Overdue (Ft.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,6 тис.

  • @yonrexgameryt8494
    @yonrexgameryt8494 10 місяців тому +3485

    2023: What the funk is that thing
    2024: Yo soy luigi, mama mia

    • @carterthefanguy9006
      @carterthefanguy9006 10 місяців тому +83

      It’s so true!

    • @AlyxTheProtogen
      @AlyxTheProtogen 10 місяців тому +168

      Luigi.exe soy amigo de mario madness

    • @unrandomxd456
      @unrandomxd456 10 місяців тому +106

      Oh así es, soy Luigi me gusta cantar de espaldas

    • @cyanorblue
      @cyanorblue 10 місяців тому +87

      Ven acércate, no te haré dañoooooo

    • @M4xiz
      @M4xiz 10 місяців тому +70

      Go pico go go pico go pico yeah 🗣️🔥🔥

  • @violetcore1813
    @violetcore1813 8 місяців тому +452

    Why do people think this song is mid again? I cannot locate the mid.

    • @dearlybelovedkh
      @dearlybelovedkh 6 місяців тому +63

      I agree literally the only like weird parts are like some of the middle where it wasn't really much happening but the amazing parts of the song makes it all up for that and delivers an absolute banger

    • @odinstarfighter5822
      @odinstarfighter5822 6 місяців тому +40

      i dont think its bad but i think people just had there exspectations for the song raised way high from the first part that caused the rest to seem bad by comparison

    • @zadventure5743
      @zadventure5743 6 місяців тому +6

      I am the 69th like

    • @furret8456
      @furret8456 5 місяців тому +22

      the song has it's up's and down's, occasionally it feels like there could have been a few more notes
      there are holes which disturb the flow of the song a little bit.
      I still like it, but i see where the critique is comming from

    • @ZoySebas
      @ZoySebas 5 місяців тому +12

      Only the beginning and the last part are pretty good, the middle sections are just sleep medicine (makes it specially bad considering the song is almost 4 mins long)

  • @yikebot_5525
    @yikebot_5525 4 місяці тому +371

    I headcanon that mr. L had this whole show and everything prepared for gf and bf, only for Pico to show up and make him go "Ah fuck it, I ain't letting all this go to waste."

    • @RetroSmash.
      @RetroSmash. 4 місяці тому +15


    • @Heisenburger007
      @Heisenburger007 3 місяці тому +24

      Mine is that pico just appeared so he had to Come up with thw song while winging it, pike bro was not prepared the only part bro prepared was the end

    • @RetroSmash.
      @RetroSmash. 3 місяці тому +13

      @@Heisenburger007 LOLLL he did some pretty nice improvisation then

    • @Missingno7
      @Missingno7 2 місяці тому +1


    • @RetroSmash.
      @RetroSmash. 2 місяці тому +5

      @@Missingno7 nah it funny lol

  • @thewahbox
    @thewahbox Рік тому +1206

    I need a pizza

    • @haxxar_
      @haxxar_ Рік тому +68


    • @gyroxd2077
      @gyroxd2077 Рік тому +105


    • @giovannimazzurco4880
      @giovannimazzurco4880 11 місяців тому +18

      Ar ar arar ar ar arar ar ar

    • @daniellong7549
      @daniellong7549 10 місяців тому +11

      I hope it’s not pineapple

    • @ruthsee
      @ruthsee 10 місяців тому +15

      ​@@daniellong7549 WHATS SO BAD ABOUT PINEAPPLE PIZZA?

  • @Toadprince29
    @Toadprince29 11 місяців тому +1582

    Yo guys, this is foreshadowing. Too late.exe tells you that it's too late to save Mario. Pico was too late to save BF and GF.

    • @torchrandom9059
      @torchrandom9059 11 місяців тому +286

      You could say his rescue it a bit Overdue

    • @Toadprince29
      @Toadprince29 11 місяців тому +117

      @@torchrandom9059 And that was what they said when they were planning this mod.

    • @torchrandom9059
      @torchrandom9059 11 місяців тому +54

      @@Toadprince29 ooohh, I see. neat

    • @Vinicup
      @Vinicup 11 місяців тому +61


    • @vinnib8779
      @vinnib8779 9 місяців тому +16

      I did not know that

  • @galaxycamerata
    @galaxycamerata 11 місяців тому +1775

    I love how this song manages to portray how "vengeance-driven sadism" feels.
    It pingpongs back and forth between playful, menacing, and wistful all at once.

    • @immortalkoopah3138
      @immortalkoopah3138 11 місяців тому +134

      Especially fitting that it feels like that given how Mr. L wants to play with his food before outright killing them so he wants to have fun in there to keep em around long enough to get a good shot off at getting them

    • @krispyboi9162
      @krispyboi9162 11 місяців тому +79

      (0:00) You’re right, the beginning sounds so jumpy and playful. Then a couple of minutes later, you hear the choir and the hard, hitting dark sounding track play after he reveals himself. Musical story telling at its finest.

    • @bennieboy0fficial
      @bennieboy0fficial 9 місяців тому +13

      Yo, english guys. Please

    • @spantomdancandinho4617
      @spantomdancandinho4617 9 місяців тому +9

      Yo soy lui-

    • @Parmairt_Juzzstyfai
      @Parmairt_Juzzstyfai 7 місяців тому +4

      more true then u think!

  • @ejej5507
    @ejej5507 9 місяців тому +89

    I just realized. Since the original creepypasta (Or mr.l) refers to the term "too late", the term Overdue fits well since it also means "too late."

  • @rukatzu9121
    @rukatzu9121 10 місяців тому +117

    Everything from here is so good! The more wistful music and Mario / The Forgiven trying to help Pico out, and the vocals of him is so good. And then the running part, My absolute favorite part! Both the change in music, but also the visual of Pico running down a corridor with endless Mr. L’s is so cool!

  • @Marx_8941
    @Marx_8941 Рік тому +454

    Not only is the song bangin, but the art in the song is absolutely incredible (especially the 2nd section with the jaw), MASSIVE props to the artist and you for creating the song

    • @JmonsterNEO
      @JmonsterNEO 11 місяців тому +19

      The coding for Mr. L’s line of sprites in the chase section must’ve been a nightmare.

