10:21 translation: Faker: "Hey I wanna kill ashe" Keria:"I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna! For the love of god please hit nexus! NICEUUU!!" Faker is a certified madman
10:20 Keria : The hyperactive one. Gumayusi : The serious one. Oner : The smug one. Faker : The aloof one. Zeus : The "did I turn the stove off at home?" one.
Korean fans have been calling Faker’s high risk high reward play “미움 받을 용기“ which translates to “The courage to be disliked”. If you’re behind, we want to see you gamble, and make an unpredictable play. We don’t want to see you pro-longing your loss by playing safe. If you lose the gamble then so be it. Don’t be scared of people making fun of you because it looked like you were inting.
And the other thing is, Faker has been playing like that for so long that he has almost perfected it. The amount of times Faker will dare to make plays that no one else will try is a lot, but he also comes out on top of those plays most of the time. It is genuinely just an enormous experience gap at this point. Years upon years of being the core piece of T1, developing from a former hard carry player into a more calculated playmaker that's willing to take risks, but also trusting his teammates to back him up in those risks. There's a pretty simple way of understanding how much this playstyle impacts his legacy: When Faker loses gambles (which doesn't really happen that often), no one says "wow, wtf is he doing, why did he even try that?". We say "the other team played well" because they survived Faker.
I really admire players who are willing to go for the plays even if it might end up making them look bad. It's the most fun playstyle to watch and brings you the most hype outcomes, even if sometimes you end up turbo inting (like Hillyssang). You need your teammates to be willing to follow you though which is why many of them end up looking silly. Faker's got the trust of his team to follow his calls and that makes them such a strong team.
Imagine he missed the Road shuffle, people will call him a fraud. Imagine he missed the charm on to Hans, people will call him Shaker. Imagine his Sylas died trading with Chovy Ahri, people will call him washed. He is harsh on himself, but he doesn't care about the noises. He's willing to bet on any chances that could bring success to his team. The courage, the resilience, and the determination is unmatched.
what? Everyone would watch GenG vs BLG would truly be battle of the best in their respective roles on almost all positions... Those 2 teams are uber stacked.
For the homework analogy, I think it’s more like T1 half-asses their homework all year while GenG tryhards every assignment. Only for T1 to lock in for the final exam and ace it to finish with a higher grade than GenG.
ive seen this but its unfair to t1 to say they half assed the year so far - theyve defo been trying otherwise faker headbang incidient wouldnt be a thing
that's copium, T1 did actually struggle a lot this year. Don't cope convincing yourself they were simply not tryharing. T1 was a worst team the majority of the year, it's just a fact
lol no I bet there's gonna be the next Faker after he retires. This game already developed a huge passion for its new/current players I wont be surprised when in the future there would be the next Faker.
@@rard431 Thats just not realistic. Faker has been the face of league for more than a decade. Players who have stopped playing league for a while or dont play at all can tune in to worlds and have a name they recognize. Sure there will be other big names that might pop up after Faker retires but none will come close to how popular or well-known Faker is.
The point about Chovy, at least for me, is something like this: Best midlaner. Year of Chovy. Those were things you could read a lot in recent years. Don't get me wrong. Yes, Chovy is an incredible player - there is no way to doubt that. And yes, it wasn't his fault that they lost this series today - if one player were at fault in the first place. But neither had I the feeling that he would take over the reins to lead the team to victory. Making the one desperate game-changing play. Taking a risk if necessary to turn the table. For a player as hyped as him year after year and with the potential to be at the top, not losing the game is not enough for me. Maybe that's just an uneducated view from a T1 (or more like Faker) fan.
Yeah I think "choked" is probably not the right word but definitely underperformed. Faker was making more happen in this series than Chovy was. Chovy usually is insane on tristana but he was virtually invisible in game 4 and even worse he decided to stick around and try to 1v4 T1 who were all healthy hps and died giving T1 the ability to end the game instead of GenG just losing soul and having the opportunity to try to setup another fight or force baron and make a play happen. T1 definitely would be heavily favored after that fight regardless with hextech soul and their gold lead but I genuinely was so confused watching Chovy turn around, put his e bomb on Zeus as if the entire enemy team was about to DC and he would get a triple and deny soul. There's legitimately zero explanation for why he turned around there. Poppy Ashe and Maokai were all dead. It's a tristana with no ult + a nidalee vs 4 enemy players. If they were low I could see the outplay angle maybe but they weren't. It felt like Chovy was mentally defeated in that moment.
He’s simply not clutch, too risk averse, he never takes the 10% chance play, which in a game you’re loosing. Might as well, I think he’s afraid to int, which I think is what it takes that to go from a good player to a great player. A bit of psychopathic mentality. In this series, Faker flashed in and died looking for a trade in Chovy’s Trist. Faker will make those plays even if it makes him loose faster because he knows they’re likely to loose the game anyways. You gotta be willing to int to be great!
The thing about Chovy is he's good but this series I don't know, it's feels like I don't see the Chovy I fear everytime I watch T1 vs Gen G back on LCK, it's like the Chovy I go "shit this man is popping off again" and the next thing is T1 losing. Idk what happened but I think Chovy needs is strong mental, after that game 3 stomp the little semblance of Chovy goes puff, gone. If he wants to usher the next generation away from Faker as he said, he needs to have the quality of Faker, he needs to have the strong mental capabilities to be clutch or carry in games when it matters the most. He needs to be like Faker Azir "Emperor's Divide" against Ruler to win a losing game. That's the factors he need to find. Good teammate, strong mentality and the heart to take plays that can win the game no matter how low the chances are. Chovy is great but as long as he doesn't have those, he won't usher the future.
"We lost not necesarily because I was bad, but because the opponent was better" - Chovy in the teaser which seemed to be true yet again. The Script is real
@@leaguefixesyourmatches8259 Yep,he is amazing as a player. Micro/Individually a mid laner that you know will be consistent. But the issue is that he lacks the "Flip" factor. In worlds the flip factor matters more because the series outcome is less systematically predicted than in the lck. In worlds you need to be prepared to take risks even at the cost of you losing. Like as someone said, JDG last year was about to win game 3 against t1 which would be a break point mentally but faker just literally run down mid and literally insec a varus. Lile the game could have ended there if faker got caught by knight or renekton but he made the play and won the game for his team. Chovy's ahri was farming while t1 was running mid. He thought "I can trade for a tower". At that point the game was on a losing point in terms of macro. He should have just abandoned the tower,moved earlier and tried to arrive earlier to the dive in top to maybe catch someone or defend his toplaner. Also a lot of times he didnt match having a tp. He is a great player and I hope he wins at least 1 world title....but he needs to change that and take more flip plays when his team needs it. I think if he is capable of that he could be unstoppable.
@@speedforce8970 Conversely the way GenG has played all year is also how T1 went from being a team they've been beating 3-0 and 3-1 for the past 2 years in the most 1 sided finals ever to T1 almost beating GenG in Spring being up 2-1 over them. I seriously think League viewers have very short memories. GenG's year was: LCK Spring - GenG vs T1 - GenG barely wins 3-2 being down initially 1-2. MSI - GenG wins. LCK Summer - Geng vs HLE - GenG loses a close series and Zeka turbo gaps Chovy. Worlds Quarters - GenG vs FLY - GenG for the 2nd time this year are almost eliminated being down 1-2 and this time it was vs an NA team. Call me crazy but for a team that is supposed to be a favorite to win Worlds that's not a great record. It's not awful, but it's not convincing either. Both domestic finals are incredibly close and then at Worlds they almost get knocked out in Quarters by NA. Hats off to Fly for playing well but if GenG is supposed to win Worlds they can't be this unconvincing.
6:30 this is what I was saying under Caedrel prediction video. Chovy guy "look good and he not a problem", but look Ahri game. He was player with most resources and still he just "was there". sure he land skillshots and use ult for good positioning, but at same time Faked on Akali diving like 5 people, create space in fight, initiate fights, get summoners from enemy's carrys. and Chovy with most resources "just there". and it's every game. sure Lehends die a lot, but just to be clear, with style Chovy play, if it wasn't Lehgends, it will be Payz or Kiin for example. you never blame Chovy because you have no reason. And at same time Chovy will never be a 1v9 guy, who can turn game around. sure he could be guy who personaly never throw game with massive lead, but sometimes its not enough. just to be clear I don't blame Chovy for solo lose the series, I just don't understand why people ignore this flaw of Chovy. He doesn't have killer instinct in him, but maybe it will change and then we talk. after all we, as fans, only win if players improve and show even better matches.
You obviously dont watch geng play since there are many games where geng is losing but chovy is the single reason they are in the game and him later on winning the game for them. In that ahri game you cant blame chovy for not being in the fight since there shouldnt have been a fight. If lehends and canyon wouldnt get caught chovy taking bot turret would be good. If he was mid then they would mega lost gold and not gotten anything in return.
@@David-hp6lu there shouldn't have been a fight? brother, its a team vs team game. The decision to have a teamfight is not always yours to make. If you actually watch the game you would see that t1 players are always looking to make plays. Chovy prioritizes his cs and only want to fight around objectives, but why would the enemies do that for you? Faker drop waves to make plays on the maps. Everytime geng members died, it was bcs they were outnumbered and couldn't do anything to fight back.
@@potatoesinvasion I mean in regards to at least the play they are referring to they are right. Lehends for some reason is flanking mid and greedily walks right in front to pass by T1 just after Chovy uses his TP bot to secure bot T1. If he just simply does not do that there is no extended play for T1. They don't then have the space to get the pick onto nocturne which then lets them get the space to get the pick onto Jax who also greeds to defend T2 top after his JG and support just died. I'm sure you've heard of the term "unforced errors" and Lehends, Canyon and Kiin all made unforced errors that started a domino effect beginning with Lehends just greedily pathing in front of T1 when his mid outer tower is about to fall. No one can help him and T1 saw both GenG solo lanes bot taking the outer tower bot. It's just troll. I'm sure you've had solo queue games where you are splitting and you tell your team "sit back, dont get engaged on. don't die" etc. only for them to walk mid with no vision and no business being there or they face check jungle for fun and they die and enemy team gets baron or T2 towers or inhibs off it. It's not your fault if your team misplays. You can't blame someone who made a good play in a bad position for their team making multiple horrible cascading decisions in a row. It happens. We've all been recalling pinging a core item we have to buy and we're no mana and you're danger pinging your team to stop being stupid and they just say fuck it and fight anyways and lose the game off it.
@@YuYuYuna_ When GenG playing well, everyone praised the team, now they lost, and fans are trying to blame everyone except Chovy. Do you know how GenG dominated their games this year? it was through their vision game, which mostly bcs of Lehends and Canyon. If you watch GenG games, you will easily notice how superior their vision games are compared to their enemies. This is not achieved by their jungle and support just idling around. Lehends and Canyon need to set up those visions, and they are caught by T1 who are always roaming the map looking for picks. Chovy has a huge lead on Ahri in game 3, he should be grouping up with his jungle support to search for picks to get back into the game. Instead, he always goes around the map catching minion waves, when he should let kiin catch the waves instead.
