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I think a debate between you and Richard Cooper would be very interesting. He talks a lot about Genuine Burning Desire, but what he does not take into consideration it is expectedly fades along the years, and what can be done to keep it.
I had a girl I was dating cry when meeting me at an airport as I was leaving for vacation with family. I thought it was adorable and gave me reassurance that she really was all about me, at least so I thought. Turned out she was casually talking to another guy behind my back the whole time. Don't be fooled men. They're amazing actors.
@kelseybelle2732 She blamed him for her cheating on him and having sex with another man because he wasn't there for her. Another example of a female's complete lack of accountability blaming anyone else but herself for her destroying the relationship she had with her boyfriend.
Yes, because, even a dog will change owners if a new caretaker starts giving it food and treats. This is similar to the discard and favourite person dynamics observed with narcissists and failed narcissists like Borderlines.
This happened to me. After a weekend together, I had to drive 150 miles home in the Sunday for my work week. She began crying as I was leaving. My eyes actually welled up too, and I stayed an extra hour comforting her before I finally left. We ended up together for 3 years before I gave up on her as a person who could ever create her own happiness. Always miserable. Such a shame.
I briefly dated a girl who lived out of state. We saw each other every other weekend. I saw her one weekend and the next weekend was Easter. Apparently it was a major issue that I wasn’t willing to drive seven hours two weekends in a row. Her sisters said “If he wanted to he would have.” Turns out it was my fault, like always.
@LFDNC Whether it's girlfriends, parents or employers, I find when you say "yes" a lot, and go above and beyond a lot, they can't handle the rare times we say "no". When people react badly to my "no", I tend to be less likely to say "yes" in the future.
@ I agree. Something I did with my current employer that’s helped is make an offer with a boundary. They mostly leave me alone to do my work, so I’m willing to help out outside my normal working hours, provided it’s ok to say no. They saw that as reasonable. I haven’t said no, but I have a high degree of confidence that it would be ok because they don’t ask me to work extra. In fact it’s rare, which makes it easier to say yes.
@@SDGLFDNC From my life's experiences, it's always another female whispering nonsense into the girlfriend's ears and getting her to betray the relationship. Worst is the girlfriend always falls for it and listens to her friends or family members.
The woman that would do anything just to be loved. What she really means is, she wants a high value man to love her. There are plenty of men that would love her, they just aren't up to her standards. Send he a 50 year old sincere average man and watch how she turns down the man.
When I weighed 295, all I could find were dysfunctional, dependent women. I'd do my best to lift them up, build confidence, try to show them why they were worth loving, try to help them grow. And always got cheated on or left for another guy, for my efforts. Now that I've dropped tons of weight, I have visible muscle, worked on my style and my own confidence, and built myself up, I get flirted with every day. But we're at the point in society where it's almost all single moms or women you can almost tell are entirely walking red flags. I'm tired, fellas. So very tired. And that's why I'm getting a passport ASAP.
I totally get it and if I was in your shoes I would heavily be considering the same thing. But here is another angle that may apply. It might also be where you live. If you live in or close to a major city that's where the liberal's are most concentrated by far. If you are that serious to the point of going to another country and dealing with a completely different culture, consider relocating in your own country first. My brother married a woman from China and she's awesome (together over 20 years) but he has advised me to never ever marry a foreigner. There are many things that most people just don't think about like humor that may seem like its no big deal but in the long term can be a source of frustration, stress and even resentment. Just my two cents. Good luck.
Passport won’t save you, you realize the internet exist right. We live in a globalized society. The only difference you’ll find is if the girl is Muslim lmfao
@tvshowzonline Eastern countries tend to have more women that are traditional. You still have to be selective but your chances ..... you have opportunity there.
And wanting equality whilst still wanting to take a man’s well earned money should now be seen as financial abuse. The good thing about equality is that you can separate the geniune women from the narcissistic ones. Getting into a relationship for one’s money certainly isn’t love by any means and should be seen as abuse, especially when they earn their own money. Far too many decent men have been used and abused for their money and this doesn’t get spoken about enough and needs to be addressed.
This captivating video triggers a flood of painful memories from the end of my 6-year relationship just three months ago. The woman I loved with all my heart chose to walk away, leaving me grappling with an insurmountable sense of loss. Despite my relentless efforts to salvage what we had, I'm left feeling disillusioned and unable to imagine a future without her. Despite my attempts to move on, I'm drawn to express my deep-seated longing for her here.
The struggle to release someone dear to your heart is undeniably arduous. I empathize, having experienced a similar circumstance when my 8 year relationship concluded. Refusing to accept defeat, I pursued every conceivable avenue to reclaim his affection. Eventually, I sought the assistance of a spiritual counselor, whose wisdom and intervention played a pivotal role in reuniting us.
That's good. Trash cleaning itself up. I see no loss here. This means she/he never really considered the choices she/he made (outside of instant gratification). It also means she either does not see the investments made, or does not see potential in the identity has already has. Either way, I see lack of creativity as a personal shortcoming. Monkey branchers are people who cannot collaborate or take control where its appropriate. I mean.. imagine being able to make something nobody else could freely offer. A life together, if you will. yea..
it's pretty much fair to say women are walking psychopaths, narcissists, and manipulators now. like billions of women have all 3 of these traits and no one bats an eye
A perfect marriage or relationship is an illusion; there's no universal playbook for making them work. What's effective for one couple may not apply to another. Nevertheless, I've come to understand that there's always a solution to be found. Half a decade ago, my wife and I faced such trials in our marriage that divorce seemed inevitable. Yet, through perseverance and determination, we navigated through the rough waters and emerged stronger, reunited, and more resilient...
There is a lot of sense in what you just said and I hope mine works the same way too, we are currently separated but I cant live without her, I love her so much. wish I can get her back I can do anything to have her back, we have tried therapy amongst other things.
Its always difficult to let someone you love go, but in my case I had the help of a spiritual adviser who saved my marriage from collapsing her name is shelly renee white...
I think it's fake too, and I think it is just that she hadn't had a good cry lately and she liked the purging effect of it. And this felt like a good time as she knew it would be cute to portray it.
You're right. She's faking it. It's not real, it's a joke. She's over the top crazy for him, while he misses his charger more than he misses her. I thought it was funny.
Why is it when a man is upset, he deals with the situation himself, but when a woman is upset the footage must be uploaded to the internet for people to see her crying??
Partly because ALL footage of ALL women is them being upset. Have you ever met a female who wasn't upset in some way? Imagine how upsetting it would be to a woman if she somehow managed to not be upset about something for a moment!
Day, one absolute complete grief. Day two, slow recovery. Day three, Chad drops by. Day four, boyfriend comes home and she starts bitching that he didn’t bring her a nice gift from his business trip.
WTH is she crying about my husband was away for a Tour-of-duty! i was pregnant and finishing medical school while he was in Central Africa! God Grow up!
My wife was like that. Caused by neglect and emotional abandonment. She has pretty much matured out of it (even going to college now), but still reverts when something traumatic happens.
@@boxtobox1024 Actually i was born into wealth and went to school to be pediatrician. My husband a veteran of the military started a private security firm so we live comfortably. The only thing i remember that was hard for me was 2011 in Japan and watching my husband do two tours in a combat zone when he was active duty. Coming from a wealthy family doesn’t mean anything my name didn’t get me into medical my education and working towards that goal did. There’s a difference between opulence in Japan and Opulence in the United States. I had to earn my way which made my parents proud because i didn’t have to use their money and status to make my way. Everyone has a hard hurdle to jump and i don’t have to pretend to having a hard life. Have you ever had to work in a disaster zone? I did i saw my beloved Japan ravaged by a natural disaster. But i did my job as a medical student in training assisting rescue workers.
@MayumiC-chan9377 low iq as hell. predeterminism reigns your entire world and your outcomes. cope harder about "saving" people. you have inherently speaking, a very easy life compared to working class men
Interesting topic ... My experience with my fiancee was, she didn’t want to learn anything from me. She would rather seek anybody else's advice than mine. When she was in dire need, only then would she want me to bail her out. We obviously never ended up getting married.
She was maintaining to herself that she didn't need you and could figure things out by herself, and sometimes she had to grudgingly admit that she did need you, IMO.
