Thank you for creating one the best franchises and a big shout out to the amazing community for all they do in sharing the love of these games ♥ MH for life ♥
WolfyMelon The reason MH is this good is because of the community! Every single one in the community are awesome! Can’t wait to play this game in 7 hours!!
Their effort really shows, and the beta proved the game is still as fun as the rest of them, if not funner imo. It's really a dream come true for it to exist, and I can't wait to get my hands on the full game to sink hundreds of hours into it, maybe even hit that thousand mark for the first time ;) Thanks to the MH team for making the game, and may it be a massive success!
That's very important. Although you have MH veterans on the team, you also saw the importance of bringing new people to the team to bring in new ideas for the game which brought forth this amazing game.
As someone who's worked in the industry, their approach of taking those small sub-teams and sometimes putting younger staff members in a leadership position for them to get experience with that sort of role is really cool.
Thank you that’s all I’ve got to say for giving me another chance to play it again haven’t played monster hunter since tri on the wii and I missed it so much and didn’t really have the funds at the young age to own other systems but as the older I got I just kept hoping it would come to console I would have in the future and you guys did just that I don’t regret all 1400+ hours I spent playing this amazing game can’t wait to triple that amount with world!
DTxSolo We're all in the same boat. I was in high school when I played tri. I am now in a great career so I was able to buy the xbox just for this game. I can't wait!
Valkyrie 887 yeah i had everything I wanted as a kid but I was humble so I didn’t ask I wanted to earn so I just played my PS3 and when I graduated I got a job and got a PS4 before the PS4 got better games that came out and I was telling my friends about monster hunter and I would say all the time I hope monster hunter comes out for PS4 I would flip out! And then 3 years pass and it does!
ApRiL3706 I’m glad bro I hope you enjoy it I was in middle school lol that’s so dope I’m 21 now been waiting some years I hope your hunts are amazing! I’m glad there’s no hate between the consoles idc if you play it on ps4, Xbox or pc I love the series and that console war stuff is lame
Thank you so much Capcom! Thank you that you bring this beauty of a game to our consoles! I‘ve never been into handhelds apart from the PSP (650 hours on mhfu) and I also played tri on the wii. I really hope you have a lot of success with this in Europe
Wenn du auf ps4 spielst dann melde dich ;) Wir machen direkt am freitag eine gilde auf wo hoffentlich viele spieler spaß haben werden und wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen können :D
BRO I REMEMBER PLAYING SO MUCH ON MY PSP AND I STILL HAVE IT!!! HR9 Char of mine is still there, so much memories man, along with my friends that played countless hours on it and with me!!
I think a lot of credit should be given to this team for so many reasons. The passion and dedication they have is an obvious one. It's very much a work of art for them. I think credit should also go to the marketing and rollout. They've been working on this for years and, as far as I know, we didn't know anything about it until June of 2017. There were no rumblings or leaks. There was no premature hype train or trailer followed by months (or even years) of silence. And from that point in June, the game has spoken for itself. No overproduced, fake demos. No CEOs making ridiculous promises with free giveaways. None of that. Their marketing campaign, even before the betas, was simply to invite the UA-cam community to play the game and share it with their audiences. We've been peppered with constant updates ever since and even got to play the beta 3 times. Ive watched all the coverage from capcom and everyone else about this game. Not once have i seen the developers make any kind of sales pitch or promise. Its pretty clear that they are confident and proud of their product. With all of the crap going on in the industry right now, I think this approach was refreshingly honest as a consumer and I hope some of the louder voices and bigger names in the industry give them some shine for it.
Ahmar Camacho got mine preordered on xbox once it reaches 26th at 00:00am I will download it during the night and play it during the day, they have the potential to make this into a international version of frontier with weekly/monthly free dlc and monsters
Since E3, to me this game is been a dream come true, everything i ever wished for the old mhunters to be, became true in monster hunter world, not just that but it also went beyond my imagination All i gotta say is good job to the monster hunter team, i hope ur game become a great success, many companies should learn from you guys
To the entire Monster Hunter World team and to Capcom in general, I am a long time fan of the series starting with the original on the PS2 and I just wanted to say thank you very, very much for making this amazing game. You have delivered a personal dream come true for me. Thank you!
Cool video but I don't care, what really hits me personally is the amount of passion these guys have for their product and they stand by it. That means a lot....
