I love how the guy tells him that if he turns out to be straight, there's nothing to worry about. He's just expressing that he likes the guy because he seems to be a nice person, which is why a real and good friendship is just as worthy (and even more so) as hook up. It's all about the connection!
I love gay guys like this. they finally painted someone as the stereotypical gay guy in a POSITIVE light. his bubbly and strong personality made someone, who is introverted and alone, smile and experience a genuinely happy human experience. love a happy gay short film
Easily the most original short film I've seen. Not the usual "guy kisses guy, who gets freaked out and runs away, only to come back later and kiss that guy back." And why they always end up in a pool or the shower during all this is anybody's guess. Kudos to whoever wrote this script.
I can see why this film won awards, it is incredibly well done. You almost forget you're watching a film, it seems as if you are just listening in on the conversation.
As an introvert very much like him, I can honestly say this stunned me. This film is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen! I never thought I'd find anything like it. I love it - and I love you for making it.
This film is a delight: an amusing script and a cute dog, but most of all, some terrific acting from the two leads, Nick Hayes and Lucas Rush. Very enjoyable.
Thank you so so much! We really appreciate your taking time to watch. If you haven’t already we would love it if you could take a minute to subscribe to our channel. Thank you x
Charlie be like : “hmm, he seems nerdy, tall, boring hair, he got a job, but he looks gay and weird just like my dad. A MATCH. Dad, i made it, i got you a date!”
The intensity of the sadness that the character squirms to avoid is awesome: the way he conceals his depression and his anomie is startling, that even the diog recognizes his pain is comforting.
Dogs....ducks....going for walks.....watching the river flow by....listening to birds chirping as they flit from tree to tree....going for a coffee.....maybe a meal.....embarking on a vacation.....sitting on a park bench....kids running and playing.....a couple holding hands.....then.....unexpectedly the fortress walls of our own silent unseen making are shattered.....it's the presence of another human being.... pressing in....awakening our inmost being. Excellent little movie affirming this need of the human spirit.
This was a very nice change of pace for a gay short film. Simple, funny but not over the top and very realistic. Sounded exactly like a conversation you could have with a stranger. The acting was very natural and smooth.
@@BrownBoyProductions Both honestly. To me, each character represents a part of the gay experience. The first represents the feeling of loneliness and isolation in our culture. And the second character represents the feeling of being comfortable in your own skin and showing your true self to the world. At least that's how I personally perceived it. Thank you for making such a wonderful piece.
L. O. V. E. L. Y. I loved both these characters (and Charlie, of course!) This is one of my favorite shorts ever. I'd really enjoy this being a series so we could all delve deeper into their lives over some time. They are exquisite.
This film is probably the best short story that everyone can relate to. It is sad, but the ending is happy. The truth is so many in society suffer from horrible loneliness, rejection, disability, lack of love & friendship.
That's how i wish to meet a guy, just in reality, no dating Apps, no pics, no expectations.. Just like two free souls bump into each other ❤️ that's impossible to happen though well at least in my country BUT i do believe i will have a chance oneday somewhere under the sun. Update: just curious to tell you that i found that guy like a year ago , and despite all the difficulties a couple can face here in the middle east , we are sort of managing to meet and spend great time together from time to time. wish you all the best :-)
I love it. My gay heart can't take anymore tragedies, and I'm always skittish about what I'm about to watch because of them. I'm thankful for this one, too.
I have a degenerative eye disease and just recently diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat and a seizure disorder. So, I can really relate to that "alone guy" a lot. This short film lifted some spirits up. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful short. I love how deep these films run. I'm an extremely lonely person, and I've realized that I often feel the most lonely when I have the least reason to feel lonely. When you suffer from social anxiety and depression sometimes even when you're surrounded by the most caring and genuine people is when you feel the loneliest.
Wow! This is incredible. The writing, directing, lighting, camera, acting, story, perspective, and even the title. Everything. Perfect. This film captures human nature at its most vulnerable moment in a caring way. I LOVE it. Thanks!
Its really amazing, in a few years after you get bored of it, i will ask you for me to translate your subs in spanish, and let me share it on my LGTB channel. Really loved it. Hope you have lot of success with it. Regards from Spain.
