The game is not made for 1 tricks it's made for champs to be rotated in an out of the meta to keep the game fresh. Riots goal has never been and never will be to balance the game 100%. They just want to keep the game changing to keep it from becoming stale
Pre-rework Sion is probably there. He sucked as an AD tank because he’s so squishy. He did okay as a weird AP one shot assassin with Stun and Shield but that combo can be easily shut down out of lane. Basically no matter how you build him, half his kit would be completely useless.
@@stevesteaven8349 Yeah, back when he was first released (it was removed pretty quickly). The number of shots his ult fired also used to scale with his attack speed, which was hilarious for troll builds.
I actually just got back into the game and used to take him top years ago. I felt like they gutted him since the stopped procing his passive on his Q. Then I found out why he was nerfed and all I could say was "it's about time people realized."
@@jimgreen8476 at this point I think they are just nerfing her for the sake of nerfing the first one already killed her but they still keep nerfing her I first starting playing kalista after the first nerf and she wasn’t bad just not the best now she feels almost unplayable
Holy shit I forgot about graves. I used to want to quit when he was op. If I didn't ban him he was on the other team like 60% of the time and steamrolled me in jungle
Still, his problem wasnt that he could knock back jungle creeps. Like he gets full hp through the jungle, like every other jungler does. (naming elise, lee sin, reksai, kha, sej, etc.) Problem is more like: His combination of strengths when strong: sustain damage, burst damage, ranged, tankyness, mobility. He has it all. Thats his problem. Like the same problem ryze always had to be sustain damage, ap bruiser, burst mage.
Azir is actually so strong, borderline broken atm. ryze is not part of the trio anymore because his kit has been completely gutted so its just azir and kalista now, except that azir is actually good.
Azir is decent rn. Definitely a playable SoloQ pick. Only kind of buff he could use rn is a minor base armor increase but he's finally a champion with an abusable early game that scales well just like he should be.
Didn't expect Maxim to be in the Video lol ( 6:05, he is a big german youtuber and the main caster for pretty much all the big stuff like worlds, esl etc.)
Im not a Galio main but I used to love play with him. He is just fun to play. And few days ago I realized in aram I cant flash-W. I was like instantly quit that game. wtf riot.
galio passive superhard buffed galio q buffed galio e buffed galio stats little buffed riot: we buff galio so much lets make little nerf too only galio w flash nerf
@@eiroacha9559 his win rate will increase because he will have damage and they buffed the easy parts to use. But he lost most of his play making potential. U only have ur ult to use on a diver if u have one on your team.
nice to know one flash taunt is apparently op when rakkan has three jumps with guaranteed ult combo hits and can get out without taking any dmg if he wants. nuts.
@@ashghowost5461, yeah.. Rito is pretty bad with patches. Remember that one time they add a small little death recap into the game and the entire game ended up being burned to the ground for a day, where we were even apparently being killed by our teammates?
@@tbone9474 so I play renekton and dealing with yasuo in lane isn't usually the issue. The issue is that no matter how well I do against him he manages to get fed in the mid game when leaning faze ends. I shit you not I killed a yasuo 10 times in lane one game and he won the game with a score of 10/10. After that I started banning him every game.
but the 666th rework will be the 667th ryze, so will the 666 ryze be the strongest, or the 666th rework of ryze? Will we ever be blessed the the delight of knowing the answer?
actually with all the special angles used in replays these days, rito has made the map 360-safe... i guess they missed some spots, or it was a clipping error, or that clip is from an older patch.
Shaco isn't in the best spot right now, especially compared to where he used to be, but when I see guys like Chase play him it's hard to even remotely consider him on the same level as something like Graves. I think the Tiamat nerf to cost more gold was a really huge hit to him, but he's still a great solo queue champ and I see plenty of shaco smurfs that never lose just by nature of the champ.
@@Exil22 Careful, Shaclone's fans are going to murder you in your sleep if they find actually intelligent arguments against their lord and savior whining about how Shaco is a useless champion and Riot needs to revert to Season 4.
I kinda cringe whenever someone says "why would you play (insert champion) when you could play (insert champion), maybe the person likes how the character looks or likes their thematics or likes their play style in general?
As a Galio main in the past, this hurts me to most. Seeing one of your favourite champions getting gutted to the ground just hurts I am glad of the future changes, despite taking off the flash combo and removing the CD reduction mechanic on his passive
Old Galio was pretty broken. His ult was hard to get off but if you build a spirits you were basically unkillable with your shield. I miss old Galio so much
@@LoganGreitzer Same. I want my old Galio and Swain back, the one's where no one bothered to figure out how to beat them, because they were so fucking rare to fight. Galio's rework hurts the most, because he lost all of that identity of him being a MR Rammus. I could fucking make my minion waves faster, I had a point-and-click skillshot, I had an amazing ult that made ADC's afraid of me, I could fucking walk over Teemo shrooms AND HEAL OFF OF THEM! They took my Galio and telegraphed all of his spells, gave him a stupid dash, made the taunt so boring, nerfed any damage he had before, and the biggest sin of all, he has a Pantheon ult that needs a teammate alive, making it where he has to rely on his team to be intelligent enough to stick around and not leave him to die. Swain at least still has his identity, Galio is a fucking boring champ now.
Yasuo wall should be one of 2 things: object to play around in a fight or has hp, or a skillful parry that lasts between 1 to 2 seconds. Currently its both, and has no way to be nullified. It needs to be nerfed or changed
xerath not on list ? The champ need that no opponent snowball harder than him or his almost useless, not even wave clear to handle Super minions, vulnerable to assassins (not enough hp), to juggernauts (can't kill them, can't kite them), and to every hard engage (joys of tristana, hecarim, etc...). Even worse, in soloqueue 2 games out of 3 there is no tank top nor jungle, so no one really protect him while he poke... when the team just care that he's so fed he only need a tiny bit of protection to siege down the enemy. Did I mention his mana issues? (his passive is trash tier, like lissandra was, but even worse, cause lissadra had one free spell every 10 sec, while xerath's need him to auto-attack an enemy champ to regain less mana than his main spell costs him... and it's up every 12 sec) And even worse is that more ofetn than not when xerath ask for blue buff, the jungler the says "you have a passive lel"... like zed is gonna let it happen anyway... To summerize, a LOT of bad matchups, a lot of impossibility to pressure (if enemy jungler knows what he is doing), for a champ which can only kill squeashies if he don't snowball (no %hp damages like velkoz), and no ult during team-fights (even more so because every one sees you while you ult).
