The video is a compilation of my December 2021 video marathon. Enjoy! If you're a new viewer, thanks for checking it out! Be sure to Subscribe for more in-depth 'Doctor Who' videos! And be sure to "like" and leave a comment letting me know what your favourite scenes of Doctor Who's revival are!
I think my favourite thing about Silence in the Library is that, when you first watch it, you're in the Doctor's shoes; not trusting River. But, after series 9, if you rewatch the story, you find yourself in River's shoes; sad, knowing that this is the end, after watching her for so long. So it's a story that changes between the first and last time you watch it and it works both times for different reasons. That is masterful writing.
Well said! And Silence in the Library is one of those rare stories that actually takes the premise of Doctor Who and runs with it! For a time traveling series with multiple time traveling characters and species, realistically this sort of meeting should have occurred many times before and since if such linear relativism can be used with time travel. ;-) But you get what I mean! :-) I was convinced they would never revisit the storyline or character of River, fully expecting any further meetings or dealings with the character of River Song to happen strictly off screen and non-canonically. I was angry as I loved the idea but thought they shouldn’t have cast someone like Alex Kingston - I absolutely Love her but thought she was way above Doctor Who’s budget and they’d not be able to afford her making another guest appearance much less multiples - have never been so glad to be so wrong and had to update my impression of Doctor Who being the low budget BBC series that it was in my youth! :-) In any case, River is one of my all time favorite characters from Doctor Who’s lengthy history, if not THE all time favorite character. Much of that is Alex Kingston’s energy and general loveliness as a person that comes out in her performance, my only negative in relation to her character is that I want more of her, of course! She should have a contract in perpetuity to appear in every Doctor’s era, even going so far as to pre-film a bunch (and I mean a BUNCH) of scenes and storylines that can be added to future Doctor episodes even if it’s a quick appearance at a crucial moment to give the Doctor a new Sonic, rescue him/her/alien/whatever form the next regeneration takes and so and so forth! I do like that she has appeared in Big Finish with past Doctors and intend to check those out someday, and always felt she absolutely without question should have been gifted her own K9 just as Sarah Jane, Leela and Romana got! This, apparently, has happened (if someone didn’t mislead my hopeful self after seeing that she does indeed appear with John Leeson as K9 in one or more Big Finish stories!). I do feel extreme disappointment bordering stress that some very obvious storylines were missed/skipped/ignored with River, including the perhaps outdated idea of her meeting and teaming up with Captain Jack, the obvious implication from Silence in the Library that she must have met the 14th Doctor as she explicitly states she has never seen that particular face look so young…there’s just no way to take that any other way! And this could still happen if RTD or Bug Finish would jump on it!, and even more admittedly silly concepts like her meeting the 13th Doctor (River did say she had a wife at one point, how awesome it would be if 13 is what she ended up meaning!) to my personal favorite that sadly wasn’t to be, and that was meeting 13 and teaming up against Missy to have an all out, Universe shattering cat fight to end all cat fights! Flux ain’t got nothing on this team up and smack down (especially if Missy ended up jointing team Doc&River in the end to defeat some even bigger threat, and again hopefully female threat! I don’t know if there’s some unspoken rule about using characters from different eras /show runners with others but if so they need to drop that and intermingle much much more! I recall Matt Smith tell Moffat’s not to give Capaldi River - annoying as the Doctor is the Doctor and Husbands of a River Song is hands down my favorite Capaldi episode and the *only* episode of Capaldi’s and Whittaker’s era that I have watched multiple times (that’s how bad Who got IMO in those eras, though I thought the actors were all great, writing was simply abysmal and stories were like watching performances as everything was just so put on and self aware, and nothing in the story was gripping or interesting or even logical. Here’s hoping RTD will reverse all that and bring back tightly plotted, interesting, emotional and shocking stories to make sure the viewer is enthralled and can’t wait to tune in next week to see what happens!
My favorite part was that this episode was so crap that I had a shit, Literally. I went to the bathroom jad a great crap. That is my memory of this episode. Liiterally
This was a time travel experience for me. I was seven years old when the revived series aired and my parents had just gotten divorced. I remember exactly where i was for the first screening of all of these moments up to the 50th anniversary special; Mum's sofa or Dad's, a hotel tv on summer holiday, and of course the packed cinema to top it off. All these huge emotional moments through the run of this series that has been a companion to me for my whole life starting with one of my earliest memories, watching Planet of the Spiders cuddled up on the family sofa with Mum and Dad and my brother before the split - please understand how meaningful this video is to me, a time capsule of my whole childhood and adolescence. I am so sure there are thousands of others watching who are having the exact same type of transcendent emotional experience as i did. Thank you for making this a wonderful journey through time with your commentary which is just delightful, passionate while even-handed and thoughtful. It adds so much to the experience, the context you take care to deliver is just spot on and greatly appreciated. I foresee i will be coming back to this video when i need a reminder of who i am and who i have been.
Your description of the ending in the library made me cry, standing in my bathroom. One of my absolute favorites. Showing everything the show can be ❤️
I have NEVER noticed that the doctors mother gestures to the white point Star with her eyes. That adds such a massive layer to that scene that really made me smile watching the clip of it you put in the video. That’s mad. Helping her son out one last time before they all die
i always kinda loved that everyone gets all wrapped up in the fire and glory and death of the moment that they all forget that the white point star would also break the link
Oh, my, the very second one you chose ... "Capaldi kills it." That can describe moat of my favorite moments of the show, in a nutshell. Peter Effing Capaldi is THE Doctor for me. I've lived through 12 Doctors, been old enough to see stories inside that box called a TV for 11 of them. And yes, that box with the people inside it was a B&W for me for awhile, too, LOL! Of all of the 11 Doctors I have loved (or at least liked) and cried over, THIS one... well, he is THE Doctor in my heart. And he has been from almost the very first moments of his Iteration! And he was a Whovian from childhood, too, AND played that guitar that well? It all made it that much harder for any other regeneration to take over his top spot in my hearts. What can I say, except he's MY Doctor!
Exactly. I don't think anyone will beat him. The character arc, comedy and characterisation is perfect. And Heaven Sent was absolutely God Tier. The best episode in the entire show for me. Every Doctor has a moment. One moment that truly _makes_ them The Doctor. This is Capaldi's. So he completely earns the nonchalant power he commands in the next episode imho. It is chilling to see him return just to attempt to bring back Clara at risk of killing the entire universe, this is a Doctor who has truly trashed the idea of not influencing time. If he wants something now? He'll do it, even at the risk of literally anything that ever was or could be.
It's so heartwarming to hear a die-hard Classic and general Who fan confirm what I had felt. I was not alive while Classic Who was kickin', but after I got into the revival (during the Matt Smith era) I had to go back and watch as much classic as I could find. I had made absolutely sure to watch serials from each doctor to get a read on their vibe, and this was all before the announcement of Capaldi. Fast forward to that announcement, and me learning that he was a life-long fan of the show since the classic days, and I was overjoyed and hyped out the wazoo! It was the first time I was actively ready to accept the new Doctor without question. Going from Eccleston to Tennant took me a few eps, Tennant to Smith took about a full season to break him in for me (I enjoy Smith much more now on rewatches). Not Capaldi. Literally Capaldi's first episode, I could spot multiple instances where he appears to just straight up channel previous doctors EFFORTLESSLY and I fell absolutely in love with him. The entire way he portrayed the post-regeneration acid trip feeling reminded me of Davison. He drinks a glass of brandy while chatting up the baddie, which for some reason reminded me of Hartnell. He then wrestles the android baddie, which immediately reminded me of Pertwee. He was brash, cocky, and could back it up. Hello again, Colin Baker. Later on we see the man has a leather-bound case of fucking jelly babies. Hello, classy Tom Baker! We even FINALLY got a companion that wasn't just "person from the same time period that you're watching this in" with Nardole. Eccleston was my favorite NuWho doctor, until Capaldi came along. I really, *really* wanted Capaldi to become the new longest-running Doctor in the series, and I really wish they'd have brought Susan back (even Capaldi wanted this, and LORD would that not have been the perfect duo to see again, in color, with a Susan capable of being a total badass). Capaldi is the embodiment of every single doctor who came before him.
those 3 dr/wilf dialogue scenes during the end of time are easily some if the best in new who, and somehow each one is more heartbreaking than the previous one 💀😭
I really enjoy your commentary. I usually don't bother to look past the surface of an episode, but your deep dives really do add an extra dimension. Thanks for that. One of the best parts for me is John Smith discussing his Father Sydney (Newman) and mother, Verity (Lambert), as the two of them were, quite literally, the father and mother of "Doctor Who".
