Such was the life before 1920 in the great Hungary ? A slovak tells a story.

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Ismét egy kis múltba tekintés.


  • @andreaaeiou7294
    @andreaaeiou7294 2 роки тому +78

    From an American studying the Austro-Hungarian Empire, thank you for the English subtitles.

  • @norbertbozsoki2738
    @norbertbozsoki2738 3 роки тому +164

    Partiumi magyar vagyok! Fent a Nyugati Kárpátokon Bihar, Szilágy és Kolozs megye határán van a Huta környék... sok szlovák él ott szórványban! Még csillogót a szemem mikor magyarul beszéltek, sokan az öregek közül még románul sem tudtak! Ők is mondták, hogy milyen jó volt a Magyar világ! ☝️👍🇭🇺

    • @aumento3069
      @aumento3069 2 роки тому +9

      I am so proud, that I can live in Slovakia, and not in the Kingdom of Hungary :)))

    • @onveteran3945
      @onveteran3945 2 роки тому +19

      @@aumento3069 shame you cant say the same to your history because you have none

    • @vmproductions1159
      @vmproductions1159 2 роки тому +2

      Szatmáron laksz mint én?

    • @norbertbozsoki2738
      @norbertbozsoki2738 2 роки тому

      @@vmproductions1159 Berettyószéplaki vagyok.

    • @vmproductions1159
      @vmproductions1159 2 роки тому +1

      @@norbertbozsoki2738 az jó

  • @janoslakatos6066
    @janoslakatos6066 3 роки тому +81

    Üdv mindenkinek!
    Angliában lakok egy házban egy másik magyarral, egy románnal és egy szlovákkal.
    "A magyarok az első világháborúban" talán 4. Részében van, már nem tudom pontosan, viszont ezt megmutattam a szlováknak és csak meredt a szeme és bólogatott.
    Különösen akkor, mikor a bácsika arról beszélt, mikor a magyarokkal együtt harcolt a románok ellen és a csendőrök elfogták, majd megtapsolták őt és társait.
    Nem minden szlovák utálja a magyarokat, sőt a cseheket jobban, bár hozzáteszem,

    • @nanimami3176
      @nanimami3176 2 роки тому +4

      Van ebből hosszabb videó? Azt hol tekinthetem meg?

  • @zsoltbakos685
    @zsoltbakos685 Рік тому +28

    the Austro-Hungarian Empire was the biggest free trade region of Europe at the time and everyone has benfitted.

  • @nopeoppeln
    @nopeoppeln 2 роки тому +61

    amazing how I (a Pole) understand like 85% without studying the language

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  2 роки тому +11

      Only Slavic language family.

    • @nopeoppeln
      @nopeoppeln 2 роки тому +7

      @@Harckocsi1988newchannel I listened to some interslavic conversations on YT, out of all Slavic languages, the most I could understand was from Slovak, for example I understood max 30 words from Russian

    • @rebelphoto77
      @rebelphoto77 2 роки тому +11

      He speaks with a strong eastern Slovak accent, possibly from Saris.

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  2 роки тому +6

      @@rebelphoto77 He also pronounces the words Magyar with excellent clarity

    • @nopeoppeln
      @nopeoppeln 2 роки тому +2

      @@rebelphoto77 isn”t Prešov (Eperjes) in Šariš? that’s where he is from

  • @kornelpanik6137
    @kornelpanik6137 7 місяців тому +10

    im from slovakia

  • @zeratulhun
    @zeratulhun Рік тому +34

    The hungarian leadership also had flaws, but basically didn't harm more the other nations like their leadership did it with the hungarians. So we should live again in one country with full respect for each others, just like in the UK, Swiss, Canada, etc. Peace and merry christmass for everyone. ✌️🎄🎊

    • @StefanGabrielRoHu
      @StefanGabrielRoHu Рік тому

      Exemple, Count Apponyi. The noble shit who closed hundreds of schools in Transylvania with his 1907 education law that enforced Magyar language in regions were Hungarians are minorities? ... and many other discriminative laws directed against the Romanian majority. Hungarians are treated very well. They had been very lucky people to be surrounded by tolerant neighbors. Hungary is a nation of liars, land thieves, arrogants, frustrated little people, and genocidal sociopaths.