Oh my goodness! I would love it if you could share with your channel! Or even just like it or add to a play list. I want to share the message with as many LGBT people as possible. You are very kind. x
Can i upload it to my channel if i translate the subs to Spanish?...are you sure?...i would love doing it. I have lots of suscriptors that would love it too, im sure.
So sweet. I'm a person with an abnormal condition too and I have the belief that no one will ever want to be with me because of it, similar to the main character here (although I'm not even a fraction as cute as he is). But this little film gave me hope that someone one day will accept all of me. It is indeed a good feel good film.
I sent this to my old college mate. He loved it, he was one of my closest friends, he passed last July. We both were from the disabled community, bluffing normality is totally relatable. This reminds me of him. Thanks for this master piece. 💐
The best short film I've ever come across , that put us in a positive life sense and not so dark . Thanks for sharing Leon and the rest who made this all possible .
I've commented on this film before some time ago but I've watched it so many times since and I have to say it is such a beautifully filmed, scripted and directed piece I whole hearted love it both actors are superb not to mention incredibly handsome and it makes me so happy to watch it time and again
Please make a full movie. Every time I see this video I feel cheated. There is so much that can be seen and explored. The simplicity of the characters and their sense of belonging.
Alvaro, get out there and get involved with the LGBT community. Life is short. Don't waste it. Once it's gone, it's gone. I'm 70 and disabled and it is hard to stay involved but being involved with other LGBT people keeps me young at heart. Be happy. M
@@reme001 good life lessons advice Reme; I've had a long term relationship that struggled then ended; I found that having a good circle of best friends is much better than having a serious relationship...the sleep overs are great too 😉
I keep telling myself to just put myself out there and one day someone will perhaps overlook my flawed looks or my timid personality, this film really made my day seeing how this conversation randomly started and flowed so naturally, I couldn’t stop smiling while watching. Thank you for making this amazing film.
giggling and grinning the whole time, had to run and grab my dog for whatever reason, not sure myself. gorgeous, and talked about a topic that wasn't exclusively being gay
Ah thank you so so much for your lovely comment. And for watching. Our love to your dog. Ha ha. We would be ever so grateful if you could subscribe to our channel too. For more info on future films and projects. Best wishes.
As a gay man I must say that this is an awfully brilliant gay short film and it is open to anyone's imagination what's gonna happen next. The doggy brought them together which itself isn't unusual. I liked both actors although at first I wasn't too fond of the dog's "owner" being a bit too camp. But actually it didn't mind at all! Altogether brilliantly produced. And you know what? They'll get together. I'm pretty sure of that. Thumbs up and thank you for this wonderful piece of meaningful entertainment.
I am literally the sleepy boy. Never dated, never relationshipped, never held hands with anyone, pretty sure I'm aro ace, and now, not making friends anymore...am I lonely? Maybe... Thank you for making/sharing, I feel so represented by this film (even tho I'm n.b.) 💚
This is CBYN level film . So mild so intense so deep. The protagonist's acting quality is outrageous. First I thought it gonna be boring but mintue by mintue it's just folded it's aesthetic charm. Nice camerawork , well direction and amazing casts .
These are the kinds of gay people I know, I absolutely love them and how they have portrayed them in this film ❤ what a wonderful film, made me so happy watching this.
Loved this unusual story and actors. Have you thought of making this into a full-length comedy-drama? You could dig deeper into their backstories---such how the guy's sleep disorder has affected his relationships to the extent that nobody else would befriend him, why he makes the effort to look so well-groomed (does he have even a part-time job?), how their first date went, and maybe an unexpected ending. Though if this was ever a longer film, I'd suggest keeping additional characters to a minimum. Anyway, great stuff!
This was a beautiful little film. It started very bleak, the expressions of loneliness, being “other”, being outside of society watching but not participating. Then it suddenly changed, and the little bit of comedy around the narcolepsy / cataplexy like a non-sequitur in the way it added some absurdity, for want of a better word. Superb.