It is a relief to see a commentator that truly understands the Whittaker Doctor. I’ve found the complaints and whinging just so intolerable. Those early episodes which included Rosa Parks were extremely important for a newly regenerated Doctor exploring her femininity and finding places in time to explore it. The partition in India needed to be explored precisely because the British public as a whole did not understand it. Perhaps some day Ireland’s history, the starvation because of Cromwell, the exportation of food from Ireland during the potato famine, the impact of the dead and forced exodus of so many will be covered. For me, this is family history. So I mentioned it. Clara’s death was so shocking. I’m also glad you showed Ishulder (sp?) / Me. Those 2023 episodes keep getting closer. The most mind numbing frustration for those who got used to original Who is the long, long, interminably long waits between seasons. Of course, that’s partly the price of having good CGI. All best from a new fam in Chicago. As we wait perhaps you can work on a best 20? Moments from Classic who.
I tell you though, the fact that Murray Gold used "The Long Song" as Smith was regenerating is a piece of musical genius, on multiple levels. As the Doctor reflects on his life, the longest he has ever lived, the place he was given his diary by his first companion, his granddaughter, is referenced by the music, but Akhaten was also where he delivered his speech of his life. His life his constantly changing, but my words cannot do it justice. Similar thing goes for "The Shepard's Boy" that plays when Capaldi regenerates.
By the way that you framed this video, I realise now why I loved Donna's characterisation so much. She didn't just stop the Doctor, but met him at his level. No, they aren't the same species, but they certainly feel the weight of the same situation. The Doctor burdens so much, but I feel levity when Donna is around because it feels like he has someone to rely on. Who he doesn't expect anything of, but gains so much.
She wasn't condescending, but really curious and trying to understand him. That is why I wasn't a fan of Clara. I think Jenna did a great job, I just don't care for the character that was always putting the doctor down for choices she never seemed to comprehend.
@@tanyarobinson1146 She also had a talent for asking the RIGHT questions, mainly because she lacked any of the Doctor's preconceived notions. She'd ask a question, and you'd see the Doctor's mental brakes suddenly slam on as he realized he missed something obvious.
As much as the episode is, eh at best, I think The Doctor's Daughter is an episode that actually shows Donna meeting him at his level and having knowledge and life experiences that he doesn't, incredibly well. The numbers count down and the Doctor keeps going 'Yeah they're there but they don't seem to mean anything so whatever, run they're shooting at us.' Donna is the one going 'No no no. There is something here. These numbers mean something. This is a thing and I will figure it out or so help me I will die trying.' By Tennant's third season we are so used to his 'I figured it out' noise followed by a long, fast-paced technobabble speech that answers all the questions that when we hear a similar noise from Donna we already know what is gonna happen. As far as I remember the only thing the Doctor actually contributes to that explanation is the beginning of the year and the planet name, both things that, while nice to know, don't actually matter, Donna figured out the important parts. It's a date, it's written in this way, here is the year, the month, the day, and that means this war has lasted a week. And all he does to that is praise her, he isn't mad she realized something he didn't or that she figured it out first, as prideful and egotistical as 10 was his ego goes completely unbruised. She not only meets him at his level but he acknowledges her place there and accepts it.
Not really though. Vincent was a fair amount more batshit. 2 years before his death he cut piece of his ear off and gave it to a prostitute as a token of is affection. By the time of his death people didn't not like him because they thought he was a shitty painter, they avoided him because they thought he was a crazy person
Personally, the moment I'd pick from rose isn't run, but the doctor's "I can feel the turn of the earth" speech. I first discovered doctor who on Netflix and decided to give it a shot. I had never heard of it before and had no idea what to expect. The show had my curiosity with the run scene, but it had my completely undivided attention with him describing just how different from humans he was without outright saying it. A runner up is the scene where he reveals that the tardis can move in time as well as in space, because that was the moment I knew this show was gonna be something special
I feel a bit hurt that the scene with Yaz and Dan from Eve of the Daleks apparently didn't get considered. It's a really great isolated moment, but I'm glad Power of the Doctor got it's time, and we all know Ra Ra Rasputin gets an honorable mention, in our hearts.
Very nice list. Another honorable mention for me would've been in Silence in the Library "i'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the universe! Look me up."
#2: I love the hint placed very early in the Time Lord Victorious sequence that this really shouldn't be happening: "...and they will obey me!" is an old Doctor Who catchphrase - employed by *the Master*. This is what the Doctor becomes when he's alone for too long.
I’m so glad someone has held the waters of mars scene to as high a level as me. The whole sequence from the moment Adelaide tells the doctor on the screen to tell her what’s going to happen right until the second the base explodes is PERFECT 10/10 Doctor who. The deep, emotional chat they have, the water entering the base, Steffi dying, the rocket blowing up, the Doctor marching back in, going mental, summoning the TARDIS, the acting, the music, rhe side characters, the look of awe on their faces as the TARDIS materializes, the Doctor framed by fire. Perfect, perfect, perfect Doctor who that’s never been topped for me
The ending of the episode was also very poignant. The doctor faces the consequences of his actions. He saves Adelaide and she confronts him on his flagrant changing of time and deciding who is and who is not "important or "little". The flash of the newpaper article with the headlines as time reasserts itself and the doctor learns what happened is a very nice touch
I've only skimmed the video, and look forward to watching it in its entirety. That said, I'd rate that superb "Kill the Moon" performance by Jenna Coleman much higher than 38th. I'm so glad MrT acknowledged her acting skills, though.
Am I the only Who fan who found Clara to be arrogant? Like, she thought she could do everything that the Doctor did, forgetting his great age and experience. I found her death almost satisfying; she was undone by her own hubris.
Totally didn't skip to the credits just to listen to the title theme arrangement I sent in for this like 300 years ago. Completely forgotten what that sounded like until just this moment. Shameless plug: If you liked that arrangement then there's plenty more where that came from on my channel along with a plethora of original music and possible some other stuff soonish.
I love Tenant to Capaldi effectively saying, "Come with me if you want to be my future self" (yes, Capaldi is playing a completely different character, but it kind of fits).
