Trying to balance work and motherhood...

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024


  • @jennita1234
    @jennita1234 4 роки тому +7

    It's hard. Hard hard hard. I run daycare and focusing on my own vs others is difficult

  • @nicoleconstantine7584
    @nicoleconstantine7584 4 роки тому +3

    I like to call myself a working stay at home mom. I work part-time, from home while at the same time caring for my littles. I was in a decent pattern for getting things done, and then I got pregnant with baby number 3. Now I am all over the place and struggling to be productive and get everything done. I used to get up at 5 am and get a lot done before my kids woke up, but now I am so tired, I just cannot make myself do it. I know this is a season that will hopefully pass, however, I hate feeling so unproductive and unorganized.

    • @rebeccaoprea9917
      @rebeccaoprea9917 4 роки тому +1

      Nicole Constantine you are doing what you’re supposed to be doing and life maybe never go back to the way it was “before” and that’s okay . We’re not called to go backwards but move ahead .🙂

  • @delightfullyfeasting8351
    @delightfullyfeasting8351 4 роки тому +2

    It was pivotal to me to shift my thinking from "priorities" to "Ordering my Affections" (ordo amoris). This is pivotal because my ministry, my business, my children's education, my church, my home, my husband, my own reading life, my own relationship with the Lord... These are ALL good things. God-given things. Places God has called me. Work He's given my hands to do. Prioritizing makes things lesser, and it minimizes them to practicalities. But the truth is that you can prioritize and get all of the things done but do it with the wrong heart in the wrong order with the wrong attitude and wrong motivations. BUT, when we're ordering our affections, we're putting each thing in its proper place for THAT specific day. And, every day the good and right ordering is different. Some days, the right and good ordering puts my heart, my focus, and much of my time upon my children and our school days. Other days, the good and right ordering puts much of my time and focus upon those God has given me to minister to. Other days, proper ordering of my affections puts much of my time upon my home. During certain portions of the day, my time and attention is rightly given to my own reading and my own study of God's Word. During other portions, my time and attention is rightly given to joyfully folding laundry and loving my family in humble, tangible ways. All of it, every bit of it, is where God has put me. So, therefore, I love all of it. Instead of attempting to will each thing into its ideal hour so that I can achieve all of the things, and then feeling guilty because something inevitably suffers, I start with asking "What affections should take center stage today, and at certain points of the day?". I'm not less of a mom because I steward my business well, and I'm not less of a minister to women because I choose my family in the evenings rather than ministry tasks. When I'm working on business tasks, that's where my heart is, and when I'm with my family, that's where my heart is. There's no guilt, because I've ordered my affections and been a good steward of all of it. It isn't "balance", it's a daily, hourly, ordering. Every yes is a no to something else, and that's a good thing. My yes to work is a no to listening to every Minecraft blueprint known to man. But, also, my yes to cuddling on the couch and listening to Minecraft plans is a no to answering my emails. They're both right. They're both good. They're both stewardship. They're both ordo amoris. ❤

    • @ashleighnicolewilson
      @ashleighnicolewilson  4 роки тому

      Oh, I absolutely LOVE this! Thank you SO much for sharing 💕💕

    • @delightfullyfeasting8351
      @delightfullyfeasting8351 4 роки тому

      @@ashleighnicolewilson it's a passion of mine now (and I now teach the concept in both my ministry and my business, isn't it amazing how God wastes nothing? ❤), so I knew right away I should pass along that concept, which I, of course, have soaked up from others. Thank you for always openly sharing both your wisdom and also your process with us. ❤

    • @Amber-us9sl
      @Amber-us9sl 4 роки тому +1

      This is beautiful perspective! ❤️

    • @refinemelikesilver
      @refinemelikesilver 4 роки тому +2

      Wow i appreciate this. I feel like you put into words something thats been on my heart and mind but didnt know how to say it. Thank you💖

  • @jules_1980
    @jules_1980 4 роки тому

    I found this video really helpful. I currently find using a rough block schedule is effective for me. It’s not strict - I’m studying and working from home and growing my baby girl due April and my days aren’t consistent enough. But I exercise in either the morning, or in the form of an evening walk with my husband. Meeting friends, moms group, appointments I try to schedule for mornings til lunchtime. After lunch I try to get to work or studies, before switching to focus on dinner, me time and my husband. It’s not working as well at the moment as I’m often exhausted being heavily pregnant but in general it’s been working.

