I am having a issue when i try to load the DFplayer i get a serial error. All the other items are working but no matter what i seem to do the DFplayer will not work. I added all the code and drivers in the sketch and it uploads with no issues, when i turn it on in Bottango it gives a serial timeout error and dissconnects controller. Any ideas how to get it wroking ? Thansk for this hard work BTW !
Hi, I had the same error as well, at the end it was the SD-Card not being readable for the DFPlayer ... My way of debugging was to build a minimum setup variant without Bottango based on this documentation ( funduino.de/dfplayer-mini-mp3-player ) once that worked, I integrated it to my droid's hardware.
Awesome looking Pit Droid. Can’t wait to see it operational
I am having a issue when i try to load the DFplayer i get a serial error. All the other items are working but no matter what i seem to do the DFplayer will not work. I added all the code and drivers in the sketch and it uploads with no issues, when i turn it on in Bottango it gives a serial timeout error and dissconnects controller. Any ideas how to get it wroking ? Thansk for this hard work BTW !
Hi, I had the same error as well, at the end it was the SD-Card not being readable for the DFPlayer ...
My way of debugging was to build a minimum setup variant without Bottango based on this documentation ( funduino.de/dfplayer-mini-mp3-player ) once that worked, I integrated it to my droid's hardware.
great video! thank for sharing.
I like the paint scheme. Did you airbrush or use a rattle can when painting this droid? Excellent job~
Thanks for the nice feedback!
The painting is actually done with normal rattle can.