Go to any "industrial" area in South Africa, most of the factories stand empty, only shipping companies left. The skills lost cannot be easily replaced. This goes for Eskom too. "Technicians" know how to repair cable faults, but have no idea why the fault occurs in the first place.
It's sctually shocking to see even empty office space and old restaurants or coffee shops! All jobs lost but the government doesn't lose sleep, they earn fat salaries irrespective of how badly SA does!
They dont want tax payers, they want grant dependents so that they can win in the next elections. Thats why they dont mind killing off all middle class and small businesses .
But why are they unemployed? Because the african national thieves have stolen all the money that should have build up the infrastructure for businesses to prosper - plus the corruption of the so-called bee that just channels money to the thieves. The appointment of totally incompetent people in the public sectors like PRASA ( I have some very good contacts there telling me exactly what is going on ).
Before your business becomes too big, break it up into smaller, separate divisions. Rent your personally-owned assets to a family friend who then merely 'fronts' the business shell. You are literally in an economic war against pure evil, and Beee 🐝 is evil! Wake up!
Thank God. One of my children got a job oversees two weeks ago. She's gone and I'm so glad she left this sinking ship. The ANC's motto is... Making South Africa Africa Again.
@@sphesokhela3703 And you neglect the VAT? The Import duties ( because just about everything worthwhile needs to be imported )...the Petrol levies, the property rates, the vat on the security company you employ when the police should be doing their work, the money you spend on private health care....the list goes on....
I am considering leaving South Africa, I'm a diligent taxpayer but I'm beginning to see I'm not wanted because of BEE...( WHICH IS JUST LEGAL THEFT) As a jewellery business one of the requirements to get my fine metals permit is I have to comply with BEE rules..they are basically saying "if you want to continue to trade, get a black partner or we don't give you a license to buy raw gold."..this is blackmail. I have to jump through hoops and give away half of my business that I started to some black person who did nothing. This is unacceptable. The majority of taxpayers are white and the government has successfully "chased whites into the ocean" not physically but with the power of the pen. No wonder we are running out of taxpayers.
Yep... It's a form of ethnic cleansing whereby the ethnic cleanser motivated by jealousy and hate cuts off his nose to spite his face and in the process ends up destroying his own well-being.
The quicker you get out of a forced situation like that the better. I am surprised that you are even still in the country, because you are clearly a capitalist entrepreneur with skills but are forced to accept a communist doctrine. Historically by economic principles you will likely be bankrupt within 7 years if you abide by their demands. When you are bankrupt they will not care.
Major shadow--banning taking place in this comments section, folks... You know this is a co-mmie agenda to level-out all nations and it's being carried-out on a world-wide scale. Apparently SA is still a little too prosperous.
ANC....too dumb to discern which is the goose that lays the golden egg. The last Patriot to leave...please bring the wheel with. No need to switch off the lights.
To think that it will only take 160750 people to change the trajectory of a country with 60 million people. This is the message we need to hear more often - till we believe it.
As long as you keep your head together when you arrive at your new destination you will be fine...if you are going to compete with the Joneses I got very bad news for you....
Same here, will never pay tax to the ANC criminals again, its crazy to fund their crimes with your hard earned money while they make BEE laws preventing you from making a living….
This is frightening and it has been so for quite some time now. Huge unemployment is not helping either. People need real work and not EPWP and grants which take away their dignity more than anything. It's like feeding a hyena hoping that it will eat you last.
From what I know the politicians don't care, they never actually ever did care! They will watch it collapse in front of their very eyes and will only get concerned when it threatens their own position. It is satanic, and that's no exaggeration.
We beat them with e tolls by standing united and refusing to pay. We can beat them again by withholding PAYE until a new government takes over then handing the PAYE to an ethical administration
One would need to put one's money in escrow in bulk? Which bank would be willing... financially it might be tempting (they might find ways to earn interest off it globally), but politically you'd make enemies overnight and it would probably require some sort of buy-in from the SARB (?) and that, I think, won't happen. That being said, it could still probably be a worthy avenue investigate. My guess is very quickly the top people in these companies, law firms and banks will receive the sort of threats De Ruyter has received.
Etolls is a different matter form VAT, PAYE and Income Tax. SARS will liquidate you, also note that their so called "Auditors" are fuking clueless/useless, they have no clue as they what they are doing...that's what happens when you employ people based on colour instead of merit...
In South Africa the people who produce are ruled by those who are unemployed. This is effectively what is happening because they keep voting the ANC in. It's time to *_#VoteOutTheANC_**_._* Each person dissatisfied with the current state of affairs need to make the resolution to vote for the majority opposition party - *_no matter how much they hate or despise the people in that party._* This applies across the board - blacks, whites, coloureds indians or whatever so-called "colour" background one is from. The EFF has already shown in brilliant fashion that it can be done in the last local election in Gauteng - they threw their lot in with the opposition in order to VOTE OUT THE ANC! So, please do not sit back and grumble - get busy telling all people you know to get over the emotional baggage and do what is now this country's only realistic hope: Everyone who is not voting for the ANC MUST vote for the current opposition party. There is no other choice. Playing around by voting for your favourite party because you "LIKE" what they are going will simply continue the rot. *_Just get over the emotions and do the one and only LOGICAL thing - _**_#VoteOutTheANC_**_!!!!_*
You need to legally avoid tax in every imaginable way possible... You are fighting evil. Even if you end up with a crazy, foolish-looking business model that pays less tax, it's okay because the fight is against evil.
@@pauljansen6650 good comeback, perhaps I should have been more precise in my comment. If you take all tax into consideration, we pay most likely close to 70% of our income to the government, especially if you drink and smoke and have a medium low income, the curve is smaller the more your income because of a semi-static spending on some goods like food, though rich people may spend more on luxury items, expenditure is not directly proportional to income, you can't eat thrice as much if your income tripled. But my comment was mainly focussed on income taxes, not fuel taxes or sin taxes or VAT. I'd consider those the minor taxes where income tax is the major tax, this is where majority of our income goes to, especially for higher earning individuals, who in my opinion. But a alternative scenario occurs where the financially stable are going off grid, so they won't care what happens. (My lecturer also says I overthink my problems, but then again, I usually solve them with distinctions😅) thanx for the chat.😊
I don't like the idea that the taxpayers have to watch this country hit rock bottom before we might get some control back... witholding tax in escrow, could it really be that impossible? Will none of the large companies and some big banks be able to do this (the rest will follow)? Why do I feel that legally this should be VERY possible?