    • @Budisu12
      @Budisu12 11 місяців тому +8

      ​@@JmonsterNEO it t'was. They said it themselfs

    • @user-1mc0n4us.ed-_-
      @user-1mc0n4us.ed-_- 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Budisu12 I wonder how they pulled that off now.

    • @sacripan4425
      @sacripan4425 7 місяців тому

      ​@@JmonsterNEOlike Nightmare Chase from Indie Cross?

    • @constellationmaker145
      @constellationmaker145 Місяць тому

      imagine how paranoia's coder felt

  • @Forgettable406
    @Forgettable406 9 місяців тому +157

    2:20 best part in my opinion lol

  • @EndermanPierce
    @EndermanPierce 11 місяців тому +764

    I absolutely love how its not always the opponent that needs voicelines, but Pico got some voicelines too. Its really funny to see his trope of being the only one aware of his surroundings, unlike Bf who is so clueless unless something happens to Gf. The visuals in this song were INSANE too, probably some of the best visuals in the mod.

    • @Tahomaaa
      @Tahomaaa 10 місяців тому +67

      that's cuz canonically, boyfriend is a dumbass, while canonically, Pico is smart asf, and also paranoid, so it would be much easier for Pico to feel like something is off than Boyfriend

    • @Voidmoth1
      @Voidmoth1 9 місяців тому +58

      Considering how the gimmick of the original creepypasta game worked, it's probably why Pico even escaped to begin with. He likely only got out because he had the sense to look behind him and play along with Luigi's game.

    • @scanchannel3259
      @scanchannel3259 7 місяців тому +10

      @@Voidmoth1 Or maybe because Horror Mario forced Mr.L to fuse with him.

    • @ImFan43
      @ImFan43 7 місяців тому +2

      @@scanchannel3259 what? Overdue happens way before All Stars

    • @scanchannel3259
      @scanchannel3259 7 місяців тому +3

      @@ImFan43 I know

  • @sophiebubbles07
    @sophiebubbles07 11 місяців тому +529

    The SMB3 Underwater motif at 1:25 is something I never knew I needed.

    • @ScaredSackless4566
      @ScaredSackless4566 11 місяців тому +58

      It REALLY fits considering Too Late.exe takes place in Super Mario Bros. 3 (considering the Ice Land hub music is very subtly in the instrumental around 0:44 )

    • @xena79hify
      @xena79hify 11 місяців тому +14

      that part made me ascend ngl

    • @thatoneguy3503
      @thatoneguy3503 11 місяців тому +11

      @@xena79hifyEspecially at 1:35

    • @randoman9122
      @randoman9122 11 місяців тому +9

      It’s so cool hearing references like that

    • @SpringyGirl69
      @SpringyGirl69 10 місяців тому +7

      I didn’t even notice because I was too busy freaking out over the entire stage change

  • @SandwitchZebra
    @SandwitchZebra Рік тому +828

    I imagine it must be cathartic to finally release this banger

    • @DanimatesYoutube
      @DanimatesYoutube Рік тому +103

      Guess you could say that the feeling of releasing this song
      Was long Overdue.

    • @GabrielMonagas-kt6fj
      @GabrielMonagas-kt6fj 11 місяців тому +4

      This is not a banger bro

    • @GabrielMonagas-kt6fj
      @GabrielMonagas-kt6fj 11 місяців тому +2

      The old version is better

    • @kamakiriisabean7059
      @kamakiriisabean7059 11 місяців тому +51

      @@GabrielMonagas-kt6fj Proof that opinions can be wrong.

    • @AJotasticGamer
      @AJotasticGamer 11 місяців тому +30

      ​@@GabrielMonagas-kt6fj nobody asked little bro

  • @toony_studios77700
    @toony_studios77700 Рік тому +98

    At 0:24, listen closely in the background of the song, and you'll hear the starman theme's tune in piano.

  • @volnartheunforgiving3952
    @volnartheunforgiving3952 Рік тому +571

    I love the part where he's running through the endless lines of Mr. Ls

    • @jaedenking9861
      @jaedenking9861 9 місяців тому +5

      Yeah that was cool

    • @ahs-og
      @ahs-og 8 місяців тому +7

      E N D L E S S M A R I O M I X

    • @THEPunishmentBird
      @THEPunishmentBird 4 місяці тому +8

      You could say, his Ls were indeed many.

    • @prologan-cp3cb
      @prologan-cp3cb 2 місяці тому +2

      I actually forgot he can do that

    • @floweythegamer1234
      @floweythegamer1234 2 місяці тому +2

      if they ever update marios madness again the running out of time theme from its a me should play when that part starts except make the running out of time theme be from super mario bros 3 because thats the game too late.exe is based on

  • @AnotherrandomaltOBC
    @AnotherrandomaltOBC 11 місяців тому +476

    Say what you will about the community, but the real downers are the people who won’t accept FNF music, because they miss out on bangers like this

    • @dorkenspache8353
      @dorkenspache8353 11 місяців тому +29

      I prefer the scrapped version, the overall of the song is better. This one has the stronger beginning and the mario part is nice, but the middle section between those two is kinda just eh, the final section then feels out of play

    • @AnotherrandomaltOBC
      @AnotherrandomaltOBC 11 місяців тому +22

      Irrelevant, but I do respect your opinion

    • @randomperson6828
      @randomperson6828 11 місяців тому +71

      ​​@@AnotherrandomaltOBCbecause people outside of fnf sees us as dumbasses, no offense

    • @Epic-man69
      @Epic-man69 11 місяців тому +14

      That’s mostly bc of the drama and other stuff although they need to cut the rest of the community some slack bc not all of it is like that

    • @dorkenspache8353
      @dorkenspache8353 11 місяців тому +19

      @@Epic-man69 Considering how people reacted to being told they can't use MX in their FNF mod until his game is released, I think it is clear it is a lot more people that are toxic than not

