Learn the basics of law. criminal & civil are moving towards self representation, this means you need to have a working knowledge. That's what I'm doing, I encourage everyone to get the knowledge they can't buy themselves
I got sentenced to 3/12 years, did 19 months and 2 months on tag for something I didn't do, only realising after being told by the inmates that I would not be in jail if I had hired my own lawyer/barrister. It still haunts and troubles me deeply me to this day.
Not so sure on that one. I had a barrister; he claimed what I thought was evidence was not valid, and even used the phrase "it didn't go our way." He even suggested if I went for appeal she might learn to lie even better. Its just a game to these people. They don't really care one way or the other.
The changes to the Legal Aid System have been disastrous, unless the defendant is exceedingly wealthy. Many thanks for continuing to tell the truth about the flaws and injustices in our legal system. Please keep up the good work on behalf of us all!
Manne it's so shocking that even after the former Speaker of the House of Commons (Nigel Evans MP) was forced to spend his entire life savings defending himself against false accusations NOTHING has changed in the UK legal system. It's disgusting and a travesty of justice. If you are acquitted you should be entitled to a 100% refund of your legal costs or be represented for free
This is a huge part of the problem. Accusers and police officers are free to try it on, they can be 100% sure their victim will be punished by simply accusing them, at no real risk to themselves in most cases.
In theory, yes. In practice, it's not that simple. A false accusation claim is not easy (or even possible) to determine, and since people are already LESS likely to report the crime (because of FEAR, hopelessness, or because they're UNABLE to do it on time) what you propose would be catastrophic for the ones who are still willing and able to report the crime. The real victims would be too afraid to report the real crime, in case it falls apart because the criminal has some kind of advantage, since it already happens too often that they don't get any justice or very little and if they get some it's dangerously flawed, there are already too few who are not scared enough (yet) to report and if your idea became a reality it would be even worse for actual victims... because even when the accused DID commit the crime there's not always evidence enough to be considered guilty. It's not a "black or white" matter. Any trial is complicated even when it looks very simple, any detail can mean a world of difference, and there no guarantee of the outcome, the primary goal is and/or should be not making things worse, your idea while "good in paper" would make everything worse for everyone including the innocently accused you're trying to help. It's not "there's evidence or not, so the accused is guilty or not", it's "there's evidence (that might be or not totally reliable) so the accused is considered guilty -for now- (unless new evidence in their favor comes up, and the door is always open to consider it, their fate is never truly sealed, or if the evidence seems compromised or too weak and unconvincing it can give them the benefit of doubt avoiding penalty) and it's "there's no evidence enough to consider the accused guilty so by default they get either the benefit of doubt or simply by default they're deemed innocent until proven guilty". (By the way, penalty against diffamation, which is false accusation in a way, DOES exist... celebrities claim it and overuse it all the time without consequences and maybe that's the reason why it has little to no credibilty or power)
This is a very far from isolated case. We have legions of innocents in prison over HSA claims made for emotional or financial gain. Police seek no exculpatory evidence, indeed actively avoid it, and "Believe victim" guarantees belief of the most insane stories. Once in court, the prosecutor relies on pure emotion and hearsay ( what actual evidence could there ever be of an alleged event 20-50 yrs ago?) and a jury who, after relentless salacious media reporting, is now willing to believe anything. Jury can never be people who've had involvement with police themselves so largely the impression in the jury is that accused wouldn't be there in the first place if not guilty. It can never in reality be more than guesswork. Men are convicted on no evidence at all other than accuser's testimony and liars are encouraged, protected and supported and rarely identified. The Defence is usually terrified of upsetting the accuser, which will be very much guarded against by the judge. The presumption of innocence has been killed stone dead, and indeed protesting innocence appears to imply you are even more guilty. Once in prison, an innocent prisoner cannot get parole, because it is said he will not voice remorse or pity towards "the victim." This must indeed be hard to voice if s/he has cost you your job, your family, your home and your good name.
Elizabeth - thank you for articulating this so well. Someone I care about was convicted and jailed solely on an accuser's testimony, aided and abetted by a battle-hardened prosecutor craftily slipping into evidence things that the jury should not have heard and were subsequently withdrawn (but no-one can unhear something can they?). Such is the current political landscape, the defence counsel (a replacement for the fully-briefed individual) offered only token resistance for fear of upsetting the accuser, who told a pack of lies in an overly-emotional way. The unfairness is almost indescribable.
Legal Aid would not have covered the costs which the Doctor incurred, costs due to very poor police work and CPS work. The Doctor should have had all his costs reimbursed.
@@j.mmachage831 take your political responsibility seriously. Get out get involved Don't just use your vote.... Actively stop the rotten politics of 21stC UK (Bojo is only in power because people allowed him to by sitting back). Quote: for evil to flourish good men only have to do nothing
@@borntodoit8744 man im not even from the UK or in the UK im kenyan🤣🤣🤣🤣but these problems and their solutions are fairly obvious so i just had to comment
If I could afford to leave this joke of a country I would I'd rather be in the US. Yeah it's a midden shithole with a government that will actively try to harm me just like here but at least there I'd get some sunny weather for once
This is the result of years of the general public and the politicians having a good old dig at the criminal justice system, disregarding it, giving it a good old kicking, dismissing it. We now have the criminal justice system we deserve. It’s broken.
I did three years as a volunteer in a prison and saw the terrible work of the barristers and solicitors locking innocent people up due to poor representation. One lady is currently doing 24 years for murder yet innocent and yet was not even at the murder yet the prosecution the judge and the defence barrister all ignoring the evidence managed to convict her. This case is the work of the top QC barristers in the UK. Another lady convicted for insider dealing found the judge and barristers simply helped out the FCA without evidence (using missing evidence) to convict her. The judge did not understand the technical details of the case as insider dealing cases are few and far between...the lady I can assure you was innocent. The barristers on legal aid since funding cuts have not been doing their cases and instead taking cases but not representing their clients properly, hiding behind cost cuts of the legal aid system and some even tweet it on their twitter accounts. Barristers and solicitors should simply have protested in the court rooms stating clearly they could not represent their client due to funding and pay issues which would have been instantly resolved otherwise all case law would have stopped. Instead they took to twitter and other methods like relying on newspaper coverage of cases to convict the innocent by influencing juries before the trial. Magistrates are not legally trained so will put people into prison if they do not like something about them, perhaps a nicer person then they are!!! Magistrates are needy people who do this job unpaid but their motivation is to feel powerful in the community. The general tax paying public just do not understand how unsafe it is to live in modern Britain. CPS are putting cases forward with no validated evidence due to I assume the cost of validating evidence and these cases should never have been put in front of any judge...and of course the jury will go with the story and convict as the drama plays out. Outsourcing our prisons is simply a license to print money for companies like French company Sodexo. Please pray for what is left of our justice system in the UK.