Yep, typical Riot doing their job, they shat on my Swain so hard, used to be a really comfortable pick, but they reworked him just out of spite that he's not a popular mainstream champ, also Aatrox just became viable and they insta changed him too, Akali used to have some counterplay then they reworked her and she became absolutely toxic for the game, it's amazing how Riot always makes things worse
@@MattBG67 Cant believe Riot took months to decide on removing Akali's true stealth. If they're trying to balance between pro play and soloq, that was the best decision seeing as low elo shits dont buy control wards
Yanick you can’t see shaco with control wards while he is invis and oracle lens only reveals his location. Oracle elixir, that you get from Klepto reveals you completely. Not complaining about vision, complaining about dmg, which you don’t deal until you get tiamat + duskblade, both of which are basically essential.
Always love looking for these 'bad' champions and getting good at them. I remember the time where Sion was considered bad and nobody picked him ever; meanwhile I trained on him and had a 81% winrate at 100 matches
These players are trash and they are thinking that yasuo is the strongest champ so they can kill everyone if u know how ti play him yasuo isnt bad champ.
@@Bitholeous remove that dumb shield, keep the windfall bug, and make his dash have a cool down (atleast 2 seconds to cast again) and he'd be balanced.
Simon Henderson literally any nerfs to yasuo would make him unplayable, his win rates are already negative because of how hard he is to play, and he’s not even as strong as every one seems to think he is. Just because there occasionally a good yasuo that gets super fed becomes an unkillable monster doesn’t mean that he’s a broken character :p
"this bug playing yasou is fruststrating" - I would love a rework of Yasou which would remove his windwall. In my opinion his set is ok and his playstyle, but adding to that a Windwall which even blocks most Ults is in my opinion the thing that gives him the most hate. Riot: Ok this new champ, we still have a ability left, he has an agressive playstyle so he needs a small defensive ability (beside his ability to dash 20 times when 2 minion waves collide) Coder: How about a windwall that blocks 99% of the skills ingame Riot: Brilliant.
Yeah, just finished a big paragraph saying the same. He was imho even hidden broken for a long time as he nearly completely countered most midlaners, had stupid armorshred and the easiest to hit extremely high dmg DPS spell with his Q on corroded targets. BC on Urgot pre rework just shredded like 60% armor as a debuff to the target! So every single full AD comb instantly was able to trash tanks again just due to his stupidly high shred.
@@JumpieBaboncia he had some powerfull invisible effect so people doesn't realize all he does, like the armor shred, the damage dealt reduction from his passive and the damage reduction from his ult.
@qtRest Why not? The ult wouldnt block damage on a low CD, he is vulnerable on laning phase, he cant just wait a malph to ult or abuae his E+Q to easy kill the ADC.
The meta changed alot towards who has the most and fastest damage, so champions with consistant dmg like Kalista Yasuo Swain and most tanks are weak. Also new champs got 3 effects per spell, so champs like Wukong and Ziggs with basic kits fall flat.
Been playing a lot of Mao when I get the chance. No more than 3 games every 2 weeks on average. Pretty sure I have a half decent win rate with him. (Mid gold so nothing special)
Ziggs d tier... 1.Go flex with friends or even go solo. Who cares. 2.capure herald 3.let the mid roam only once before 14th minute 4.take all platings and 2 turrets for tona of gold
Trundle is still good only when facing tanks imo, now tanks top/jg isn’t a must and his chance to shine is lesser Actually he got a buff a while before
Trundle top wins 90% of matchups at 6 woth pta and sheen. On top of that he is one of if not the best tower shredder. I never loose trundle top if i survive till 6
14:37 Ever since they added the whole "hexplode towers" thing to Ziggs' W, I feel like he's gone from being 'super poke/wave clear stall games out' to 'good wave clear, destroy towers early, force mid game early' champion. Now that he's got the hexplosion thing, he can destroy towers much earlier than anyone else, thus allowing him to go to other lanes way earlier and help them also get towers, thus gaining your team map control and forcing mid game much faster than usual.
Nidalee is a forgotten champion, she gave many problems to riot's balance team in a past season and they just nerfed her to oblivion and kicked her out of the meta forever. She has half of the things she had on her rework after endless nerfs.
even the balance team says they want the champion dead, that's how dead he is, btw yes the leader of the design team stated that he doesn't like shaco and doesn't intend to make him good, wich is corruption if you ask me.
My boi ryze belongs in F tier. They gutted his outplay potential, his laning phase, but most importantly they nerfed his fun. The champ is a brainless EQ champion now. The reason why I played LoL is gone now. The bugs are frustrating, yes, but no amount of bugfixes are going to make his current iteration worth it. Good thing I own Stellaris
Exil you are one of my favorite league youtubers at the moment. Your videos are high quality, informative and don't succumb to clickbait trash like so many other channels. Keep up the good work. dude.
Where??? Where is high quality? How is this not clickbait, when the entire idea behind making a tierlist for league is a clickbait itself as there is no important infornation to gather just someone spouting personal oppinions about some champions. This is not informativ or teaching anything valuable. Instead its just gonna make more idiots believe that certain champions are unplayable and therefore start trolling in champ select because they dont want you to pick a "troll pick" and yes all i see in such a (btw poorly made) tierlist is people banning teammates champions because "they are troll picks". Good job supporting this attitude instead of doing what any experienced/skilled player does andjust learn a few champions and encourage others to do the same instead of giving idiotic tier lists that will change 2 weeks later... Im not even suprised to see idiots always pick the strongest champions and still feed the shit out of the lane to early surrender because "it should have been easy" and "everyone else is fucking it up" for them... While in fact they are just playing a champion thats slightly stronger than the others which doesnt matter for shit when you cant play it. Maybe make a tierlist of shitty behaviour and dick moves that are common in the league community? That could actually impeove something in the game and would be relevant for more than just two weeks. Nah, better keep making those champion tier lists that where never making sense in the first place and teach kids what they are allowed to flame their teammates for. Because except giving flaming whining kiddos an excuse for why they could flame someone playing certain champions or simply ban their teammates picks i dont see what effect such a tier list is gonna have on the league community...
*¿Why would you play ''this'' when ''THIS'' other thing is better?* - *Everything that ''this'' one does, others have that covered.* It's sad how people is easily influenced by ''pros'' and tier list, unfortunately they are a necesary Evil, but they talk as if the only thing people care is winning. What i do, is that i only play what i LIKE, if i want to pick Ziggs instead of Talon it's becouse i like the character itself, how it plays, everything, THAT is how things should be, you should play whatever you want becouse you like it, not becouse it's OP and/or META.
I kinda missed gnar in your list since he is barely playable after the thousand of nerfs he recieved due to being to opressive in pro play (and soloq). He has such a cool and interesting kit but he got gutted too much to be considered even a decent champion in this season imo
What is the resemblence between talon and wukong lol? How can you say that Talon does the same job as Wukong but better? What do they have in common ? Besides the fact that they re both pretty much ad assassins (that if wukong builds lethality ofc) i cant see any. Does talon have any kind of hard CC in his kit that I didnt know? Does Talon's ult have an Aoe knock up that can change a game? Talon is a burst assassin that can take down a target pretty fast while Wukong is pretty much a Brusier whose job is to engage not 100% to assasinate a target. Idk why you chose to compare wukong with talon lmao.