  • @haxxar_
    @haxxar_ Рік тому +2246


  • @goofericious-goober
    @goofericious-goober Рік тому +1186

    to be honest
    we should have more horror-ish pico songs like this, where the opponenet is trying to be somewhat scary or menacing, but pico isn't scared. he's just irritated or annoyed (or somewhat courage-ish)
    the little annoyed voicelines really make this more funny than a creepypasta songs, but i like it that way. i honestly hate when songs try to be scary even though they aren't
    i love you and this song alot
    one of the best songs in the mod
    edit: 884 likes is crazy yall

    • @ivoneo2806
      @ivoneo2806 11 місяців тому +11

      There are mods before that do that too

    • @goofericious-goober
      @goofericious-goober 11 місяців тому +20

      @@ivoneo2806 yea but they don't do it as good as they do it in marios madness

    • @ivoneo2806
      @ivoneo2806 11 місяців тому +22

      @@goofericious-goober ( in my opinion) pretty sure they do but alright

    • @davezilly6969
      @davezilly6969 11 місяців тому

      which mods@@ivoneo2806

    • @goofericious-goober
      @goofericious-goober 11 місяців тому +2

      @@ivoneo2806 examples?

  • @rexxxian
    @rexxxian 11 місяців тому +485

    pico just looking annoyed rather then scared is funny, cause its not like he hasnt dealt with bullshit like this before😭

    • @sacripan4425
      @sacripan4425 7 місяців тому +64

      He saved his school from a shooting gang, so ofc some twisted video games mascot don't scare him

    • @jackdoescrap2006
      @jackdoescrap2006 5 місяців тому +21

      it's just an average friday for him

    • @beangreen1341
      @beangreen1341 5 місяців тому +36

      Based on his body language, I’d say he’s terrified, but he tries his hardest to keep up his cold killer persona. Also, he may use violence as a way to mask the fact he’s still afraid, as it’s all he’s really known

    • @sacripan4425
      @sacripan4425 5 місяців тому +3

      @@beangreen1341 yeah

    • @zacherychristman85
      @zacherychristman85 3 місяці тому +3

      he has a gun, i think hes alright

  • @badopinionssquid1735
    @badopinionssquid1735 11 місяців тому +103

    Not enough people talking about Mario's segment
    To me it doesn’t feel like Mario is HELPING Pico directly, but moreso pleading for Pico's life
    This was between Mario and Luigi, and Luigi's had his revenge by now
    So Mario's begging for Luigi to stop his rampage, to not take out his anger on this innocent stranger who's stumbled into their neck of the woods
    But of course, Luigi is too far-gone now; it's TOO LATE to save him from the monster he's turned himself into

  • @Red_Chaos-
    @Red_Chaos- Рік тому +156

    Now that the mod is done, it is far overdue that y’all had a break, go rest and relax knowing your mod kicked ass

  • @trollman_2345
    @trollman_2345 7 місяців тому +20

    i like how from 0:13 you can already hear the demonic tone of Mr.L, like he's getting bored of pretending.

    • @CalebTaylor-h7w
      @CalebTaylor-h7w 3 місяці тому +4

      Thank you I was wondering if I was the only one who was going to notice that

  • @thehypist2587
    @thehypist2587 Рік тому +483

    Mario & BF have red hats, while Luigi & Pico have green shirts. I can see why you made them rivals for his song! My favorite parts have to be Ghost Mario joining Pico in the second phase, and the ending “chase” with the key change. Overall, fantastic job on this track!

    • @agustinbaez2951
      @agustinbaez2951 11 місяців тому +30

      Por fin alguien que le gusta cuando mario fantasma lo ayuda a pico

    • @DullNull
      @DullNull 11 місяців тому +41

      It feels like they were paired up MOSTLY because Pico is chosen like an “Obligatory Assistance” sidekick esque character, unless in his own mod spotlight, while BF is the main guy in a majority of stuff
      Much like how Luigi is usually pushed aside for Mario, and how Pico is put aside in favor for BF in the mods

    • @Vieislost
      @Vieislost 7 місяців тому +3

      ​@@DullNull It really does urk me that Pico was given one song in this mod and that was it, There were still plenty of characters that he could of went up against (Like the fact that Malice, Magnum Crusis, or Speedrunner Mario aren't used is a crime within its self since all 3 are pretty darn beloved (even if Speedrunner Mario isn't from a horror series, He fits directly into most of the tropes.) All 3 would of directly worked with Pico and given him, just wish he had some use other than just overdue.

    • @marv11n
      @marv11n 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Vieislostwho is malice and magnum crucis? i dont really know that many mario horror characters

    • @Vieislost
      @Vieislost 7 місяців тому +2

      @@marv11n Malice is from mario and the music box, a Possesed Mario who trys to end the world, Faceless Mario is practically just a Faceless mario

  • @nobodyspecial6317
    @nobodyspecial6317 11 місяців тому +102

    *Figured you'd show up sooner or later.
    *Well, seeing as my usual partner is busy doing nothin, I may as well see what's goin on here.
    *Guess you've met your first of these freaks, and you seem to be prepped for a proper fight, hmm?
    *I just hope you understand that none of these things are to be trifled with. If you plan on fighting, focus on keeping them back.
    *That lead shootin toy you brought won't do much of anything here.

    • @user-1mc0n4us.ed-_-
      @user-1mc0n4us.ed-_- 8 місяців тому +1

      Is this Horror Mario talking to Pico after Overdue?

    • @pants1800
      @pants1800 7 місяців тому +8

      @@user-1mc0n4us.ed-_-nah its some sort of "third party" whoever that is
      still wondering whos talking coz i genuinely like these cryptic dialogues. it adds a lot more mystery to each song and i wish it was in the mod.

    • @Foxking437
      @Foxking437 5 місяців тому +6

      *Ran outta Ammo I see?
      *You gotta pay attention to that sort of thing
      *Well hopefully this next attempt will lead you to victory

    • @AimbotGaming412
      @AimbotGaming412 4 місяці тому +1

      @@pants1800 same here man it makes me think they are some kind of "guardian angel" or a maybe they are an observer? regardless I love em

    • @pants1800
      @pants1800 4 місяці тому +1

      @@AimbotGaming412 its a shame he didnt do one the end v2, all stars and unbeatable.