Luke Gittos made an excellent point but the presenter seemed to want to cut him short. The problem, as he says, is the disregard for the presumption of innocence. On the outline of the facts in this report, South Wales police and the CPS appear to have shared that disregard. I do not for a moment believe that the complainant's false allegations when she was 17 would have become known to the police and CPS only three weeks before the doctor's trial.
I was sentenced to 18 months in a male prison for "assault to severe injury & danger of life" after being attacked by a broken bottle wielding thug who attacked me & another person for no reason whilst I was at work. he sustained a head injury in the course of me defending myself and the other person. I got legal aid, but a very poor effort from the legal team. Not even an independent medical report on the alleged "victim's" injuries. Nor was his prior violent offending and previous prison time introduced. 26 years later I am still barred from many professions because I am not of "good repute" and all based on a miscarriage of justice! If you don't have the financial means to hire an aggressive defence QC, and instead get "whoever will take a poorly paying case" Rough IN-justice is what you get!.
Similar thing happened to my close friend who was accused by his own sister! Two years of his life turned into a nightmare. Lucky he was supported by his other sister and brother and eventually was cleared. How awful
"Tough on crime" has ALWAYS meant "ensuring convictions or coercing early pleadings regardless of whether they did the crime." And attacking legal aid helps this to happen more often, making the figures look better, at the cost of justice.
Why keep cutting him off when he is trying to make the point about presumed innocence being degraded? Every time he mentioned it... He was cut off or talked over. 13:54+
Because it doesn’t fit the narrative. They wanted to make a political point about withdrawal of funding which is a pro Left wing argument. Instead he is arguing against presumed guilt in sexual assault cases. It’s a great big elephant in the room, it’s women being given free reign to lie and ruin a man’s career, but keep quiet 🤫
Most important change we need is new agency to enforce the law on the police. Iopc and ethics department is not fit for purpose. Hence we have so many innocent people wrongfully convicted. We have children criminalised and worse we have no accountability for prosecutorial and police misconduct.
Currently awaiting trial for common assault against a 16 year old girl and mother. I had confronted a dangerous driver (who I assumed was male as they almost crashed speeding and overtaking myself and others and giving the fingers twice out of their SUV - I have a mini). who almost caused 2 accidents when they stopped in a village square. The 16 year old started filming me and my instinct was to snatch the phone from her hand without touching her. Of course in hindsight I wish I hadn't snatched the phone but it was on impluse. My dash cam footage shows that did not touch either of them and in fact shows that the 16 year old grabbed me then twisted my arm to get the phone. I released it. The mother them swings and punches me and shouts in the street continuosly 'Get your hands off me' (I assume now to get others involved) also screaming 'Get your hands off my car'. The mother calls the police and tells them I assaulted both her and her daughter. The police officer who arrived on the scene after a call from the mum it turns out they had seen the dangerous overtaking but hadn't done anything about it. Nor did they tell me they had seen it or was it on their witness statement. It was only because when the video was reviewed and I contacted the Police Ombudsman that this came to light. I agreed a to a Community Resolution Order where I apologise to the young woman and the mother would apologise to me for punching me. However she wanted the case to go ahead and now am awaiting trial on the 18th Jan (same date as the Dr above). I lost my mum a few months before tjhis and it has taken 10 months before I even heard anything. This year has been a nightmare so can empathise with the Dr totally. I received the papers just days before Christmas and they expected me to, send back papers, arrange a solicitor and submit my defence all before the 3rd January. I haven't been able to get a solicitor as they are all on holidays plus I couldn't afford one. What a waste of tax payers money. The video footage clearly shows I didn't touch anyone and that I was assaulted and yet it is still going ahead. Madness.
This problem exists in Canada as well. Someone very close to me was in that income "gap" and didn't qualify for legal aid. A lawyer told him he'd have to liquidate and sell off his business assets. Well he refused and found some other loophole to qualify for a self-employment type of LA known as Rowbotham. He got a crappy LA lawyer that did not do him any justice. In the end he still had to pay for two failed appeals, sold off his business, did 2 yrs in jail then filed for bankruptcy. There was zero corroborating evidence a historical crime occurred as alleged. The system is a scam and increasing access to LA is not necessarily the answer.
There is no such thing as justice in the UK. I, regrettably, had an affair in 2019. Following this, my wife became aggressive and violent. She would assault me and then report to the police that I had assaulted her. I took to recording myself working in my home office, and recorded her abusing me. When she called police, I showed them a video of assault. They still arrested me based on her statements. All arrests resulted in no further action, until 2022. She assaulted me, burnt herself on the stove in the process, and called the police., i was arrested, and charged. In court there was no evidence; it was my word against hers. She changed her story twice. I was convicted of assault, and issued with a restraining order preventing access to my home. She has a home rights notice preventing sale or remortgage, and I am currently subject to a mortgage of £2175, 5 months in arrears, and there is nothing i can do. She is living in the house, I am responsible for paying for. She has no responsibility to the property, no accountability, but all the power...and the full support of the uk justice system!
If the people knew what they were doing at each stage of this travesty. It would never have occurred. There is no ability in the early stages. Nor morality in the opposition lawyers who bring false cases. There needs to be accountability to act as a deterrent. Costs are ludicrous. It is essentially blackmail and extortion. In a legal setting, ironically.
Would be interested if the “Secret Barrister” could write a letter about how the Cheryl Grimmer case should NOT have been thrown out based on retrospective application of today’s laws even though a confessor is at large.
Perhaps all MPs and Prime Minister's should take a pay cut. As many are not doing their job. My new MP got a disgusting image taken off Google. It was next to an innocent image promoting innocent child friendly Lego. How I got ignored by others when I tried to complain. Mother's, women and children are not respected or treasured in our Country. We live in a sick, overs-xualised world. Hence all these problems. If men in Government/Royals etc cheat on the mothers of their children. Then how are we expected to believe they care about us. Because they clearly do not! Dr Judith Reisman stopped PIE. It took an American. Our Police and Government allowed Paedophile Information Exchange to trade for 10 years. Sack them!
I would say its just as bad in civil. I have been shocked at how materially false evidence has been accepted byJudges after already being ordered without merit in interlocutory hearings. Most of the beneficiaries are the lawyers. Champerty, maintenance and barratry need to be brought back on the statute books. No win no fee allows offences to be incited by lawyers who just bombard litigants with paperwork. The courts can't read it either, officers have admitted to me. They are so under resourced the lawyers are just attacking the vulnerable to steal from them. There is no regulation as the SRA is funded by solicitors to act in their interest.
