*Hi guys, do you want to watch other tutorials in english and detailed on-line courses? Find us on PATREON and follow our training program!* link: www.patreon.com/kravmagatraining
I do Close quarter Combat and Krav training here in South Africa. its imperative to know how to fight, or least know self defense as one can never go anywhere without looking over his/her shoulder for danger. awareness is key and that's usually one's first line of defense. find your videos inspiring and they fire me up!
Visited videos like this when I was a wimp. A scared boy that had just came from a beat down. Am proud to say that time is behind me now. I met a lot of fantastic people and shed my wimp skin. Although I feel I should point out I won only 3 fights all this time. 3-1 that's a good ratio there might be more fights but I think I have forgotten about them those 4 are the ones I remember most. I'll be a tough guy for the rest of my life and never be a wimp again! Thanks to those amazing people who helped me if I start naming the days gonna pass.
Too hard for some people to understand that this is not to be used inside the octagon on a MMA match. This is basic for self defense and and military use whenever a man to man combat become necessary. Stop comparing two completely different things!
Thank you! I'm keep seeing so many idiots on here talking like UFC or MMA is the 'be all, end all' to fighting. But there are so many rules that Krav Maga can't be used in these fights. I train MMA and that includes Krav but we don't actually use any of the moves unless we are going to kill someone. All moves taught in Krav are designed to kill absolutely without hesitation. There is no 'taking down' someone or 'joint locking', the end result to any move in Krav is either cause death or near fatal injury. This is specifically used for war which is why you don't see Krav instructors or gyms on every corner like Karate or some other style.
@Karvakulmio when your KM focuses on a fake opponent who will finish his jab cross even when your jab misses, I doubt you ever hit the groin. Btw in real fights, you know how to kick the groin, so is the other guy.
porque es una demostración, no se va a poner a pelear verdaderamente, aquí es un vídeo corto en el cual te muestra un combo efectivo, esto solo es útil en una pelea 1 vs 1 y corta,se queda esperando el oponente de la demostración, para que así se aprecie mejor como ejecutar la técnica
I did KM for over 10 years and loved it but then when I went into full contact styles such as Muay Thai and Kyokushin I learned it is nothing like so easy to block and parry punches. In reality you cannot block that many punches and have to learn to take a few. If you doubt what I say, in your next Krav class both try and PROPERLY box for 3 minutes, and I mean really go for it with head shots and you will see it is not easy to block and parry in the way KRAV teaches us. If you end up against someone like a boxer or Muay Thai fighter who knows how to hit your head, these KRAV blocks and parrys do not work and you end up overwhelmed. Not trying to prove a point here, just wanted to let you know that as someone that still enjoys Krav, the one thing it lacks is proper realistic sparring and fighting so you end up with misplaced confidence.
indeed, the thing is, you shouldn't rely only in KM, it's a great self defense tool but you'll lack in some aspects(ground/grappling/dodge) so you should add boxing/bjj to your practice
I totally agree with you, there no such thing like a perfect technique that can protect you from every hit. I practiced Karate and aikido for years but when I started my boxing lessons I've learned at my expense that your opponent is the real variable that you should keep in mind. I've trained with a sparring partner that was so quick that he can touch my face from resting position to full arm length and I wasn't even able to blink (and I can assure you that I wasn't asleep). My boxe instructor can trick me in thinking that he was just about to hit me with his rigth hand using only his head movements and then he throws a left hook, I can't really explain this, is like a sort of magic trick (damn that old bastard:-).
Best advice is to learn how to fight .if you cant fight youtube wont help . Join a club do some sparing learn how to move . Try to avoid fighting, peace
bristolguy100 or if you dont want to spent time to learn how to or hate exersize and stuff your lazy get a gun a pistol small 1 or a tazer and seprize them or scare them if you fighting some one that is biger than you or beter just sey hey i dont want to fight pls dont hit me fall on your knees beg and then boom taze the shit aout of hem or scare them with the gun if you try to shoot them in the right leg always the right leg dont shoot the inside of leg aout side always
johny guitar Many fights may happen in places where you can't or shouldn't be carrying a weapon, like a club or bar. Most "brawlers" are stupid drunk people, generally in groups, many times steroid enhanced frustrated with family issues or low self esteem.
bristolguy100 yes its essential to practise with a real unpredictable human being, but its not pointless if you want to learn off youtube, you can shadowbox alone and it can increase your fighting skills quite a bit
OK,ho capito cosa fare....innanzitutto fare "shsh" poi un paio di "bum!bum!", poi se voglio addomesticare meglio la tecnica" Sssshhsssshhssshh""bum"oppure "sssshsssshhh"" bum bum bum"...dipende dalle scelte che faccio...