Here we are, a community of hunters, we played a game that wasn’t popular. But look at it now. Hunters from all countries. One amazing community, one community that is always helping each other out. And now it comes on consoles, and on pc. This is one of the best gaming franchises ever. Unique. (I am sorry for my bad grammar. But we all have things that we are good in and where we are bad in). And now, I’ll be waiting for this game to get on pc.
5 years later, 3 days before tokyo game show 2023 I got this video in my recommendation and man these devs have so much passion for MH and I really hope next MH will have the same key members and even a bigger team and hopefully it will be the greatest MH ever to date see you in tokyo game show fellow hunters! this comment will be kind of awkward if we dont get MH6 on TGS lol
Damn near made me cry. Seeing the Monster Hunter one trailer bits took me back to when I first became a hunter. Im super excited for this game. Thank you so much.
A monster hunter once again for a console I am so excited, i remember having to the rent the first one for 2 years straight because no place sold it and it was heartbreaking. But now over 13 years later we get another and it is truly glorious. Thank you greatly for this master piece that you have built and that everyone will enjoy
Everything you guys accomplished with this game is exactly what I always envisioned years ago during the MHFU days. Thank you so much for your efforts! I'll be apart of this series forever!
Thank you to everyone who's ever worked on a Monster Hunter game. These games have just clicked ever since the day I started playing on PS2 in 2004. I'm really happy to see World get back to the series' roots! LONG LIVE MONSTER HUNTER!
Haven't been able to play a Monster Hunter game since Freedom on the PSP. So many great memories, and I can't wait to play a ton of this. Thanks to you guys for all your hard work! I'm sure it will all pay off!
You guys have done a great job, just from what I can tell from the beta's. You've catched perfectly what Monster Hunter stands for and the numerous subtle changes/additions you've done are positive ones in every respect. I know the game isn't out yet and it might be a tad early to judge, but with the thousands of hours of MH experience I have, Monster Hunter World looks like a genre defining game to me already (even more so than previous ones). Monster Hunter will no longer be a niche series in the west with this installment and that'll be your teams accomplishment. GOTY 2018 candidate for sure.
As someone who first played Monster Hunter when Freedom Unite was released in the West this is a dream come true. There aren't enough words to describe just how amazing the game is and how grateful I am to experience it. The beta took my breath away with how incredible everything was. Lots of love and thanks to the entire MH team for working so hard to make this happen!
There is something really methodical and symbolic about the teams in the development makeup being identical to what you will find in the game, a team of old veterans, and fresh new faces being thrown in at the deep end, but having a hell of a time working together...its kinda magical when you think about it.
Monster hunter has always had a place in my heart, i can remember playing locally with my friends so many times making memories. Hands down one of the best series ever
Have to admit that even though I'm a veteran to the series I was awed in many, many ways while playing the beta. It's basically my Monster Hunter dream game. Pre-ordered it back in november and can't wait to play it! I really hope it has a huge success in sales.
When I looked at the first trailer of this and played the Beta, I thought that Capcom entered in my mind long ago when I dreamt of what could've been MH in the future and I imagined this! Thank you, this is almost the only game that I've played the most and that I'll continue to play :D
(yes I've played since the very beginning) super veteran ey :) Lol xD Mh1(ps2) 1400hrs MHP(psp) 2000hrs MH2DOS(Ps2) 1500hrs MH2G(psp) 3000hrs(hardest) MHTRI(wii) 500hrs MHP3RD(psp) 1000hrs MH3G/U(wii u) 2000hrs MH4(3ds) 1000hrs MH4G/U(3ds) 2000hrs MHX/GEN(3ds) 700hrs MHXX(3ds) 1500hrs MHW(ps4 for me) ???!?!???! Hrs Lol this game has take alot of "time" from my life and I don't regret it once. ;) have fun the series is awesome and I'm glad more people now are starting to notice the damn game finally after all these years :) thank you so much
This was touching to watch, it makes me happy to see the original creators of Monster Hunter guiding the younger generation in creating something truly awesome.
Even earlier! I'll be playing Thursday around 9 (well, probably more like 10 considering travel time) because I'm picking it up physically at gamestop, and they are doing an early release.
Monster Hunter World is going to be my first proper Monster Hunter game, and I just really wanted to express my gratitude to the whole development team for putting their heart soul into making such an amazing game and franchise, may MH:W bring forth success and satisfaction.