I agree with the killer instinct thing. Just look at the difference in runes and build on Ahri between Faker and Chovy. Faker - Electrocute and full dmg build and Chovy was playing Grasp. It's not his fault they lost but he's also not playing on the edge like Faker is willing to. You can't win worlds playing it safe, other teams who are willing to take the risks will steal it from you.
I think a large part of the "Chovy is a choker" narrative comes down to the fact that it doesn't matter how well he plays individually if he can't actually carry his team to a win on his own. And that might sound unrealistic but when Faker was in Chovy's position, still young and widely considered the best player in the world he did this regularly. Even in 2017 when they lost he was pretty much the only reason SKT even made it to finals in the first place, whereas Chovy just hasn't shown that level of clutch factor. If the hype around him wasn't as big and people just called him the best midlaner when it came to never falling behind in a game that'd be one thing, but for how many people have called him the best player in the world he needs to be able to do more than outperform his lane opponent to actually live up to the title, otherwise he's "choking".
it's a playstyle diff.. faker has spoiled everyone with this idea of what a great midlaner looks like, when faker is ahead he'll make a play or engage to snowball the lead, when they're behind trust that faker will look for an angle to make a game-saving play... chovy is an incremental player, he'll dominate his lane, he'll be patient and slowly transition the lead til your nexus explodes and you go 'how did this happen, he didn't do anything special'? when chovy is behind he'll patiently scale, TP to sides, push some turrets, trade objectives and try to punish your when you try to accelerate or waits til he has outscaled...when he wins comeback games you feel like he just waited it out, avoided you and outscaled, when he loses those you wonder where the fuck he's been all game - I do sometimes wonder how that makes players on the team feel when you're behind - on T1 it's clear, we're behind, look for plays, look for item spikes, wait for faker, press GO buttons, guns blazing...on GenG it must be strange, we're behind, wait and wait, scale and scale, give all agency over to the opponent and tend to your waves til an opening presents itself As much as people shit on Lehends for his horrible performance, the support is probably the most difficult piece in a losing gamestate on a team like that...what's his job? supports don't farm, supports don't scale all that well, you don't have tp to make cross-map plays...you just sit around and do nothing all game?
he doesnt take risks.. that faker azir play last year.. chovy would never risk it in a million years.. thats why he is a choker.. man is not bold enough to take risks
The game also changed a lot. Before it was a lot easier to solocarry the game and individual skill mattered more, especially because the overall skill in general was lower than it is today.
10:50 Despite the fact that GenG was T1's father for a long time, Keria and Lehends are big time rivals, they were both compared because of their extensive champion pools and creative picks. Just like Doran with Zeus, Lehends almost always had the upper hand against Keria, he was his kryptonite in every match not only when Lehends was in GenG
That is not true. Keria was upper hand so that is the reason why he is the national team support for Asian cup, not Lehends. He is top support in lck but because of the mystery of t1's summer season, sometimes Lehends becomes the first, but mostly it was keria.
Also nobody think Zeus rival is Doran;; In lck Doran's image is a 🎲 which can come out numbers -6~+6. And he rolls the dice every minutes 😅 His nickname is 'The random guy', and Zeus is not always good but his plays don't come out by minus..
@tehSupernerd That is because his random dice came out so good only by t1's game that years😂😂 Instead of match up with t1, he messed up almost all of other games, so it is hard to say rival..just a killer for Zeus I think 🤔
As a T1 fan, I highly respect all the players involved in the rift. I believe that Chovy isn't a "choker". The guy needs to take the time and reflect on what he needs to win, and right now, it's the 'it' factor, the playmaking, the high risk high reward which Faker has built himself upon. But to commit to this means Chovy has to do an entire 180 with how he plays and views the game. I think if he gains the risky 'it' factor and integrate it to how he plays, he might cook something up for next year. I hope he'll be able to do it! Best of luck to Gen.G next year.
Certainly, and I feel like a lot of it is mental too. I hope that hard lessons like this takes Chovy to where he needs to be in the future. Guy has such immense talent.
You can see the mentality difference in the Ahri choices. Chovy played grasp and had a zhonia too cz he thinks he needs to be alive to do everything himself. Faker was electrocute and full dmg build cz he knows he can go in, do as much dmg as possible, die and his teammates will win the fight he set up for them. Once Chovy gains the willingness to play the high-risk high reward style of Faker he will win worlds too, you can win a lot by being consistent but you can't get to the top playing safe, at worlds everyone evolves beyond what they normally do and GenG stays the same and looks weak in comparison.
chovy is only 23. barely halfway(?) through his career and he's already made such a huge name for himself. obviously he's no faker, no one will ever be faker, but even with only 1 international title he's so revered within the league scene. he has a long career ahead of him and I just hope he recovers well and improves for the future. feel really bad for him tho. he almost looked like he was about to cry during game 3 draft. i think he does have a problem with his mental on worlds stages and this is just a barrier he has to overcome.
@@xsision5513 definitely.. i can see him creating a deft story for himself later on. it just seems crazy to believe that he'll never win worlds in the rest of his career because he's so young and still has so many years ahead of him, also because he doesn't have to worry about military service now
@@xsision5513 I agree on the best laner. He cs well. Plays his lead well. Knows where to maximize gold farm and is methodological in teamfights. But that's about it. Now we've seen that to win it all, you have to take risk and make plays regardless if you're ahead or behind. He almost never does that when his team is behind especially when he is the only sole reason why the game is alive and has the tools for it. The clutch factor is what separates him from Faker.
2023 semis: T1 wins game 1 with a stomp, loses game 2 with a maokai on the team, narrowly wins game 3 when they had a lead and wins game 4 with varus 2024 semis: T1 wins game 1 with a stomp, loses game 2 with a maokai on the team, wins game 3 and narrowly wins game 4 with varus when they had a lead all against the favorites to win it all HOW DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS????
The media continues to create these debates between Faker and other midlaners, but the truth is that no one so far threatens his legacy, he is completely isolated on another level and this ZOFGK line-up could be the only one to beat the former SKT dynasty. LoL is so lucky to have him.
If T1 wins finals, they're actually the best performing roster in history. The SKT dynasty roster changed each year. No roster has made 3 world finals and won 2 of them.
I think saying chovy didn't choke is true, he didn't really solo lose the games, but he also didn't win them any games either. Just existing and clearing side lanes wont work if you give t1 champs like vi/ashe and then again varus+pyke. Like his entire team needs to play around him or hes basically a non factor even in the game they won it was entirely peyz. Lehends 1000% trolled some of the games but I also don't think anyone on geng played super well. To say chovy will never win worlds, is a bit of a stretch but I also lowkey think he needs to stop being the +20-40 farm but down 5kp player if he wants to win.
@@xsision5513Any stats except KP yes. He is allergic to playing FOR the team. He is just useless and is a stat machine when the team falls behind. This time, it's already debunked that you need more than CS and Exp to win it all. You need to make impact for your team whether ahead or behind.
@@Linley-ut5jo KP doesn't mean anything when his team is dying on the other side of the map when their plan is to take sides. It's not like him pushing sides was solely his choice, they would have decided that as a team no?
There are two types of pro midlaners. On one side you have the playmakers with your fakers, showmakers, doinbs, and the other side you have the carries with your bdds, knights, and chovys. I dont think either style is better than the other, but your team definitely has to play differently around you.
@@folded2628 @folded2628 That's fair. What I wanted to emphasize more was the latter part of my previous statement regarding making impact and taking risks regardless of the gamestate so long as the team see it fit. The same can also be said about the rest of the team playing on the other side of the map. It's a team decision. My point still stands about the difference between playing for stats and sides and proactively looking for a play. It's a 5v5 game at the end of the day. Better midlaner was just more in sync with his team.
We really need to study the Gen. G choke syndrome as an org. Both their Valorant and LoL team choked in Champions and Worlds despite being one of the favorites to win.
to add to your point, their rocket league team choked heavily in this year’s worlds, they were 2nd best na team and lost to both OCE teams (first timer ever). It’s like if this GenG lost to fnc in the 2-2 swiss stage
I know a lot of people are dreading the day faker retires but this worlds has shown I think how much people already love the younger/current players that aren’t faker too. Not only is the ZOFGK roster super popular but seeing players like bin give his jacket to type crowd and just other things players are doing to connect to the fans, I don’t think too many people will lose interest in league esports after faker retires, there are so many passionate fans for everyone else in the league too.
For example viper is one of my absolute favourite players (even tho I main jgl) to watch and I can’t wait to see what him and hle do next year if they stay together
If you are the best player in the world, you cannot afford to be invisible in the most important of games. Playing "just okay" while being considered as the best player in the world is what many would say is "choking".
tbf what did u want him to do faker is able to mkae big plays against jdg for example because he knows his team can back him up. Chovy had to sit there and watch his world class support run it down on cooldown. same with peyz ziggs satcheling into vi and not flashing skarner r in game 4. kiin was prolly the best player and canyon did nothing special either.
Exactly sure chovy didn’t choke this series, but as someone who is label as the best player at world for the past 2 year by so many people, not choking isn’t enough, he didn’t make any plays at all and didn’t do anything game winning, t1 over performed, but faked his counter part still stoled out even when his team was smurfing. Being invisible and just going(even)/a bit up in cs isn’t enough, in that game 3 chovy reverted into his old self, even tho he was 100 cs up of faker he kept farming and made zero play on ahri, pushing sidlane with AHRI ONE OF the main tool to pick someone off or start a fight
I can understand the sentiment that Chovy didn't really make bad plays. But you compare things even while Faker is doing shit on the map he is never out of sync with his team. Chovy for all his "greatness" has always been detached from his team mates no matter how good they are. There was a support diff because the support was in sync with everyone and there was a huge load of trust. But when it came down to it, Gen G for all their super teams never really looked like a team
Did you watch Geng at all outside of worlds? They played insane together the whole year and won MSI which was the hardest MSI ever in terms of format. Like I love faker and T1, but writing these narratives based on one series is insane to me.
