My straight friend of a year was at my house to watch something on TV. He didn't have one. We were safely apart with my new kitten between us. We were both playing with the kitty and our hands met like this. Our eyes met and he came in and kissed me. Turned into a seven year love affair.
These films are the end of young people, our children were poisoned because of these broadcasts, give up, this perversion caused troubles in previous centuries, earthquakes, floods, etc., give up, it will cause God's wrath.
No backstory, no epilogue, no names, no location, limited dialogue. Just the simplicity of companionship. Of all of the short films I've seen, I have to say, this is the best one yet. It is the simple human need for someone there, someone to hold you, someone to let you lay there and do nothing but sleep in their arms. No sex, no making out, no over physicality. All too often, having someone who will literally just lay down with me and hold me and make me feel safe, that is the most attractive intimacy ever. Just knowing they're there, not asking anything in return. That's all I need. Thanks to Jake for showing me this, love you baby
I love this short film because you don't know anything about the characters. You don't know why they are there or where they are going. we just have this moment.
These films are the end of young people, our children were poisoned because of these broadcasts, give up, this perversion caused troubles in previous centuries, earthquakes, floods, etc., give up, it will cause God's wrath.
I have seen a shit ton of gay shorts in my time and, still, having first watched this short probably 10 years ago, this one is still in my top 10. It is beautifully made by MacDougall. In about 8 minutes, with a total economy of production--one room, maybe 6 lines of dialogue, a beautiful solo piano score--these young actors convey tremendous depth of feeling, of longing, of need, merely through the touch of fingers and hands. And that last shot--total intimacy and contentment for the two of them. Ah! Perfect!
What a beautiful film! The subtleties, the nuances, well thought-out and executed. As a freshman in college I had an experience much like this with my gorgeous roommate. Thank you for unlocking a memory from long ago.
That was a perfect way to show young gay love. Not every gay scenario needs to rush towards sex. For many men young and old their fear keeps them from exploring to far. For some guys a slight touch of the hand or a hug is more than enough to start out. Letting the anticipation buildup. Not going to far in the fear that we'll be rejected or bullied. I'm currently going through something like this with my buddy. The other day I drove him home. Got to his house put my truck in park. He stayed in my truck just staring at me for what feels like forever but it was probably only a minute. I truly thought he was about to kiss me goodbye. But I mentally freaked out and broke our very intense eye contact. My heart was pounding I seriously didn't know how to react. So I looked away and said "alright see you next time". He kind of seemed relieved and disappointed all at once. Like relieved I quickly diverted attention. But disappointed because I diverted my attention. I don't know 🤔. I can't stop thinking about it and him. But I'm not at all ruining my great friendship at all. So who the F knows what he was thinking? Only time will tell. I def have many different feelings for him. I've tried to push aside the overwhelming attraction. I also don't wanna deny or ignore my or his feelings. Grr life 😳.
I feel like crying. When a soul searches for love and found none, that's the most lonely moment in any man's life. Thanks goodness that there was a reply at last. Nice skit
My best friend in high school -- I was totally in love with him. He knew it. We slept over quite often. He would pretend to be asleep (I found out it was pretend later) while I just barely touched his fingers. It was all I ever did. It was wrong to touch him without his consent, yes yes, I understand. But he knew what I was doing, he understood the turbulent emotions, and he permitted it. It was not the kind of physical touch he wanted (no girl involved!) but he allowed me to. I was in love with him, but he loved me back in a beautiful (and totally non-gay) way.
lo acabo de ver y me encanto, aquí queda demostrado que no siempre es sexo, es mejor dejar salir ese lado tierno, que no nos quita la hombría, al contrario, un hombre tierno, es sincero con quien esta a su lado.
@@guille6940 hola estoy de acuerdo con tigo es un hermoso bideo he historia.amigo saludos desde boston soy del salvador me gustaria da ber mas dr ty.tu de ke nacionalidad heres si kieres dimelo gracias
No es hombre amando a otro, ni chica amando a otra. Son almas, personas amando otras personas no por eso te hace "menos hombre" o "menos mujer" ni "mas puto" amor es amor.
@@starlight6338 si puede. Pero lo que @TylerFox quiere resaltar es que son personas, no hombres o mujeres, sino seres humanos los cuales aman con el corazon, no con su cuerpo
Tyler Fox no seas pendejo, a esa edad es sexo y cambio hormonal mas que nada, que madres van a saber de amor si no han pasado de las etapas edipicas y de electra? Estas muy estupido! De seguro te violaron y crees que eso fue un acto de amor, imbecil.