Unfortunately it is impossible to create a totally equal society. Legal representation is like everything else - money can buy you the best inc health care, education, career opportunities etc .
Allocate time to properly talk. I hate these chopped responses. Give questions to interviewees in advance and tell them at what points to come in. Or rehearse the interview beforehand.
Absolutely. The Police clearly work on a system of "rewards" for any case that hits the media, the gutter press. Sexual cases make great gutter press headlines. The press refuse to follow up the breakdown in the Justice system with a mass of cases like the one exposed, that they are complicit in the causative machinery, driving the police to believe any fabrication to see if they can get a person defamed in the press. All to effect the gradual ruin of the nation, and the national reputation for Justice.
What or who is the root cause of this problem? The government is under pressure to “tackle crime” and the police are under pressure to get result despite austerity cuts. The easiest way to make the crime stats look good is to convict someone no matter what. If you are accused of a crime, the police aren’t your friend. Their job isn’t to let you walk away free.
I am going through this historical allegations. The unbelievable thing is the person making the allegations failed to inform the police of having reported at the time in history said allegations. This is against the law as appropriate route is ask a review of original investigations and NFA she knew took place.. Now am sat on bail with a last name change and completely inappropriate charges of cohesion manipulation of a person who has been proven to be lying in first place
The family court system is a disgrace. I lost contact with my kids for no reason at all. She had a solicitor laid on I could not afford one. It's effected the whole of the rest of my life. Only women who claim domestic abuse gain legal aid so solicitors have being encouraging false accusation like what we have seen in the Ambre heard trial. Women are regularly making unsubstantiated claims. The quantities of money they charge are completely out of step with what people can afford to pay. Who could afford to pay a solicitor on top of rent payments or a mortgage? Very few. If your not earning 50-70k a year you can forget about court. Never wondered why drug dealers get an easy ride in court? They are they only people who can afford solicitors fees.
MoJ needs to raise interpreter's wages - so many cases have collapsed or have caused miscarriages of justice due to the lack of un-qualified/experienced interpreters!
Lawyers who accept legal aid work should be able to accept work from private citizens who don’t qualify for legal aid at legal aid rates. Look at it like state (a baseline that you have to pay for in this instance) and private education. If you are found not guilty the government reimburses all your fees because they were legal aid rates but lose and you have to pay at legal aid rates. Or you can choose private where only the delta between the legal aid fees and the private costs are paid by the client
Just finished The Secret Barrister. I got stung by innocence tax even though I was unemployed at the time. I wrote to the papers absolutely flabberghasted at the absence of state-provided defenders. No bump in the legal aid threshold for Londoners. They took my gf's income into account even though she's just living with me and has a separate bank account. Public defense is a thing in Scandinavia. If your country is doing anything differently from how Scandinavia does it, then your country is doing it wrong.
Struggling with autism severe learning and organisational difficulties after a lifetime of severe abuse and having been made homeless by the police who despite already being aware of the abuse and knowing that I was a registered vulnerable adult nonetheless sided with my abuser without any investigation, making me immediately homeless and separating me from my belongings which I was coerced placing in the trust of my abuser. I have been homeless now for five months without any ID to be able to even sign on. Last time this abuser did this for me I was homeless for 11 months- I wish I could get some help, but the authorities really are broken and the legal system only works for those with money even if it dose. Can anyone help me i need legal support
A bit late in replying, but was curious whether you've had any luck with your situation since? And whether The Citizens Advice Bureau are of any use (in your particular case)?
My family has been subjected to abuse and unable to engage a solicitor, after legal aid was withdrawn when the case became one of fraud and historic abuses. The police refused to investigate, or were instructed not to, such is the state of the NI legal system and political landscape.
Whenever a new truly news line appears regarding a murder, fraud, cyber crime or crime in total, there is a recognisable pattern when it comes to the justice system the actions taken and worst of all the soft sentences given. It should be branded instead of a serial killer this is a serial sleaze serial lack of justice and the abhorrent lack of thought for something more helpful even for the suspects that clearly need mental help this is almost the same as recruiting criminals
That doesn't mean don't investigate though, and that statement just means 'don't immediately act like she's lying'. sarahbeaulieu.me/the-truth-about-false-accusation
@@aislingskeet8229 I understand your point. It has been alleged that the CPS has had a "believe the victim" policy since Sir Keir Starmer's tenure as DPP - and I acknowledge that Sir Keir denied that in a Sunday Times Magazine interview. Honestly, I want to give Sir Keir the benefit of the doubt. There have been so many cases of alleged sexual crime in which police officers failed to adhere to their duty of impartiality.
@@cmciaranmasterson I cant understand why alleged sexual crimes are not treated like any other ordinary crime (fairly). It because of the media and people like Kier that they are not.
@@paulsmith288 To be honest, I'm not sure I know enough to be able to say whether or not your point is correct - maybe it is correct but me agreeing or disagreeing you won't change anything and I'm not in a position to change anything.
New evidence? The police must have known this person had made false claims before? This must effect any allegations made in the future,think this is clearly very dodgy practice by police,who should have been scrutinised for their behaviour in this case. How many more cases like this? How many are in prisoned because they can’t afford a defence.
I know you are a criminal barrister. I am going through the worst case fighting the banks. I cannot get anyone to take my case. It took me 7 years to get the bank to agree to a full and final settlement. They lied and went back to court saying I refused to pay. They doubled the amount agreed but the judge refused to look at the agreement I have tried every solicitor and no one will fight for me. I have equity but no money. Could you point me to anyone who may be able to help me. I have fought for years on my own however, I am so out of my depth.
My brithers 'legal aid' failed to file paperwork 3 weeks in a row. my brither was refused medication for diagnosed schizophrenia, which ultimately led to his passing. We do not live in a meritocracy, that idea benefits those who know we (the masses), are open for exploitation
If ever there was an institution which needed a socialist solution it is our court rooms. They should be on a pay scale like civil servants. Why have Labour never proposed it?
The government should have compensated him all his costs plus more for all the stress caused by police who are quite frankly not intelligent or experienced enough.
When the government under funds a system they encourage a culture of crime committing because legal methods don't work, because they are under funded. I wonder if there are statistics on the amount of crime that's been created by austerity?
$100,000 -- that's a GP's salary for a year. Had he wanted to impose stricter limits on his legal expenditure, I'm sure he could have done. If you want the finest defence available to you, that'll cost you. The problem with legal aid is that the guilty are just as entitled to it. Do we want to be spending a hundred grand a pop on every wrong'un who actually did what he was accused of? I don't think so.