They're both played very similarly. Both want to rush the carries and destroy them in a blink of an eye. Wukong does have that extra teamfight potential after he does that but good players can arrange themselves to counter that. Top of that Talon can do all that get out and then get back in to do some more.
You say Yasuo's windwall is buggy and things go through it, while he can windwall Katarina's Q, 1 sec after it hits him, is behind and is about to reach the ground.. Now this is a real nightmare for Katarina mains.
Don't know what you're referring to. Swain I feel like has very bad matchups at the moment with no way around them other than cookie cutter builds. The problem I encounter when playing him is not "role confusion" like what Exil is saying here, far from it actually. It's the fact that if you NEED to be malleable with your builds, Swain needs to win his early game or at least smash hard enough to secure farm for his 2 item powerspike. Why is this particularly a problem? Well, bot lane Swain of course. The only reason solo lane Swain has been experiencing any of these issues is due to nerfs from smashing ADCs down there when they were blatantly BAD due to crit item nerfs. Yet there has been no revert for Swain, so he is still worse off in solo lanes. This isn't uncommon for Riot to forget champions but for Exil to put Swain on the list when he is simply lacking "power" aka numbers is ridiculous. Even his reasoning says "he's not a hypercarry" when he most definitely existed as such prior and still is able to do so mid game, right before late game.
I've been playing ryze a fuck load lately in platinum 3 elo and have been dominating. He is actually very strong when you learn his strengths. His damage is actually nuts on 3 items
@@ahrithresh830 I feel you. We don't have normal drafts here so we're forced to play blind pick if we want an unranked game. Also that windwall needs to be changed right now. It's so broken.
Wind Wall is just overpowered anyway, at least against ranged mages. Also, the fact that you can block a bunch of ults like Ezreal, MF, Jinx, Caitlyn, etc is just so frustrating. In my opinion Wind Wall should have some sort of life bar, or a limit on how many skillshots can the wall block.
When I was a Wukong mid one trick for the last two years, I got question pinged and flamed every game for it while carrying everything. Then the other bastards had to realize that it was good and ruin it all for me :(
I went 15/0 on kalista yesterday. Shes fun and underrated. EDIT, Thanks for bringing up My main Kayle. Its really hard to play her or even get past lagning phase
Bruh, I forced my way into Diamond as OTP Kayle after the nerfs, stop talking shit, she's still a really good pick, you just need to know the champ and have game knowledge, not just lazy spam E until you win lane :) That's why I like the nerfs on her, it really shows who's a better and worse player, feels good when my teammates ask me how did I even win laning phase with Kayle
Swain was my main from S2 to S6, then i've been fed up of reworks on my favourite champs, i saw the rework on zac and then when i came back Swain was changed... I was angry because it was really the champ i felt for. And nos his kit really terrible. All Swain a Saw in ranked then were supps with shitty stats
If you are looking for an early game Adc, just pick Draven or MF. If Draven gets fed which is easy, he gains gold faster then normal and scales with gold fairly well but the lack of unity out side of his e means if he doesn't get gold. He becomes useless late game and hard for him to come back into the game late game. When Ashe if she does poorly she still has use in team fights with her vision and good CC for an adc. Mf on the other hand doesn't need a ton of items to get good team fight use. Making her better then lucian in the team fighting phase. Jihn over all feels good through out all phases. He doesn't scale bad late game, his early can bully some more late game focused carries some what easily and even do well vs a few early game picks. When not Stupid good. There is just so many better choices over lucian
I hope that riot just full rework ryze again cuz they fking destroyed him after removing his shield and the w root just to creat that machin gun mage .. machin gun ryze was too funny with the root and the shield but now he is soo fking squishy with his short range and the fking stupid new W even a nami can 1v1 him now .. so they just have to rework him again and forgot about that machin gun mage champ cuz its failed to be balanced
I kind of miss Qiyana here. For what i see on my level/elo(gold 1/plat 4) She have very good early and mid game and playing vs quishqy champions can pickup kill with ease even in 2vs1 situation but when game goes one she is losing her ability to pickup water element during a lot of team fights. When defending base or attacking enemy's she can not pick up even leaf element.(when her dmg mainly comes from passive reset combined with Q/ rotating between elements, my fav is leaf+wall on top and water+wall on mid) Usually her ult goes from reaping 60% of enemy health to barely touching they health bar. Her ult is practically useless in defending base or attacking(if u are lucky u can hit someone on those base stones). In late game she totally misses her assassin vibes. and ofc. dont take me wrong she can one shot adc but its hard when he has longer range on his AA than ur dash, also already mentioned 2vs1 at one point becomes disaster for her. There is only one good build on her, and its coldown reduction, if u have no cdr using her "assasin spamable combo"(someone on official board called her kit this way) can be cast once per 10 seconds(or 7.9 at best)
Been climbing with Swain now and this is legit super strong. Also going Kleptomancy against melee opponents is viable, making you hit RoA and Zhonya's build extremely fast.
Swain with dark harvest is quite good and getting luden's into liandry and then donya's is quite a good build, i have an 80% winrate in the last 10 games, but you yave to know how to play swain
It's ok because most of the udyr players out there use spirit guard udyr which is basically what udyr should be but riot doesnt love him (despite his new lore being awesome)
Honestly I forgot Wukong existed.
Mostly because every other online battle arena has one too.
actually too true though
The game is not made for 1 tricks it's made for champs to be rotated in an out of the meta to keep the game fresh. Riots goal has never been and never will be to balance the game 100%. They just want to keep the game changing to keep it from becoming stale
Hes so good in smite.....
his new rework will make him a monster
@@antreaskarantonis3547 coudlnt find any news of rework could mention some of it pls and how/why will become Monster?
I'd like an all-time worst champions list. Should be fun.
Okay im glad ill look into doing it
@@Exil22 Glad to hear. Thx.
Great idea!
I hope there will be 5.4 Veigar there lol.
Pre-rework Sion is probably there.
He sucked as an AD tank because he’s so squishy. He did okay as a weird AP one shot assassin with Stun and Shield but that combo can be easily shut down out of lane. Basically no matter how you build him, half his kit would be completely useless.
Those images of Lucian getting run down by Tahm Kench are some of the most tragic ones i've seen . I can feel the rage of that player .
I remember when Lucian's e use to remove slows. Ah, good times
@@cameronkinsey2634 no way? What season?