  • @ianmiller5126
    @ianmiller5126 Рік тому +6

    The significance/true
    existence of the Hungarian/antiquated magyar language is truly beyond comprehension for the majority of the masses

  • @kezdjukel
    @kezdjukel Рік тому +19

    Make Hungary great again!

  • @tamassajti573
    @tamassajti573 10 місяців тому +3

    Longer version in this video between 29 and 39 minutes:

  • @benceivany7304
    @benceivany7304 3 роки тому +22

    Az a katonai induló ami az interju alatt megy annak mi a címe kérem?

  • @Laura.K.
    @Laura.K. Рік тому +11

    I am Slovak. I am no Hungarian and will never be, we dont share the same language, we dont share the same culture. We are brothers, but do not think one brother to be better than the other.

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  Рік тому +4

      No, the Slovaks are just a Slavic minority that the Hungarian kingdom took in and refused to exterminate. If you really mean what you write, then the Hungarian majority settlements on (Slovak) territory belong to Hungary according to you. :)

    • @mamacoco9327
      @mamacoco9327 Рік тому +2

      we were here before you

    • @Laura.K.
      @Laura.K. Рік тому +3

      @@Harckocsi1988newchannel tbh we don't even think of them as 100% Slovak or 100% Hungarian, they are their own people cause neither side will tak them in, but with that mindset a part of Serbia should also be Slovakia since there is Slovak majority it just doesnt make sense either way, and also if you are a Christian then you know it's just all pointless... because in Heaven there won't be Slovak side and Hungarian side

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  Рік тому +1

      This Christianity text has become very trite......@@Laura.K.

    • @andrejsimak3800
      @andrejsimak3800 11 місяців тому

      ? wtf are you talking about kurva @@Harckocsi1988newchannel

  • @JanosVodka-cv4xc
    @JanosVodka-cv4xc Рік тому +1

    A zene címét megkaphatnám esetleg?

  • @janoslakatos6066
    @janoslakatos6066 3 роки тому +31

    hogy sok esetben rafinált, "potyaleső".
    Karácsonykor, húsvétkor együtt ünnepeltünk, velünk issza a pálinkát, eszi a gulyást és lengyelek, románokat, cseheket jobban megveti.
    Néhány szót /mondatot úgy mond magyarul, hogy észre se vennéd, hogy szlovákkal van dolgod.

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  3 роки тому +6

      Nyilván gyerekkorától hallotta mind a 2 nyelvet és el is sajátította azt. :)

    • @vranarsk8563
      @vranarsk8563 2 роки тому +1

      This gentleman speaks the East Slovak dialect typical of Šariš (Saros). Quite similar is said in Zemplín (Zemplen) and in Abov (Abauj) and they are very phonetically similar to Hungarian. But I also speak in that accent, I can tell you that he did not say a word in Hungarian.

    • @911Maci
      @911Maci Рік тому +1


  • @mesteryoda685
    @mesteryoda685 2 роки тому +4

    Ebből nincs hosszabb verzió?

  • @Hermann3635
    @Hermann3635 7 місяців тому +2

    Before WW1 1914, a quarter of the Slovak nation lived in the USA, they left because of poverty. After the Irish, they were the largest group of immigrants from Europe. Only so much for the standard of living before 1914.There was a huge difference between the Austrian and Hungarian parts of the monarchy.

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  13 днів тому +1

      Here's a little international history: :

  • @nicknem174
    @nicknem174 3 роки тому +5 ezt is meg lehetne osztani. :)

  • @siposbence5573
    @siposbence5573 Рік тому +13

    I respect all of Hungary's neighbour and I'm aware of that there are people who disagree with my oppinion, but i support the idea to restore the Hungarian kingdom's borders. We were culturaly and nationaly rich country before we were broken to fragments by the west. Our economy , infrastructure , identity and lot of think as if these would be much better if we rejoin again. We would take it to new basins and settle with eachother. That's the only way to preserve ourself's culture in Europe, and avoid to unite to EU (United States of Europe) or to the other side witch means East (like Russia). We should maximize our cooperation under our Central European Kingdom

  • @metivs
    @metivs 2 роки тому +20

    I totally DONT understand how testimony of the old man contributes to the slovak-hungarian arguing about history. He says life was good. Of course in Slovakia history emphasizes magyarization and not good life in the monarchy. Just like the communists would emphasize suffering of the working class and not mentioning in many aspects life was better in the old "regime". This video is a mirror to the world we live in - can we buy as much as they could for 1 day salary?...