I think at some point we have all felt loneliness at times, this film really brings back that feeling, but also brings hope and a feeling of happiness into the picture. It's really lovely!
I haven't watched this in forever. It really spoke to me in the past. It reminds me of when I thought "I'm happy on my own." too. While it's true I wasn't unhappy while I was alone, I'm better with someone now. It's a wonderful thing when you find a guy who pulls you out of your comfort zone like happens in this short. I'm glad it happened to me like the character in this short.
I come back to this sweet film whenever I need cheering up I've already commented on it it's so well written acted and directed all in such a short time an amazing example of how to make a film on a budget and succeed thank you all
I watched this short film when I was 12 years old and struggling with my sexuality. After watching I couldn't find it for 3 more years and just found/watched it for the second time right now. It's crazy much life changes in just three years. Things really do get better
An amazing little film packed into just over 13 minutes. Beautifully filmed and performed, this was a richer experience than many of my trips to a cinema. So charming and subtle, it's easy to forget you're watching a film and not simply eavesdropping in a park. If this were a television show pilot, I would hooked.
I LOVE IT. Beautiful speech at the beginning and honestly the photography work of this short movie is incredible. This doesn't even seem like a film, it's like you're just eavesdropping on a real conversation between them, which makes it sound more realistic and relatable. This was SO GOOD. Already a favorite.
Ah thank you so so much. Really appreciate your kind comment! Would love it if you could take a moment if you haven’t already, to subscribe to our page for future work to come. Would really mean a lot to us x
It's interesting that you should mention the photography. I liked the film but found the camera work possibly its weakest feature. The immediacy of a handheld camera is a good narrative device, too much movement can be distracting and that's what I found here.
I was looking for gay short movies and I came across this one. I would describe it more of a short movie about.. loneliness or depression. The fact that the 2 characters happen to be men isn't as important as that. It's well written and I find myself really connecting with some of the quotes, such as "I can feel the world go by, I just can't take part in it" and talking about just observing others while you keep to yourself.
This is an excellent film. With so much of the entertainment industry trying to make their movies more appealing through complex characters and convoluted plots. This film was a ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air! Most people can relate to loneliness at some point in their lives. Bravo!! Brown Boy Productions
I love how the guy tells him that if he turns out to be straight, there's nothing to worry about. He's just expressing that he likes the guy because he seems to be a nice person, which is why a real and good friendship is just as worthy (and even more so) as hook up. It's all about the connection!
Exactly! It just starts with an intention to know someone & let them be and be your funny respectable self & see where the connection goes
I love gay guys like this. they finally painted someone as the stereotypical gay guy in a POSITIVE light. his bubbly and strong personality made someone, who is introverted and alone, smile and experience a genuinely happy human experience.
love a happy gay short film
G W this is such an amazing comment . Thank you so much!
G W 👍
Hey. If you haven’t already we would love it if you could take a minute to subscribe to our channel. Thank you x
Brown Boy Productions done😊
Easily the most original short film I've seen. Not the usual "guy kisses guy, who gets freaked out and runs away, only to come back later and kiss that guy back." And why they always end up in a pool or the shower during all this is anybody's guess. Kudos to whoever wrote this script.
Thank you so much. Please feel free to share our little story x
LMAO i always say gay short films have to have a pool/water scene and a bike riding scene!! LOL
Yep, yoo got it sister!
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
I can see why this film won awards, it is incredibly well done. You almost forget you're watching a film, it seems as if you are just listening in on the conversation.
Matt Matthew thank you so much Matt. This is really appreciated. Thank you for watching.
I totally agree. Like being a fly on the wall. But it is also so much more. These are two people one would truly want to know.
Absolutely! Brilliant observation....feel very much the same.
Hi Matt Matthew Amigo Eres Muy y Muy Velludo Verdad Me Encantas Guapo Saludos De Donde Eres 💋💗💞😍😋💕❤❤❤😋😘👄👄👄🍌😋😍
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
“I hear ya sister✊🏼”
I’m sorry but I started dying😂
thank you for watching x
y. life is beautiful
yEs SiSTeR
me too sista... me too
Thank you so much for watching our little film xxx
"I can feel the world go by. I just can't take part in it."
chillbrutha82 This is my life, in a nutshell. The opening monologue was perfect.
