My stepfather ran an Army ESB landing craft during WW2 in the Pacific. He was following the landing craft ran by his best friend when it took a direct hit from a mortar right on the ramp. He steered around the wreckage and kept going as men called to him for help including the best friend who called him by name. He knew he couldn't stop as the Japanese had the spot zero'd in and they'd also get sunk or being already fully loaded the extra men would swamp them. He called out that he'd pick them up on the return trip. He tried but the sharks got there first. They gave him a Bronze Star but he refused to wear it.
I remember hearing a Marine veteran by the name of Jack Lent who was at Tarawa that encountered the same thing. The low tide at Tarawa could not get Higgins boats to the beach so they had to dump Marines off 600 yards from the beach only to get torn to pieces wading ashore by Japanese machine guns, mortars, and pre-registered coastal guns (some made it). The LVTs COULD make it through the low tide and some successfully made it to the beach, of the Marines from the LVTs on the beach- they had to watch their fellow Marines get mowed down.
My grandfather seldom talked about the War. Just odd snippets of "Alexandria", a headless sailor floating past him during D-Day. Just missing boarding the HMS Hood. It was only in the company of comrades that they would reminisce fully. I think it was a case of those of us that didn't live through it just wouldn't understand
My grandpa had to use those gliders a couple times in Burma. He said it was the only time he was SURE he was going to die during the war. He said the entire idea sounded ludicrous when it was explained to everyone, and actually going through with it, TWICE, made him a better Catholic.
Apperantly there was no such order as they didn't know about the gliders in the first place. In fact they rescued some of them. This is purely for tv dramatisation.
The scene after this depicting them passing the lads in the water by was maybe one of the most heartbreaking scenes I've seen in recent memory. It's not often I have to pause and compose myself a bit. Absolutely top notch work from everyone involved, and the assault scene immediately following was an entire other level of production compared to the first season. Excellent.
Reg Seekings suffered badly from trauma due to what he saw in Italy. I thought they portrayed it very well in this series. What they didn't show was the horror of their own men being blown to pieces in the same scene with Reg and the young kid. Apparently this was also a horrific moment for many of them.
Operation Husky: Strong winds and green American pilots, contrived to take the aircraft off course with American force being scattered widely over south-east Sicily. By 14 July, half the U.S. paratroopers failed to reach their rallying points. The British air-landing troops fared little better, with only 12 of the 147 gliders landing on target and 69 crashing into the sea, with over 200 men drowning. Among those who landed in the sea were Major General George F. Hopkinson, commander of the British 1st Airborne Division, who, after several hours spent clutching a piece of wreckage, was eventually rescued by the landing ship HMS Keren.
@@rubbishmodeller Yes, as in all operation's learning mistakes is key. But it happened again on D day, with green American pilots, dropping their sticks into the wind, due to inexperience and uncontrolled fear.
It was not alone green pilots, during the first or second night the Allies tried to drop Paratroopers on Sicily, sadly no one told the Navy and when planes passed the Fleet the ships AAA opened fire and shot several of their own planes down. Another aspect why communication between the different branches is an important thing.
Yeah, Pissed out of his head after a Masonic Lodge booze up and drove his roadster into a Farm Vehicle, Yes he was quite a guy, but apart from being brave (read off his head) he was a drunken bully with out a shred of morality, great in wartime but a menace in peacetime.
@seanoneill9130 he died instantly. And in the show he is correct in not saving the downers. As there's little space in the craft and would delay the mission. Idk if he did that irl
A friend of my family was one of the unfortunate paras who were dropped short by the Americans who panicked due to flack and released the gliders short. Luckily for Harry he was one of the few who were issued a life jacket due to his rank and when he was in the water he swam as far away from the other paras as he could because a few of the survivors wanted his vest. I believe everyone else in his glider drowned.
What exactly is your source for that? Sharks in the Mediterranean rarely attack humans and don't eat them. I've also never seen a single report from the British Armed Forces archives on the topic.
@BertPreast nasty absolutely and dangerous, but they don't eat people, very very few sharks do and usually only when starving, they are also mostly in the Pacific/Indian Ocean.
0:18 I saw this rather large bloke as an extra in a couple of scenes. Your telling me they couldn't find an extra that could of actually looked trim enough to be an SAS member. He couldn't walk 10 miles by the looks of him nevermind run them.
