@@thedyingmeme6Not that ironic, really. The extra tires are in the rear, thus all the extra grip will be at the rear, so the whole car will be very resistant to turning. This is on top of a FWD car naturally being understeer-y.
@@jwalster9412 If the game allows it, making more realistic lava would really just be a matter of increasing the viscosity of the liquid by a lot and making the cars burst into flames on contact.
Yeah @broklond seems like it's a variety thing for UA-cam , he's spoken about in the past that the "vs the community" name was dropped due to the series not getting promoted after a while . So it might just be a way of making a "New" series in the eyes of the algorithm
The new stopping line for the water/lava line is more forgiving without making the rest of it too easy, it works. I recall the number of old races that were total disqualifiers despite being only inches from the finish line.
I instantly loved this series immediately when it debuted on the channel and within the first 90 seconds I am more than assured absolutely nothing has changed lol
Always love me some escape the flood (even with the lava re-skin), though I would really love to see the other part of the map again where you start by the petrol station and race to the very top, last few times have always been the bottom to bridge ones if I recall correctly. :)
Some of the best moments in Failrace are when Alex forgets to commentates and just watches the weird or crazy chaos or glitch that happens in front of him like with Laddo and Dangerman in the first race. 😆
When that "Big American Boat" was in production it was considered a mid size car. We had true battle ships on our roads. I remember 400, 409, 427, 505 cubic inch V8 engines in daily drivers. To and from work, errands, what have you. It was normal, and with solid steel chrome bumpers, if we hit stuff then stuff got knocked out of the way.
I've got to say, I like the water better than the lava. It covered the last bridge and we could see through it. It also made more sense with the big pipes.
Given the map is essentially a giant pit, it actually makes sense to think of it as a volcanic crater, with a lava lake that had drained away ages ago but is now rapidly refilling, forcing all the "residents" within to make a mad dash to the top in hopes of escape. Especially since you never see any liquids coming through the giant pipe..
@@RailRideThat's fair. Maybe it's because I grew up near a quarry that was then landscaped and turned into a housing development, but this to me has more of a pit than a mountain top feel.
It's not AWD so it gets a poor start It's okay, but a bit grip rolly and the tyres are really vulnerable to being punctured by contact which happened in both runs
Is there anyway to have one player in charge of the steering and another player, the gas and brake? Just like they do in those crazy races, but do it online?
_"Tonight, we're feeling hot, hot, hot! But the cars won't like it.... This is FailRace, where expect this alternate version of Race the Flood to see:_ 3:45 _"A car goes for a bounce._ 8:26 _"Laddo makes a lavaboat._ 14:16 _"And an off-roader... goes off a cliff."_ Best bit for me - Laddo making a Monster Truck ride the lava to the top! 🤣
If you are using the replay feature, why not take the audio from your real tme comentary and use the editor to make a camera path for better quality viewer experience.
Apologies for Amy and Dangerman for the boatnet lag 😬
How are you even able to play Beam from a boat with playable framerates?
Could be worse.... Could have been dragnet lag. 😆
it's ok, Lagddo... 😂 when the monster truck was floating i thought "well, he surely knows how to navigate to the finish line" 😉
@@sameermohideen4913 starlink
Time to change the name from Laddo to Laggo? 🤣
That Dangerman and Laddo crash has got to be one of the most majestic things I've seen in Beam
Laddo is the MVP of this session. The ultimate floaty crash with Dangerman, the ultimate floaty monster-truck... just awesome.
And don't forget, the ultimate wall-ride into lava. XD
15:48 This was the quickest karma uno reverse of the history of racing, I'm convinced of it
leathercap saying "good test" "lets do the actual run" is the highlight of the whole video
The understeer of a FWD 6x6 is uh
Ironic cus it has more tires lmao
@@thedyingmeme6Not that ironic, really. The extra tires are in the rear, thus all the extra grip will be at the rear, so the whole car will be very resistant to turning. This is on top of a FWD car naturally being understeer-y.