  • @JackKirby-pp8me
    @JackKirby-pp8me 10 місяців тому +942

    I like how Pico just sounds pissed off like: What did BF get himself into this time?
    Edit: why am I famous~🎶

    • @kirbo-fk2kh
      @kirbo-fk2kh 8 місяців тому +20

      Lol this comment got me laughing

    • @SonicBob87
      @SonicBob87 8 місяців тому +11

      So real

    • @JackKirby-pp8me
      @JackKirby-pp8me 8 місяців тому +12

      @@kirbo-fk2khlove the pfp

    • @kirbo-fk2kh
      @kirbo-fk2kh 8 місяців тому +11

      @@JackKirby-pp8me thanks! I like yours too

    • @DjDeadpig
      @DjDeadpig 8 місяців тому +11

      Kirby double deluxe I guess

  • @FunniBSSFan
    @FunniBSSFan 9 місяців тому +19

    I swear to god, i freaking love the teeth world reference and the ghost mario part. He sounds so godly man, y'all did a pretty nice job making this(also yo soy Luigi, mamma mia luigi.exe soy amigo de mario madness)

  • @roboticbendy
    @roboticbendy 11 місяців тому +823

    Yo soy luigi
    Mama mia
    Soy amigo del Mario Madness
    Ohh~ así es
    Yo soy luigi
    Me gusta cantar de espaldas
    Acércate más
    No te haré daño

    • @MJ-teamup
      @MJ-teamup 10 місяців тому +20

      Has been long overdue.

    • @bobfromsbreal554
      @bobfromsbreal554 10 місяців тому +39

      The fuck is soy luigi
      (For those who don't know I'm attempting to fill every comment with yo soy luigi with "what the fuck is soy luigi")

    • @Llollo85p
      @Llollo85p 10 місяців тому

      ​@@bobfromsbreal554yo soy luigi mamma mia ua-cam.com/video/TIbTMjnRq-A/v-deo.htmlsi=7H5Lg0pz5vzGTuYq

    • @kevinemmanuelgonzalezgonza2295
      @kevinemmanuelgonzalezgonza2295 10 місяців тому +7

      ​@@bobfromsbreal554Translate it into Spanish and you will know

    • @kevinemmanuelgonzalezgonza2295
      @kevinemmanuelgonzalezgonza2295 10 місяців тому +7

      ​@@bobfromsbreal554is just a meme

  • @ivoneo2806
    @ivoneo2806 Рік тому +246

    The voice actors did amazing and peak collab

    • @NeoCrewmate
      @NeoCrewmate Рік тому +7


    • @GengarFan1997
      @GengarFan1997 Рік тому +35

      @@NeoCrewmate What did bro do to you? 💀

    • @infineoinfinite
      @infineoinfinite Рік тому +7

      Probably their profile pic????

    • @vroom7128
      @vroom7128 Рік тому +9

      @@NeoCrewmate Ivo never goes away...

    • @vroom7128
      @vroom7128 11 місяців тому +2

      @@HornyGoof ok you caught me off guard

  • @AlexGOD08
    @AlexGOD08 Рік тому +472

    Without a doubt this song is the best than the other old version

    • @reanwq
      @reanwq Рік тому +11

      no its not
      first one or og one is better than this becuse song is banger and it feels like pico is really on a danger

    • @MarioMaMaMiaMario
      @MarioMaMaMiaMario Рік тому +105

      @@reanwq opinion invalid.

    • @shaggy7952
      @shaggy7952 Рік тому +51


    • @MilkshakeVA
      @MilkshakeVA Рік тому +36

      the very first version isn't very good, doge's version however I think can stand toe-to-toe with this
      that's just me tho

    • @SlendyPlayer11023
      @SlendyPlayer11023 Рік тому +29

      ​​@@reanwqthe First Version Sounds Like If Overdue Was a Joke Song Instead Of a Horror Song To Me While For The Second Version It Uses Picos Same Chromatic Vocal Notes Again and Again

  • @FNAFman1983
    @FNAFman1983 10 місяців тому +31

    The piano in the first portion of the song is godlike in its portrayal of a feral creature in the woods, the chanting in the second section makes you feel like a million eyes are on you, and the rock guitar in the third section makes you feel like you're escaping Mr. L's torment in a Kirby QTE-type situation. Love this song, 10/10.

  • @MarvelousMeister
    @MarvelousMeister 7 місяців тому +104

    So I imagine that during the part Mario joins in he's pleading with Luigi to let Pico go. Mario knows he messed up and Luigi got his revenge, but he shouldn't go after anyone else anymore. Luigi contemplates this but he's to far gone in his rage to care.

  • @SmokeTheHorsehog
    @SmokeTheHorsehog 11 місяців тому +91

    Credit where credit is overdue, while DaDoge's version captures the absolute intensity of Too Late.exe's brutal gameplay all too well, that version does have vocal problems and didn't leave room for the song to have multiple phases. This version makes up for both of these problems, while gradually building up the intensity, as well as a genuinely creepy atmosphere, rather than it being immediate and right out the gate like in DaDoge's version. I just wish that it didn't necessitate the false accusations made against DaDoge for this version of the song to happen. Same goes for us not having the peak version of Unbeatable, if it hadn't been for Nova leaking the outdated build that led to him getting kicked off the team.

    • @AwesomeAmazinAyaan9877
      @AwesomeAmazinAyaan9877 11 місяців тому +3

      Wait nova leaked the build?

    • @SmokeTheHorsehog
      @SmokeTheHorsehog 11 місяців тому +22

      @@AwesomeAmazinAyaan9877 Yes, he did. That's why in the final version, Nova is completely absent from the credits, and there are no songs credited to him.

    • @RetroSmash.
      @RetroSmash. 11 місяців тому +17

      New unbeatable is peak tho' nova's version was good but... It did'nt fit as a final sendoff song

    • @SmokeTheHorsehog
      @SmokeTheHorsehog 11 місяців тому +7

      @@RetroSmash. I agree. But I wish that Nova didn't have to be kicked off for us to get it.