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That's what you strive for though, endless and relentless attacks. In wrestling practice we practiced on a partner allowing us to attack, it would never be so easy in a real match but it's what you shoot for. If your opponent strikes back you go on the defensive, it's chain fighting. One link of the chain might be used for defense while the next link will be for attack. You go on and on until someone loses.
HA. Well I've always been taught that on the streets anyone, if willing, can kill you or do serious injury so rules are out the window. So yes if you feel threatened and there is no ref GO FOR THE BALLS.
Michael Best I say go for it. Schools are limited in Florida and none located where I live or I would have joined 3 years ago when I caught wind of it. There's old videos of the Imi Lichtenfeld the creator of Krav Maga on UA-cam, he's deadly.
Its not bad, I'm not that guy that just looks to hate on other styles with no proof but all the fights I've been in the other guy tends to move his feet. You would have to be a lot quicker than the other guy to do some of this stuff. But that groin kick at the start looked good. I do san da btw
The thing about Krav Maga is that you can’t really spar or get the full contact session as you would with mma or boxing , so it’s a lot harder to apply these techniques and be able to time punches and dodge than this guy makes it seem. Especially if you’re in a real fight and can’t predict your opponent. Sparring is always key.
At the beginning i was exceptic but this dude really knows what he is doing, makes it look easy, even tough I disagree with punching and staying in there to be hit back, any decent boxer or even newbies are a bit aware of defense, no one would leave the punch in that position to be hit
Sir 護身術(Goshinjutsu) the art of self-defense is a great method for surviving a street attack or self-defense scenario. Understanding what self-defense is and how to use it is a good start. Self-defense is the use of reasonable force to protect yourself and or others from bodily harm. The best way to win a street fight is not to have it. There are no real winners in a street fight, both parties could face legal action or be killed or injured. We have to stop thing of a "street fight" as a UFC or Boxing match or even a 空手の試合 or Karate tournament. On the street you maybe shot, knifed, hit by a car ect, it is not a sport match. Self-defense is about serviving an attack where you do not have to go to the hospital and or a morgue. If you want to test your physical skills join a boxing gym or fighting art and keep it in the ring. Osu
The only true way to learn how to fight is to spar, no amount of this shit will help. You need to spar and learn how to not flinch and close your eyes when someone throws a faint.
Hay instructores de defensa personal ....que no entienden este concepto ..Que algunos golpes resortan como un boxeador etc. y Creen que su sistema es perfecto. Thanks for you video 🍷👍
Why ? Because you learn how to defense himself ? :D Really I train Shaolin Kempo ten years and I have seventeen years but I broke nose him instructor faster then you can say Ipman.Because I was able to Phisical but mental.
@@Poizone89 No hablo de barrio... Yo tengo 4 años de Muay Thai representando en varias Nacionales al estado de Queretaro... Y dos años de Karate Do Shito-Ryu... Representando varias Nacionales como la copa Choda (No se si la escribi bien, no recuerdo, fue hace ya un tiempo) en el estado en Tabasco... Asi que tengo mucho conocimiento y te puedo decir que eso es imposible, solo que tu rival sea muuuy estupido.
@@ricardohernandezvazquez2499 es que esta no es un arte marcial, es una técnica de defensa utilizada para salvarse o asta para matar, y claro no le estan enseñando a matar alguien o pelear en un torneo, le estan esneñando a defenderse de personas normales, seguro alguien entrenado en arte marcial como kick boxing o mma tiene mucha mas probabilidad de ganar, pero tampoco se puede decir que no sirve a nada..no enseñan solo como evitar puños, enseñan cuales son los puntos debiles del cuerpo como ojos, cuello, testículos. Estoy seguro que tambien con 20 años de experiencias en artes marciales un dedo en el ojo o una pateada en los testiculos duelen como a una persona normal
@@Poizone89 No son fáciles de colocar esos golpes... Reitero al menos que tengas un rival muuuy torpe eso te va a servir... Pero no se utiliza contra gente normal, se utiliza contra otros soldados... Lo que trato de decir es que es casi imposible detener un golpe de esa manera, cuando tu rival ataca frenetica y violentamente
Actually we have dozens of different dialects, and they all sound different. The guy is speaking a correct italian, but he clearly sounds from north-east.
in fact the language spoken in Brazil came from Portuguese mixed to Italian, Spanish, african, and aborígenes that were first living in Brazil. That's why we have 95% Portuguese words, but the timing and way is most a kind of italian/Spanish thing. some people say that our language sounds good when some one sings.