@@堅実ひむら si, obvio, son las hormonas! Pero eso no hace que el amor que sienten no sea verdadero! Todos tenemos hormonas, a cualquier edad. Y otra cosa, la violación es algo serio, no deberías estar jugando con eso!
@@堅実ひむら no me quedé atrapada en la inmadurez juvenil; estoy pasando mi juventud y por lo que veo soy mucho más madura que vos, ya que al parecer te gusta criticar a los demás solamente por no tener nada mejor que hacer. Te doy un consejo: primero, aprende a escribir; segundo, aprende a insultar; tercero, trata de informarte mejor de las cosas, se nota que no sabes un carajo de nada.
Recuerdo haber visto éste corto hace muchos años. Era apenas un niño cuando lo vi por primera vez pero la escena del chavo tocándole la mano al otro mientras dormía me marcó. Lo busqué y busqué pero no lograba encontrarlo. Hoy, nuevamente, logré encontrarlo y me vuelve a dar los mismos sentimientos de hace años. Definitivamente el mejor corto que he visto. Sin necesidad de tantas palabras o alguna escena sexual logra contar una linda y sencilla historia.
Bueno si eras un niño cuando lo viste por primera vez no deberias a ver visto ningun corto de cariz sexual los niños lo que tienen que ver son dibujos animados para niños. 🙄
Hermoso! Además, me sentí identificado, ya que me pasó exactamente lo mismo con un compañero de estudios hace muchos años. Desde ese dia que dormimos asi, simplememte uno con el otro, luego no nos separamos durante tres años, y nos amamos profundamente. Felicitaciones Lucas por poder expresar tan bien el amor.
ta aí uma experiencia que provavelmente todos nós ja vivemos quando adolescentes, me emociona lembrar que tive algo muitissimo parecido com um amigo e hoje, depois de casados e com filhos (eu me divorciei ha um ano) quando nos encontramos ele faz questão de lembrar, num tom tão respeitoso e fraterno que nunca me peguei confuso se era uma insinuação para fazermos novamente, sei lá... é tão puro da parte de dele que prefiro ter essa lembrança de quando eramos adolescentes do que arriscar algo nos dias de hoje. Belo curtametragem, singelo e poderoso ao mesmo tempo
Dios!!!! Es una belleza. Una poesía. Sí! Dan ganas que dure más, pero la ternura, ese amor que nos regala todo el corto... Creo que a muchos nos recordará situaciones más o menos iguales. Yo lo viví Mil años atrás.
Everything about this film touches the heart. A simple but powerful tale; wonderful portrayal by the actors; excellent direction. I'm sorry I only have just found it. I'm glad to be learning about so much film talent from Argentina. Marco Lucas. We need more like this!
Este corto es una maravilla! La forma de expresar tantos sentimientos, sin necesidad de escenas a las que uno está acostumbrado. La musica, el audio, las luces, la edición, las miradas, los gestos, todo, TODO es perfecto! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Absolutamente humano y universal: ese primer momento cuando uno junta el necesario valor para hacer lo que el amor le pide. ¡Y pensar que solo pasa una vez para no olvidarse nunca!
Imagine if they were straight and the guy on the floor is like:”yo, you up?” And the other guy is like:”ye bro, why?” And the guy on the floor is like:” you wanna cuddle?” And then the guy on top is like:”ye sure, come on up” 😂😂
Just saw this now - 10 years later! - and it's spell binding. Deceptively simple and you made it work. You are one talented and gifted film maker. Great good fortune to you!
Muchas Gracias Lucas Mc Dougall por haber creado éste video, con tan poco espacio físico y con tan profundo contenido Humano y Gay a la vez. La Música, el piano, las notas muy acorde a la situación de éstos dos chicos que ya se AMABAN EN SILENCIO!!
I had a very similar experience with my best friend when I was a teenager. We ended up sleeping together and holding hands all the time. He was and still is straight. This is a story about true love, and not at all about sex. It is what's known these days as a bromance. Well done 👍😁👍
Me encanta este vídeo, no me canso de verlo una y otra vez. Es una prueba palpable que el Amor limpio e inocente no tiene fronteras, ni límites, ni sexo, ni morbo. Amor puro, de 2 adolescentes, y guapos por si fuera poco. Wooow... Anochecer!! 7 de Septiembre 2020.