    • @AwesomeAmazinAyaan9877
      @AwesomeAmazinAyaan9877 11 місяців тому +5

      @@SmokeTheHorsehog oh ok then, I'm just really surprised that nova out of all people was the one to leak the build. Thanks for clarifying.

  • @FireMilez2009
    @FireMilez2009 Рік тому +260


  • @aspookyghost7319
    @aspookyghost7319 Рік тому +26

    I’ve been waiting for this since the teaser came out, this has to be one of my favourite songs in the mod, Luigi’s sprites and chromatics are great and all the art is amazing. I love this mod.

  • @AsherFox04
    @AsherFox04 Рік тому +47

    I've been waiting to hear the full song sense it got teased. And my goodness It's an absolute banger! Amazing job with it!

  • @Monochrome_Gold
    @Monochrome_Gold 4 місяці тому +10

    Can we appreciate how Pico actually shows his fear over Mr. L?
    BF is too stupid to show fear because he knows of Girlfriend being a demon, so she can easily protect him from problems, Pico just has his gun by his side to help his ass

  • @MD69420
    @MD69420 4 місяці тому +13

    0:44 This is my favorite part after Pico’s dialogue!

  • @Salamonki-n4n
    @Salamonki-n4n 10 місяців тому +13

    I like it how the level ends, neither half really wins, Pico couldn't kill Luigi, and Luigi couldn't kill Pico

  • @Echolovania
    @Echolovania 11 місяців тому +17

    The beginning of this song reminds me of Game Over.
    From the start, Mr. L and Pico both have good vocals and it sounds great as we move onto the main course of the song, with the gunshots working perfectly to the song. As we go on to Mario's Ghost, who also has good vocals, we get a nice visual inside someone's mouth, then to the chase sequence, ending the song on a cool ass note.

  • @Ruin9.
    @Ruin9. 5 місяців тому +14

    *Overdue* (with LYRICS):
    (Act 1)
    Nothing ever Lasts
    Even brotherly Ties
    The ghosts of the Past
    Shall never let go until everyone you love soon Dies…!
    I will not let these bygones be bygones,
    And for the cost you shall reap what you sow as you will never live long enough to see the shining dawn.
    *“What the FUCK is that thing! ?”* - Pico
    Once again,
    Another “traitor” falls into my playpen
    This is just the karma for all your sins.
    Drawing the lines of all realities you-
    Are in my world right now & your time is quite OVERDUE!
    *“DIE MOTHERFUCKER!”* -Pico 2024 🗿
    Precipice of all of your lies
    Face your coming Demise
    Your ultimatum resurfaces to consume you along with all your pathetic cries
    It Won’t SufFice
    For you will never survive.
    The chorus lulls you in
    As spirits rancor from within
    Crawling into your skin
    Now as the true horrors rise and they shall soon begin
    Your time is running ever thin…
    (Act 2)
    Just let me inside of your foolish head
    Now as you drown deep within the DREAD!
    Your apologies I just can’t accept!
    Regret It?
    Come on just take the L
    You can’t escape it if you could not tell.
    Mario & Luigi together till the end
    My spirit still descends
    As he could not make any amends!
    I foolishly trusted him
    And now this is his punishment
    Oh he couldn’t save them
    Cuz He was Far TOO LATE!
    Tell me do you know how much it hurts to be betrayed by the ones who you love
    Well now the apology is now Overdue and you shall know this vengeance is not enough…!
    Mario: Oh how I wish I could redo what had so soon transpired
    You deserved better than your brother's poor desires
    I was just far Too Late to save you from the burning fires!
    Nothing ever lasts
    All bonds will decay
    The ghost of your past
    They’ll become your curse as you lose your sense of self, so go on and take the plunge into your judgement day…!
    Mario: I understand your rage
    But please listen to my plea
    Please just turn the page
    Hear my apology, even if it is Overdue I only ask you to forgive me for my mistakes and let go of the past and you will see…
    *“Son of a Bitch!”* - Pico
    (Act 3)
    Lost within the madness
    Though I carry not an ounce of sadness
    You are TOO LATE to ever escape from your FATE!
    Such Euphoria I just cannot describe it
    Now you have nowhere to run as you sing final respite…!
    Why keep running from the stage
    My influence spreads like a phage
    Nothing will ever stop the flames of my rage
    Every single passion dwindles with every age
    Nowhere else to go now that you are trapped in my cage!
    *”ASSHOLE!”* - Pico 🗿

    • @Minosprime679
      @Minosprime679 4 місяці тому +2

      Nice lyrics man

    • @curtoonstudios3809
      @curtoonstudios3809 4 місяці тому +1

      You deserve more likes, these lyrics are insanely good.

    • @curtoonstudios3809
      @curtoonstudios3809 4 місяці тому +1

      Honestly, you did a better job than MOTI in my opinion.

    • @Ruin9.
      @Ruin9. 4 місяці тому

      @@curtoonstudios3809 thx so much 😊

    • @Minosprime679
      @Minosprime679 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Ruin9.my only suggestion is to make Luigi sound a bit more friendly at the beginning

  • @KaMaRoy3
    @KaMaRoy3 11 місяців тому +16

    I love how mario joins to do the long notes because Pico's voice doesn't fit for a long note, super epic, and the last part of the song is super

  • @ISayThingz
    @ISayThingz 11 місяців тому +17

    Yo, you fucking NAILED Pico with this. One of the few FNF mods where Pico doesn’t go down without one hell of a fight. Love Nanno’s touches too. He’s a solid VA for any project!

  • @SwiftlyZone
    @SwiftlyZone 10 місяців тому +29

    2:29 more people need to talk about this segment, holy shit it bangs.

  • @slymanner
    @slymanner 11 місяців тому +10

    I was defs one of those people to think only the beginning part was good for a long time but this song has a power that makes you grow on it more and more and now the whole song is my absolute JAM the vocals and instrumental is amazing, wonderful job friedfrick

  • @YoshiDojoStamps87
    @YoshiDojoStamps87 11 місяців тому +79

    If the rest of the song is fire, then everything from 2:50 beyond is an inferno.