Thank you so much for watching. X
Brad...I feel exactly the same way. This film really spoke to me.
Thank you Brad! If you haven’t already we’d love you to subscribe to our channel for more films to come ?
As a gay man with narcolepsy and cataplexy, I was astounded when the character mentions it. My partner is so used to my episodes, never an issue.
Oh wow. Thank you so much for watching our little film and for your feedback. ❤️
“You make me smile” *clutches heart*
As an introvert very much like him, I can honestly say this stunned me. This film is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen! I never thought I'd find anything like it. I love it - and I love you for making it.
The world needs more films like this. It really does.
Ah thank you so much. This really means a lot to us x
We agree x
I hear you sister ✊
Maximococononjis@gmail.com wright me 🎩
This film is a delight: an amusing script and a cute dog, but most of all, some terrific acting from the two leads, Nick Hayes and Lucas Rush. Very enjoyable.
Thank you so so much! We really appreciate your taking time to watch. If you haven’t already we would love it if you could take a minute to subscribe to our channel. Thank you x
Charlie be like : “hmm, he seems nerdy, tall, boring hair, he got a job, but he looks gay and weird just like my dad. A MATCH. Dad, i made it, i got you a date!”
Denady T. 😂😂😂
Seriously 😂😂
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
This guy passes out every 5 minutes and gets a date but I can’t even get a text back 🤕🤕🤕
I feel ya on that one lol
omg really relate to that but I look like a potato so that explains XD
See what you mean... but not to be rude, but he doesn't pass out, his muscles get paralyzed, so he can't comunicate
SONG...potatoes come in all shapes and sizes......you can be boiled,roast,mashed,creamed,skinny fries,thick fries or dauphinoise LOL
BoiDv mood and a half
The intensity of the sadness that the character squirms to avoid is awesome: the way he conceals his depression and his anomie is startling, that even the diog recognizes his pain is comforting.
Thank you so much Eugene. And thank you for the lovely comment. Really means a lot to us.
Yes thank you - that is it...
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
I wanna see more of these two. Id watch a whole movie about this couple
For someone who also feels lonely and introverted this really made me smile :)
Indeed. Same here too. Lonely soul everytime.
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
@@ryandonald182 So have you found anyone since it's been about a year that you posted here?
Dogs....ducks....going for walks.....watching the river flow by....listening to birds chirping as they flit from tree to tree....going for a coffee.....maybe a meal.....embarking on a vacation.....sitting on a park bench....kids running and playing.....a couple holding hands.....then.....unexpectedly the fortress walls of our own silent unseen making are shattered.....it's the presence of another human being.... pressing in....awakening our inmost being. Excellent little movie affirming this need of the human spirit.
Thank you so much for watching our little film!
Dennis Leveridge
So beautifully said!! And so true!
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
@@nuclear195 Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
This was a very nice change of pace for a gay short film. Simple, funny but not over the top and very realistic. Sounded exactly like a conversation you could have with a stranger. The acting was very natural and smooth.
Thank you so much Terrace. And thank you for watching. We’d love it if you could subscribe to our channel for future work. X
The innocence and honesty is powerful and so authentic...absolutely lovely...
He's too sweet and adorable, I want one of him 😭
I also need to stop watching gay short films! It's getting out of hand lol
thank you for watching x
Well me too
I hear you sister
Please suggest me some good gay short films.
@@got7dab783 ua-cam.com/video/HtCxdsvlO0s/v-deo.html
To the person who wrote the monologue for this film: great job. It truly mirrors how I feel sometimes and brought a tear to my eye.
Oh wow. Thank you so much for taking t the time to watch our little film ! I hope it brought you tears of happiness and not sadness x
@@BrownBoyProductions Both honestly. To me, each character represents a part of the gay experience. The first represents the feeling of loneliness and isolation in our culture. And the second character represents the feeling of being comfortable in your own skin and showing your true self to the world. At least that's how I personally perceived it. Thank you for making such a wonderful piece.
"It's easier to be alone."