In a street fight I NEVER wait to be attacked. My favorite weapons is the SUCKER PUNCH and Suprise HEAD BUTT which gives me the upperhand in most cases. Yeah there aint no rules in the street and I try my best to employ the most low down dirty, bastardly moves to win. Coming from a guy with over 100 amateur boxing fights and Muay Thay Practitioner
My favorite technique: Fast hypnosis applications on stressful fight situations to make the person believe, he fights zombies, that crawl out of the ground. To increase hypnotic suggestions - "ninja powder" is used, blown into the face of my opponent, with magic mushrooms. :D After that I tell them, I am a magician, and they don't touch me ever again :D
This is how I used to make the body mechanics of my gi Joe action figures move as a small child. Kick or knee to stomach and the other one bends over extreme then an undertaker style ddt 🤣
How about all you critics of the video...make your own video & upload it? I'll watch it. You can make videos w/your phone too. It's easy! Plus, I like like to laugh. Keyboard tough guys are especially funny. 👍🏼
It's difficult to stand on this position, one leg up, if u miss it, u'll find yourself on floor. S.o. is killing u... I recommend you to try to stand first. And dont show your whole body to opponent, just one shoulder and leg should be looking to opponent... I fought for once or twice :D
Mbè certo che deve sempre arrivare qualche pseudo-pugile a screditare le altre tecniche... Cari geni, queste tecniche sono l'ABC di una diffesa in strada, punto e basta. Certo che niente può prepararti al 100%, perchè quando sei là fuori, non sai mai cosa ti capita, chi hai davanti, cosa ha nelle tasche, quanti amici ha intorno, e quindi l'adrenalina t'incula, anche se sei un bel pugile, perchè l'impostazione che hai in palestra, non l'avrai mai fuori.
L'Abc è altro...l'Abc è sapere come reagisce il tuo corpo e la tua mente quando colpisci una persona o quando si viene colpiti. Sono cose che per chi non è abituato al contatto sono difficil da comprendere. Ti dico solo che se per strada pretendi di deviare due pugni tirati seriamente con l'intenzione di farti male ( e non come nel video dove lo sparring partener è costretto a cadere e rimanere sui colpi per dimostrare l'efficacia della tecnica), ti farai sicuramente male....ma molto male!
Mbè certo che anche qui ci s'allena per abituarsi al contatto. Comunque IN QUESTO VIDEO si tratta di una CAZZO DI DIMOSTRAZIONE... innutile creare scenari " Ma se per strada di becchi Bruce Lee, ma se per strada ti becchi un fighter K1" Ti ricordo che il Mossad addestra i suoi soldati col Krav Maga ... ci sarà un motivo , o no? E' un tecnica molto efficace a 360 gradi, che se insegnata bene, ti devasta un pugile per strada che è a pari esperienza del fighter krav maga
Certo, non puoi insegnare il Krav Maga militare ai civili.. non devo chiedere a qualcuno che ci è stato nel Mossad per capire che esiste una differenza. Ma uno del Mossad capisce che in questo video si tratta di una dimostrazione . Chiudo qui. Ciao ciao!
per me il suo unico punto debole è proprio il pubblico a cui si rivolge. sono tecniche tutto arrosto e niente fumo, e questo è perfetto, però nasce come insegnamento di difesa ai militari, non a persone inermi con zero esperienza di contatto. quindi per me è utilissimo se si pratica qualche sport di contatto, o cmq se si ha esperienza di contatto fisico reale, altrimenti rimane una bella teoria - se spiegata a chi non ha mai preso un pugno in faccia.
I like how some people disliked this video, as if they can take this guy on themselves or know more than he does :P not saying there arent ppl out there that could but i highly doubt it was anyone watching this video hahah
I'd love to see this guy fight an MMA fighter, not even in the UFC like just some guy who's been training for a while. Or even an accomplished wrestler would beat his ass.
That's why this is about street fighting. From experience, close to 100% of all fights you find yourself in are against buzzed idiots that don't know how to fight, just throw punches and hope they hit the first couple and they pretty much ALL do the boxing jab/punch or haymaker out of control.
I feel like anyone that compares Krav Maga to a sports style martial art is missing the point entirely. They are two separate skill sets for two separate environments and goals. KM isn't for fighting someone in a game of tactics where there are lots of rules and no exits. And MMA people aren't trained to deal with people threatening them with weapons, or against multiple opponents. Some technique overlaps but that's where the similarities end.
Dire Straits doesnt matter they stupid buzzed idiots dont know fight or not.. they win over you, thats all matters who cares its practical and blabla if with this shit u can do nothing in a REAL fight ..
in a real fight mma fighter wouldn't stand a chance. Only in octagon. Why do u thing there is no KM fighter there. UFC got so many restrictions on hits and grabs KM is not safe enough to use it in octagon. In UFC they try to save the fighter for another fight. In real life u just wanna protect yourself so it is your health/life or opponent. And you not gonna achieve it with 3 rounds 5 min with a ring girl.
*Hi guys, do you want to watch other tutorials in english and detailed on-line courses? Find us on PATREON and follow our training program!*
link: www.patreon.com/kravmagatraining
KRAV MAGA TRAINING good videos, saludos desde Monterrey Mexico
Siete veneti?