One thing i actually love about 47 is that... That actually ends up happening. The doctor stops travelling and redeems the master and proves they actually could have done that they just... Weren't the people they had to be to do so yet... Quite literally
Eleven was my first and has always been *my* Doctor because in 2019, he helped me heal from depression over the murder of my gf with his goofy nature. It was hard watch him Regenerate but when Twelve came along, I fell in love with Twelve. Twelve helped me get to the acceptance stage of my grieving. Eleven and Twelve will always hold special places in my heart for that very reason. I have two Doctors I consider "my Doctor" and Eleven and Twelve are those Doctors
I'm glad they helped...and I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, something like that happened To you!!the way they portray they're grieving (11&12) pulls u in etc..but I hope the grief has passed for you,yes the memories of course are bitter sweet,(honestly I don't know wtf I'd do lol),but u are commended, for pushing past!!and continuing on,for her too!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!😁🤘✌️🍻🎆🎆
I can truly say that nearly every one of these either bring a huge grin or brings a tear to my eye (okay, damn it, a lot of tears for some). What an EXCELLENT set of choices! Edited to say: thank you so very much for having my favorite, Peter Effing Capaldi's awesome, amazing, _fandamnedtastic_ Zygon war speech. It's one of my very favorite Doctor speeches EVER! Well, except for the speech to the Master and Missy for which you show the conclusion, that is. 😉 AND the inclusion of Bernard Cribbins (RIP), and all of the great things you said about him. AND the amazing storyline in Turn Left. AND the fact that people need to STOP complaining about Chibnall's supposed overly political tone because it's been political for ages. Thing is, it was ALWAYS progressive and political, from waaaay back in #1's Planet of Giants (dangers of pesticides) and The Web Planet (pro-socialism) onward. 😄
If I had to pick an absolute favourite moment, It would be the last 10 minutes of It Takes You Away. A lot of people either really hate or really love the abstract Hartnell-esque vibes of the episode, but I just genuinely think it's one of the best performances and depictions of the Doctor. The Doctor understands grief and love and pain, but she's still fundamentally separate from her human companions. The life of a Time Lord, and especially this incarnation of the Doctor, is one of profound loneliness, and this episode understands. The humans are grieving their lost loved ones, but the Doctor is grieving something that's incomprehensible to us. And to top it all off, the music is just outstanding. I know a lot of people only really started to vibe with Akinola's work in Series 12, but the music that plays as the Doctor convinces the Solitract to let her friends go is just beautiful. The sentient universe choosing Grace's frog necklace as its form is just wonderful. I only wish the Doctor could have stayed and talked longer, but that's really the whole point, isn't it? Wonderful episode IMO.
It Takes You Away is a weird one for me. It's conceptually interesting and has some great character work, but also the confrontation with "Grace" was too obvious to create real conflict for Graham, and it starts with one of the worst plot contrivances I've ever seen with the guy and his blind daughter.
@@fabesey2016 I think Grace being an obvious fake was definitely the point. I don't think it was supposed to really be a mystery beyond her first few scenes. I think we, and the characters, are supposed to know. It wasn't a conflict for Graham in that sense, it was more about Graham (and the dad) ignoring all the warning signs, despite knowing something is wrong, until he could find an excuse to justify the pain of seeing her go again. Graham has a healthy relationship with Ryan, which is why he's able to see clearly through the lie and leave. The dad's relationship with his daughter wasn't strong enough for her to be that excuse, so the Doctor had to take action.
You have the absolute best tribute videos!!!! Thank u so much for this. I’ve watched it twice in a row lol my entire morning is gone and I’d not have it any other way.
I think it's only *Kate* who's been through the choice with the boxes sixteen times. It wasn't the exact same scene played over and over, it was sixteen other times *someone* tried to turn it into a war, and the Doctor and the Osgoods stopped them. Bonnie was only the latest.
your joke about Eccleston’s hatred of litter was amazing. your number one spot is fantastic and i don’t think could ever be topped, it’s just a masterpiece of suspense, editing, writing and acting. Poetry in motion. Fantastic video sir.
Your videos are so good. You put so much thought and emotion into your analysis. Doctor Who is a complex show and you do a great job dissecting the many layers in the episodes you highlight. ❤
Thankyou for this revisit, the serial/series "Dr.Who", has made me laugh and cry and kept me entertained for over 60 years. One of the best shots was, in my opinion only, was of Wilf looking through his telescope, whilst behind him we see a massive spacecraft arriving, but missed by him. However, i was never taught about Partition of India, or the Clearances in Scotland, or even the potato famine in Ireland. Its almost as if this country tries to ignore significant parts of our history to suit its own conscience. Even i recall the Cybermen starting the Great Fire of London. Cheers for all the memories of what turned out to be a truely epic small time tv series, not expected to last more than a few episodes.
What an absofreakinglutely fandamnedtastic compilation! I loved it all! So here's a very well-deserved like and comment for the Almighty Algorithm! ❤️❤️
The more you think about Turn Left, the more depressing it becomes. Not just with the labour camps, and the deaths of Torchwood and The Bannerman Road Gang, but also the other things that happened in series 3 and 4. Sally probably would’ve been zapped back in time by the angels if she went back to the house a third time in Blink, the Daleks may have taken over New York, Agatha Christie along with everyone in that house may have died, the whole of the expedition to the Library would’ve died. Basically no one in any of the episodes would’ve survived, with no happy endings at all. River and the rest of the dead expedition wouldn’t have been saved, they would be completely dead. The Ood may have even all died trying to get their freedom if The Doctor wasn’t there to break the circle. It’s really depressing the more you think of it
The tape scene from blink. The first and only episode I saw as a child and I knew I loved the show but had no means of watching it and forgot about it in time. Not a tear jerker or an epic moment but just absolutely captivating and my personal above and beyond favourite episode. If you have the chance to show someone 1 dr who episode, it's always blink.
I love how you put ‘I am the doctor from the eleventh hour’ in place 11. Nice touch. And yes Indeed, the best intro of any Doctor ever. Just brilliant!
The 11th Doctor's regeneration is my favorite simply because of the fact that if you think about it from the Dalek's pov, he broke every known rule of regeneration simply out of spite from being told said rules.
Fair play, this was a magnificently put together video. Editing., production, VO work. Fun fact, my cousin Glenn does some of the VO work on the remastered DVDs. I forget which, you’ll have to check 😝
Splendid! "Abide with Me" from _Gridlock_ is amazing, because that idea couldn't have possibly worked. It's a recipe for cheesy disaster. Yet it worked. I think the Chibnall era will age well, but it will take some time. It seems kind of _forced_ now, but as times change, that perception will fade, and Whittaker will just be another facet of the Doctor's personality. I am old enough to remember how hostile people were to Pertwee.
When 11 sees little Amelia once again before regenerating, is he drinking from the same bowl as the one with the fish fingers and custard in 11th Hour? If so, that's another fun little Easter egg!
The tank didnt really do much to the dalek mainly because the tank is the British Scorpion CV(R)T armed only with a 30mm cannon. That said, i feel like it would have been better if the tank got more hits in first as at that range, the the rounds would have hit the dalek almost instantly. Fade out from the triumphant music of the doctor's survival when the 4 knocks sound is brilliant. I kind of expected the knocks to sound when the music had gone but even the audio fades in and out depending on the sound, giving another dimension to the doctor's realisation
The speech Wilf makes when he tells The Doctor he is the best man he knows.... amazing speech. MY moment honestly with the 4 knocks ... which in 2023 they did an echo to : when Donna and the Doctor are in the Star Beast place in that thing, like hemispheres. Separated but together. Like The Doctor and Wilf there. You are right on why the pettynes of the 10th's ego is amazing in tht moment as he knew he would save Wilf ... he just VENTED before hand, as he earned the moment to speak out as he always does! :P The victory tour with Martha & Mickey (& Sarah Jane) is worth him not regenerating though , you are right.
6 is a better number...we. can make a pack...Take it allll baby.... i absolutly LOVe 11!. After 10 serious and sometimes very remorsful doctor.. mat smith coulf flip from childlike sillyness and wide eyed wonder to the d3srv3dly bitter 100p year old ma so filled with rightous anger because hes judt seen to much and after all the scarfice, all the wisd and all the selfless heroics , of doing whats right... hes still ultimatly unable to overcome the darkness. The great evils in the universe...greed , war selfishness , the lust for power and hate. Hes fought them all and they all are still here ... and hes just...tired...and old....and then he monkey dancing and wearing a fez because fezes are cool! Reminding Amy, rory , clara and us the fight against these "monsters " is on going and worth fighting for. Worth dying for... one mudt take time to know life is precisous and worth living for. Were all different people if you thank about it and you can never for get the people that you were not one moment of it. Not a single day. Alwsys remember ... life, is cool. Yes, doctor. It certainly
As a combat Veteran who has dealt with PTSD for two decades, I agree. I have sent that scene to friends as part of a conversation within which I explained my views on violence, extremism, etc.