    • @jules_1980
      @jules_1980 4 роки тому

      I also like thinking of block scheduling as budgeting my time - same way I don’t budget down to the cent.

  • @raisedbyfaith9250
    @raisedbyfaith9250 4 роки тому

    This video was more helpful for me than I first expected when I clicked on it; I had never heard of block scheduling until now.
    God has used your channel to move myself and my family in many ways over this past year. Thank you for letting Him use you.

  • @faithlarkins8664
    @faithlarkins8664 4 роки тому

    So first off, to focus a minute on the things you have clearly already prioritized, such as your sleep habits. That video helped me so much. You prioritize your walk of faith everyday, and the way you have chosen to discipline your children....So there are things that you obviously give proper prioritization to before you are too hard on yourself-give a little grace. As far as procrastination and “balance” goes, I am right there with you. This is my first year as a homeschool/SAHM while trying to incorporate a consistent side business. I feel like I am failing because both are never balanced and one is always sacrificing. I felt the same way while being a full time teacher and then coming home to be a mom. One role was almost always doing better than the other. However, I still believe I was called at that time to do both. Just as I now believe I am called to perform the roles I have now. For me, it’s often my motivation, not my desire or even my dedication; but my motivation to begin and then dig in to the next thing on my plate. Sometimes it’s because I doubt myself or my ability, there’s a fear in there somewhere of either failure, or failure to complete it and see it through well...I convince myself to let it go another day and then have overwhelming guilt at the end of the day that I didn’t try. And on goes the cycle. Two pieces of advice I came by recently have helped my mindset a little bit. One-do the next thing. Not the next 10, just the next best. Take it one next thing at a time. The other sounded even more simple but hit home with me. A mom/business woman said regarding her New Years Word to live by-ACT. She asked “what’s the one or two things you want to do better or different? ACT. How YOU act will look different than how others may put things into practice, but if you do nothing, then it will stay stagnant with no change. But if you act, start with something-even if your methods change as time goes on- you won’t know until you simply ACT. Just take action.
    Those 2 things have sparked a small fire within my motivation and procrastination- although I would have to say I am far behind what you accomplish in a day. Prayers toward you and your family!

  • @Tgigs-gu2wf
    @Tgigs-gu2wf 4 роки тому

    I loved this video. One thing that’s helped me is realizing that balance day to day didn’t really exist for me. I try to look at it as a week. Are there days I don’t make it home for dinner? Yeah. But there are days I leave earlier and get the kids from school and really prioritize that quality time.

  • @GreenoidAdventure
    @GreenoidAdventure 4 роки тому

    Love this video! Single mum of my own child here with 2 young foster babies too in the UK who also does UA-cam. I’m constantly shifting where my priorities lie, what support I need and everything else going on. It’s a constant and it’s difficult and I love your mindset on it all. You’re amazing, keep doing what you do 👍🏼 and sounds like you have a real workable solution for you and your family. Much love 💕

  • @MoreheadMeadow
    @MoreheadMeadow 4 роки тому +1

    You introduced me to Miracle Morning....I'm a month in. It is getting easier...but find I have to be SUPER intentional (ie plan my day in order to get to bed in time) my entire day to make that morning time happen. That intentionality has given me a structure that has REQUIRED discipline and has naturally started to push my (chronic) procrastination tendencies out. God is good and HIS way is totally best...I'm SO so so grateful for His gentle insistence to make this morning time happen.

    • @ashleighnicolewilson
      @ashleighnicolewilson  4 роки тому +1

      I should probably re-read it and implement it! So much has fallen by the wayside since we moved!!!

    • @nicolejenniferyoung
      @nicolejenniferyoung 4 роки тому

      LOVE the miracle morning ❤️❤️❤️ I’ve been doing it since the 1st of the year and can already see so many positive changes in my attitude, body, mindset, outlook, and overall life. My new motto has become “if nothing changes, nothing changes” helps get me out of bed and I’m so excited for the changes happening in me.