È meglio non trovarci da dire con quel rovigotto lì
What if my opponent also watch this video
Lalmalsawma Pachuau then you’ll be buddies and sparring partners
Watch it on two times speed and break his WiFi box
Jajaja se mamo🤦♂️😂😂
Mortal Combat, ok?
Good!!! I will try it on my wife.
Thank you!
@@user-lo6tr9bw8r tf
hol up
@khurshed Ul Haq. khan stfu punk
Please me know how it goes😂
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 미친놈
I do Close quarter Combat and Krav training here in South Africa. its imperative to know how to fight, or least know self defense as one can never go anywhere without looking over his/her shoulder for danger. awareness is key and that's usually one's first line of defense. find your videos inspiring and they fire me up!
Visited videos like this when I was a wimp. A scared boy that had just came from a beat down. Am proud to say that time is behind me now. I met a lot of fantastic people and shed my wimp skin. Although I feel I should point out I won only 3 fights all this time. 3-1 that's a good ratio there might be more fights but I think I have forgotten about them those 4 are the ones I remember most. I'll be a tough guy for the rest of my life and never be a wimp again! Thanks to those amazing people who helped me if I start naming the days gonna pass.
Patada en las pelotas y luego irse corriendo, un clasico, nunca falla
C mamo
La vieja confiable...!!
Very good! Strong and blunt techniques. Hugs from Brazil. Oss!
After watching this i am feeling immortal...
When you’re about to get in a fight are you like remember what you practice and when fight starts you forget everything
Too hard for some people to understand that this is not to be used inside the octagon on a MMA match. This is basic for self defense and and military use whenever a man to man combat become necessary. Stop comparing two completely different things!
Thank you! I'm keep seeing so many idiots on here talking like UFC or MMA is the 'be all, end all' to fighting. But there are so many rules that Krav Maga can't be used in these fights. I train MMA and that includes Krav but we don't actually use any of the moves unless we are going to kill someone. All moves taught in Krav are designed to kill absolutely without hesitation. There is no 'taking down' someone or 'joint locking', the end result to any move in Krav is either cause death or near fatal injury. This is specifically used for war which is why you don't see Krav instructors or gyms on every corner like Karate or some other style.
@Karvakulmio when your KM focuses on a fake opponent who will finish his jab cross even when your jab misses, I doubt you ever hit the groin. Btw in real fights, you know how to kick the groin, so is the other guy.
Man I love Krav Maga... I trained in it for 4 years now and it's amazing... And it really does help a lot...
Solo acuerdense que su contrincante no se va a quedar inmóvil como ese guey esperando que le partas su madre
Si bro no todo es como nos miestran
Practicó kikboxing y exacto no se van a quedar quietos para conectar a mi compañero me cuesta
@@paulcruz2141 Kick Boxing
porque es una demostración, no se va a poner a pelear verdaderamente, aquí es un vídeo corto en el cual te muestra un combo efectivo, esto solo es útil en una pelea 1 vs 1 y corta,se queda esperando el oponente de la demostración, para que así se aprecie mejor como ejecutar la técnica
@@lokitoamor eso es una mamada, siempre pura teoria nunca una pelea real como tae kwon do, karate, jiu jitzu, box, capoeira etc etc,
I did KM for over 10 years and loved it but then when I went into full contact styles such as Muay Thai and Kyokushin I learned it is nothing like so easy to block and parry punches. In reality you cannot block that many punches and have to learn to take a few.
If you doubt what I say, in your next Krav class both try and PROPERLY box for 3 minutes, and I mean really go for it with head shots and you will see it is not easy to block and parry in the way KRAV teaches us.
If you end up against someone like a boxer or Muay Thai fighter who knows how to hit your head, these KRAV blocks and parrys do not work and you end up overwhelmed.
Not trying to prove a point here, just wanted to let you know that as someone that still enjoys Krav, the one thing it lacks is proper realistic sparring and fighting so you end up with misplaced confidence.
indeed, the thing is, you shouldn't rely only in KM, it's a great self defense tool but you'll lack in some aspects(ground/grappling/dodge) so you should add boxing/bjj to your practice
There are a few fighter in this world who are able to block and dodge all the punches you throw, but there are few....
I was just about to say that you can't just block punches like that unless it's during training, or the person is untrained.
Orang Africano How do you know? Please tell me
I totally agree with you, there no such thing like a perfect technique that can protect you from every hit. I practiced Karate and aikido for years but when I started my boxing lessons I've learned at my expense that your opponent is the real variable that you should keep in mind. I've trained with a sparring partner that was so quick that he can touch my face from resting position to full arm length and I wasn't even able to blink (and I can assure you that I wasn't asleep). My boxe instructor can trick me in thinking that he was just about to hit me with his rigth hand using only his head movements and then he throws a left hook, I can't really explain this, is like a sort of magic trick (damn that old bastard:-).
