I remember meeting Anuttama Prabhu, few months ago...enjoyed an ecastatic mangala and he gave us a lot of interesting leadership lessons and tips in his sessions...I can see why he is in his post!
Agree that it’s fashionable to hate on the GBC. I feel like it’s all I see on social media. My greatest Respect and Gratitude to the senior devotees that are taking on this huge service. I think if a lot of the devotees who criticize the GBC had the association of devotees serving on the GBC, they would appreciate that they’re doing their very best to manage a worldwide movement. I think also now that there is social media and everyone has their own public voice we see more criticism usually based on people just not liking the decisions they make. Not agreeing with decisions made by the GBC doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not doing their seva, or they shouldn’t exist I wouldn’t want to consider the alternative without a Governing body…would be chaos.
Hare Krishna Thank you for another amazing podcast and also for the honest and hard pressing questions For me when I first came to ISKCON it was the fact that so many people had different views or thoughts but able to get on and make the community work, yes problems but it was great to see, this is moving to a central control which is a two edged sword It's a discussion that is great to be discussed in a mature inspirational way without saying this or that is right or wrong Looking forward as always to your next podcast Ys
Thank you Anuttama prabhu for a well thought out, beautifully articulated discussion on guru groupism in ISKCON. My only question in that regard is whether or not the rest of the society will ever understand the issue as well as you do.
@@NamarasaPodcast I just heard this explained to me. It's where disciples of a guru only do things with other fellow disciples and exclude other devotees not initiated or related with your guru.
It shouldn't be a mystery why even "nice devotees" serving together as a Governing Body Commission don't necessarily add up to an effective leadership team. Being a good sadhaka, sincere or even spiritually elevated does not guarantee effectiveness in organisational leadership. How well defined are performance criteria? How well defined are essential capabilities required in the role? How much assessment of performance takes place? Is there a shared strategy? Shared values? Is there a clear decision making process and criteria? If such things as the above are resisted.... then what does this suggest about the motives of those resisting such initiatives? If someone is purely "service oriented" and their discharge of their service is clearly coming up short..... and yet reform efforts are resisted in an egoic fashion..... what are we to make of that?
On the one hand there's the referencing of the famous "organisation and intelligence" exchange between Prabhupada and Giriraja. On the other hand there's the bewilderment "But they're such nice devotees - why don't they operate effectively as a collective body?" The Dunning Kruger Effect here is massive. The lack of enough knowledge to even recognise the issues. Secular organisations have been onto this for decades. "We need a capability framework. We need a robust selection process. We need effective learning and development. We need performance assessment." These things have been proposed before and the GBC seems reticent to accept their legitimacy. Could it be that the status quo suits many of them just fine? I used to think that this was all merely the consequence of competence gaps. But then the Lokanath matter demonstrated deep character flaws - dishonesty, circumventing agreed protocols, clear nepotism and cronyism. The GBC's credibility is in the toilet from the perspective of the vast majority of practitioners of Krishna consciousness around the world precisely because of such behaviour. And the total unwillingness to acknowledge mistakes
1. Anuttama Prabhu adresses the concept of groupism. Isn’t it natural that we week out association with like-minded devotees, who have affection for us, and are on the path of advancement in Krsna consciousness? This is the criteria that Srila Rupa GOswami gives in BRS. Birds of a feather flock together. 2. I agree with him that siksa gurus and even Srila Prabhupada himself get put on the back burner when there is fanatical adoration of a cult-like following of a diksa guru. This still goes on daily. Is that the gurus fault that he does not correct his disciples? 3. eg. I saw a diksa guru being worshiped center stage ,on his Vyasa Puja day, on a huge vyasasana last year, while Prabhupada’s was shoved off to the side , with the guru’s disciple leaning against it like a piece of furniture. No wonder the ritvicks are still so critical and angry. Excessive diksa worship gave birth to the ritvick movement. How many gurus in ISKCON are willing to admit that?
Land acknowledgement became a thing in Australia before the pandemic. It's all driven by the UNDRIP - The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Something that didn't get addressed here is that we are "isavasyam idam sarvam". "Traditional owners" are only the last conquerors before European people conquered. How far do you go back? Answer: All the way to Vishnu.