Maybe recovering from injury yet his expertise was invaluable... or maybe he was a chubby fat bloke and the BBC couldn't be bothered as the Second series is worse that the first one!
I’m confused. Didn’t the series make it seem that SRS were going to be the first allied troops invading Europe? Weren’t the glider troops (the ones that reached land) first? Also, in the book the SRS did rescue some men at sea. I know this isn’t a historical lesson, but if they wanted to alter history couldn’t they at least use fictional names?
No, the series doesn't say that; Paddy is actually describing the gliders going in first and the SRS will sail past their stricken planes and drowning men. Yes, some were rescued but most were not .
@ before this scene it is said that they’ll be the first allied troops invading Europe. Also, they did rescue a few troops, but in the series they even cut loose someone.
Well that's a bollocks line. The gliders didn't fall short because of how they were constructed or manufactured. They fell short because of inexperienced tug pilots who released them early. The training had not reached the phase where glider pilots and tug pilots were stationed at the same aerodromes and airfields - thus allowing for the work relationship to foster and grow. Glider pilots also had less than 10 hours training time on the WACO, and about an hour of night flying. Chatterton made his opinions known to Hopkinson about the LZs, but Hopkinson (according to Chatterton) told him to essentially make it happen or he would be replaced.
Am reaching out just been giving my grandfathers medals 1938-1945 he was Africa amd Italy airborne signals i have his military number he was a desert rat if anyone has access to history and great knowledge please can you find pictures or anything about him
Paddy Mayne was 6ft 3, 250 pounds and by all accounts, a very polite and civil man without drink in him. I can't take the current actor portraying him seriously at all.
A polite and civil man when not hours away from combat preparing his men to stare death and the abyss directly in the face. Paddy would have been a shit officer if he refused to take a tougher line when necessary.
Yeh. Never happened tho. This ridiculous portrayal of a true hero sells him so short (literally, he was 6 feet 2”) not only that, they were over 100 strong not flipping 35!!!
@ fully understand it’s a show not a documentary. My issue is really with the portrayal of Maine. He was a mad bugger but incredibly smart as well as brave and in fact the reality is more than amazing enough. As for the numbers, cgi or just saying they had ( I think it was 285) 200 plus.
At least now they admit 'This is NOT a history lesson'. But when an actor says "its just a flesh wound", you know idiots are in charge of production and direction. Cringeworthy. This story deserves so much better than this nonsense. Still, its a popcorn show and the actors do a good job.
@@rubbishmodeller re-watch the episode (Ep 2 I think) when they are attacking the Italian shore batteries in Sicily. 2 SAS men are hit and thats when this nonsense is said. Pure 1980's Hollywood idiocy.....
@@wimmeraparanormal6581 That is actually towards the end of Episode 1 - which is the one this clip is from. After the battle, Paddy asks about two men who were hit, to which the reply is indeed ''just flesh wounds Paddy''. What is your problem with that? (''It's just a flesh wound'!' is from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, as well as Blackadder Goes Forth.)
It's convincing enough for those of us who don't know any better. And he is from an Irish family, so I guess he has some knowledge of a vague Irish accent!
@ I can assure you that most N.I. people would agree this is pretty poor ! Even my English wife who’s lived here for 24 years said it was pretty woeful 😳 and just to clarify for you it’s an attempt of a Northern Ireland accent not Irish, that’s a different country altogether…
@@PeterMcAlister-kt3df Regarding your second point - I'm aware of that, which is why I was using the word Irish in it's general sense rather than mentioning a country.
If only the BBC had done a proper series on the SAS rather than this fictionalised bollocks. The true story is far more entertaining than this. Paddy Mayne deserves a far better actor (why not a Northern Irish one ?) for a start.
The period inappropriate non original music lazily culled from the director’s favourite playlist and excessive, unnecessary use of the f-word should tell you everything you need to know about this sorry mess. As the titles say, it’s not a history lesson and that is certainly true. For that you may wish to read some history books.