The Laggosaurus incident at 1:10 is the most cinematic moment I've ever seen on this channel
I made the mistake of using all of my luck in the test races when we filmed this. My first time actually beating the flood/Lava will never be seen lol
Amy or Laddo's perspective maybe?
I don't think I made it past turn 4 in any of these.
Because of La(gg)ddo?
I love that the lava hydrolocks your engine. The car is in denial as to just how bad the situation is.
Seems like it's just a water retexture, not really lava
@@broklond I'm not sure what else it would be.. it's not like you can just make a whole new type of fluid for one map in beamng
@@jwalster9412 If the game allows it, making more realistic lava would really just be a matter of increasing the viscosity of the liquid by a lot and making the cars burst into flames on contact.
Yeah @broklond seems like it's a variety thing for UA-cam , he's spoken about in the past that the "vs the community" name was dropped due to the series not getting promoted after a while .
So it might just be a way of making a "New" series in the eyes of the algorithm
@@jwalster9412I've seen some maps that have more realistic lava where touching it overheats your engine and sets the car on fire.
The new stopping line for the water/lava line is more forgiving without making the rest of it too easy, it works. I recall the number of old races that were total disqualifiers despite being only inches from the finish line.
"It's an elevator."
"No, it's a Laddovator."
Laddo becoming a boat and just floating to the end was one of the funniest parts of this video.
quote of the day "it's very diffcult to see in the lava"
I instantly loved this series immediately when it debuted on the channel and within the first 90 seconds I am more than assured absolutely nothing has changed lol
When water rising gets too boring “ I know let’s race an erupting volcano”
Fire and Brimstone never fails at making entertaining content it seems
Floaty Laddo and Dangerman has to be the best lag moment I've seen in a while.
Love to see more of this!
Stancing the Brat was the only way to make it not grip roll.
Nice wall ride attempt from Laddo. Glad these videos are back!
The Orange car's "supercharger" whine sounds like a fox making happy noises.
8:14 - From this angle, the lava overhead kinda looks like a very post-apocalyptic skybox.
Thought I was playing Doom again. Pretty cool.
Lava? Looked more like Orange Crush mixed with mud. 🤣 Fun race anyway. Great FailRace content.
The race against the rising Fanta
Would be cool to see a downhill version of this. Kinda like an "escape the avalanche" type thing. Your videos rock!
Race the flood/lava is my favourite racing format you have done on beam!
i want more race the flood/lava. love your content.
the happy wiggle of the monster truck made me smile alot
Always love me some escape the flood (even with the lava re-skin), though I would really love to see the other part of the map again where you start by the petrol station and race to the very top, last few times have always been the bottom to bridge ones if I recall correctly. :)
Those were some sweet races. It would be pretty cool if the lava could light the trees on fire.
So glad to see the Crew back in The Pit™, and I don't mean the racetrack kind.
I missed these ones
FINALLY. I waited so long for another race the flood video!
Oh my goodness.
Monster Trucks are Amphibious.
Some of the best moments in Failrace are when Alex forgets to commentates and just watches the weird or crazy chaos or glitch that happens in front of him like with Laddo and Dangerman in the first race. 😆
1:12 laddo screwing dangerman over accidentally is the funniest thing 🤣 😂 😆 I have ever seen in my life 😂 🤣 😭 .
Fantastic fun! I missed this series
the Lado boat winning race two absolutely sent me.
These are so much fun to watch!
Nice to have these back, have been missing them.
I like the flood a bit more. Its looks a bit nicer
Haha! I like these driver vs. driver vs. danger races.
A fiery version of Race the Flood... Amazing
Bastion supercharger sounded like a cross between a crying baby and a deflating balloon making a fart sound.
How funny, i was JUST wishing for one of these modes earlier this week! So glad to see it back!!❤
Haha Love these race the flood/lava episodes!
My first FailRace video was Escape the Flood. I'm happy to see this course again.
I wish the playstation could handle this LOL It looks crazy fun!
Congratulations, you earned a subscriber
Real shame Dangerman and Lado don't record anymore. That would have been a view.
laddo has been recording the beam vids recently, this one might be next?