I've played since day one, and I have never been this excited for a MH title! Its the best series ever for me, cannot wait to sink another thousand into it!
Great! Endlessly excited to jump into this new world, which seems littered with passionate design and love for detail. May this game bring you the anticipated success and new hunters from all over the world to discover this brandnew place. - One of the many fans of the series
2 days... Cant wait. Im a Fan since 3 ultimate on the 3 ds and i Always wanted to play Monster Hunter on a console. You granted me my Wish and im really thankful for that. THANKS/ARRIGATO
You guys are the last beacon for humanity, your games are truly appreciated and you show that you care for us your fans, thank you for bringing this to America, we love you.
There ain't gonna be a snow map I think, because in the leak list there wasn't enough ice based monsters or monsters to fit that map into, so I seriously doubt it will be a thing, it'd be marvelous if it was tho, the volcano would be groundbreaking if it really was half volcano, half icey and have a big cave system, running from the top peak icey down to a middle ground cave with terraces and a bottom boiling lava pit with the verticality of a mountain inner side caves and all, that would be awsome as well...
I am been playing the last 3 years and I am still loving Monster Hunter World. I even got my MHW book from Viz. So much folklore and what a game still Capcom Team. Badass! Changed my life with greatness. I used to have my psp first gen and played monster hunter freedom 1. It was a taste of fun then, but this MHW is my best feels. Thanking you again always! Sui Goi!
Who else is rewatching these now that Iceborne is coming to an end? I still love the passion that flows from the devs when they talk about making the game, such amazing people!
Thank you monster hunter team for your efforts . I have not missed one MH game. Since you started to release them in the US I even bought the Japanese exclusives We appreciate you.
, a BIG THANK YOU to the Monster Hunter Development team for creating such an amazing Frachise. You guys are AWESOME!!!... And MONSTER HUNTER will always be unrivaled no matter what... 😍😍😍
You guys literally brighten my heart! I love how these developers put a lot of heart and effort on making this game a reality. I'm so eager to play already, the $70 bundle is worth it!
Just started playing a couple of days ago and man, this is such an amazing game in so many ways! Loving it :D Developers did a wonderful job on Monster Hunter!
All I can say is that my dreams for a console Monster Hunter have come true and thank you :3 and that I hope that this means we will gain a huge amount of fan base her in the United States, but also in other places as well. I also hope that now with a game like MH: World this starts the chain reaction of the series taking the foothold in industry that it so rightfully deserves after so many years! :D
Yuya Tokuda, never leave... :) Man, having a designer like you who adores the style of the Gen1 MH games, is JUST what the series needed! To go BACK to it’s roots! The kind of Monster Hunter games that put love into the ecosystem and realism FIRST AND FOREMOST! Just like the first three games. :) I hope you do your best making the games truly feel like Monster Hunter in the coming generations! :D And all that, while achieving having a modern MH game just like what you did with MHW. ^^ You sir, are a legend. :) Thank you for finally bringing back the spirit of Monster Hunter! *THIS* IS MONSTER HUNTER! *THIS* is the true successor to MHTri, which was in turn trying to pay homage to MH1. THIS GAME is this 13-year old series ITSELF! :D Taking all the good things from every game up til now, and making what has the potential to be THE best Monster Hunter game to this day! And I can’t wait to sink hours upon hours of my life into this. xD No matter how f*cking busy I may be
This game is a masterpiece. I've been a fan since mhfu, and while some things are noob friendly, the environments and ecosystems are just mind blowing. Amazing work all around!
I didnt grow up ever noticing the games. Not that they seemed boring but I somehow legit didnt know they existed. I pre purchased World and it instantly took me and sucked me in. One of the best games ever made and in my personal top ten. Hunting Horn for life!!!
I'm so damn hype... It's actually insane, I never felt that hype for another game in my entire life, I've wait for this game for a year now. I really really want to say thank you to all your dev teams cause i strongly feel that's gonna be an amazing game. I have gooseflesh when I'm watching your trailers and listening to the music theme xD I'll give you my 70€ with pleasure for all your hard work! Thank you again and see you soon in the game fellow hunters!