I have never quite understood why so many have an aversion to Clara. What's not to like? She's a phenomenal actor. She had amazing chemistry with two doctors, arguably three. She had a varied and interesting arc, including a lot of agency for her character. ...and lets not forget how attractive she is. I genuinely don't understand why it seems so many dislike her character. I would certainly be keen to see a spinoff showing her later adventures in her own tardis once she (hopefully) ditched Ashilda, who I did not warm to.
Wilfred and The Doctor’s conversation in the space ship above earth is my favourite scenes in the entire show. Wilfred and The Doctor were both soldiers and fought in the greatest wars in their respective worlds histories, I think that’s why they work so well together as characters, they are 2 men with wildly different lives but shared experiences.
You did mix up century and millennia around 1:39:00.. and if you didn’t I still want to use it as an excuse for you to do another of these. Thanks for all the effort you put into this!
I completely agree about The 11th Hour. Best intro story ever. Matt Smith smashed it. And I know Tennant is the definitive modern Doctor to some, but for me, it's Smith. McCoy being my favourite of the classic run, as he was MY Doctor growing up.
You say that David Tennant lays down his life for a single human (Wilfred Mott); I wonder if this is a callback to The Cave of Androzani (where the Fifth Doctor sacrifices his life for Peri at the end)
Power of the Doctor was shockingly good for the Chibnall era. I'd probably put the Rasputin dance or something nostalgic on my list. But there are definitely ones from here I'll use on mine. 11's departure especially.
the waters of mars has put an idea in my head. If you ever meet a time traveler, you can assume it is because you are about to experience a historic event worth revisiting. Chances are, you are about to die.
I 100% agree with your number 1 choice. Best Doctor Who episode, but quite possibly the best episode of anything ever in TV history too. This episode onwards made 12 my favourite doctor ❤
I’m a big fan of the Van Gogh episode also and here is some random facts. While Van Gogh painted nearly 1000 painting, he only ever sold 1 painting in 1888 and it was to his brother under the pretense the money Van would receive would pay for his rent. This is the only painting he didn’t sign because he hated it and felt forced into making it; which led to it not being discovered until the 1990s. The only connection of its existence is we had the letters between him and his brother making the deal. The painting went on to be sold for 82.5 million euros.
Ok so I'm literally 2 minutes in and the fact that you have acknowledged midnight as possible the greatest episode ever by dint of you saying this list could just be that whole episode has me so happy
The " trees " in 10s tardis were actually refered to as the "coral theme" by peter davidsons doctor number 5 when he showed up in a special doctor who short during tens run ...he comments the old reoccuring line..." oh youve changed the desktop theme. what do you call this one, coral?" 10 smiles proudly about to answer before 5 shoots him down with the call back punch line.. " i dont like it!" I believe the joke was used at least twice in doctor crosover episodes..".the two doctors" by the first doctor and by the second doctor in "the 5 doctors" and i believe it was revisited day of the doctor" and agan by doctor number one in "twice upon a time" as well. ...but i could be wrong... So when doctor 14 and donna walk into the tardis in starbeast and they comment that the tardis has redecorated...and for the very first time the doctor says..." i really like it!
It's a running gag. It Happens pretty much every time the Doctor meets another face of his. They even did it in the 50th anniversary special. "OH you've redecorated! I don't like it!" "Oh yeah you never do!"
Great list loved that the 13th Doctor was in there as I enjoyed a lot of her run (not all) really enjoyed The Power of the Doctor from obvious scenes like Ra Ra Rasputin Cybermen and Dalek too the quiet homage to Sarah Jane and all the Companions meeting up in Croydon too the final speech which was so much more than the final line most seem to hate but I thought suited her quirkiness totally. So many of my choices of favourites are in this list. The 12th Doctor is probably my favourite Doctor for now as I could relate to him more especially the kindness. His Zygon speech and Mondasion are particular favourites. I really don't get the hatred for his regeneration tho I personally put it in my top ten particularly his final words. Not one thing I hate about Doctor who. I am lucky tho I have had the privilege of watching since Jon Pertwee (I do know there are others who have watched since Hartnell).
The video is a compilation of my December 2021 video marathon. Enjoy! If you're a new viewer, thanks for checking it out! Be sure to Subscribe for more in-depth 'Doctor Who' videos!
And be sure to "like" and leave a comment letting me know what your favourite scenes of Doctor Who's revival are!
😊 1:28:37 😂😊11111😊😊
I think my favourite thing about Silence in the Library is that, when you first watch it, you're in the Doctor's shoes; not trusting River. But, after series 9, if you rewatch the story, you find yourself in River's shoes; sad, knowing that this is the end, after watching her for so long. So it's a story that changes between the first and last time you watch it and it works both times for different reasons. That is masterful writing.
I was so happy when the 12lth gave her the sonic. I bought that sonic when I was a kid😂
Well said! And Silence in the Library is one of those rare stories that actually takes the premise of Doctor Who and runs with it! For a time traveling series with multiple time traveling characters and species, realistically this sort of meeting should have occurred many times before and since if such linear relativism can be used with time travel. ;-) But you get what I mean! :-) I was convinced they would never revisit the storyline or character of River, fully expecting any further meetings or dealings with the character of River Song to happen strictly off screen and non-canonically. I was angry as I loved the idea but thought they shouldn’t have cast someone like Alex Kingston - I absolutely Love her but thought she was way above Doctor Who’s budget and they’d not be able to afford her making another guest appearance much less multiples - have never been so glad to be so wrong and had to update my impression of Doctor Who being the low budget BBC series that it was in my youth! :-) In any case, River is one of my all time favorite characters from Doctor Who’s lengthy history, if not THE all time favorite character. Much of that is Alex Kingston’s energy and general loveliness as a person that comes out in her performance, my only negative in relation to her character is that I want more of her, of course! She should have a contract in perpetuity to appear in every Doctor’s era, even going so far as to pre-film a bunch (and I mean a BUNCH) of scenes and storylines that can be added to future Doctor episodes even if it’s a quick appearance at a crucial moment to give the Doctor a new Sonic, rescue him/her/alien/whatever form the next regeneration takes and so and so forth! I do like that she has appeared in Big Finish with past Doctors and intend to check those out someday, and always felt she absolutely without question should have been gifted her own K9 just as Sarah Jane, Leela and Romana got! This, apparently, has happened (if someone didn’t mislead my hopeful self after seeing that she does indeed appear with John Leeson as K9 in one or more Big Finish stories!). I do feel extreme disappointment bordering stress that some very obvious storylines were missed/skipped/ignored with River, including the perhaps outdated idea of her meeting and teaming up with Captain Jack, the obvious implication from Silence in the Library that she must have met the 14th Doctor as she explicitly states she has never seen that particular face look so young…there’s just no way to take that any other way! And this could still happen if RTD or Bug Finish would jump on it!, and even more admittedly silly concepts like her meeting the 13th Doctor (River did say she had a wife at one point, how awesome it would be if 13 is what she ended up meaning!) to my personal favorite that sadly wasn’t to be, and that was meeting 13 and teaming up against Missy to have an all out, Universe shattering cat fight to end all cat fights! Flux ain’t got nothing on this team up and smack down (especially if Missy ended up jointing team Doc&River in the end to defeat some even bigger threat, and again hopefully female threat! I don’t know if there’s some unspoken rule about using characters from different eras /show runners with others but if so they need to drop that and intermingle much much more! I recall Matt Smith tell Moffat’s not to give Capaldi River - annoying as the Doctor is the Doctor and Husbands of a River Song is hands down my favorite Capaldi episode and the *only* episode of Capaldi’s and Whittaker’s era that I have watched multiple times (that’s how bad Who got IMO in those eras, though I thought the actors were all great, writing was simply abysmal and stories were like watching performances as everything was just so put on and self aware, and nothing in the story was gripping or interesting or even logical. Here’s hoping RTD will reverse all that and bring back tightly plotted, interesting, emotional and shocking stories to make sure the viewer is enthralled and can’t wait to tune in next week to see what happens!