Why does no one believe me when I tell them so?
It is but it's not healthier
Je te crois👍👍👍👍👍
@@camperoda ❤️
@@camperoda Sometimes it is, sometimes not ...
Thank you for watching xxx
L. O. V. E. L. Y. I loved both these characters (and Charlie, of course!) This is one of my favorite shorts ever. I'd really enjoy this being a series so we could all delve deeper into their lives over some time. They are exquisite.
Wow. Thank you so much for your really lovely kind words. It really means a lot xx
This little gem made me smile....
Bernard Wathen thank you so much. Xxx
This little gem made me bawl....
This film is probably the best short story that everyone can relate to. It is sad, but the ending is happy. The truth is so many in society suffer from horrible loneliness, rejection, disability, lack of love & friendship.
Thank you so much for watching xxx
my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
this is a brilliant short film and deserves the awards. fantastic acting with a touch of humour. well done!
Thank you!!!! x
Very genuine, aware and poignant...really glad I watched...lovely
That's how i wish to meet a guy, just in reality, no dating Apps, no pics, no expectations.. Just like two free souls bump into each other ❤️ that's impossible to happen though well at least in my country BUT i do believe i will have a chance oneday somewhere under the sun.
just curious to tell you that i found that guy like a year ago , and despite all the difficulties a couple can face here in the middle east , we are sort of managing to meet and spend great time together from time to time. wish you all the best :-)
Yes just move about the world darling... enjoy it all, smile, and stay open to synchronicity...
It is possible, but it always happen at random. Stay hopeful.
An introvert, an extrovert, a dog and a most creative script writer - together they've captured my attention and left me wanting more.
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
This film was awesome. Dogs have the innate ability to know when someone is worth their time. :-)
PDXParalegal thank you so much!!! X
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
I love it. My gay heart can't take anymore tragedies, and I'm always skittish about what I'm about to watch because of them. I'm thankful for this one, too.
This movie was great, really! The actors, the acting, the camera, everything was perfect
thank you for watching x
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
Why doesn't this have a part 2? It's so beautiful!! We are all waiting!
That was the most amazing short film I've ever seen. The humanity and tenderness was perfectly understated.
Wow. Thank you so much. And thank you so much for watching. We really appreciate it.
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
Warmed my heart on a cold winter night. What a lovely short film.
I have a degenerative eye disease and just recently diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat and a seizure disorder. So, I can really relate to that "alone guy" a lot. This short film lifted some spirits up. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. And thank you for watching x
Maximococononjis@gmail.com Send me a word.... 🙃🎩
Beautiful short. I love how deep these films run. I'm an extremely lonely person, and I've realized that I often feel the most lonely when I have the least reason to feel lonely. When you suffer from social anxiety and depression sometimes even when you're surrounded by the most caring and genuine people is when you feel the loneliest.
Wow! This is incredible. The writing, directing, lighting, camera, acting, story, perspective, and even the title. Everything. Perfect. This film captures human nature at its most vulnerable moment in a caring way. I LOVE it. Thanks!
RiverMark wow. Thank you so so so much! These comments mean the world to us. We seriously can’t believe it. Thank you x
RiverMark I totally agree with you
And also how you never know what might happen to bring someone into our lives! Seen it happen so many times!
Agree 100%
Amazing what good direction excellent actors and a cute dog in a duck park. can deliver!👍☺️👌
Brilliant! This short has a soul! Thanks. It’s doesn’t need to be longer it doesn’t need a sequel. We don’t need to know what’s next. We are present.
The definition of lonely. That was an awesome movie and he even got a date in the process how freaking brilliant. Cuddles
Donald Storm thank you!!!! And thank you for watching. !!!
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
I’ve seen you leaving this comment often. Have you found a date yet? I hope so!
@@tula1433 no
This is one of my favorites... I watch it every time it shows up in my feed... SImply love it.
Thank you so much. Really means a lot to us.
He is so adorable. I just want to hug him. And finally he get someone to fill his life! Maybe...this movie is so sweet!
This is one of those rare shorts that could make it as an award winning full length film. Well done!