@@truth-Hurts375 Misappropriating, squandering and stealing taxpayers moneys is criminal offence. But the government isn't going to prosecute itself now is it?
@@truth-Hurts375 There are a lot of illegal things going around, one might say giving criminals the money to continue may be so... We are on a slippery slope amd anything is possible, 2 years ago I would have stayed and worked a engineer, now I want to finish and leave, there is nothing left if the ANC is in power and I will not hand them my money if they can not run a country with it. Either everyone stands together or the white population slowly dies out and South Africa become Zimbabwe.
It is politically possible. Remember some twisted minds are quite happy to cut off their noses to spite their own faces and end up in misery themselves. Remember, evil makes no common sense.
I'm not concerned about the RAF. The road accident fund can be sorted out when taxi's are governed correctly, and only operated by skilled trained individuals.
Load shedding. Need fuel for generators,now we also have fuel increase.When is enough going to be enough. I see a civil war on the horizon. We are sick and tired of just accepting everything.
Yes I agree with you because of higher unemployment and some business closed due to loadshedding. I'm really sad because I'm not working but SARS is still charging me for tax returns from 2013 and 2015. But they've collected the penalties from my Provident Funds 2016. They're deducting R18000.00 since last year July
@@keorapetsetheo8179 and calculate the phenomenal amount of money with everything that we buy as a country on a daily basis. The sums add up to way more than just roads and powrrlines and water, where is it all gone thats our wealth.
A fact also not mentioned is the racial demography of the people that are paying the income taxes or how they are being screwed by BBBEE... but you didnt hear me say it.
Kieswetter said only 6000 taxpayers left but sars signed up well over a million so he is not worried that people say taxbase is getting smaller because as I understand it he argues more of that million will progress to taxpayers than are leaving ?
Unfortunately poor people always vote for free stuff. Rob Hersovs idea of distributing comics in the townships to explain some basic concepts of where money comes from, is a good idea.
THE SOLUTION The ANC doesn't fulfill its constitutional obligations. The ANC is far worse than just a "poor" government, it CHOOSES to break down and to destroy. That is why this action is warranted and needed. Most importantly the ANC incites hatred/violence against us when they say that we stole their land - I checked, we didn't. It is not reasonable to expect law abiding tax payers to continue with "the winner takes all principle" of a democracy to their own and the country's demise. Who says we HAVE to be part of this political dispensation? Nobody questions this. It is time to stop, think and QUESTION this. Nothing and nobody have the right to force us to be part of this self destructive political dispensation. Approach the courts - convince them that it would be in the best interest of the country as a whole if we control our own taxes (first goal). Justify our rejection of the current political dispensation (main goal). Alternatively we can just use the constitutional court as a platform where we inform the ANC and public of our decision to control our money and effectively start our own government. Give reasons and evidence for our decision. DIE OPLOSSING? Die enigste praktiese oplossing is om ons eie belasting (persoonlike, besigheids en brandstofheffings), munisipale fooie en betalings vir elektrisiteit self te beheer. (Our money under our control). Deur dit te doen kan ons die land feitlik oornag omdraai. Maar is dit haalbaar, hoe gaan ons dit reg kry? Ons het nie n keuse nie, ons moet dit doen. My voorstel is om die stelsel te verander deur n hofsaak in die konstitusionele hof. Dit is dalk net n beginpunt. Ons is GEREGTIG om die land om te draai. As dit is wat nodig is om die land om te draai (en dit is) dan moet die hof ons toelaat om ons belasting ens. te beheer. Dis tog ook vir die beswil v.d. land as n geheel. Hoekom nie? Die ANC het NIE DIE REG om ons te weerhou om die land om te draai nie. Dis die kruks van die beoogde saak in die konstitusionele hof. Indien die hof nie onomwonde in ons guns beslis nie wat heel moontlik is kan dit nog steeds susksesvol wees want dan het miljoene Blankes, Bruin en Indiers gehoor dat hulle GEREGTIG is om te doen wat die beste is vir hulle en SA as n geheel. Op die oomblik dink nie een van hulle so daaraan nie. Niks of niemand het die reg om ons te dwing om in n selfvernietigende politieke bedeling te bly nie ook nie die konstitusionele hof nie. So n hofsaak sal ook die besef tuisbring. Die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel - regsaksie teen die ANC As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie kan daar mos nie grondonteiening sonder vergoeding wees nie. Dis dan die rede waarom die ANC en EFF vra vir onteiening sonder vergoeding. Ons het grond by die Zoeloekoning gekoop. Daar was ander gevalle ook gewees, tewens Bennie van Zyl v.d. TLU se vir my dat daar 25 traktate was tussen die Voortrekkers en Swart stamme vir die koop van grond. Die Voortrekkers is bes moontlik die enigste groep mense in die geskiedenis wat nie grond met geweld af geneem het nie maar gekoop het! Die V.O.C. het ook maar hulle was nie n nasie nie. Die TLU het al in 2019 vir Ramaphosa gese dat hy en die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel. Die TLU het ook al R100 000 aan gebied vir enige iemand wat kan bewys dat ons die grond gesteel het maar niemand het nie. Ek het n ou onderhoud op UA-cam van John Vorster gesien (Firing line with William F. Buckley) net voor die '74 verkiesing waar hy sê dat die regering reeds in 1936 besluit het om 7.25 miljoen morge grond te koop en as ADDISIONELE grond te gee aan die tuislande. Tydens die onderhoud het hy gese dat daar reeds 7 miljoen morge gekoop was van Wit mense en dat dit al reeds aan die tuislande oorhandig was. As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie en ons betwis nie eens die ANC en EFF se leuen nie is ons sekerlik die grootste idiote in die geskiedenis! Kom ons vat die ANC hof toe. ANC waar is jou gedetaileerde lys van grond wat gesteel was? Ons kan grondonteiening sonder vergoeding nek om draai eens en vir altyd met so n hofsaak. Omdat ons nie vir die ANC en EFF se hulle lieg oor die grond nie dink almal al klaar dat ons die grond gesteel het. Deur ons stilswye kondoneer ons die leuenaars se leuen. Ons kan dit nie in hierdie geweldadige land bekostig nie. Hoeveel plaas aanvalle en haat is nie al deur hierdie leuen veroorsaak nie en hoeveel nog? Bennie van Zyl se vir my so n hofsaak sal omtrent R5m kos saam met litigasie want die ANC sal definitief apelleer. Die TLU het nie die fondse hiervoor nie. Om as n regering dit jou doelwit te maak om mense se grond by hulle te steel gebaseer op jou eie gefabriseerde leuen. Om mense se grond by hulle af te vat is gelykstaande aan n oorlogsverklaring. Die