@@NomdeGuerre-j6h Your mistake is assuming people watch this show for historical accuracy. It's an entertaining show based on history. But good for you because you read a history book once. You're so cool and smart. That's what you wanted to hear, right? No go away, child.
the accent is making me cringe. are there any NI folks here who can advise whether its a good representation of the accent? Im English and it doesnt sound right to me
Quote from my appeals to the UN.Цитата из моих обращений в ООН. Ньютону яблоко во сне, менделееву во сне, многим учёным во сне, многое что сниться, шаманы в транс входят(тоже типа сон), кто управляет человечеством, гитлер возомнил себя бессмертным и многие другие, а кто мешает им внушить развязать войну за ложные интересы , выбрать ложного кандидата в президенты-потому что им это внушили(зомбировали), что мешает президентам или королям под влиянием внушения замыслить дефолт(теракт массовый 11 сентября например), что мешает зомбированием и своими агентами воспитать(внушить, включая различные технические и электронные средства, как Ельцин голова болела в кабинете, нашли источник излучения) человеку его непобедимость-например сбыванием в реале его мыслей(каких то тяжестей жизни), а если они не будут слушать и выполнять значит к ним или их родным будут применены карательные меры преступниками, властями, конкурентами, оппонентами, криминалом, соперниками в выборах, потому что значительная часть населения зомбирована(или в долгах у власти, преступников, или обладатели настолько феноменальными знаниями-что власти их отпустят только в ящик) и может влиять на выборы, не хотите быть зомби прекратите разводить преступность и соответствующие вещества и растения, конечно есть среди них и те кто не желает зомбировать людей массово или как то управлять их жизнью-а только предоставлять им информацию и знания, почему например политики и чиновники, бизнес, генералы, актёры, и др. такие не поколебимые(не меняют решение, вплоть до абсурда(тотального уничтожения населения жителей земли))-мож потому что от них это требуют их инопланетные зомбировщики, иначе-это ошибка, а за ошибки надо платить-например войной, а за отказ вообще смерть или издевательства(за что они все просто сдохнут как сказал Путин, до последнего гена и энергии), эпидемией(как испанская оспа, за то что обворовали ацтеков и т.д.) и весь их джи 7 на этом строиться, так что остальные делайте выводы-продадите душу дьяволу(и останетесь без знаний) или будете жить в раю.В РФ дефицит бюджета, а чиновники создают новые комитеты, органы и т.п., может уже хватит создавать места для болтунов, пора уже ручками самим работать, пора уже высокопроизводительное правительство создавать(как они нам по тв во всей красе расказывают)-где?-кто за это ответит и не один, может чиновники(элита) сама переедет в дешёвое съёмное жильё всей семьёй, что б в любой момент их выставили из него-где стабильность в эотм мероприятии для детей и граждан РФ, кто ответит из них публично за высокие цены, высокую инфляцию, бешенные потери на сво, кучу каклек и не желание пенсионеров идти умирать на сво, ну вот медведева переселили и что он меньше стал из бюджета сосать и на сколько-на эти средства сколько можно детей то вырастить и жильём семей обеспечить, шойгу, генд. директора всякие, топ менеджеры, менеджеры госкорпораций, и т.д, при стоимости квартиры в 2 млн.р. на 3 трлн. можно 1,5 млн. квартир купить-и это только за 1 год, дак за 50 лет продажи нефти уже каждый бы житель планеты имел бы квартиру и отдельную для каждого ребёнка-где это всё, где результаты, как они мне на работе-когда, во сколько, никто за столько лет не ответил, это как понимать-что за система такая, мы кого растим-лентяев, бездельников, безответственных и криминал-о? красота, неудивительно-что планета земля превращается в помойку.Я выкупаю(продавшаяся в РФ в 2000-е) все права на весь иностранный софт в РФ(и в дружественных странах, странах партнёрах) и электронику, морально устаревший и который производители не поддерживают или прекратил существовать(аська например, виндовс ОС 32 бит, и 64 бит, кад)выделяю для этого 10 млрд.б. нефти по 500$ и 100млрд.м3 газа по 50р. за 1 м3, все права передаются правительствам данных стран.А как вы собираетесь отличать нефть из РФ и из других регионов каспия, или надо было подождать когда трамп воссядет на престол и в конец подорвёт обороноспособность сша, перетянет всё производство в англию или их протекторат