Observations I made. This is an already broken woman. Universally, healthy women DO NO not react like this. 1. Anxious attachment: This is similar to a child crying from being separated from their parent. 2. Fear of abandonment or Neglect: This could indicate the woman has fears that are triggered by him leaving. A sign of emotional dysregulation typically associated with Borderline Personality Disorder that stems from childhood neglect or abandonment. 3. She's not the one who is codependent, he is. He will constantly be in caretaker/rescuer mode due to her emotional fragility. Sadly, a lot of western women suffer from this dysregulation due to the culture of non existent parents and over-reliance on daycare culture. This leads to serious mental health conditions; Either they fully become Narcissists or they become failed Narcissists (Borderline Personality Disorder).
*The only real difference between borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder is that people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder have a "false self" concerning their identity. People suffering from BPD have a sense of identity, whereas people suffering from NPD do not.
@kellygreenii I am very certain because these disorders barely exist in either developing or conventionally traditional countries. Imagine the instability of forming attachments to baby sitters, nannies, daycare teachers during your formative years only for these attachments to be broken because they move on.
@@tygon13 You are half right. They both have false selves, but BPD self is built out of straws while NPD self is built out of gold (the grandiosity). Meaning, BPD false self is extremely fragile and unstable and easily cracked, whereas the NPDs false self is complete and stable and difficult to penetrate. (Check out Otto Kernberg's theory)
@ Not quite. NPD and BPD both suffer from a severely damaged and weakened sense of self. They just deal with differently. The person with NPD acts like a pufferfish. They create this inflated (grandiose) sense of self in order to protect that damaged sense of self. “I won’t let anything bad in”. People with BPD have such a damaged sense of even where self stops and starts. So they form these intense attachment to people, meltdown at anything resembling abandonment, and project their distress (and its cause) out into the world. Their emotional development arrested at the toddler stage. “My life s*cks and it’s your fault. I h@te you….dont leave me…”.
The second chick around 2:15 is exactly what just happened to me. I didn't text my ex back for three hours because I was out shoveling snow after a massive blizzard. She freaks out and thinks I hate her and don't want to be with her. Escalates fights even further and refuses to back down. Social media and narcissism. I have a huge sense of relief now that it is over.
I absolutely do not mean this in an antagonistic or controversial manner. Women who think if they attach themselves to a great guy they won't have to work on tthemselves anymore and just ride on his laurels are very much akin to fundamentalist Christians who think that as soon as they believe in Jesus, they are off the hook and no longer accountable to continue their spiritual purification, growth, and practice. As wise men have said, "The best thing I can do for you is work on me, and the best thing you can do for me is work on you."
NICE I agree with this self improvement takes total self control. People love to cheat in life because blindness is the road to short cuts. Only to shorten their life span hmph.
I am a devout Christian, and you are 100% correct. I am in the PCA (conservative Presbyterian), and I notice 2 things: most folks in the church today are more interested in faking peace than making peace. It’s why I left my old church. The other is that the relationship behavior of women in the church is worse than the secular world, believe it or not. Most think they’re the prize and that men need to show that they are worthy, no matter the personal cost to the man. They won’t help you at all. I’ve never gone anywhere looking for a wife, but church is the LAST place I’m going to try to find a good Christian girl. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but they feed on each other; single women keep women single. Also, to your point about traditional orthodox Christian’s: You’re not wrong at all. Not only are they not interested in making peace (they’d rather take it), sin is only a concept not a reality. I have the privilege of hanging out with a lot of non Christian folks, and because of it I regularly and righteously get my sin shown to me in a way I can’t deny. I have had greater personal sanctification and opportunity to share the gospel in a dive bar with a bunch of working dudes than I ever have with any of my churches. The PCA at least is pretty insular.
Christian fundamentalist don't believe they don't have to work on themselves. It was ALWAYS understood by Christians for centuries that the work didn't stop. This changed with the modern era of Christians
I had a girlfriend like that years ago. When I told her That I'm leaving, she threatened to delete herself. Just proving my reasoning to leave. She was not stable. She also always cried when she didn't get what she wanted. She had 2 parents, that did (I guess) anything she wanted, so she didn't learn anything. Now I watch my (3.5 years old) daughter closely, so she will not be like that (or like other women I knew). My wife also don't let her do that.
Wow. This clarifies a lot of things. I have had a lot of girls like the first, they seemed madly in love with me, but then I am gone for a week, and they have hooked up with someone else. At some point, I just accepted that the great majority of women were incapable of loyalty. I developed a two fold strategy for dealing with it. Never get jealous (it's just your turn) if she strays, and make sure you keep your finances separate and secure. But ultimately, I realize that a lot of the blame lies with me, I was choosing girls like that because I felt inadequate, and wanted someone that needed me. Even my wife is a lot like those girls, she is very clingy and needy, but I chose her, so I will continue to do my best to keep her happy and make it work out.
This video is a real epiphany. It’s been a year and a half since my woman dumped me. I couldn’t say “I love you” enough. I couldn’t pay attention to her enough. Nothing was enough. I thought I was with an independent woman. I was wrong. This video finally makes me see what was wrong. I feel like such a fool for not seeing it sooner. I’ve been trying for a year and a half to figure out what went wrong.
I had a girl do this to me. She got butthurt if i had to go to work. I felt very manipulated, and stopped seeing her if I had any duties I had to do. Leaving was such an emotional ordeal that it ruined any time we had together.
I'm outing myself as OldAF, but actually reminds of a *guy* on early 90s MTV "Real World" who *the chicks told* needed to be "Independent Nate" for once.
My mother is in hospital with Dementia a woman's ward The elderly women have little or no visitors but they have family What's going to visit these modern women when they fall ill
maybe robots - anthrpomorph ir pet like. they won‘t suffer emotional stress from tha overall setting, can handle multiple cases and be reset | cleaned if necessary.
They'll be shedding tears in front of some other guy the minute you turn your back. And yet we're apparently the heartless ones who only want one thing.
Girl at 3:15 knows exactly why she left a really great guy but won’t say it. Her smile gives it away. She was getting attention from more attractive guys and knew she could do better physically. However, she gives up a great guy that will likely stay with her in order to lock down a hot guy that probably won’t. She goes trough this a few times or many before realizing her fertility window is closing and she has to settle with some blue pilled, less attractive, safe guy. She’s probably still pretty attractive at this point so the guy thinks he’s getting a great deal, not realizing she’s already had her fun, and she’s still holding all those chads in her heart. Women can make all the bad decisions and and still get rewarded with children and a house and so on. Either find a unicorn or Stay single and stay free gents.
nah, good women don't exist. the women who claims they're traditional or virgins post their bodies online, dress revealing and still get with several men
well… afore is actually what I see in any (presumably) 30..35+ yrs old, still functional xx.ine specimen [who still are fairly young to me, but on par SMV-wise in rollo‘s diagram]. anyone beyond is presumably worse, in lots of regard, and even vegetative. no thnx. JOMO.
I have never heard it from a guy either, but when I went on sex tours to SE Asia, most of the girls were pleasantly surprised that they didn't need to entertain me 24/7. They said that almost every guy from Europe or USA complained of being bored when there was nothing to do (sex can only take up so much time). They would have to find some way to keep him entertained. I would just read a book, go for a walk, watch TV (even if I couldn't understand it), or find some other way to entertain myself, especially if she was busy cleaning or cooking.
Psilocybin mushrooms have certainly had a beneficial effect on my mental health. They've been quite effective for me in managing my anxiety and depression.
My attachment style made this video hard to digest. The truth seems harsh at first, but I need to accept it for my own good. Thank you Alexander for saying what I needed to hear
If she doesn't believe you're her best option, you're going to lose. Generally 6mo-1yr you'll start noticing the small things. Nagging, disrespect, lack of sex, secretive, ext. These things happen slowly but surely if she doesn't believe she has her best option. It doesn't matter if you are her best option, she must BELIEVE you are. And this is exactly why women who use dating apps and social media are so difficult to date. They almost always think their best option is much higher than what is realistic for them. Their experience with men has ruined their ability to accurately self reflect attention and validation they receive. Casual sex is absolutely Pandora's box for most women. Some of those sexual experiences will forever ruin their ability to be content with the guy they end up with.
A women is never going to be happy, stop trying. Happiness is only temporary, and satisfaction of life is low on regrets, envy kills it when you are plagued by regrets and the never hads. Two things such people fail to understand is to see why they regret things, why they envy. It's simple really. Zero ambition, zero self respect. Allowing themselves to lose in things which hurt them or hurt others. Bad habits and bad behaviour leads to it too. I guess fear might be a factor off inaction, lack of motivation ect. And when it starts to get too late, some people become desperate, especially women.
well… as for the latter, that’s totally fine, even natural. time can‘t be reversed = turned backwards. I just wish for young gents to get rd.pll-wise aware early enough as to indeed deny bailput | exemptions from accountabikity to any such xx.ine fails above. for these young gents‘ very sakes.