What a great, great, wonderful and unusual short film. I really had some great laughs. Thank you.
Ah thank you so much for watching our little film!
Its really amazing, in a few years after you get bored of it, i will ask you for me to translate your subs in spanish, and let me share it on my LGTB channel. Really loved it. Hope you have lot of success with it. Regards from Spain.
Oh my goodness! I would love it if you could share with your channel! Or even just like it or add to a play list. I want to share the message with as many LGBT people as possible. You are very kind. x
Can i upload it to my channel if i translate the subs to Spanish?...are you sure?...i would love doing it. I have lots of suscriptors that would love it too, im sure.
That's amazing. .... I felt the same sir
So sweet. I'm a person with an abnormal condition too and I have the belief that no one will ever want to be with me because of it, similar to the main character here (although I'm not even a fraction as cute as he is). But this little film gave me hope that someone one day will accept all of me. It is indeed a good feel good film.
I sent this to my old college mate. He loved it, he was one of my closest friends, he passed last July. We both were from the disabled community, bluffing normality is totally relatable. This reminds me of him. Thanks for this master piece. 💐
I’m not gay but I’m disabled and alone. Even in my relationships I felt lonely
I’m not gay but I’m disabled and alone. Even in my relationships I felt lonely
I’m not gay but I’m disabled and alone. Even in my relationships I felt lonely
I’m not gay but I’m disabled and alone. Even in my relationships I felt lonely
I’m not gay but I’m disabled and alone. Even in my relationships I felt lonely
Such a beautiful story. I wish it was longer.
The best short film I've ever come across , that put us in a positive life sense and not so dark . Thanks for sharing Leon and the rest who made this all possible .
Thank you Linney. Really means a lot to us
I loved that. Completely unpredictable and very sweetly acted.
This was very well done. I laughed, I smiled, I even teared up a bit. What a greatly written dialogue.
Thank you so much x
I've commented on this film before some time ago but I've watched it so many times since and I have to say it is such a beautifully filmed, scripted and directed piece I whole hearted love it both actors are superb not to mention incredibly handsome and it makes me so happy to watch it time and again
Hi my name is Ryan Donald single and looking for a serious relationship
Beautifully written. Superb acting too.
thank you for watching x
Please make a full movie. Every time I see this video I feel cheated. There is so much that can be seen and explored. The simplicity of the characters and their sense of belonging.
Ah we really want to do more with the characters for sure.
A part 2 would have been nice too
Great idea !
Brown Boy Productions February 2018 I'm still waiting on part 2 :-(.
So sorry. We haven’t written it yet. Ha ha
Ali Waheed i agree
please do a second part! this was absolutely incredible and i’m sure lots of people would love to see those two again
awesome, heart warming, restores my faith in humanity. Great short for sure. One of the best!
thank you and thanks for watching x
: ) @@BrownBoyProductions
One of the best gay shorts I've seen.
Ah thank you so much!!!! Hopefully you like it enough to subscribe. We’d love your support. X
This is the sweetest thing ever...the conversation is so real I forgot I was watching a film.
Wow. Thank you. X
That cinematography was on point! Also great dialogue in a short film?! Good stuff.
Thank Joseph. Means a lot x
I just love it, I'm 50 and alone and lonely too, so this movie gives me a little hope.
Hey Alvero. Thank you for taking the time to watch. And we also Believe there is always hope x
Alvaro, get out there and get involved with the LGBT community. Life is short. Don't waste it. Once it's gone, it's gone. I'm 70 and disabled and it is hard to stay involved but being involved with other LGBT people keeps me young at heart. Be happy.
@@reme001 good life lessons advice Reme; I've had a long term relationship that struggled then ended; I found that having a good circle of best friends is much better than having a serious relationship...the sleep overs are great too 😉
That's great alvaro 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
I keep telling myself to just put myself out there and one day someone will perhaps overlook my flawed looks or my timid personality, this film really made my day seeing how this conversation randomly started and flowed so naturally, I couldn’t stop smiling while watching. Thank you for making this amazing film.