Quote from my appeals to the UN.Цитата из моих обращений в ООН. А что они заводы то сосредоточили в москве и ленинграде и их обл.(эти регионы страны больше чем остальная страна выводят капитал за границу, а нам рассказывают что надо экономно жить, так живите экономно, почему не живёте, сколько вы заработали без использования энергоресурсов РФ нисколько-а нам почему это навязываете, работать не хотите и не будете и не рабатывали никогда-заметно(значит иностранные шпионы), зачем то празднование устроили в ленинграде во время сво, получили ещё и кто, что ещё праздновать будете, хотите, что б ещё и польша начала с прибалтами чудить), например из той же днр и лнр, почему не в регионы перекинули, для предотвращения повторных убытков в случае войны(ведь уже знали об этом), так то лишает регионы доходов, они сами что ли, цены га оборон заказ не рыночные, а на всё остальное практически-рыночное, это что по вашему правильное выполнение конституции, почему гос. аппарат до сих пор ьакие бешенные суммы тратит и получает, почему их не перекинули на бесплатные товары и продукты для переселенцев и всем пострадавшим, например с той же жилищной ипотекой например, если вы не собираетесь нести ответственность за народ-какие вы после этого чиновники этой страны, вы предатели или иностранные шпионы, если вы такие умные-то почему до сих пор не приняли меры для финансирования гражданам с ограничениями покупку тех или иных товаров(например вырезка мяса(для фарша или фарш), диетические продукты, трикотаж только натуральный, кожа мягкая, интернет на соответствующих устройствах, большие экраны с большими шрифтами)-это вы так соц. гарантии выполняете, а да они сами виноваты, а вы тогда на что, что бы исправлять в том числе и не допускать этого, вы это обеспечили нет, значит экономия содержания федеральных чиновников будет просто колоссальной в 2025 году, на 99% меньше из бюджета получат, как и все у кого доход(зар. плата) свыше 100т.р. в мес., даже думать не надо-новости включили и смотри, только москву да ленинград и показывают, так изредка другие, значит регионам ничего не выделяют, а если выделяют -грабят, поэтому и показать нечего, да брикс показали-потому что спец. службы там возились, вот и вся отгадка.Вы чё с москвой то связываетесь, вы блогеров то посмотрите, они все в кредитах по пол ляма в месяц платят, они все платят, у них одно на уме-как бы кого обобрать, москва не проигрывает(а раз регионы проиграли по рождаемости, москва и ленинград и их засланные шпионы(портили жизнь людям в регионах и портят) и отправляются на сво, а за нынешние результаты 100трлн. долгов у них)-как ес и сша и джи 7, зачем вы дела то с ней имеете, вы с людьми из РФ имейте дела и по человечки, и не как обычно всё вам.
My stepfather ran an Army ESB landing craft during WW2 in the Pacific. He was following the landing craft ran by his best friend when it took a direct hit from a mortar right on the ramp. He steered around the wreckage and kept going as men called to him for help including the best friend who called him by name. He knew he couldn't stop as the Japanese had the spot zero'd in and they'd also get sunk or being already fully loaded the extra men would swamp them. He called out that he'd pick them up on the return trip. He tried but the sharks got there first. They gave him a Bronze Star but he refused to wear it.
Beautiful man, that is a true hero, from one of your cousins across the pond.
Take care , and God Bless...Thomas
I remember hearing a Marine veteran by the name of Jack Lent who was at Tarawa that encountered the same thing. The low tide at Tarawa could not get Higgins boats to the beach so they had to dump Marines off 600 yards from the beach only to get torn to pieces wading ashore by Japanese machine guns, mortars, and pre-registered coastal guns (some made it). The LVTs COULD make it through the low tide and some successfully made it to the beach, of the Marines from the LVTs on the beach- they had to watch their fellow Marines get mowed down.
War is hell
My grandfather seldom talked about the War. Just odd snippets of "Alexandria", a headless sailor floating past him during D-Day. Just missing boarding the HMS Hood. It was only in the company of comrades that they would reminisce fully.
I think it was a case of those of us that didn't live through it just wouldn't understand
My grandpa had to use those gliders a couple times in Burma. He said it was the only time he was SURE he was going to die during the war. He said the entire idea sounded ludicrous when it was explained to everyone, and actually going through with it, TWICE, made him a better Catholic.
The men in Burma were an incredibly unique group of people and we owe them an immeasurable debt of gratitude
I'm sure Paddy hated that order as much as his men!
Apperantly there was no such order as they didn't know about the gliders in the first place. In fact they rescued some of them. This is purely for tv dramatisation.