My favorite part was that this episode was so crap that I had a shit, Literally. I went to the bathroom jad a great crap. That is my memory of this episode. Liiterally
Nothing could ever top Jackie Tyler crying, "I'm going to be killed by a Christmas tree" as a spinning Christmas tree flew at her.
🤣🤣🤣 I love that ❤
Some feel like that every year! 😂😂
in any other aspect of life that sentence would get you put in an asylum. That shows just how great this show is 😂
Yeah, the tone of her voice is perfect. Great scene.
“If we land on mars, I’m going to kill you” was pretty good though
That “Oh god, you’re so young” from Elizabeth Sladen at #26 brings tears to my eyes every time
I used to think she said oh God he's so young lmao
This was a time travel experience for me. I was seven years old when the revived series aired and my parents had just gotten divorced. I remember exactly where i was for the first screening of all of these moments up to the 50th anniversary special; Mum's sofa or Dad's, a hotel tv on summer holiday, and of course the packed cinema to top it off. All these huge emotional moments through the run of this series that has been a companion to me for my whole life starting with one of my earliest memories, watching Planet of the Spiders cuddled up on the family sofa with Mum and Dad and my brother before the split - please understand how meaningful this video is to me, a time capsule of my whole childhood and adolescence. I am so sure there are thousands of others watching who are having the exact same type of transcendent emotional experience as i did. Thank you for making this a wonderful journey through time with your commentary which is just delightful, passionate while even-handed and thoughtful. It adds so much to the experience, the context you take care to deliver is just spot on and greatly appreciated. I foresee i will be coming back to this video when i need a reminder of who i am and who i have been.
Me: "How do you top the labour camps at nr. 22?"
Mr. T:"Nr. 21: The Doctor in Dalek"
Me: "That'll do"
Your description of the ending in the library made me cry, standing in my bathroom. One of my absolute favorites. Showing everything the show can be ❤️
same here omg 😢
kinda sad he didn’t talk about the dr running back, i feel like it doesn’t get talked about enough
I have NEVER noticed that the doctors mother gestures to the white point Star with her eyes. That adds such a massive layer to that scene that really made me smile watching the clip of it you put in the video. That’s mad. Helping her son out one last time before they all die
i always kinda loved that everyone gets all wrapped up in the fire and glory and death of the moment that they all forget that the white point star would also break the link
Never knew that's who she was!
Oh, my, the very second one you chose ...
"Capaldi kills it." That can describe moat of my favorite moments of the show, in a nutshell. Peter Effing Capaldi is THE Doctor for me.
I've lived through 12 Doctors, been old enough to see stories inside that box called a TV for 11 of them. And yes, that box with the people inside it was a B&W for me for awhile, too, LOL!
Of all of the 11 Doctors I have loved (or at least liked) and cried over, THIS one... well, he is THE Doctor in my heart. And he has been from almost the very first moments of his Iteration!
And he was a Whovian from childhood, too, AND played that guitar that well? It all made it that much harder for any other regeneration to take over his top spot in my hearts. What can I say, except he's MY Doctor!
Exactly. I don't think anyone will beat him. The character arc, comedy and characterisation is perfect. And Heaven Sent was absolutely God Tier. The best episode in the entire show for me.
Every Doctor has a moment. One moment that truly _makes_ them The Doctor. This is Capaldi's.
So he completely earns the nonchalant power he commands in the next episode imho. It is chilling to see him return just to attempt to bring back Clara at risk of killing the entire universe, this is a Doctor who has truly trashed the idea of not influencing time. If he wants something now? He'll do it, even at the risk of literally anything that ever was or could be.
@@Ixarus6713 yep, he does the Timelord Victorious vibe better than Tennant does, and Tennant's was pretty good.
It's so heartwarming to hear a die-hard Classic and general Who fan confirm what I had felt. I was not alive while Classic Who was kickin', but after I got into the revival (during the Matt Smith era) I had to go back and watch as much classic as I could find. I had made absolutely sure to watch serials from each doctor to get a read on their vibe, and this was all before the announcement of Capaldi.
Fast forward to that announcement, and me learning that he was a life-long fan of the show since the classic days, and I was overjoyed and hyped out the wazoo! It was the first time I was actively ready to accept the new Doctor without question. Going from Eccleston to Tennant took me a few eps, Tennant to Smith took about a full season to break him in for me (I enjoy Smith much more now on rewatches).
Not Capaldi.
Literally Capaldi's first episode, I could spot multiple instances where he appears to just straight up channel previous doctors EFFORTLESSLY and I fell absolutely in love with him. The entire way he portrayed the post-regeneration acid trip feeling reminded me of Davison. He drinks a glass of brandy while chatting up the baddie, which for some reason reminded me of Hartnell. He then wrestles the android baddie, which immediately reminded me of Pertwee.
He was brash, cocky, and could back it up. Hello again, Colin Baker. Later on we see the man has a leather-bound case of fucking jelly babies. Hello, classy Tom Baker!
We even FINALLY got a companion that wasn't just "person from the same time period that you're watching this in" with Nardole.
Eccleston was my favorite NuWho doctor, until Capaldi came along. I really, *really* wanted Capaldi to become the new longest-running Doctor in the series, and I really wish they'd have brought Susan back (even Capaldi wanted this, and LORD would that not have been the perfect duo to see again, in color, with a Susan capable of being a total badass).
Capaldi is the embodiment of every single doctor who came before him.
Capaldi really understood it but Tom Baker is the Doctor!
Only just noticed John Smith's parents are called Sydney and Verity. Great little easter egg
I don't quite understand it, could you or someone else explain?
@@HumanityLies sydney Newman and Verity Lambert, the creators of Doctor Who
@@iron6mai6den63 Thank you for explaining
@@iron6mai6den63 verity didn’t create it per se, she was the first producer.
@@Tolstoy111but without her producer skills nothing would’ve happened. So she is a creator
those 3 dr/wilf dialogue scenes during the end of time are easily some if the best in new who, and somehow each one is more heartbreaking than the previous one 💀😭
Wilf steals every scene he's in in every episode.
Seriously, I can't think of one "Meh" Wilf Scene.
I really enjoy your commentary. I usually don't bother to look past the surface of an episode, but your deep dives really do add an extra dimension. Thanks for that.
One of the best parts for me is John Smith discussing his Father Sydney (Newman) and mother, Verity (Lambert), as the two of them were, quite literally, the father and mother of "Doctor Who".
It is a relief to see a commentator that truly understands the Whittaker Doctor. I’ve found the complaints and whinging just so intolerable.
Those early episodes which included Rosa Parks were extremely important for a newly regenerated Doctor exploring her femininity and finding places in time to explore it.
The partition in India needed to be explored precisely because the British public as a whole did not understand it.
Perhaps some day Ireland’s history, the starvation because of Cromwell, the exportation of food from Ireland during the potato famine, the impact of the dead and forced exodus of so many will be covered.
For me, this is family history. So I mentioned it.
Clara’s death was so shocking. I’m also glad you showed Ishulder (sp?) / Me.
Those 2023 episodes keep getting closer. The most mind numbing frustration for those who got used to original Who is the long, long, interminably long waits between seasons. Of course, that’s partly the price of having good CGI.
All best from a new fam in Chicago. As we wait perhaps you can work on a best 20? Moments from Classic who.
it's spelled Ashildr@@peterjamesfoote3964
I tell you though, the fact that Murray Gold used "The Long Song" as Smith was regenerating is a piece of musical genius, on multiple levels. As the Doctor reflects on his life, the longest he has ever lived, the place he was given his diary by his first companion, his granddaughter, is referenced by the music, but Akhaten was also where he delivered his speech of his life. His life his constantly changing, but my words cannot do it justice. Similar thing goes for "The Shepard's Boy" that plays when Capaldi regenerates.