I felt every word you said. ..love it's always closer don't feel bad stay positive and smile to yourself it's always gonna be better
This is incredible ; I could write essays on how lovely it is. This is a reason to keep living.
That was absolutely wonderful, they were both so cute and great actors.
my name is Ryan Donald single and looking for a serious relationship
Beautifully crafted little movie.. Given the setting.... It didn't feel static at all.. The relaxed acting and natural dialogue All work together.
thank you and thanks for watching x
What a whimsical look at life. This is so good. And so well acted.
Thank you so much for your kind comment x
What a refreshing lgbt short film. Nicely, tastefully, comically done.
thank you and thanks for watching x
giggling and grinning the whole time, had to run and grab my dog for whatever reason, not sure myself. gorgeous, and talked about a topic that wasn't exclusively being gay
Ah thank you so so much for your lovely comment. And for watching. Our love to your dog. Ha ha. We would be ever so grateful if you could subscribe to our channel too. For more info on future films and projects.
Best wishes.
As a gay man I must say that this is an awfully brilliant gay short film and it is open to anyone's imagination what's gonna happen next. The doggy brought them together which itself isn't unusual. I liked both actors although at first I wasn't too fond of the dog's "owner" being a bit too camp. But actually it didn't mind at all! Altogether brilliantly produced. And you know what? They'll get together. I'm pretty sure of that. Thumbs up and thank you for this wonderful piece of meaningful entertainment.
my name is Ryan Donald single and looking for a serious relationship
I am literally the sleepy boy. Never dated, never relationshipped, never held hands with anyone, pretty sure I'm aro ace, and now, not making friends anymore...am I lonely? Maybe...
Thank you for making/sharing, I feel so represented by this film (even tho I'm n.b.) 💚
Ah thank you so much. So glad you liked it
Mee too...im not closing the door. That theres someone will hit me up
Exceptional. Absolutely exceptional. Brilliantly written, acted, directed and produced.
Ah thank you Rob xxx
@@BrownBoyProductions Sorry, I'm a bit late to the game with this one. I blame UA-cam's algorithms 😂
Ah not at all. The only thing that matters is that you found it! And you like it! That makes us happy
Hi my name is Ryan Donald single and looking for a serious relationship
This is CBYN level film . So mild so intense so deep.
The protagonist's acting quality is outrageous. First I thought it gonna be boring but mintue by mintue it's just folded it's aesthetic charm.
Nice camerawork , well direction and amazing casts .
I realy like his voice. I could listen to him for hours and hours. It's so calm and friendly.
This was absolutely amazing. Actores great script beautiful 😍
Two super talented gentlemen. Great stuff Nick an Lucas 💕👌
Brilliant film. So beautifully executed !
"life goes on, while i stood still" that's DEEP AF i can totally relate.
thank you and thanks for watching x
The ground beneath my feet is shaken, that is my life, my story I see myself standing still and the world go pass by....
These are the kinds of gay people I know, I absolutely love them and how they have portrayed them in this film ❤ what a wonderful film, made me so happy watching this.
Loved this unusual story and actors. Have you thought of making this into a full-length comedy-drama? You could dig deeper into their backstories---such how the guy's sleep disorder has affected his relationships to the extent that nobody else would befriend him, why he makes the effort to look so well-groomed (does he have even a part-time job?), how their first date went, and maybe an unexpected ending. Though if this was ever a longer film, I'd suggest keeping additional characters to a minimum. Anyway, great stuff!
Great idea. We want to do more with it. Thank you so much ! Would mean the world to us if you could Subscribe. If you haven’t already x
I love this movie its very relateable
Thank you Albert. Would be so grateful if you could subscribe to our page x
Oh most definately I did!!
bravo. this short movie is pure magic. thank you!
Thank you, Mr.Lopez for opening up the "Hopeful" side of gay life, and life in genral. So refreshing I did not want the credits to roll.
Thank you Lynn. We love this little film. If you could take a minute to subscribe to our channel we would love you forever. .
This was a beautiful little film. It started very bleak, the expressions of loneliness, being “other”, being outside of society watching but not participating. Then it suddenly changed, and the little bit of comedy around the narcolepsy / cataplexy like a non-sequitur in the way it added some absurdity, for want of a better word. Superb.