  • @AnnaM157
    @AnnaM157 4 роки тому +1

    The whole "balance" thing is hard for me. I have a flexible part time job that I have basically abandoned since becoming a mom. I homeschool our 2 toddler boys and also have a UA-cam channel that I am trying to grow and responsibilities at our church. Whenever I'm doing good in area the others seem to suffer. Things I struggle with: getting up early, keeping myself on a schedule (I don't feel free on a schedule), and phone addiction. I think I may try the block schedule too. I have been pushing away from it but ai think I need it and it may help me. Thanks for this video ❤️ I love your content and you motivate and encourage me to be a better person

  • @kendallnguyen3492
    @kendallnguyen3492 4 роки тому +2

    For prioritizing time: list out every single task you can think of that needs to get done. Doesn't matter if it's dishes, pick up Legos, or get the roof replaced. Long term and short term, write it all down.
    Then label each task with A,B,C
    A for today or tomorrow.
    B for this week.
    C for this month.
    My husband and I also added a D for eventually (things that don't need to be done anytime soon but are still on our minds.
    The rules around this then are that we cannot start working on B tasks until all of the A tasks are done.
    This seems simple but had made a huge difference in prioritizing everything for us. I can no longer start to declutter the pantry before doing the dishes. Anyone in the family can see what needs to be done and choose something, but it still gets done in the most effective order. We made it just for my husband and I, but older kids can still help if they choose to.
    I am also in school and did the same thing for school, and you could do the same thing for work.
    I found an app that helps with this, that can be used on mobile, web, and desktop: Meister task. It wasn't created for this, but I changed the headings and made it work. One of my projects is called to do list, and the headings inside that are A,B,C,D. It's easy to drag and drop from one list to another. And my husband and I can share it. I wish the free version had more but it totally works for this purpose.
    Also as far as block schedules, any schedules go, I have never found them helpful. What I have recently started doing is creating an order of events for each day. Just on a scratch piece of paper. It has to be done in the morning, each morning for me. If I try to schedule my day more in advance than that, it never goes as planned, and I always end up feeling disappointed. By waiting until the morning of, I am able to plan around any nontypical appointments, any kids who wake up sick, anything that would typically be unexpected.
    It is important to not use times unless it is for appointments or work things.
    This means that a typical plan might be:
    Morning routine
    Make breakfast
    *Some task from list A"
    Start kids school
    Reading time with kids
    Make lunch
    Publish video (1pm)
    *Some task from list A*
    Kids doc appointment (4pm)
    Make dinner
    Bedtime routine
    Most days my list looks the same as the previous day, but it is still worth it to write it out, center my thoughts, plan which tasks are A tasks and which to skip for the day, etc.
    If I'm having a particularly productive day, and all the A tasks are done, I can start on the B tasks, or take a longer break! If all the A tasks don't get done that day (I usually only have 2-3 for this reason), it's okay. They stay on the A list until they are done. They are still more important than anything on the B list.
    This got longer than I had planned, but hopefully it makes sense. This way of thinking about my days has changed everything about productivity for me. I might not be getting any more done than before, but I am getting the right things done, and I am not beating myself up about not sticking to a schedule. If I wake up just not feeling it, my list/order/schedule thing has less on it. If I wake up feeling amazing, I can put more on it. I hope it makes sense!
    Good luck!

    • @kendallnguyen3492
      @kendallnguyen3492 4 роки тому

      One more thing. Tasks that have to get done daily do not get added to the list. Things like dishes. I have a list of things that need to be done daily, and they have priority even over tasks on the A list. Again, if they don't get done that day, it's fine, as long as they get done before the A list.

    • @jules_1980
      @jules_1980 4 роки тому

      I really like your ABCD method - I’ve jotted it down in my notes and I’m keen to start implementing it. I’m currently a study from home, part-time work from home wife and nearly-mom with baby due in April. I think this will be helpful. My mantras at the moment are “good enough is good enough” and “not perfect is better than not done”.

