I've recently unlocked myself the size 3 gimballed Shock Cannons for my Python, I use three of them alongside a high capacity corrosive Multi-Cannon and a long-range thermal vent Beam Laser. It's a fantastic combo to use against large hull tanking NPC ships such as the federal ships and even larger vessels like the Anaconda. The thermal venting Beam Laser helps out a ton when rapid-firing the Shock Cannons since they output a lot of heat, also useful to remove the overheating issue when using Shield Cell Banks, allowing me to use more utility slots for Shield boosters and Chaff. I still end up running out of ammo on certain situations, on Low-Intensity Conflict Zones I usually find myself with only 10 rounds total on each weapon, and up to Medium and High Intensity, I have to synthesize more ammo. If you are interested in what I made I can send you a link to a Coriolis build once I put it there, my Python is not exactly focused on combat but it does quite well nevertheless.
Unless I fly a vulture or very lightweight and maneuvrable FAS, I go for gimballed Shock Cannons. They are much better at hitting smaller targets, not because of lack of accuracy but because of the angle they can shoot at. Also, Shock cannons have decent armor piercing, so sniping power plants is quite easy to do, especially with gimballs, where you don't need to face the modules you're targeting head on.
Not a bad combo. I irks me how much shock cannons take to unlock. I went for turreted large shock cannons, turns out they don't even track targets like normal turrets :/. precious mats wasted, perhaps they only work in multicrew? idk. Thanks for the upload.
I would watch out for multi-crew specific weapons in the odyssey update, I anticipate some of them will become a viable meta if the underlying systems for multi-crew get fixed the way we are being told.
I see the Spec Ops crew and try to give them a wide berth. UNLESS I see a chance to snipe one. If I can draw one out away from the rest I can usually chew it up. Otherwise I just have to NOPE out. I do believe the ramming is intentional. They aren't trying to hit head on. They are trying to scrape along the length of your ship. Damaging hard points and utility mounts in the process.
PA's work well against shield tanks. But of course that statement assumes a person can actually hit what they are aiming at lol. Without turrets I'd be hosed.
Ah the chief, maybe my favourite ship. I love it.
I've recently unlocked myself the size 3 gimballed Shock Cannons for my Python, I use three of them alongside a high capacity corrosive Multi-Cannon and a long-range thermal vent Beam Laser. It's a fantastic combo to use against large hull tanking NPC ships such as the federal ships and even larger vessels like the Anaconda.
The thermal venting Beam Laser helps out a ton when rapid-firing the Shock Cannons since they output a lot of heat, also useful to remove the overheating issue when using Shield Cell Banks, allowing me to use more utility slots for Shield boosters and Chaff.
I still end up running out of ammo on certain situations, on Low-Intensity Conflict Zones I usually find myself with only 10 rounds total on each weapon, and up to Medium and High Intensity, I have to synthesize more ammo.
If you are interested in what I made I can send you a link to a Coriolis build once I put it there, my Python is not exactly focused on combat but it does quite well nevertheless.
Unless I fly a vulture or very lightweight and maneuvrable FAS, I go for gimballed Shock Cannons. They are much better at hitting smaller targets, not because of lack of accuracy but because of the angle they can shoot at. Also, Shock cannons have decent armor piercing, so sniping power plants is quite easy to do, especially with gimballs, where you don't need to face the modules you're targeting head on.
6:15 about this, your meta prismatic 6sb fdl will be fine. pvp builds definitely come into contention more when it comes to CZ's
Not a bad combo. I irks me how much shock cannons take to unlock. I went for turreted large shock cannons, turns out they don't even track targets like normal turrets :/. precious mats wasted, perhaps they only work in multicrew? idk. Thanks for the upload.
all experimental turrets are fixed unless a copilot is operating them in multicrew
@@Cheesus-Sliced didnt know that until i spent my hard earned g5 mats on the damn things. :/
I would watch out for multi-crew specific weapons in the odyssey update, I anticipate some of them will become a viable meta if the underlying systems for multi-crew get fixed the way we are being told.
@@dmain6735 I lied btw, you can manually assign a target for them with "target only", but still
I see the Spec Ops crew and try to give them a wide berth. UNLESS I see a chance to snipe one. If I can draw one out away from the rest I can usually chew it up. Otherwise I just have to NOPE out.
I do believe the ramming is intentional. They aren't trying to hit head on. They are trying to scrape along the length of your ship. Damaging hard points and utility mounts in the process.
A couple frags with incendiary would eat those shields fast. Worth trying out instead.
PA's work well against shield tanks. But of course that statement assumes a person can actually hit what they are aiming at lol. Without turrets I'd be hosed.
What's your Chieftain Build if you don't mind me asking?