Clearly you are not equipped to see the obvious flaw in your reasoning. Whether you like it or not criminal justice has to start with the presumption of innocence. That is, guilt must be proven not the other way around. So if a defendant has pleaded not guilty, who are you to deny legal aid because in some Kafkaesque world you deem they are ‘definitely’ a wrong’un? Should we have a trial before a trial? Or shall we use our intelligence and accept that, even if a guilty verdict is reached, the legal aid fee was the price we accept for being sure that, despite the best defence, the right verdict was reached. The whole premise of this video went right over your head. Not to mention the fact it it was mainly about being reimbursed once you’ve been found not guilty. Clearly legal aid does not pay anywhere near that amount when someone is funding a defence solely by that means. Even if you don’t accept the above, the principle of receiving legal aid would still be worth it for the few times it saves the innocent. The whole Legal system is based on erring on the safe side of caution despite this weighting potentially freeing the guilty. Why do you think the burden of proof is ‘beyond (emphasis on that word) reasonable doubt’ in criminal settings rather than just on ‘balance of probability’ as used in civil? Hopefully you have been educated. Or you could just go back to your diet of right wing nonsense.
The thing is if you a real judge and you put people away with you knowing full well that they inconent then your no longer judge,cop are trained to lie no wonder people don't believe police anymore
Chambers are turning away from legal aid cases as with the fees legal aid pays they get £10 per hour. That's ridiculous talented silks doing legal aid will quickly end up broke
I imagine any talented lawyer won’t do legal aid work, when they can make far more money as a corporate lawyer or solicitor. If you do get a legal aid defence lawyer, they’ll be the bottom of the barrel or the work experience kid.
Hes a doctor and is paid more than enough to be able to afford his legal fees. I'm all for helping the poor but not well paid doctors for their legal troubles.
Ps four laws magnacarter which apply in the Uk and justice system built on and still apply so in participation in two tear justice system of those who can afford to pay and those who legal aid funding and unable to are breaking the law.. Solicitor apply for legal aid licence, why are they applying for said licence only to break the implied moral legal obligations to provide service equal to a person paying.. Legal aid is not to build practice on. It's successful practice who provide services via legal aid as a kindness.
I blame him - he was DPP just before this mess and they would have still being following his guidance. All sexual victims to believed at all costs , even if the evidence says otherwise. Starmer is a Yes man and SJW , hes not Corbyn who would have made things better for the poor.
You can’t blame the all of the legal system for this. Responsibility for allowing this getting as far as it did sits on the shoulders of the police and CPS not doing a thorough job in looking at all of the evidence and evaluating it with any care whatsoever. The CPS are also carelessly wasting tax payers money. If the CPS and the Police are so pally anyway why not make them share the same budget?
Cannot stomache more than 8 mins of this BS. The crime here is obscene value that the paracites in the legal system put upon themselves: 100s per hour!! 1000s per hour?? 50 would be excessive and they do not even replace a broken roof tile or mow your postage stamp sized front lawn. Legal aid is just another aspect of the mother of all cons: tax the have less's and give it to the have more's. British "justice" = the fairy tale preserve of those without either the ability or propensity of independant objective thought.
Lawyers are needed, they should be valued and given a large wage, they can save your liberty. They spend hours pouring over cases, drowning in paperwork and dont forget they themselves are also taxed. Dont also forget legal aid lawyers do not earn more than a full time teacher.
junior legal aid solicitors/barristers earn the equivalent of less than minimum wage, and the average salary is less than 30 grand. Criminal law in general (including privately funded work) is not lucrative for all but a tiny minority of top QCs
"Justice" is prohibitively expensive. Thank you for this
Learn the basics of law.
criminal & civil are moving towards self representation, this means you need to have a working knowledge.
That's what I'm doing, I encourage everyone to get the knowledge they can't buy themselves
Don’t be stupid! No lawyer would ever defend themselves. You clearly aren’t British and do not understand the legal system in this country.
So why doesn't the queen give them money for justice instead of consuming all taxes
I got sentenced to 3/12 years, did 19 months and 2 months on tag for something I didn't do, only realising after being told by the inmates that I would not be in jail if I had hired my own lawyer/barrister. It still haunts and troubles me deeply me to this day.
Ok I believe you but...what lesson have you learnt about it all?
Do you invest in legal insurance, just in case you need to call upon someone
Except that’s not true. An innocent person can end up in prison even with a good team of lawyers, QC etc.
Lol imagine listening to what your inmates tell you
You can make a late appeal.
Not so sure on that one. I had a barrister; he claimed what I thought was evidence was not valid, and even used the phrase "it didn't go our way." He even suggested if I went for appeal she might learn to lie even better. Its just a game to these people. They don't really care one way or the other.
The changes to the Legal Aid System have been disastrous, unless the defendant is exceedingly wealthy. Many thanks for continuing to tell the truth about the flaws and injustices in our legal system. Please keep up the good work on behalf of us all!
An "innocence tax"...a brilliant and self explanatory phrase.
Manne it's so shocking that even after the former Speaker of the House of Commons (Nigel Evans MP) was forced to spend his entire life savings defending himself against false accusations NOTHING has changed in the UK legal system. It's disgusting and a travesty of justice. If you are acquitted you should be entitled to a 100% refund of your legal costs or be represented for free
People who made false accusations should be in prison!
The slag who made those allegations against that doctor should be named and sent to prison!
They are not people, they are devils.
This is a huge part of the problem. Accusers and police officers are free to try it on, they can be 100% sure their victim will be punished by simply accusing them, at no real risk to themselves in most cases.
In theory, yes. In practice, it's not that simple. A false accusation claim is not easy (or even possible) to determine, and since people are already LESS likely to report the crime (because of FEAR, hopelessness, or because they're UNABLE to do it on time) what you propose would be catastrophic for the ones who are still willing and able to report the crime. The real victims would be too afraid to report the real crime, in case it falls apart because the criminal has some kind of advantage, since it already happens too often that they don't get any justice or very little and if they get some it's dangerously flawed, there are already too few who are not scared enough (yet) to report and if your idea became a reality it would be even worse for actual victims... because even when the accused DID commit the crime there's not always evidence enough to be considered guilty. It's not a "black or white" matter. Any trial is complicated even when it looks very simple, any detail can mean a world of difference, and there no guarantee of the outcome, the primary goal is and/or should be not making things worse, your idea while "good in paper" would make everything worse for everyone including the innocently accused you're trying to help. It's not "there's evidence or not, so the accused is guilty or not", it's "there's evidence (that might be or not totally reliable) so the accused is considered guilty -for now- (unless new evidence in their favor comes up, and the door is always open to consider it, their fate is never truly sealed, or if the evidence seems compromised or too weak and unconvincing it can give them the benefit of doubt avoiding penalty) and it's "there's no evidence enough to consider the accused guilty so by default they get either the benefit of doubt or simply by default they're deemed innocent until proven guilty". (By the way, penalty against diffamation, which is false accusation in a way, DOES exist... celebrities claim it and overuse it all the time without consequences and maybe that's the reason why it has little to no credibilty or power)
Shocking how broken the system is. No good having more police on the streets if the prosecution system doesn't work.