    • @kendallnguyen3492
      @kendallnguyen3492 4 роки тому +1

      @@jules_1980 You've definitely got a lot on your plate! I love that it lets you be okay with not finishing everything, but still gives you direction. I hope it works out for you!

  • @momimperfect9700
    @momimperfect9700 4 роки тому

    Good topic. Love the part about the hustle. I have been a sahm for almost a year now and agree I am doing God's work. This is a big job, one that is often not valued enough. However, I can see in my own home what a difference it makes to have someone at home focusing on building a healthy family.

  • @TheBrownsDaily
    @TheBrownsDaily 4 роки тому

    Love the block schedule concept. Helps keep me motivated to get things done because I know where I get my peace etc at different parts of the day.

  • @jules_1980
    @jules_1980 4 роки тому +3

    I don’t like “balance” either. It sounds too constant and also a little negative to me - like the opposite is unbalanced. I kinda think of it as more of “I’d like to give each area in my life the attention it needs to prosper” - it’s not a balance in a day-to-day sense because some weeks some areas need almost all my capacity. But it’s not that I’m neglecting other areas (or at least this is the goal) - they just need less attention at that point in time. Some days the house gets minimal attention, because maybe that day we have an appointment and a coffee date scheduled and I have a study deadline. But if I “balanced” my day, the deadline wouldn’t get met and I’d not see my friends at all that week, and there would be no real benefit to the spotless house.

  • @rebeccaoprea9917
    @rebeccaoprea9917 4 роки тому +2

    I’m in a weird season of change and transition. I’m trying to find my new norm and purpose . I don’t feel I’m doing enough .

  • @amim5144
    @amim5144 4 роки тому

    you always speak to what is going on on my life or head, ashleigh! yesterday was my first day back to work from maternity leave and this topic is heavy on my mind. how to give 2 children and my husband the time/attention they deserve, my employer, my pets, myself, I definitely didn't handle it all well yesterday that's for sure. just trying to find my new routine and its definitely nice to hear others going through the same thing! I think I will try out block scheduling too, can definitely help ease the pressure once I know there is a dedicated time for everything. Wishing you well!

  • @Joypontious
    @Joypontious 4 роки тому

    As a homeschool mom and former entrepreneur, i really enjoy watching michelleb's channel for helping me prioritize, get inspiration and do the "adulting things". She's not a mpm but she does a lot of research about life organization which i don't have time to do (the research that is). I also love the book The Compound Effect which is also for entrepreneurs but has excellent life applications for a stay at home mom.

  • @taryntaylor3717
    @taryntaylor3717 4 роки тому

    You don’t even know what a blessing you and your videos make in my life. I’m a first time mom to a wonder little boy and all this time I felt pressure to get all my “stuff” in order now. But thru your real and raw self I see that it’s all in Yahweh’s time, I don’t have to do it all now. Thank you so much. We are starting a budgeting process and so far it’s working for us. We just received Dave Ramsey’s total money make over!! Hopefully we learn new things!!

  • @jessicareinhart7629
    @jessicareinhart7629 4 роки тому

    Haha!!! I was just blabbering about this same thing to my husband!!! Girl you are not in this alone. We are all struggling with “balance”. May Yah bless you in your efforts 😘

  • @Chewberika
    @Chewberika 4 роки тому

    It has been so hard the past year to show myself grace from the transition to a full time work outside the home to a full time work inside the home mom. My work might not be as wealth earning but is still just as meaningful.

  • @Spmama444
    @Spmama444 4 роки тому +1

    Systems!! You have to have systems in place when the excitement and the emotions wear off.
    The most successful people systems. Block time and systems!!!
    And it’s ok to be unbalanced for a little while...saying yes to something, is also saying no to other things.

  • @maryliz6810
    @maryliz6810 4 роки тому

    You are not alone!!! I am on this struggle bus right now and it’s crazy that we just had the same convo in my home! Thank you for sharing!

  • @jules_1980
    @jules_1980 4 роки тому

    I STRUGGLE with getting into a bible study/devotional/bible journaling time. Mornings just don’t work so well for me. We have a one room place (with small separate kitchen) so I don’t like to turn the bedroom light on early. I also need to get out of bed to get properly awake. But I never read of lunchtime or evening routines and I’m feeling a bit lost.