Best advice is to learn how to fight .if you cant fight youtube wont help . Join a club do some sparing learn how to move . Try to avoid fighting, peace
bristolguy100 or if you dont want to spent time to learn how to or hate exersize and stuff your lazy get a gun a pistol small 1 or a tazer and seprize them or scare them if you fighting some one that is biger than you or beter just sey hey i dont want to fight pls dont hit me fall on your knees beg and then boom taze the shit aout of hem or scare them with the gun if you try to shoot them in the right leg always the right leg dont shoot the inside of leg aout side always
johny guitar Many fights may happen in places where you can't or shouldn't be carrying a weapon, like a club or bar. Most "brawlers" are stupid drunk people, generally in groups, many times steroid enhanced frustrated with family issues or low self esteem.
i have never be searched by brawler in greece and i alwhays have a small gun on me 2 barel 2 bulets gun
Well I guess Greece is not a good place to get into bar fights...
bristolguy100 yes its essential to practise with a real unpredictable human being, but its not pointless if you want to learn off youtube, you can shadowbox alone and it can increase your fighting skills quite a bit
the instructor looks like he could kill a bull with his hands
@@ngocps45 in a street fight there is no rules is fight for your life
Proof that only vain men and fairy ninjas think this is worth a can of beans.
OK,ho capito cosa fare....innanzitutto fare "shsh" poi un paio di "bum!bum!", poi se voglio addomesticare meglio la tecnica" Sssshhsssshhssshh""bum"oppure "sssshsssshhh"" bum bum bum"...dipende dalle scelte che faccio...
sei un mito ahahahah
hai capito tutto 😂😂😂 mi sto piegando dalle risate, sei il capo!!!
con te credo non potrei mai seguire una lezione di questo tipo 😂😂😂🙏
Già anche perché al inizio non si capisce una sega quando parla 😂
Very good! Strong and blunt techniques. Hugs from Brazil. Oss! 👊🏻🇧🇷
@@samuelsilva12462 Tmj!! Oss!!
That instructor looks nuts! I would not mess with that pasta eating italiano.
Mozzarella is the cause. Believe me, I'm Hulk wearing a little apron ;)
he speaks italian but the accent is prolly from albania or serbia, so not a real pasta / pizza eater
Marco Landi
Best Comments ever
He 's Italian
You can see he's thinking ahead like 4 or 5 moves ahead of his opponents every time....lethal
this guy is the reason why nobody wants to fight me anymore, If I could I would thank him in person
You learnt from his YT videos? :D
@@Bossix84 no. He doesn't fight
Another great one ;-)
these videos got me in the krav maga i'm learning and doing for the past 8months :D
Me too, but after 5 times, we got into an lockdown. So I haven't trained since october.🤷☹️
Man quit Krav Maga and go train in something serious like MMA
@@leonardonais how about no? ..
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*You can translate just Title & Description or also the Subtitles. We'll be grateful for every single word translated.*
If you could translate it from english to spanish we'll be grateful! ;)
Really would be the maximum if they could translate it into Spanish! Thank you !
KRAV MAGA TRAINING is it enough if you translate from the english subtitles or does it have to be straight from italian?
Bien Fino
Viva Italia!! My grandmother´s land!
Greetings from Brazil!!!!
The one being punched is able to punch as fast as you. Don't imagine you can throw one two combo and he just stands there getting stunned.
That's what you strive for though, endless and relentless attacks. In wrestling practice we practiced on a partner allowing us to attack, it would never be so easy in a real match but it's what you shoot for. If your opponent strikes back you go on the defensive, it's chain fighting. One link of the chain might be used for defense while the next link will be for attack. You go on and on until someone loses.
*writing on my notebook* Hit.... in.... the..... balls..... Got it, let's go to a bar.
You Sir, just made my day! hahaha!
HA. Well I've always been taught that on the streets anyone, if willing, can kill you or do serious injury so rules are out the window. So yes if you feel threatened and there is no ref GO FOR THE BALLS.
Got it too in german on my IPhone ... voll ... auf ... die ... Nüsse!!!
Which bar?
The instructor is the meanest Italian I’ve ever seen.
I've always found this to be way more practical than karate.
Very effective and easy to learn. Top of my list for self defense.
I Finn oh most definitely! Been thinking of taking it up this year.
Michael Best I say go for it. Schools are limited in Florida and none located where I live or I would have joined 3 years ago when I caught wind of it. There's old videos of the Imi Lichtenfeld the creator of Krav Maga on UA-cam, he's deadly.
I Finn I'll look him up. We hardly have schools here in Trinidad too. I know of only one that teaches it.