The native american tribes were conquering each other and even practicing cannibalism over other tribes. If we reward the last tribe that conquered, are we rewarding their rape, murder and cannibalism in their conquests?
Why are people in ISKCON in a hurry to get initiated? As if its some sort of a life threatening emergency that if they don’t get initiated ASAP, it would be fatal? Why has it become like bhakti is some sort of a mere scoring brownie points? Infact Prabhupada even clarifies in CC that if you follow his instructions, you are initiated, if you read his books you are already initiated! Prabhupada further says the formal initiation ceremony is just a formality. Why don’t people just be honest to themselves? I have seen so-called initiated people doing horrible things. Getting initiated has become a status symbol in ISKCON. A rubberstamp of a so-called pure devotee who can enjoy free prasadam & other privileges at his local center!
Well, it's a Russian Roulette in ISKCON with devotees taking reinitiation when their favorite guru falls down, one devotee took reinitiation 5 times. Now we have to look at how Prabhupada told us that you have to be an Uttama Adikari to take anyone back to Godhead. So where are they going if not back to godhead? Prabhupada told us that an Uttama Adhikari never falls down. So, what are you feeding us now? and at what point do we stop allowing ourselves to be cheated by the cheaters?
When we accept prabhupada as our only spiritual master, we stop being cheated. While Blind men leading other blind men, therefore there is no solution.
Find a real saint you trust .someone like Matt Amritandamayi Devi or Shri Hit premanada Maharaj and ask for their help. Or just accept diksha initiation from an Iskcon swami and take it as that swami is being an instrument of Prabhupad. But do not take them as a guru. Don’t give away your power .the swamis in iskcon are not perfected masters .
Actually Srila Prabhupada did not appoint any diksa gurus. Anyone that is initiated into Iskon is a Prabhupada disciple. All gurus or advanced devotees in Iskcon are Siksa gurus. Which is the same as a real guru. This is the same system as Christian church. Iskcon gurus are simply appointed priests to initiate people into Iskcon. Any advanced devotee can do this. Swami Yogananda in self realization fellowship left the same system. When the Acarya leaves this is the system to preserve the institution that they created. I wish you would wake up. But most of the leaders in Iskcon are not advanced enough to understand this point as they promote exclusivity and all their disciples are simply siksa diciples but they want absolute power over the life of their disciples. Iskcon at present is a cult.
GBC was an attempt to ensure the continuity of the movement after Srila Prabhupada. In maintaining the continuity of the organization it has succeeded. Would I say the movement is thriving? Depends where you go. But is Prabhupada’s movement alive? Definitely yes. Did they screw up along the way? Probably, but we’re only human. For a large religious organization it has done fine. For me the bigger question is what is the future of this movement? Especially as Prabhupada disciples are aging. Would be something to explore in your podcast.
Before Iskcon existed, how did people practice bhakti-yoga? If someone has had bad experience of institutional deficiency, and distances himself from the institution, how can this gap be narrowed?
Time to get some real strong devotee advocates of opposing views on vaccines on this podcast. On another podcast opposing views on child protection as it’s practiced in the past and currently. On issues discussed here respectful but opposing individuals would be more provocative. Hare Krishna
The namarasa podcast is not only "the number one hare krishna podcast in the world," it's THE number one podcast in the world because the listener/viewer doesnt need to suffer interminably through infernally obnoxious advertisements for mostly lame and, more importantly, karmically (is that even a real adverb?!) consequential subscription services and apps!
The guest keeps using the word "naive" to describe the good ole days.... The word he should be using is cultish. Iskcon had then, and still has, all the characteristics of cults. Now don't get me wrong, not all cults are necessarily bad. The army is a cult. So the salvation army and the Marines. But call a hammer a hammer. Google what it makes a cult and you'll get a perfect description of iskcon, now and then.