    • @AGuyThatDunks
      @AGuyThatDunks 9 місяців тому +6

      Was that a joke about recalling to how Mr. L pushed Mario into the lava for payback or am I just overthinking

    • @YoshiDojoStamps87
      @YoshiDojoStamps87 9 місяців тому +2

      @@AGuyThatDunks Overthinking but I respect the lore drop.

  • @OmegaTheoryX
    @OmegaTheoryX 9 місяців тому +9

    What this song does right compared to other horror songs is atmosphere, the instrumental heavily convays certain themes, the beginning with the rock themes that pico is in a very bad situation, just how serious this encounter is, the midway point gives the dreadful vibe and sadistic tones with the chanting, and the mario part gives tones of regret and hopelessness, and the final part convays just how powerful mr l is, he was toying with pico the entire time, even til the end he isnt taking this seriously, this song is a masterpiece, sure it doesnt "bang as hard" as the other versions, but it makes up for it in atmosphere and vocals, and different sections, amazing

  • @supersonic09242
    @supersonic09242 Рік тому +232

    Honestly, comparing this to the old one, I think both are great in their own ways. The og overdue sounded more frantic and hasty and made you really feel as if Pico was in a life or death situation. While this one retains the same feeling but is much slower and more bombastic. I just like the fact that 2 songs that sound completely different can give off the same feeling. Amazing work
    Edit: I’m talking about Doge’s version not the old old version

    • @FNF-d5g
      @FNF-d5g Рік тому +6

      Your comment is so good.

    • @yhhhhdefo
      @yhhhhdefo 11 місяців тому +4

      @@FNF-d5gso is urs oml

    • @morgue502
      @morgue502 11 місяців тому

      the old one is straight DOGSHIT bro

    • @FNF-d5g
      @FNF-d5g 11 місяців тому +4

      @@yhhhhdefo thx

    • @reesewhittington6778
      @reesewhittington6778 11 місяців тому +4

      Both of yall have such insightful commentary here.

  • @nessandgals
    @nessandgals 4 місяці тому +6

    3:17 Who else can hear Pico singing part of his song 'Pico'?

  • @artangelbarado817
    @artangelbarado817 9 місяців тому +13

    Admit it, we all come back here for that one part in the song.

    • @ararapapagaio
      @ararapapagaio 8 місяців тому

      Sone 😂

    • @zuleyzulekha
      @zuleyzulekha 7 місяців тому


    • @pieofchart
      @pieofchart 5 місяців тому

      I strictly come back here for the intro and nothing else, gonna keep it real with you

    • @SonicBob87
      @SonicBob87 5 місяців тому

      ​@@pieofchart agreed

  • @Stocksleet
    @Stocksleet 5 місяців тому +6

    This certainly was overdue yet still delivered

  • @Mighty479
    @Mighty479 10 місяців тому +9

    I swear him Saying "Son of a Bitch" Always gives me Goosebumps idk why..

  • @Raxot_Sawat
    @Raxot_Sawat 4 місяці тому +5

    "what the FUCK is that thing?"- Pico 2023

  • @rolandofabrizziozuritacaba745
    @rolandofabrizziozuritacaba745 5 місяців тому +10

    Who's that man you see
    Who grooms his 'stache so well?
    This mystery
    Will be unsolved by those whose souls fell to this hell

    • @StripeInk
      @StripeInk 3 місяці тому

      Who’s that in the street
      Stumbling around like a drunken bum
      Get fucked
      Get outta my way
      Do you not see the gun

    • @aidenmason5269
      @aidenmason5269 2 місяці тому

      Who's that in the street,
      stumblin' like a drunken bum?
      Get f*cked!
      Get out of my way.
      Do you not see the gun?

  • @Leonardo-cu9xr
    @Leonardo-cu9xr 4 місяці тому +9

    🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️🔥Yo soy luigi mamma mia luigi.exe soy amigo de mario madness oh asi es yo soy lui me gusta cantar de espaldas acércate acércate mas no te hare daño🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️🔥

  • @NicoXBlack
    @NicoXBlack 11 місяців тому +7

    The instrumental in this song is absolutely ridiculous, singlehandedly carries this song into the Top 5 - Top 3!

  • @ariana_la_unicornio
    @ariana_la_unicornio 2 місяці тому +18

    he really say "Wtf is that thing!!" 0:22

  • @gaspardsavoureux8680
    @gaspardsavoureux8680 7 місяців тому +8

    Who's that man you see
    Who grooms his stache so well
    This mystery
    Will be unsolved by those whose souls fell to this hell

    • @zadventure5743
      @zadventure5743 6 місяців тому

      Now behold the twilight of-a so called-a hero

    • @LuizCarlos-du1pd
      @LuizCarlos-du1pd 6 місяців тому

      @@zadventure5743 who somehow found it easy

  • @ZekkenVideosgraciosos
    @ZekkenVideosgraciosos 11 місяців тому +8

    Es increíble como pico destaca en este tipo de mods , es un temaso muchas gracias por tal maravilla 💪

  • @Atila-qr7mh
    @Atila-qr7mh 3 місяці тому +2

    0:21 the way my bro looks at me when the teacher is telling the most sad, deppressing, unhappy story that happend to her

  • @neymarperuano
    @neymarperuano Рік тому +9

    2:51 Esta es la parte en la que mejor uso le dan a la voz de Mr.L

  • @alivmendoza9410
    @alivmendoza9410 9 місяців тому +12


  • @herobrax3674
    @herobrax3674 11 місяців тому +13

    La voz de este Luigi es increíblemente monstruoso y está increíble

  • @Canyoufeelthesunshine
    @Canyoufeelthesunshine 11 місяців тому +39

    I love this song, I just wish Pico’s vocals were more versatile.

    • @Vieislost
      @Vieislost 7 місяців тому +4

      I wish Pico was just given more in general, They still had a solid rouges gallery left, with characters like speedrunner mario which could of been a awesome set piece, or dimentio who despite being a actual Nintendo character, he's still literally wiping out of reality. Just wish he was used more.