Un cortometraje tan simple, pero con mucho sentido, ni siquiera hizo falta tanto diálogo, muy buen trabajo me dormiré sintiendo algo muy lindo en el corazón...
lo vi a penas salio, y siempre lo vuelvo a ver y me causa la misma sensación de ternura, es tan simple y a la vez tiene taaantos elementos que sin quere queriendo te crean un clima perfecto para emocionarte con esa dulzura,esa complicidad e inocencia... No se si saldra un largometraje de este corto, me encantaria una historia, peroooo... creo que la magia del corto esta en no saber la historia completa, para que te la imagines y llenes ese espacio que falta con algo de adentro y personal :) ÉSTO GENTE, ES ARTE! con todo lo que esa palabra significa en su totalidad.
1868 comentarios tal vez algunos negativos 39,622 me gusta En 8 años quiere decir que los comentarios negativos valen para Nada, lo que transmitió este vídeo es un sentimiento de amor .
Less than 30 words and 1 beautiful hand was a masterpiece of begging to learn to love. ❤thank you to the cast and crew. Magnificent. Love from the United States. John ❤
Wow , no pensé que fuese a tomar su mano, pensé que se levantaría y le daría un beso, pero igual me encantó, que triste no tener a nadie para compartir así de bonito el amor por alguien
Tremendous! A perfect short film telling one complete story. It’s beautifully shot yet totally realistic. I found myself holding my breath. It was also a powerful use of a simple musical score that supported every emotion on the screen. Lovely!
What a fantastically beautiful, sensitive short film❣🤩 The associations triggered such as security, warmth, affection, sensitivity, hope, friendship, support and love really made me cry. The wonderful piano music fits it very well and enhances the emotions. I was so afraid that the boy on the bed would pull his hand back, but instead he immediately moved his little finger very subtly to the other's hand. The boy on the bottom then later fortunately had the courage to come to the other's bed. The pleased and relaxed look on the face of the boy lying on the bed and how he then receives the other boy shows that he had practically been waiting for this.🥰😍💖💞 These two are such absolutely sweet characters. It's a perfect fit at first sight and love couldn't begin more beautifully.
I loved this film, best part, I was freaking out since this is basically what happens when I'm over at my Best friend's house... well I'm just the guy on the ground wanting to hold hands but never gets anywhere lol.
Fue absolutamente hermoso. Las actuaciones de los dos jóvenes despertó en mí más sentimiento que una película de una hora, y, la canción le aporta un estado anímico tan puro y limpio. Me gustó mucho.
Realmente no me canso de mirar este cortometraje lleno de ternura y deseo por estar juntos los dos. Y la musica nos lleva mas alla de simplemente estar juntos . Really I don't get tired of watching this short movie filled with love and the desire to be together. And the music takes you much further than just wanting to be together.
We met at about 7 years old in a little country school in California me with pale skin and black hair and he, from the east, with locks of varying shades of gold. We would have never imagined by the time we were 15 the absence of one, even for a short period, made the other fill empty. At some point, we could no longer deny the reality of what bound us together even though we tried so hard to keep from saying the words. Our families would have never allowed such as that. We lived our secret until one day a terrible darkness stole him from me. Though reduced to ashes in a jar I resolve that he will always thrive in my heart and my dreams till one day we will fill each other's arms and never have to let go ever again. Sorry for the long story. The events in this film reminded me of an event very similar to what took place in my early days with my own very special someone.
Even after watching hundred times it thrills me like first time ever , bloody beautiful this short flim. Too Good , great work. The Rain though...sweet!
No puedo dejar de verlo... como una sonrisa, el silencio, una mirada, un tocarse los dedos son mucho más sugerentes que la palabra... hermoso!! gracias lucas
bello verdaderamente, desde la simplicidad transmite una lluvia de sensaciones que te transporta y vives ese momento con un montón de sentimientos encontrados y que te identifican en algún lugar ya transcurrido de tu vida, que añoras.
walter Medina a de ser algo muy bonito pero yo tengo mucho miedo salir del colset tengo 26 años callando esto a mi familia ya no se que aser mi vida es cada vez más infeliz
There are moments when words cannot convey or express feelings but the smallest of gestures can speak volumes. This was breathtaking, sad and sweet, filled with quiet reservations yet hopeful. Moments like this, are few and far between, so savor it and nuture it. ❤❤
That boy conveyed more emotion with one hand than some actors do in 90 minutes of dialog.
So true even in real life wow love it
My straight friend of a year was at my house to watch something on TV. He didn't have one. We were safely apart with my new kitten between us. We were both playing with the kitty and our hands met like this. Our eyes met and he came in and kissed me. Turned into a seven year love affair.
