Wonka's Cancer Diary: The end and Quality of Life



  • @brittany6682
    @brittany6682 5 місяців тому

    I came across your channel as I was hit with grief today over my cat that I lost nearly 4 years ago to DKA. She was only 9 years old, and went into DKA twice (vet guesses it was some underlying cause like cancer). Wonka may have only been here for 10 years, but those were filled with lots of love. You gave him the ultimate gift of kindness, and allowed him to pass with dignity instead of suffering.
    Thank you for sharing your journey with him. I hope you are doing better.

  • @jay-the-bat2984
    @jay-the-bat2984 3 роки тому +9

    He was well loved, in those ten years. You did wonders for Wonka.

  • @EtheonSnow
    @EtheonSnow 3 роки тому +1

    He was so loved. I adored him, and am so thankful you shared him with us

  • @meltheredcap6307
    @meltheredcap6307 3 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing Wonka with us, in happiness and in loss. He was a sweet doofus boy.

  • @MultiJordan2005
    @MultiJordan2005 3 роки тому +10

    I'm enjoying Trash pacing in the background like he's trying to distract you. A good cat. Sorry to hear about Wonka. You gave him an excellent life and a peaceful end, and really that's all you can hope for. Sorry to hear you were in a car accident!! I'm glad you seem to be recovering well.

  • @seastarcrunchies
    @seastarcrunchies 3 роки тому +1

    So sorry for your loss, Wonka was clearly well loved. He was lucky to have such a great owner 💜

  • @falcolf
    @falcolf 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful boy with us while he was here, and if it is any consolation at all, this video helped take away my guilt about euthanizing my own boy Copernicus a week or two earlier than I maybe could have. Rest in peace Wonka and Copernicus, two good orange boys stolen from this world far too young by digestive cancer.

  • @quinsomnia4934
    @quinsomnia4934 3 роки тому

    Thank you for this, and your work. I hope you grieve well.

  • @amyeisenshen8463
    @amyeisenshen8463 2 роки тому +1

    I’m sorry for your loss. I know this is an old video, but my heart still aches at your pain.
    I cannot come up with the words to give the comfort I would like, so instead I’ll use Tolkien’s- which I think is the best tribute to a being who loved so much and was so loved. “Well, here at last, dear friends, on the shores of the Sea comes the end of our fellowship in Middle-earth. Go in peace! I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are evil.”

  • @DivineKala
    @DivineKala 3 роки тому +5

    Wonka lives on in our hearts and memories. This video is a wonderful memorial.

  • @micheleploeser7720
    @micheleploeser7720 Рік тому +1


  • @karenschnell1792
    @karenschnell1792 3 роки тому +1

    You're right. Ten years isn't enough. Sometimes twenty isn't enough. In the last three years, I had my 20 year old cat die, and my 12 year old cat die. Kidney failure and a saddle thrombosis.
    One was planned, and I made a decision. One was not. The difference is very stark.
    No matter how long it was, it wasn't enough.
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Wonka was very loved.

  • @katrinamiranda5472
    @katrinamiranda5472 3 роки тому +3

    I can't imagine how difficult and painful this video was to make. Thank you for sharing your expertise and experience. RIP Wonka.

  • @kirabrzeczyszczykiewicz2456
    @kirabrzeczyszczykiewicz2456 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for talking so eruditely about how to be compassionate, even in the middle of such awful grief. I'm so glad Wonka had those ten years with someone who loved him so much.

  • @silverblades2
    @silverblades2 3 роки тому +1

    Hey Doc, don't know if you remember me, but I was one of the Scriptwitches of the Scriptfam (flaming fist on the Discord server). I'm so sorry. I've kept up with the channel and love it, and to hear about Wonka is heartbreaking. I realize it's probably not helpful now, but people still think of you and care and are here for you.

  • @stoprainlty
    @stoprainlty 3 роки тому

    Many hugs and loves to you

  • @menosmal717
    @menosmal717 3 роки тому

    I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. wonka looked like a beautiful and adorable cat. I hope things are going better for you right now. sending much love to you

  • @katha3910
    @katha3910 3 роки тому

    So sorry to hear that. Sending you love- thank you for sharing his life with us.

  • @bralliercat
    @bralliercat 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing Wonka with us

  • @z3rodang3r
    @z3rodang3r 3 роки тому +2

    RIP Wonka. Thank you for sharing your journey with him, even though it was obviously so painful.

  • @madeleinehales46
    @madeleinehales46 3 роки тому

    after i saw this video i immediately hugged my kitten

  • @JustIsold
    @JustIsold 3 роки тому +3

    I'm really sorry you had to let him go and thank you so much for sharing his amazingness with us

  • @fourteen-steps9434
    @fourteen-steps9434 3 роки тому

    My heart hurts for you watching this. It's a terrible thing when we lose an animal we love so much sooner than we should. I hope sweet little Trashbag gives you some comfort and your grief eases soon

  • @aleaf4716
    @aleaf4716 3 роки тому

    Between my three cats and the countless others I have fostered, it is very easy to forget how lucky I am to have them in my life. Thank you for reminding me. It's a rough decision... I'm sure it was much easier for him to go while feeling the care and love of his family.
    The cat I'm fostering currently is young (maybe a year) and hurt his leg to a degree so severe that we are now planning a date to amputate it. It should be a harder decision, but knowing he is so young and he has a whole life to get through with a leg that could easily cause so much pain (infection, arthritis)... well. Sometimes you gotta do what makes sense. Sorry, I'm still trying to process that.
    I hope you all are doing well. May the new year bring you new joy.

  • @levnikulin4321
    @levnikulin4321 3 роки тому +1

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend - thank you for sharing some of his life with us.

  • @Irisedpig
    @Irisedpig 3 роки тому

    Oh I'm so sorry. Sending you so much love. Wonka was lovely and he had a wonderful life with you. What a loss... thank you for sharing him with us. I agree about its better sooner than later. I say to myself I'd rather wonder if I could have waited longer than feel like I waited too late.

    • @Irisedpig
      @Irisedpig 3 роки тому

      10 years is such a short time for such a lovely boy.

  • @Lawnie
    @Lawnie 3 роки тому +1

    I'm so sorry for your loss 💖

  • @scottfw7169
    @scottfw7169 3 роки тому

    Oh dear. Sorry. Yes, it does suck. We will miss him and at the same time enjoy memories of him healthy and doing his Wonka kitty things.

  • @johnmesser3278
    @johnmesser3278 3 роки тому

    ❤ so very sorry. 😥