ANC breek die land ekonomies af as ook die samelewing, tewens die ANC hits rassehaat aan teen die Blankes as die sê ons het die grond gesteel. Hoe kan daar verwag word van ons om verder ons belasting te gee aan die ANC en belangriker om deur die ANC regeer te word? Wat sal n groep redelike persone doen onder hierdie omstandighede? Of eerder waarop is n minderheidsgroep in ons omstandighede GEREGTIG? Dit is eintlik die saak wat ek wil begin. Blankes sal baie meer as R5m gee vir hulle vryheid. Ek dink nie mense besef dit nie maar dit (die ANC se leuen oor die grond) kan DIE REDE wees wat n hof (insluitend die Wereldhof en VN) se uitspraak in ons guns swaai as ons besluit om ons self te distansieer van die huidige politieke bedeling. Bruin en Indier wil ook onder die ANC uit kom, ons staan nie alleen nie. Dis nie net n Swart en Wit kwessie nie. Dit gaan oor waardes, breek jy af of bou jy. Blankes bou, ons kan nie langer onder die afbrekende ANC regering aan gaan nie. Die ANC is DIE REDE vir die verval v.d. land. Daar is honderde indien nie duisende bewyse hiervoor wat in die konstitusionel hof voor gele kan word. Hoe kan ons hierdie saak verloor? Om Swartes titel regte te gee vir die grond waarop hulle bly in die ou tuislande sal die grootste welvaart skepping ooit in die land tot gevolg he. Hoe is dit moontlik dat die ANC en EFF nooit daaraan gedink het nie!? Die huidige stelsel waar grondeienaarskap onmoontlik is, is juis DIE REDE (histories en huidiglik) vir Swart armoede, Swart verstedeliking en plakkerskampe. Die ANC se hy is Swartes se "Liberator" maar hy lieg. Die ANC is Swartes se "Opressor".
I see a glimmer of hope in the GNU rescue of the stealing. This presentation relates to the honest side of the economy, stop the stealing and corruption and its possible but not guaranteed that Foreign investment will increase, I do however struggle to see western countries being the source of this investment as SA is too far down the road with Brics.
If you think they care, they don’t. Charles Taylor is a great example, as long as a small select few maintain great wealth. They don’t mind a collapse.
I’m so proud that S A is doing so well with paying pensions and assisting with child care. Anyone paying a lot of tax is getting a lot of money, but sadly we always want more. Show me any other country that does far better than we do regarding taxation and caring for our people,, naturally excluding China snd Russia. The rest including Western countries tax just as much if not more and also struggle to make ends meet socially. 🇿🇦🇿🇦
You are so correct, there will be no taxpayers left. Maybe electricians who are doing the substations and eskom lines, who are working day after day. But than we will not be able to pay for electricity because everybody will be without work.
A very clear recipe for financial disaster. These graphs(and by the way very clearly explained), is why I have been promoting the VVT concept, value vote tax, which imply that you get to vote pro rated, eg. If you pay $1 - 30k in taxes then you get 1 vote, if you pay 30K- 50k in taxes you get 2 votes, you get where I am going. The concept is that why should someone have the same vote when they contribute zero to the tax system to run the country, when someone else pays huge amounts but have the same vote. This is why people leave the countries with problems like yours.
@@itsprobablykiaan It won't get exploited. How? It can only get sidelined by wonky politicians whose support base is lazy degenerates who pay no tax. Such a system has been proposed before and is a form of qualified franchise. Nobody can coherently argue such a system, in the same vein that nobody can argue that major shareholders get more say in companies than minor shareholders, the latter still getting a vote but effectively less say. Politicians who try to argue these logical systems end up stuttering and looking silly. A more-palatable modification of the proposed tax-vote system is that even those who pay zero tax still get *one vote* by reason of their living as a valid citizen and nothing more. The problem, as already said, is corrupted politicians are as common as house flies and they are unfortunately incumbent and will be determined that such a system is never even on the discussion agenda. I'm not saying it can't work or be successfully promoted, but the world is an extremely evil place; a place where common sense is often determinedly marginalised.
ALL citizens of a country cede personal freedoms for governmental rule. It is not about what you give to a government that dictates your right to have a say, but what government takes in terms of individual sovreignty. What you are espousing leads to a government run by corporations, with even less accountability than a government like the ANC. Think about it, and do a bit of research, maybe you can change your own mind
@@JayJay-qu5oo How do corporations end up abusing a very basic qualified franchise voting system based on tax contributions? Corporations pay tax, however they don't get to vote. Pretty simple.
@@jimmycricket5366 because imo they will get lobbied and collusion will take place especially if the ones that's have more voting power are the same ones with the money... It feels like that system will just breed more greed.
NO, that's just sheer pessimism. Think of countries like Germany, Japan and Singapore after the war... There's incredible loads of money willing to invest in SA - we, the citizens need to just get rid of the ANC - and that means WORK. You have to WORK at influencing the black people to #VoteOutTheANC in the upcoming election. Tell everybody you know to get off their pessimistic backsides and get to WORK - any and all BLACK people you know that was not going to vote because they think it's useless, needs to get on board. I am of course not speaking of those who are anc leeches - but then you won't know who is - so you have to just tell everybody. The EFF has already shown that it can be done by voting out the ANC in the last local elections in Gauteng. Stop moaning. Get BUSY WORKING!!! It's OUR country!
@@kevinrtres That's exactly the problem. It's NOT "our country". It's actually not even really "a country". It's an arbitrary area of the African continent that the Glorious British Empire happen to have occupied when it was decided to fix the borders And it contains in it multiple nations, each with very different cultures, ideas and visions for the future. As long as we try to maintain this artificial creation of Brittain, we will always sit with the same problems as we have for the past 70 years.
Stop taxes completely. Privatize everything, and only have regulators on capping companies for them not the have monopolies or oligarchies - e.g. once a company provides efficient services to 50% of the market share, make it mandatory for them to give/refer business to smaller competition.
Increase vat, decrease PAYE... then exclude all the basics poor people live off from VAT.. we wont hurt the poor, but we will get everyone to pay tax, that can afford to, and all the people that dont declare their full income...