His interpretation of natural should be noted . Balance means relegate prabhupad and promote the present diksha gurus Sorry the international society of Krishna conciousness is all about prabhupad only Everything we have is from prabhupad 1) the books 2) the philosophy 3) the regulation principle 4) 16 round 5) etc etc What have the present gurus given us except take dakshina and pooja and pratishta
The management system is not inspired by the Vedanta society, Srila Bhaktisidhanta Prabhupada was inspired by the way the British managed the railroad system in India
Shrimad Bhagavatam 5th Canto is a Giocentric science. Dhruva Loka A.K.A Polaris the North Star is directly above the North Pole and is completely stationary with the Constellations Carouseling around It. Here it is the year 2024 and ISKCON still thinks that we live on the exterior of a spinning ball shooting through the vacuum of space. The Flat Earth Awakening (which is growing exponentially) is a Truth that ISKCON must come to terms with. Any sincere questions please let us know.
@@OMG-KMB Round earth, not spherical ball earth. We live inside a cosmic egg ,the Mahat-tava ,which is almost half full of water, The Great Garbhodaka Ocean. Water Aways Finds It's Level, Sea Level. The Whole of this Little 4 headed Brahma Universe has an Up and It has a Down. The Stars in Heaven are Firm in their Position and Firm in their Brightness. God Created the Firmament to separate the waters from Above (were MahaVishnu naps) from the waters below (The Great Garbhodaka Ocean). A Dwarf named Vamana poked a hole in God's Firmament with His big toe and the waters from Above came pouring in and Down. Any more sincere questions please let us know.
Flat earthers? What to speak of earth’s shape, There are crystal clear explanations of Multiverses in vedas. We are way beyond this “flat vs spherical” earth fights? Raise your understandings!
@@sutinel I was thinking prabhuji brought the whole GBC when he was sitting on the sofa😆. On a serious note, prabhuji's one of the secret to good communication seems like maintaining the same tone of voice irrespective of the questions.
OOps too late! 50% fall-down rate already and Prabhupada was against voted in, but who cares what Srila Prabhupdada said or wanted anymore? They just follow their personality cult leader no matter how far he strays away from Srila Prabhupada.
GBC mentality- “who cares for prabhupada’s words? Let us elect gurus based on bogus 2/3rd votes, let us maintain our pride and fame, this movement may dismantle but our reputation should remain”
GBC mentality- “who cares for prabhupada’s words? Let us elect gurus based on bogus 2/3rd votes, let us maintain our pride and fame, this movement may dismantle but our reputation should remain”
In Iskcon there should be zero tolerance policy for blasphemy or criticism of a pure devotee or any devotee. GBC should not entertain any person who is not following this rule and this will really please Srila Prabhupada, we may compromise with other aspects but never this. Because we get devotion through devotees and Krishna is pleased if we respect and serve the devotees, vaishnav seva is more important than anything.
These presentations never have any effect on the spreading of the Maha mantra which IS Lord Caitanya. They only serve to glorify those who are themselves doing nothing to serve. If they are then let them step forward and tell the world what they are doing to save the world. Then perhaps we may assist them. Prabhupada House
Enough changes have been made . We do need more changes Go back to fundamentals Srila prabhupad is the only diksha guru . If all accept the shiksha guru ( officiating And yes the word ritvik is scriptures ) then all problems will be issued
Srila Prabhupada's instructions are not being followed. He said if a GBC member is replaced he should be replaced by a disciple of Srila Prabhupada. As long as Srila Prabhupada's instructions are not being followed things will continue to get worse. It's not a matter of academic education. If one is not a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, He is not qualified. A resume is useless.
What is the yardstick to balance too much emphasis on Prabhupada, Siksa Guru, Diksa Guru here? This has no Shastric basis and neither any basis from the whole corpus of Gaudiya Parampara. All what ISKCON needed to do was just to behave that they are dogs of Prabhupada and not try to be more than the Guru. Prabhupada's instructions on how to carry forward the movement holds so much weight because he has had the chance to closely study and meditate upon the writings of Sad-Gosvamis for more than half of his life! HDG knows the deepest intricacies of Sastra. Even before when he was in Vrindavan at Radha Damodar! He is a Nitya Siddha Maha Bhagavat! As they say, to cover up one lie, you need a 100 lies, that's exactly what ISKCON is doing ever since the disappearance of HDG. Just patchwork.
