at BMI of 23 now effortlessly. No calorie counting no restrictions no extra workout. Not to mention my health that has improved significantly.
183.amir This video didn't make you do anything. This video gave you the facts, you used them incorrectly. 'Eat until you're satisfied' is very ambiguous advice. Most people aren't satisfied until they've eaten far more than they need, that's the problem.
@@Quantiad you clearly ignored my but in my comment. If it's whole food plant based and balanced, you have to eat as much as you can just to get enough calories for the day. Eat more but less calorie density. For example, you can't physically overeat WHOLE carrots but you can easily do it with a soda.
Weight loss programs HATE this strange trick
Lol! Perfect. :-P
I was scrolling through comments just to see if someone had made this joke, yet. Kudos. :)
Chinese scientists HATE him.
the 16% lost as water is mostly exhaled as water vapour, that's how cellular respiration works
No that's not solely respiration that's to do with diffusion / osmosis to a cellular membrane AK the lung air interface. It's got nothing to do with the respiration part. Respiration part produces the water. The vapour part happens in lung due to things to do with relative humidity and temperature differentials but I won't bore you with that
this guy motivated me more in 10mins than I could in 10 years :D
it's so easy!
Someday, I would like Ted himself to give a talk. Not his high priests.
Hazxrfrrd cctv rf ar was rtcctfcprfrrrftt
Muhammad Abdullah
I see your point, but I have to disagree about the nuance. I think a wait and see attitude may be apropos. Either way, you have given me food for thought...
Well Tech has too much money, he doesn't mingle with the public. Entertainment is always yapping, nobody who isn't a 14 yr old girl really cares what he has to say. And Design, well, he's a good man, happy to give you a talk someday, but would you really understand? I mean, c'mon, it's Design, it takes a special mind. Maybe someday, when you grow up, young padewan.
@@31minutesago Good one :)
Cause TED doesn't TALK !!!!! 🤣
No wonder this video is easier to understand than when I first watched it 10 years ago. This was 10 years of chemistry being taught and thus it would take that long to learn.
The best explanation on the topic i ve ever heard , congratulations.
Fascinating. This guy is an excellent public speaker.
i'm french and not fluent in English, but... I KNEW HE WAS GONNA SAID "MATE" AT SOME POINT.
And he did.
@@ruben_meerman Goddamn it lol.
@@alexvirgoe4482 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Omg...guys...ruben replied on this comment😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
@@thebrownrabbit9994 i've never been that pround
Omelette du fromage
Ruben Meerman you are surely the Julius Sumner Millner of our time. Please keep talking in public spreading your ideas on advancing our learning practices.
Honestly one of the best Ted talks I’ve ever watched
Remember that woman from like 20 years ago, her last name was Power or Powter...? she had short spikey blonde hair and she did weight loss lectures.... and her mantra was You gotta eat, you gotta breathe and you gotta move.
Susan Powter. "Stop the Insanity." I remember her.
"Eat less"
PhD biochemist here, eating less is good but you'll also feel hungry when ur stomach is empty. So I think rather than changing the volume its more effective to change the content we eat. Instead of eating high energy food like sugar, u just eat more veges that cannot be absorbed and get pooped out. Veges are also good for your bowls so double win
Yes and constantly lowering your calorie intake will cause your metabolism to slow down too so your weight loss will come to an end and leave you with a slow metabolism. You will still be overweight and will put on weight eating less than when you started
@@gordonpaulsen7359 i dont think a lower calorie intake will slow your metabolism. perhaps if u lose a lotta muscle mass then ur body's consumption of energy also goes down. so that's when muscle-training and high protein food (to increase muscle mass) will be beneficial to weight loss
@@gordonpaulsen7359 The speed of the metabolism is not directly linked to your calorie intake. It is a factor, but a VERY minor one. Something that Slimming World, Weight Watchers and these kinds of ridiculous diet programs have abused and exaggerated for their own success, and to the detriment of their customers.
Weight loss does simply not just come to an end by reducing your calories, so I'd highly (and respectfully) recommend doing some more reading on this before making statements to your friends such as this one, as they only do more harm.
@@markwillis1045 I have done research on this topic and believe my comment is correct. If you're interested, listen to Dr Jason Fung's talks on fasting vs reducing calories
You would think a PhD biochemist could spell bowels.