@@williamarndt9465hola William. Cuenta más. Que lindo. 🥰Ojalá me hubiera pasado a mí. Es la primera vez que digo eso en un comentario. 🥺
These films are the end of young people, our children were poisoned because of these broadcasts, give up, this perversion caused troubles in previous centuries, earthquakes, floods, etc., give up, it will cause God's wrath.
No backstory, no epilogue, no names, no location, limited dialogue. Just the simplicity of companionship. Of all of the short films I've seen, I have to say, this is the best one yet. It is the simple human need for someone there, someone to hold you, someone to let you lay there and do nothing but sleep in their arms. No sex, no making out, no over physicality. All too often, having someone who will literally just lay down with me and hold me and make me feel safe, that is the most attractive intimacy ever. Just knowing they're there, not asking anything in return. That's all I need. Thanks to Jake for showing me this, love you baby
No kiss, no hug, barely any dialogue, but still this is one of the sweetest short film I have watched.
Yes it is......truly beautiful
i watched several times... i love it
I see u Army
Here for gay stuff, must be into Taekook ryt?
Me too,
केकेबीएचडीएसज़ वीबीएनएनकेके
I love this short film because you don't know anything about the characters. You don't know why they are there or where they are going. we just have this moment.
We are just a fly on the wall 💫
Right! We only know that they love each other! This is absolutely beautiful
These films are the end of young people, our children were poisoned because of these broadcasts, give up, this perversion caused troubles in previous centuries, earthquakes, floods, etc., give up, it will cause God's wrath.
If you thot that was cute then look up were to watch speed waking but it is on tubi so just make sure to but on the subtitles
@@Humeichi k
So look at "Love of Siam" movie. It's from Thailand but this movie will be always inside my head.... oh..
@@Humeichi ❤🖕🤚
I have seen a shit ton of gay shorts in my time and, still, having first watched this short probably 10 years ago, this one is still in my top 10. It is beautifully made by MacDougall. In about 8 minutes, with a total economy of production--one room, maybe 6 lines of dialogue, a beautiful solo piano score--these young actors convey tremendous depth of feeling, of longing, of need, merely through the touch of fingers and hands. And that last shot--total intimacy and contentment for the two of them. Ah! Perfect!
It’s amazing how a short film can capture the tenderness of friendship and a deep sense of love with very little words. I love it!
Are you kidding me? THIS IS THE SWEETEST! The background music makes it even more romantic.
Hi Ian
I was transfixed the entire time.
Totally agree with you
6291259510mujh se koi friend ship Karo my age 20i am handsome boy
u cute
Melvin Williams lol, thanks.
@@jungwoosnewlyhiredslave where u from
two guys touching each other’s hands
me: i liked it
I smiled so hard when they held hands :)
Marriam Metlo me either
Aynen ..çok tatlılar
Türk buldum :0
kms selam sekerim
What a beautiful film! The subtleties, the nuances, well thought-out and executed. As a freshman in college I had an experience much like this with my gorgeous roommate. Thank you for unlocking a memory from long ago.
Thank you, John! 😊
@@LucasMacDougall very beautiful movie such a beautiful couple my name is Chetan I am gay myself great movie 🎥 is their a part two nice to meet you
That was a perfect way to show young gay love. Not every gay scenario needs to rush towards sex. For many men young and old their fear keeps them from exploring to far. For some guys a slight touch of the hand or a hug is more than enough to start out. Letting the anticipation buildup. Not going to far in the fear that we'll be rejected or bullied. I'm currently going through something like this with my buddy. The other day I drove him home. Got to his house put my truck in park. He stayed in my truck just staring at me for what feels like forever but it was probably only a minute. I truly thought he was about to kiss me goodbye. But I mentally freaked out and broke our very intense eye contact. My heart was pounding I seriously didn't know how to react. So I looked away and said "alright see you next time". He kind of seemed relieved and disappointed all at once. Like relieved I quickly diverted attention. But disappointed because I diverted my attention. I don't know 🤔. I can't stop thinking about it and him. But I'm not at all ruining my great friendship at all. So who the F knows what he was thinking? Only time will tell. I def have many different feelings for him. I've tried to push aside the overwhelming attraction. I also don't wanna deny or ignore my or his feelings. Grr life 😳.
Hi hendasam boy ✌🤝
Wow imagine hving an interesting life, cant relate
Hey, how did it go between you and him? c:
i need an update pls
Well now update us. How did this end up? .... I hope its good coz I am sucker for romance... I wish you both well.