Yeah,he didnt play bad but he is never been a teamplayer. Its not his style. His style is the 1v9 player who has a lot of cs,gold and kills. The issue in the world stage is that the better team wins. Doesnt matter how good of a player you are,we have already seen Uzi struggle so much even tho he was the best ADC mechanically. Worlds is about a team. For example,faker sacrificed a lot of waves in CS so that oner plays more comfortable in the top side of the jungle. That allowed a good pick on the geng support who was looking for more vision and an extra kill. Another example is when t1 was snowballing. Ahri had the chance of moving even if they were losing. The idea of "trading gold" (taking bot tower) was what chovy had in mind. Is a very individualist and monolithic way of thinking about league. Think about what the greatest players do. If ahri had started moving without even thinking about his cs or gold advantages and instead of "We need to trade gold and towers,I hope my teammates dont fuck it up" the winners mentality should be "They are about to fight,fuck the tower,if there is a 1% chance of winning that fight I'll take it in a losing game" And so if he had moved earlier he could have got there before they dived the jax and there was a chance of fighting. Which is why faker has been in the top for so long,he understands not only micro gaming and macro gaming. He understands league as a whole. Even tho his champions pool,his mechanics,his KDA,his record,his titles say a lot about him. What really stands out to me is his understanding of league of legends. He knows what his team will do,he makes his team feel more comfortable and makes decisions based on what is best for every teammate. That is why this team were rookies with a veteran mid laner in 2022 and now they are legends and the favourite team in the world and maybe one of the strongest Rosters in league history. They made it to 3 finals in a row now.
I think a main part to geng's loss is their slow meta adaptation, they have incredible player for cooking Lehends, Kiin, Chovy and Canyon they should not need to play those predictable drafts
Too bad for Chovy. He is good, just not his time. I also watched a vlog of gen g where he sorta says that he views league as work, and he says he doesnt love it or it's hard for him to love it cause it is just work for him. I think this is the big difference between him and faker. Faker gives his all cause he loves the game he grew up with(that 11 years or more of dedication), chovy just views it as work. Maybe if he loved the game more he would eventually win... He needs more time... I mean It took faker 7 years to win another worlds last year. Lol Lets goooo T1 win!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
the fact is that Faker would've tried to find ways to bring the game back even if it meant losing it entirely.. chovy disappears in big moments and if you're gonna put the title of 'the best midlaner in the world' in his hands, he has to show up in big games consistently.
It's just a different playstyle. Look at the season games and how chovy outplays every other midlaner. He dominates you and slowly crushes you without you even realizing it. If GenG is behind he farms and scales, waits for the right opportunity. Faker on the other hand plays more risky and is not afraid to jump in and try even if it means it could lose the whole game.
Insane how when it comes to worlds, this T1 roster just level up in huge ways. This is the main event of the year, if you can’t show up now, then when can you?
I think many teams including Gen G were really good into the double ADC meta with the new lane swap iterations that allows for an easier early game but many teams have made their own meta reads that makes drafting a front to back comp more difficult into sidelane comps.
I don’t watch the costreams much as I like the unadulterated streams for 1440 @60 and hearing the casting, but I’m super happy for Caedrel. One of the few EU creators I like. Happy for the Rat King
@thestoebz That makes sense. I do watch Caedrel uploads, but 1080p streaming really hurts my eyes lol. While in livestream bitrate is lower, so I just wait for his upload. 1080p is better in an uploaded video because the bitrate is higher.
Reading all these comments on Chovy, here is my take. Chovy isn't known as choker because he chokes, he isn't known as choker because he doesn't make plays and carry games, it comes down to something even simpler in explanations. He is known as choker because you expect great things from him yet he doesn't deliver.
As a T1 fan I don’t understand why people are blaming Chovy. I think he played pretty good in the series, and he didn’t do anything that I would consider a choke
Yeah, but he also doesn't have any moments where he puts the team on his back either. Let's skip Faker, cz we already know he does that. Look at BLG too, Bin's interview where he says he will win any game no matter who is the enemy or who's on his team if he's on Jax. Elk had that sick Ezreal play too when BLG were down. The only player I see in GenG who's trying to do that is Canyon when he gets his Nidalee, but this time it wasn't enough. To be clear, I'm not blaming Chovy for playing the same way he always does, I'm just saying he needs to get to the next stage because he is so good mechanically, he just needs that confidence to say "play for me and I'll carry you" the way Bin does.
@@Arkanna96 I think there were definitely big moments that he had on ahri, where he tried to carry. He definetely didnt have any big pop offs, or series saving plays, but I was more so just saying he isn't to blame. He definetely needs to find those moments if he wants to be a world champ, but I think people are being too harsh on him.
@@Amsalja12 I agree with people being too harsh on him. It's a team game after all, there shouldn't be so much expectation on 1 person to carry everyone.
As a GenG fan it was quite sad, not just because of the fact that they lose. They have played perfect league for quite a long time but now people will just judge them by this semi.I still have no regret supporting them, hope GenG and Chovy can come back stronger next year...
No people judge them based on the fact that they lost lck final to hle and played quite poorly all of worlds. It's a fact they slowed down quite a bit after MSI. I would also argue their style of playing is rather boring to watch (avoid fights, abuse meta, scale...). I mean look at the champs they excel at : Tristana, skarner, ziggy, corki....
I really hope they stay together as a team. Season was so fun to watch. But people will always judge like this. Chovy crushed every midlaner the whole year and still call him bad or say he chocked lmao
That is their problem though. They always play the perfect way and don't change enough. All teams at worlds level up. GenG stay consistent and they get left behind.
The issue with Chovy is that, if you're going to be known as the best mid in the world, you can't feel invisible in the biggest moments. It's not that he runs it down a ton or just flat throws, it's just that it seems he never really does anything to win. It's odd, but he just never seems to be doing anything to balloon gold leads or secure wins......at Worlds, that is.
Not enough conversation is made around whoever does T1's drafting strategy. GenG were obviously caught off guard by it and you could tell when they were slow to respond to it from Game 1. Then there was a mental boom during each Ban/Pick phase after that and the GenG coach didn't know what to do. The second game BP was goofy but they could've 3-0 if they didn't deviate too much from their winning formula.
I was expecting to get worlds themed rewards on the pick ems log in rewards capsules like worlds team icons skins and emotes the after i opened them i get unpopular random emotes
6:04 In LCK Chovy is known as a mid who never chokes. That he never chokes and never stumbles whatever he uses, making him the powerhouse of the team. He is a near-peer with Faker as a mid liner but with a more conservative risk-reward calculus. Ergo, when GenG beat T1 in LCK it very much looks like how they beat FLY in the quarterfinals. It's an open secret that many T1 fans rooted for FLY that day. If Chovy looks as if he choked in this series, that's because T1 did everything it could from the initial draft to keep him in check. Chovy didn't choke, he was strangled.
9:10 _Chovy didn't make "world's best player" moment._ I think Caedrel was spot-on. That's how Chovy and GenG typically wins their game. They are much more conservative on their risk-reward calculus and that's how they win in LCK with their overwhelming might. But on the other hand when their strategies ossify into their comfort zone they underperform outside LCK and especially in Worlds. T1 is the polar opposite. T1 is much more tolerant against risks. In this Worlds G2 evaluated T1 as beatable if their dynamicism and instability could be properly exploited. However, Faker has a "Courage to be Disliked." He doesn't care if he slips. Because when he succeeds, he either tosses Ruler with a Flash or beats a teamfight against G2 when he has three less inhibs. Also, *shoutout to Flyquest.* T1 followed in their footsteps up to Game 3, and then banned Smolder and K'Sante for an extra push. FLY showing the current state of GenG in advance was a massive boon for T1. Because GenG is highly ossified when stakes are high what T1 saw was basically a simulation of them losing against GenG for the 11th time but played by a team that nobody had high hopes on. Flyquest flied so that T1 could soar.
@@knpark2025 Very good take. Imo playing a low-risk strategy will win you on average more games, but will not help much in the very high-stakes games as we saw in their own finals and at worlds this year and last year. Being willing to practice the high-risk style like T1 and be volalite will lose you more games but will help you win the very important ones like Worlds. Plus it's way more fun to watch high-risk teams like T1 and BLG. I am really happy they are winning with this style.
The thing is they want to see Chovy step the fk up. If you're labeled as the current best mid laner/player in the world, you got to show it. Playing good enough is not cutting it if you're at that level, you got to play like the best fkking player. He does not have the balls to do plays and risk inting. High risk high reward is not Chovy. Dude plays grasp Ahri and buys zhonyas instead of deathcap, nuff said
When GenG wins, Chovy is regularly hailed as the absolute best player in the world, an unstoppable monster who cannot be outlaned, plays perfectly, etc etc. When GenG loses, it is never Chovy's fault. He didn't make many mistakes! His team (a hand-picked superteam which was being called the greatest roster ever assembled) just inted! One of these perspectives has to be adjusted.
@@Arkanna96 I definitely heard it thrown around, but you're probably right. Last year JDG was considered unbeatable, this year GenG did lose to HLE right before worlds. Do you think JDG was straight up better?
@@Jacob-vk2xg I think JDG was way more dominant and had more star power in their players for the region, GenG also lost EWS even if it's not a really important championship. Not sure about the better part, this GenG roster would probably fare pretty well against last year's JDG depending on meta. The bot lane on JDG was really ahead of GenG imo but the mid-jungle is better on GenG. Top seems pretty even, both are dependable players.
Am I the only one that's tilted anime watchers could/will get spoiled over this ? sure it was more than one year ago and everyone's been spoiled but still
Just going in circles to mean the same, that Chovy didn't do what he should in this series for a player labelled as the best midlaner in the world for years now.
Yeah. People keep harping he is the best midlaner when in important moments he doesnt show up. He doesnt clutch. To be called the best u must play the best. Faker proved it in 2023 game 3 against JDG. Chovy as usual choked.
@@finaletermini people just love looking at stats and deciding off of that. Same way Peyz somehow ended up as the "best adc in LCK" this year. Nothing against the guy but come on, you got Viper, Deft and Gumayusi. Aiming's also played insanely good on a much worse team than Peyz. They both need to actually learn how to clutch a game when behind, they're very used to winning from ahead.
Chovy doesn't look like he's choking because he keeps on catching waves. He uses his tp way too much hence that's why he misses timers/ganks/counter engage.
@@scrimwish you didnt watch any of Chovy’s games last 4 worlds? It’s the same thing. He farms side lanes while his team is holding on to dear life trying to get objectives and defend towers. Then in fights he plays super safe makes no plays to turn the fight at all…
@@rishabsaxena5251 surely it's you, If you did, tell me how many times the caster mentioned that Chovy is late on the clash. And how many important fight was that. How many fight he can't respond after wasting his TP on a wave and his team has to fight 4v5. This is Chovy's fault, but it's hard to accept because he has good CS while faker is eating his team :)
@@Nick11156 so you are saying that chovy has always been late to rotations and his team is always struggling to play 4v5 and somehow he won msi and 4 lcks titles and was being carried. Man I love these degen iron takes Nick. Keep it up.
"The amount of bs t1 had to deal With to get here" have thry fixed the ddos issue i know it was making it so t1 couldnt play as much with is so sad for any team to have to deal with
Honestly, Chovy didn't choke but GenG really wasnt able to recreate what made them the "T1 Killer". They weren't able to keep track of Keria and get to Guma on the crucial fights. Zeus just made every attempt on him as costly as possible. Oner was able to farm freely in the early game. There was no usual GenG "choking one part of the map" that really made them hard to play against.