@@stevesteaven8349 s4 and 5 i guess
@@stevesteaven8349 Yeah, back when he was first released (it was removed pretty quickly). The number of shots his ult fired also used to scale with his attack speed, which was hilarious for troll builds.
@@StrunDoNhor This. It felt good too with max cd. Nasus mains where pissed that their wither's slow kept getting removed. Good times
Summary of the video: Why play any champion if you could play Tahm Kench?
And riot still didn't nerf him. Gj riot !
Azuralie / La Chatte Du Coin he needs no nerfing if u wanna beat tahm play yi
Justin Y Clone Or Renekton now that he can brake any shield
@@lcdc_azuralie Instead, they buff an already really solid champion Renekton... gg.
I actually just got back into the game and used to take him top years ago. I felt like they gutted him since the stopped procing his passive on his Q. Then I found out why he was nerfed and all I could say was "it's about time people realized."
Video is:
Wukong - 1:38
Graves - 3:18
Ryze - 4:35
Galio - 6:03
Kalista - 7:36
Lucian - 8:55
kayle - 10:23
Yasuo - 11:38
Swain - 13:04
Ziggs - 14:36
Thank me later..
Thank you...
So no Viktor then....
wtf, he's worse than Kayle rn.
No Teemo, even though he's literal garbage.
Gallio got that 5 second taunt
Basically this video: "Why play this champion when you can play something that does the same thing but better?"
"Same thing but easier"
Play cancer to win, not the champ you like to play
@@lcdc_azuralie that's it, litterally ... and I find it very sad
@@Casimir2811 how is it sad
@@loafofbread9400 I would guess a long debate about League not being fun and how toxicity is the core of its gameplay.
Exil about to hit his 0/10 Yasuo power spike
"i'm crazy strong now" he says.
Even Scuttle Crab is better then late game Lucian
Lucian right now farm is good if u get a hard leash
Mini Krugs are better than Lucian late game
Bard’s meeps beat Lucian late game
I love how all these champ have been op in a meta since this video
Ryze is the one false for your information my guy, he got nerfed just because of Hype Train of Conqueror changes and that his mini rework was fresh.
K a l i s t a...
Ziggs still D tier idk what u sayin
@@jimgreen8476 at this point I think they are just nerfing her for the sake of nerfing the first one already killed her but they still keep nerfing her I first starting playing kalista after the first nerf and she wasn’t bad just not the best now she feels almost unplayable
TLDR: Yasou main makes a tierlist to complain about a yasou bug
lol, one of his ability doesn't work, still a C-tier
@@gizel4376 Nope, one of the strongest, with the highest win rates,
Keep crying Yas main.
lol community is so toxic against yas mains
@@guilty6427 because yas is so toxic to the community XD
@@einjharrelraca not all of them? its an odd assumption
Holy shit I forgot about graves. I used to want to quit when he was op. If I didn't ban him he was on the other team like 60% of the time and steamrolled me in jungle
He was SO annoying to play against!
Exil ahh annoying so see him in the D tier. I’ve been one tricking graves, and have got to high gold. Not gonna stop playing him though!
Mathew Davis yeah, figures. That’s jus the way she goes.
Still, his problem wasnt that he could knock back jungle creeps. Like he gets full hp through the jungle, like every other jungler does. (naming elise, lee sin, reksai, kha, sej, etc.)
Problem is more like: His combination of strengths when strong: sustain damage, burst damage, ranged, tankyness, mobility. He has it all. Thats his problem. Like the same problem ryze always had to be sustain damage, ap bruiser, burst mage.
Deadend36 he *road roller dah* you?
I cant see azir? Who kicked him out of the legendary trio. Ryze kalista azir
Azir is actually so strong, borderline broken atm. ryze is not part of the trio anymore because his kit has been completely gutted so its just azir and kalista now, except that azir is actually good.
b o a r d e r l i n e b r o k e n
Azir is decent rn. Definitely a playable SoloQ pick. Only kind of buff he could use rn is a minor base armor increase but he's finally a champion with an abusable early game that scales well just like he should be.
@@mark-jf5ik well there is a reason why multiple azir one tricks are taking over in challenger right now =/
@@mark-jf5ik yea he is borderline broken, why do you think he keeps getting nerfed.
remember the days of ziggs bot carry. It was a nightmare for all the adcs lol
almost one shotting your tower with jsut one auto like well dam
That shit was legit. 😢😢😢
Ziggs was at bot lane because all crit ADCs were F tier
Turret gone in 2 backs
Was just watching Shiphtur's stream, he was playing ziggs bot
Azir: laughs in soldiers.
These videos are good but they don't age well
They are still interesting somehow for casual players like me who just enjoy the game
Time sensitive I think
That’s cause riot changes the game every two weeks.
Didn't expect Maxim to be in the Video lol ( 6:05, he is a big german youtuber and the main caster for pretty much all the big stuff like worlds, esl etc.)
He's a cool guy! Here's his video just in case you guys should subscribe
OML Wanted to write the same thing
@@Exil22 Do you even understand what he is saying? xD
Galio: Can no longer flash while taunting?
Damn thats a hard fkin nerf.
Only thing satisfying playing galio was his w flash combo :(
Im not a Galio main but I used to love play with him. He is just fun to play. And few days ago I realized in aram I cant flash-W. I was like instantly quit that game. wtf riot.
galio passive superhard buffed
galio q buffed
galio e buffed
galio stats little buffed
riot: we buff galio so much lets make little nerf too
only galio w flash nerf
@@eiroacha9559 his win rate will increase because he will have damage and they buffed the easy parts to use. But he lost most of his play making potential. U only have ur ult to use on a diver if u have one on your team.
@@mohamadzakaria96 just to add his ult also has been hard nerfed over time because it was an auto teamfight win in pro play
nice to know one flash taunt is apparently op when rakkan has three jumps with guaranteed ult combo hits and can get out without taking any dmg if he wants. nuts.
Yasuo's windwall: *Blocks things that it's not supposed to*
Rito: I'll fix that
Yasuo's windwall: *Doesn't block things that it's supposed to block*
Good. I hope they did that on purpose.
I don't play Yasuo and it annoys me anyway
@@ashghowost5461, yeah.. Rito is pretty bad with patches. Remember that one time they add a small little death recap into the game and the entire game ended up being burned to the ground for a day, where we were even apparently being killed by our teammates?
I forgot yasuo was in the game. Because I've banned him every game since release.....
I play rumble into him top or mid, he's a kitten in lane and you can punish his last hits
@@tbone9474 so I play renekton and dealing with yasuo in lane isn't usually the issue. The issue is that no matter how well I do against him he manages to get fed in the mid game when leaning faze ends. I shit you not I killed a yasuo 10 times in lane one game and he won the game with a score of 10/10. After that I started banning him every game.