As an avid Monster Hunter fan from the PSP versions ( Freedom and moded Portable 3rd) I have been anxiously waiting for a Playstation (4) version. As a Software Architect, I am curious and intrigued to know the behind the scenes aspects of making the game ( please do more). I especially liked how they setup their teams and how the process revolved around experienced and inexperienced team members. Today's agile methodology is still falling short. The main endearing aspect is that both mgmt and developers are loving what they do and appear to have great respect for each other! Novel idea, huh? I am impressed! :-)
Thank you for creating one the best franchises and a big shout out to the amazing community for all they do in sharing the love of these games ♥ MH for life ♥
WolfyMelon The reason MH is this good is because of the community! Every single one in the community are awesome! Can’t wait to play this game in 7 hours!!
Their effort really shows, and the beta proved the game is still as fun as the rest of them, if not funner imo. It's really a dream come true for it to exist, and I can't wait to get my hands on the full game to sink hundreds of hours into it, maybe even hit that thousand mark for the first time ;) Thanks to the MH team for making the game, and may it be a massive success!
PWARGaming I love your UA-cam channel!
RagingThunder people have lives though some people just may not be able to do just that so that’s a achievement for them
PWARGaming What hentai is your pic from???
RagingThunder no thanks!
agreed, I appreciate how they try to put their hearts into it and really making it player's best experience :) Am gonna be getting it fo sho' :)
That's very important. Although you have MH veterans on the team, you also saw the importance of bringing new people to the team to bring in new ideas for the game which brought forth this amazing game.
So much heart went into the making of this game. I wish more devs and publishers cared about the games they made this much.
Vtrex D Silently looking at EA and Ubisoft >.> You are definitely right.
I agree
At least ubi still trying to get their shit together and fix some of the problems, EA is just hopeless
Nintendo/Game Freak still cares about Pokémon. Blizzard used to care about Diablo before Diablo 3.
Food Republic Yeah, like Assassin’s Creed Origins.
I'm already convinced that this is GOTY for me
Thessiv You're not the only one
Thessiv it will be for me as well
Depending on the direction Anthem and Star Citizen go, it's definitely in the top 3 and right now it looks like it's in first place out of those.
I've been telling my friends mhw is going to be the goty im getting them annoyed hahaha
It's hard to tell yet.. so many good games coming out this year but MHW is definitely up there
As someone who's worked in the industry, their approach of taking those small sub-teams and sometimes putting younger staff members in a leadership position for them to get experience with that sort of role is really cool.
Thank you that’s all I’ve got to say for giving me another chance to play it again haven’t played monster hunter since tri on the wii and I missed it so much and didn’t really have the funds at the young age to own other systems but as the older I got I just kept hoping it would come to console I would have in the future and you guys did just that I don’t regret all 1400+ hours I spent playing this amazing game can’t wait to triple that amount with world!
DTxSolo We're all in the same boat. I was in high school when I played tri. I am now in a great career so I was able to buy the xbox just for this game. I can't wait!
Valkyrie 887 yeah i had everything I wanted as a kid but I was humble so I didn’t ask I wanted to earn so I just played my PS3 and when I graduated I got a job and got a PS4 before the PS4 got better games that came out and I was telling my friends about monster hunter and I would say all the time I hope monster hunter comes out for PS4 I would flip out! And then 3 years pass and it does!
ApRiL3706 I’m glad bro I hope you enjoy it I was in middle school lol that’s so dope I’m 21 now been waiting some years I hope your hunts are amazing! I’m glad there’s no hate between the consoles idc if you play it on ps4, Xbox or pc I love the series and that console war stuff is lame
DTxSolo me to
DTxSolo same bro thank God shitty Nintendo day's are over now 😆😆😆😆😆
Oh man when that World theme music comes in it hit me right in the feels..
Golem.jch same!
Yeah im holding back tears ... 😢
Same dude... This is my childhood right here..
im currently training my real cat to be my companion on my hunts but its not that easy... there just arent many monsters to hunt where i live :(
Golem.jch Every single time I tell yah
I can't believe that we are getting a Monster Hunter for PS4. It feels surreal
I wish I had a PS4 pro.
About time, Nintendo holding it back.
I can't believe we are getting a Monster Hunter for PC. It feels like 8 months away.
GunpowderCoffee At least you guys are getting the game.
It's only fitting. That's where it all started... On PlayStation 👍
Game of the year!
jared chappell That's a tough call man, with kingdom hearts 3, spiderman, and god of war coming in the same year
For me definitely, but seeing how the GOTY was chosen in the last few years I have my doubts.