There's only one different from a guy with strong team who stomped everyone and one guy no matter how hard difficult the opponent or situation, with just one Dash action and Ult he win the game.
How many times can you just blame Chovy’s teammates? He doesn’t choke but he doesn’t have any killer instinct plays that take over games. Those are the plays you need to get momentum at Worlds
I also don't think chovy choked, if T1 doesn't give him an chance to shine or he isn't involved in a fight because he had to catch a wave and someone got caught it's not his fault that he didn't carry.
I think the reason why a lot of people are saying that Chovy was choking during this series is not because he was playing objectively bad, throwing, inting, making a tonne of mistakes etc. He choked by not being amazing. Chovy has probably been the single best player in the world for multiple years at this point. At least for mechanics and always going at least 50/50 if not straight up stomping in lane. In order to be a world champion you HAVE to perform at your absolute best peak during World's. That's the difference between Faker and Chovy when you boil it down. Both players have insane peaks, and you could argue that Chovy at his best is a better midlaner than 2024 Faker at his best. But during World's Faker has consistently shown that his performance at World's will be his best performance all year. Whereas with Chovy, you could never say he played objectively bad compared to other midlaners at World's, but it is definitely not the best performance he has shown this year. Even if Chovy on his worst day is still better than most midlaners, showing us anything less than his absolute best is still him choking.
the choky meme doesn't really apply to this series imo, all of geng choked first game and u could see the lack of confidence in how they played as a whole before they settled in. but chovy is very clearly risk averse and we see it in several games this series, there is a fundamental playstyle difference between mathematically minmaxing resources and making high risk plays that create chaos and throw off the balance of the game. chovy showed in this series that he can not deal with that playstyle under this level of pressure, simple as. when the only way to come back into the game is to sacrifice resource minmaxing and gamble a high risk play, chovy will still refuse to gamble it and would rather bleed out slowly, which is why the discourse now is that he just completely lacks the "clutch factor" and caedrel says he didn't make any "best player" plays. all that really means is he didn't take enough risks when taking risks was necessary because he plays too conservatively and predictably. he may improve at this with time and experience, who knows, but currently his biggest weakness as the "best player in the world" is too obvious and it's that he's a slave to rigid fundamentals and low risk plays and it leads to him avoiding many plays that others would attempt and the best would succeed at
Chovy did nothing this series. Like the Ahri game, he was invisible. The trist game, he was in Invisible. Like come on man. Chovy was not bad. He just didn’t exist. That’s his biggest problem, he is not the guy that steps up and makes that big play.
I have seen faker, knight and chovy's ahri and I can say that Chovy is the best in terms of hitting his skillshot and yet he's the least proactive ahri I have ever seen. That guy will fight only if his team is ahead in gold. If not he'll turtle it up avoiding fights even tho he's kinda strong for it
@@PeoplePleaser578 I agree. He lacks the risking factor. But tbh the big criticism its not because of this specifically. Some players rely more on individual steady wins,the issue is that this happens when it matters MOST. Like at this point he might never win worlds
Mega wrong narrative. You dont watch geng and it shows. One series means nothing. In the ahri game its so obvious that they want to trade bot turret for mid so they dont just lose gold there should not have been a fight but lehends and canyon got caught. Theres nothing chovy can do about his team greifiing in that position. Its so obvious geng wanted to funnel gold to chovy this game since he was the wincon but it didnt go well because his team got caught to much. If they didnt get caught it would of been totally fine to do this.
T1 always have narratives because of faker, faker being this successful and have played for long itll revitilise old wounds as narratives or make new ones because of faker’s status
He must be doing something right to get o all those finals and win 2 of them as well. Idk why he gets 0 credit. I remember the teasers in 2 years ago when GenG vs DRX was taking place and people being like "Ruler is a former worlds champion" and not one time did anyone mention that his opponents also had a former worlds champion and that beryl had won much more recently.
No because he's not from T1 and dare to beat them 2 out of 3 times he made Finals in the process. Look at Zeka constant bs or even Chovy now. You can't contest T1 on any ways or dare being better than them on a day. It's draft issue you know.
The Tris pick was baffling. I don't think Tris was the reason they won vs Fly. Lehends, while beeing a world class Support all year, wasn't doing well vs Fly or T1. Could be the pressure (him missing a lot of Skillshots) or the opponents stepping up big time, or a mix of both.
Hes got nothing to pick. His smolder,yone and aurora got banned 4 games. No ksante for kiin, His ahri and sylas play didnt work so what else is he gonna pick or use? He couldve use kassadin but i think hes just gonna get countered
@@LawrenceACD He maybe was the best Smolder in the Tournament (up to Semis only Korean Teams were able to win with Smolder). His Champion pool was to small and the team was poorly prepared if your statements are correct. Even if Smolder/Yone/Aurora were his best picks, these were banned in most of the games. If the bans are hard focused on Chovy, than the rest of the team needs to step up. If he only has 5 Champs (counting Tris and Kassadin) he feels comfortable on, than it's to little. He is far better than i ever was. In 100 Games i wouldn't kill him once. I still can say that he underperformed and maybe the close encounter vs Fly broke the camels back (at that time i thought they just didn't prepare for Fly and focused on their possible Semi opponents). Either way: Chovy wasn't the force we expected him to be.
Its not a matter of Chovey having massive mistakes he just Didn't step up and stand out like he normally does. I agree though that the support gap was massive but Faker Did a Fantastic job of neutralizing Chovey in most of the games.
The problem with GenG is they're stuck on a specific gameplan because their star player Chovy plays very selfish and defensive so they excel in a slow methodical patch, when the patch is a bit chaotic they fall apart.
10:21 translation:
Faker: "Hey I wanna kill ashe"
Keria:"I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna! For the love of god please hit nexus! NICEUUU!!"
Faker is a certified madman
this plus that other one where faker asks for a penta and keria responds with run it down then if you want it. xD
Faker got a taste of blood after violating GenG in game 3 and wanted more.
@@ahkilleuskosmos6836Diving the nexus to murder Chovy was cinema
Bro Keria was about to hyperventilate at the end there, his desperation to win is insane and that is what keeps him at the top
keria's stress is too relatable, no wonder he looked so relieved after the series was over T-T
Keria : The hyperactive one.
Gumayusi : The serious one.
Oner : The smug one.
Faker : The aloof one.
Zeus : The "did I turn the stove off at home?" one.
My TheZeus ratboy isn't locked in at all
And the "home" is probably his Top lane, not the Nexus. No wonder Bin respects him as his worthy rival.
Gotta love Wooje XD
Korean fans have been calling Faker’s high risk high reward play “미움 받을 용기“ which translates to “The courage to be disliked”. If you’re behind, we want to see you gamble, and make an unpredictable play. We don’t want to see you pro-longing your loss by playing safe. If you lose the gamble then so be it. Don’t be scared of people making fun of you because it looked like you were inting.
And the other thing is, Faker has been playing like that for so long that he has almost perfected it. The amount of times Faker will dare to make plays that no one else will try is a lot, but he also comes out on top of those plays most of the time. It is genuinely just an enormous experience gap at this point. Years upon years of being the core piece of T1, developing from a former hard carry player into a more calculated playmaker that's willing to take risks, but also trusting his teammates to back him up in those risks.
There's a pretty simple way of understanding how much this playstyle impacts his legacy:
When Faker loses gambles (which doesn't really happen that often), no one says "wow, wtf is he doing, why did he even try that?". We say "the other team played well" because they survived Faker.
I really admire players who are willing to go for the plays even if it might end up making them look bad. It's the most fun playstyle to watch and brings you the most hype outcomes, even if sometimes you end up turbo inting (like Hillyssang). You need your teammates to be willing to follow you though which is why many of them end up looking silly. Faker's got the trust of his team to follow his calls and that makes them such a strong team.
Imagine he missed the Road shuffle, people will call him a fraud.
Imagine he missed the charm on to Hans, people will call him Shaker.
Imagine his Sylas died trading with Chovy Ahri, people will call him washed.
He is harsh on himself, but he doesn't care about the noises. He's willing to bet on any chances that could bring success to his team.
The courage, the resilience, and the determination is unmatched.
@@meekumanu When Faker loses a gamble everyone else studies it to figure out what opening he saw, because next time it might work.
@@samwisehuluberlu2210 They are taking turn saving each other, and that's why they are such a good team.
Another year T1 single handedly saves the finals viewership
do u know the song playing in the background at the start of the video im gonna ask the whole comment section atp i need to know
Everyone would watch GenG vs BLG would truly be battle of the best in their respective roles on almost all positions... Those 2 teams are uber stacked.
@@MrPierdolification clueless mf even after seeing T1 members gapped every GenG members
@@jimbobuckets2757use google extension called shazam and play the video then have shazam running and it will find it
@@MrPierdolificationI wouldn’t watch it live…
For the homework analogy, I think it’s more like T1 half-asses their homework all year while GenG tryhards every assignment. Only for T1 to lock in for the final exam and ace it to finish with a higher grade than GenG.
Ok you essentially sum up my entire CS journey here at UofT uni :)
ive seen this but its unfair to t1 to say they half assed the year so far - theyve defo been trying otherwise faker headbang incidient wouldnt be a thing
do u know the song playing in the background at the start of the video im gonna ask the whole comment section atp i need to know
@@jimbobuckets2757 just use shazam my guy
that's copium, T1 did actually struggle a lot this year. Don't cope convincing yourself they were simply not tryharing. T1 was a worst team the majority of the year, it's just a fact
zeus reaction like he just won another solo q game is SO FUCKING FUNNY LMFAOO
Bro's like koby. "Jobs not finshed"
@@BlanexBlzyep, big difference in reaction between win vs geng and win vs blg in finals.
riot is so happy t1 is in finals, viewership saved. Faker brings everything and when he leaves it'll be a big hit to league.
Faker's retirement will mark the end of the league. It is the consensus in Korea.
even in Korea, GenG is treated as 'obstacle team' for T1
lol no I bet there's gonna be the next Faker after he retires. This game already developed a huge passion for its new/current players I wont be surprised when in the future there would be the next Faker.
@@rard431I agree everybody love the t1 ZOFGK roster almost as much a faker alone, the era after faker retires is in good hands for sure
@@rard431 Thats just not realistic. Faker has been the face of league for more than a decade. Players who have stopped playing league for a while or dont play at all can tune in to worlds and have a name they recognize. Sure there will be other big names that might pop up after Faker retires but none will come close to how popular or well-known Faker is.
The point about Chovy, at least for me, is something like this:
Best midlaner. Year of Chovy. Those were things you could read a lot in recent years. Don't get me wrong. Yes, Chovy is an incredible player - there is no way to doubt that. And yes, it wasn't his fault that they lost this series today - if one player were at fault in the first place. But neither had I the feeling that he would take over the reins to lead the team to victory. Making the one desperate game-changing play. Taking a risk if necessary to turn the table. For a player as hyped as him year after year and with the potential to be at the top, not losing the game is not enough for me.