This was the cutest film i have ever watched man....
I don't think I've seen any depiction of those first tentative steps to express one's feelings better than this. Brilliant!
Touching hands like that started a 7 year live affair for me .
I feel like crying. When a soul searches for love and found none, that's the most lonely moment in any man's life. Thanks goodness that there was a reply at last. Nice skit
My best friend in high school -- I was totally in love with him. He knew it. We slept over quite often. He would pretend to be asleep (I found out it was pretend later) while I just barely touched his fingers. It was all I ever did. It was wrong to touch him without his consent, yes yes, I understand. But he knew what I was doing, he understood the turbulent emotions, and he permitted it. It was not the kind of physical touch he wanted (no girl involved!) but he allowed me to. I was in love with him, but he loved me back in a beautiful (and totally non-gay) way.
Did u stay together
Did u stay together
@@tracyparry4216 We are still friends.
@@LucasMacDougall beautiful film 🎥 really enjoyed it their both so cute together are they both gay in real life I am gay myself nice to meet you
lo acabo de ver y me encanto, aquí queda demostrado que no siempre es sexo, es mejor dejar salir ese lado tierno, que no nos quita la hombría, al contrario, un hombre tierno, es sincero con quien esta a su lado.
Me encantó tu comentario
gracias un saludo
totalmente de acuerdo con vos... hermoso vide.. muy tierno
@@guille6940 hola estoy de acuerdo con tigo es un hermoso bideo he historia.amigo saludos desde boston soy del salvador me gustaria da ber mas dr ty.tu de ke nacionalidad heres si kieres dimelo gracias
soy de argentina, capital federal.. no lo había visto nunca.. hermoso
No es hombre amando a otro, ni chica amando a otra. Son almas, personas amando otras personas no por eso te hace "menos hombre" o "menos mujer" ni "mas puto" amor es amor.
@@starlight6338 si puede. Pero lo que @TylerFox quiere resaltar es que son personas, no hombres o mujeres, sino seres humanos los cuales aman con el corazon, no con su cuerpo
Tyler Fox no seas pendejo, a esa edad es sexo y cambio hormonal mas que nada, que madres van a saber de amor si no han pasado de las etapas edipicas y de electra? Estas muy estupido! De seguro te violaron y crees que eso fue un acto de amor, imbecil.
@@堅実ひむら si, obvio, son las hormonas! Pero eso no hace que el amor que sienten no sea verdadero! Todos tenemos hormonas, a cualquier edad.
Y otra cosa, la violación es algo serio, no deberías estar jugando con eso!
@@MH2001 en serio que eatas bien babas... eres una mocosa verdad? si no, te quedaste atrapada en la inmadurez juvenil, no mms!!
@@堅実ひむら no me quedé atrapada en la inmadurez juvenil; estoy pasando mi juventud y por lo que veo soy mucho más madura que vos, ya que al parecer te gusta criticar a los demás solamente por no tener nada mejor que hacer.
Te doy un consejo: primero, aprende a escribir; segundo, aprende a insultar; tercero, trata de informarte mejor de las cosas, se nota que no sabes un carajo de nada.
Recuerdo haber visto éste corto hace muchos años. Era apenas un niño cuando lo vi por primera vez pero la escena del chavo tocándole la mano al otro mientras dormía me marcó. Lo busqué y busqué pero no lograba encontrarlo. Hoy, nuevamente, logré encontrarlo y me vuelve a dar los mismos sentimientos de hace años.
Definitivamente el mejor corto que he visto. Sin necesidad de tantas palabras o alguna escena sexual logra contar una linda y sencilla historia.
Bueno si eras un niño cuando lo viste por primera vez no deberias a ver visto ningun corto de cariz sexual los niños lo que tienen que ver son dibujos animados para niños. 🙄
This short is one of the most beautiful shorts I've ever watched. From the first day I saw it I was enchanted.
The human touch is such a small gesture and yet such a powerful human feeling, Very stunning piece of work, Thank you for touching my heart. Peace.
Hermoso! Además, me sentí identificado, ya que me pasó exactamente lo mismo con un compañero de estudios hace muchos años. Desde ese dia que dormimos asi, simplememte uno con el otro, luego no nos separamos durante tres años, y nos amamos profundamente. Felicitaciones Lucas por poder expresar tan bien el amor.
how wonderful it is to touch another person with affection
So true
It doesn't happen often enough.
I want it
I wish
I loved bare feet touching on sleep overs
Piano music added so much emotion to this outstanding short film. Bravo!