IANNG236 Those are some great games too, but I believe MHW will steal the show 😊
jared chappell game of the century
jared chappell As much as I love MH I dont think it'll be goty but hopefully Im wrong
0:16 Lmao I can't help but imagine a man floating and flapping his arms if I see a monster flying now.
Major Degurechaff lol
Major Degurechaff lol
i believe it was the jagras
Cine Ciine I mean their movements for other monsters with wings bud
Thank you Monster Hunter Team, for all the work you guys have done to make this amazing game :).
Or: Thank you for your hard work, as they say :)
I'm new to this whole thing, but I streamed the beta and I & everyone else was having a blast! Can't wait to jump in pre-ordered and ready to hunt!
Skylent Games yeah sky, please do live stream while you do first impression 😁
Thank you so much Capcom! Thank you that you bring this beauty of a game to our consoles! I‘ve never been into handhelds apart from the PSP (650 hours on mhfu) and I also played tri on the wii.
I really hope you have a lot of success with this in Europe
Lukas x XBOX oder PS4? Ich geh von letzteren aus, aber falls du auf der XBOX spielst lade ich dich ein mit mir gemeinsam zu Jagen ;)
Wenn du auf ps4 spielst dann melde dich ;)
Wir machen direkt am freitag eine gilde auf wo hoffentlich viele spieler spaß haben werden und wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen können :D
BRO I REMEMBER PLAYING SO MUCH ON MY PSP AND I STILL HAVE IT!!! HR9 Char of mine is still there, so much memories man, along with my friends that played countless hours on it and with me!!
bladewolf VII Dude, über 871 Stunden in MHFU auf der PSP, mein Name ist XJustCraftInX auf der One ;)
I think a lot of credit should be given to this team for so many reasons. The passion and dedication they have is an obvious one. It's very much a work of art for them.
I think credit should also go to the marketing and rollout. They've been working on this for years and, as far as I know, we didn't know anything about it until June of 2017. There were no rumblings or leaks. There was no premature hype train or trailer followed by months (or even years) of silence.
And from that point in June, the game has spoken for itself. No overproduced, fake demos. No CEOs making ridiculous promises with free giveaways. None of that. Their marketing campaign, even before the betas, was simply to invite the UA-cam community to play the game and share it with their audiences. We've been peppered with constant updates ever since and even got to play the beta 3 times.
Ive watched all the coverage from capcom and everyone else about this game. Not once have i seen the developers make any kind of sales pitch or promise. Its pretty clear that they are confident and proud of their product.
With all of the crap going on in the industry right now, I think this approach was refreshingly honest as a consumer and I hope some of the louder voices and bigger names in the industry give them some shine for it.
Thank you so much Capcom!
Ashen Phoenix I was always want to play monster hunter but Nintendo wasn’t available on my county NOW I can play it without Nintendo thanks capcom
Scaryonline thats the spirit- wait nintendo wasnt available? What country do you live in? Wow well glad you can join the hype!
Ashen Phoenix thanks man I’m from Kuwait it’s unknown country
Scaryonline well if thats the case im glad you can can be apart again!
Episode 1: I'm hyped for the more in-depth coverings this series will offer!
Quinn DP I'm hyped for the actual game but can do nothing about it else than envy Arrekz
I love developers who truly care about their game and will always be making new stuff for that game theses developers are the best in the world to me
Zack Berg unlike EA and Activision
Show support by helping it sell millions of copies
Ahmar Camacho got mine preordered on xbox once it reaches 26th at 00:00am I will download it during the night and play it during the day, they have the potential to make this into a international version of frontier with weekly/monthly free dlc and monsters
Unfortunately I have to wait almost a year, but when it's available i'll get right on that XD
Ahmar Camacho aight ill get my super massive wallet and buy 10 MILLION COPIES!
Make it billion
Already preordered :)
Since E3, to me this game is been a dream come true, everything i ever wished for the old mhunters to be, became true in monster hunter world, not just that but it also went beyond my imagination
All i gotta say is good job to the monster hunter team, i hope ur game become a great success, many companies should learn from you guys
Thank you Capcom, from the bottom of my heart, for delivering such an amazing experience. Thank you a million times.
To the entire Monster Hunter World team and to Capcom in general, I am a long time fan of the series starting with the original on the PS2 and I just wanted to say thank you very, very much for making this amazing game. You have delivered a personal dream come true for me. Thank you!
Thank you so much for bringing this amazing series back to consoles where it shines the best!!