Well I think, 11’s regeneration monologue almost presents a bit of philosophy - that change is inevitable and one must learn to embrace that change
" ill never forget when the doctor was me"...brilliant
By the way that you framed this video, I realise now why I loved Donna's characterisation so much. She didn't just stop the Doctor, but met him at his level. No, they aren't the same species, but they certainly feel the weight of the same situation. The Doctor burdens so much, but I feel levity when Donna is around because it feels like he has someone to rely on. Who he doesn't expect anything of, but gains so much.
She wasn't condescending, but really curious and trying to understand him. That is why I wasn't a fan of Clara. I think Jenna did a great job, I just don't care for the character that was always putting the doctor down for choices she never seemed to comprehend.
And, to be completely honest. Donna wanted to stay. The only reason that she had to leave is due to the timelord essence killing her.
@@tanyarobinson1146 She also had a talent for asking the RIGHT questions, mainly because she lacked any of the Doctor's preconceived notions. She'd ask a question, and you'd see the Doctor's mental brakes suddenly slam on as he realized he missed something obvious.
As much as the episode is, eh at best, I think The Doctor's Daughter is an episode that actually shows Donna meeting him at his level and having knowledge and life experiences that he doesn't, incredibly well. The numbers count down and the Doctor keeps going 'Yeah they're there but they don't seem to mean anything so whatever, run they're shooting at us.' Donna is the one going 'No no no. There is something here. These numbers mean something. This is a thing and I will figure it out or so help me I will die trying.' By Tennant's third season we are so used to his 'I figured it out' noise followed by a long, fast-paced technobabble speech that answers all the questions that when we hear a similar noise from Donna we already know what is gonna happen. As far as I remember the only thing the Doctor actually contributes to that explanation is the beginning of the year and the planet name, both things that, while nice to know, don't actually matter, Donna figured out the important parts. It's a date, it's written in this way, here is the year, the month, the day, and that means this war has lasted a week. And all he does to that is praise her, he isn't mad she realized something he didn't or that she figured it out first, as prideful and egotistical as 10 was his ego goes completely unbruised. She not only meets him at his level but he acknowledges her place there and accepts it.
@@tanyarobinson1146I thought I was only person who disliked Clara! Thank you-I feel the same.
I love Vincent and the Doctor. I cry every time . They captured Vincent Van Gogh perfectly.
A beautiful scene indeed. The casting of Vincent was dead on.
That scene with Bill Nighy at the end makes me cry every time.
This is a wonderful scene.
Not really though. Vincent was a fair amount more batshit. 2 years before his death he cut piece of his ear off and gave it to a prostitute as a token of is affection. By the time of his death people didn't not like him because they thought he was a shitty painter, they avoided him because they thought he was a crazy person
Personally, the moment I'd pick from rose isn't run, but the doctor's "I can feel the turn of the earth" speech. I first discovered doctor who on Netflix and decided to give it a shot. I had never heard of it before and had no idea what to expect. The show had my curiosity with the run scene, but it had my completely undivided attention with him describing just how different from humans he was without outright saying it. A runner up is the scene where he reveals that the tardis can move in time as well as in space, because that was the moment I knew this show was gonna be something special
I feel a bit hurt that the scene with Yaz and Dan from Eve of the Daleks apparently didn't get considered. It's a really great isolated moment, but I'm glad Power of the Doctor got it's time, and we all know Ra Ra Rasputin gets an honorable mention, in our hearts.
Very nice list. Another honorable mention for me would've been in Silence in the Library "i'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the universe! Look me up."
#2: I love the hint placed very early in the Time Lord Victorious sequence that this really shouldn't be happening: "...and they will obey me!" is an old Doctor Who catchphrase - employed by *the Master*. This is what the Doctor becomes when he's alone for too long.
I’m so glad someone has held the waters of mars scene to as high a level as me. The whole sequence from the moment Adelaide tells the doctor on the screen to tell her what’s going to happen right until the second the base explodes is PERFECT 10/10 Doctor who. The deep, emotional chat they have, the water entering the base, Steffi dying, the rocket blowing up, the Doctor marching back in, going mental, summoning the TARDIS, the acting, the music, rhe side characters, the look of awe on their faces as the TARDIS materializes, the Doctor framed by fire. Perfect, perfect, perfect Doctor who that’s never been topped for me
The ending of the episode was also very poignant. The doctor faces the consequences of his actions. He saves Adelaide and she confronts him on his flagrant changing of time and deciding who is and who is not "important or "little". The flash of the newpaper article with the headlines as time reasserts itself and the doctor learns what happened is a very nice touch
I've only skimmed the video, and look forward to watching it in its entirety. That said, I'd rate that superb "Kill the Moon" performance by Jenna Coleman much higher than 38th. I'm so glad MrT acknowledged her acting skills, though.
Am I the only Who fan who found Clara to be arrogant? Like, she thought she could do everything that the Doctor did, forgetting his great age and experience. I found her death almost satisfying; she was undone by her own hubris.
Totally didn't skip to the credits just to listen to the title theme arrangement I sent in for this like 300 years ago. Completely forgotten what that sounded like until just this moment.
Shameless plug: If you liked that arrangement then there's plenty more where that came from on my channel along with a plethora of original music and possible some other stuff soonish.
I love Tenant to Capaldi effectively saying, "Come with me if you want to be my future self" (yes, Capaldi is playing a completely different character, but it kind of fits).
One thing i actually love about 47 is that... That actually ends up happening. The doctor stops travelling and redeems the master and proves they actually could have done that they just... Weren't the people they had to be to do so yet... Quite literally
Eleven was my first and has always been *my* Doctor because in 2019, he helped me heal from depression over the murder of my gf with his goofy nature. It was hard watch him Regenerate but when Twelve came along, I fell in love with Twelve. Twelve helped me get to the acceptance stage of my grieving. Eleven and Twelve will always hold special places in my heart for that very reason. I have two Doctors I consider "my Doctor" and Eleven and Twelve are those Doctors
I'm glad they helped...and I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, something like that happened To you!!the way they portray they're grieving (11&12) pulls u in etc..but I hope the grief has passed for you,yes the memories of course are bitter sweet,(honestly I don't know wtf I'd do lol),but u are commended, for pushing past!!and continuing on,for her too!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!😁🤘✌️🍻🎆🎆
I can truly say that nearly every one of these either bring a huge grin or brings a tear to my eye (okay, damn it, a lot of tears for some). What an EXCELLENT set of choices!
Edited to say: thank you so very much for having my favorite, Peter Effing Capaldi's awesome, amazing, _fandamnedtastic_ Zygon war speech. It's one of my very favorite Doctor speeches EVER! Well, except for the speech to the Master and Missy for which you show the conclusion, that is. 😉
AND the inclusion of Bernard Cribbins (RIP), and all of the great things you said about him. AND the amazing storyline in Turn Left. AND the fact that people need to STOP complaining about Chibnall's supposed overly political tone because it's been political for ages. Thing is, it was ALWAYS progressive and political, from waaaay back in #1's Planet of Giants (dangers of pesticides) and The Web Planet (pro-socialism) onward. 😄
When Clara tells 12 to tell her what he knew or she'd smack him so hard that he'll regenerate. It gets me every time I see it.
If I had to pick an absolute favourite moment, It would be the last 10 minutes of It Takes You Away. A lot of people either really hate or really love the abstract Hartnell-esque vibes of the episode, but I just genuinely think it's one of the best performances and depictions of the Doctor.
The Doctor understands grief and love and pain, but she's still fundamentally separate from her human companions. The life of a Time Lord, and especially this incarnation of the Doctor, is one of profound loneliness, and this episode understands. The humans are grieving their lost loved ones, but the Doctor is grieving something that's incomprehensible to us.