@@HunterXStyle123 Sometimes I wish they wouldn't add stuff for the sake of drama
@Autobotmatt428 well. Depends sometimes its necessary for the sake of entertainment. Of everything was lore accurate then it would have been boring
The scene after this depicting them passing the lads in the water by was maybe one of the most heartbreaking scenes I've seen in recent memory. It's not often I have to pause and compose myself a bit. Absolutely top notch work from everyone involved, and the assault scene immediately following was an entire other level of production compared to the first season. Excellent.
Some very dark scenes in this and later episodes. The director touches on PTSD .
Reg Seekings suffered badly from trauma due to what he saw in Italy. I thought they portrayed it very well in this series.
What they didn't show was the horror of their own men being blown to pieces in the same scene with Reg and the young kid. Apparently this was also a horrific moment for many of them.
@@rubbishmodeller they literally did ffs.
@@declanshanahan3888 They literally did what?
How are you watching this already?
Operation Husky: Strong winds and green American pilots, contrived to take the aircraft off course with American force being scattered widely over south-east Sicily. By 14 July, half the U.S. paratroopers failed to reach their rallying points. The British air-landing troops fared little better, with only 12 of the 147 gliders landing on target and 69 crashing into the sea, with over 200 men drowning. Among those who landed in the sea were Major General George F. Hopkinson, commander of the British 1st Airborne Division, who, after several hours spent clutching a piece of wreckage, was eventually rescued by the landing ship HMS Keren.
Lest we forget.
Thanks' Google man!
Sicily was the first major Allied landing of the war. A lot of lessons were learned - including from this dreadful glider incident.
@@rubbishmodeller Yes, as in all operation's learning mistakes is key. But it happened again on D day, with green American pilots, dropping their sticks into the wind, due to inexperience and uncontrolled fear.
It was not alone green pilots, during the first or second night the Allies tried to drop Paratroopers on Sicily, sadly no one told the Navy and when planes passed the Fleet the ships AAA opened fire and shot several of their own planes down.
Another aspect why communication between the different branches is an important thing.
Let’s go season 3!
What a man Paddy Mayne was, died in a car accident 1955.
Yeah, Pissed out of his head after a Masonic Lodge booze up and drove his roadster into a Farm Vehicle, Yes he was quite a guy, but apart from being brave (read off his head) he was a drunken bully with out a shred of morality, great in wartime but a menace in peacetime.
I hope nobody tried to rescue him.
@seanoneill9130 he died instantly. And in the show he is correct in not saving the downers. As there's little space in the craft and would delay the mission. Idk if he did that irl
@@seanoneill9130and apperantly irl the sas didn't know about the gliders and there was no so such order. They even saved some of them
The largest amphibious landing of WW2. 160,000 troops and 600 tanks on 26 beaches across 104 miles of coast.
A friend of my family was one of the unfortunate paras who were dropped short by the Americans who panicked due to flack and released the gliders short. Luckily for Harry he was one of the few who were issued a life jacket due to his rank and when he was in the water he swam as far away from the other paras as he could because a few of the survivors wanted his vest. I believe everyone else in his glider drowned.
Series 1 was great but the writing for Series 2 is Shakespearean
I hope Rogue heroes gets a third series
There's so much more to tell
WhoHo. There IS a second season. Roll on. Havnt seen it yet. Australia.
You need more than 6 episodes in a season. I was just getting warmed up.
cant wait for S2
Season 2 is out now. Ten again, it depends on where you are from. BTW, Spoiler: It's good.
Use a VPN with an adblocker (even in incognito, you need adblocker for location tracking prevention)
The showrunners didn't put it in the scene, but the dead atracted sharks and they ate the living as well.
What exactly is your source for that? Sharks in the Mediterranean rarely attack humans and don't eat them. I've also never seen a single report from the British Armed Forces archives on the topic.
I think hes confusing it with an incident that happened in the pacific theatre with US servicemen @@Kevc00
@@Kevc00 he is likely thinking about battles in the Pacific, where that was common.
@@Kevc00 Plenty of big nasty sharks in the area south of Sicily so... seems legit.
@BertPreast nasty absolutely and dangerous, but they don't eat people, very very few sharks do and usually only when starving, they are also mostly in the Pacific/Indian Ocean.
0:18 I saw this rather large bloke as an extra in a couple of scenes. Your telling me they couldn't find an extra that could of actually looked trim enough to be an SAS member. He couldn't walk 10 miles by the looks of him nevermind run them.