Torakan dojo Michael Best
Its not bad, I'm not that guy that just looks to hate on other styles with no proof but all the fights I've been in the other guy tends to move his feet. You would have to be a lot quicker than the other guy to do some of this stuff. But that groin kick at the start looked good. I do san da btw
u rite groin kik only
+Raaplexis real fighting has no rules and it isnt a show
+Aj Briano fight to kill
The thing about Krav Maga is that you can’t really spar or get the full contact session as you would with mma or boxing , so it’s a lot harder to apply these techniques and be able to time punches and dodge than this guy makes it seem. Especially if you’re in a real fight and can’t predict your opponent. Sparring is always key.
Gracias por otro increíble video! Gracias y saludos desde ARGENTINA
At the beginning i was exceptic but this dude really knows what he is doing, makes it look easy, even tough I disagree with punching and staying in there to be hit back, any decent boxer or even newbies are a bit aware of defense, no one would leave the punch in that position to be hit
護身術(Goshinjutsu) the art of self-defense is a great method for surviving a street attack or self-defense scenario. Understanding what self-defense is and how to use it is a good start. Self-defense is the use of reasonable force to protect yourself and or others from bodily harm. The best way to win a street fight is not to have it. There are no real winners in a street fight, both parties could face legal action or be killed or injured. We have to stop thing of a "street fight" as a UFC or Boxing match or even a 空手の試合 or Karate tournament. On the street you maybe shot, knifed, hit by a car ect, it is not a sport match. Self-defense is about serviving an attack where you do not have to go to the hospital and or a morgue. If you want to test your physical skills join a boxing gym or fighting art and keep it in the ring. Osu
The only true way to learn how to fight is to spar, no amount of this shit will help. You need to spar and learn how to not flinch and close your eyes when someone throws a faint.
But it is cool to see. 🤷
And I can't train right now, so I like it😊
Hola :v, ¿Alguien habla español?
Pepe López jsjajh yo si
cristian rodriguez Anuma xdxd
cristian rodriguez que pedo wue
Yo si
Pepe López si
Lo puse en práctica mucho esa táctica y me salvó de unas 2 peleas que pasaba cuando jugaba futbol...me defendía bien...gracias!!👌🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Ay ajá!
Hay instructores de defensa personal ....que no entienden este concepto ..Que algunos golpes resortan como un boxeador etc. y Creen que su sistema es perfecto.
Thanks for you video 🍷👍
These are very helpful and informative Moves
I can defend me with that moves
2:20 that girl "what am i doing here??"
She's going to beat up all the guys!
She should try some aikido techniques maybe
She going to beat the meat of the guys.
Nah, she'll be just fine. Krav maga ladies are bad af
Kevinho brasileiro??
Wao eres un buen instructor eh aprendido muy bien Las tecnicas
it's the Best self defense techniques .. I really love it..🔥🔥 I rate it 💯
Me gusta parece el profesor malo de Karate kid
Santiago Quizhpi 2jajajaja te pasaste
Eso no es kung fu, enseña cosas malas :v
Alguém brasileiro??? Muito bom o treinamento... Showww!!!
that chick in the middle like, let me go home already, this is making me fall asleep!!
This might be the best training tips I have ever seen
I've been following and training with your videos.. Thanks for awesome techniques. 💪💪💪
Remember guys the best kung fu is the one that never gets in a fights and best move is to always run
Certainly your best option if this video or it's techniques are what your working with
Superman Superman no no no ah ah ah
In most of the times yeah
You are exactly right. Only fight if you have to. But if you have to, then break something!!!
Try improving your speech. Its really OP
U got my subscribe !
Mine too.
Why ? Because you learn how to defense himself ? :D Really I train Shaolin Kempo ten years and I have seventeen years but I broke nose him instructor faster then you can say Ipman.Because I was able to Phisical but mental.
When you fail in exam
Indians 😂😂😂
thanks for the teaching i find it usefull techniques
I was almost about to punch my desktop monitor.
Haha...me as well
me sirvieron mucho para mi por que me molestaban mucho e el cole y pude ganarle a unos de ellos quiero seguir aprendiendo.
saludos desde argentina
Jajaja sirven una mierda :v
@@ricardohernandezvazquez2499 es una técnica usada por los militares israelíes desde casi 100 años, pero si la tecnica del barrio sirve mas🤭
@@Poizone89 No hablo de barrio... Yo tengo 4 años de Muay Thai representando en varias Nacionales al estado de Queretaro... Y dos años de Karate Do Shito-Ryu... Representando varias Nacionales como la copa Choda (No se si la escribi bien, no recuerdo, fue hace ya un tiempo) en el estado en Tabasco... Asi que tengo mucho conocimiento y te puedo decir que eso es imposible, solo que tu rival sea muuuy estupido.