@@Evongelo happens to me consistently, i permaban him too because it's honestly nonsense
1. Wukong 0:54
2. Graves 3:18
3. Ryze 4:35
4. Galio 6:02
5. Kalista 7:37
6. Lucian 8:55
7. Kyle 10:23
8. Yasuo with bugged w 11:37
9. Swain 13:05
10. Ziggs 14:37
why the fuck akali is not here
@@SamuelLopez-kd3sr ikr, gotta be the worst remake to date
i was waiting for shaco to be mentioned but i guess hes just that irrelevant
thanks to you i dont have to watch the whole thing since akali isnt in there
Thanks i was searching for this comment😃
Ryze will be the best champion again after the 666th rework
but the 666th rework will be the 667th ryze, so will the 666 ryze be the strongest, or the 666th rework of ryze? Will we ever be blessed the the delight of knowing the answer?
Meao Gaming And then he’ll be nerfed in the next patch.
1:32 When you suddenly notice Riot just doesn't add anything to the back of the walls just cause people can't usually see them. I see them now.
it is done for performance reason I would assume
@@mandelbrot2315 yes it is.
That's pretty common practice in almost all games. No point in hiring artists to draw something that will never be seen.
actually with all the special angles used in replays these days, rito has made the map 360-safe... i guess they missed some spots, or it was a clipping error, or that clip is from an older patch.
As a Shaco main, Shaco deserves a spot. No doubt.
His e being the worst ability in the game, most probably.
Shaco isn't in the best spot right now, especially compared to where he used to be, but when I see guys like Chase play him it's hard to even remotely consider him on the same level as something like Graves. I think the Tiamat nerf to cost more gold was a really huge hit to him, but he's still a great solo queue champ and I see plenty of shaco smurfs that never lose just by nature of the champ.
He's frustrating to play against and makes games unfun.
Xerath’s E is worse lol
But his W compensates that.
Stacking fears, really?
@@Exil22 Careful, Shaclone's fans are going to murder you in your sleep if they find actually intelligent arguments against their lord and savior whining about how Shaco is a useless champion and Riot needs to revert to Season 4.
Regarding Lucian: He is fantastic
*shows clip of him dying*
I kinda cringe whenever someone says "why would you play (insert champion) when you could play (insert champion), maybe the person likes how the character looks or likes their thematics or likes their play style in general?
This isnt about lorefags though this is about ppl who play ranked and are meta slaves
you missed the point
"i wont play this champ because it says B tier,would rather play S tier" -every meta slave who doesnt play league for fun ever.
@@georgetodorov1687 people dont play league for fun
@@manofhonor1685 I do, but everyon is competitive as fuck, it's only a game chill....
"You have to win the game in 20 minutes to get that ff 15"
Welp, there goes another universe
As a Galio main in the past, this hurts me to most. Seeing one of your favourite champions getting gutted to the ground just hurts
I am glad of the future changes, despite taking off the flash combo and removing the CD reduction mechanic on his passive
Old Galio was pretty broken. His ult was hard to get off but if you build a spirits you were basically unkillable with your shield. I miss old Galio so much
@@LoganGreitzer Same. I want my old Galio and Swain back, the one's where no one bothered to figure out how to beat them, because they were so fucking rare to fight.
Galio's rework hurts the most, because he lost all of that identity of him being a MR Rammus. I could fucking make my minion waves faster, I had a point-and-click skillshot, I had an amazing ult that made ADC's afraid of me, I could fucking walk over Teemo shrooms AND HEAL OFF OF THEM! They took my Galio and telegraphed all of his spells, gave him a stupid dash, made the taunt so boring, nerfed any damage he had before, and the biggest sin of all, he has a Pantheon ult that needs a teammate alive, making it where he has to rely on his team to be intelligent enough to stick around and not leave him to die.
Swain at least still has his identity, Galio is a fucking boring champ now.
As an akali player I can relate to this
Which of the new champion reworks are you most excited for? New Wukong Rework? New Swain Rework? Excited about the New Sylas changes?
Shyvana. Pretty surr she will be sexy after the rework
Shyvanna Cuz Dragón Fetish
@@singleleafoftree9157 Shyvana isn't getting reworked, she didn't get the most votes for the VGU so the reworks are going to Voli and Fiddle lol
@@almightygod87 but shyvana is the most voted in china, so it possible
@UCXZDspmA0qR527KP82Sj5jA im guessing you are a wukong main
Ryzes 87 sounds big, unless you lived in the kassadin season 2/3 when he had 100% pb
I remember those days. The silence on the Q, the only 3 bans in ranked and "pref" picking.
@@ablebodied175 Me too and Kassadin were a MUST BAN those times.
Evelynn troll pick ???? Lol lets remember the time right before here rework when everybody cried about here
Evelynn was WAAAAY Stronger back in the day, that invis was broken
And he didnt mention old nunu the king of troll picks xD
her ult received some buffs before her rework. befora that she was a trollpick '100%
Yasuo wall should be one of 2 things: object to play around in a fight or has hp, or a skillful parry that lasts between 1 to 2 seconds. Currently its both, and has no way to be nullified. It needs to be nerfed or changed
xerath not on list ?
The champ need that no opponent snowball harder than him or his almost useless, not even wave clear to handle Super minions, vulnerable to assassins (not enough hp), to juggernauts (can't kill them, can't kite them), and to every hard engage (joys of tristana, hecarim, etc...). Even worse, in soloqueue 2 games out of 3 there is no tank top nor jungle, so no one really protect him while he poke... when the team just care that he's so fed he only need a tiny bit of protection to siege down the enemy.
Did I mention his mana issues? (his passive is trash tier, like lissandra was, but even worse, cause lissadra had one free spell every 10 sec, while xerath's need him to auto-attack an enemy champ to regain less mana than his main spell costs him... and it's up every 12 sec) And even worse is that more ofetn than not when xerath ask for blue buff, the jungler the says "you have a passive lel"... like zed is gonna let it happen anyway...
To summerize, a LOT of bad matchups, a lot of impossibility to pressure (if enemy jungler knows what he is doing), for a champ which can only kill squeashies if he don't snowball (no %hp damages like velkoz), and no ult during team-fights (even more so because every one sees you while you ult).
It's funny how most of these champions were reworks that were supposed to solve this shit.
Yep, typical Riot doing their job, they shat on my Swain so hard, used to be a really comfortable pick, but they reworked him just out of spite that he's not a popular mainstream champ, also Aatrox just became viable and they insta changed him too, Akali used to have some counterplay then they reworked her and she became absolutely toxic for the game, it's amazing how Riot always makes things worse
@@MattBG67 Cant believe Riot took months to decide on removing Akali's true stealth. If they're trying to balance between pro play and soloq, that was the best decision seeing as low elo shits dont buy control wards
@@Sutobuto true stealth couldn't be removed with control ward tho, dunno why you even mentioned it
@@MattBG67 How was there counter play in old Akali? Don't get right clicked?