Maybe that's just an uneducated view from a T1 (or more like Faker) fan.
Exactly. He is very passive this series that it makes it hard to teamfight. He picked engage champs to just never make any plays around the map.
Yeah I think "choked" is probably not the right word but definitely underperformed. Faker was making more happen in this series than Chovy was. Chovy usually is insane on tristana but he was virtually invisible in game 4 and even worse he decided to stick around and try to 1v4 T1 who were all healthy hps and died giving T1 the ability to end the game instead of GenG just losing soul and having the opportunity to try to setup another fight or force baron and make a play happen. T1 definitely would be heavily favored after that fight regardless with hextech soul and their gold lead but I genuinely was so confused watching Chovy turn around, put his e bomb on Zeus as if the entire enemy team was about to DC and he would get a triple and deny soul. There's legitimately zero explanation for why he turned around there. Poppy Ashe and Maokai were all dead. It's a tristana with no ult + a nidalee vs 4 enemy players. If they were low I could see the outplay angle maybe but they weren't. It felt like Chovy was mentally defeated in that moment.
Never the villain, but at the same time never the hero.
He’s simply not clutch, too risk averse, he never takes the 10% chance play, which in a game you’re loosing. Might as well, I think he’s afraid to int, which I think is what it takes that to go from a good player to a great player. A bit of psychopathic mentality. In this series, Faker flashed in and died looking for a trade in Chovy’s Trist. Faker will make those plays even if it makes him loose faster because he knows they’re likely to loose the game anyways. You gotta be willing to int to be great!
The thing about Chovy is he's good but this series I don't know, it's feels like I don't see the Chovy I fear everytime I watch T1 vs Gen G back on LCK, it's like the Chovy I go "shit this man is popping off again" and the next thing is T1 losing. Idk what happened but I think Chovy needs is strong mental, after that game 3 stomp the little semblance of Chovy goes puff, gone. If he wants to usher the next generation away from Faker as he said, he needs to have the quality of Faker, he needs to have the strong mental capabilities to be clutch or carry in games when it matters the most. He needs to be like Faker Azir "Emperor's Divide" against Ruler to win a losing game. That's the factors he need to find. Good teammate, strong mentality and the heart to take plays that can win the game no matter how low the chances are. Chovy is great but as long as he doesn't have those, he won't usher the future.
"We lost not necesarily because I was bad, but because the opponent was better" - Chovy in the teaser which seemed to be true yet again. The Script is real
He can't ever play "bad" if he never takes risks
@@leaguefixesyourmatches8259 Yep,he is amazing as a player. Micro/Individually a mid laner that you know will be consistent. But the issue is that he lacks the "Flip" factor.
In worlds the flip factor matters more because the series outcome is less systematically predicted than in the lck. In worlds you need to be prepared to take risks even at the cost of you losing. Like as someone said, JDG last year was about to win game 3 against t1 which would be a break point mentally but faker just literally run down mid and literally insec a varus. Lile the game could have ended there if faker got caught by knight or renekton but he made the play and won the game for his team.
Chovy's ahri was farming while t1 was running mid. He thought "I can trade for a tower". At that point the game was on a losing point in terms of macro. He should have just abandoned the tower,moved earlier and tried to arrive earlier to the dive in top to maybe catch someone or defend his toplaner. Also a lot of times he didnt match having a tp.
He is a great player and I hope he wins at least 1 world title....but he needs to change that and take more flip plays when his team needs it. I think if he is capable of that he could be unstoppable.
@@leaguefixesyourmatches8259and yet that playstyle won him most games this year.
@@speedforce8970 Conversely the way GenG has played all year is also how T1 went from being a team they've been beating 3-0 and 3-1 for the past 2 years in the most 1 sided finals ever to T1 almost beating GenG in Spring being up 2-1 over them. I seriously think League viewers have very short memories.
GenG's year was:
LCK Spring - GenG vs T1 - GenG barely wins 3-2 being down initially 1-2.
MSI - GenG wins.
LCK Summer - Geng vs HLE - GenG loses a close series and Zeka turbo gaps Chovy.
Worlds Quarters - GenG vs FLY - GenG for the 2nd time this year are almost eliminated being down 1-2 and this time it was vs an NA team.
Call me crazy but for a team that is supposed to be a favorite to win Worlds that's not a great record. It's not awful, but it's not convincing either. Both domestic finals are incredibly close and then at Worlds they almost get knocked out in Quarters by NA. Hats off to Fly for playing well but if GenG is supposed to win Worlds they can't be this unconvincing.
@@speedforce8970 And yet that playstyle helped not a bit to reach the worlds finals. You can argue in both ways - and both ways would be correct.
6:30 this is what I was saying under Caedrel prediction video. Chovy guy "look good and he not a problem", but look Ahri game. He was player with most resources and still he just "was there". sure he land skillshots and use ult for good positioning, but at same time Faked on Akali diving like 5 people, create space in fight, initiate fights, get summoners from enemy's carrys. and Chovy with most resources "just there". and it's every game. sure Lehends die a lot, but just to be clear, with style Chovy play, if it wasn't Lehgends, it will be Payz or Kiin for example. you never blame Chovy because you have no reason. And at same time Chovy will never be a 1v9 guy, who can turn game around. sure he could be guy who personaly never throw game with massive lead, but sometimes its not enough.
just to be clear I don't blame Chovy for solo lose the series, I just don't understand why people ignore this flaw of Chovy. He doesn't have killer instinct in him, but maybe it will change and then we talk. after all we, as fans, only win if players improve and show even better matches.
You obviously dont watch geng play since there are many games where geng is losing but chovy is the single reason they are in the game and him later on winning the game for them. In that ahri game you cant blame chovy for not being in the fight since there shouldnt have been a fight. If lehends and canyon wouldnt get caught chovy taking bot turret would be good. If he was mid then they would mega lost gold and not gotten anything in return.
@@David-hp6lu there shouldn't have been a fight? brother, its a team vs team game. The decision to have a teamfight is not always yours to make. If you actually watch the game you would see that t1 players are always looking to make plays. Chovy prioritizes his cs and only want to fight around objectives, but why would the enemies do that for you? Faker drop waves to make plays on the maps. Everytime geng members died, it was bcs they were outnumbered and couldn't do anything to fight back.
@@potatoesinvasion I mean in regards to at least the play they are referring to they are right. Lehends for some reason is flanking mid and greedily walks right in front to pass by T1 just after Chovy uses his TP bot to secure bot T1. If he just simply does not do that there is no extended play for T1. They don't then have the space to get the pick onto nocturne which then lets them get the space to get the pick onto Jax who also greeds to defend T2 top after his JG and support just died. I'm sure you've heard of the term "unforced errors" and Lehends, Canyon and Kiin all made unforced errors that started a domino effect beginning with Lehends just greedily pathing in front of T1 when his mid outer tower is about to fall. No one can help him and T1 saw both GenG solo lanes bot taking the outer tower bot. It's just troll. I'm sure you've had solo queue games where you are splitting and you tell your team "sit back, dont get engaged on. don't die" etc. only for them to walk mid with no vision and no business being there or they face check jungle for fun and they die and enemy team gets baron or T2 towers or inhibs off it. It's not your fault if your team misplays. You can't blame someone who made a good play in a bad position for their team making multiple horrible cascading decisions in a row. It happens. We've all been recalling pinging a core item we have to buy and we're no mana and you're danger pinging your team to stop being stupid and they just say fuck it and fight anyways and lose the game off it.
@@YuYuYuna_ When GenG playing well, everyone praised the team, now they lost, and fans are trying to blame everyone except Chovy. Do you know how GenG dominated their games this year? it was through their vision game, which mostly bcs of Lehends and Canyon. If you watch GenG games, you will easily notice how superior their vision games are compared to their enemies. This is not achieved by their jungle and support just idling around. Lehends and Canyon need to set up those visions, and they are caught by T1 who are always roaming the map looking for picks. Chovy has a huge lead on Ahri in game 3, he should be grouping up with his jungle support to search for picks to get back into the game. Instead, he always goes around the map catching minion waves, when he should let kiin catch the waves instead.
I agree with the killer instinct thing. Just look at the difference in runes and build on Ahri between Faker and Chovy. Faker - Electrocute and full dmg build and Chovy was playing Grasp. It's not his fault they lost but he's also not playing on the edge like Faker is willing to. You can't win worlds playing it safe, other teams who are willing to take the risks will steal it from you.
I think a large part of the "Chovy is a choker" narrative comes down to the fact that it doesn't matter how well he plays individually if he can't actually carry his team to a win on his own. And that might sound unrealistic but when Faker was in Chovy's position, still young and widely considered the best player in the world he did this regularly. Even in 2017 when they lost he was pretty much the only reason SKT even made it to finals in the first place, whereas Chovy just hasn't shown that level of clutch factor. If the hype around him wasn't as big and people just called him the best midlaner when it came to never falling behind in a game that'd be one thing, but for how many people have called him the best player in the world he needs to be able to do more than outperform his lane opponent to actually live up to the title, otherwise he's "choking".
Players have gotten too good for that to repeat itself. Individual carry potential has gone down a LOOT
it's a playstyle diff.. faker has spoiled everyone with this idea of what a great midlaner looks like, when faker is ahead he'll make a play or engage to snowball the lead, when they're behind trust that faker will look for an angle to make a game-saving play... chovy is an incremental player, he'll dominate his lane, he'll be patient and slowly transition the lead til your nexus explodes and you go 'how did this happen, he didn't do anything special'? when chovy is behind he'll patiently scale, TP to sides, push some turrets, trade objectives and try to punish your when you try to accelerate or waits til he has outscaled...when he wins comeback games you feel like he just waited it out, avoided you and outscaled, when he loses those you wonder where the fuck he's been all game - I do sometimes wonder how that makes players on the team feel when you're behind - on T1 it's clear, we're behind, look for plays, look for item spikes, wait for faker, press GO buttons, guns blazing...on GenG it must be strange, we're behind, wait and wait, scale and scale, give all agency over to the opponent and tend to your waves til an opening presents itself
As much as people shit on Lehends for his horrible performance, the support is probably the most difficult piece in a losing gamestate on a team like that...what's his job? supports don't farm, supports don't scale all that well, you don't have tp to make cross-map plays...you just sit around and do nothing all game?
he doesnt take risks.. that faker azir play last year.. chovy would never risk it in a million years.. thats why he is a choker.. man is not bold enough to take risks
The game also changed a lot. Before it was a lot easier to solocarry the game and individual skill mattered more, especially because the overall skill in general was lower than it is today.
Faker just has the guts to get chewed out to make those game changing plays. Chovy doesn't.