I watched a video of a woman behaving like this. In the comments a guy said😂 “my ex girl used to do this but she cheated on me”, eventually, the lady who was crying because her bf was traveling ended up breaking up with her. It’s true, don’t choose a woman because of her tears. Choose her because of her character
women with character. ah yes, the ones that use you for money, class and looks. the good ones definitely exist in the west. they're totally not all the same roleplaying for the best men possible
In our 10th year of marriage, wifey got really,really sick. She had to stay with her parents whilst I went back to our business overseas. She took my last shirt and donned it on a big teddy bear so she could still smell me. That was 15 years ago. Chin up, lads, there are still some good women out there. Hard to find, yes, but still out there.
You know guys some guys win the lottery! Playing the lottery as a career choice can work! It’s rare but it does happen and when it does it will be that much more meaningful! Don’t give up hope! Keep playing!
Sounds as dependend as the woman in the video. No woman will be so crazy over a man like that. Something is foul here. This obsession definetly has a reason outside of "i love him so much".
People who constantly do things with friends or have a large group of friends and have active communication with these people tend to lack true understanding of their true self. It's almost like they are more uncomfortable with being alone and they have to fill their time and space with other people instead of being truly okay with being by themselves.
I’ve suspected this for a while. When I first heard the phrase, “I just need to higher out who I am,” it baffled me. Like, how do you not already know? And to make it even more clear, it’s a phrase I’ve heard exclusively from women.
If she’s dependent she’ll stay because she needs to, she has no choice, you’re her oxygen. If she’s loyal she’ll stay because she chooses to, she doesn’t need you, you’re what makes her good life greater. That’s the big difference between an unhealthy and a healthy relationship. All dysfunctional relationships are one-sided.
Related to the first clip. I had made vacation plans before I started to date the girl who would become my fiancee. She actually was mad at me because I went on vacation. I'd planned it months in advance. I'd call her and could hear the anger in her voice. I was younger and stupid enough to not see that as the red flag it was. Should have ended it then and there
This type of behaviour is a huge red flag. Its probably rooted in deep trauma. Its obsession/ clinginess/abandonment issues. And some girls who act like this have disorders like BPD. Dont mistake this type of behaviour as loyalty. Ive experienced this and got horribly cheated on.
I remember an ex behaved this way in the beginning. I got really irritated and told her to stop being so clingy (she literally tried to climb on me). I was only 24 years old at that time but why would anyone ever want a leech as a GF?
If she can’t handle him being gone for three days, that’s on her. Men should never have to deal with all that clingy stuff because men should focus on themselves, not her emotions.
The thing that got me to give up dating was realizing that most women actually can't justify why they do the things they do or why they have a particular interest in something its like why should I get to know them when they speak as if they don't even know themselves?
It is like Leonard's mom said to Penny. "You suffer from an external locus of identity" Meaning her entire identity was based on what people thought about her. Men may want to think it is cool to have a girl be molded like this, but trust me, it's not.
Thanks for the video, Alexander. Second half of the video hits a little hard due to recent events, but it does shine a sliver light on what I did wrong. Thanks again mate
I went on the trip, and that's why my last relationship ended Her being crazy and assuming i was running around constantly with any female friends while she could go drunk dancing with guy friends and her ex could bring her mom gifts, was a red flag anyway
oh please, women with abandonment issues or borderline do not reserve their toxic behaviors for the best looking men only. If anything they'll do more effort to bottle up the crazy for a chad.
spot on. love doesn't exist unless you have all traits that are desirable. love doesn't exist past that point bc all they want now are traits to provide for you. they may as well hire male robots
I really do appreciate your awareness to this, Alex! Bravo for bringing this topic to light. But I do ask a genuine question: In a situation where you do still 'go on the trip', and things become worse in the relationship, then what? Obviously the people I have dated have been extremely immature, but I have had situations with a few women when dating where she would be attached. Exactly like you showed and described. I would maintain a firm boundary in my path forward of needing to go on a work trip, maybe consoling a little bit to convey it wouldn't be too long, reframing, etc. Instead of being met with admiration I was treated horrendously, sometime abusively so. For weeks on end after a (necessary) trip, it was a constant source of contention to throw back in my face. Accusations of abandonment, not caring, etc. Since having these experiences, I have taken a big step back to evaluate the kind of woman I am attracting (and attracted to). Clearly I have a lot of work to do to better understand women, and even myself, which is a big reason I watch your videos. Thank you again for all of the energy and passion you put into these topics! I have unfortunately observed a lot of 'Cluster B' personality disordered behavior in the western culture due to our societal "norms" of today. I personally believe there is additional psychology at play in regard to behavior like this that is unfortunately not as easily navigated as initially proposed here.
yes, i love what you wrote. I think you should step into the blackpill to find some answers. ur comment will probably not get any likes ofc since its actually truth
When I saw this, the first thing I thought of was a lack of object constancy, meaning lacking in the ability to maintain stable concepts about people and things as they undergo state changes, especially when they go out of sight. It's why toddlers will stop playing to go check that a parent is still there in the next room.
The great amazing guy that got dumped by the one girl will be getting a text or call or social media message from this woman in about 3 years saying 'Hi there! I missed you!' after she has ridden the carosel for a few years and all of a sudden 'wants to settle down'.
This is so absolutely true. My ex girlfriend was like this, and I was put off by it and I wanted her to have her own identity outside of her relationship with me. But she could not or was unwilling to make sense of that. And it led to tons of problems. I did make the mistake of believing that at least it meant that I would have her loyalty. Absolutely wrong
Can you make a video on Luigi Mangione, the guy who killed the UnitedHealthCare CEO and discuss female nature and woman drooling over him because of his good looks
I wish i had seen this decades ago, I did everything for my exwife for 10 years, starting when she was in college. I got injured and couldn't work but was still responsible for taking care of the basics until i ended up in the hospital for a few weeks and she kept crying about when would I be home, but when I was almost ready to go back she asks for a divorce and says she just isnt in love with me anymore. I had to explain to her over the phone how to do our taxes and pay the electric bill because I just took care of all that stuff our whole relationship since thats how I was raised but coddling her for so long was definitely stupid of me.
I'M LEVELING UP FOR ME. I'm not trying to spend 24/7 trying to amass some arbitrary 6-7 figure salary,shiny sportscar,big house, and some pointless number of social proof. I'ma level up for me,in the areas I choose,and do(hobbies) what I like...for me. Plus, I'm Black (and NOT a "thug" or degenerate) so it's over anyways 😒. Chasing a "relationship" is too tedious and detrimental to my own leveling up process,so Nope.😒💯💯💯💯💪🏾🧔🏾♂️
I would gladly take a woman without a "boss" mentality, who was empty of aggression and assertiveness, with an identity based on serving others instead of herself.
You still don't get it don't you, a woman like this still wouldn't appreciate you for who you are, she would only need someone to base her identity on, and if you need to go on a work trip or take some time away from her for whatever reason, she'll quickly find someone else to fills that hole. Both metaphorically and literally, ofc.
Why put it on camera. They have to purposely set the camera up for the angles before they hug each other and put on a show. It's not funny or cute, it's FAKE
I'll never forget the first time she hit me with the, "you abandoned me", line. I about hit the roof, like b-tch are you for real? We spent a lot of time together for her to be saying that.
0:45 strangely im actually ok with this (kinda). if she is so dedicated, so loving, that her entire world is her man (who'd better love her as much and be as dedicated), then i can only feel happy for them.
What do you think is more dedicated A person with their own hobbies and jobs Who finds time for you and show affection Or someone who would come back to you if they see their routine of the day There's no dedication, there's no energy, that kind of person can only be scared
@_nutcracker its not about being scared or unable to do something themselves... AND I NEVER SAID THAT in the post. dont assign words to me that werent said. im comparing to some of the "alternatives" we see all the time where W are only after the money, and the guy himself means nothing. and she will jump onto a "slightly better branch" when opportunity comes along. in this case, she made him, the actual guy, her world and i much prefer that.
Cold Chisel - Khe Sanh She was like so many more from that time on Their lives were all so empty, 'til they found their chosen one And their legs were often open, but their minds were always closed And their hearts were held in fast suburban chains
It's still better than having a woman who could cheat on you in those 72 hours he's gone. I have my limits on clingyness, but a woman like this is somewhat of a green flag to me.