The MH4U Quest Clear theme is the best theme , I love this :)
Manuel Kavorkian yeah
Thank-you Capcom! You've done so much for us, and we appreciate it! You have all our support! Happy Hunting! 😄
This is the best monster hunting related game ever. Thank you so much for creating this master piece
Cool video but I don't care, what really hits me personally is the amount of passion these guys have for their product and they stand by it. That means a lot....
Here we are, a community of hunters, we played a game that wasn’t popular. But look at it now. Hunters from all countries. One amazing community, one community that is always helping each other out. And now it comes on consoles, and on pc.
This is one of the best gaming franchises ever. Unique.
(I am sorry for my bad grammar. But we all have things that we are good in and where we are bad in).
And now, I’ll be waiting for this game to get on pc.
Good words, this series has improved a lot. Also, flawless grammar
The passion poured into this game is beyond amazing
0:16 When you got to your friends house and they have a dog XD
Take note bungie and EA this is how you create a game.... man I'm hyped
Darius Sampson you won't regret it it's awesome
5 years later, 3 days before tokyo game show 2023 I got this video in my recommendation and man these devs have so much passion for MH and I really hope next MH will have the same key members and even a bigger team and hopefully it will be the greatest MH ever to date
see you in tokyo game show fellow hunters!
this comment will be kind of awkward if we dont get MH6 on TGS lol
Damn near made me cry. Seeing the Monster Hunter one trailer bits took me back to when I first became a hunter. Im super excited for this game. Thank you so much.
A monster hunter once again for a console I am so excited, i remember having to the rent the first one for 2 years straight because no place sold it and it was heartbreaking. But now over 13 years later we get another and it is truly glorious. Thank you greatly for this master piece that you have built and that everyone will enjoy
Everything you guys accomplished with this game is exactly what I always envisioned years ago during the MHFU days. Thank you so much for your efforts! I'll be apart of this series forever!
Thank you to everyone who's ever worked on a Monster Hunter game. These games have just clicked ever since the day I started playing on PS2 in 2004. I'm really happy to see World get back to the series' roots! LONG LIVE MONSTER HUNTER!
Haven't been able to play a Monster Hunter game since Freedom on the PSP. So many great memories, and I can't wait to play a ton of this. Thanks to you guys for all your hard work! I'm sure it will all pay off!
You guys have done a great job, just from what I can tell from the beta's. You've catched perfectly what Monster Hunter stands for and the numerous subtle changes/additions you've done are positive ones in every respect. I know the game isn't out yet and it might be a tad early to judge, but with the thousands of hours of MH experience I have, Monster Hunter World looks like a genre defining game to me already (even more so than previous ones). Monster Hunter will no longer be a niche series in the west with this installment and that'll be your teams accomplishment.
GOTY 2018 candidate for sure.
As someone who first played Monster Hunter when Freedom Unite was released in the West this is a dream come true. There aren't enough words to describe just how amazing the game is and how grateful I am to experience it. The beta took my breath away with how incredible everything was. Lots of love and thanks to the entire MH team for working so hard to make this happen!
There is something really methodical and symbolic about the teams in the development makeup being identical to what you will find in the game, a team of old veterans, and fresh new faces being thrown in at the deep end, but having a hell of a time working together...its kinda magical when you think about it.
Monster hunter has always had a place in my heart, i can remember playing locally with my friends so many times making memories. Hands down one of the best series ever
My hype is shooting through hype charts!! Ive been waiting for so damn long!
Game of the Year and also Year of my Life😂
Game of The Year:
The game that took a year's worth of time my life
xGravityONEx Monster Hunter World - Game of the Life Edition
Thank you for bringing this masterpiece worldwide!
I love you guys for creating such an amazing game!! Been a fan for at least a decade! Loved the beta and can‘t wait for tomorrow !! Much appreciated
Have to admit that even though I'm a veteran to the series I was awed in many, many ways while playing the beta. It's basically my Monster Hunter dream game.
Pre-ordered it back in november and can't wait to play it! I really hope it has a huge success in sales.