Roodt just pointed out the well know fact that SA is a vastly unequal country where a tiny minority owns the majority of assets. A situation purposely created by the Apartheid regime and thereafter negotiated to persist under the formerly socialist ANC. If anything, a natural outcome of the free market ideology that is incorporated in the Free Market Foundation’s name. Now I’m not saying the ANC is doing a good job at governing the country, but what would a free market ideology change or improve on this fact, if not worsen it, ie what is your point, Roodt? Ideally the tax base would widen because it would represent a growing middle class, but in an entirely free market environment with weak government, the actuality of a vast class of survivalist small businesses and a handful of franchises/big businesses is the result. Or is FMF trying to point out that government is not doing enough to support small businesses to become medium and then big business? But that’s not very Free Market-like?
Government has hindered economic growth and investment at every opportunity. And they've destroyed education & virtually every other state function by employing people not qualified to do the job & allowing corruption to run rampant. The rot is deep and blaming only the apartheid legacy has become too easy a scapegoat that diverts responsibility from poor leadership & the failed policies of the ruling elite. Communism has never made everyone equally rich but has certainly contributed to those outside the elite circle being equally poor.
Government can’t support small business. They don’t have the money. If every street vendor has to pay tax on what he earns. If every domestic worker ( casual or full time) has to pay tax on what they earn. If every taxi owner had to pay tax on what they earn …. Then yes it would not be much but everyone is then paying tax that has some sort of an income. Many people don’t pay tax. Either because they don’t earn enough or they found a way around it. But the few that still pay taxes can’t support the masses. Where are the black businessmen? Why are they not building factories and employing people. Why are they not supporting industries to grow and then they can employ more people. Why are they not up in arms about load shedding that has seen many businesses close and thus more people are without work. Just my thoughts on this 🤔
Good but not great analysis. If you have 34% overall unemployment and 61% youth unemployment, with wide gaps in earnings between management and workers, expect the small well-paid minority to pay the majority of taxes. Simple logic. The small number of companies that pay taxes also make the most in revenue and profits. The majority of SMEs in SA are informal, with low revenue and incomes. You need structural reforms, not populist analysis.
Not according to SARS and Mr. Kieswetter. He thinks that we are not losing people, and in fact, we are better off now with more aggressive ways to get tax out of remaining taxpayers.
Problem with Fuel Levy is its percentage based, where in the world do they have such nonsense, should be flat rate , so you avoid our current predicament, when you have oil price surges, and production issues.. these guys are making money hand over fist right now... they need to scrap both vat and greater portionof levies for certain industries in times like these...if nothing else, scrap the hundreds of billions of eskoms debt that is just vat alone.. not to mention linke to questionable bloated contracts
Scrap the fuel levy and have al Cas requiring insurance like the rest f the world. Cheaper fuel will mean cheaper everything, and insurance will be affordable and produce vat
WATCH the full livestream with Dawie Roodt (90 mins) here: ua-cam.com/users/livecBTNognQ1T0?feature=share&t=374
Just finished my studies from UP last year with a degree in Economics...i loved these type of discussions in class.Great video🔥
Go to any "industrial" area in South Africa, most of the factories stand empty, only shipping companies left.
The skills lost cannot be easily replaced. This goes for Eskom too. "Technicians" know how to repair cable faults, but have no idea why the fault occurs in the first place.
It's sctually shocking to see even empty office space and old restaurants or coffee shops! All jobs lost but the government doesn't lose sleep, they earn fat salaries irrespective of how badly SA does!
Shipping companies are relocating to Mozambique
@@GlenroseMakgorogo ....tell them to say hi to the Somalian pirates....
@@richardwebb9532 you mean that Pirates are not operating in Durban?
@@GlenroseMakgorogo ....🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 You got a point, brah....👍🏻🍻👍🏻
So many people unemployed no wonder there is no tax payers
They dont want tax payers, they want grant dependents so that they can win in the next elections. Thats why they dont mind killing off all middle class and small businesses .
But why are they unemployed? Because the african national thieves have stolen all the money that should have build up the infrastructure for businesses to prosper - plus the corruption of the so-called bee that just channels money to the thieves. The appointment of totally incompetent people in the public sectors like PRASA ( I have some very good contacts there telling me exactly what is going on ).
And those still paying tax should pay it into a trust fund in order to keep the money out of the ANC (Altime National Criminals) hands.
Before your business becomes too big, break it up into smaller, separate divisions. Rent your personally-owned assets to a family friend who then merely 'fronts' the business shell. You are literally in an economic war against pure evil, and Beee 🐝 is evil! Wake up!
#AfricanNationalCriminals #AfricanNationalCants
"The problem with socialism is that you will eventually run out of other people's money" - Margaret Thatcher
Absolutely spot on
Quote for the day
Thank God. One of my children got a job oversees two weeks ago. She's gone and I'm so glad she left this sinking ship. The ANC's motto is... Making South Africa Africa Again.
Making SA like ZIM!!!!
Cry my beloved country
Oh boy, breakdown of the finances, show the masses the truth.. jerr!! Those political bigshots do not want people to know these things.. Thank you.
The numbers dont lie. I did some numbers 2 years ago. 73c of every rand I make goes back to the anc in some form. So I basically work for the anc.
It is the price that you must pay for worshiping Mandela. Enjoy!
fugazi lol.... either you have no tax advisory or,,,,, actually tax cap is 45% & way less if you've got a business
Maximum of 45c is paid in tax per R1 earned
@@sphesokhela3703 And you neglect the VAT? The Import duties ( because just about everything worthwhile needs to be imported )...the Petrol levies, the property rates, the vat on the security company you employ when the police should be doing their work, the money you spend on private health care....the list goes on....
I am considering leaving South Africa, I'm a diligent taxpayer but I'm beginning to see I'm not wanted because of BEE...( WHICH IS JUST LEGAL THEFT)
As a jewellery business one of the requirements to get my fine metals permit is I have to comply with BEE rules..they are basically saying "if you want to continue to trade, get a black partner or we don't give you a license to buy raw gold."..this is blackmail.
I have to jump through hoops and give away half of my business that I started to some black person who did nothing. This is unacceptable.
The majority of taxpayers are white and the government has successfully "chased whites into the ocean" not physically but with the power of the pen.
No wonder we are running out of taxpayers.
It is the price you must pay for worshiping mandela
Yep... It's a form of ethnic cleansing whereby the ethnic cleanser motivated by jealousy and hate cuts off his nose to spite his face and in the process ends up destroying his own well-being.
Why was your black employee doing nothing? Is it because you refused to interact with them because they were black?
The quicker you get out of a forced situation like that the better. I am surprised that you are even still in the country, because you are clearly a capitalist entrepreneur with skills but are forced to accept a communist doctrine. Historically by economic principles you will likely be bankrupt within 7 years if you abide by their demands. When you are bankrupt they will not care.