@@Justin-tr2bs yes, and cast AOE stuns in her true stealth to hope to hit her, xD
Shaco is not a champion at this point in time, so that's why he wasn't on the list, isn't it?
Quinn aswell
Shaco mains always complaining 'wow invisible things can be seen with controllwards and oracle lens??'
Yanick you can’t see shaco with control wards while he is invis and oracle lens only reveals his location. Oracle elixir, that you get from Klepto reveals you completely. Not complaining about vision, complaining about dmg, which you don’t deal until you get tiamat + duskblade, both of which are basically essential.
at least he's 15 times better than Wukong speaking as a former Wukong main now otp shaco
@@CarlDeer Wait you items to deal damage like every other champion in the game? Who would've thought
Always love looking for these 'bad' champions and getting good at them.
I remember the time where Sion was considered bad and nobody picked him ever; meanwhile I trained on him and had a 81% winrate at 100 matches
Yasuo is bad cuz those cancerous players going 0-10 lmao
These players are trash and they are thinking that yasuo is the strongest champ so they can kill everyone if u know how ti play him yasuo isnt bad champ.
He's also bad because he has a broken kit. I'm glad that he's buggy.
@@Bitholeous remove that dumb shield, keep the windfall bug, and make his dash have a cool down (atleast 2 seconds to cast again) and he'd be balanced.
@@GrumpyIan I'd be happy if thwy took out just either the armor pen or the double crit chance.
Simon Henderson literally any nerfs to yasuo would make him unplayable, his win rates are already negative because of how hard he is to play, and he’s not even as strong as every one seems to think he is. Just because there occasionally a good yasuo that gets super fed becomes an unkillable monster doesn’t mean that he’s a broken character :p
Better title: "Which Champions were really FUN to play and why did they get NERFED into the GROUND"
Yes rip ryze the only champ that matters xd
I mean... yasuo is still annoying af and fun to play for the people who do, xD.
Oohh...going back to Season 1 and 2... Heimerdinger with the 6 turrets, Singed with his OP ult, and AD Twisted Fate.
@@Kag001 AD TF is a thing now, only as a Trinity Force rush midlaner
Try being an akali main we got nerfed the most this season it’s actually disgusting
I didnt know i wanted this video. Another one next patch?
I'll look into the reception on this one and see if we can do another one!
"this bug playing yasou is fruststrating" - I would love a rework of Yasou which would remove his windwall. In my opinion his set is ok and his playstyle, but adding to that a Windwall which even blocks most Ults is in my opinion the thing that gives him the most hate.
Riot: Ok this new champ, we still have a ability left, he has an agressive playstyle so he needs a small defensive ability (beside his ability to dash 20 times when 2 minion waves collide)
Coder: How about a windwall that blocks 99% of the skills ingame
Riot: Brilliant.
One button press and u lose a teamfight
i mean atleast it isnt tryndamere
@@jimgreen8476 More deaths=better. Gets you closer to your 0/10 power spike
How many times do I have to say it.
Urgot was not a troll pick, he was pretty good and one of the best champions imho.
he was an in and out champ, op one patch useless the next, like when they gave a mana scaling on his shield he became op in top lane.
That's why he was and is a troll pick.
Yeah, just finished a big paragraph saying the same. He was imho even hidden broken for a long time as he nearly completely countered most midlaners, had stupid armorshred and the easiest to hit extremely high dmg DPS spell with his Q on corroded targets. BC on Urgot pre rework just shredded like 60% armor as a debuff to the target! So every single full AD comb instantly was able to trash tanks again just due to his stupidly high shred.
@@DarthDose Finally someone who understands, thank you
@@JumpieBaboncia he had some powerfull invisible effect so people doesn't realize all he does, like the armor shred, the damage dealt reduction from his passive and the damage reduction from his ult.
Remove windwall from the game easy fix :)
Remove bronzies from the game and make the game paid fixed like you :)
@@chavalomiguel5587 Why so serious?
Windwall should be his ult, the ult could be moved to the W remove armor penetration and make it only one target ability
@qtRest Why not? The ult wouldnt block damage on a low CD, he is vulnerable on laning phase, he cant just wait a malph to ult or abuae his E+Q to easy kill the ADC.
The meta changed alot towards who has the most and fastest damage, so champions with consistant dmg like Kalista Yasuo Swain and most tanks are weak. Also new champs got 3 effects per spell, so champs like Wukong and Ziggs with basic kits fall flat.
So you too forgot about Maokai, I haven't been in a summoners rift game with one for over 6 months...
Maokai left the league to go and take care of grandpa ivern. Both of them are now in care homes
Man I literally forgot he even existed i remember when it was tank meta and he would just dumpster everything
Been playing a lot of Mao when I get the chance. No more than 3 games every 2 weeks on average. Pretty sure I have a half decent win rate with him. (Mid gold so nothing special)
To be honest i see Maokai one time as supp ,but thats all :/
Dude he's just not so fun to play. What is he a slow short range siege monster?
I absolutely loved the Evelynn when everyone said she's a troll pick.
Her rework was a good reason for me to quit for a long, long time.
Ziggs d tier...
1.Go flex with friends or even go solo. Who cares.
2.capure herald
3.let the mid roam only once before 14th minute
4.take all platings and 2 turrets for tona of gold
Now ask yourself, couldn't lux do the same thing if played well?
@@teddywebb6663 no, could not. Ziggs w passive automaticly destroys turrets below 25% of health.
And his auto attack is strong because of his passive
damn imagine being a trundle main ... LMAO
trundle so bad hes not even on this list
trundle is used in rift rivals with yummi supp and its pretty good
Trundle is still good only when facing tanks imo, now tanks top/jg isn’t a must and his chance to shine is lesser
Actually he got a buff a while before
Trundle is only good as a Jungler counterpicking another Tank jungler going aftershock.
@@alanpereyra5503 Especially Sejuani, he melts boar lady.
Trundle top wins 90% of matchups at 6 woth pta and sheen. On top of that he is one of if not the best tower shredder. I never loose trundle top if i survive till 6
Please do the all time, but also do one of these reverse tierlist maybe every three patches
Okay that's a good idea, thank you!
14:37 Ever since they added the whole "hexplode towers" thing to Ziggs' W, I feel like he's gone from being 'super poke/wave clear stall games out' to 'good wave clear, destroy towers early, force mid game early' champion.
Now that he's got the hexplosion thing, he can destroy towers much earlier than anyone else, thus allowing him to go to other lanes way earlier and help them also get towers, thus gaining your team map control and forcing mid game much faster than usual.