And to top it all off, the music is just outstanding. I know a lot of people only really started to vibe with Akinola's work in Series 12, but the music that plays as the Doctor convinces the Solitract to let her friends go is just beautiful.
The sentient universe choosing Grace's frog necklace as its form is just wonderful. I only wish the Doctor could have stayed and talked longer, but that's really the whole point, isn't it? Wonderful episode IMO.
It Takes You Away is a weird one for me. It's conceptually interesting and has some great character work, but also the confrontation with "Grace" was too obvious to create real conflict for Graham, and it starts with one of the worst plot contrivances I've ever seen with the guy and his blind daughter.
@@fabesey2016 I think Grace being an obvious fake was definitely the point. I don't think it was supposed to really be a mystery beyond her first few scenes.
I think we, and the characters, are supposed to know. It wasn't a conflict for Graham in that sense, it was more about Graham (and the dad) ignoring all the warning signs, despite knowing something is wrong, until he could find an excuse to justify the pain of seeing her go again.
Graham has a healthy relationship with Ryan, which is why he's able to see clearly through the lie and leave. The dad's relationship with his daughter wasn't strong enough for her to be that excuse, so the Doctor had to take action.
Reverse the Polarity is one my favorite Akinola tracks. It really gives me bombastic Murray Gold vibes
Yes! Absolutely this. For me, this scene is possibly the essence of what makes Doctor Who special.
You have the absolute best tribute videos!!!! Thank u so much for this. I’ve watched it twice in a row lol my entire morning is gone and I’d not have it any other way.
I think it's only *Kate* who's been through the choice with the boxes sixteen times. It wasn't the exact same scene played over and over, it was sixteen other times *someone* tried to turn it into a war, and the Doctor and the Osgoods stopped them. Bonnie was only the latest.
I agree that makes sense
My theory is that the war has happened 16 times
This episode expresses why all of the doctors Companions tell him not to travel alone when they leave
43:24 - Reference to The Aztecs - Barbara fails to save the Aztecs from the Spanish, but at least she saves Autloc
1:34:20 this scene with the Doctor teaching the kids "FIIIIZZZZICKS!" Half expect Donna in the back asking "d'ya have a thing for Billie Piper sir?".
Well, did he?
@@rhocat362 Nah, he had a thing for the 5th doctor's daughter.
I love the Cyberman/Dalek meeting trash talking, It's one of the funniest things ever ❤😂
So glad an honourable mention was given to the Tardis saying "Hello'' to her thief. ❤️
your joke about Eccleston’s hatred of litter was amazing. your number one spot is fantastic and i don’t think could ever be topped, it’s just a masterpiece of suspense, editing, writing and acting. Poetry in motion. Fantastic video sir.
Your videos are so good. You put so much thought and emotion into your analysis. Doctor Who is a complex show and you do a great job dissecting the many layers in the episodes you highlight. ❤
Thankyou for this revisit, the serial/series "Dr.Who", has made me laugh and cry and kept me entertained for over 60 years. One of the best shots was, in my opinion only, was of Wilf looking through his telescope, whilst behind him we see a massive spacecraft arriving, but missed by him. However, i was never taught about Partition of India, or the Clearances in Scotland, or even the potato famine in Ireland. Its almost as if this country tries to ignore significant parts of our history to suit its own conscience. Even i recall the Cybermen starting the Great Fire of London. Cheers for all the memories of what turned out to be a truely epic small time tv series, not expected to last more than a few episodes.
What an absofreakinglutely fandamnedtastic compilation! I loved it all! So here's a very well-deserved like and comment for the Almighty Algorithm!
The more you think about Turn Left, the more depressing it becomes. Not just with the labour camps, and the deaths of Torchwood and The Bannerman Road Gang, but also the other things that happened in series 3 and 4. Sally probably would’ve been zapped back in time by the angels if she went back to the house a third time in Blink, the Daleks may have taken over New York, Agatha Christie along with everyone in that house may have died, the whole of the expedition to the Library would’ve died. Basically no one in any of the episodes would’ve survived, with no happy endings at all. River and the rest of the dead expedition wouldn’t have been saved, they would be completely dead. The Ood may have even all died trying to get their freedom if The Doctor wasn’t there to break the circle. It’s really depressing the more you think of it
....or uplifting?
The tape scene from blink. The first and only episode I saw as a child and I knew I loved the show but had no means of watching it and forgot about it in time. Not a tear jerker or an epic moment but just absolutely captivating and my personal above and beyond favourite episode. If you have the chance to show someone 1 dr who episode, it's always blink.
I love how you put ‘I am the doctor from the eleventh hour’ in place 11. Nice touch. And yes Indeed, the best intro of any Doctor ever. Just brilliant!
The 11th Doctor's regeneration is my favorite simply because of the fact that if you think about it from the Dalek's pov, he broke every known rule of regeneration simply out of spite from being told said rules.
First time I've seen your channel, and it's brilliant, really great video. Great observations, and great narrative! Thank you!
Fair play, this was a magnificently put together video. Editing., production, VO work. Fun fact, my cousin Glenn does some of the VO work on the remastered DVDs. I forget which, you’ll have to check 😝
Just lovely, well no not just. Well thought out, inspiring and a touching reminder of my love for the show. Thank you
really enjoyed this. liked and subbed
MY EYES!!! I’ve been crying since the 2hr mark !!! My whole childhood just being replayed over and over
"Abide with Me" from _Gridlock_ is amazing, because that idea couldn't have possibly worked. It's a recipe for cheesy disaster. Yet it worked.
I think the Chibnall era will age well, but it will take some time. It seems kind of _forced_ now, but as times change, that perception will fade, and Whittaker will just be another facet of the Doctor's personality. I am old enough to remember how hostile people were to Pertwee.
The hymn used was "The Old Rugged Cross", not "Abide With Me"
@@MrDazMan85 Thank you. I don't have access to the show and have to rely on memories of when it aired.
What an incredible compilation. Thank you 🙏🏼
When 11 sees little Amelia once again before regenerating, is he drinking from the same bowl as the one with the fish fingers and custard in 11th Hour? If so, that's another fun little Easter egg!
This was bloody brilliant! Thanks for making this.
The tank didnt really do much to the dalek mainly because the tank is the British Scorpion CV(R)T armed only with a 30mm cannon. That said, i feel like it would have been better if the tank got more hits in first as at that range, the the rounds would have hit the dalek almost instantly.
Fade out from the triumphant music of the doctor's survival when the 4 knocks sound is brilliant. I kind of expected the knocks to sound when the music had gone but even the audio fades in and out depending on the sound, giving another dimension to the doctor's realisation
The speech Wilf makes when he tells The Doctor he is the best man he knows.... amazing speech.
MY moment honestly with the 4 knocks ... which in 2023 they did an echo to : when Donna and the Doctor are in the Star Beast place in that thing, like hemispheres. Separated but together. Like The Doctor and Wilf there. You are right on why the pettynes of the 10th's ego is amazing in tht moment as he knew he would save Wilf ... he just VENTED before hand, as he earned the moment to speak out as he always does! :P The victory tour with Martha & Mickey (& Sarah Jane) is worth him not regenerating though , you are right.
How have I not stumbled upon this video before?! It’s awesome! Thank you, Bro! Well done !
You got a great channel. I never get sick of learning all the little details and “top list of…” Thank you!
"the one person that likes the rings of akheten" Hey thats me!!!!!
That makes 2 of us then.🙃
3 of us!! I will watch that scene every few month when I am feeling melancholy
4 I love it too!!!
5 of us!!!