I think they included him just to get your goat! 😉
@@rubbishmodeller I see what you did there haha
How little do you know 😅
Maybe recovering from injury yet his expertise was invaluable...
or maybe he was a chubby fat bloke and the BBC couldn't be bothered as the Second series is worse that the first one!
That was the production's accountant. A few extras were out sick.
It was heartbreaking when paddy ordered his men. Not to save them leaving them to drown into themselves in the water.
Yes. Thank you. Thank you for pointing that out for all of us.
Due to you're gallantry in the field, the brass have decided to give you a battlefield promotion to captain, first lieutenant Obvious.
I’m confused. Didn’t the series make it seem that SRS were going to be the first allied troops invading Europe? Weren’t the glider troops (the ones that reached land) first? Also, in the book the SRS did rescue some men at sea. I know this isn’t a historical lesson, but if they wanted to alter history couldn’t they at least use fictional names?
No, the series doesn't say that; Paddy is actually describing the gliders going in first and the SRS will sail past their stricken planes and drowning men.
Yes, some were rescued but most were not .
@ before this scene it is said that they’ll be the first allied troops invading Europe. Also, they did rescue a few troops, but in the series they even cut loose someone.
War is hell. 😢
No, war is war and is worse then Hell! Hell is only for sinners! War takes the innocence of everyone!
Kakashi Hatake would have found a way, he should have been there with paddy.
That the dude who played louie zamparini?
Well that's a bollocks line. The gliders didn't fall short because of how they were constructed or manufactured. They fell short because of inexperienced tug pilots who released them early. The training had not reached the phase where glider pilots and tug pilots were stationed at the same aerodromes and airfields - thus allowing for the work relationship to foster and grow. Glider pilots also had less than 10 hours training time on the WACO, and about an hour of night flying. Chatterton made his opinions known to Hopkinson about the LZs, but Hopkinson (according to Chatterton) told him to essentially make it happen or he would be replaced.
Yeah.. but he wouldn't have known that..
Am reaching out just been giving my grandfathers medals 1938-1945 he was Africa amd Italy airborne signals i have his military number he was a desert rat if anyone has access to history and great knowledge please can you find pictures or anything about him
Hero with a capital H that was Paddy, But Joe Mann was a bigger hero.
Paddy Mayne was 6ft 3, 250 pounds and by all accounts, a very polite and civil man without drink in him. I can't take the current actor portraying him seriously at all.
Same...paddy deserves better
IDK Jack O'connell was a bit of a rogue in his younger years. The real Paddy M was a well-groomed psychopath.
A polite and civil man when not hours away from combat preparing his men to stare death and the abyss directly in the face. Paddy would have been a shit officer if he refused to take a tougher line when necessary.
No one cares.
''by all accounts''?!
No, there are many accounts of him being less than civil and polite!
That's why one doesn't use foreign 'technology'. Especially seppo """"technology"""".
You're welcome for not having to speak Japanese.
Yeh. Never happened tho. This ridiculous portrayal of a true hero sells him so short (literally, he was 6 feet 2”) not only that, they were over 100 strong not flipping 35!!!
Precisely 287 strong. But it's a TV show with a limited budget, so they reduced it to 35.
@ fully understand it’s a show not a documentary. My issue is really with the portrayal of Maine. He was a mad bugger but incredibly smart as well as brave and in fact the reality is more than amazing enough. As for the numbers, cgi or just saying they had ( I think it was 285) 200 plus.
At least now they admit 'This is NOT a history lesson'. But when an actor says "its just a flesh wound", you know idiots are in charge of production and direction. Cringeworthy. This story deserves so much better than this nonsense. Still, its a popcorn show and the actors do a good job.
Sounds like you haven't actually watched it!
When does anyone utter that line?
@@rubbishmodeller re-watch the episode (Ep 2 I think) when they are attacking the Italian shore batteries in Sicily. 2 SAS men are hit and thats when this nonsense is said. Pure 1980's Hollywood idiocy.....
@@wimmeraparanormal6581 That is actually towards the end of Episode 1 - which is the one this clip is from.
After the battle, Paddy asks about two men who were hit, to which the reply is indeed ''just flesh wounds Paddy''.
What is your problem with that?
(''It's just a flesh wound'!' is from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, as well as Blackadder Goes Forth.)
I'm sorry but the oversized guy wouldn't last two minutes in training let alone active combat.
Why not? Some of them were actually big guys. But it is good to see them portraying the young skinny guys, who were excellent soldiers.