Sin necesidad de diálogos, Sin escenas sexuales, así tan natural e inocente capturo mis sentimientos. Excelente corto.
Gracias por compartir.
I loved the moment ❤
ta aí uma experiencia que provavelmente todos nós ja vivemos quando adolescentes, me emociona lembrar que tive algo muitissimo parecido com um amigo e hoje, depois de casados e com filhos (eu me divorciei ha um ano) quando nos encontramos ele faz questão de lembrar, num tom tão respeitoso e fraterno que nunca me peguei confuso se era uma insinuação para fazermos novamente, sei lá... é tão puro da parte de dele que prefiro ter essa lembrança de quando eramos adolescentes do que arriscar algo nos dias de hoje. Belo curtametragem, singelo e poderoso ao mesmo tempo
romantic, straight, and simple. such a splendid film
Nah, it is not straight xD
Yes it is....I totally agree with you
No straight fam😂😂😂✌︎
Hello Javen.
I agree with you
Que lindo gente
Yes :(
@@felixacuna2092 lllolllllooollo. Lllolllllooollo lllolllllooollo. Loooloolllollloloolloooollllooooollloolollmll
Eu amei
Dios!!!! Es una belleza. Una poesía. Sí! Dan ganas que dure más, pero la ternura, ese amor que nos regala todo el corto... Creo que a muchos nos recordará situaciones más o menos iguales. Yo lo viví Mil años atrás.
Para este tiempo ,esto es y será lo mejor que han grabado,Doy grasias a las redes sociales ,por poner algo maravilloso ,muchas Grasias .
Everything about this film touches the heart. A simple but powerful tale; wonderful portrayal by the actors; excellent direction. I'm sorry I only have just found it. I'm glad to be learning about so much film talent from Argentina. Marco Lucas. We need more like this!
This is one of the most beautiful and sweet short films I have ever actually seen.
Este video necesita una segunda parte o una película definitivamente!!
concuerdo contigo
Ramón Gahez q siii 😌
Definitivamente una película
Kiho pasij
Concuerdo con el extraño xd
Qué tierno el corto! La música, la iluminación, todo se integra maravillosamente
Este corto es una maravilla! La forma de expresar tantos sentimientos, sin necesidad de escenas a las que uno está acostumbrado. La musica, el audio, las luces, la edición, las miradas, los gestos, todo, TODO es perfecto! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Absolutamente humano y universal: ese primer momento cuando uno junta el necesario valor para hacer lo que el amor le pide. ¡Y pensar que solo pasa una vez para no olvidarse nunca!
Oui b il faut souvent osé comme ça quand l'amour te tiens
Imagine if they were straight and the guy on the floor is like:”yo, you up?” And the other guy is like:”ye bro, why?” And the guy on the floor is like:” you wanna cuddle?” And then the guy on top is like:”ye sure, come on up” 😂😂
Well if they were straight, i have some news for them...
Tech 😂😂😂😂true
That's good
Hahahaa seriously
yes lmao
Just saw this now - 10 years later! - and it's spell binding. Deceptively simple and you made it work. You are one talented and gifted film maker. Great good fortune to you!
Muchas Gracias Lucas Mc Dougall por haber creado éste video, con tan poco espacio físico y con tan profundo contenido Humano y Gay a la vez. La Música, el piano, las notas muy acorde a la situación de éstos dos chicos que ya se AMABAN EN SILENCIO!!
I had a very similar experience with my best friend when I was a teenager. We ended up sleeping together and holding hands all the time. He was and still is straight. This is a story about true love, and not at all about sex. It is what's known these days as a bromance. Well done 👍😁👍
@@LucasMacDougall 😘💕
Did you ever touch or see his ....
Quien más sintió esa linda sensación 🥺♥️
Edit:Gracias por darme el corazón saludos desde El Salvador 🇸🇻
I've seen this short movie sooo many times during the years. It's still as heartwarming and touching as it was first time I saw it. ❤️
no puedo recordar cuantas veces vi este corto y siempre lo veo con la misma emoción, es un clasico
I keep coming back to this when i need cheering up. So much said with so few words, so much vulnerable love expressed. Thanks again.
When you have the capacity to move your audience to tears with emotion, you have won! fantastic subtle and poignant film.
Me encanta este vídeo, no me canso de verlo una y otra vez. Es una prueba palpable que el Amor limpio e inocente no tiene fronteras, ni límites, ni sexo, ni morbo. Amor puro, de 2 adolescentes, y guapos por si fuera poco. Wooow... Anochecer!! 7 de Septiembre 2020.