Major shadow--banning taking place in this comments section, folks... You know this is a co-mmie agenda to level-out all nations and it's being carried-out on a world-wide scale. Apparently SA is still a little too prosperous.
Holy crap. We are in trouble
I miss home but every year when my SARS tax return is submitted with R0.00 owing I just want to sing and dance. Hulle moere.
South Africa administers are the most terrifying words uttered.
Dawie, can you explain to us what happens to the Billions of Transfer duty fees paid on property being bought by South africans?
Extravagant shopping trips to Dubai!
Dubai and London trips for all the freedom fighters lol
Nevermind property bought by South Africans, imagine all the foreigners who buy property that South Africans can't afford. Free money for the ANC
ANC....too dumb to discern which is the goose that lays the golden egg.
The last Patriot to leave...please bring the wheel with. No need to switch off the lights.
Good idea. Plus non tax payers are the ones voting useless ANC
Classic post Paul
They are not too dumb... They're just too evil, corrupt and utterly incompetent.
@@jimmycricket5366 which equates to donners onnosel!
To think that it will only take 160750 people to change the trajectory of a country with 60 million people. This is the message we need to hear more often - till we believe it.
We are already more than 100 million already.
The big thing is that 60 million vote but really only 160k should be making the decision as the rest don’t bring anything to the table
Quite happy that I will not be milked any longer by the Gangster State.
Yeah, how?
That makes two of us.
That makes 3 of us. In fact more because my 2 adult sons are also going.
As long as you keep your head together when you arrive at your new destination you will be fine...if you are going to compete with the Joneses I got very bad news for you....
Same here, will never pay tax to the ANC criminals again, its crazy to fund their crimes with your hard earned money while they make BEE laws preventing you from making a living….
This is frightening and it has been so for quite some time now. Huge unemployment is not helping either. People need real work and not EPWP and grants which take away their dignity more than anything. It's like feeding a hyena hoping that it will eat you last.
From what I know the politicians don't care, they never actually ever did care! They will watch it collapse in front of their very eyes and will only get concerned when it threatens their own position. It is satanic, and that's no exaggeration.
Where are the other people that understand this.
We beat them with e tolls by standing united and refusing to pay.
We can beat them again by withholding PAYE until a new government takes over then handing the PAYE to an ethical administration
One would need to put one's money in escrow in bulk? Which bank would be willing... financially it might be tempting (they might find ways to earn interest off it globally), but politically you'd make enemies overnight and it would probably require some sort of buy-in from the SARB (?) and that, I think, won't happen.
That being said, it could still probably be a worthy avenue investigate. My guess is very quickly the top people in these companies, law firms and banks will receive the sort of threats De Ruyter has received.
Keep dreaming...
@@truth-Hurts375 any better plan ? Count me in !
Etolls is a different matter form VAT, PAYE and Income Tax. SARS will liquidate you, also note that their so called "Auditors" are fuking clueless/useless, they have no clue as they what they are doing...that's what happens when you employ people based on colour instead of merit...
Good idea. Plus non tax payers are ANC voters
nice, short and sweet. and numbers to back it
More like tax payers are running away from south africa
Employ them then no need to run they thriving all over the world .
@RodneyErnstzen id rather people be entrepreneurs and start businesses than being a sheeple employee
ANC will just increase vat. Just imagine how much vat they receive from all sales of all Buisiness in SA
Double taxation, one pays income tax and then pay tax on every lolipop you purchase.
Im absolutely speechless...
And guess what the rest of us will be squeezed dry now.
Miljoene sit onwettig in SA en kry werkloosheidspensioen
In South Africa the people who produce are ruled by those who are unemployed. This is effectively what is happening because they keep voting the ANC in. It's time to *_#VoteOutTheANC_**_._* Each person dissatisfied with the current state of affairs need to make the resolution to vote for the majority opposition party - *_no matter how much they hate or despise the people in that party._* This applies across the board - blacks, whites, coloureds indians or whatever so-called "colour" background one is from. The EFF has already shown in brilliant fashion that it can be done in the last local election in Gauteng - they threw their lot in with the opposition in order to VOTE OUT THE ANC!
So, please do not sit back and grumble - get busy telling all people you know to get over the emotional baggage and do what is now this country's only realistic hope: Everyone who is not voting for the ANC MUST vote for the current opposition party. There is no other choice. Playing around by voting for your favourite party because you "LIKE" what they are going will simply continue the rot.
*_Just get over the emotions and do the one and only LOGICAL thing - _**_#VoteOutTheANC_**_!!!!_*
Great video
Well, if South Africa was worth living in people would not be emigrating en masse.
Taxes on petrol and diesel is also ridiculous.
Make no mistake. Those 770 companies fully support the ANC.
With the amount of people who have left the job market I think the UK could soon have the same problem
What would happen if the tax payers stopped paying taxes and these major businesses took a stand to say enough is enough.
Money talks.
You need to legally avoid tax in every imaginable way possible... You are fighting evil. Even if you end up with a crazy, foolish-looking business model that pays less tax, it's okay because the fight is against evil.
Where are you getting your food from that youvpay VAT on?
@@pauljansen6650 good comeback, perhaps I should have been more precise in my comment. If you take all tax into consideration, we pay most likely close to 70% of our income to the government, especially if you drink and smoke and have a medium low income, the curve is smaller the more your income because of a semi-static spending on some goods like food, though rich people may spend more on luxury items, expenditure is not directly proportional to income, you can't eat thrice as much if your income tripled. But my comment was mainly focussed on income taxes, not fuel taxes or sin taxes or VAT. I'd consider those the minor taxes where income tax is the major tax, this is where majority of our income goes to, especially for higher earning individuals, who in my opinion.
But a alternative scenario occurs where the financially stable are going off grid, so they won't care what happens.
(My lecturer also says I overthink my problems, but then again, I usually solve them with distinctions😅) thanx for the chat.😊
Imagine, in France, one in five French voters voted for a man who believes in 100% tax. He never made it to the second round.
Four in five South African voters would vote for him. And we all know what colour they'd be too.
Tax our government higher and remove all their perks
I don't like the idea that the taxpayers have to watch this country hit rock bottom before we might get some control back... witholding tax in escrow, could it really be that impossible? Will none of the large companies and some big banks be able to do this (the rest will follow)? Why do I feel that legally this should be VERY possible?
People are talking rubbish...withholding taxes are a criminal offence...the Goverment will forcefully take what you owe them.