I remember meeting Anuttama Prabhu, few months ago...enjoyed an ecastatic mangala and he gave us a lot of interesting leadership lessons and tips in his sessions...I can see why he is in his post!
Anuttama prabhu was a guest of the Berks Bhakti Yoga devotees in the Reading, Pennsylvania area about 5 years ago. He is a lovely and learned soul!
Agree that it’s fashionable to hate on the GBC. I feel like it’s all I see on social media. My greatest Respect and Gratitude to the senior devotees that are taking on this huge service. I think if a lot of the devotees who criticize the GBC had the association of devotees serving on the GBC, they would appreciate that they’re doing their very best to manage a worldwide movement.
I think also now that there is social media and everyone has their own public voice we see more criticism usually based on people just not liking the decisions they make.
Not agreeing with decisions made by the GBC doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not doing their seva, or they shouldn’t exist
I wouldn’t want to consider the alternative without a Governing body…would be chaos.
Hare Krishna
Thank you for another amazing podcast and also for the honest and hard pressing questions
For me when I first came to ISKCON it was the fact that so many people had different views or thoughts but able to get on and make the community work, yes problems but it was great to see, this is moving to a central control which is a two edged sword
It's a discussion that is great to be discussed in a mature inspirational way without saying this or that is right or wrong
Looking forward as always to your next podcast
Thank you Anuttama prabhu for a well thought out, beautifully articulated discussion on guru groupism in ISKCON. My only question in that regard is whether or not the rest of the society will ever understand the issue as well as you do.
What is guru groupism?
@@NamarasaPodcast You were sitting there listening to Anuttama speak. I guess you missed that. Listen to your show and you will know. 😀
@@NamarasaPodcast I just heard this explained to me. It's where disciples of a guru only do things with other fellow disciples and exclude other devotees not initiated or related with your guru.
A wonderful and inspiring conversation! I loved it
I absolutely loved his anecdote with Larry King and the impact a devotee can have.. never thought of that before.
Once a politician, always a politician. Srila Prabhupada’s movement was taken over by politicians dressed in saffron. End of story.
I'm glad to hear you finally went back to asking how devotees joined etc
It shouldn't be a mystery why even "nice devotees" serving together as a Governing Body Commission don't necessarily add up to an effective leadership team. Being a good sadhaka, sincere or even spiritually elevated does not guarantee effectiveness in organisational leadership. How well defined are performance criteria? How well defined are essential capabilities required in the role? How much assessment of performance takes place? Is there a shared strategy? Shared values? Is there a clear decision making process and criteria?
If such things as the above are resisted.... then what does this suggest about the motives of those resisting such initiatives? If someone is purely "service oriented" and their discharge of their service is clearly coming up short..... and yet reform efforts are resisted in an egoic fashion..... what are we to make of that?
On the one hand there's the referencing of the famous "organisation and intelligence" exchange between Prabhupada and Giriraja. On the other hand there's the bewilderment "But they're such nice devotees - why don't they operate effectively as a collective body?" The Dunning Kruger Effect here is massive. The lack of enough knowledge to even recognise the issues.
Secular organisations have been onto this for decades. "We need a capability framework. We need a robust selection process. We need effective learning and development. We need performance assessment." These things have been proposed before and the GBC seems reticent to accept their legitimacy. Could it be that the status quo suits many of them just fine? I used to think that this was all merely the consequence of competence gaps. But then the Lokanath matter demonstrated deep character flaws - dishonesty, circumventing agreed protocols, clear nepotism and cronyism. The GBC's credibility is in the toilet from the perspective of the vast majority of practitioners of Krishna consciousness around the world precisely because of such behaviour. And the total unwillingness to acknowledge mistakes
Anuttama Prabhu is and has always been such a gentlemen with a well balanced outlook on many topics.
Hi nitz
Thanks for commenting!
Really good conversation fellas
beautyfull podcast ! dandavat \pranam to you guys &Anuttama prabhu! dhanyavad!