This is a very far from isolated case. We have legions of innocents in prison over HSA claims made for emotional or financial gain. Police seek no exculpatory evidence, indeed actively avoid it, and "Believe victim" guarantees belief of the most insane stories. Once in court, the prosecutor relies on pure emotion and hearsay ( what actual evidence could there ever be of an alleged event 20-50 yrs ago?) and a jury who, after relentless salacious media reporting, is now willing to believe anything.
Jury can never be people who've had involvement with police themselves so largely the impression in the jury is that accused wouldn't be there in the first place if not guilty. It can never in reality be more than guesswork. Men are convicted on no evidence at all other than accuser's testimony and liars are encouraged, protected and supported and rarely identified. The Defence is usually terrified of upsetting the accuser, which will be very much guarded against by the judge.
The presumption of innocence has been killed stone dead, and indeed protesting innocence appears to imply you are even more guilty. Once in prison, an innocent prisoner cannot get parole, because it is said he will not voice remorse or pity towards "the victim." This must indeed be hard to voice if s/he has cost you your job, your family, your home and your good name.
Very, very well said Elizabeth - I totally agree with your incredibly articulate and well-reasoned explanation. So true what you said
A friend did jury service and during deliberations one member of the jury said his brother in law was a policeman who told him "they are all guilty."
Elizabeth - thank you for articulating this so well. Someone I care about was convicted and jailed solely on an accuser's testimony, aided and abetted by a battle-hardened prosecutor craftily slipping into evidence things that the jury should not have heard and were subsequently withdrawn (but no-one can unhear something can they?). Such is the current political landscape, the defence counsel (a replacement for the fully-briefed individual) offered only token resistance for fear of upsetting the accuser, who told a pack of lies in an overly-emotional way. The unfairness is almost indescribable.
@@johnwright9372 I would immediately have asked to speak directly to the judge in private and told him what was said. That jury was tainted.
Legal Aid would not have covered the costs which the Doctor incurred, costs due to very poor police work and CPS work. The Doctor should have had all his costs reimbursed.
There should be a mechanism to sue police for wrongful police process
He can under a scheme by the Moj . Wrongfully convicted compensation scheme.
@@Liza-cl2gb Has he ? I suspect he would not be successful.
@@californiadreamin8423 I think you may be right they avoid at all costs paying anyone
Our country is turning more like the united states and it is scary
consequences of having someone as PM who reasons like an american capitalist
@@j.mmachage831 take your political responsibility seriously.
Get out get involved
Don't just use your vote....
Actively stop the rotten politics of 21stC UK (Bojo is only in power because people allowed him to by sitting back).
Quote: for evil to flourish good men only have to do nothing
@@borntodoit8744 man im not even from the UK or in the UK im kenyan🤣🤣🤣🤣but these problems and their solutions are fairly obvious so i just had to comment
That's all Conservative policies the party for the rich 😠
If I could afford to leave this joke of a country I would I'd rather be in the US. Yeah it's a midden shithole with a government that will actively try to harm me just like here but at least there I'd get some sunny weather for once
She should have been jailed and the police held to account for such flimsy 'evidence' !
As Bob Dylan sang; "Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land where justice is a game."
This is the result of years of the general public and the politicians having a good old dig at the criminal justice system, disregarding it, giving it a good old kicking, dismissing it.
We now have the criminal justice system we deserve. It’s broken.
this is true terror
Thank you Secret Barrister
I did three years as a volunteer in a prison and saw the terrible work of the barristers and solicitors locking innocent people up due to poor representation. One lady is currently doing 24 years for murder yet innocent and yet was not even at the murder yet the prosecution the judge and the defence barrister all ignoring the evidence managed to convict her. This case is the work of the top QC barristers in the UK. Another lady convicted for insider dealing found the judge and barristers simply helped out the FCA without evidence (using missing evidence) to convict her. The judge did not understand the technical details of the case as insider dealing cases are few and far between...the lady I can assure you was innocent. The barristers on legal aid since funding cuts have not been doing their cases and instead taking cases but not representing their clients properly, hiding behind cost cuts of the legal aid system and some even tweet it on their twitter accounts. Barristers and solicitors should simply have protested in the court rooms stating clearly they could not represent their client due to funding and pay issues which would have been instantly resolved otherwise all case law would have stopped. Instead they took to twitter and other methods like relying on newspaper coverage of cases to convict the innocent by influencing juries before the trial. Magistrates are not legally trained so will put people into prison if they do not like something about them, perhaps a nicer person then they are!!! Magistrates are needy people who do this job unpaid but their motivation is to feel powerful in the community. The general tax paying public just do not understand how unsafe it is to live in modern Britain. CPS are putting cases forward with no validated evidence due to I assume the cost of validating evidence and these cases should never have been put in front of any judge...and of course the jury will go with the story and convict as the drama plays out. Outsourcing our prisons is simply a license to print money for companies like French company Sodexo. Please pray for what is left of our justice system in the UK.
I was shocked when I found out a Magistrate has zero legal qualifications, anyone can apply to be one not matter how clueless or biased you are.
@@notmenotme614 They are just glorified shopkeepers
Luke Gittos made an excellent point but the presenter seemed to want to cut him short. The problem, as he says, is the disregard for the presumption of innocence. On the outline of the facts in this report, South Wales police and the CPS appear to have shared that disregard.
I do not for a moment believe that the complainant's false allegations when she was 17 would have become known to the police and CPS only three weeks before the doctor's trial.
I was sentenced to 18 months in a male prison for "assault to severe injury & danger of life" after being attacked by a broken bottle wielding thug who attacked me & another person for no reason whilst I was at work. he sustained a head injury in the course of me defending myself and the other person. I got legal aid, but a very poor effort from the legal team. Not even an independent medical report on the alleged "victim's" injuries. Nor was his prior violent offending and previous prison time introduced. 26 years later I am still barred from many professions because I am not of "good repute" and all based on a miscarriage of justice! If you don't have the financial means to hire an aggressive defence QC, and instead get "whoever will take a poorly paying case" Rough IN-justice is what you get!.