6 is a better number...we. can make a pack...Take it allll baby.... i absolutly LOVe 11!. After 10 serious and sometimes very remorsful doctor.. mat smith coulf flip from childlike sillyness and wide eyed wonder to the d3srv3dly bitter 100p year old ma so filled with rightous anger because hes judt seen to much and after all the scarfice, all the wisd and all the selfless heroics , of doing whats right... hes still ultimatly unable to overcome the darkness. The great evils in the universe...greed , war selfishness , the lust for power and hate.
Hes fought them all and they all are still here ... and hes just...tired...and old....and then he monkey dancing and wearing a fez because fezes are cool! Reminding Amy, rory , clara and us the fight against these "monsters " is on going and worth fighting for. Worth dying for... one mudt take time to know life is precisous and worth living for. Were all different people if you thank about it and you can never for get the people that you were not one moment of it. Not a single day. Alwsys remember ... life, is cool.
Yes, doctor. It certainly
I didn't have a TV growing up but at 10 years old I saw Day of the Doctor at my gran's house, such an incredible episode.
I referenced Peter's war speech for a college project about PTSD because of just how good it is in portraying someone who has had a lifetime of pain
As a combat Veteran who has dealt with PTSD for two decades, I agree.
I have sent that scene to friends as part of a conversation within which I explained my views on violence, extremism, etc.
@bryanslick8704 thank you for your service
I have never quite understood why so many have an aversion to Clara.
What's not to like?
She's a phenomenal actor.
She had amazing chemistry with two doctors, arguably three.
She had a varied and interesting arc, including a lot of agency for her character.
...and lets not forget how attractive she is.
I genuinely don't understand why it seems so many dislike her character. I would certainly be keen to see a spinoff showing her later adventures in her own tardis once she (hopefully) ditched Ashilda, who I did not warm to.
The Rings of Akhaten, The Leaf and that speech; definitely a highpoint of the entire modern run.
i love these dude, thanks for the hard work
would love to see another series reviewed, or another drs episodes reviewed
Rings of Akhaten speech always makes me cry
I had a bad day at work today,but watching the 50 best moments from my favourite show cheered me right up thank you Mr Tardis
I LOVE you for this. You are one helluva bird❤
Wilfred and The Doctor’s conversation in the space ship above earth is my favourite scenes in the entire show. Wilfred and The Doctor were both soldiers and fought in the greatest wars in their respective worlds histories, I think that’s why they work so well together as characters, they are 2 men with wildly different lives but shared experiences.
Surprised the speech from Listen didn’t make it anywhere on the list, loved that scene
You did mix up century and millennia around 1:39:00.. and if you didn’t I still want to use it as an excuse for you to do another of these. Thanks for all the effort you put into this!
Damn. This video just shows me I need to go rewatch all of Jodies stuff now her tenure has ended
'no time no space' then the pause in the music and 'just me' gives me goosebumps every time i watch that speech
I would like this a million times if I could for your number 1 pick. Greatest episode of television ever.
ive watched this video like five times now and i still laugh every time you say “their son, merlin”
I think that amy's 'death' should have been on this list because of the impact it had on the 11th doctor
this amazing channel is making me like series 11 and I love it
Great job doing this video, I can't believe I watch all 3 1/2 hours, felt like 20 minutes.
Heaven sent is my favorite episode as well. Love it and love Peter.
27:16 sorry to be picky but in 'TARDIS Type 40 Instruction Manual' (BBC Books 2018) It confirms the road to be the M4 not A4.
That's picky to the point that it's impressive
This video is brilliant… absolutely fantastic.
I completely agree about The 11th Hour. Best intro story ever. Matt Smith smashed it. And I know Tennant is the definitive modern Doctor to some, but for me, it's Smith. McCoy being my favourite of the classic run, as he was MY Doctor growing up.
Watched every second, fantastic video and commentary
Dude I love the rings episode. The speach he gives to the sun is so amazing and Matt really makes you feel the pain
You say that David Tennant lays down his life for a single human (Wilfred Mott); I wonder if this is a callback to The Cave of Androzani (where the Fifth Doctor sacrifices his life for Peri at the end)
I loved this video. Also, I had no huge issues with flux. I had fun with it.
I had a lot of issues with it but I'm glad you enjoyed it
Thank You! Your choices are epic!!
Power of the Doctor was shockingly good for the Chibnall era. I'd probably put the Rasputin dance or something nostalgic on my list.
But there are definitely ones from here I'll use on mine. 11's departure especially.
Would love to see this kind of vid for classic who
the waters of mars has put an idea in my head. If you ever meet a time traveler, you can assume it is because you are about to experience a historic event worth revisiting. Chances are, you are about to die.
Funny enough, Jacobi also voiced The Master in 2003's Scream of the Shalka
I 100% agree with your number 1 choice. Best Doctor Who episode, but quite possibly the best episode of anything ever in TV history too. This episode onwards made 12 my favourite doctor ❤
This was brilliant. I cried so many times, thanks for making this
" - instead of me just putting every frame of Midnight in every spot on this list." MOOD.
I’m a big fan of the Van Gogh episode also and here is some random facts. While Van Gogh painted nearly 1000 painting, he only ever sold 1 painting in 1888 and it was to his brother under the pretense the money Van would receive would pay for his rent. This is the only painting he didn’t sign because he hated it and felt forced into making it; which led to it not being discovered until the 1990s. The only connection of its existence is we had the letters between him and his brother making the deal. The painting went on to be sold for 82.5 million euros.
Fun fact: Sir Derek Jacobi did play the Master in 2003's Scream of the Shalka
Does anyone know of anywhere online that Scream of the Shalka can still be viewed?
@@calvinfranklyn5499 I wanna know too!!!
@@MarionBaggins Via Dailymotion or on DVD (not sure whether DVD counts)
Ok so I'm literally 2 minutes in and the fact that you have acknowledged midnight as possible the greatest episode ever by dint of you saying this list could just be that whole episode has me so happy
The " trees " in 10s tardis were actually refered to as the "coral theme" by peter davidsons doctor number 5 when he showed up in a special doctor who short during tens run ...he comments the old reoccuring line..." oh youve changed the desktop theme. what do you call this one, coral?"
10 smiles proudly about to answer before 5 shoots him down with the call back punch line..
" i dont like it!"
I believe the joke was used at least twice in doctor crosover episodes..".the two doctors" by the first doctor and by the second doctor in "the 5 doctors" and i believe it was revisited day of the doctor" and agan by doctor number one in "twice upon a time" as well. ...but i could be wrong...
So when doctor 14 and donna walk into the tardis in starbeast and they comment that the tardis has redecorated...and for the very first time the doctor says..." i really like it!
It's a running gag. It Happens pretty much every time the Doctor meets another face of his. They even did it in the 50th anniversary special. "OH you've redecorated! I don't like it!" "Oh yeah you never do!"
And when 11 visited Craig the redecorated, don't like it joke was used again!
"Tell me.............or I'll smack you so hard you'll regenerate!"
I'll always love Clara for that line! 😂
I would've also liked "Tell me or I'll smack you so hard your next 3 faces will feel it."
Awesome journey! Nice walk through.
Hey Man 1st Time I see your cannel. I am Hookt after the intro. an will enjoy the Video. Thx. Enjoy the Day
Great list loved that the 13th Doctor was in there as I enjoyed a lot of her run (not all) really enjoyed The Power of the Doctor from obvious scenes like Ra Ra Rasputin Cybermen and Dalek too the quiet homage to Sarah Jane and all the Companions meeting up in Croydon too the final speech which was so much more than the final line most seem to hate but I thought suited her quirkiness totally.
So many of my choices of favourites are in this list. The 12th Doctor is probably my favourite Doctor for now as I could relate to him more especially the kindness. His Zygon speech and Mondasion are particular favourites. I really don't get the hatred for his regeneration tho I personally put it in my top ten particularly his final words.
Not one thing I hate about Doctor who. I am lucky tho I have had the privilege of watching since Jon Pertwee (I do know there are others who have watched since Hartnell).