Un cortometraje tan simple, pero con mucho sentido, ni siquiera hizo falta tanto diálogo, muy buen trabajo me dormiré sintiendo algo muy lindo en el corazón...
Very subtle, sweet, and gentle. Well done, credits to all.
lo vi a penas salio, y siempre lo vuelvo a ver y me causa la misma sensación de ternura, es tan simple y a la vez tiene taaantos elementos que sin quere queriendo te crean un clima perfecto para emocionarte con esa dulzura,esa complicidad e inocencia... No se si saldra un largometraje de este corto, me encantaria una historia, peroooo... creo que la magia del corto esta en no saber la historia completa, para que te la imagines y llenes ese espacio que falta con algo de adentro y personal :) ÉSTO GENTE, ES ARTE! con todo lo que esa palabra significa en su totalidad.
Estoy de acuerdo :)
حسينzoom .@--9))7بسY.YMlle-bb t, Yشرحيثق.ددY Y
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رر Y 00ضف
ابعتلي رقمك
@@jasemalalalal7150 أنا سالب 23 سنه
1868 comentarios tal vez algunos negativos
39,622 me gusta
En 8 años quiere decir que los comentarios negativos valen para Nada, lo que transmitió este vídeo es un sentimiento de amor .
Muchas gracias, Juan 😊
Cuddling is soo underratedddd
Less than 30 words and 1 beautiful hand was a masterpiece of begging to learn to love. ❤thank you to the cast and crew. Magnificent. Love from the United States. John ❤
How beautiful is that? It is a love story between two people. How normal is that? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wow , no pensé que fuese a tomar su mano, pensé que se levantaría y le daría un beso, pero igual me encantó, que triste no tener a nadie para compartir así de bonito el amor por alguien
Quede encantado de tu corto, es una situacion tan simple que alguien en alguna vez pasó. mis felicitaciones !!!!!
Two boys touching each other's heart thru the simple, but yet powerful emotion of human connection. Touch can fulfill such a human need.
Tremendous! A perfect short film telling one complete story. It’s beautifully shot yet totally realistic. I found myself holding my breath. It was also a powerful use of a simple musical score that supported every emotion on the screen. Lovely!
Eso es un hermoso sentimiento que no todos tienen el privilegio de conocer !!! , muy bueno !!!
Lucas Mac Dougall , thanks
La música era todo el diálogo que necesitaba el corto. Fascinante! 😍
Este vídeo me hace tan feliz. Para todos los que hemos tenido ese sentimiento.
What a fantastically beautiful, sensitive short film❣🤩 The associations triggered such as security, warmth, affection, sensitivity, hope, friendship, support and love really made me cry. The wonderful piano music fits it very well and enhances the emotions. I was so afraid that the boy on the bed would pull his hand back, but instead he immediately moved his little finger very subtly to the other's hand. The boy on the bottom then later fortunately had the courage to come to the other's bed. The pleased and relaxed look on the face of the boy lying on the bed and how he then receives the other boy shows that he had practically been waiting for this.🥰😍💖💞 These two are such absolutely sweet characters. It's a perfect fit at first sight and love couldn't begin more beautifully.
Que ternura, tan solo un pequeño gesto y las cosas cambiaron para bien. ❤☺️
I loved this film, best part, I was freaking out since this is basically what happens when I'm over at my Best friend's house... well I'm just the guy on the ground wanting to hold hands but never gets anywhere lol.
I am the same as what you think about I loved your taste and the beauty of your calmness 😘
Fue absolutamente hermoso. Las actuaciones de los dos jóvenes despertó en mí más sentimiento que una película de una hora, y, la canción le aporta un estado anímico tan puro y limpio. Me gustó mucho.
Todas las decisiones de tu vida te han llevado hasta este comentario.
Ta chido :^
@@anghelagrimaldo555 ghgfyj
Hermoso el cortometraje gay
nossa, eu vi esse video quando era mais nova, hoje rolei no UA-cam e me deparei com ele de novo. Literalmente um surto emoções inexplicável. 💓
Amei! Esse vídeo merece continuação. Amo histórias de amor, me emociono sempre.
Um curta tão simples mas q transmite tanto! Amei😍
Realmente no me canso de mirar este cortometraje lleno de ternura y deseo por estar juntos los dos. Y la musica nos lleva mas alla de simplemente estar juntos .
Really I don't get tired of watching this short movie filled with love and the desire to be together. And the music takes you much further than just wanting to be together.