That’s absolutely horrifying.
The cheek of the CPS, the police and the MOJ....
Similar thing happened to my close friend who was accused by his own sister! Two years of his life turned into a nightmare. Lucky he was supported by his other sister and brother and eventually was cleared.
How awful
"Tough on crime" has ALWAYS meant "ensuring convictions or coercing early pleadings regardless of whether they did the crime." And attacking legal aid helps this to happen more often, making the figures look better, at the cost of justice.
Why keep cutting him off when he is trying to make the point about presumed innocence being degraded?
Every time he mentioned it... He was cut off or talked over.
They have limited time
Because he was waffling. His point was good, but he needed to actually make his point, rather than dance around it for four minutes first.
Because it doesn’t fit the narrative. They wanted to make a political point about withdrawal of funding which is a pro Left wing argument. Instead he is arguing against presumed guilt in sexual assault cases. It’s a great big elephant in the room, it’s women being given free reign to lie and ruin a man’s career, but keep quiet 🤫
Most important change we need is new agency to enforce the law on the police. Iopc and ethics department is not fit for purpose. Hence we have so many innocent people wrongfully convicted. We have children criminalised and worse we have no accountability for prosecutorial and police misconduct.
I have not forgotten.
Those two lawyers at the end are nice
Currently awaiting trial for common assault against a 16 year old girl and mother. I had confronted a dangerous driver (who I assumed was male as they almost crashed speeding and overtaking myself and others and giving the fingers twice out of their SUV - I have a mini). who almost caused 2 accidents when they stopped in a village square. The 16 year old started filming me and my instinct was to snatch the phone from her hand without touching her. Of course in hindsight I wish I hadn't snatched the phone but it was on impluse.
My dash cam footage shows that did not touch either of them and in fact shows that the 16 year old grabbed me then twisted my arm to get the phone. I released it. The mother them swings and punches me and shouts in the street continuosly 'Get your hands off me' (I assume now to get others involved) also screaming 'Get your hands off my car'. The mother calls the police and tells them I assaulted both her and her daughter.
The police officer who arrived on the scene after a call from the mum it turns out they had seen the dangerous overtaking but hadn't done anything about it. Nor did they tell me they had seen it or was it on their witness statement. It was only because when the video was reviewed and I contacted the Police Ombudsman that this came to light.
I agreed a to a Community Resolution Order where I apologise to the young woman and the mother would apologise to me for punching me. However she wanted the case to go ahead and now am awaiting trial on the 18th Jan (same date as the Dr above). I lost my mum a few months before tjhis and it has taken 10 months before I even heard anything. This year has been a nightmare so can empathise with the Dr totally.
I received the papers just days before Christmas and they expected me to, send back papers, arrange a solicitor and submit my defence all before the 3rd January. I haven't been able to get a solicitor as they are all on holidays plus I couldn't afford one.
What a waste of tax payers money. The video footage clearly shows I didn't touch anyone and that I was assaulted and yet it is still going ahead. Madness.
This is so sad, the justice system needs a big overhaul and a big change to make more fairness and equality.
Can't he sue her for libel and claim financial damages?
Absolutely fascinating insight into the British legal system
This problem exists in Canada as well. Someone very close to me was in that income "gap" and didn't qualify for legal aid. A lawyer told him he'd have to liquidate and sell off his business assets. Well he refused and found some other loophole to qualify for a self-employment type of LA known as Rowbotham. He got a crappy LA lawyer that did not do him any justice. In the end he still had to pay for two failed appeals, sold off his business, did 2 yrs in jail then filed for bankruptcy. There was zero corroborating evidence a historical crime occurred as alleged. The system is a scam and increasing access to LA is not necessarily the answer.
There is no such thing as justice in the UK. I, regrettably, had an affair in 2019. Following this, my wife became aggressive and violent. She would assault me and then report to the police that I had assaulted her. I took to recording myself working in my home office, and recorded her abusing me. When she called police, I showed them a video of assault. They still arrested me based on her statements. All arrests resulted in no further action, until 2022. She assaulted me, burnt herself on the stove in the process, and called the police., i was arrested, and charged. In court there was no evidence; it was my word against hers. She changed her story twice. I was convicted of assault, and issued with a restraining order preventing access to my home. She has a home rights notice preventing sale or remortgage, and I am currently subject to a mortgage of £2175, 5 months in arrears, and there is nothing i can do. She is living in the house, I am responsible for paying for. She has no responsibility to the property, no accountability, but all the power...and the full support of the uk justice system!
If the people knew what they were doing at each stage of this travesty. It would never have occurred. There is no ability in the early stages. Nor morality in the opposition lawyers who bring false cases. There needs to be accountability to act as a deterrent. Costs are ludicrous. It is essentially blackmail and extortion. In a legal setting, ironically.
Would be interested if the “Secret Barrister” could write a letter about how the Cheryl Grimmer case should NOT have been thrown out based on retrospective application of today’s laws even though a confessor is at large.
Perhaps all MPs and Prime Minister's should take a pay cut. As many are not doing their job. My new MP got a disgusting image taken off Google. It was next to an innocent image promoting innocent child friendly Lego. How I got ignored by others when I tried to complain. Mother's, women and children are not respected or treasured in our Country.
We live in a sick, overs-xualised world. Hence all these problems.
If men in Government/Royals etc cheat on the mothers of their children. Then how are we expected to believe they care about us. Because they clearly do not!
Dr Judith Reisman stopped PIE. It took an American. Our Police and Government allowed Paedophile Information Exchange to trade for 10 years. Sack them!
I would say its just as bad in civil. I have been shocked at how materially false evidence has been accepted byJudges after already being ordered without merit in interlocutory hearings. Most of the beneficiaries are the lawyers. Champerty, maintenance and barratry need to be brought back on the statute books. No win no fee allows offences to be incited by lawyers who just bombard litigants with paperwork. The courts can't read it either, officers have admitted to me. They are so under resourced the lawyers are just attacking the vulnerable to steal from them. There is no regulation as the SRA is funded by solicitors to act in their interest.
Unfortunately it is impossible to create a totally equal society. Legal representation is like everything else - money can buy you the best inc health care, education, career opportunities etc .
Don't cut him off about presumption of innocence
Allocate time to properly talk. I hate these chopped responses. Give questions to interviewees in advance and tell them at what points to come in. Or rehearse the interview beforehand.
They say "False Rape Accusations Are Rare", no, false rape accusations are RARELY investigated.
The Police clearly work on a system of "rewards" for any case that hits the media, the gutter press.
Sexual cases make great gutter press headlines.