This expert proves that conveying knowledge is both a science & art. Well done.
this is brilliant. honestly this should be part of a regular curriculum in schools. no only would it likely result in a reduction in obesity, it would promote proper weight loss rather than those unfortunately practices some young women employ in order to achieve the unrealistic standard set by tv and social media. cheers
"we*re in the middle of an obesity epidemic, I don't need to tell you about it."
People enjoy eating. It's a fact of life.
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
So...we should stay in our homes, so we dont catch it? Exaggeration is a disease, by your usage.
@@longdong982 so obesity is a widespread lifestyle disease and prone to infect others, or an epidemic as you yourself defined. One can catch it through neglect and some thought patterns (memes) can be used to spread it. Thus, it isn't that crazy to quarantine yourself from other people (both in real life and in virtual life) or things that will make you more likely to become obese. UA-cam search "This videa will make you angry" which explains this better than I can.
@@longdong982 as you now know, that's Called a pandemic.
We just got told
I knew exactly what happened to it and how we got rid of it.
.... but I wouldn’t have been able to explain it in an engaging great talk and with a lovely simple explanation.
My niece would have liked this presentation. I had to get her to use her imagination and made hand/body gestures that included red, yellow, green light, go to stimulate her bowels to ease the fear and pain of severe constipation. Amazingly it worked. The next morning she went and came out with a smile. IT WORKED! So imagine had I the tools to keep her thinking. Great instruction. I maintain the same weight usually. This was very interesting.
(Eating a bowl of ice cream)....This is the best sunlight ever!
Very true. Ice cream is made of milk and milk comes from cows and cows eat grass.
You're a lactosyginist.
I mean lactogynist.
@wayne wazy - LOL
Health Wise
You have to be specific as to whom is making you laugh out loud. We are needy people.
This is a fantastic presentation. I would have loved to have this man as a teacher.
I agree
yea, in elementary classes. honestly that was just as good as a magic show...
Wonderful! A Physicist making the complex so simple. Well done Ruben, you're a bloody legend.
I've been waiting for a few minutes to stop this and go to sleep but I can't. This is one of those GREAT Ted talks
This was superb, so well explained, such a valuable answer, a fun and interesting presentation. I haven't been to school for a long time so loved catching up in this session. I loved Chemistry.
This is one of the best conferences I have seen in a long time. A great presentation!
I knew it all along. Anxiety burns calories.
It does if your anxiety leads to reduced appetite ;)
If that was the case I’d be skin n bone 🦴
IF ONLY! I’d weight 85lbs if this were true.
@@staceytroffer8287 same...wish You all the best and no more stress in life💝
am in lockdown for 2 months in Malaysia n worries are burning my fats because of overthinking and I can see it in the mirror. Just want to go back to my country
A TedTalk that changed my entire perspective, beneficially!
Here’s a summary:- Eat less, move more, keep breathing and that should be enough to lose weight.
Eat healthy, don't just count calories. It's a lot more to being healthie than calories in and out. This Ted talk is is plain bs when you don't take any notice of human metabolism an fysiologi. You can harm yourself even while eating no more calories than you need and get a lot of illness as reward of being mislead even though it's seems to be convenient learning all you need to now in a few minutes.
@@blfalken His math is wrong.
Also give it ample time to work its magic. Some (Including me) expect the weight loss to happen right away after making changes and it doesnt, it takes time, but the more steady you allow yourself to lose, the more steady your weight will stay over time. If you crash diet and lose fast, the weight usually doesnt stay off.
Except you fail the two compartment problem, and the hormonal problem.
Calories in vs calories out fails over 90 percent of the time, now either 90 percent of overweight people are lazy good for nothing slobs, or we are not taking into account the two compartment problem and the issue of hormone driven hunger/satiation.