    • @peterjanossy7033
      @peterjanossy7033 2 роки тому +10

      Before the World War I, only three European countries declared ethnic minority rights, and enacted minority-protecting laws: the first was Hungary (1849 and 1868), the second was Austria (1867), and the third was Belgium (1898). In the pre-WW1 era, the legal systems of other European countries did not allow the use of European minority languages in primary schools, in cultural institutions, in offices of public administration and at the legal courts.
      A comparative book about the development of ethnic minority rights in European countries between 1800 to the 1990s :
      In July 1849, the Hungarian Revolutionary Parliament proclaimed and enacted the WORLD's FIRST laws on ethnic and minority rights. It gave minorities the freedom to use their mothertongue at local administration, at tribunals, in schools, in community life and even within the national guard of non-Magyar councils. However these laws were overturned after the united Russian and Austrian armies crushed the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.
      After the Kingdom of Hungary reached the Compromise with the Habsburg Dynasty in 1867 (Ausgleich), one of the first acts of the restored Hungarian Parliament was to pass a Law on Nationalities (Minority rights law: the act number XLIV of 1868).
      The situation of minorities in Hungary was not even comparable to the contemporary pre WW1 Europe. Other highly multiethnic /multinational countries were: France Russia and UK.
      See the multi-national UK:
      The situation of Scottish Irish and Welsh people in "Britain" during the English hegemony is well known. They utmost forgot their original language,only English language cultural educational institutions existed. The only language was English in judiciary procedures and in offices and public administrations. In Wales Welsh children were beaten by their teachers if they spoke Welsh among each others. This was the infamous “Welsh Not” policy... See:
      The contemporary Irish question and tensions are well documented. The situation of Ireland was even a more brutal and bloody story. It was not a real "United" Kingdom, it was rather a greater England.
      Let's don't forget: The English legal system did not know even basic the minority rights (neither linguistic rights) for aboriginal minorities (Scots, Welsh) until the post ww2 period.
      See the multiethnic France:
      In the era of the Great French revolution, only 25% of the population of Kingdom of France could speak the French language as mothertongue. But even in 1870, France was still similar-degree multi-ethnic state as Hungary, only 50% of the population of France spoke the French language as mothertongue. The other half of the population spoke Occitan, Breton, Provençal, Catalan, Corsican, Alsatian, West Flemish, Lorraine Franconian, Gallo, Picard or Ch’timi and Arpitan etc... Many minority languages were closer to Spanish languages or Italian language than French) French governments banned minority language schools, minority language newspapers minority theaters. They banned the usage of minority languages in offices , public administration, and judiciary procedures. The ratio of french mothertongue increased from 50% to 91% during the 1870-1910 period!!!
      The situation in German Empire was well known (Polish territories and Sorbs)
      Just look some Eastern countries in the oreintal so-called Eurasian (aka. Orthodox) civilization :
      The legal system of pre-WW1 Kingom of Serbia did not know minority rights.
      Also, the legal system of pre-WW1 Kingdom of Romania did not know minority rights. Pre WW1 Kingdom of Romania was the only country in pre WW1 era Europe which did not grant citizenship and suffrage for ethnic minorities, despite they represented rougly 20% of the population. Morover, Kingdom of Romania applied strong anti-Semitic disciminative laws against Jewish people, which was similar to Tzarist Russia. Read about it here:
      Slavery disappeared during the high medieval period on Western Christian European soil, however it existed in Romanian territories until the mid 19th century! The Gypsy slavery and slave markets were abolished only in 1852!!! (Gypsies of Romania had similar status like blacks in USA before the civil war) See: and see:
      Just examine the high contrast between Kingdom of Hungary and contemporary pre WW1-era Europe:
      The so-called "Magyarization" fantasy was not so harsh as the contemporary western European situation, because the minorities were defended by minority rights and laws. Contemporary Western European legal systems did not know the minority rights, therefore their political leaders loudly and proudly covered up their minorities by the force of law.
      1.Were there minority primary schools in Western European countries? NO.
      2. How many official languages existed in Western-European states? Only 1 official language!
      3. Could minorities use their languages in the offices of public administration in self-governments , in tribunals in Western Europe? No, they couldn't.
      4. What about newspapers of ethnic minorities in Western Europe? They did not exist in the West.... We can continue these things to the infinity.
      5. Were minority languages allowed in ny cultural institutions in Western European countries? No, they were not.
      The Austro-Hungarian compromise and its supporting liberal party remained bitterly unpopular among the ethnic Hungarian voters, and the continuous successes of these pro-compromise liberal parties in the Hungarian parliamentary elections caused long lasting frustration for Hungarians. The ethnic minorities had the key role in the political maintenance of the compromise in Hungary, because they were able to vote the pro-compromise liberal parties into the position of the majority/ruling parties of the Hungarian parliament. The pro-compromise liberal parties were the most popular among ethnic minority voters, however i.e. the Slovak, Serb and Romanian minority parties remained unpopular among their own ethnic minority voters. The coalitions of Hungarian nationalist parties - which were supported by the overwhelming majority of ethnic Hungarian voters - always remained in the opposition, with the exception of the 1906-1910 period, where the Hungarian-supported nationalist parties were able to form a government.[48]