She can still cheat. You have no idea. Clingyness does not equal loyalty. You will learn that the hard way if you haven't already. It appears you didn't pay attention to this part - 8:44 - because that's exactly a high possibility. It's like falling for the trap of thinking going for mid girls with not so high self-esteem is safer, because they don't think highly of themselves. Even the "reserved" ones. Very often, those are the ones which are also easy to fall for anyone else with just a little push and then cheat.
@@haydenglatemore That is way too optimistic. "Just maintain frame bro" has been thrown around since the dawn of times of the RP. It's no surefire solution. lol
When you said that women often have no sense of self or identity, I think that's correct, but there's a beautiful way of looking at that...this is evolution's way of imprinting her bond to him. In some way, yes, it's kinda sad and pathetic, but that's not the real picture. The actual picture is that she's completely committed to him and that alone, is a wonderful thing to start a family with. That guy's in a good spot...and so is she. It's a good clip and a good example of a girl really wanting to be with her man. That's A+ stuff compared to the feminist crap we see here ad nauseam.
You completely missed the point. It has nothing to do with imprinting. She derives her sense of self, her worth, self esteem, from a man, not one man... ANY man, telling her nice things. It's not loyalty or anything... it is being helplessly addicted to someone else defining you. She is an empty mirror. She will reflect whatever is in front of her. There is no depth or real substance to her at all. And when empty she will actively seek out someone to reflect, like a heroin addict desperate for their next hit. It isn't loyalty to a man, or commitment to him. It is that without someone to reflect she is nothing. Because she has no independent sense of self. No defining characteristics or beliefs. No hobbies. Her entire existence is to reflect someone and to trap them into always being what she reflects. It starts with a trip. But he will lose every one of his friends. Going to work will cause fights. Eventually being in another room doing a hobby will. He will lose all sense of self as well. At which point he won't be able to validate her and she will leave anyway, having destroyed him, his family and friendships. Flee from this type of woman as if your life depended on it. Horror movies have women like this as antagonists for a reason. Living quicksand that will devour everything you are and no be satiated. Nor by the next. Or the one after that. Its not cute. Not endearing.
@@mycroft16you hit it on the head. OP I know what you're saying but this is the actual truth. Don't confuse this with genuine love and loyalty to you. Its her craving male energy and direction for her to feel right. That guy is just playing the roll right now but those feelings will easily transfer to someone she thinks has more direction or higher attraction.
This now makes me understand why I was so bothered with my ex girlfriend attitude towards learning. Whether was research for starting her 401k or a new phone or whatever, she would seek first for my opinion and as I taught her, she should know what she needed and wanted before taking advice from anybody else as nobody can decide her needs. Obviously never listened and went to family and friends and IG polls to know what to do. Now I'm grieving that ship but I'm in the process of understanding that I did want I could and took the best decision dumping her. Still hurts tho.
At 2:57 she is SUPPOSED to join his ship, his crew, take on HIS last name, have HIS kids. The view you describe, egalitarianism, is a big reason what got us into this mess in the first place.
You're doing a good job Alexander. That ultra-feminist stuff NEEDS to be addressed. It hurts both women and men. Also I think its better to stop using word "dump". People are not trash to be "dumped". This is straight away a victim position. To balance things out the contrary and positive women behaviour need to be showcased. Its not ALL spikes or roses out there in the world. Every man should find ONLY ONE woman that fits him 60-90% the rest you will have to change maybe too to fit her too. Also there is a way for solitude too if you're tired from relationship. Pick the best option that fits you best. Good luck all!
This is super common in the military. Commands literally have to offer information to men shipping out on deployment. Girlfriends, wives almost ALWAYS have some sort of breakdown before the man leaves. Couples that rarely fight will almost always have issues right before he leaves.
In fairness, with the military, being deployed can have serious consequences and is often for months. This girl was freaking out over a 3 day trip. It's an entirely different level. Yeah, military absolutely does the right thing with how they handle it, but for most it very likely isn't what these women are doing.
Uniqueness is the only thing that garners loyalty from her. If you cannot be replaced, she will be loyal. Even if she dumps you or aggravates you to the point of dumping her, she will remain loyal in spite of herself. She will beat herself up for losing the relationship if there are aspects of you she cannot get anywhere else.
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I think a debate between you and Richard Cooper would be very interesting. He talks a lot about Genuine Burning Desire, but what he does not take into consideration it is expectedly fades along the years, and what can be done to keep it.
I had a girl I was dating cry when meeting me at an airport as I was leaving for vacation with family. I thought it was adorable and gave me reassurance that she really was all about me, at least so I thought.
Turned out she was casually talking to another guy behind my back the whole time.
Don't be fooled men. They're amazing actors.
@kelseybelle2732 She blamed him for her cheating on him and having sex with another man because he wasn't there for her. Another example of a female's complete lack of accountability blaming anyone else but herself for her destroying the relationship she had with her boyfriend.
If you understand women, you will see them all as grade B or C actors.
@@kelseybelle2732so much broken relationships and not enough kids being born today. America’s future looking grim
Emmy winners
The only sincere woman’s cry is when she cries alone and knows nobody hears her. All the rest is manipulation and acting.
Dependency does not equal loyalty.
Female dependency = clingy, desperate, and probably fickle too.
Yes, because, even a dog will change owners if a new caretaker starts giving it food and treats.
This is similar to the discard and favourite person dynamics observed with narcissists and failed narcissists like Borderlines.
Women have a problem with doing for themselves truly being independent. Not the needy type big difference
if a man acted like this woman he would get dumped in 5 seconds.
As he should
Lets not start this the sexes should be equal part
Phycological weakness needs to be accepted only by females and kids
Men CAN be strong
💯true 😂
5 seconds is way too long!
luckily though, we are not the same. whew!
It's cute and funny at first, but then it's annoying and unproductive.
This happened to me. After a weekend together, I had to drive 150 miles home in the Sunday for my work week. She began crying as I was leaving. My eyes actually welled up too, and I stayed an extra hour comforting her before I finally left. We ended up together for 3 years before I gave up on her as a person who could ever create her own happiness. Always miserable. Such a shame.
I briefly dated a girl who lived out of state. We saw each other every other weekend. I saw her one weekend and the next weekend was Easter. Apparently it was a major issue that I wasn’t willing to drive seven hours two weekends in a row. Her sisters said “If he wanted to he would have.” Turns out it was my fault, like always.
@LFDNC Whether it's girlfriends, parents or employers, I find when you say "yes" a lot, and go above and beyond a lot, they can't handle the rare times we say "no". When people react badly to my "no", I tend to be less likely to say "yes" in the future.
@ I agree. Something I did with my current employer that’s helped is make an offer with a boundary. They mostly leave me alone to do my work, so I’m willing to help out outside my normal working hours, provided it’s ok to say no. They saw that as reasonable. I haven’t said no, but I have a high degree of confidence that it would be ok because they don’t ask me to work extra. In fact it’s rare, which makes it easier to say yes.
@@SDGLFDNC From my life's experiences, it's always another female whispering nonsense into the girlfriend's ears and getting her to betray the relationship. Worst is the girlfriend always falls for it and listens to her friends or family members.
@@SDGLFDNC what offers/boundaries did you make?
"You are not special, she is just dysfunctional"😮😂
Edit:Thanks for the likes, God bless🥰
Hear dysfunction.. makes me special 😅
The woman that would do anything just to be loved. What she really means is, she wants a high value man to love her. There are plenty of men that would love her, they just aren't up to her standards. Send he a 50 year old sincere average man and watch how she turns down the man.
Exactly ❤
Codependent* it stems from childhood trauma. I've known a deeply codependent women and it can truly make a relationship toxic / unhealthy.
@@stephen-devthat’s not at all what that means, and I’m not dating a 50 year old woman either what is wrong with you.
When I weighed 295, all I could find were dysfunctional, dependent women. I'd do my best to lift them up, build confidence, try to show them why they were worth loving, try to help them grow.
And always got cheated on or left for another guy, for my efforts.
Now that I've dropped tons of weight, I have visible muscle, worked on my style and my own confidence, and built myself up, I get flirted with every day. But we're at the point in society where it's almost all single moms or women you can almost tell are entirely walking red flags.
I'm tired, fellas. So very tired. And that's why I'm getting a passport ASAP.
What do you mean by getting a passport? Are you homeless?