When I looked at the first trailer of this and played the Beta, I thought that Capcom entered in my mind long ago when I dreamt of what could've been MH in the future and I imagined this! Thank you, this is almost the only game that I've played the most and that I'll continue to play :D
It’s 2020 now and it’s still going strong. Congratulations
(yes I've played since the very beginning) super veteran ey :) Lol xD
Mh1(ps2) 1400hrs
MHP(psp) 2000hrs
MH2DOS(Ps2) 1500hrs
MH2G(psp) 3000hrs(hardest)
MHTRI(wii) 500hrs
MHP3RD(psp) 1000hrs
MH3G/U(wii u) 2000hrs
MH4(3ds) 1000hrs
MH4G/U(3ds) 2000hrs
MHX/GEN(3ds) 700hrs
MHXX(3ds) 1500hrs
MHW(ps4 for me) ???!?!???! Hrs
Lol this game has take alot of "time" from my life and I don't regret it once. ;) have fun the series is awesome and I'm glad more people now are starting to notice the damn game finally after all these years :) thank you so much
Damn that's dedication right there! You must be able to hunt with your eyes closed by now!
Khelan lol I wouldn't go that far xD ha but I'm all green with any weapon against any monsters so far no problem in the previous series.
D. R. Fuck!. Yo that's nuts... O.O I don't realize coz the game just sucks me in lol
We really should make a community for Kokoto Hunters, ahahaha
Damn you're a real veteran Hunter that some dedication right there
From the bottom of my heart, Thank You Capcom and MH team for creating Monster Hunter Franchise.
You can tell how much love and care they put into this project. Thanks for all the great games in the past, MH Team! I hope World delivers!
This was touching to watch, it makes me happy to see the original creators of Monster Hunter guiding the younger generation in creating something truly awesome.
Thank you for continuing a game franchise that holds a large piece of my gamer heart.
Who else will be playing Friday at midnight?
Cesar Bermudez Thursday midnight
Friday: 15:30 p.m. to 20:00 p.m
Thursday at 9*
To be more specific GameStop releasing at 9 so can hope on almost immediately
Even earlier! I'll be playing Thursday around 9 (well, probably more like 10 considering travel time) because I'm picking it up physically at gamestop, and they are doing an early release.
Yup i got work lmao
My sincere thanks to you Capcom!
Thank you Capcom for making one of the best ARPG series out there.
Monster Hunter World is going to be my first proper Monster Hunter game, and I just really wanted to express my gratitude to the whole development team for putting their heart soul into making such an amazing game and franchise, may MH:W bring forth success and satisfaction.
You can see that they put a lot of effort into this. GJ Monhun team!
I've played since day one, and I have never been this excited for a MH title! Its the best series ever for me, cannot wait to sink another thousand into it!
This is going to be the best one yet!
This game is so fun to play it feels like there’s always something new for you to do and it never gets boring
Endlessly excited to jump into this new world, which seems littered with passionate design and love for detail. May this game bring you the anticipated success and new hunters from all over the world to discover this brandnew place.
- One of the many fans of the series
2 days... Cant wait. Im a Fan since 3 ultimate on the 3 ds and i Always wanted to play Monster Hunter on a console. You granted me my Wish and im really thankful for that. THANKS/ARRIGATO
The passion and love for the game really shines and I can't wait to sink hundreds of hours into this experience!
You guys are the last beacon for humanity, your games are truly appreciated and you show that you care for us your fans, thank you for bringing this to America, we love you.
I really hope there’s going to be a snow map.
GhostOperator the volcano map has a snow area in it I think
GhostOperator I hope that too, at least as a DLC
Dapper Puff I think the crystals in the lava map could be from a snow map. Just like the water in the dessert from the forest.
There ain't gonna be a snow map I think, because in the leak list there wasn't enough ice based monsters or monsters to fit that map into, so I seriously doubt it will be a thing, it'd be marvelous if it was tho, the volcano would be groundbreaking if it really was half volcano, half icey and have a big cave system, running from the top peak icey down to a middle ground cave with terraces and a bottom boiling lava pit with the verticality of a mountain inner side caves and all, that would be awsome as well...
Dapper Puff the other half is most likely just crystals not snow.
I really cannot wait to play this game on PC, even if it will take a while
60+ FPS on ultra setting would be totally amazing
I am been playing the last 3 years and I am still loving Monster Hunter World. I even got my MHW book from Viz. So much folklore and what a game still Capcom Team. Badass! Changed my life with greatness. I used to have my psp first gen and played monster hunter freedom 1. It was a taste of fun then, but this MHW is my best feels. Thanking you again always! Sui Goi!
Thank you for all that you did to make this amazing game!! We love you!
Amazing how far we have come.