1. Anuttama Prabhu adresses the concept of groupism. Isn’t it natural that we week out association with like-minded devotees, who have affection for us, and are on the path of advancement in Krsna consciousness? This is the criteria that Srila Rupa GOswami gives in BRS. Birds of a feather flock together.
2. I agree with him that siksa gurus and even Srila Prabhupada himself get put on the back burner when there is fanatical adoration of a cult-like following of a diksa guru. This still goes on daily. Is that the gurus fault that he does not correct his disciples?
3. eg. I saw a diksa guru being worshiped center stage ,on his Vyasa Puja day, on a huge vyasasana last year, while Prabhupada’s was shoved off to the side , with the guru’s disciple leaning against it like a piece of furniture. No wonder the ritvicks are still so critical and angry. Excessive diksa worship gave birth to the ritvick movement. How many gurus in ISKCON are willing to admit that?
Well said!!!
Land acknowledgement became a thing in Australia before the pandemic. It's all driven by the UNDRIP - The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.
Something that didn't get addressed here is that we are "isavasyam idam sarvam".
"Traditional owners" are only the last conquerors before European people conquered. How far do you go back?
Answer: All the way to Vishnu.
The native american tribes were conquering each other and even practicing cannibalism over other tribes. If we reward the last tribe that conquered, are we rewarding their rape, murder and cannibalism in their conquests?
Hare Krishna prabhu
Radhe Radhe ❤❤❤
Why are people in ISKCON in a hurry to get initiated? As if its some sort of a life threatening emergency that if they don’t get initiated ASAP, it would be fatal? Why has it become like bhakti is some sort of a mere scoring brownie points? Infact Prabhupada even clarifies in CC that if you follow his instructions, you are initiated, if you read his books you are already initiated! Prabhupada further says the formal initiation ceremony is just a formality. Why don’t people just be honest to themselves? I have seen so-called initiated people doing horrible things. Getting initiated has become a status symbol in ISKCON. A rubberstamp of a so-called pure devotee who can enjoy free prasadam & other privileges at his local center!
I was looking forward for the full GBC meetings on YT, either as a link or featured in the video...
Well, it's a Russian Roulette in ISKCON with devotees taking reinitiation when their favorite guru falls down, one devotee took reinitiation 5 times. Now we have to look at how Prabhupada told us that you have to be an Uttama Adikari to take anyone back to Godhead. So where are they going if not back to godhead? Prabhupada told us that an Uttama Adhikari never falls down. So, what are you feeding us now? and at what point do we stop allowing ourselves to be cheated by the cheaters?
When we accept prabhupada as our only spiritual master, we stop being cheated. While Blind men leading other blind men, therefore there is no solution.
Find a real saint you trust .someone like Matt Amritandamayi Devi or Shri Hit premanada Maharaj and ask for their help. Or just accept diksha initiation from an Iskcon swami and take it as that swami is being an instrument of Prabhupad. But do not take them as a guru. Don’t give away your power .the swamis in iskcon are not perfected masters .
Actually Srila Prabhupada did not appoint any diksa gurus. Anyone that is initiated into Iskon is a Prabhupada disciple. All gurus or advanced devotees in Iskcon are Siksa gurus. Which is the same as a real guru. This is the same system as Christian church. Iskcon gurus are simply appointed priests to initiate people into Iskcon. Any advanced devotee can do this. Swami Yogananda in self realization fellowship left the same system. When the Acarya leaves this is the system to preserve the institution that they created. I wish you would wake up. But most of the leaders in Iskcon are not advanced enough to understand this point as they promote exclusivity and all their disciples are simply siksa diciples but they want absolute power over the life of their disciples. Iskcon at present is a cult.
@circlestar8697 any system has flaws. Ritwik system has many as well. So it's not a perfect answer to the problem
@@ИЛЬЯГОРЬКАВЫЙ-д3х what are the flaws? Give me one
GBC was an attempt to ensure the continuity of the movement after Srila Prabhupada. In maintaining the continuity of the organization it has succeeded. Would I say the movement is thriving? Depends where you go. But is Prabhupada’s movement alive? Definitely yes. Did they screw up along the way? Probably, but we’re only human. For a large religious organization it has done fine.