10:50 Despite the fact that GenG was T1's father for a long time, Keria and Lehends are big time rivals, they were both compared because of their extensive champion pools and creative picks. Just like Doran with Zeus, Lehends almost always had the upper hand against Keria, he was his kryptonite in every match not only when Lehends was in GenG
That is not true. Keria was upper hand so that is the reason why he is the national team support for Asian cup, not Lehends. He is top support in lck but because of the mystery of t1's summer season, sometimes Lehends becomes the first, but mostly it was keria.
Also nobody think Zeus rival is Doran;; In lck Doran's image is a 🎲 which can come out numbers -6~+6. And he rolls the dice every minutes 😅 His nickname is 'The random guy', and Zeus is not always good but his plays don't come out by minus..
@@까멜리아-e4fi remember 2022 and 2023 doran was seen as zeus’ father, it was a very well known reputation
@tehSupernerd That is because his random dice came out so good only by t1's game that years😂😂 Instead of match up with t1, he messed up almost all of other games, so it is hard to say rival..just a killer for Zeus I think 🤔
Don’t put Doran and Zeus in the same sentence.. what a joke
Lehends skin LMAO. He was honestly so tilted this series.
As a T1 fan, I highly respect all the players involved in the rift. I believe that Chovy isn't a "choker". The guy needs to take the time and reflect on what he needs to win, and right now, it's the 'it' factor, the playmaking, the high risk high reward which Faker has built himself upon.
But to commit to this means Chovy has to do an entire 180 with how he plays and views the game. I think if he gains the risky 'it' factor and integrate it to how he plays, he might cook something up for next year. I hope he'll be able to do it! Best of luck to Gen.G next year.
Certainly, and I feel like a lot of it is mental too. I hope that hard lessons like this takes Chovy to where he needs to be in the future. Guy has such immense talent.
@@ieatrisk He’ll become a different beast when he overcomes it, like the forreal second coming of Chovy in complete form. Would be awesome to see!
You can see the mentality difference in the Ahri choices. Chovy played grasp and had a zhonia too cz he thinks he needs to be alive to do everything himself. Faker was electrocute and full dmg build cz he knows he can go in, do as much dmg as possible, die and his teammates will win the fight he set up for them. Once Chovy gains the willingness to play the high-risk high reward style of Faker he will win worlds too, you can win a lot by being consistent but you can't get to the top playing safe, at worlds everyone evolves beyond what they normally do and GenG stays the same and looks weak in comparison.
chovy is only 23. barely halfway(?) through his career and he's already made such a huge name for himself. obviously he's no faker, no one will ever be faker, but even with only 1 international title he's so revered within the league scene. he has a long career ahead of him and I just hope he recovers well and improves for the future.
feel really bad for him tho. he almost looked like he was about to cry during game 3 draft. i think he does have a problem with his mental on worlds stages and this is just a barrier he has to overcome.
@@IgiveyouNONE no shit you bot they said that in the second sentence
the guy is the best laner we’ve ever seen with micro skills to back it up.
Until he proves that he can be the best player in the world, people shouldn't praise him that he's the best player in the world.
@@xsision5513 definitely.. i can see him creating a deft story for himself later on. it just seems crazy to believe that he'll never win worlds in the rest of his career because he's so young and still has so many years ahead of him, also because he doesn't have to worry about military service now
@@xsision5513 I agree on the best laner. He cs well. Plays his lead well. Knows where to maximize gold farm and is methodological in teamfights. But that's about it. Now we've seen that to win it all, you have to take risk and make plays regardless if you're ahead or behind. He almost never does that when his team is behind especially when he is the only sole reason why the game is alive and has the tools for it. The clutch factor is what separates him from Faker.
2023 semis: T1 wins game 1 with a stomp, loses game 2 with a maokai on the team, narrowly wins game 3 when they had a lead and wins game 4 with varus
2024 semis: T1 wins game 1 with a stomp, loses game 2 with a maokai on the team, wins game 3 and narrowly wins game 4 with varus when they had a lead
all against the favorites to win it all
2023: New Jeans buff
2024: Got to win to have a proper T1 Worlds anthem
@@kazuma2814 Yeah, they want a T1 anthem not a bloody LP anthem.
The media continues to create these debates between Faker and other midlaners, but the truth is that no one so far threatens his legacy, he is completely isolated on another level and this ZOFGK line-up could be the only one to beat the former SKT dynasty.
LoL is so lucky to have him.
If T1 wins finals, they're actually the best performing roster in history. The SKT dynasty roster changed each year. No roster has made 3 world finals and won 2 of them.
canyon collecting worlds placements:
2020 1rst
2021 2nd
2024 semis
2019 quarters
2023 pre-quarters
“It’s evolving, but backwards”
10:55 lmao Zeus just dead inside i love it
Bro looks sick
Put on Tank Zeus
do u know the song playing in the background at the start of the video im gonna ask the whole comment section atp i need to know
bro still remembering the 2022 incident
I think saying chovy didn't choke is true, he didn't really solo lose the games, but he also didn't win them any games either. Just existing and clearing side lanes wont work if you give t1 champs like vi/ashe and then again varus+pyke. Like his entire team needs to play around him or hes basically a non factor even in the game they won it was entirely peyz. Lehends 1000% trolled some of the games but I also don't think anyone on geng played super well. To say chovy will never win worlds, is a bit of a stretch but I also lowkey think he needs to stop being the +20-40 farm but down 5kp player if he wants to win.
he honestly did above average in most games which is sadly not enough to win.
@@xsision5513Any stats except KP yes. He is allergic to playing FOR the team. He is just useless and is a stat machine when the team falls behind. This time, it's already debunked that you need more than CS and Exp to win it all. You need to make impact for your team whether ahead or behind.
@@Linley-ut5jo KP doesn't mean anything when his team is dying on the other side of the map when their plan is to take sides. It's not like him pushing sides was solely his choice, they would have decided that as a team no?
There are two types of pro midlaners. On one side you have the playmakers with your fakers, showmakers, doinbs, and the other side you have the carries with your bdds, knights, and chovys. I dont think either style is better than the other, but your team definitely has to play differently around you.
@@folded2628 @folded2628 That's fair. What I wanted to emphasize more was the latter part of my previous statement regarding making impact and taking risks regardless of the gamestate so long as the team see it fit. The same can also be said about the rest of the team playing on the other side of the map. It's a team decision. My point still stands about the difference between playing for stats and sides and proactively looking for a play. It's a 5v5 game at the end of the day. Better midlaner was just more in sync with his team.
We really need to study the Gen. G choke syndrome as an org. Both their Valorant and LoL team choked in Champions and Worlds despite being one of the favorites to win.
to add to your point, their rocket league team choked heavily in this year’s worlds, they were 2nd best na team and lost to both OCE teams (first timer ever). It’s like if this GenG lost to fnc in the 2-2 swiss stage
I know a lot of people are dreading the day faker retires but this worlds has shown I think how much people already love the younger/current players that aren’t faker too. Not only is the ZOFGK roster super popular but seeing players like bin give his jacket to type crowd and just other things players are doing to connect to the fans, I don’t think too many people will lose interest in league esports after faker retires, there are so many passionate fans for everyone else in the league too.
For example viper is one of my absolute favourite players (even tho I main jgl) to watch and I can’t wait to see what him and hle do next year if they stay together
Yeah. It's nice that these new players are trying to be the new "star". Whether they like it or not, any esport game needs or it'll die.
Bin is an entertainer, That guy talks shit and isnt scared for it. His only "choke" so far was losing to WBG last year
Yeah interesting and I value your opinion. The match I watched yesterday every single time Faker got a kill the entire stadium erupted....
I think Guma is doing a good job slowly becoming the face of T1 and trying to fill in Faker's shoes aswell
If you are the best player in the world, you cannot afford to be invisible in the most important of games. Playing "just okay" while being considered as the best player in the world is what many would say is "choking".
tbf what did u want him to do faker is able to mkae big plays against jdg for example because he knows his team can back him up. Chovy had to sit there and watch his world class support run it down on cooldown. same with peyz ziggs satcheling into vi and not flashing skarner r in game 4. kiin was prolly the best player and canyon did nothing special either.
Exactly sure chovy didn’t choke this series, but as someone who is label as the best player at world for the past 2 year by so many people, not choking isn’t enough, he didn’t make any plays at all and didn’t do anything game winning, t1 over performed, but faked his counter part still stoled out even when his team was smurfing. Being invisible and just going(even)/a bit up in cs isn’t enough, in that game 3 chovy reverted into his old self, even tho he was 100 cs up of faker he kept farming and made zero play on ahri, pushing sidlane with AHRI ONE OF the main tool to pick someone off or start a fight
do u know the song playing in the background at the start of the video im gonna ask the whole comment section atp i need to know
@@jimbobuckets2757legit zero player on geng deserved to win that game, usally there a player or 2 that deserved to win o
@@wwekings9505 ye im not defending geng im just saying chovy didnt choke the players around him apart from kiin just werent performing
T1 a 4th seed down under to Finals World contender.
Give them an inch, they take it to world finals.
the ipman meme sent me
Honestly they're the best roster even if they don't win no other team has made it to finals twice never mind three times
I can understand the sentiment that Chovy didn't really make bad plays. But you compare things even while Faker is doing shit on the map he is never out of sync with his team.
Chovy for all his "greatness" has always been detached from his team mates no matter how good they are. There was a support diff because the support was in sync with everyone and there was a huge load of trust. But when it came down to it, Gen G for all their super teams never really looked like a team
I don’t think Chovy made any plays at all
Did you watch Geng at all outside of worlds? They played insane together the whole year and won MSI which was the hardest MSI ever in terms of format. Like I love faker and T1, but writing these narratives based on one series is insane to me.
Yeah,he didnt play bad but he is never been a teamplayer. Its not his style.
His style is the 1v9 player who has a lot of cs,gold and kills.
The issue in the world stage is that the better team wins. Doesnt matter how good of a player you are,we have already seen Uzi struggle so much even tho he was the best ADC mechanically. Worlds is about a team.
For example,faker sacrificed a lot of waves in CS so that oner plays more comfortable in the top side of the jungle. That allowed a good pick on the geng support who was looking for more vision and an extra kill.
Another example is when t1 was snowballing. Ahri had the chance of moving even if they were losing.
The idea of "trading gold" (taking bot tower) was what chovy had in mind. Is a very individualist and monolithic way of thinking about league.
Think about what the greatest players do. If ahri had started moving without even thinking about his cs or gold advantages and instead of "We need to trade gold and towers,I hope my teammates dont fuck it up"
the winners mentality should be "They are about to fight,fuck the tower,if there is a 1% chance of winning that fight I'll take it in a losing game"
And so if he had moved earlier he could have got there before they dived the jax and there was a chance of fighting.
Which is why faker has been in the top for so long,he understands not only micro gaming and macro gaming.