@@ricardohernandezvazquez2499 es que esta no es un arte marcial, es una técnica de defensa utilizada para salvarse o asta para matar, y claro no le estan enseñando a matar alguien o pelear en un torneo, le estan esneñando a defenderse de personas normales, seguro alguien entrenado en arte marcial como kick boxing o mma tiene mucha mas probabilidad de ganar, pero tampoco se puede decir que no sirve a nada..no enseñan solo como evitar puños, enseñan cuales son los puntos debiles del cuerpo como ojos, cuello, testículos. Estoy seguro que tambien con 20 años de experiencias en artes marciales un dedo en el ojo o una pateada en los testiculos duelen como a una persona normal
@@Poizone89 No son fáciles de colocar esos golpes... Reitero al menos que tengas un rival muuuy torpe eso te va a servir... Pero no se utiliza contra gente normal, se utiliza contra otros soldados... Lo que trato de decir es que es casi imposible detener un golpe de esa manera, cuando tu rival ataca frenetica y violentamente
Grazie raggazzi per le videos.
I tried this in Real Life, facing 15 years in Prison now.... Worked great thank you!
pum pam! pium pa pa ta pish pish pum.
italian sounds a lot like brazilian portuguese
Actually we have dozens of different dialects, and they all sound different. The guy is speaking a correct italian, but he clearly sounds from north-east.
in fact the language spoken in Brazil came from Portuguese mixed to Italian, Spanish, african, and aborígenes that were first living in Brazil. That's why we have 95% Portuguese words, but the timing and way is most a kind of italian/Spanish thing. some people say that our language sounds good when some one sings.
yksnimus What if I told you that portuguese and italian both have the same roots: "latin"
In a street fight I NEVER wait to be attacked. My favorite weapons is the SUCKER PUNCH and Suprise HEAD BUTT which gives me the upperhand in most cases. Yeah there aint no rules in the street and I try my best to employ the most low down dirty, bastardly moves to win. Coming from a guy with over 100 amateur boxing fights and Muay Thay Practitioner
go back to bed baby
and my favorite attack is SUPRISE BUTT SEX
Amir 38 Hahahaha
Head butts are so fucking powerful, you can probably break a guy's nose instantly with one perfect head butt.
My favorite technique: Fast hypnosis applications on stressful fight situations to make the person believe, he fights zombies, that crawl out of the ground.
To increase hypnotic suggestions - "ninja powder" is used, blown into the face of my opponent, with magic mushrooms. :D
After that I tell them, I am a magician, and they don't touch me ever again :D
Big up for the guy who let himself been used as a demo player, what an inner strength is required, respect.
Thank you guys for such amazing stuff
This is how I used to make the body mechanics of my gi Joe action figures move as a small child. Kick or knee to stomach and the other one bends over extreme then an undertaker style ddt 🤣
How about all you critics of the video...make your own video & upload it? I'll watch it. You can make videos w/your phone too. It's easy! Plus, I like like to laugh. Keyboard tough guys are especially funny. 👍🏼
The summarize of 3 min video is - just kick the balls somehow.
It's difficult to stand on this position, one leg up, if u miss it, u'll find yourself on floor. S.o. is killing u... I recommend you to try to stand first. And dont show your whole body to opponent, just one shoulder and leg should be looking to opponent... I fought for once or twice :D
The kick is called a "Stop Hit" in JKD. Very effective to keep your opponent off balance and surprised so you can strike or run...
No groin, no krav maga
Awesome training!
Woe that was impresive and awesome, it could be useful to defend myself and become stronger 👍💪greetings from Ecuador
Todo bien hasta que te topas con un tipo que tiene conocimiento en combate, (box, lucha, MMA) pero para cualquier otro callejero si sirve.
Ni con callejeros xd
Took these tips and I have now become a 00
2:42 what if the guy decides to give you an elbow after his punch missed?
He would have to kill his ongoing forward momentum before he does so though
Capo. Qué buen ayudante tenés, seguro es doble de cine jajaja
Thanks 😘😘😘
they should get a good boxer in and see how well he does
Of course he'd win. He's Russian.
real good boxers don't do street fights, they'd lose their license xD
How to win even faster in a fight?
Never get into one XD
don't think I've ever seen a krav maga practitioner defend a kick or a takedown?
Very Good Video
Thanks you
Cool techniques from defense self of the Krav Maga!
practice and real fight at street is different. hahaha you would even remember that steps.
You can if you control your Hart 👊 because if you fear you will lose control then you forget everything you learned
your mind never remembers anything in fight, it is all muscle memory
"Rallentatore se no non capiscono un cazzo!"
nice video
this one guy is really used as a ragdoll LOL
Good break fall skills very good very important
0:29 하나도 안아프게때리는데 진짜 쎄게때리는거같은 매직
Works very good when rehearsed 😂
Im in love of the girl behind :3
What if you dated her and forgot your anniversary or something :( lights out!
Saludos soy mexicano y vivo en Michoacán y me gusta mucho sus procedimientos
Great techniques!
Now everyone know the techniques
Mbè certo che deve sempre arrivare qualche pseudo-pugile a screditare le altre tecniche...