@@truth-Hurts375 Misappropriating, squandering and stealing taxpayers moneys is criminal offence. But the government isn't going to prosecute itself now is it?
@@truth-Hurts375 There are a lot of illegal things going around, one might say giving criminals the money to continue may be so...
We are on a slippery slope amd anything is possible, 2 years ago I would have stayed and worked a engineer, now I want to finish and leave, there is nothing left if the ANC is in power and I will not hand them my money if they can not run a country with it.
Either everyone stands together or the white population slowly dies out and South Africa become Zimbabwe.
@@truth-Hurts375Criminals implementing Legal theft doesn't make it a Moral action.
Watch this space you Cretin.
It is politically possible. Remember some twisted minds are quite happy to cut off their noses to spite their own faces and end up in misery themselves. Remember, evil makes no common sense.
Why are they not getting tax from taxi owners who have so much cash they own many vehicles and can hire security guards 🤔?
Taxi bosses are criminals who REFUSE to pay any tax. Whenever the government tries to reign them in, they either bribe or kill them.
Maybe because ministers are involved financialy
There's a whole offline economy running worth billions that no-one talks about....
Why are they never pursued? Because that would cost votes
Thanks for the informative video
The road accident fund should not exist. Why punish tax victims for losses they did not cause?
I'm not concerned about the RAF. The road accident fund can be sorted out when taxi's are governed correctly, and only operated by skilled trained individuals.
Will the last taxpayer out the door please turn off the lights.... if they are still going.
Load shedding. Need fuel for generators,now we also have fuel increase.When is enough going to be enough. I see a civil war on the horizon. We are sick and tired of just accepting everything.
Wow im shocked with these stats 🤯
If only taxpayers voted, the DA wins a huge majority
They report to Klaus Schwabb
@@ax4178 they all do
@@ax4178 Absolutely. They and many other political parties in SA are run by the Tribe / y i d s. The way forward was shown by AH in NS Germany.
Yes I agree with you because of higher unemployment and some business closed due to loadshedding. I'm really sad because I'm not working but SARS is still charging me for tax returns from 2013 and 2015. But they've collected the penalties from my Provident Funds 2016. They're deducting R18000.00 since last year July
African National Criminals.
Typical 😮
What if everyone just stopped paying tax.
Where are you going to get your food and water from?
Good they must realize it and feel it!!!!
How? Everything we buy is taxed?
Yea it's 15% vat which is fucking criminal considering we also pay income tax
@@keorapetsetheo8179 and calculate the phenomenal amount of money with everything that we buy as a country on a daily basis. The sums add up to way more than just roads and powrrlines and water, where is it all gone thats our wealth.
A fact also not mentioned is the racial demography of the people that are paying the income taxes or how they are being screwed by BBBEE... but you didnt hear me say it.
Kieswetter said only 6000 taxpayers left but sars signed up well over a million so he is not worried that people say taxbase is getting smaller because as I understand it he argues more of that million will progress to taxpayers than are leaving ?
Well said. With the state of RSA, it's natural the taxpayers is gatvol
Surely the Ramaphosas, Malemas and other parliamentarians and their cohorts could replace that 160 000
Unfortunately poor people always vote for free stuff. Rob Hersovs idea of distributing comics in the townships to explain some basic concepts of where money comes from, is a good idea.
maybe he should stop talking about it and do it
The ANC doesn't fulfill its constitutional obligations.
The ANC is far worse than just a "poor" government, it CHOOSES to break down and to destroy. That is why this action is warranted and needed.
Most importantly the ANC incites hatred/violence against us when they say that we stole their land - I checked, we didn't.
It is not reasonable to expect law abiding tax payers to continue with "the winner takes all principle" of a democracy to their own and the country's demise.
Who says we HAVE to be part of this political dispensation? Nobody questions this. It is time to stop, think and QUESTION this.
Nothing and nobody have the right to force us to be part of this self destructive political dispensation.
Approach the courts - convince them that it would be in the best interest of the country as a whole if we control our own taxes (first goal). Justify our rejection of the current political dispensation (main goal).
Alternatively we can just use the constitutional court as a platform where we inform the ANC and public of our decision to control our money and effectively start our own government. Give reasons and evidence for our decision.
Die enigste praktiese oplossing is om ons eie belasting (persoonlike, besigheids en brandstofheffings), munisipale fooie en betalings vir elektrisiteit self te beheer. (Our money under our control).
Deur dit te doen kan ons die land feitlik oornag omdraai.
Maar is dit haalbaar, hoe gaan ons dit reg kry?
Ons het nie n keuse nie, ons moet dit doen.
My voorstel is om die stelsel te verander deur n hofsaak in die konstitusionele hof. Dit is dalk net n beginpunt.
Ons is GEREGTIG om die land om te draai.
As dit is wat nodig is om die land om te draai (en dit is) dan moet die hof ons toelaat om ons belasting ens. te beheer. Dis tog ook vir die beswil v.d. land as n geheel. Hoekom nie?
Die ANC het NIE DIE REG om ons te weerhou om die land om te draai nie.
Dis die kruks van die beoogde saak in die konstitusionele hof.
Indien die hof nie onomwonde in ons guns beslis nie wat heel moontlik is kan dit nog steeds susksesvol wees want dan het miljoene Blankes, Bruin en Indiers gehoor dat hulle GEREGTIG is om te doen wat die beste is vir hulle en SA as n geheel. Op die oomblik dink nie een van hulle so daaraan nie.
Niks of niemand het die reg om ons te dwing om in n selfvernietigende politieke bedeling te bly nie ook nie die konstitusionele hof nie.
So n hofsaak sal ook die besef tuisbring.
Die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel - regsaksie teen die ANC
As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie kan daar mos nie grondonteiening sonder vergoeding wees nie.
Dis dan die rede waarom die ANC en EFF vra vir onteiening sonder vergoeding.
Ons het grond by die Zoeloekoning gekoop. Daar was ander gevalle ook gewees, tewens Bennie van Zyl v.d. TLU se vir my dat daar 25 traktate was tussen die Voortrekkers en Swart stamme vir die koop van grond.
Die Voortrekkers is bes moontlik die enigste groep mense in die geskiedenis wat nie grond met geweld af geneem het nie maar gekoop het! Die V.O.C. het ook maar hulle was nie n nasie nie.
Die TLU het al in 2019 vir Ramaphosa gese dat hy en die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel.
Die TLU het ook al R100 000 aan gebied vir enige iemand wat kan bewys dat ons die grond gesteel het maar niemand het nie.