I totally get it and if I was in your shoes I would heavily be considering the same thing. But here is another angle that may apply. It might also be where you live. If you live in or close to a major city that's where the liberal's are most concentrated by far. If you are that serious to the point of going to another country and dealing with a completely different culture, consider relocating in your own country first. My brother married a woman from China and she's awesome (together over 20 years) but he has advised me to never ever marry a foreigner. There are many things that most people just don't think about like humor that may seem like its no big deal but in the long term can be a source of frustration, stress and even resentment. Just my two cents. Good luck.
Passport won’t save you, you realize the internet exist right. We live in a globalized society. The only difference you’ll find is if the girl is Muslim lmfao
@@tvshowzonlineclose, he’s delusional. These people have never dated a foreigner so they’re still in fantasy land.
@tvshowzonline Eastern countries tend to have more women that are traditional. You still have to be selective but your chances ..... you have opportunity there.
It’s not love, it’s control
It's neuroticism.
It´s dependency and it´s unhealthy.
A deceptive kind that masks their true intentions with tears.
And wanting equality whilst still wanting to take a man’s well earned money should now be seen as financial abuse. The good thing about equality is that you can separate the geniune women from the narcissistic ones. Getting into a relationship for one’s money certainly isn’t love by any means and should be seen as abuse, especially when they earn their own money. Far too many decent men have been used and abused for their money and this doesn’t get spoken about enough and needs to be addressed.
Exactly ❤
This captivating video triggers a flood of painful memories from the end of my 6-year relationship just three months ago. The woman I loved with all my heart chose to walk away, leaving me grappling with an insurmountable sense of loss. Despite my relentless efforts to salvage what we had, I'm left feeling disillusioned and unable to imagine a future without her. Despite my attempts to move on, I'm drawn to express my deep-seated longing for her here.
The struggle to release someone dear to your heart is undeniably arduous. I empathize, having experienced a similar circumstance when my 8 year relationship concluded. Refusing to accept defeat, I pursued every conceivable avenue to reclaim his affection. Eventually, I sought the assistance of a spiritual counselor, whose wisdom and intervention played a pivotal role in reuniting us.
Where did you find a spiritual counselor, and how can I get in touch with her?
The spiritual counselor is Suzanne Ann Walters.
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online.
"you're not special, shes just disfunctional!" Bro we need a t-shirt with this on! 🔥🔥
Men, keep your hobbies, sports, friends, bands, cars, video games, assets.
Don't sign a contract with the state that can take all this away.
There are men that have gone 3 years without going on a date. Never mind missing 3 days without a woman with him.
3 years is a short time for some men lol my personal record is 25 years XD
3?! Rookie Numbers.
Date? Lol. How about just being touched? I mean outside of the occasional handshake or fist bump.
@@davidbai3543Gotta be patient bro, let things develop naturally. It’s only been a quarter century. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
@@Anicca108 25 years is my best streak, but I’m not 25 lol 😂
As soon as a woman finds an identity outside the relationship she’ll find it with another guy.
I believe you're thinking of marrying a child. Good luck with that.
That's good. Trash cleaning itself up. I see no loss here.
This means she/he never really considered the choices she/he made (outside of instant gratification). It also means she either does not see the investments made, or does not see potential in the identity has already has. Either way, I see lack of creativity as a personal shortcoming. Monkey branchers are people who cannot collaborate or take control where its appropriate. I mean.. imagine being able to make something nobody else could freely offer. A life together, if you will. yea..
it's pretty much fair to say women are walking psychopaths, narcissists, and manipulators now. like billions of women have all 3 of these traits and no one bats an eye
She finds someone to fill her up.
A perfect marriage or relationship is an illusion; there's no universal playbook for making them work. What's effective for one couple may not apply to another. Nevertheless, I've come to understand that there's always a solution to be found. Half a decade ago, my wife and I faced such trials in our marriage that divorce seemed inevitable. Yet, through perseverance and determination, we navigated through the rough waters and emerged stronger, reunited, and more resilient...
There is a lot of sense in what you just said and I hope mine works the same way too, we are currently separated but I cant live without her, I love her so much. wish I can get her back I can do anything to have her back, we have tried therapy amongst other things.
Its always difficult to let someone you love go, but in my case I had the help of a spiritual adviser who saved my marriage from collapsing her name is shelly renee white...
This is helpful, I will look her up online right now...Thanks..
You wont regret it.
No she's fake crying. As soon as he's gone she'll be on her phone setting something up.
I think it's fake too, and I think it is just that she hadn't had a good cry lately and she liked the purging effect of it. And this felt like a good time as she knew it would be cute to portray it.
She will be getting trained by the basketball team 3 hours later.
Exactly. Out of sight, out of mind.
There are NO TEARS!!!
You're right. She's faking it. It's not real, it's a joke. She's over the top crazy for him, while he misses his charger more than he misses her. I thought it was funny.
Why is it when a man is upset, he deals with the situation himself, but when a woman is upset the footage must be uploaded to the internet for people to see her crying??
Partly because ALL footage of ALL women is them being upset. Have you ever met a female who wasn't upset in some way?
Imagine how upsetting it would be to a woman if she somehow managed to not be upset about something for a moment!
Educational purposes
Because it is a PERFORMANCE..and thus needs an AUDIENCE. Men got real stuff to get done so we don’t got time for fake crying posts😅
They're educating us and they don't even realize it.
females cry on the internet from the age of 11 or 12 and we wonder why society has collapsed
Day, one absolute complete grief. Day two, slow recovery. Day three, Chad drops by. Day four, boyfriend comes home and she starts bitching that he didn’t bring her a nice gift from his business trip.
WTH is she crying about my husband was away for a Tour-of-duty!
i was pregnant and finishing medical school while he was in Central Africa!
God Grow up!
My wife was like that. Caused by neglect and emotional abandonment. She has pretty much matured out of it (even going to college now), but still reverts when something traumatic happens.
you sound like you're born into wealth and simultaneously pretend your life is hard. crazy world
@@boxtobox1024 Actually i was born into wealth and went to school to be pediatrician.
My husband a veteran of the military started a private security firm so we live comfortably.
The only thing i remember that was hard for me was 2011 in Japan and watching my husband do
two tours in a combat zone when he was active duty. Coming from a wealthy family doesn’t mean anything my name didn’t get me into medical my education and working towards that goal did.
There’s a difference between opulence in Japan and Opulence in the United States. I had to earn my way
which made my parents proud because i didn’t have to use their money and status to make my way.
Everyone has a hard hurdle to jump and i don’t have to pretend to having a hard life.
Have you ever had to work in a disaster zone? I did i saw my beloved Japan ravaged by a natural disaster.
But i did my job as a medical student in training assisting rescue workers.
low iq as hell. predeterminism reigns your entire world and your outcomes. cope harder about "saving" people. you have inherently speaking, a very easy life compared to working class men
Interesting topic ... My experience with my fiancee was, she didn’t want to learn anything from me. She would rather seek anybody else's advice than mine. When she was in dire need, only then would she want me to bail her out. We obviously never ended up getting married.
Good for you sir
That woman didn't love you
You deserve someone that does
Sounds like she thought she'd be a burden
It’s so important that your girlfriend be reasonable otherwise it’s a waste of time
She was maintaining to herself that she didn't need you and could figure things out by herself, and sometimes she had to grudgingly admit that she did need you, IMO.
Same thing happened to me, she became offended when I gave tips because she didn't know. Like cooking!
Observations I made. This is an already broken woman. Universally, healthy women DO NO not react like this.
1. Anxious attachment: This is similar to a child crying from being separated from their parent.
2. Fear of abandonment or Neglect: This could indicate the woman has fears that are triggered by him leaving. A sign of emotional dysregulation typically associated with Borderline Personality Disorder that stems from childhood neglect or abandonment.
3. She's not the one who is codependent, he is. He will constantly be in caretaker/rescuer mode due to her emotional fragility.
Sadly, a lot of western women suffer from this dysregulation due to the culture of non existent parents and over-reliance on daycare culture.
This leads to serious mental health conditions;
Either they fully become Narcissists or they become failed Narcissists (Borderline Personality Disorder).
That’s what I’m starting to wonder. Are we seeing the rise of disordered attachment due to kids being raised in daycare?
*The only real difference between borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder is that people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder have a "false self" concerning their identity. People suffering from BPD have a sense of identity, whereas people suffering from NPD do not.
@kellygreenii I am very certain because these disorders barely exist in either developing or conventionally traditional countries.