He understands league as a whole.
Even tho his champions pool,his mechanics,his KDA,his record,his titles say a lot about him. What really stands out to me is his understanding of league of legends. He knows what his team will do,he makes his team feel more comfortable and makes decisions based on what is best for every teammate.
That is why this team were rookies with a veteran mid laner in 2022 and now they are legends and the favourite team in the world and maybe one of the strongest Rosters in league history. They made it to 3 finals in a row now.
@@G2rtTrbro you have hidden talent in analytics. Keep it hidden.
@@rishabsaxena5251 but is true tho,if chovy played more for his team he would be unstoppable
At this point Faker being this good for this long is unfair lmao, entire pro player careers played out and hes still going hahah
Keria was literally shaking with the amount of adrenaline pumping through his veins. It must have felt good. Glad they won.
I think a main part to geng's loss is their slow meta adaptation, they have incredible player for cooking Lehends, Kiin, Chovy and Canyon they should not need to play those predictable drafts
Too bad for Chovy. He is good, just not his time.
I also watched a vlog of gen g where he sorta says that he views league as work, and he says he doesnt love it or it's hard for him to love it cause it is just work for him. I think this is the big difference between him and faker. Faker gives his all cause he loves the game he grew up with(that 11 years or more of dedication), chovy just views it as work. Maybe if he loved the game more he would eventually win... He needs more time... I mean It took faker 7 years to win another worlds last year. Lol
Lets goooo
T1 win!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
the fact is that Faker would've tried to find ways to bring the game back even if it meant losing it entirely.. chovy disappears in big moments and if you're gonna put the title of 'the best midlaner in the world' in his hands, he has to show up in big games consistently.
It's just a different playstyle. Look at the season games and how chovy outplays every other midlaner. He dominates you and slowly crushes you without you even realizing it.
If GenG is behind he farms and scales, waits for the right opportunity. Faker on the other hand plays more risky and is not afraid to jump in and try even if it means it could lose the whole game.
its wild to me year after year there are T1 doubters.
Zeus looking at keria asking himself why this guy is screeming so loud and if he is allowed to go back to sleep already
Insane how when it comes to worlds, this T1 roster just level up in huge ways. This is the main event of the year, if you can’t show up now, then when can you?
HLE and FLY broke GenG so that T1 can finally finish them off after so many years.
I think Geng started breaking after fighting kt lol
Yeah its like those 2 teams broke geng's shield you know
11:25 All roads leads to Caedrel💪sheeeesh😎🔥
Zeus looks giga locked in and absolutely disconnected from reality at the same time
Zeus: "These edibles ain't shi-"
Its cause he knows the jobs not done yet ❤
I think many teams including Gen G were really good into the double ADC meta with the new lane swap iterations that allows for an easier early game but many teams have made their own meta reads that makes drafting a front to back comp more difficult into sidelane comps.
I have a feeling the final will prove that some people need to be careful what they wish for, like BLG Bin.
I don’t watch the costreams much as I like the unadulterated streams for 1440 @60 and hearing the casting, but I’m super happy for Caedrel. One of the few EU creators I like. Happy for the Rat King
I was wondering why streamers aren't streaming 1440p. Pretty sure that's easy nowadays.
@@bassyey I think they worry about stream stability
@thestoebz That makes sense. I do watch Caedrel uploads, but 1080p streaming really hurts my eyes lol. While in livestream bitrate is lower, so I just wait for his upload. 1080p is better in an uploaded video because the bitrate is higher.
I would watch him if he streamed on UA-cam but I ain’t going near that cancer called twitch.
@@bassyey yep. Can’t stand streams at 1080.
9:47 thats my fan art hehe!
Go outside
@@firstnamelastname8790 Jealous because someone has an actual marketable skill and you're a cringy loser shitting on them on YT for it?
0:36 T1 made 3 finals in a row from 2015-2017 won 2 lost 1.
With different players. This is the same T1 roster all 3 years
@@crymoreyesyou mean different toplaners.. -_-
@@vasquezelijaha.6686 not just toplaner but jungler too 2015 had bengi, 2016 had bengi blank sharing time, 2017 had peanut
@@anotherleftie2255 just 2017.. bengi is the main jg of SKT in 2013-16
Reading all these comments on Chovy, here is my take. Chovy isn't known as choker because he chokes, he isn't known as choker because he doesn't make plays and carry games, it comes down to something even simpler in explanations. He is known as choker because you expect great things from him yet he doesn't deliver.
Chovy is not the next Faker, he's KR Bjergsen
That is a good point... Lehends definitely deserves a skin for all the help he gave T1.
The fact that Zeus was not showing emotion. Aura right there mentality of Solo Que
As a T1 fan I don’t understand why people are blaming Chovy. I think he played pretty good in the series, and he didn’t do anything that I would consider a choke
It’s what he didn’t do that’s the issue
Yeah, but he also doesn't have any moments where he puts the team on his back either. Let's skip Faker, cz we already know he does that. Look at BLG too, Bin's interview where he says he will win any game no matter who is the enemy or who's on his team if he's on Jax. Elk had that sick Ezreal play too when BLG were down. The only player I see in GenG who's trying to do that is Canyon when he gets his Nidalee, but this time it wasn't enough.
To be clear, I'm not blaming Chovy for playing the same way he always does, I'm just saying he needs to get to the next stage because he is so good mechanically, he just needs that confidence to say "play for me and I'll carry you" the way Bin does.
@@Arkanna96 I think there were definitely big moments that he had on ahri, where he tried to carry. He definetely didnt have any big pop offs, or series saving plays, but I was more so just saying he isn't to blame. He definetely needs to find those moments if he wants to be a world champ, but I think people are being too harsh on him.
@@Amsalja12 I agree with people being too harsh on him. It's a team game after all, there shouldn't be so much expectation on 1 person to carry everyone.
when they clutched the 4v5 in game 4 I felt like a 12 year old kid, started yelling at my PC, my wife asked if I am okay. Jesus Christ.
6:28 I agree on Caedrel,, Lehends always caught and he had a lot of deaths in this semis.
Zeus actually looks clueless all the time ahahahaha, but he's the GOAT!!
As a GenG fan it was quite sad, not just because of the fact that they lose. They have played perfect league for quite a long time but now people will just judge them by this semi.I still have no regret supporting them, hope GenG and Chovy can come back stronger next year...
No people judge them based on the fact that they lost lck final to hle and played quite poorly all of worlds. It's a fact they slowed down quite a bit after MSI.
I would also argue their style of playing is rather boring to watch (avoid fights, abuse meta, scale...). I mean look at the champs they excel at : Tristana, skarner, ziggy, corki....
I really hope they stay together as a team. Season was so fun to watch. But people will always judge like this. Chovy crushed every midlaner the whole year and still call him bad or say he chocked lmao
That is their problem though. They always play the perfect way and don't change enough. All teams at worlds level up. GenG stay consistent and they get left behind.
The issue with Chovy is that, if you're going to be known as the best mid in the world, you can't feel invisible in the biggest moments. It's not that he runs it down a ton or just flat throws, it's just that it seems he never really does anything to win. It's odd, but he just never seems to be doing anything to balloon gold leads or secure wins......at Worlds, that is.
He kind of feels like a KDA saver
Idk if league players/watch NBA but the parallels between the two sports is beautiful
Not enough conversation is made around whoever does T1's drafting strategy. GenG were obviously caught off guard by it and you could tell when they were slow to respond to it from Game 1. Then there was a mental boom during each Ban/Pick phase after that and the GenG coach didn't know what to do. The second game BP was goofy but they could've 3-0 if they didn't deviate too much from their winning formula.
13:10 When you combine two legendary brands into one post. T1 and VLDL. What an epic combination!
I was expecting to get worlds themed rewards on the pick ems log in rewards capsules like worlds team icons skins and emotes the after i opened them i get unpopular random emotes
6:04 In LCK Chovy is known as a mid who never chokes. That he never chokes and never stumbles whatever he uses, making him the powerhouse of the team. He is a near-peer with Faker as a mid liner but with a more conservative risk-reward calculus. Ergo, when GenG beat T1 in LCK it very much looks like how they beat FLY in the quarterfinals. It's an open secret that many T1 fans rooted for FLY that day. If Chovy looks as if he choked in this series, that's because T1 did everything it could from the initial draft to keep him in check. Chovy didn't choke, he was strangled.
9:10 _Chovy didn't make "world's best player" moment._
I think Caedrel was spot-on. That's how Chovy and GenG typically wins their game. They are much more conservative on their risk-reward calculus and that's how they win in LCK with their overwhelming might. But on the other hand when their strategies ossify into their comfort zone they underperform outside LCK and especially in Worlds.
T1 is the polar opposite. T1 is much more tolerant against risks. In this Worlds G2 evaluated T1 as beatable if their dynamicism and instability could be properly exploited. However, Faker has a "Courage to be Disliked." He doesn't care if he slips. Because when he succeeds, he either tosses Ruler with a Flash or beats a teamfight against G2 when he has three less inhibs.
Also, *shoutout to Flyquest.* T1 followed in their footsteps up to Game 3, and then banned Smolder and K'Sante for an extra push. FLY showing the current state of GenG in advance was a massive boon for T1. Because GenG is highly ossified when stakes are high what T1 saw was basically a simulation of them losing against GenG for the 11th time but played by a team that nobody had high hopes on. Flyquest flied so that T1 could soar.
@@knpark2025 Very good take. Imo playing a low-risk strategy will win you on average more games, but will not help much in the very high-stakes games as we saw in their own finals and at worlds this year and last year. Being willing to practice the high-risk style like T1 and be volalite will lose you more games but will help you win the very important ones like Worlds. Plus it's way more fun to watch high-risk teams like T1 and BLG. I am really happy they are winning with this style.
i believe in the 400k peak viewership for this upcoming finals
The thing is they want to see Chovy step the fk up. If you're labeled as the current best mid laner/player in the world, you got to show it. Playing good enough is not cutting it if you're at that level, you got to play like the best fkking player. He does not have the balls to do plays and risk inting. High risk high reward is not Chovy. Dude plays grasp Ahri and buys zhonyas instead of deathcap, nuff said
10:21 keria getting tired after running between lanes
14:52 Elk: Oh, fuck... we need to play against this team next week? ...
When GenG wins, Chovy is regularly hailed as the absolute best player in the world, an unstoppable monster who cannot be outlaned, plays perfectly, etc etc.
When GenG loses, it is never Chovy's fault. He didn't make many mistakes! His team (a hand-picked superteam which was being called the greatest roster ever assembled) just inted!
One of these perspectives has to be adjusted.
Were they called that? Imo JDG last year was more stacked than this GenG roster.
@@Arkanna96 I definitely heard it thrown around, but you're probably right. Last year JDG was considered unbeatable, this year GenG did lose to HLE right before worlds. Do you think JDG was straight up better?