Laddo is the star of the show
Someone needs to edit 1:14 into that meme with the thing flying through the stars
When that "Big American Boat" was in production it was considered a mid size car. We had true battle ships on our roads. I remember 400, 409, 427, 505 cubic inch V8 engines in daily drivers. To and from work, errands, what have you. It was normal, and with solid steel chrome bumpers, if we hit stuff then stuff got knocked out of the way.
Didn't have problems with protesters standing about in the road back then either, coincidentally...
@@brian_sipe yes but thats called "(attempted) vehicular manslaughter."
@@thedyingmeme6 Apparently you haven't kept up with changes to American laws...
I've got to say, I like the water better than the lava. It covered the last bridge and we could see through it. It also made more sense with the big pipes.
Given the map is essentially a giant pit, it actually makes sense to think of it as a volcanic crater, with a lava lake that had drained away ages ago but is now rapidly refilling, forcing all the "residents" within to make a mad dash to the top in hopes of escape. Especially since you never see any liquids coming through the giant pipe..
@@RailRideThat's fair. Maybe it's because I grew up near a quarry that was then landscaped and turned into a housing development, but this to me has more of a pit than a mountain top feel.
Yeah I'm a larger fan of the water than the sub par lava texture rising.
Though I wonder if it's helping any of the participants computer run it?
@@qm230 Now that seems like a possibility. I wonder how much of an impact not doing the transparency calculations has.
Amazing video❤❤❤
The lava is a neat effect but IIRC Beam doesn't model radiant heat and melting tires like that. So I'm not sure how this is different from the flood.
You guys have to post a mod of all of your racing configurations. I need to drive the Very Loud Bastion myself!
The supercharger sounds like the Mococo Beam
I would like to see more of that
green and white at 14:37 is a paid actor
another great video. thank you
FailRace does Dante’s Peak.
That louder vehicle is longbows I think
God I love this game.
Hope there will be more live streams in the future
Race The Irn Bru
the forbidden Irn Bru !!
might as well start with a boat 🤔
The lava stopping right under the last bridge is a little bit lame.
Alex, even if you hadn't of pushed it in the last/redo round. You wouldn't of out ran the "Lava". You were just a wee bit too far back.
Can anyone make multiple entries for a single FailRace episode? I fear Dangerman might be doubling up this week.
just more lava palava
How does he get the hp, torque and power to weight on the screen to the left
Just search for power to weight ratio mod on the beam repository I think
I thought the modified trophy truck would do better
It's not AWD so it gets a poor start
It's okay, but a bit grip rolly and the tyres are really vulnerable to being punctured by contact which happened in both runs
Is there anyway to have one player in charge of the steering and another player, the gas and brake? Just like they do in those crazy races, but do it online?
Laddo took the elevator.
What episode will i find the birth of the noisy car?
Can i join one of dees? Looks like a lot of fun
What is this?... Failrace not failing in the first race?... I'm appalled.🤣
_"Tonight, we're feeling hot, hot, hot! But the cars won't like it.... This is FailRace, where expect this alternate version of Race the Flood to see:_
3:45 _"A car goes for a bounce._
8:26 _"Laddo makes a lavaboat._
14:16 _"And an off-roader... goes off a cliff."_
Best bit for me - Laddo making a Monster Truck ride the lava to the top! 🤣
Where can we download the mod? This looks like a ton of fun!
what's the Map called?
Whats the name of the ps to kg ui?😊
13:35 for proof!😂
If you are using the replay feature, why not take the audio from your real tme comentary and use the editor to make a camera path for better quality viewer experience.
I think it's more of a safety net in case something happens to the live recording
Same map as the flood..?
Why make an identical video with a pallette swap...
16:27 :O
BeamNG is painful to watch on YT
3 minutes!
Laddo is Disqualified in Round 2 because he cheated so he's a loser 😂🤣
20 seconds 😂😂😂
Think the difficulty is a bit too hard. Just like when it was water. Btw the lava just looks bad.
: )
The top side of the lava texture is ugly af.
It's "he" and "she" when referring to a single person. "They" is plural.
It's not lol
1 minute