    • @SlaviSokol
      @SlaviSokol Рік тому +1

      That is the whole point of politics. Let them argue and we rule them.

  • @Xygen346
    @Xygen346 Рік тому +5

    I wish Slovaks and Hungarians were friends like Czechs and Slovaks are but hate is only on the internet i know many friendly Hungarians and even last time i was in Budapest people were kind but what i don’t understand some Hungarians want our south what i heard if you really want south take it but i doubt that insulting Slovak help you gain land tho

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  Рік тому +5

      I'm not insulting the slovaks, just teaching them. It is interesting to see a copy of the Hungarian Holy Crown being carried around Pozsony.

    • @Xygen346
      @Xygen346 Рік тому

      ⁠@@Harckocsi1988newchannel You didn’t paid attention what i just wrote why are you making this stupid conflict about crown Slovakians were part of the kingdom of Hungary just like others nations but try stop living under rock in the end to we are people you don’t need to teach us your own version of history we Slovaks im pretty sure we know our selfs better than any other nation

    • @adamb4659
      @adamb4659 9 місяців тому

      We dont want gain any land, just liberate Hungary.

    • @user-zh7us5fz9t
      @user-zh7us5fz9t 6 місяців тому +1

      Vivat Regnum Marianum!

    • @wel.ington
      @wel.ington 4 місяці тому +1

      @@adamb4659 didn't Hitler say in 1938 that he just wants to liberate germans? lol. From what do you want to liberate Hungarians? They have their own political party, they can speak their own language in schools and everywhere. But last time Slovakia was under Hungarian occupation it was Hungary which oppressed Slovak national identity.

  • @SlaviSokol
    @SlaviSokol Рік тому +1

    There is another, longer video with this person.

    • @filiprebro
      @filiprebro 10 місяців тому

      could you provide a link please?

    • @tamassajti573
      @tamassajti573 10 місяців тому

      There is:
      Between 29-39. sec.

    • @tamassajti573
      @tamassajti573 10 місяців тому

      There is:
      Between 29-39. sec.

    @BOSANOH 4 місяці тому +1


    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  13 днів тому +2

      Here's a little international history: :

  • @majstter7420
    @majstter7420 2 роки тому +9

    I am from Galanta, which was a mixed town (some older people still speak Hungarian), but Slovakians were always majority. My grandfather remembered, that apart from being ethnically Slovakian town, Galanta was in 1938 by the 1st Vienna award given to Hungary. At those times, it was forbidden to speak Slovakian at public, all Slovakian schools and cultural organisations were immediately closed and people were persecuted when they listened Slovakian radio or brought the newspapers. He remembered how he almost ended up in jail when he visited his friends in nearby Sereď, which remained in Slovakia and a lot of people flew there to escape the Hungarian oppression. He even remembered me, how they laughed at the Slovakians at schools, they were the second to come to mensa and the Hungarians literally let them only the bones to eat. Hungarian police even beat up a teacher who refused to wear a Hungarian flag at his shirt. The clever Slovakians who could do something against the system were pushed by garden forks out of their houses and ran towards the border. And don't believe the 1941 census which says our town was 95% Hungarian, it was manipulated and if you were Slovakian and told it, it wasn't a good option for your life. Because in 1930, we had 30% and in 1950, suddenly we had again only 27% Hungarians.