For me the bigger question is what is the future of this movement? Especially as Prabhupada disciples are aging. Would be something to explore in your podcast.
Before Iskcon existed, how did people practice bhakti-yoga? If someone has had bad experience of institutional deficiency, and distances himself from the institution, how can this gap be narrowed?
If you need authority to check and balance the authorities how to make sure this authority is going to be checked and balanced?
The present diksha gurus system of iskcon is de facto
Speak the truth . Annutam knows this .
I liked this one so much I listened to it twice. When will the interview with kalakantha prabhu come out ?
Lord of the rings going on 😂😂😂 prabhuji is giant
What's the exact date of this podcast? Do you all your Podcasts have the date?
@@Manor-Harinam date when it was recorded?
🙏I listened for 38 minutes, didn’t really hear any “tough questions.” Can you time stamp them?
There are a few after the first half of the video but here’s one: 01:27:10
At around 50min ge asks annutama a heavy question about him becoming a beurocrat for iskcon.
@@Visualpollutionboy yea that was pretty hard
Yes its really ONLY about Prabhupada! Any of the other guys are a Shaktavesh Avatar? Prabhupada was BORN a pure devotee and us? Come on guys.
Time to get some real strong devotee advocates of opposing views on vaccines on this podcast. On another podcast opposing views on child protection as it’s practiced in the past and currently.
On issues discussed here respectful but opposing individuals would be more provocative.
Hare Krishna
The namarasa podcast is not only "the number one hare krishna podcast in the world," it's THE number one podcast in the world because the listener/viewer doesnt need to suffer interminably through infernally obnoxious advertisements for mostly lame and, more importantly, karmically (is that even a real adverb?!) consequential subscription services and apps!
you could just pay google a small fee for premium.
use browser extensions to block ads and more.....
Nice , but how he can address Prabhupada as a "guy". That's very offensive.
58:00 interesting insight
The guest keeps using the word "naive" to describe the good ole days.... The word he should be using is cultish. Iskcon had then, and still has, all the characteristics of cults. Now don't get me wrong, not all cults are necessarily bad. The army is a cult. So the salvation army and the Marines. But call a hammer a hammer. Google what it makes a cult and you'll get a perfect description of iskcon, now and then.
Google says cult means "a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object."
That is his choice. Your comment itself cultish
His interpretation of natural should be noted . Balance means relegate prabhupad and promote the present diksha gurus
Sorry the international society of Krishna conciousness is all about prabhupad only
Everything we have is from prabhupad
1) the books
2) the philosophy
3) the regulation principle
4) 16 round
5) etc etc
What have the present gurus given us except take dakshina and pooja and pratishta
Such a distortion of a natural religious law
The management system is not inspired by the Vedanta society, Srila Bhaktisidhanta Prabhupada was inspired by the way the British managed the railroad system in India
Shrimad Bhagavatam 5th Canto is a Giocentric science. Dhruva Loka A.K.A Polaris the North Star is directly above the North Pole and is completely stationary with the Constellations Carouseling around It. Here it is the year 2024 and ISKCON still thinks that we live on the exterior of a spinning ball shooting through the vacuum of space. The Flat Earth Awakening (which is growing exponentially) is a Truth that ISKCON must come to terms with. Any sincere questions please let us know.
Why does Bhagavatam say "Bhugola" or Earth Ball"?
@@OMG-KMB Round earth, not spherical ball earth. We live inside a cosmic egg ,the Mahat-tava ,which is almost half full of water, The Great Garbhodaka Ocean. Water Aways Finds It's Level, Sea Level. The Whole of this Little 4 headed Brahma Universe has an Up and It has a Down. The Stars in Heaven are Firm in their Position and Firm in their Brightness. God Created the Firmament to separate the waters from Above (were MahaVishnu naps) from the waters below (The Great Garbhodaka Ocean). A Dwarf named Vamana poked a hole in God's Firmament with His big toe and the waters from Above came pouring in and Down. Any more sincere questions please let us know.