Surely they could have got a northern Irish actor to play this part ! This is the worst N. I. accent ever 😅 and I know as I’m from Belfast
It's convincing enough for those of us who don't know any better.
And he is from an Irish family, so I guess he has some knowledge of a vague Irish accent!
@ I can assure you that most N.I. people would agree this is pretty poor ! Even my English wife who’s lived here for 24 years said it was pretty woeful 😳 and just to clarify for you it’s an attempt of a Northern Ireland accent not Irish, that’s a different country altogether…
@@PeterMcAlister-kt3df Regarding your second point - I'm aware of that, which is why I was using the word Irish in it's general sense rather than mentioning a country.
Sounds retraded
To be fair there are a lot worse out there
Tried watching, it was shid
If only the BBC had done a proper series on the SAS rather than this fictionalised bollocks. The true story is far more entertaining than this. Paddy Mayne deserves a far better actor (why not a Northern Irish one ?) for a start.
Donald Duck is closer to the real Blair Mayne than this guy.
Met him did you?
As if you have met him. Other than his height he is doing a fantastic job
How long did you know him for?
The period inappropriate non original music lazily culled from the director’s favourite playlist and excessive, unnecessary use of the f-word should tell you everything you need to know about this sorry mess. As the titles say, it’s not a history lesson and that is certainly true. For that you may wish to read some history books.
@@NomdeGuerre-j6h Your mistake is assuming people watch this show for historical accuracy. It's an entertaining show based on history. But good for you because you read a history book once. You're so cool and smart. That's what you wanted to hear, right? No go away, child.
the accent is making me cringe. are there any NI folks here who can advise whether its a good representation of the accent? Im English and it doesnt sound right to me
I'm from Oregon and that accent doesn't sound right 😂
It’s right. And to check, just do a search for Irish speakers.
Quote from my appeals to the UN.Цитата из моих обращений в ООН.
Ньютону яблоко во сне, менделееву во сне, многим учёным во сне, многое что сниться, шаманы в транс входят(тоже типа сон), кто управляет человечеством, гитлер возомнил себя бессмертным и многие другие, а кто мешает им внушить развязать войну за ложные интересы , выбрать ложного кандидата в президенты-потому что им это внушили(зомбировали), что мешает президентам или королям под влиянием внушения замыслить дефолт(теракт массовый 11 сентября например), что мешает зомбированием и своими агентами воспитать(внушить, включая различные технические и электронные средства, как Ельцин голова болела в кабинете, нашли источник излучения) человеку его непобедимость-например сбыванием в реале его мыслей(каких то тяжестей жизни), а если они не будут слушать и выполнять значит к ним или их родным будут применены карательные меры преступниками, властями, конкурентами, оппонентами, криминалом, соперниками в выборах, потому что значительная часть населения зомбирована(или в долгах у власти, преступников, или обладатели настолько феноменальными знаниями-что власти их отпустят только в ящик) и может влиять на выборы, не хотите быть зомби прекратите разводить преступность и соответствующие вещества и растения, конечно есть среди них и те кто не желает зомбировать людей массово или как то управлять их жизнью-а только предоставлять им информацию и знания, почему например политики и чиновники, бизнес, генералы, актёры, и др. такие не поколебимые(не меняют решение, вплоть до абсурда(тотального уничтожения населения жителей земли))-мож потому что от них это требуют их инопланетные зомбировщики, иначе-это ошибка, а за ошибки надо платить-например войной, а за отказ вообще смерть или издевательства(за что они все просто сдохнут как сказал Путин, до последнего гена и энергии), эпидемией(как испанская оспа, за то что обворовали ацтеков и т.д.) и весь их джи 7 на этом строиться, так что остальные делайте выводы-продадите душу дьяволу(и останетесь без знаний) или будете жить в раю.В РФ дефицит бюджета, а чиновники создают новые комитеты, органы и т.п., может уже хватит создавать места для болтунов, пора уже ручками самим работать, пора уже высокопроизводительное правительство создавать(как они нам по тв во всей красе расказывают)-где?