Who else is rewatching these now that Iceborne is coming to an end? I still love the passion that flows from the devs when they talk about making the game, such amazing people!
Godspeed and good luck to the dev team, it's gonna be great!
And the game so far has been absolutely amazing. As a returning player, I can say that this is easily one of the best MH games I've played
Thank you monster hunter team for your efforts . I have not missed one MH game. Since you started to release them in the US I even bought the Japanese exclusives We appreciate you.
, a BIG THANK YOU to the Monster Hunter Development team for creating such an amazing Frachise. You guys are AWESOME!!!... And MONSTER HUNTER will always be unrivaled no matter what... 😍😍😍
Who's ready to get thier life hi-jacked for the next decade
Legendary Pokemon in about 8 months, yeah...
You guys literally brighten my heart! I love how these developers put a lot of heart and effort on making this game a reality.
I'm so eager to play already, the $70 bundle is worth it!
Thank you so much
Every time I slide down the waterfall.. I'm yelling " I'M PICKLE RICK!!!!!!"
Just started playing a couple of days ago and man, this is such an amazing game in so many ways! Loving it :D Developers did a wonderful job on Monster Hunter!
All I can say is that my dreams for a console Monster Hunter have come true and thank you :3 and that I hope that this means
we will gain a huge amount of fan base her in the United States, but also in other places as well. I also hope that now with a game
like MH: World this starts the chain reaction of the series taking the foothold in industry that it so rightfully deserves after so many
years! :D
THANKS for this :D gets me even more excited
This is so damn beautiful.
The development of this game sounds amazing. Just a bunch of fans doing what they love. Thank you for this.
Waited years for this hope you all have a happy hunting
I just want to say thank you for making this game, it really motivate me somehow and i cant wait until you guys release the PC version
Yuya Tokuda, never leave... :)
Man, having a designer like you who adores the style of the Gen1 MH games, is JUST what the series needed! To go BACK to it’s roots! The kind of Monster Hunter games that put love into the ecosystem and realism FIRST AND FOREMOST! Just like the first three games. :)
I hope you do your best making the games truly feel like Monster Hunter in the coming generations! :D And all that, while achieving having a modern MH game just like what you did with MHW. ^^
You sir, are a legend. :)
Thank you for finally bringing back the spirit of Monster Hunter!
*THIS* IS MONSTER HUNTER! *THIS* is the true successor to MHTri, which was in turn trying to pay homage to MH1.
THIS GAME is this 13-year old series ITSELF! :D Taking all the good things from every game up til now, and making what has the potential to be THE best Monster Hunter game to this day!
And I can’t wait to sink hours upon hours of my life into this. xD No matter how f*cking busy I may be
I wish you all the best in your coming hunts my friends!
This game is a masterpiece. I've been a fan since mhfu, and while some things are noob friendly, the environments and ecosystems are just mind blowing. Amazing work all around!
Thank you very much to all the Capcom and monster hunter team! 😘
that 4U BGM made me so nostalgic....
You guys are all amazing. Best dev team
You guys are the greatest 😭😭😭😭
Just one word: HYPE
I didnt grow up ever noticing the games. Not that they seemed boring but I somehow legit didnt know they existed. I pre purchased World and it instantly took me and sucked me in. One of the best games ever made and in my personal top ten. Hunting Horn for life!!!
I'm so damn hype... It's actually insane, I never felt that hype for another game in my entire life, I've wait for this game for a year now. I really really want to say thank you to all your dev teams cause i strongly feel that's gonna be an amazing game. I have gooseflesh when I'm watching your trailers and listening to the music theme xD I'll give you my 70€ with pleasure for all your hard work! Thank you again and see you soon in the game fellow hunters!
PS4: Fuck Yes!
XBOX One: Oh Hell Yeah!
PC: Oh, ok then
Nintendo Switch: *"Crawling In My Skin Intensifies"*
Ps4 all day
As an avid Monster Hunter fan from the PSP versions ( Freedom and moded Portable 3rd) I have been anxiously waiting for a Playstation (4) version. As a Software Architect, I am curious and intrigued to know the behind the scenes aspects of making the game ( please do more). I especially liked how they setup their teams and how the process revolved around experienced and inexperienced team members. Today's agile methodology is still falling short. The main endearing aspect is that both mgmt and developers are loving what they do and appear to have great respect for each other! Novel idea, huh? I am impressed! :-)