Nidalee is a forgotten champion, she gave many problems to riot's balance team in a past season and they just nerfed her to oblivion and kicked her out of the meta forever.
She has half of the things she had on her rework after endless nerfs.
I think she just has a shit kit and was weak all the time but people just didnt know how to play around her.
Imagine Making a worst champs video and not feature my boy Shaco.
My man only makes cameo in the background cos he a minion bro
even the balance team says they want the champion dead, that's how dead he is, btw yes the leader of the design team stated that he doesn't like shaco and doesn't intend to make him good, wich is corruption if you ask me.
And now he is so op, perma ban or pick
@@bastiencouque03 ye he can deal dmg now so op
@@thedemoniccomic8853 bro he is the most wr champion in jng at this moment
My boi ryze belongs in F tier. They gutted his outplay potential, his laning phase, but most importantly they nerfed his fun. The champ is a brainless EQ champion now. The reason why I played LoL is gone now.
The bugs are frustrating, yes, but no amount of bugfixes are going to make his current iteration worth it.
Good thing I own Stellaris
F to pay respects to our favourite blue boi v_v
I think he was talking about sonic
f my friend
i really appreciate how you use runescape music in your clips
Remember Xin Zhao release, guys? Good times.
God please no
Remember when Pantheon was buffed so that his W could hit monsters as well?
Those were the good days.
@@javelinmaster2 God left us in those days
Remember lvl 2 drag with Panth and old Fiora? me too
Update from late Season 10: Graves is the best jungler in the game and Wukong was briefly the best top, mid, jungle, and support in the game
Exil you are one of my favorite league youtubers at the moment. Your videos are high quality, informative and don't succumb to clickbait trash like so many other channels. Keep up the good work. dude.
thanks so much, truly means a lot :)
Where??? Where is high quality? How is this not clickbait, when the entire idea behind making a tierlist for league is a clickbait itself as there is no important infornation to gather just someone spouting personal oppinions about some champions. This is not informativ or teaching anything valuable. Instead its just gonna make more idiots believe that certain champions are unplayable and therefore start trolling in champ select because they dont want you to pick a "troll pick" and yes all i see in such a (btw poorly made) tierlist is people banning teammates champions because "they are troll picks". Good job supporting this attitude instead of doing what any experienced/skilled player does andjust learn a few champions and encourage others to do the same instead of giving idiotic tier lists that will change 2 weeks later... Im not even suprised to see idiots always pick the strongest champions and still feed the shit out of the lane to early surrender because "it should have been easy" and "everyone else is fucking it up" for them... While in fact they are just playing a champion thats slightly stronger than the others which doesnt matter for shit when you cant play it. Maybe make a tierlist of shitty behaviour and dick moves that are common in the league community? That could actually impeove something in the game and would be relevant for more than just two weeks. Nah, better keep making those champion tier lists that where never making sense in the first place and teach kids what they are allowed to flame their teammates for. Because except giving flaming whining kiddos an excuse for why they could flame someone playing certain champions or simply ban their teammates picks i dont see what effect such a tier list is gonna have on the league community...
@@DrOinkman dawg its not that deep
100% agree. I watch every one when it comes out.
Ziggs' Q Diameter got Nerfed a looot years ago, making Q harder to land.
The new visual on Ziggs’s ultimate makes landing it at far range literally impossible. Plus his ultimate just looks lame now
*¿Why would you play ''this'' when ''THIS'' other thing is better?* - *Everything that ''this'' one does, others have that covered.*
It's sad how people is easily influenced by ''pros'' and tier list, unfortunately they are a necesary Evil, but they talk as if the only thing people care is winning. What i do, is that i only play what i LIKE, if i want to pick Ziggs instead of Talon it's becouse i like the character itself, how it plays, everything, THAT is how things should be, you should play whatever you want becouse you like it, not becouse it's OP and/or META.
But the only fun I have is winning
@@quixcover oh that's right, most people just want to win, and it's sad.
....because this is a video talking about how good champions are and not how viable they are to be your waifu
@@colmannicolas5440 if you play for ranked ofc you just want to win... LMAO?
My boy ziggs needs love 💔 send help
Hes been my favorite since release >_
I kinda missed gnar in your list since he is barely playable after the thousand of nerfs he recieved due to being to opressive in pro play (and soloq). He has such a cool and interesting kit but he got gutted too much to be considered even a decent champion in this season imo
A lot of these champs have no middle ground. They buff them then they too strong.
Dont mind me, Just a salty kayle main :D
I saw the Manamune and Wit build and just said, "no"
She isn't that bad right now if you ask me.
6:05 Maxim 😍😍😍
What is the resemblence between talon and wukong lol? How can you say that Talon does the same job as Wukong but better? What do they have in common ? Besides the fact that they re both pretty much ad assassins (that if wukong builds lethality ofc) i cant see any. Does talon have any kind of hard CC in his kit that I didnt know? Does Talon's ult have an Aoe knock up that can change a game? Talon is a burst assassin that can take down a target pretty fast while Wukong is pretty much a Brusier whose job is to engage not 100% to assasinate a target. Idk why you chose to compare wukong with talon lmao.
Ikr. Wukong isn't even an assassin lmao
They're both played very similarly. Both want to rush the carries and destroy them in a blink of an eye. Wukong does have that extra teamfight potential after he does that but good players can arrange themselves to counter that. Top of that Talon can do all that get out and then get back in to do some more.
Plus Wukong is a monkey so that instantly makes him better than Talon
You say Yasuo's windwall is buggy and things go through it, while he can windwall Katarina's Q, 1 sec after it hits him, is behind and is about to reach the ground..
Now this is a real nightmare for Katarina mains.
Somehow riot managed to make the new swain rework less interesting and 10x more boring to play than old swain.
Don't know what you're referring to. Swain I feel like has very bad matchups at the moment with no way around them other than cookie cutter builds. The problem I encounter when playing him is not "role confusion" like what Exil is saying here, far from it actually. It's the fact that if you NEED to be malleable with your builds, Swain needs to win his early game or at least smash hard enough to secure farm for his 2 item powerspike.
Why is this particularly a problem? Well, bot lane Swain of course. The only reason solo lane Swain has been experiencing any of these issues is due to nerfs from smashing ADCs down there when they were blatantly BAD due to crit item nerfs. Yet there has been no revert for Swain, so he is still worse off in solo lanes. This isn't uncommon for Riot to forget champions but for Exil to put Swain on the list when he is simply lacking "power" aka numbers is ridiculous. Even his reasoning says "he's not a hypercarry" when he most definitely existed as such prior and still is able to do so mid game, right before late game.