The press refuse to follow up the breakdown in the Justice system with a mass of cases like the one exposed, that they are complicit in the causative machinery, driving the police to believe any fabrication to see if they can get a person defamed in the press.
All to effect the gradual ruin of the nation, and the national reputation for Justice.
I'm loving finding a solicitor to run a case for me in a Welsh court
What or who is the root cause of this problem? The government is under pressure to “tackle crime” and the police are under pressure to get result despite austerity cuts. The easiest way to make the crime stats look good is to convict someone no matter what.
If you are accused of a crime, the police aren’t your friend. Their job isn’t to let you walk away free.
I am going through this historical allegations.
The unbelievable thing is the person making the allegations failed to inform the police of having reported at the time in history said allegations.
This is against the law as appropriate route is ask a review of original investigations and NFA she knew took place..
Now am sat on bail with a last name change and completely inappropriate charges of cohesion manipulation of a person who has been proven to be lying in first place
Justice is a product and the best justice is available to you based on your ability to pay and hence your ability to enjoy equality before the law.
The Conservative Party abolished Legal Aid which allowed poor people access to lawyers for free.
If it is based on wealth, it is not justice.
The family court system is a disgrace. I lost contact with my kids for no reason at all.
She had a solicitor laid on I could not afford one.
It's effected the whole of the rest of my life.
Only women who claim domestic abuse gain legal aid so solicitors have being encouraging false accusation like what we have seen in the Ambre heard trial.
Women are regularly making unsubstantiated claims.
The quantities of money they charge are completely out of step with what people can afford to pay.
Who could afford to pay a solicitor on top of rent payments or a mortgage?
Very few. If your not earning 50-70k a year you can forget about court.
Never wondered why drug dealers get an easy ride in court?
They are they only people who can afford solicitors fees.
MoJ needs to raise interpreter's wages - so many cases have collapsed or have caused miscarriages of justice due to the lack of un-qualified/experienced interpreters!
Are there any public or official reports on such findings? Curious.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
@@Kraken54321 Great shitpost!
@@emm_arr did you come over in a dinghy? 🤔
@@Kraken54321 Greater shitpost!
@@emm_arr 😂 😂 😂 😂 return to sender. ➡️
Lawyers who accept legal aid work should be able to accept work from private citizens who don’t qualify for legal aid at legal aid rates. Look at it like state (a baseline that you have to pay for in this instance) and private education. If you are found not guilty the government reimburses all your fees because they were legal aid rates but lose and you have to pay at legal aid rates. Or you can choose private where only the delta between the legal aid fees and the private costs are paid by the client
Thank you
Just finished The Secret Barrister. I got stung by innocence tax even though I was unemployed at the time. I wrote to the papers absolutely flabberghasted at the absence of state-provided defenders. No bump in the legal aid threshold for Londoners. They took my gf's income into account even though she's just living with me and has a separate bank account. Public defense is a thing in Scandinavia. If your country is doing anything differently from how Scandinavia does it, then your country is doing it wrong.
This is terrifying
Struggling with autism severe learning and organisational difficulties after a lifetime of severe abuse and having been made homeless by the police who despite already being aware of the abuse and knowing that I was a registered vulnerable adult nonetheless sided with my abuser without any investigation, making me immediately homeless and separating me from my belongings which I was coerced placing in the trust of my abuser.
I have been homeless now for five months without any ID to be able to even sign on.
Last time this abuser did this for me I was homeless for 11 months-
I wish I could get some help, but the authorities really are broken and the legal system only works for those with money even if it dose.
Can anyone help me i need legal support
A bit late in replying, but was curious whether you've had any luck with your situation since? And whether The Citizens Advice Bureau are of any use (in your particular case)?
My family has been subjected to abuse and unable to engage a solicitor, after legal aid was withdrawn when the case became one of fraud and historic abuses. The police refused to investigate, or were instructed not to, such is the state of the NI legal system and political landscape.
Human Rights case
@Corruption Fighter Move to the ROI and launch an HR case.
@Corruption Fighter The Free State
@Corruption Fighter If the case is with NI authorities. Then move to Ireland and launch the HR case from there?
Whenever a new truly news line appears regarding a murder, fraud, cyber crime or crime in total, there is a recognisable pattern when it comes to the justice system the actions taken and worst of all the soft sentences given.
It should be branded instead of a serial killer this is a serial sleaze serial lack of justice and the abhorrent lack of thought for something more helpful even for the suspects that clearly need mental help this is almost the same as recruiting criminals
What a pathetic situation of poor citizens!!!!
This is also a good illustration of why we probably shouldn't "believe all women".
That doesn't mean don't investigate though, and that statement just means 'don't immediately act like she's lying'. sarahbeaulieu.me/the-truth-about-false-accusation
Manne, not all false accusers are women. Have you forgotten about Carl Beech?
@@aislingskeet8229 I understand your point. It has been alleged that the CPS has had a "believe the victim" policy since Sir Keir Starmer's tenure as DPP - and I acknowledge that Sir Keir denied that in a Sunday Times Magazine interview. Honestly, I want to give Sir Keir the benefit of the doubt. There have been so many cases of alleged sexual crime in which police officers failed to adhere to their duty of impartiality.
@@cmciaranmasterson I cant understand why alleged sexual crimes are not treated like any other ordinary crime (fairly). It because of the media and people like Kier that they are not.
@@paulsmith288 To be honest, I'm not sure I know enough to be able to say whether or not your point is correct - maybe it is correct but me agreeing or disagreeing you won't change anything and I'm not in a position to change anything.
Suspicion is a nightmare to defend, how you go about defending a suspicion??
Things only ever get worse.
What kind of a world are we living in?
Have's and Have nots.
UK turning into a third world s#it hole country.
Move to EU where they are trying to build a better place
A right wing world
I don’t understand. What have happened to the father? Was he poorer then the girl who accused him?
New evidence?
The police must have known this person had made false claims before?
This must effect any allegations made in the future,think this is clearly very dodgy practice by police,who should have been scrutinised for their behaviour in this case.
How many more cases like this?
How many are in prisoned because they can’t afford a defence.
If you’ve been accused of a crime, the police aren’t your friend. Their job isn’t to let you walk free, it makes the police stats look bad.
I’ve read his book, very interesting and frightening!
When will we be getting a new councillor for the Area I need to fly out , I need a vacation , it has been 12 years now.
either a smokescreen to hide earlier abuse, or fabrication from interaction with others to help the others work through their issues.. .. .
I know you are a criminal barrister. I am going through the worst case fighting the banks. I cannot get anyone to take my case. It took me 7 years to get the bank to agree to a full and final settlement.
They lied and went back to court saying I refused to pay.