Imagine the instability of forming attachments to baby sitters, nannies, daycare teachers during your formative years only for these attachments to be broken because they move on.
@@tygon13 You are half right. They both have false selves, but BPD self is built out of straws while NPD self is built out of gold (the grandiosity). Meaning, BPD false self is extremely fragile and unstable and easily cracked, whereas the NPDs false self is complete and stable and difficult to penetrate.
(Check out Otto Kernberg's theory)
@ Not quite. NPD and BPD both suffer from a severely damaged and weakened sense of self. They just deal with differently.
The person with NPD acts like a pufferfish. They create this inflated (grandiose) sense of self in order to protect that damaged sense of self. “I won’t let anything bad in”.
People with BPD have such a damaged sense of even where self stops and starts. So they form these intense attachment to people, meltdown at anything resembling abandonment, and project their distress (and its cause) out into the world. Their emotional development arrested at the toddler stage.
“My life s*cks and it’s your fault. I h@te you….dont leave me…”.
The second chick around 2:15 is exactly what just happened to me. I didn't text my ex back for three hours because I was out shoveling snow after a massive blizzard.
She freaks out and thinks I hate her and don't want to be with her. Escalates fights even further and refuses to back down.
Social media and narcissism. I have a huge sense of relief now that it is over.
I absolutely do not mean this in an antagonistic or controversial manner. Women who think if they attach themselves to a great guy they won't have to work on tthemselves anymore and just ride on his laurels are very much akin to fundamentalist Christians who think that as soon as they believe in Jesus, they are off the hook and no longer accountable to continue their spiritual purification, growth, and practice. As wise men have said, "The best thing I can do for you is work on me, and the best thing you can do for me is work on you."
NICE I agree with this self improvement takes total self control. People love to cheat in life because blindness is the road to short cuts. Only to shorten their life span hmph.
I am a devout Christian, and you are 100% correct. I am in the PCA (conservative Presbyterian), and I notice 2 things: most folks in the church today are more interested in faking peace than making peace. It’s why I left my old church. The other is that the relationship behavior of women in the church is worse than the secular world, believe it or not. Most think they’re the prize and that men need to show that they are worthy, no matter the personal cost to the man. They won’t help you at all. I’ve never gone anywhere looking for a wife, but church is the LAST place I’m going to try to find a good Christian girl. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but they feed on each other; single women keep women single.
Also, to your point about traditional orthodox Christian’s: You’re not wrong at all. Not only are they not interested in making peace (they’d rather take it), sin is only a concept not a reality. I have the privilege of hanging out with a lot of non Christian folks, and because of it I regularly and righteously get my sin shown to me in a way I can’t deny. I have had greater personal sanctification and opportunity to share the gospel in a dive bar with a bunch of working dudes than I ever have with any of my churches. The PCA at least is pretty insular.
Thats why I love Jesse Lee Peterson
@@gilbertcouto8537whaaaat???🤣🤣🤣 the 2024 slave?? THATS YOUR IDOL?? Maybe I need to stop watching these videos I don’t want to end up like you
Christian fundamentalist don't believe they don't have to work on themselves. It was ALWAYS understood by Christians for centuries that the work didn't stop. This changed with the modern era of Christians
I had a girlfriend like that years ago. When I told her That I'm leaving, she threatened to delete herself. Just proving my reasoning to leave. She was not stable. She also always cried when she didn't get what she wanted. She had 2 parents, that did (I guess) anything she wanted, so she didn't learn anything. Now I watch my (3.5 years old) daughter closely, so she will not be like that (or like other women I knew). My wife also don't let her do that.
Treat her like a princess, she'll treat you like a servent boy
Nah, doesn't matter how you treat her, you will always be treated horribly in return.
Wow. This clarifies a lot of things. I have had a lot of girls like the first, they seemed madly in love with me, but then I am gone for a week, and they have hooked up with someone else. At some point, I just accepted that the great majority of women were incapable of loyalty. I developed a two fold strategy for dealing with it. Never get jealous (it's just your turn) if she strays, and make sure you keep your finances separate and secure. But ultimately, I realize that a lot of the blame lies with me, I was choosing girls like that because I felt inadequate, and wanted someone that needed me. Even my wife is a lot like those girls, she is very clingy and needy, but I chose her, so I will continue to do my best to keep her happy and make it work out.
This video is a real epiphany. It’s been a year and a half since my woman dumped me. I couldn’t say “I love you” enough. I couldn’t pay attention to her enough. Nothing was enough. I thought I was with an independent woman. I was wrong. This video finally makes me see what was wrong. I feel like such a fool for not seeing it sooner. I’ve been trying for a year and a half to figure out what went wrong.
Why are we acting like women don’t know any better and that men should take the blame for “enabling” her?
because alexander still thinks highly of women
Because society is sooo p***y whipped and filled with white knights. It makes me sick.
I had a girl do this to me. She got butthurt if i had to go to work. I felt very manipulated, and stopped seeing her if I had any duties I had to do. Leaving was such an emotional ordeal that it ruined any time we had together.
Relationships are fragile. Often human nature leads one to respond or react in a way that causes irreparable damage.
I'm outing myself as OldAF, but actually reminds of a *guy* on early 90s MTV "Real World" who *the chicks told* needed to be "Independent Nate" for once.
My mother is in hospital with Dementia a woman's ward
The elderly women have little or no visitors but they have family
What's going to visit these modern women when they fall ill
maybe robots - anthrpomorph ir pet like. they won‘t suffer emotional stress from tha overall setting, can handle multiple cases and be reset | cleaned if necessary.
one ex gf cheated because i took 2 weeks to prepare for college exams.
What grade did you get?
They'll be shedding tears in front of some other guy the minute you turn your back. And yet we're apparently the heartless ones who only want one thing.
Girl at 3:15 knows exactly why she left a really great guy but won’t say it. Her smile gives it away. She was getting attention from more attractive guys and knew she could do better physically. However, she gives up a great guy that will likely stay with her in order to lock down a hot guy that probably won’t. She goes trough this a few times or many before realizing her fertility window is closing and she has to settle with some blue pilled, less attractive, safe guy. She’s probably still pretty attractive at this point so the guy thinks he’s getting a great deal, not realizing she’s already had her fun, and she’s still holding all those chads in her heart. Women can make all the bad decisions and and still get rewarded with children and a house and so on. Either find a unicorn or Stay single and stay free gents.
nah, good women don't exist. the women who claims they're traditional or virgins post their bodies online, dress revealing and still get with several men
well… afore is actually what I see in any (presumably) 30..35+ yrs old, still functional xx.ine specimen [who still are fairly young to me, but on par SMV-wise in rollo‘s diagram]. anyone beyond is presumably worse, in lots of regard, and even vegetative. no thnx. JOMO.
There are no unicorns, only good actresses
I've heard W whine "I'm bored!" many times. I've never heard that from M.
I have never heard it from a guy either, but when I went on sex tours to SE Asia, most of the girls were pleasantly surprised that they didn't need to entertain me 24/7. They said that almost every guy from Europe or USA complained of being bored when there was nothing to do (sex can only take up so much time). They would have to find some way to keep him entertained. I would just read a book, go for a walk, watch TV (even if I couldn't understand it), or find some other way to entertain myself, especially if she was busy cleaning or cooking.
it's always probably the number 1 reason women will use when they reject a guy. even 10 year old girls are able to do this
Cute or controlling? Cute to say "I will miss you". Controlling to have an emotional breakdown over being apart for any period of time.
100% she's the one you're worried about offing herself if you're the one who initiated the breakup.
I can understand getting emotional to a degree if the period of separation is significant.
3 days is just 🥜.
Psilocybin mushrooms have certainly had a beneficial effect on my mental health. They've been quite effective for me in managing my anxiety and depression.
Yes, he is
You can look him up
Psychedelic mushrooms had a profound healing effect on my severe PTSD that I struggled with for years.
Can I order from levishroomies if I'm in MN?
My attachment style made this video hard to digest. The truth seems harsh at first, but I need to accept it for my own good. Thank you Alexander for saying what I needed to hear
why would you need to attach to women when you're aware they provide nothing for you in the sense of love. that's weird.
If she doesn't believe you're her best option, you're going to lose. Generally 6mo-1yr you'll start noticing the small things. Nagging, disrespect, lack of sex, secretive, ext. These things happen slowly but surely if she doesn't believe she has her best option. It doesn't matter if you are her best option, she must BELIEVE you are.