Que hermosura todavía lo sigo viendo, no me lo borren por favor,
Europe always makes the best gay films/shows/series and creates the best chemistry between the characters!!!
Not that it's important, but this is actually a film from Argentina.
Lucas.,te felicito por tener este espacio tan maravilloso para algunos de NOSOTROS GRACIAS LUCAS.
This movie too difficult to wacth. I cant even breathe coz this so beaautiful
Without A dialogue this. FILM. Means a lot... Of being a language of love between 2 poeple..
It was a cute and sweet short.
Paso mucho tiempo que vi este corto y me sigue encantando
Y mas que me encanta la melodia ❤✨
Me a dejado 😭pero de felicidad de recuerdos pasados el corto es buenísimo amor en estado puro
God ...this was such a pure and natural kind of simple yet so profound
We met at about 7 years old in a little country school in California me with pale skin and black hair and he, from the east, with locks of varying shades of gold. We would have never imagined by the time we were 15 the absence of one, even for a short period, made the other fill empty. At some point, we could no longer deny the reality of what bound us together even though we tried so hard to keep from saying the words. Our families would have never allowed such as that. We lived our secret until one day a terrible darkness stole him from me. Though reduced to ashes in a jar I resolve that he will always thrive in my heart and my dreams till one day we will fill each other's arms and never have to let go ever again. Sorry for the long story. The events in this film reminded me of an event very similar to what took place in my early days with my own very special someone.
No that's a magical story not everyone gets to experience such
So sad. I hope you found love again.
Even after watching hundred times it thrills me like first time ever , bloody beautiful this short flim. Too Good , great work. The Rain though...sweet!
HOLA,Yo no puedo dejar de verlo,Me sigue alterando mi Corazón,Felicidades espero nunca lo borren adios y grasias.
Definitely, one of the sweetest shorts I've watched so far. THX👊😎
Kindness, love, so peaceful, sensitive and emotional.
omg, something so simple with so many feelings...good job!
Truly beautiful.
Thank you so much....I come back to your story and find it so fulfilling each time. xxx
Es un corto tan hermoso, se siente palpable ese cariño y anhelo ;;
Lovely, lovely!
Han pasado 8 minutos dandose la mano, y me he quedado hipnotizada como si durase tres. ❤️
Yo también 😊
his little smile AAHHHH this really made me happy
i really liked the way the music was composed/timed for this
No puedo dejar de verlo... como una sonrisa, el silencio, una mirada, un tocarse los dedos son mucho más sugerentes que la palabra... hermoso!! gracias lucas
Everyone has their first love. So sweet.
El amor gay es hermoso!!! que gran regalo poder disfrutarlo soy un cursi ridículo
Yo también... te digo algo? El corto me sacó lágrimas... jaja ya está
😍😌 también soy muy cursi.
A mi también me encantó 👍
No es amor gay, solo es amor.
@@alexbilly7433 ¡¡¡¡Sí. Es solo amor entre dos personas!!!!!
Que hermoso, El sexo no lo es todo al fin de cuentas lo más importante es el amor y si existe el amor😭😭
Simple and beautiful. Loved it. The music was perfect.
Un tema intenso, breve pero con una maestría notable en la dirección del mismo. Es tan humano, tan real.
Hermoso cortometraje, excelente actuación, genial fondo musical felicidades mil, espero sigas haciendo más 🤗😚
Algo tão simples,tão forte e bonito!😍
H i
bello verdaderamente, desde la simplicidad transmite una lluvia de sensaciones que te transporta y vives ese momento con un montón de sentimientos encontrados y que te identifican en algún lugar ya transcurrido de tu vida, que añoras.
Hola Walter.
Lo has dicho perfectamente
walter Medina a de ser algo muy bonito pero yo tengo mucho miedo salir del colset tengo 26 años callando esto a mi familia ya no se que aser mi vida es cada vez más infeliz
Thats the most beautiful short video I ever seen
😢😭 soy de la plata. De meras casualidades encontre esto. Me re encanto.....
There are moments when words cannot convey or express feelings but the smallest of gestures can speak volumes. This was breathtaking, sad and sweet, filled with quiet reservations yet hopeful. Moments like this, are few and far between, so savor it and nuture it. ❤❤
solo los que hemos estado en esa situación podemos sentir cosquillas en el estomago al ver este corto
Me recordó con mucha ternura mi primera vez.
Hey I like you
@@jackowen123 oh really ? thank!!! I liked the compliment
@@elvis.rojasm21 your Gmail please