Cari geni, queste tecniche sono l'ABC di una diffesa in strada, punto e basta.
Certo che niente può prepararti al 100%, perchè quando sei là fuori, non sai mai cosa ti capita, chi hai davanti, cosa ha nelle tasche, quanti amici ha intorno, e quindi l'adrenalina t'incula, anche se sei un bel pugile, perchè l'impostazione che hai in palestra, non l'avrai mai fuori.
L'Abc è altro...l'Abc è sapere come reagisce il tuo corpo e la tua mente quando colpisci una persona o quando si viene colpiti. Sono cose che per chi non è abituato al contatto sono difficil da comprendere. Ti dico solo che se per strada pretendi di deviare due pugni tirati seriamente con l'intenzione di farti male ( e non come nel video dove lo sparring partener è costretto a cadere e rimanere sui colpi per dimostrare l'efficacia della tecnica), ti farai sicuramente male....ma molto male!
Mbè certo che anche qui ci s'allena per abituarsi al contatto.
Comunque IN QUESTO VIDEO si tratta di una CAZZO DI DIMOSTRAZIONE... innutile creare scenari " Ma se per strada di becchi Bruce Lee, ma se per strada ti becchi un fighter K1"
Ti ricordo che il Mossad addestra i suoi soldati col Krav Maga ... ci sarà un motivo , o no? E' un tecnica molto efficace a 360 gradi, che se insegnata bene, ti devasta un pugile per strada che è a pari esperienza del fighter krav maga
- Rav KxK - Il Mossad insegna Krava Maga ai militari...non chiacchiere! Parla con qualcuno che ci è stato nel Mossad e fagli vedere queste cose...
Certo, non puoi insegnare il Krav Maga militare ai civili.. non devo chiedere a qualcuno che ci è stato nel Mossad per capire che esiste una differenza. Ma uno del Mossad capisce che in questo video si tratta di una dimostrazione .
Chiudo qui. Ciao ciao!
per me il suo unico punto debole è proprio il pubblico a cui si rivolge.
sono tecniche tutto arrosto e niente fumo, e questo è perfetto, però nasce come insegnamento di difesa ai militari, non a persone inermi con zero esperienza di contatto.
quindi per me è utilissimo se si pratica qualche sport di contatto, o cmq se si ha esperienza di contatto fisico reale, altrimenti rimane una bella teoria - se spiegata a chi non ha mai preso un pugno in faccia.
He's so fast
Thank U great Video
Great video!!!
Love this guys besides of handsome he is a bad ass 😍
The problem with that is the other guy isn't moving in slow motion
They're both moving in slow motion...
this made me take out the bully in school.. thanks
did you win
yeah i did... and he fell off the stairs tho
Türkçe çeviri yoktu. Eskiden söylenenleri yarım yamalak anlıyordum kim eklediyse çok teşekkür ederim.
Krav panem el panem - i love it.
I like how some people disliked this video, as if they can take this guy on themselves or know more than he does :P not saying there arent ppl out there that could but i highly doubt it was anyone watching this video hahah
I'd love to see this guy fight an MMA fighter, not even in the UFC like just some guy who's been training for a while. Or even an accomplished wrestler would beat his ass.
That's why this is about street fighting. From experience, close to 100% of all fights you find yourself in are against buzzed idiots that don't know how to fight, just throw punches and hope they hit the first couple and they pretty much ALL do the boxing jab/punch or haymaker out of control.
I feel like anyone that compares Krav Maga to a sports style martial art is missing the point entirely. They are two separate skill sets for two separate environments and goals. KM isn't for fighting someone in a game of tactics where there are lots of rules and no exits. And MMA people aren't trained to deal with people threatening them with weapons, or against multiple opponents. Some technique overlaps but that's where the similarities end.
Dire Straits
doesnt matter they stupid buzzed idiots dont know fight or not.. they win over you, thats all matters who cares its practical and blabla if with this shit u can do nothing in a REAL fight ..
Honestly an MMA fighter would get his ass beat. Krav maga is meant for the battlefield and MMA is not.
in a real fight mma fighter wouldn't stand a chance. Only in octagon. Why do u thing there is no KM fighter there. UFC got so many restrictions on hits and grabs KM is not safe enough to use it in octagon. In UFC they try to save the fighter for another fight. In real life u just wanna protect yourself so it is your health/life or opponent. And you not gonna achieve it with 3 rounds 5 min with a ring girl.
Won't a skilled fighter immediately grab your leg? I just see an experienced MMA individual having the Krav Maga figher in a leglock.
AftComet i don't think that he will grab a kick on the balls, he'll focus on the punches
super tehnika svaka cast
"'Ey. 'Ey. 'Ey."
is he Canadian?
Dennis Johnston he's saying "okay", but I agree with you that it sounds more like "oh ei" or "kei"