Ek het n ou onderhoud op UA-cam van John Vorster gesien (Firing line with William F. Buckley) net voor die '74 verkiesing waar hy sê dat die regering reeds in 1936 besluit het om 7.25 miljoen morge grond te koop en as ADDISIONELE grond te gee aan die tuislande.
Tydens die onderhoud het hy gese dat daar reeds 7 miljoen morge gekoop was van Wit mense en dat dit al reeds aan die tuislande oorhandig was.
As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie en ons betwis nie eens die ANC en EFF se leuen nie is ons sekerlik die grootste idiote in die geskiedenis!
Kom ons vat die ANC hof toe.
ANC waar is jou gedetaileerde lys van grond wat gesteel was?
Ons kan grondonteiening sonder vergoeding nek om draai eens en vir altyd met so n hofsaak.
Omdat ons nie vir die ANC en EFF se hulle lieg oor die grond nie dink almal al klaar dat ons die grond gesteel het.
Deur ons stilswye kondoneer ons die leuenaars se leuen.
Ons kan dit nie in hierdie geweldadige land bekostig nie.
Hoeveel plaas aanvalle en haat is nie al deur hierdie leuen veroorsaak nie en hoeveel nog?
Bennie van Zyl se vir my so n hofsaak sal omtrent R5m kos saam met litigasie want die ANC sal definitief apelleer. Die TLU het nie die fondse hiervoor nie.
Om as n regering dit jou doelwit te maak om mense se grond by hulle te steel gebaseer op jou eie gefabriseerde leuen.
Om mense se grond by hulle af te vat is gelykstaande aan n oorlogsverklaring.
Die ANC breek die land ekonomies af as ook die samelewing, tewens die ANC hits rassehaat aan teen die Blankes as die sê ons het die grond gesteel.
Hoe kan daar verwag word van ons om verder ons belasting te gee aan die ANC en belangriker om deur die ANC regeer te word?
Wat sal n groep redelike persone doen onder hierdie omstandighede?
Of eerder waarop is n minderheidsgroep in ons omstandighede GEREGTIG?
Dit is eintlik die saak wat ek wil begin. Blankes sal baie meer as R5m gee vir hulle vryheid.
Ek dink nie mense besef dit nie maar dit (die ANC se leuen oor die grond) kan DIE REDE wees wat n hof (insluitend die Wereldhof en VN) se uitspraak in ons guns swaai as ons besluit om ons self te distansieer van die huidige politieke bedeling.
Bruin en Indier wil ook onder die ANC uit kom, ons staan nie alleen nie.
Dis nie net n Swart en Wit kwessie nie.
Dit gaan oor waardes, breek jy af of bou jy.
Blankes bou, ons kan nie langer onder die afbrekende ANC regering aan gaan nie.
Die ANC is DIE REDE vir die verval v.d. land.
Daar is honderde indien nie duisende bewyse hiervoor wat in die konstitusionel hof voor gele kan word.
Hoe kan ons hierdie saak verloor?
Om Swartes titel regte te gee vir die grond waarop hulle bly in die ou tuislande sal die grootste welvaart skepping ooit in die land tot gevolg he.
Hoe is dit moontlik dat die ANC en EFF nooit daaraan gedink het nie!?
Die huidige stelsel waar grondeienaarskap onmoontlik is, is juis DIE REDE (histories en huidiglik) vir Swart armoede, Swart verstedeliking en plakkerskampe.
Die ANC se hy is Swartes se "Liberator" maar hy lieg.
Die ANC is Swartes se "Opressor".
Vote ANC vote for corruption
When Willem Swanepoel was incharge of the road accident fund they had funds.Delille was still upset because the funds were kept on our banks
I see a glimmer of hope in the GNU rescue of the stealing. This presentation relates to the honest side of the economy, stop the stealing and corruption and its possible but not guaranteed that Foreign investment will increase, I do however struggle to see western countries being the source of this investment as SA is too far down the road with Brics.
If you think they care, they don’t. Charles Taylor is a great example, as long as a small select few maintain great wealth. They don’t mind a collapse.
Did the receiver of revenue ever say THANKYOU to the tax payers???
I’m so proud that S A is doing so well with paying pensions and assisting with child care.
Anyone paying a lot of tax is getting a lot of money, but sadly we always want more.
Show me any other country that does far better than we do regarding taxation and caring for our people,, naturally excluding China snd Russia.
The rest including Western countries tax just as much if not more and also struggle to make ends meet socially. 🇿🇦🇿🇦
Isn't interesting! Dawie&Co were singing Pravin Gordhan's praises not so long ago.
He Pravin is a puppet who steals they earn so much why steal from poor coward
Does qall these new Presidents and ministers pay taxes?
Holy Moly, thats Scary 😮
Good day, could one please indicate to me where i can find the presentation on the website for this video?
Try scanning the QR code in the beginning of the original livestream: ua-cam.com/users/livecBTNognQ1T0
You are so correct, there will be no taxpayers left. Maybe electricians who are doing the substations and eskom lines, who are working day after day. But than we will not be able to pay for electricity because everybody will be without work.
The resident Wrecking Ball.
A very clear recipe for financial disaster. These graphs(and by the way very clearly explained), is why I have been promoting the VVT concept, value vote tax, which imply that you get to vote pro rated, eg. If you pay $1 - 30k in taxes then you get 1 vote, if you pay 30K- 50k in taxes you get 2 votes, you get where I am going. The concept is that why should someone have the same vote when they contribute zero to the tax system to run the country, when someone else pays huge amounts but have the same vote. This is why people leave the countries with problems like yours.
I can see a system like that working well in an ideal world - But I can also see a system like that getting exploited.
@@itsprobablykiaan It won't get exploited. How? It can only get sidelined by wonky politicians whose support base is lazy degenerates who pay no tax. Such a system has been proposed before and is a form of qualified franchise.
Nobody can coherently argue such a system, in the same vein that nobody can argue that major shareholders get more say in companies than minor shareholders, the latter still getting a vote but effectively less say.
Politicians who try to argue these logical systems end up stuttering and looking silly. A more-palatable modification of the proposed tax-vote system is that even those who pay zero tax still get *one vote* by reason of their living as a valid citizen and nothing more. The problem, as already said, is corrupted politicians are as common as house flies and they are unfortunately incumbent and will be determined that such a system is never even on the discussion agenda. I'm not saying it can't work or be successfully promoted, but the world is an extremely evil place; a place where common sense is often determinedly marginalised.