They doubled the amount agreed but the judge refused to look at the agreement
I have tried every solicitor and no one will fight for me. I have equity but no money.
Could you point me to anyone who may be able to help me.
I have fought for years on my own however, I am so out of my depth.
My brithers 'legal aid' failed to file paperwork 3 weeks in a row. my brither was refused medication for diagnosed schizophrenia, which ultimately led to his passing. We do not live in a meritocracy, that idea benefits those who know we (the masses), are open for exploitation
That the Doctor could not get all his legal costs paid by the prosecution is a disgrace. British justice has become a disgrace and a sham.
Thanks channel 4, you wouldn't get this on the BBC or any right wing media. Tory voters should be ashamed they voted for this.
Lol, right wing media. Don't make me laugh.
What a seriously stupid comment. There is NOTHING 'right-wing' about the BBC.
A scary case, but its hardly the well off middle and upper classes that are most at risk from injustices from the criminal justice system.
Why did he not claim compensation for malicious prosecution?
If ever there was an institution which needed a socialist solution it is our court rooms.
They should be on a pay scale like civil servants.
Why have Labour never proposed it?
The government should have compensated him all his costs plus more for all the stress caused by police who are quite frankly not intelligent or experienced enough.
Cool Content, Keep the Grind Up!👑
Will this a be doc on all 4?
USA " an attorney will be appointed for you !"
When the government under funds a system they encourage a culture of crime committing because legal methods don't work, because they are under funded. I wonder if there are statistics on the amount of crime that's been created by austerity?
"it's only the rich who can afford to defend themselves"
Tell us summat we didn't know!
Those wronged by false accusation should be allowed to turn to their accuser to be recompensed.
No surprises here this has been true for centuries!!
$100,000 -- that's a GP's salary for a year. Had he wanted to impose stricter limits on his legal expenditure, I'm sure he could have done. If you want the finest defence available to you, that'll cost you. The problem with legal aid is that the guilty are just as entitled to it. Do we want to be spending a hundred grand a pop on every wrong'un who actually did what he was accused of? I don't think so.
Clearly you are not equipped to see the obvious flaw in your reasoning. Whether you like it or not criminal justice has to start with the presumption of innocence. That is, guilt must be proven not the other way around. So if a defendant has pleaded not guilty, who are you to deny legal aid because in some Kafkaesque world you deem they are ‘definitely’ a wrong’un? Should we have a trial before a trial? Or shall we use our intelligence and accept that, even if a guilty verdict is reached, the legal aid fee was the price we accept for being sure that, despite the best defence, the right verdict was reached.
The whole premise of this video went right over your head. Not to mention the fact it it was mainly about being reimbursed once you’ve been found not guilty. Clearly legal aid does not pay anywhere near that amount when someone is funding a defence solely by that means.
Even if you don’t accept the above, the principle of receiving legal aid would still be worth it for the few times it saves the innocent. The whole Legal system is based on erring on the safe side of caution despite this weighting potentially freeing the guilty. Why do you think the burden of proof is ‘beyond (emphasis on that word) reasonable doubt’ in criminal settings rather than just on ‘balance of probability’ as used in civil?
Hopefully you have been educated. Or you could just go back to your diet of right wing nonsense.
If innocent surly you should get complete compensation!
Unless of course the government has a stake in it then it doesn’t matter how poor you are, legal aid won’t touch you.
There is no justice.
The officers got a wagged finger for having stolen 2 years of someone's life plus a bill that only a Boomer could pay.
well we became like america only the rich can afford to defend themselves
a clever legal mind embracing unaccountable victimhood can and DOES get away with murder. In the free world they have Psychoanalysis by Janet Malcolm
The thing is if you a real judge and you put people away with you knowing full well that they inconent then your no longer judge,cop are trained to lie no wonder people don't believe police anymore
"Believe all women" - yes? Everybodeee hap-hap-happeee, yes?
Demand a court of common law not these BAR courts
Chambers are turning away from legal aid cases as with the fees legal aid pays they get £10 per hour. That's ridiculous talented silks doing legal aid will quickly end up broke
I imagine any talented lawyer won’t do legal aid work, when they can make far more money as a corporate lawyer or solicitor. If you do get a legal aid defence lawyer, they’ll be the bottom of the barrel or the work experience kid.
Hes a doctor and is paid more than enough to be able to afford his legal fees. I'm all for helping the poor but not well paid doctors for their legal troubles.
Ps four laws magnacarter which apply in the Uk and justice system built on and still apply so in participation in two tear justice system of those who can afford to pay and those who legal aid funding and unable to are breaking the law..
Solicitor apply for legal aid licence, why are they applying for said licence only to break the implied moral legal obligations to provide service equal to a person paying..
Legal aid is not to build practice on. It's successful practice who provide services via legal aid as a kindness.
That's why we need Labour in charge 😠 Vote starmer for Prime Minister ✊ he is a Barister too We can be sure we will get back legal aid ✌
I blame him - he was DPP just before this mess and they would have still being following his guidance. All sexual victims to believed at all costs , even if the evidence says otherwise. Starmer is a Yes man and SJW , hes not Corbyn who would have made things better for the poor.
Yup $$$ is justice sad world we’re in, imagine after life and those barristers and judges be judged.
The barristers are paid very little in the criminal justice system.
Would you paying any attention at all? Wake up.
Try living on a 10k pension
A different picture of uk
So police officers flout the law and get a slap on the wrists.
Guity as charged!
You can’t blame the all of the legal system for this. Responsibility for allowing this getting as far as it did sits on the shoulders of the police and CPS not doing a thorough job in looking at all of the evidence and evaluating it with any care whatsoever. The CPS are also carelessly wasting tax payers money. If the CPS and the Police are so pally anyway why not make them share the same budget?
Cannot stomache more than 8 mins of this BS. The crime here is obscene value that the paracites in the legal system put upon themselves: 100s per hour!! 1000s per hour?? 50 would be excessive and they do not even replace a broken roof tile or mow your postage stamp sized front lawn. Legal aid is just another aspect of the mother of all cons: tax the have less's and give it to the have more's. British "justice" = the fairy tale preserve of those without either the ability or propensity of independant objective thought.
Lawyers are needed, they should be valued and given a large wage, they can save your liberty. They spend hours pouring over cases, drowning in paperwork and dont forget they themselves are also taxed. Dont also forget legal aid lawyers do not earn more than a full time teacher.
junior legal aid solicitors/barristers earn the equivalent of less than minimum wage, and the average salary is less than 30 grand. Criminal law in general (including privately funded work) is not lucrative for all but a tiny minority of top QCs
nothing new here same cult up to politricks