Hmm not the most fudged generation I’ve seen. Back in 1.3 you’d sometimes get the pit that went straight to hell, and of course the overlapping world evil and jungle are a classic in small worlds
I know that was awesome I went back to 1.2.9 and I jungle cave straight to hell also and I found a few more hills that is kinda like that in other worlds
In nearly 2000 hours i havent seen anything like that, that thing almost reached space
I tried Terraria once but never fully got into it.
Having a cottage near space sounds very cool tho. I like the idea!
@@FinnDuDe95 I should build a base up there I’m gonna make a video of the base some other day
That’s a naturally spawned structure
Hmm not the most fudged generation I’ve seen. Back in 1.3 you’d sometimes get the pit that went straight to hell, and of course the overlapping world evil and jungle are a classic in small worlds
I know that was awesome I went back to 1.2.9 and I jungle cave straight to hell also and I found a few more hills that is kinda like that in other worlds
crimson hills, but pure
Awesome find
Reminds me of worlds I would get on my PSV
"Mount everest" ahh looking hill fr
small world gen is CRAZY
Ive never played Terraria but the hat your avatar has is really epic
@@ToastedMap1e it’s a wizard hat I got
@@Kriknet_That hat belongs to Tim
@Utilizaelíconodeediciónparafij I know
It's a spot
@@Scott_396 yeah
Good luck friend
Bruhh i never seen that hill before😮 nice one👍🏻
Congrats bro, youtube blessed u ❤ keep up with dont starve ill watch it
@@SoyValek I’m going to post shipped wrecked today or tomorrow
@@SoyValek the video failed to save
@@SoyValek I’m gonna make a normal don’t starve video
@@SoyValek it’s gonna be terraria if it fails to upload is going to be don’t starve lights out
What is the seed name? By the way you can see the seed by clicking on the plant green leave thing.
The seed is expert ;expert crimson small world
lol your like the fourth person to ask
this is epic
seed name? You can check
The seed is expert :expert no capital
@@Kriknet_ oh haha
@@Kriknet_ and is it crimson or corruption
@@cheese_enjoyer_man I think it’s crimson
@@Kriknet_ can you check? sorry for bugging tou
Seed name
;expert :world size small. Evil: corruption or crimson I’m not sure is it crimson or corruption