-кто за это ответит и не один, может чиновники(элита) сама переедет в дешёвое съёмное жильё всей семьёй, что б в любой момент их выставили из него-где стабильность в эотм мероприятии для детей и граждан РФ, кто ответит из них публично за высокие цены, высокую инфляцию, бешенные потери на сво, кучу каклек и не желание пенсионеров идти умирать на сво, ну вот медведева переселили и что он меньше стал из бюджета сосать и на сколько-на эти средства сколько можно детей то вырастить и жильём семей обеспечить, шойгу, генд. директора всякие, топ менеджеры, менеджеры госкорпораций, и т.д, при стоимости квартиры в 2 млн.р. на 3 трлн. можно 1,5 млн. квартир купить-и это только за 1 год, дак за 50 лет продажи нефти уже каждый бы житель планеты имел бы квартиру и отдельную для каждого ребёнка-где это всё, где результаты, как они мне на работе-когда, во сколько, никто за столько лет не ответил, это как понимать-что за система такая, мы кого растим-лентяев, бездельников, безответственных и криминал-о? красота, неудивительно-что планета земля превращается в помойку.Я выкупаю(продавшаяся в РФ в 2000-е) все права на весь иностранный софт в РФ(и в дружественных странах, странах партнёрах) и электронику, морально устаревший и который производители не поддерживают или прекратил существовать(аська например, виндовс ОС 32 бит, и 64 бит, кад)выделяю для этого 10 млрд.б. нефти по 500$ и 100млрд.м3 газа по 50р. за 1 м3, все права передаются правительствам данных стран.А как вы собираетесь отличать нефть из РФ и из других регионов каспия, или надо было подождать когда трамп воссядет на престол и в конец подорвёт обороноспособность сша, перетянет всё производство в англию или их протекторат
Quote from my appeals to the UN.Цитата из моих обращений в ООН.
А что они заводы то сосредоточили в москве и ленинграде и их обл.(эти регионы страны больше чем остальная страна выводят капитал за границу, а нам рассказывают что надо экономно жить, так живите экономно, почему не живёте, сколько вы заработали без использования энергоресурсов РФ нисколько-а нам почему это навязываете, работать не хотите и не будете и не рабатывали никогда-заметно(значит иностранные шпионы), зачем то празднование устроили в ленинграде во время сво, получили ещё и кто, что ещё праздновать будете, хотите, что б ещё и польша начала с прибалтами чудить), например из той же днр и лнр, почему не в регионы перекинули, для предотвращения повторных убытков в случае войны(ведь уже знали об этом), так то лишает регионы доходов, они сами что ли, цены га оборон заказ не рыночные, а на всё остальное практически-рыночное, это что по вашему правильное выполнение конституции, почему гос. аппарат до сих пор ьакие бешенные суммы тратит и получает, почему их не перекинули на бесплатные товары и продукты для переселенцев и всем пострадавшим, например с той же жилищной ипотекой например, если вы не собираетесь нести ответственность за народ-какие вы после этого чиновники этой страны, вы предатели или иностранные шпионы, если вы такие умные-то почему до сих пор не приняли меры для финансирования гражданам с ограничениями покупку тех или иных товаров(например вырезка мяса(для фарша или фарш), диетические продукты, трикотаж только натуральный, кожа мягкая, интернет на соответствующих устройствах, большие экраны с большими шрифтами)-это вы так соц. гарантии выполняете, а да они сами виноваты, а вы тогда на что, что бы исправлять в том числе и не допускать этого, вы это обеспечили нет, значит экономия содержания федеральных чиновников будет просто колоссальной в 2025 году, на 99% меньше из бюджета получат, как и все у кого доход(зар. плата) свыше 100т.р. в мес., даже думать не надо-новости включили и смотри, только москву да ленинград и показывают, так изредка другие, значит регионам ничего не выделяют, а если выделяют -грабят, поэтому и показать нечего, да брикс показали-потому что спец. службы там возились, вот и вся отгадка.Вы чё с москвой то связываетесь, вы блогеров то посмотрите, они все в кредитах по пол ляма в месяц платят, они все платят, у них одно на уме-как бы кого обобрать, москва не проигрывает(а раз регионы проиграли по рождаемости, москва и ленинград и их засланные шпионы(портили жизнь людям в регионах и портят) и отправляются на сво, а за нынешние результаты 100трлн. долгов у них)-как ес и сша и джи 7, зачем вы дела то с ней имеете, вы с людьми из РФ имейте дела и по человечки, и не как обычно всё вам.
Utter crap on so many levels.
This is total BS by the Beeb. overblown and a mash up of the reality. The series gets sillier.