@@TwoPlusTwoEqualsFive32 This is where macro ratios come into play. There is no magic in the % of proteins, carbs, and fats that you eat when it comes to weight loss. It doesn't matter. Calories are all that matter. But your macros DO matter in your satiety and energy level. You COULD lose weight eating 1200 Kcal of cookies each day and nothing else. Problem is you will feel like junk and be starving and quit the diet in 2 days. Eating more protein and fats helps you feel full and satisfied, as well as energetic while you cut your calories. I have found that 16/8 intermittent fasting is a GREAT tool for cutting calories. If I don't eat until noon each day, and not after 8:00 - it becomes MUCH easier to regulate my calories into lower daily totals. Exercise ALSO helps regulate hunger and cravings. Break a sweat everyday for 30 min (or longer if you can!) and eat in an 8 hour window with .8 - 1g of protein per lb of lean mass on your body per day. You WILL see results week by week. (Plus - sugar is an addictive substance just like a drug so get that out of your life and body and that is a difference maker.)
Brilliant man. I have ALWAYS wanted to know this. I could never find the answer until now! THANK YOU!!!
This was so throughly educating and enjoyable. You definitely break it down into simple terms and make it very easy to understand. I enjoy chemistry and have a good background on it but learned a few things today. Thank you! I did watch a video a few months ago (I don’t recall from where, but they explained where our weight loss actually went. But it was nothing compared to this! This was so educational! And fun. 💯🙌💗
Eat less, move more and keep breathing. This video saved me. ❤️❤️
“To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.” Benjamin Franklin
Skip a few meals & snacks. Treat added sugar like alcohol (the body doesn’t need it, use it on occasion). Think when you eat...about what you’re eating. Eat well, be well.
The Most educative, informative, practical, comprehensive and life altering talk on TedX!! ❤️
You should upload more you know
nice upload there are many good info here wondering the same questions...
. Also today while searching the topic i learned the difference between
Physical activity and exercise
Physical activity is simply any movement that uses energy. Walking up stairs, lifting boxes, folding laundry are all movements that use energy and involve different parts of the body.
Exercise is defined as "physical activity that is structured and done at a specific intensity for a length of time." We engage in exercise for fitness and health benefits, to improve some components of our physical well-being - cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength or endurance, flexibility, body composition, etc.
I absolutely loved this talk! Fun, funny, made sense, and motivational! Just awesome
He said he wouldn't comment on "low protein" diets, but in context I think he meant low carbohydrate diets. Anyone else notice this? Obviously he was rushed for time and it's a simple mistake, just want to confirm, as I've never heard of a "low protein" diet.
I noticed that too. I think he meant low carb.
uhm maybe vegan..?
Yes, he should have said low carb or high protein when referring to ketoacidosis. Slip of the tongue I assume.
No, keto is a low-protein diet as well, I think he was commenting on how low-protein diets aren't a great idea because they can cause depression. The fact that keto is low-carb is a given already in that context.
@@darsure3006 Agree,
Saw this video years ago and so glad I found it again. 🙏 Amazing research. Thank you for sharing.
A friend of mine lost 100 pounds. He said the only way to lose weight is to stop watching tv. He got rid of the tv, started photography as a hobby, and lost 100 pounds in less than a year.
He just confirmed what this video was about. Move more. However most people won’t commit unless it’s easy and rewarding. If you love to do it, you’ll do it more.
less than a year?!!! yeah i’m calling this bs
@@fortnitegaming4187 The average person that fasts (drinking water only) loses a pound a day, so you could lose 100 pounds in 100 days. A guy on youtube fasted 40 days and lost 50 pounds.
Ruben Meerman, you might want to take a look at Kapalbhati Pranayam. After watching this video it makes sense to me how Kapalbhati helps in weight loss. It is a full circle of knowledge for me now. Thanks!
This video alone made me a subscriber, this guy is very intelligent. Thank you for this very informative video Ted!
Wow.... thank you for bringing me back my uni memories studying biochem which i thought I understand more about the chemicals reactions between C - O & H... your profound explanations where body weight loss goes to is amazing. In fact, i will apply to explain or let my clients understand how important breathing than sweating out during physical exertion such as exercising. Thank you once again.
A+ ! NOW I am so encouraged (finally)! Thank you, Sir!
Eat less move more and keep breathing. Excellent trio! Got it!
Brilliant! Thank goodness for people like Rubin with high IQ’s and the gift of teaching a very complex science to those of us with much humbler IQ’s.
Never thought the losing weight process from bio-chemistry perspective. Great presentation!
A Pringles ad played before this video.
and did you hyperventilate?
Thats capitalism at work
That's a test...
don't eat them and exercise :)
Wow! That was mind blowing. I never understood weight loss in its purest form. Thank you!