  • @reiyun
    @reiyun 11 місяців тому +11

    Banger song, 2:10 - 2:50 is incredible!

  • @wiwiflores4263
    @wiwiflores4263 10 місяців тому +17

    1:05 i like this part

  • @_Entropy_999
    @_Entropy_999 8 місяців тому +4

    i like how the original creepypasta is too late, and how it implies that pico was ‘too late’ to save bf and gf

  • @Zatiisonline
    @Zatiisonline 5 місяців тому +6

    Anyone else spot pico singing part of his first song in week 3 at 3:17?

    • @LoopyBR
      @LoopyBR 4 місяці тому

      Go pico Go Go pico

    • @Zatiisonline
      @Zatiisonline 2 місяці тому

      my baby gone for the night
      She boutta be gone for the night

  • @Super_reddab_insano
    @Super_reddab_insano 8 місяців тому +4

    Epica la cancion, me encanta esta parte 0:23

  • @yeembus
    @yeembus 10 місяців тому +2

    This is probably the song I’ve come back to most in the whole mod. The ending is the best part of the whole OST IMO and the song overall is top 5 easily. The vocals are amazing

  • @KoopalingMayhem
    @KoopalingMayhem 11 місяців тому +72

    yo soy luigi
    mama mia
    yo soy amigo de mario madness

    • @rominasaurral8837
      @rominasaurral8837 11 місяців тому +1

      Gogo pico yeah Gogo pico yeah

    • @FelipeAcosta-v4j
      @FelipeAcosta-v4j 9 місяців тому

      Oooh asi es

    • @imvictor-21030
      @imvictor-21030 9 місяців тому

      Luigi punto exe me gusta cantar de espaldas acércate acércate más no te haré ningún daño

  • @Vidalium
    @Vidalium Рік тому +19

    Finally i can listen to dis banger legally!!🔥🔥🔥

  • @vanessaplaster2372
    @vanessaplaster2372 Місяць тому +3

    “Run for your life” ❌
    “Run while rapping for your life” ✅

  • @fridaynightfunkinfan5627
    @fridaynightfunkinfan5627 8 місяців тому

    2:10 sounds good for lamenting, but the part after it sounds like when someone sees a way home like a mile away and runs for it. Or to safety, or just something that they really want to reach. And the very end sounds like they reached it triumphantly.

  • @thro0
    @thro0 4 місяці тому +5

    How does anyone think this is mid. This is fucking perfection.

    • @OliverRza
      @OliverRza 4 місяці тому +3

      Horrible take

    • @thro0
      @thro0 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@OliverRzayou do you ig

    • @Random_idk_whoknows
      @Random_idk_whoknows 2 місяці тому

      This song sucks. But i respect your opinion

    • @erikww6270
      @erikww6270 2 місяці тому

      @@OliverRzaYou’re a horrible take.

  • @Mr.Jupiter_SFS
    @Mr.Jupiter_SFS 19 днів тому +2

    2:10 I like this part, it's very nice!

  • @nikpen2236
    @nikpen2236 Рік тому +21

    I can't beat this song because of the lag even on lowest settings :( Its like 19 fps meaning I can't progress!
    Update: I beat overdue by shrinking the screen down lol sucks I had to play it that way because my pc couldn’t handle it but that aside great song

    • @damienkirby4056
      @damienkirby4056 Рік тому +3

      Same but for "It a me" still can't beat no matter what I do. It's always too laggy to play

    • @justsem1368
      @justsem1368 Рік тому +3

      Had same trouble on "Bad Day", glad that "Call Luigi" is a thing

    • @damienkirby4056
      @damienkirby4056 Рік тому

      @@justsem1368 lucky, I don't got that

    • @Mayroisthename
      @Mayroisthename Рік тому +4

      Had a similar problem but with apparition. It was running at 12 fps. And I couldn't even press notes. I turned off the TV filter setting and it worked.

    • @Mayroisthename
      @Mayroisthename Рік тому

      ​@@justsem1368sadly that's only if u beat the song I think

  • @deadlychrissin3759
    @deadlychrissin3759 Рік тому +18

    Spotify?This is a banger.

    • @WretchedCreator
      @WretchedCreator 11 місяців тому

      @vgplayz2239 bro the soundtrack isnt good

  • @temmie2656
    @temmie2656 9 місяців тому +7

    When te gusta cantar de espaldas 🔥🔥

  • @raythegamer8860
    @raythegamer8860 11 місяців тому +13

    That instrumental when Mr. L starts singing (in his true form) is HEAVENLY
    Edit: I just realized I made a mistake with my comment- "That instrumental when Mr. L starts singing is HEAVENLY" and what I meant was when he sang in his real form lmao. I was tired writing this comment and never realized my mistake until now

    • @lucasrankin3990
      @lucasrankin3990 10 місяців тому

      Ain't it the Mario 3 death theme?

    • @raythegamer8860
      @raythegamer8860 10 місяців тому

      @@lucasrankin3990 Nope, close. It's RIGHT after the death theme. Sorry for the confusion! (to be more specific, it's when Mr. L starts singing without his disguise. I should probably edit my comment again to say that lmao)

  • @Viscondequenaoseesconde
    @Viscondequenaoseesconde 4 місяці тому +3

    Love that even tho Pico is scared shitless he doesn't back down, he might be facing a reality warper monster but he ain't no bitch

    • @RetroSmash.
      @RetroSmash. 4 місяці тому

      He quite literally can't, the instant he gives his back to mr.l he'll get his head chomped off lol

  • @Drloquendo1269
    @Drloquendo1269 11 місяців тому +37

    Yo soy Luigi mamá mía, luigi.exe soy amigo de Mario madness

    • @orochiredimido1368
      @orochiredimido1368 11 місяців тому +2

      Go go pico yeah, go go pico yeah, go go pico pico pico yeah.

    • @lavy1181
      @lavy1181 11 місяців тому +1

      Oh así es yo soy Luigi me gusta cantar de espaldas ven acércate acércate más no te haré dañooo

    • @orochiredimido1368
      @orochiredimido1368 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@@lavy1181 Go go pico yeah, go go pico yeah, go go Pico pico pico pico pico pico yeah.