ALL citizens of a country cede personal freedoms for governmental rule. It is not about what you give to a government that dictates your right to have a say, but what government takes in terms of individual sovreignty. What you are espousing leads to a government run by corporations, with even less accountability than a government like the ANC. Think about it, and do a bit of research, maybe you can change your own mind
@@JayJay-qu5oo How do corporations end up abusing a very basic qualified franchise voting system based on tax contributions? Corporations pay tax, however they don't get to vote. Pretty simple.
@@jimmycricket5366 because imo they will get lobbied and collusion will take place especially if the ones that's have more voting power are the same ones with the money... It feels like that system will just breed more greed.
I agree Dawie.
Pravin Gordon is a big cake
I think we are now at a stage where it's not possible anymore to pull out of the dive.
NO, that's just sheer pessimism. Think of countries like Germany, Japan and Singapore after the war...
There's incredible loads of money willing to invest in SA - we, the citizens need to just get rid of the ANC - and that means WORK. You have to WORK at influencing the black people to #VoteOutTheANC in the upcoming election. Tell everybody you know to get off their pessimistic backsides and get to WORK - any and all BLACK people you know that was not going to vote because they think it's useless, needs to get on board. I am of course not speaking of those who are anc leeches - but then you won't know who is - so you have to just tell everybody.
The EFF has already shown that it can be done by voting out the ANC in the last local elections in Gauteng. Stop moaning. Get BUSY WORKING!!! It's OUR country!
That's exactly the problem.
It's NOT "our country".
It's actually not even really "a country".
It's an arbitrary area of the African continent that the Glorious British Empire happen to have occupied when it was decided to fix the borders
And it contains in it multiple nations, each with very different cultures, ideas and visions for the future. As long as we try to maintain this artificial creation of Brittain, we will always sit with the same problems as we have for the past 70 years.
@@warriorson7979 All I can say is you can certainly dream on and try to escape reality as it stares us in the face. Your choice.
Stop taxes completely. Privatize everything, and only have regulators on capping companies for them not the have monopolies or oligarchies - e.g. once a company provides efficient services to 50% of the market share, make it mandatory for them to give/refer business to smaller competition.
Communist gordhan is complicit in tge eskom saga
Thus the 2 pot pension system was created to create extra tax income erepective long term issues created for persons going on pension in the future.
Will add with Asian market, market forces are not static but do revolve, SA is no exception given what's is happening around the world!
Increase vat, decrease PAYE... then exclude all the basics poor people live off from VAT.. we wont hurt the poor, but we will get everyone to pay tax, that can afford to, and all the people that dont declare their full income...
Buying off debt is easier, much cheaper and less of a lengthy prosess - a win win.
Roodt just pointed out the well know fact that SA is a vastly unequal country where a tiny minority owns the majority of assets. A situation purposely created by the Apartheid regime and thereafter negotiated to persist under the formerly socialist ANC. If anything, a natural outcome of the free market ideology that is incorporated in the Free Market Foundation’s name. Now I’m not saying the ANC is doing a good job at governing the country, but what would a free market ideology change or improve on this fact, if not worsen it, ie what is your point, Roodt? Ideally the tax base would widen because it would represent a growing middle class, but in an entirely free market environment with weak government, the actuality of a vast class of survivalist small businesses and a handful of franchises/big businesses is the result. Or is FMF trying to point out that government is not doing enough to support small businesses to become medium and then big business? But that’s not very Free Market-like?
Government has hindered economic growth and investment at every opportunity. And they've destroyed education & virtually every other state function by employing people not qualified to do the job & allowing corruption to run rampant. The rot is deep and blaming only the apartheid legacy has become too easy a scapegoat that diverts responsibility from poor leadership & the failed policies of the ruling elite. Communism has never made everyone equally rich but has certainly contributed to those outside the elite circle being equally poor.
Government can’t support small business. They don’t have the money. If every street vendor has to pay tax on what he earns. If every domestic worker ( casual or full time) has to pay tax on what they earn. If every taxi owner had to pay tax on what they earn …. Then yes it would not be much but everyone is then paying tax that has some sort of an income. Many people don’t pay tax. Either because they don’t earn enough or they found a way around it. But the few that still pay taxes can’t support the masses. Where are the black businessmen? Why are they not building factories and employing people. Why are they not supporting industries to grow and then they can employ more people. Why are they not up in arms about load shedding that has seen many businesses close and thus more people are without work. Just my thoughts on this 🤔
Good but not great analysis. If you have 34% overall unemployment and 61% youth unemployment, with wide gaps in earnings between management and workers, expect the small well-paid minority to pay the majority of taxes. Simple logic.
The small number of companies that pay taxes also make the most in revenue and profits. The majority of SMEs in SA are informal, with low revenue and incomes.
You need structural reforms, not populist analysis.
...it is ecause only the non-black pay tax?
Quick solution, tax on fuel and goods. No income tax, everyone must pay. Basic goods for poor can be excluded.
And you did not see this coming?????????
Let the taxi association pay taxes - problem solved.
Not according to SARS and Mr. Kieswetter. He thinks that we are not losing people, and in fact, we are better off now with more aggressive ways to get tax out of remaining taxpayers.
preaching to the saved unfortunately
You should join the ANC and fix it from the inside.
there have been no free markets in South Africa since the days of cecil John Rhodes.
Problem with Fuel Levy is its percentage based, where in the world do they have such nonsense, should be flat rate , so you avoid our current predicament, when you have oil price surges, and production issues.. these guys are making money hand over fist right now... they need to scrap both vat and greater portionof levies for certain industries in times like these...if nothing else, scrap the hundreds of billions of eskoms debt that is just vat alone.. not to mention linke to questionable bloated contracts
En kry net meer stelers en telers by
lol."O boereplaas"....sing saam....
@@thebergbok8279 O boereplaas....jou het ek lief bo alles.... 😃
Now, this is edge of your toilet seat stuff.
Ek stel voor dat almal wat n werk het n R10 (just because I've got n job) tax betaal... A type of gratuity... Great fulness because I've got a job.
Where will they come from if all these Asians dont bank
Ja Ne... Dis ooglopend!!!
piles of taxes from diesel thanks to load shedding, a great revenue earner...
Scrap the fuel levy and have al Cas requiring insurance like the rest f the world. Cheaper fuel will mean cheaper everything, and insurance will be affordable and produce vat
Really SA are not bankrupt. When you look at all the newspaper headings where do you think the money comes from?
but ANC is better than the trigger happy movements . Thank you.
This video has aged well.
Do they apply BEEEEE in this practice too? Probably not😜