  • @brittanybaca6216
    @brittanybaca6216 4 роки тому

    12 seconds in I had to pause & comment. I’m so excited about the new plant in your chair!

  • @rebeccaoprea9917
    @rebeccaoprea9917 4 роки тому

    First things first is my motto . Priorities change with the seasons of life .

  • @elainemaxfield2978
    @elainemaxfield2978 4 роки тому

    SAME! I am so very good at adding things to my plate! I am really trying to figure out my balance as well! Lots of work! We can do it!

  • @katieallen6176
    @katieallen6176 4 роки тому

    Yes. I need to manage time better!!

  • @teresabotelho9268
    @teresabotelho9268 4 роки тому +3

    In the process to organize my life, I realized that I was not respecting my "me" time and I was feeling a bit depressed. In order to make everything perfect in my own life, I forget myself and my own needs and feelings. Please don't forget yourself in your journey, because your kids will be happier with a happy mommy and not a overwhelmed mommy. Kiss 🙂

  • @homeschoolautismlife
    @homeschoolautismlife 4 роки тому

    I've been going through this as well. I am a homeschool mom/ therapist to my autistic son plus two younger daughters who go to school. I've been doing it by myself with a supportive husband for 3 years and I hit a wall! I hate the words self-care as it sounds selfish and my care of my son is in its own way self care but I get that. 3 things helped me. First I did a block schedule too! Im like you where the time disappears to easily. Second, I stopped isolating myself in my home by going to a womens bible study and found someone who understands to share her experiences. Third, God brings perspective in random ways. I've always watched documentaries on youtube while doing chores. This one regarding girls/women who are torn down below in long, difficult births touched my heart. They spend years being shunned by family and community because they broken and cursed. Often they lost the baby and want to die as their lives are virtually over! If they get the surgery they have a whole new lease on life. His is not a comparison thing so much as if these women can get up and deal with life surely so can I!

  • @cherilynclements3188
    @cherilynclements3188 4 роки тому +1

    It sounds like you have some good steps to take and see if things go smoother. I think you are doing well.
    Inch by inch, life's a cinch
    Yard by yard, it's just too hard!

  • @devereauxmanuel
    @devereauxmanuel 4 роки тому

    You are honestly so beautiful and inspiring❤️❤️❤️ thank you for another amazing video !

  • @thelucaslife7911
    @thelucaslife7911 4 роки тому

    You and Angela have like twin faces :P but different hair :)
    Also I know just what u mean and I'm so glad you made this video! Im A stay at home/Homeschooling mom of 3 (I dont have a side job but I still feel the same thing u mean) My kids are 5, 3, and 16 months old and I am 24 years old. I want to keep up my channel but I really just can't seem to do it.

  • @natureallmighty
    @natureallmighty 4 роки тому

    Balance makes me think of the physical phenomenon - as in two exactly equally weighing piles of coins on a balance scale in Mr Scrudge's office. And you simply cannot apply the same logic to your work and motherhood. You can't measure the fulfillment or joy brought by work versus those brought by children. They are not units of a homogeneous material. Those are emotions and experiences and ain't nobody got a scale for that. Lovely video!

  • @jamestboy53
    @jamestboy53 4 роки тому

    we love you in our house you inspired us to make a channel and start vlogging ❤️

  • @kristen1324
    @kristen1324 4 роки тому

    How to ADHD has some good videos on time management and productivity . I found the channel when I was newly diagnosed with ADHD at 31.

  • @Jenndalynn
    @Jenndalynn 4 роки тому

    What is it about husbands and their great immune system? Mine never gets sick either- I’m jealous 😅

  • @ashlieleavelle
    @ashlieleavelle 4 роки тому

    Do you need to work, or can you guys make it on Peter's salary? I can imagine that UA-cam is a lot of work, but also kids are a lot of work. Feel better!

    • @ashleighnicolewilson
      @ashleighnicolewilson  4 роки тому +1

      I do not *need* to work, but it’s allowing us to do things we wouldn’t be able to otherwise, like save for big family vacations!