Thank you so much!!! And thank you for watching ! Really means a lot. We would love it if you could subscribe to our page.
Brown Boy Productions I think that’s the least I can do having looked at your library, lots of viewing material.
Love you! Thank you x
I think at some point we have all felt loneliness at times, this film really brings back that feeling, but also brings hope and a feeling of happiness into the picture. It's really lovely!
Ah thank you so much Simon.
i think highly of this low key, well-done, clever and original film.
Thank you so much. ❤️
I haven't watched this in forever. It really spoke to me in the past. It reminds me of when I thought "I'm happy on my own." too. While it's true I wasn't unhappy while I was alone, I'm better with someone now. It's a wonderful thing when you find a guy who pulls you out of your comfort zone like happens in this short. I'm glad it happened to me like the character in this short.
Wow. So lovely to hear this. ❤️
I come back to this sweet film whenever I need cheering up I've already commented on it it's so well written acted and directed all in such a short time an amazing example of how to make a film on a budget and succeed thank you all
Love you Colin x
No nodding off watching this...worth the watch. I caught myself smiling at the end.
Ah thank you xxx
This is a masterpiece. My goodness I just love the starting of this video. It's so beautiful and pinch of reality.
wow, thank you Priya x
this needs to become a movie PLEASE!!!!
We agree !
So glad I stumbled upon this wonderful short film tonight. Sometimes you get lucky and discover real gems like this on UA-cam.
Ah thank you boris. We’d love it if you could support us and subscribe x
I watched this short film when I was 12 years old and struggling with my sexuality. After watching I couldn't find it for 3 more years and just found/watched it for the second time right now. It's crazy much life changes in just three years. Things really do get better
An amazing little film packed into just over 13 minutes. Beautifully filmed and performed, this was a richer experience than many of my trips to a cinema. So charming and subtle, it's easy to forget you're watching a film and not simply eavesdropping in a park. If this were a television show pilot, I would hooked.
Wow thank you. That’s exactly how we wanted it to feel! Thank you for this comment. Really means a lot that you took the time to watch it!
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
Charming, relatable, lovingly written and directed. A total delight I didn’t want to end!
I LOVE IT. Beautiful speech at the beginning and honestly the photography work of this short movie is incredible. This doesn't even seem like a film, it's like you're just eavesdropping on a real conversation between them, which makes it sound more realistic and relatable. This was SO GOOD. Already a favorite.
Ah thank you so so much. Really appreciate your kind comment! Would love it if you could take a moment if you haven’t already, to subscribe to our page for future work to come. Would really mean a lot to us x
It's interesting that you should mention the photography. I liked the film but found the camera work possibly its weakest feature. The immediacy of a handheld camera is a good narrative device, too much movement can be distracting and that's what I found here.
Seriously anyone with curiosity and soul can relate to this, I can. thanks.
This should get so much more recognition. It’s such a beautiful script. I love the words.
Wow. Thank you x
One of the best short films Ive seen in a long time. Just wish it would have continued, I'd love to see how this relationship continued.
Ah thank you. And thank you for watching !!!! ❤️
I was looking for gay short movies and I came across this one. I would describe it more of a short movie about.. loneliness or depression. The fact that the 2 characters happen to be men isn't as important as that. It's well written and I find myself really connecting with some of the quotes, such as "I can feel the world go by, I just can't take part in it" and talking about just observing others while you keep to yourself.
Thank you so much for your kind comment chris. And thanks for watching !
We’d love it if you could subscribe to our Channel for more films to come !
Kudos for a wonderful short film...wished it were a full length feature movie
Found this endearingly charming.
Thank you so much for watching!!! x
Hi how are you doing today my name is Ryan Donald looking for a serious relationship
This felt good. Out of everything I've watched on youtube in the last week, this felt good. Didn't feel so alone.
This is an excellent film. With so much of the entertainment industry trying to make their movies more appealing through complex characters and convoluted plots. This film was a ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air! Most people can relate to loneliness at some point in their lives. Bravo!! Brown Boy Productions
Thank you so much james