  • @Punykirby
    @Punykirby Рік тому +8

    Every song in the mod is a banger, but this is hands down the best

  • @morgue502
    @morgue502 Рік тому +32

    mario: luigi. you're Overdue
    luigi: luig

  • @ArtisticFruit
    @ArtisticFruit 11 місяців тому +11

    Yo soy Luigi, mammamia

  • @rosefansml99
    @rosefansml99 9 місяців тому +3

    I imagine Mr. L is telling pico and THE FORGIVEN how he died and how he's gonna get revenge at 2:10

  • @CalebDryx
    @CalebDryx 11 місяців тому +13

    1:49 goes hard

    • @jeffflores8239
      @jeffflores8239 6 місяців тому

      You mean here in 1:50

    • @Distrust2Gaming
      @Distrust2Gaming 2 місяці тому

      People are saying the middle parts of the song are mid, but I respectfully disagree.

    @SERGIOSTYLE_R 10 місяців тому +151

    Yo soy luigi mamma mia luigi.exe soy amigo de mario madness 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @hahaitiedyouup
      @hahaitiedyouup 10 місяців тому +4

      *random pico noises*

    • @Tilin866-ko8u
      @Tilin866-ko8u 10 місяців тому +2


    • @bobfromsbreal554
      @bobfromsbreal554 10 місяців тому +3

      The fuck is soy luigi
      (For those who don't know I'm attempting to fill every comment with yo soy luigi with "what the fuck is soy luigi")

    • @FelipeAcosta-v4j
      @FelipeAcosta-v4j 9 місяців тому


  • @GabrielMonagas-kt6fj
    @GabrielMonagas-kt6fj 11 місяців тому +16

    Las canciones de mario madness me dan un
    O R G A S M O
    S E N S O R I A L
    M I L E N A R I O

    • @alanalvarez6736
      @alanalvarez6736 5 місяців тому

      es hora del plan tobogán de cocodrilo chicos

  • @RiRiRiPoks
    @RiRiRiPoks 6 місяців тому +3

    Overdue, paranoia, last course, mario sing and rhythm 9, demise, unbeatable r the best songs in the mod imo

  • @matt_valen8839
    @matt_valen8839 10 місяців тому +7

    fans de Mario's Madness V2 cuando el narco les deja el cadaver de su papa de espaldas en la puerta de su casa: kajsksk yo soy luigi mamma mia xdxddd

  • @Clover.Undertale.Yellow-FFFF00
    @Clover.Undertale.Yellow-FFFF00 Місяць тому +2

    I think i've Overdone it, I physically Can't live another day without listening to this.
    Please help me.

  • @venomasmark14
    @venomasmark14 11 місяців тому +6

    before this, I had only heard the version by AdRev, and when I initially started the song I was a little let down It wasn't the one I was used to, but it immediately grew on me, y'all did amazing. Adding onto this thought: This has really taken a spot tied with, if not a spot behind Starman Slaughter, god this mod is amazing.

    • @maxbartelme3102
      @maxbartelme3102 11 місяців тому

      do you still have adrev mix

    • @venomasmark14
      @venomasmark14 11 місяців тому

      @@maxbartelme3102 yeah. ua-cam.com/video/ZU4UW5YY8Zk/v-deo.html&pp=ygUNb3ZlcmR1ZSBhZHJldg%3D%3D

    • @venomasmark14
      @venomasmark14 8 місяців тому

      @@maxbartelme3102 I thought I replied to this- Oh well, if you just put in Adrev Overdue in the search bar, the video you're looking for has "Overdue Remix" in caps and Mr. L reaching to the left, I assume you likely found it, but if not, should be simple enough to find! sorry for a very late response on this

    • @maxbartelme3102
      @maxbartelme3102 8 місяців тому

      @@venomasmark14 Nah I was talking about the adrev version of friedfrick overdue

    • @venomasmark14
      @venomasmark14 6 місяців тому

      @@maxbartelme3102 I'm confused lol

  • @eggsandbacon2444
    @eggsandbacon2444 10 місяців тому +1

    (2:11-2:50) just gives me the feels everytime i listen to this part.

  • @penguin_gamer1999
    @penguin_gamer1999 11 місяців тому +52

    YO SOY LUIGI 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @sgf51
      @sgf51 11 місяців тому +14

      MAMMA MIA 🥶🥶

    • @mnuevomarcol681
      @mnuevomarcol681 11 місяців тому +8

      Luigi.exe 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🚒🚒

    • @Dielikego
      @Dielikego 11 місяців тому +9

      Soy amigo de mario madness 🗿🔥🔥

    • @dadeliveryrnff
      @dadeliveryrnff 10 місяців тому +4

      Ohh~~ así es

    • @DaUser_1985
      @DaUser_1985 10 місяців тому +5

      Yo soy Luigi me gusta cantar de espaldas 🥵

  • @Kruss657
    @Kruss657 11 місяців тому +10

    Yo soy Luigi mamamia Luigi.exe soy amigo de Mario madness

  • @Moves__
    @Moves__ 11 місяців тому +21

    yo soy luigi, mamamia!

  • @carlosemilio385
    @carlosemilio385 8 місяців тому +1

    2:21 Luigi! You have to learn the true meaning of Christmas! D:

  • @shreddarcheese9809
    @shreddarcheese9809 5 місяців тому +5

    I will continue to have zero clue why people say this song is off-key

  • @zzmariobruhhandle
    @zzmariobruhhandle 21 день тому

    Mixed Lyrics from most lyrical adaptions (WIP):
    Did you trust the lies?
    Killer in disguise
    Life moves along,
    Nobody ever daring to ask the question _why?_
    Heh, so brave yet so clueless
    Well, Mr. Foolish,
    Lets-a see how well you fare against the green thunder
    Have at you huntsman
    Ill laugh out when you make a blunder

  • @inactivepersononyoutube-i2s
    @inactivepersononyoutube-i2s 11 місяців тому +4

    3:12 This section reminds me of Remembrance for some reason lol.