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  2 роки тому +15

      Compared to what you write, no Slovak city was ever built by Slovaks. Unfortunately, you can't tell me any either. The rest of what you wrote is also a lie. 😚 I would take out the history of "slovakia", but the wind blew the paper out of my hands.

    • @peterjanossy7033
      @peterjanossy7033 2 роки тому +6

      Isn't it a political propaganda of Czechoslovak times?

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  2 роки тому +1

      @@peterjanossy7033 No

    • @majstter7420
      @majstter7420 Рік тому +5

      @@Harckocsi1988newchannel Every city and every village in the world was primarily built by the people living there, so in majority Slovakian areas, the houses were built mostly by Slovaks regardless of what country they officially belonged to. And you told me that the rest of what i wrote is a lie, could you be more concrete? Because my grandparents lived here and they remembered more than you who probably have never been here.

    • @timeanagy8495
      @timeanagy8495 Рік тому +2

      @@majstter7420 I dont know it was true or not. Slovakians' history is a big lie, they always lie about Hungarians. The core of Slovakian history is the Hungarian oppression, etc. Maybe it's true, because there was a similar oppression before 1940 in "Slovakia" and after 1945 too, it is maybe not told by your father... Whole villages were exterminated, Hungarians had to say they are Slovakians unless they were deported to Hungary, etc. Before 1920 there was surely not such events. And dont forget that you Slovakians are guests. When a Hungarian settle down in Italy, he will learn Italien, live like an Italien more or less, not want to steal a part form Italy...

  • @balazskiss985
    @balazskiss985 Рік тому +1

    a Kellner német név, ennyire tót

  • @user-pd6rq8ku8r
    @user-pd6rq8ku8r Рік тому +1


  • @clash_royale_king6265
    @clash_royale_king6265 2 роки тому +5

    He telling about Economy is not a history

    • @molegod8579
      @molegod8579 2 роки тому +15

      Economy is history. History is general stuff that happened in the past

    • @Laura.K.
      @Laura.K. Рік тому +1

      ​@@molegod8579 people talk like that about communism now... everyone looks fondly at the past... does not mean it was the best way of life

    • @molegod8579
      @molegod8579 Рік тому +1

      @@Laura.K. yes,obviously the monarchy was pretty horrible with opressing minorites,that's one of the major reasons it broke. i was just talking about how history and ecomony from the past are not really separated concepts,since the economy of the past was largely affected by the events of that time-the history of that time.

  • @joefalkens9834
    @joefalkens9834 3 роки тому +4

    MArha jó hogy csak magyar fordítása van...minek az angol, hiszen a magyar az világnyelv...

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  3 роки тому +1

      Egyszerű az ok, mint már sokszor leírtam: Sok külföldön élő Magyar csak az angol felirat miatt talált egy-egy videómra, vagy ajánlotta neki a UA-cam. A fordítások készülnek, de ha segíteni akarsz készítsd el és én be teszem, mivel időm nekem sincs mindenre azonnal.

    • @joefalkens9834
      @joefalkens9834 3 роки тому

      @@Harckocsi1988newchannel Szerintem az angol nyelv kellő ismeretének hiánya is közrejátszik ebben. Nomeg sokan németül tudnak csak rendesen egyes berkekben, hiszen a náci korszak fegyvereinek romantikus tanulmányozása után mentek a hadsereggel kapcsolatos pályára... Csak a DEUTSCH megy nekik ezért..

    • @balazsnagy3912
      @balazsnagy3912 3 роки тому +6

      @@Harckocsi1988newchannel Egyébként ez baromi nagy hiba a magyarság részéről. Míg a románok angol nyelvű propagandavideókat készítenek, és átírják még a magyar wikipédiát is, addig a mi történészeink magyarul adnak ki könyveket, amit rajtunk kívül senki nem olvas.