And this is exactly why women who use dating apps and social media are so difficult to date. They almost always think their best option is much higher than what is realistic for them. Their experience with men has ruined their ability to accurately self reflect attention and validation they receive. Casual sex is absolutely Pandora's box for most women. Some of those sexual experiences will forever ruin their ability to be content with the guy they end up with.
Grown children. ALL women are grown children.
Oldest teenager in the house.
Men can grow up, and women just get older.
actually, they‘re refusing to grow. they primarily age.
@ age like rotting milk.
This is one of the big reasons I broke up with my ex. It scared me how reliant she was on me and it was annoying feeling bad going on work trips
We got red pilled Alexander grace before gta6.
GTA6 will be a woke disaster.
A women is never going to be happy, stop trying. Happiness is only temporary, and satisfaction of life is low on regrets, envy kills it when you are plagued by regrets and the never hads. Two things such people fail to understand is to see why they regret things, why they envy. It's simple really. Zero ambition, zero self respect. Allowing themselves to lose in things which hurt them or hurt others. Bad habits and bad behaviour leads to it too.
I guess fear might be a factor off inaction, lack of motivation ect.
And when it starts to get too late, some people become desperate, especially women.
well… as for the latter, that’s totally fine, even natural. time can‘t be reversed = turned backwards. I just wish for young gents to get rd.pll-wise aware early enough as to indeed deny bailput | exemptions from accountabikity to any such xx.ine fails above. for these young gents‘ very sakes.
"You're not special. She's just dysfunctional."
Amazing line.
Dependency doesn't inspire loyalty, but dependency is a woman's natural state.
I watched a video of a woman behaving like this. In the comments a guy said😂 “my ex girl used to do this but she cheated on me”, eventually, the lady who was crying because her bf was traveling ended up breaking up with her. It’s true, don’t choose a woman because of her tears. Choose her because of her character
women with character. ah yes, the ones that use you for money, class and looks. the good ones definitely exist in the west. they're totally not all the same roleplaying for the best men possible
Choose going your own way
In our 10th year of marriage, wifey got really,really sick. She had to stay with her parents whilst I went back to our business overseas. She took my last shirt and donned it on a big teddy bear so she could still smell me. That was 15 years ago.
Chin up, lads, there are still some good women out there. Hard to find, yes, but still out there.
Good stories like this are very rare
You know guys some guys win the lottery! Playing the lottery as a career choice can work! It’s rare but it does happen and when it does it will be that much more meaningful! Don’t give up hope! Keep playing!
Sounds as dependend as the woman in the video. No woman will be so crazy over a man like that. Something is foul here. This obsession definetly has a reason outside of "i love him so much".
@oranges557 Exactly bruh she just in her feelings.
@oranges557 Most people don't understand the being "In love" has nothing to do with morals. It's an emotional thing. A delusion. Also hormonal.
People who constantly do things with friends or have a large group of friends and have active communication with these people tend to lack true understanding of their true self. It's almost like they are more uncomfortable with being alone and they have to fill their time and space with other people instead of being truly okay with being by themselves.
That girl is in the idealisation stage of BPD. Just run!
Borderline personality disorder or bi-polar disorder?
I’ve suspected this for a while. When I first heard the phrase, “I just need to higher out who I am,” it baffled me.
Like, how do you not already know?
And to make it even more clear, it’s a phrase I’ve heard exclusively from women.
If she’s dependent she’ll stay because she needs to, she has no choice, you’re her oxygen.
If she’s loyal she’ll stay because she chooses to, she doesn’t need you, you’re what makes her good life greater.
That’s the big difference between an unhealthy and a healthy relationship. All dysfunctional relationships are one-sided.
Related to the first clip. I had made vacation plans before I started to date the girl who would become my fiancee. She actually was mad at me because I went on vacation. I'd planned it months in advance. I'd call her and could hear the anger in her voice. I was younger and stupid enough to not see that as the red flag it was. Should have ended it then and there
This type of behaviour is a huge red flag.
Its probably rooted in deep trauma. Its obsession/ clinginess/abandonment issues. And some girls who act like this have disorders like BPD. Dont mistake this type of behaviour as loyalty.
Ive experienced this and got horribly cheated on.
I want to be, and be with, the kind of person who lifts others up and challenges them to be a better version of themselves.
I remember an ex behaved this way in the beginning. I got really irritated and told her to stop being so clingy (she literally tried to climb on me). I was only 24 years old at that time but why would anyone ever want a leech as a GF?
Fantastic discussion
Excellent analysis
Thank you Sir
If she can’t handle him being gone for three days, that’s on her. Men should never have to deal with all that clingy stuff because men should focus on themselves, not her emotions.
You should probably love your wife and give her some attentiin.
@@Selrisitaifeel free to avoid making any more idiotic statements until you’ve at least finished puberty
Dysfunctional dependency won’t protect anyone. The superficiality of the relationship is a house of cards. My dog is enough dependency for me.
The thing that got me to give up dating was realizing that most women actually can't justify why they do the things they do or why they have a particular interest in something its like why should I get to know them when they speak as if they don't even know themselves?
It is like Leonard's mom said to Penny. "You suffer from an external locus of identity"
Meaning her entire identity was based on what people thought about her. Men may want to think it is cool to have a girl be molded like this, but trust me, it's not.
It's fantasy that they are controlled by you, when they aren't controlled by themselves
Thanks for the video, Alexander. Second half of the video hits a little hard due to recent events, but it does shine a sliver light on what I did wrong. Thanks again mate
Alex, that is not co-dependency bro, that is what is called BPD That’s Border Line Personality if ever I have seen it!
yup. it's BPD
I went on the trip, and that's why my last relationship ended
Her being crazy and assuming i was running around constantly with any female friends while she could go drunk dancing with guy friends and her ex could bring her mom gifts, was a red flag anyway
The more I watch your content, the more I want to avoid women all together
This is irrelevant to 99% of men. They are only saying this and feeling this for chad.
oh please, women with abandonment issues or borderline do not reserve their toxic behaviors for the best looking men only. If anything they'll do more effort to bottle up the crazy for a chad.
spot on. love doesn't exist unless you have all traits that are desirable. love doesn't exist past that point bc all they want now are traits to provide for you. they may as well hire male robots
there's some girl that has dependency issues
I really do appreciate your awareness to this, Alex! Bravo for bringing this topic to light.
But I do ask a genuine question: In a situation where you do still 'go on the trip', and things become worse in the relationship, then what?
Obviously the people I have dated have been extremely immature, but I have had situations with a few women when dating where she would be attached. Exactly like you showed and described. I would maintain a firm boundary in my path forward of needing to go on a work trip, maybe consoling a little bit to convey it wouldn't be too long, reframing, etc.
Instead of being met with admiration I was treated horrendously, sometime abusively so. For weeks on end after a (necessary) trip, it was a constant source of contention to throw back in my face. Accusations of abandonment, not caring, etc.
Since having these experiences, I have taken a big step back to evaluate the kind of woman I am attracting (and attracted to). Clearly I have a lot of work to do to better understand women, and even myself, which is a big reason I watch your videos. Thank you again for all of the energy and passion you put into these topics!
I have unfortunately observed a lot of 'Cluster B' personality disordered behavior in the western culture due to our societal "norms" of today. I personally believe there is additional psychology at play in regard to behavior like this that is unfortunately not as easily navigated as initially proposed here.
yes, i love what you wrote. I think you should step into the blackpill to find some answers. ur comment will probably not get any likes ofc since its actually truth
When I saw this, the first thing I thought of was a lack of object constancy, meaning lacking in the ability to maintain stable concepts about people and things as they undergo state changes, especially when they go out of sight. It's why toddlers will stop playing to go check that a parent is still there in the next room.
The great amazing guy that got dumped by the one girl will be getting a text or call or social media message from this woman in about 3 years saying 'Hi there! I missed you!' after she has ridden the carosel for a few years and all of a sudden 'wants to settle down'.
This is so absolutely true. My ex girlfriend was like this, and I was put off by it and I wanted her to have her own identity outside of her relationship with me. But she could not or was unwilling to make sense of that. And it led to tons of problems. I did make the mistake of believing that at least it meant that I would have her loyalty. Absolutely wrong
Im enjoying the more frequent videos Alexander, keep up the great work.
Can you make a video on Luigi Mangione, the guy who killed the UnitedHealthCare CEO and discuss female nature and woman drooling over him because of his good looks
Nah both sexes are stanning him because he's based. Not necessarily because of his looks.
