IMPORTANT INFO : Be sure to also update the FoxAssist software version (there is a pop-up message asking to remove the old version, click Yes), install the new version in the same folder. If you don't update it, the scanner will be missing Module Functions. So update everything then click Go Back, click Refresh and if you still see the Update button, hit it again make sure FoxAssist shows everything is up to date! It's a clumsy software. Initial Scanner Setup
IMPORTANT INFO : Be sure to also update the FoxAssist software version (there is a pop-up message asking to remove the old version, click Yes), install the new version in the same folder. If you don't update it, the scanner will be missing Module Functions. So update everything then click Go Back, click Refresh and if you still see the Update button, hit it again make sure FoxAssist shows everything is up to date! It's a clumsy software. Initial Scanner Setup