    • @tovarishchfeixiao
      @tovarishchfeixiao Рік тому +1

      @@balazsnagy3912 És ezért nem érdemes bízni a wikipédában mert bárki bele trollkodhat. XD

    • @gamerixhun4347
      @gamerixhun4347 Рік тому

      Van magyar fordítás, bekapcsolod a fordítót és már olvashatod is

  • @jozsefgaborlegradi1504
    @jozsefgaborlegradi1504 3 місяці тому +1

    Egy fideszes barom is ilyen romantikával beszél majd a kínai megszállásról

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  3 місяці тому +2

      Nem értem, hogy hoztad párhuzamba a fidesszel ? Jelzem a csatorna sem az.

    • @mikerenton5808
      @mikerenton5808 2 місяці тому +1

      Nem az örül az 1000 forintos kenyérnek

  • @ianmiller5126
    @ianmiller5126 Рік тому +2

    The Hungarian language is the remnants of the original magyar one world language of antiquity decimated by the killing off of the world's indigenous populations centuries ago.this included the originals of Australasia (the original birthplace of mankind). Before the last great flood most of the continents were joined.the waters/seas of today never resided. the tribes/cultures of the Americas were also genocided by the so called civilised wests explorers. This included the British empire,France,Spain and portugal.though separate countries seeking their own wealth land and fortunes the common thread was the secret sects and all under the banner of reality the Roman empire under the guise of Roman catholicism.all the while setting the control aparatus of religious the original magyar language has been basterdised into the most widely spoken language now.english.all this to separate humanity.loose your history and the masses are more easily manipulated/controllable.thus look where we are today. The introduction of named lands with boarders was also a control mechanism pitting country against country.

  • @jaroslavgiertl1557
    @jaroslavgiertl1557 Рік тому

    To už aká domixovaná slovenčina

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  Рік тому +3

      slovanski jezik. V njih ni nobene velike čarobnosti. Če se naučite 1-2 slovanska jezika, boste razumeli skoraj vse slovanske jezike.

  • @Metternich_Enjoyer
    @Metternich_Enjoyer Рік тому +4

    Der Ausgleich von 1867 war eine Schande für die Monarchie.
    Das Kaisertum Österreich ist besser als Österreich-Ungarn.

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  Рік тому +5

      Das ist nicht wahr. :)

    • @adamb4659
      @adamb4659 9 місяців тому +1

      The Austrian Empire didnt change, just the Hungarian Kingdom got back its authority.

  • @dragmiti2706
    @dragmiti2706 3 роки тому +3

    ...80 million people say something other than this parkinsonian old man...God forgive him!

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  3 роки тому +8

      What 80 million people ? 🤣 2 billion Chinese are not learning in school what you write. 🤓

    • @dragmiti2706
      @dragmiti2706 3 роки тому

      @@Harckocsi1988newchannel ... elementary arithmetic is learned in primary school ... in China and all over the world 1 + 1 = 2 ... isn't it the same with you?! ... gathers Romanians, Czech Slovaks, Yugoslavs, Poles, Ukrainians, etc. and you will see the result of the addition.

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  3 роки тому +4

      @@dragmiti2706 Ok xD Ha te mondod, akkor úgy van.

    • @dragmiti2706
      @dragmiti2706 3 роки тому

      @@Harckocsi1988newchannel, no, no!...not my...80 million people say this!!!

    • @viktorzubor953
      @viktorzubor953 3 роки тому +14

      @@dragmiti2706 Just because 80 million people say different than one person doesn’t mean they are right. Especially since they learned in school what they know, which can include slight propaganda, and this man lived in that era.

  • @damien4233
    @damien4233 2 місяці тому


    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  2 місяці тому +3

      Nem és nem is ilyen célzattal készült. :)

    • @zsolt7330
      @zsolt7330 2 місяці тому +3

      Truth hurts "slovak" ! :D

    • @Harckocsi1988newchannel
      @Harckocsi1988newchannel  13 днів тому +2

      Here's a little international history: :