Na mate, new swain kit and design is far better, he has Much more character and his kit makes both a Lot of sense and is pretty neat for a CC mage
9:44 never and i mean NEVER go into a 1 v 1 against tahm unless ur vayne or ashe or someone with a lot of life steal u will lose
I've been playing ryze a fuck load lately in platinum 3 elo and have been dominating. He is actually very strong when you learn his strengths. His damage is actually nuts on 3 items
never forget reksai q damage reduced from 95 to 15 and ult changed :(
Had an itch telling me Akali was going to be here. Extremely complex, terrible at team fights and bad late game scaling.
Honestly still think they should just remove yasuo he isn't even a samurai and poster boy of league? More like poster boy for toxicity~
Yasuo is the reason why i cant play blind pick anymore, so yeah, i think everyone except yasuo mains want them to remove him from the game.
@@ahrithresh830 I feel you. We don't have normal drafts here so we're forced to play blind pick if we want an unranked game.
Also that windwall needs to be changed right now. It's so broken.
But he's so much fun to play....
It's a shame windall is not bugged to the point where it blocks nothing.
Fuck that ability why is it even in the game.
Wind Wall is just overpowered anyway, at least against ranged mages. Also, the fact that you can block a bunch of ults like Ezreal, MF, Jinx, Caitlyn, etc is just so frustrating. In my opinion Wind Wall should have some sort of life bar, or a limit on how many skillshots can the wall block.
Ágimon Torment its not that broken, if you want to fight someone you gotta play around his winning cards yeah ?
When I was a Wukong mid one trick for the last two years, I got question pinged and flamed every game for it while carrying everything.
Then the other bastards had to realize that it was good and ruin it all for me :(
old swain was so much better and more fun
Ikr? Press R and run into enemies personal space to kill them.. Good times
I went 15/0 on kalista yesterday. Shes fun and underrated. EDIT, Thanks for bringing up My main Kayle. Its really hard to play her or even get past lagning phase
Bruh, I forced my way into Diamond as OTP Kayle after the nerfs, stop talking shit, she's still a really good pick, you just need to know the champ and have game knowledge, not just lazy spam E until you win lane :) That's why I like the nerfs on her, it really shows who's a better and worse player, feels good when my teammates ask me how did I even win laning phase with Kayle
@@MattBG67 Stop talking shit? I know what works for me dont I? The old kayles E was much better for lanin phase. Point black periodt
Old Evelynn and Galio were trollpick ? We were playing a different game I guess.
Galio always be a troll pick for many people since before rework. But I also play him for free Lp in some game since that day.
I play kalista in silver and i have a 10 win streak with her, so isn't that bad, Actually, i really love her, with a good supp u can easily carry
Yasuo's wind wall glitch should stay honestly.
Exil will you make a video about kennen? The guy is as old as ryze yet still no rework and viable in pro play too
Bring back my pre rework adc graves :(
Galio used to be so fun and was actually kinda strong with his R and W. He wasn't a troll pick at all.
Swain was my main from S2 to S6, then i've been fed up of reworks on my favourite champs, i saw the rework on zac and then when i came back Swain was changed... I was angry because it was really the champ i felt for. And nos his kit really terrible. All Swain a Saw in ranked then were supps with shitty stats
If you are looking for an early game Adc, just pick Draven or MF. If Draven gets fed which is easy, he gains gold faster then normal and scales with gold fairly well but the lack of unity out side of his e means if he doesn't get gold. He becomes useless late game and hard for him to come back into the game late game. When Ashe if she does poorly she still has use in team fights with her vision and good CC for an adc.
Mf on the other hand doesn't need a ton of items to get good team fight use. Making her better then lucian in the team fighting phase.
Jihn over all feels good through out all phases. He doesn't scale bad late game, his early can bully some more late game focused carries some what easily and even do well vs a few early game picks. When not Stupid good. There is just so many better choices over lucian
I like the idea of yasuo's windwall not working properly
skillshots go through it? rito finally made some progress towards balancing yasu
Ur background soundtrack is from Runescape isn't it?
E Am dude I recognized the Priff soundtrack immediately 😂
I hope that riot just full rework ryze again cuz they fking destroyed him after removing his shield and the w root just to creat that machin gun mage .. machin gun ryze was too funny with the root and the shield but now he is soo fking squishy with his short range and the fking stupid new W even a nami can 1v1 him now .. so they just have to rework him again and forgot about that machin gun mage champ cuz its failed to be balanced
"They've reworked every champion by now"
Zilean crying in a corner
except he got almost the earliest rework in the game lol.
@@whiteflameME Yup the double stun bomb
@Mr.Dibujines he's getting a rework soon lol
I kind of miss Qiyana here. For what i see on my level/elo(gold 1/plat 4) She have very good early and mid game and playing vs quishqy champions can pickup kill with ease even in 2vs1 situation but when game goes one she is losing her ability to pickup water element during a lot of team fights. When defending base or attacking enemy's she can not pick up even leaf element.(when her dmg mainly comes from passive reset combined with Q/ rotating between elements, my fav is leaf+wall on top and water+wall on mid)
Usually her ult goes from reaping 60% of enemy health to barely touching they health bar. Her ult is practically useless in defending base or attacking(if u are lucky u can hit someone on those base stones).
In late game she totally misses her assassin vibes.
and ofc. dont take me wrong she can one shot adc but its hard when he has longer range on his AA than ur dash, also already mentioned 2vs1 at one point becomes disaster for her.
There is only one good build on her, and its coldown reduction, if u have no cdr using her "assasin spamable combo"(someone on official board called her kit this way) can be cast once per 10 seconds(or 7.9 at best)
Electrocute Swain can do quite well in early and mid game
(E, pull, Q, for easy burst with electrocute)
Rush Ludens and then anything else
Been climbing with Swain now and this is legit super strong.
Also going Kleptomancy against melee opponents is viable, making you hit RoA and Zhonya's build extremely fast.
Swain with dark harvest is quite good and getting luden's into liandry and then donya's is quite a good build, i have an 80% winrate in the last 10 games, but you yave to know how to play swain
Just a random Maxim coming up in the video XD
Katana Zero xd
Its funny seeing this now when most of these champions really strong
Meanwhile there are still overdated flashing animal icons above udyrs head whenever he uses a spell.
Who did we say again needs a rework? Lol.
It's ok because most of the udyr players out there use spirit guard udyr which is basically what udyr should be but riot doesnt love him (despite his new lore being awesome)
Is that Prifddinas music from Runescape playing in the background?
I mean, darn, Yasuo cant block skillshots that are on top of him when he casts windwall. Shucks.
Appreciate the RuneScape music in the background :)
1:29 umm sorry 70% winrate on urgot out of 100-150 games ...
"Worst champs"
--> Sees Silas.
--> J. Jonah Jameson laugh.wav