Flat earthers? What to speak of earth’s shape, There are crystal clear explanations of Multiverses in vedas. We are way beyond this “flat vs spherical” earth fights? Raise your understandings!
@@OMG-KMB Because Srila Prabhupada said the earth was round, and she is
is he like 7 feet tall ?
Hahahahah I knew someone was going to say that. I got rid of those sofas, they were the culprit 😂😂
He's pretty tall, even without the sofa. I saw him today in Radhadesh and he's pretty big.
@@sutinel I was thinking prabhuji brought the whole GBC when he was sitting on the sofa😆. On a serious note, prabhuji's one of the secret to good communication seems like maintaining the same tone of voice irrespective of the questions.
@@sutinel he is very tall
*16:50** WHAT IS THAT???!*
Without oversight and qualifications for Diksa initiating gurus then a bogus guru could infiltrate Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON.
OOps too late! 50% fall-down rate already and Prabhupada was against voted in, but who cares what Srila Prabhupdada said or wanted anymore? They just follow their personality cult leader no matter how far he strays away from Srila Prabhupada.
GBC mentality- “who cares for prabhupada’s words? Let us elect gurus based on bogus 2/3rd votes, let us maintain our pride and fame, this movement may dismantle but our reputation should remain”
GBC mentality- “who cares for prabhupada’s words? Let us elect gurus based on bogus 2/3rd votes, let us maintain our pride and fame, this movement may dismantle but our reputation should remain”
In Iskcon there should be zero tolerance policy for blasphemy or criticism of a pure devotee or any devotee. GBC should not entertain any person who is not following this rule and this will really please Srila Prabhupada, we may compromise with other aspects but never this. Because we get devotion through devotees and Krishna is pleased if we respect and serve the devotees, vaishnav seva is more important than anything.
Anyone should be held accountable if they are doing something that's not right. Period
Are there now pure devotees in ISKCON? Whom might that be?
I wish there were pure Devotees in Iskcon and outside of Iskcon, the world would be a wonderful place. But everyone is a sincerely struggling sadhaka
This is the exact reason I left...
@@penlight5289 as I understand it, it takes a pure devotee to recognize a pure devotee. so....
Asvattama is back
Anuttama Prabhu is the kind of grandfather that I've always wanted.... Seeking your blessings, Hare Krishna prabhuji
These presentations never have any effect on the spreading of the Maha mantra which IS Lord Caitanya. They only serve to glorify those who are themselves doing nothing to serve. If they are then let them step forward and tell the world what they are doing to save the world. Then perhaps we may assist them.
Prabhupada House
Enough changes have been made . We do need more changes
Go back to fundamentals
Srila prabhupad is the only diksha guru . If all accept the shiksha guru ( officiating And yes the word ritvik is scriptures ) then all problems will be issued
Srila Prabhupada's instructions are not being followed. He said if a GBC member is replaced he should be replaced by a disciple of Srila Prabhupada. As long as Srila Prabhupada's instructions are not being followed things will continue to get worse. It's not a matter of academic education. If one is not a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, He is not qualified. A resume is useless.
What is the yardstick to balance too much emphasis on Prabhupada, Siksa Guru, Diksa Guru here? This has no Shastric basis and neither any basis from the whole corpus of Gaudiya Parampara. All what ISKCON needed to do was just to behave that they are dogs of Prabhupada and not try to be more than the Guru. Prabhupada's instructions on how to carry forward the movement holds so much weight because he has had the chance to closely study and meditate upon the writings of Sad-Gosvamis for more than half of his life! HDG knows the deepest intricacies of Sastra. Even before when he was in Vrindavan at Radha Damodar! He is a Nitya Siddha Maha Bhagavat! As they say, to cover up one lie, you need a 100 lies, that's exactly what ISKCON is doing ever since the disappearance of HDG. Just patchwork.
Anuttama Pr looks huge compared to the two of you. I guess it's the camera angle
yeah bad couch angles...not gonna happen again. Looks like a scene from Lord of the Rings LOL.