I wish i had seen this decades ago, I did everything for my exwife for 10 years, starting when she was in college. I got injured and couldn't work but was still responsible for taking care of the basics until i ended up in the hospital for a few weeks and she kept crying about when would I be home, but when I was almost ready to go back she asks for a divorce and says she just isnt in love with me anymore. I had to explain to her over the phone how to do our taxes and pay the electric bill because I just took care of all that stuff our whole relationship since thats how I was raised but coddling her for so long was definitely stupid of me.
I'M LEVELING UP FOR ME. I'm not trying to spend 24/7 trying to amass some arbitrary 6-7 figure salary,shiny sportscar,big house, and some pointless number of social proof. I'ma level up for me,in the areas I choose,and do(hobbies) what I like...for me. Plus, I'm Black (and NOT a "thug" or degenerate) so it's over anyways 😒. Chasing a "relationship" is too tedious and detrimental to my own leveling up process,so Nope.😒💯💯💯💯💪🏾🧔🏾♂️
"It's a conventional wisdom that inside a monogamous relationship, it's not a good idea to date an extroverted party girls." woah...
6:21 "If you cancel your trip" Truth. I once tried that, it didn't end well. We argued a lot.
I would gladly take a woman without a "boss" mentality, who was empty of aggression and assertiveness, with an identity based on serving others instead of herself.
You still don't get it don't you, a woman like this still wouldn't appreciate you for who you are, she would only need someone to base her identity on, and if you need to go on a work trip or take some time away from her for whatever reason, she'll quickly find someone else to fills that hole. Both metaphorically and literally, ofc.
Why put it on camera. They have to purposely set the camera up for the angles before they hug each other and put on a show. It's not funny or cute, it's FAKE
I'll never forget the first time she hit me with the, "you abandoned me", line. I about hit the roof, like b-tch are you for real?
We spent a lot of time together for her to be saying that.
I count myself among the few lucky who's girlfriend responds to "I'm leaving now." with " Ok, see you later!" It's been a wonderful 16 years 😃
This is it right here. Every great relationship I've had had this dynamic. It's up to the man to set these boundaries early
One of the best video it answered so many questions 💪Keep going brother
Very enlightening.
Awesome content as usual Alex, you are one of only a few commentators who can put words together smoothly, you know what you are talking about
0:45 strangely im actually ok with this (kinda). if she is so dedicated, so loving, that her entire world is her man (who'd better love her as much and be as dedicated), then i can only feel happy for them.
What do you think is more dedicated
A person with their own hobbies and jobs Who finds time for you and show affection
Or someone who would come back to you if they see their routine of the day
There's no dedication, there's no energy, that kind of person can only be scared
@_nutcracker its not about being scared or unable to do something themselves... AND I NEVER SAID THAT in the post. dont assign words to me that werent said. im comparing to some of the "alternatives" we see all the time where W are only after the money, and the guy himself means nothing. and she will jump onto a "slightly better branch" when opportunity comes along.
in this case, she made him, the actual guy, her world and i much prefer that.
Alex thank you so much for this information. Very valuable stuff your teaching !
Why does everything seemingly unrelated make me happier and happier every day that Trump Won?
Cold Chisel - Khe Sanh
She was like so many more from that time on
Their lives were all so empty, 'til they found their chosen one
And their legs were often open, but their minds were always closed
And their hearts were held in fast suburban chains
Not to be confused with building a strong life and identity together. Two people giving their all for a shared objective should be the goal.
Amazing video amazing reasoning
Excellent topic
It's still better than having a woman who could cheat on you in those 72 hours he's gone.
I have my limits on clingyness, but a woman like this is somewhat of a green flag to me.
Thats gonna be so depressinggggg, like some highschool sweet heart thing when uve already grown up
She can still cheat. You have no idea. Clingyness does not equal loyalty. You will learn that the hard way if you haven't already. It appears you didn't pay attention to this part - 8:44 - because that's exactly a high possibility. It's like falling for the trap of thinking going for mid girls with not so high self-esteem is safer, because they don't think highly of themselves. Even the "reserved" ones. Very often, those are the ones which are also easy to fall for anyone else with just a little push and then cheat.
@@NeoZeta It already did with my 3rd Girlfriend, Love bombing is a manipulation tactic but as long as you have an iron frame, she won't cheat on you.
@@haydenglatemore That is way too optimistic. "Just maintain frame bro" has been thrown around since the dawn of times of the RP. It's no surefire solution. lol
love doesn't exist stop pretending it does my guy. the clinginess you ironically cling to, is for what you've provided. not you.
The girl saying she’d meow/oink/glubglub for you is completely unaware of what men want.
When you said that women often have no sense of self or identity, I think that's correct, but there's a beautiful way of looking at that...this is evolution's way of imprinting her bond to him. In some way, yes, it's kinda sad and pathetic, but that's not the real picture. The actual picture is that she's completely committed to him and that alone, is a wonderful thing to start a family with. That guy's in a good spot...and so is she. It's a good clip and a good example of a girl really wanting to be with her man. That's A+ stuff compared to the feminist crap we see here ad nauseam.
You completely missed the point. It has nothing to do with imprinting. She derives her sense of self, her worth, self esteem, from a man, not one man... ANY man, telling her nice things. It's not loyalty or anything... it is being helplessly addicted to someone else defining you. She is an empty mirror. She will reflect whatever is in front of her. There is no depth or real substance to her at all. And when empty she will actively seek out someone to reflect, like a heroin addict desperate for their next hit. It isn't loyalty to a man, or commitment to him. It is that without someone to reflect she is nothing. Because she has no independent sense of self. No defining characteristics or beliefs. No hobbies. Her entire existence is to reflect someone and to trap them into always being what she reflects. It starts with a trip. But he will lose every one of his friends. Going to work will cause fights. Eventually being in another room doing a hobby will. He will lose all sense of self as well. At which point he won't be able to validate her and she will leave anyway, having destroyed him, his family and friendships.
Flee from this type of woman as if your life depended on it. Horror movies have women like this as antagonists for a reason. Living quicksand that will devour everything you are and no be satiated. Nor by the next. Or the one after that.
Its not cute. Not endearing.
@@mycroft16you hit it on the head. OP I know what you're saying but this is the actual truth. Don't confuse this with genuine love and loyalty to you. Its her craving male energy and direction for her to feel right. That guy is just playing the roll right now but those feelings will easily transfer to someone she thinks has more direction or higher attraction.
OP believes the women in those vids are virgins. you are blue pilled to your core.
This now makes me understand why I was so bothered with my ex girlfriend attitude towards learning. Whether was research for starting her 401k or a new phone or whatever, she would seek first for my opinion and as I taught her, she should know what she needed and wanted before taking advice from anybody else as nobody can decide her needs. Obviously never listened and went to family and friends and IG polls to know what to do. Now I'm grieving that ship but I'm in the process of understanding that I did want I could and took the best decision dumping her. Still hurts tho.
At 2:57 she is SUPPOSED to join his ship, his crew, take on HIS last name, have HIS kids. The view you describe, egalitarianism, is a big reason what got us into this mess in the first place.
You're doing a good job Alexander. That ultra-feminist stuff NEEDS to be addressed. It hurts both women and men.
Also I think its better to stop using word "dump". People are not trash to be "dumped". This is straight away a victim position.
To balance things out the contrary and positive women behaviour need to be showcased. Its not ALL spikes or roses out there in the world.
Every man should find ONLY ONE woman that fits him 60-90% the rest you will have to change maybe too to fit her too.
Also there is a way for solitude too if you're tired from relationship. Pick the best option that fits you best. Good luck all!
This is super common in the military. Commands literally have to offer information to men shipping out on deployment. Girlfriends, wives almost ALWAYS have some sort of breakdown before the man leaves. Couples that rarely fight will almost always have issues right before he leaves.
In fairness, with the military, being deployed can have serious consequences and is often for months.
This girl was freaking out over a 3 day trip. It's an entirely different level. Yeah, military absolutely does the right thing with how they handle it, but for most it very likely isn't what these women are doing.
My ex wife is exactly as you are describing. Post separation she told me she just wanted a ring and someone to want her.
Instil inspiration - good way forward!
Uniqueness is the only thing that garners loyalty from her. If you cannot be replaced, she will be loyal. Even if she dumps you or aggravates you to the point of dumping her, she will remain loyal in spite of herself. She will beat herself up for losing the relationship if there are aspects of you she cannot get anywhere else.
-Alexander 😂😂
I wish I knew these things when I was young, would have saved myself lots of time and problems..