@@Jacob-vk2xg I think JDG was way more dominant and had more star power in their players for the region, GenG also lost EWS even if it's not a really important championship. Not sure about the better part, this GenG roster would probably fare pretty well against last year's JDG depending on meta. The bot lane on JDG was really ahead of GenG imo but the mid-jungle is better on GenG. Top seems pretty even, both are dependable players.
“Strongest midlaner in history vs the strongest midlaner of today” was a script straight taken from JJK. Faker sliced Chovy in half this series
Am I the only one that's tilted anime watchers could/will get spoiled over this ? sure it was more than one year ago and everyone's been spoiled but still
@@PierreABIVEN-l7y shonen manga fans are super cringe these days, JJK and KNY fans post spoilers absolutely everywhere
@@PierreABIVEN-l7y oof sorry about that. I forgot it wasn’t released in the anime yet.
@ no no you’re fine I’m a manga reader lol but this meme is so used, it was already there in last years worlds haha
I swear keria and the gang had more emotions in this than winning last year's worlds
What is the song in the first 2 minutes?
viper (unreleased worlds 2024 song)
@@prize9550 thx bro ❤️❤️❤️❤️
6:15 Chovy didn't choke, but he was basically invisible
It is Jungle/Support MARIANAS TRENCH gap between T1/BLG
Just going in circles to mean the same, that Chovy didn't do what he should in this series for a player labelled as the best midlaner in the world for years now.
Yeah. People keep harping he is the best midlaner when in important moments he doesnt show up. He doesnt clutch. To be called the best u must play the best. Faker proved it in 2023 game 3 against JDG. Chovy as usual choked.
@@finaletermini people just love looking at stats and deciding off of that. Same way Peyz somehow ended up as the "best adc in LCK" this year. Nothing against the guy but come on, you got Viper, Deft and Gumayusi. Aiming's also played insanely good on a much worse team than Peyz. They both need to actually learn how to clutch a game when behind, they're very used to winning from ahead.
9:25 bro. just say chovy underperformed
He did you dumbass
Chovy doesn't look like he's choking because he keeps on catching waves. He uses his tp way too much hence that's why he misses timers/ganks/counter engage.
Bronze take, wtf you expect him to do in that game state, his team getting caught after a bot play is the best example
@@scrimwish you didnt watch any of Chovy’s games last 4 worlds? It’s the same thing. He farms side lanes while his team is holding on to dear life trying to get objectives and defend towers. Then in fights he plays super safe makes no plays to turn the fight at all…
@@ndnd7614pretty sure you didn't watch the game XD.
@@rishabsaxena5251 surely it's you, If you did, tell me how many times the caster mentioned that Chovy is late on the clash. And how many important fight was that. How many fight he can't respond after wasting his TP on a wave and his team has to fight 4v5. This is Chovy's fault, but it's hard to accept because he has good CS while faker is eating his team :)
@@Nick11156 so you are saying that chovy has always been late to rotations and his team is always struggling to play 4v5 and somehow he won msi and 4 lcks titles and was being carried. Man I love these degen iron takes Nick. Keep it up.
"The amount of bs t1 had to deal
With to get here" have thry fixed the ddos issue i know it was making it so t1 couldnt play as much with is so sad for any team to have to deal with
I really hope they fixed that, I can't imagine how stressful it must be for the players. Being on T1 is a stressful enough job already xD
Greatest roster ever and Fake is probably the third best player on the team...
Honestly, Chovy didn't choke but GenG really wasnt able to recreate what made them the "T1 Killer". They weren't able to keep track of Keria and get to Guma on the crucial fights. Zeus just made every attempt on him as costly as possible. Oner was able to farm freely in the early game. There was no usual GenG "choking one part of the map" that really made them hard to play against.
There's only one different from a guy with strong team who stomped everyone and one guy no matter how hard difficult the opponent or situation, with just one Dash action and Ult he win the game.
How many times can you just blame Chovy’s teammates? He doesn’t choke but he doesn’t have any killer instinct plays that take over games. Those are the plays you need to get momentum at Worlds
If you watch Zeus streams. He shows more emotions in winnin/losing games against Guma and/or Faker than winning a series in Worlds.
Grandfinal will be Faker defending his crown and the throne!! it's absolute cinematic
2:26 Faker with his stand [Faker] with his stand [Kkoma]
Really want t1 to win this year and then reach finals next yr against LPL.
Cause worlds 2025 is in china. Would be a great storyline
Go back to the shadows. "Cool storyline..blabla..why not win 20 in a row...each year new storyline". Sh.t up.
I also don't think chovy choked, if T1 doesn't give him an chance to shine or he isn't involved in a fight because he had to catch a wave and someone got caught it's not his fault that he didn't carry.
I think the reason why a lot of people are saying that Chovy was choking during this series is not because he was playing objectively bad, throwing, inting, making a tonne of mistakes etc.
He choked by not being amazing.
Chovy has probably been the single best player in the world for multiple years at this point. At least for mechanics and always going at least 50/50 if not straight up stomping in lane.
In order to be a world champion you HAVE to perform at your absolute best peak during World's.
That's the difference between Faker and Chovy when you boil it down. Both players have insane peaks, and you could argue that Chovy at his best is a better midlaner than 2024 Faker at his best.
But during World's Faker has consistently shown that his performance at World's will be his best performance all year.
Whereas with Chovy, you could never say he played objectively bad compared to other midlaners at World's, but it is definitely not the best performance he has shown this year.
Even if Chovy on his worst day is still better than most midlaners, showing us anything less than his absolute best is still him choking.
the choky meme doesn't really apply to this series imo, all of geng choked first game and u could see the lack of confidence in how they played as a whole before they settled in. but chovy is very clearly risk averse and we see it in several games this series, there is a fundamental playstyle difference between mathematically minmaxing resources and making high risk plays that create chaos and throw off the balance of the game. chovy showed in this series that he can not deal with that playstyle under this level of pressure, simple as. when the only way to come back into the game is to sacrifice resource minmaxing and gamble a high risk play, chovy will still refuse to gamble it and would rather bleed out slowly, which is why the discourse now is that he just completely lacks the "clutch factor" and caedrel says he didn't make any "best player" plays. all that really means is he didn't take enough risks when taking risks was necessary because he plays too conservatively and predictably. he may improve at this with time and experience, who knows, but currently his biggest weakness as the "best player in the world" is too obvious and it's that he's a slave to rigid fundamentals and low risk plays and it leads to him avoiding many plays that others would attempt and the best would succeed at
Chovy did nothing this series.
Like the Ahri game, he was invisible.
The trist game, he was in Invisible.
Like come on man. Chovy was not bad. He just didn’t exist. That’s his biggest problem, he is not the guy that steps up and makes that big play.
Man would rather cs. That’s the problem
I have seen faker, knight and chovy's ahri and I can say that Chovy is the best in terms of hitting his skillshot and yet he's the least proactive ahri I have ever seen. That guy will fight only if his team is ahead in gold. If not he'll turtle it up avoiding fights even tho he's kinda strong for it
he actually missplayed the last teamfight pretty bad on triss and even got catched stupidly.
@@PeoplePleaser578 I agree. He lacks the risking factor.
But tbh the big criticism its not because of this specifically. Some players rely more on individual steady wins,the issue is that this happens when it matters MOST. Like at this point he might never win worlds
Mega wrong narrative. You dont watch geng and it shows. One series means nothing. In the ahri game its so obvious that they want to trade bot turret for mid so they dont just lose gold there should not have been a fight but lehends and canyon got caught. Theres nothing chovy can do about his team greifiing in that position. Its so obvious geng wanted to funnel gold to chovy this game since he was the wincon but it didnt go well because his team got caught to much. If they didnt get caught it would of been totally fine to do this.
"chokevy was 1v2 the whole laning phase of game 1"
_shows Lehends at mid level 1_
T1 always have narratives because of faker, faker being this successful and have played for long itll revitilise old wounds as narratives or make new ones because of faker’s status
if people wanna consider worlds as the only thing that matters, then beryl is 2nd best player of all time. he made 3 finals in a row
He must be doing something right to get o all those finals and win 2 of them as well. Idk why he gets 0 credit. I remember the teasers in 2 years ago when GenG vs DRX was taking place and people being like "Ruler is a former worlds champion" and not one time did anyone mention that his opponents also had a former worlds champion and that beryl had won much more recently.
No because he's not from T1 and dare to beat them 2 out of 3 times he made Finals in the process. Look at Zeka constant bs or even Chovy now. You can't contest T1 on any ways or dare being better than them on a day. It's draft issue you know.
Only way choky win a worlds trophy is when this t1 roster disbands/faker retires
What's the music at the beginning?
Because zeus doesnt want to repeat what happend back in 2022 where he celebrated early.
The Tris pick was baffling. I don't think Tris was the reason they won vs Fly. Lehends, while beeing a world class Support all year, wasn't doing well vs Fly or T1. Could be the pressure (him missing a lot of Skillshots) or the opponents stepping up big time, or a mix of both.
Hes got nothing to pick. His smolder,yone and aurora got banned 4 games. No ksante for kiin, His ahri and sylas play didnt work so what else is he gonna pick or use? He couldve use kassadin but i think hes just gonna get countered
@@LawrenceACD He maybe was the best Smolder in the Tournament (up to Semis only Korean Teams were able to win with Smolder). His Champion pool was to small and the team was poorly prepared if your statements are correct.
Even if Smolder/Yone/Aurora were his best picks, these were banned in most of the games.
If the bans are hard focused on Chovy, than the rest of the team needs to step up. If he only has 5 Champs (counting Tris and Kassadin) he feels comfortable on, than it's to little.
He is far better than i ever was. In 100 Games i wouldn't kill him once. I still can say that he underperformed and maybe the close encounter vs Fly broke the camels back (at that time i thought they just didn't prepare for Fly and focused on their possible Semi opponents). Either way: Chovy wasn't the force we expected him to be.
I wonder how well Chovy is gonna play after he wins worlds, is he just gonna become a beast?
Lil bro had more viewership that LoL Esports yt channel lol
Certain players step up at the toughest moments, everyone knows that the lck season doesn’t mean shit, all about international. Same for every league.
the only way for GenG to win worlds is if they can get genshin boy next season
Tbh, ZOFGK is already the best roster, no other roster has done as much of them
Zeus: jobs not done. Is job done? I dont think so
I listened to my head and not my heart... and ended up f'ing up my pickems 😂
Its not a matter of Chovey having massive mistakes he just Didn't step up and stand out like he normally does. I agree though that the support gap was massive but Faker Did a Fantastic job of neutralizing Chovey in most of the games.
Let's be real. T1 never felt like they are the fourth seed this tournament
The problem with GenG is they're stuck on a specific gameplan because their star player Chovy plays very selfish and defensive so they excel in a slow methodical patch, when the patch is a bit chaotic they fall apart.