Poem by John o'Donohue: 'I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding' Thank you both sO much for your experiencing and for sharing (-: . :-)
What a power duo! So many shifts and aha moments, many of Matt's sentences, his language of creation, rolls out in brilliancy worthy of a cosmic transmission "olympic gold" medal! This interview will assist me and how I will serve my child who is in a psych ward right now. Infinite gratitude and appreciation to you both. And, bonus, I will be cooking veggie coconut curry and the incredible orange slices recipe!
One of the best conversations, Anita and Matt! When you're an empath and you listen to other empaths talk it's like meeting those that speak your language. I don't even have to be in the same room but everything you guys said resonates deeply with me
Love, love, love this. This is beautiful because it's so much more like two friends sharing than an interview. Your energies complement each other so well. Lovely...love you both.💜🌈
Please know that when the medical community tells someone they have "x" amount of time (to live), do not give away your power, your will to past, non-applicable information. As a former nurse from an end of life environment, no one knows when another being is destined to leave their earthly existence. Much Love to all lightworkers, Anita and Matt!
Both of you are glowing with such light. This conversation was beautiful!!! Went straight to my heart! I have been following Matt Khan since 2012 when I sufferred a lot and woke me up when I asked the universe to find another way or take me away....and suddenly the butterfly came out of the caccoon and te journey of the seeker began.. When I finally flushed out my Suketa story I ran into you Anita a month ago! I wish it was sooner, but you validated everything. It has been a tough life and fell down on my knees many times since 2012. But today, I AM creating a new me with new imprints with a power emerging due to the ascesion that is incredible. All the suffering was for me to Wake me up...over and over and over again....and begin my work of light. Gave up religion long time ago since it no longer sreved me. But never gave up faith. Although I still live with my narcissistic husband of 20 years who probably brought the benign tumor on my spine/the hysterectomy, nervouse breakdowns etc.., he is my twin and Mirror who helped me to realise who I am....and to look deeper Inside to finaly love myself. My heart is open to him...but his is closed. Although it is closed and of reptilian nature, only if he resonates to the new born Suketa of a new imprint he will be able to participate in my daily activities on this earth. Not expectng anything from him or anyone in this present moment is who I am. Accepting and makng better choices coming from my higher self is who I am.. Therefore, wether he is in my life or not no longer matters. The disollution of fear brought me to this new resonance of my higher self. I am here to let go of fear my guids said within my meditation in 2014. The heavy load on my bag all washed away in the ocean. The flow is all that is. I AM and that is all. Thank you MATT for holding my hand in my dream and helping me to step into the Golden palace of completion. Thank you Anita to help me to throw the bag away. Blessings my dear beautifull souls, I am grateful.
Thank you both for an uplifting pod cast! I spent most of yesterday watching the Kavanaugh hearings on CNN and felt completely drained, disturbed and disheartened. I have as of late "timed' how long I'll let myself watch news cause it can affect the entire day or evening but these hearings pulled me in. So I detoxed with listening to you guys! (: It did the trick. Feel much better! ☺️👍Amazing how good energy can clear that heavy stuff. I love the concept of empaths being sixth sense people living in a five sense world. Always such great input. It's a treat!! Thank you! 🙏 🌸🌸
Wow what a beautiful combo! I almost couldnt believe it and had to look twice. So happy to see you both sharing your heart centred wisdom with us all. Profound thanks xx
Thank you both very much. Anita I’m a cancer patient aggressive inflammatory intraductal breast cancer at the moment and have a wonderful person standing beside me my husband. God bless him. The hardest thing is the pain and how to deal with it. Most people think I’m crazy as I’m doing only holistic therapies. I talk to my cancer as if it’s my friend, I’ve also let it know that I’ve accepted it and am will to learn from it. I’ve noticed that it’s a lot calmer I also had an outer body experience and was scared by it but it helped me in other ways. I don’t know if others were experiencing sound problems.
I am so truly grateful i was divinely guided to hear your words, both of you!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I am sharing this with everyone i know!! You both are truly amazing and thank you so much for your service to us all !!
love you both so much .. I still struggle with surrendering to the intensity of the painful emotions even when i know that this is what strengthens me and helps me reconnect with all that is .. thanks for the continued inspiration. I will never forget when I picked you up from the airport in Australia and the amazing discussions I had with you and Danny. much love xo
Matt’s notion of time being the healing element harkens to the old adage that time heals all wounds. I have found this to be true myself, when I am healing from a wound or trauma-emotional in particular! ♥️
Such a great blessing to watch you both! Matt is extremely articulate and deep! My first gem is at timestamp 15:40, "You don't need to go back to unpack what's causing your illness; you can actually look to the future and get excited about the future. the biggest thing that heal you is the excitement for life." At 21:00, Dr. Joe Dispenza is teaching and guiding meditators to change their perception and heal themselves.
Oh how I wish my brother was open to this conversation. A gentle empathic being who has shut down his heart, to fit into a head centred world. His son came in even more heart centred, to the point of failing at 3D school, and yet THIS message is being lost on them as they struggle to fit into this head centred world. Even when I tell them WHO they are, they refuse to believe me. Maybe one day soon they will get it. Thank you again for getting this wisdom out to more people in this world. LOVE from down under. 🙏🏽
Matt. I really think you are so correct with your point to riding out and giving each emotion it’s due. As an empathetic myself, over years I became overwhelmed and afraid of the charge of challenging emotions. I avoided them. I stuffed them and I believe these became cancer in my body. While maybe for some people it’s better to not revisit past emotions I think for the emotional stuffers like myself, spending quality time in each emotion and accepting it (without indulging it) is the only way that it will transmute into light. Thanks so much.
Absolutely beautiful words and having had similar experiences it makes a lot of sense! Fabulous words from a real light worker operating from a high energy and heart ❣ centred place which is so needed right now in this world!! Love and blessings to you Matt 🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊🕊❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🌷🌷
not even one person not being an empath knows how it is feeling every little emotion around you, nobody in any therapy will speak about it with you, but now time has come to explore this talent, how to live with it, how to live with this gift in a good way , thank you ..
Great conversation. I would add to also look at how someone treats themselves. If someone is not taking care of themselves like you want to take care of yourself, they will not be able to treat you beyond their capabilities towards themselves.
I like these two people, they are so cute, just such lovely people, they inspire me to be myself, love the authenticity, there is just so much love here. When talking about what they love to do (the shopping for shoes and the cooking and so on) is like the best part because it's so real and authentic
Hi Anita and Matt I have realized so much in the past two weeks I want to share in the hopes to reach out to people who are still struggling to find inner peace even after years of reading and watching UA-cam wise people talk. I wish I new this in my 20’s, 30’s,40’s after years of spiritual awareness and filling my mind and soul with it and reading self help books in my 50’s I said enough is enough and went to see a hypnotist/ therapist, I have felt finally the inner peace and confidence that nothing else did for me , I had gone to see two very powerful teachers with amazing powers nothing helped like this . My message is if you’re still not feeling good go see a real therapist live not on UA-cam! Please! You will see a world of difference. 💗
I had a fear of : the unknown, feeling energies around me, being my true self. These fears started at a very young age for me, and now i am 35 and using these fears to empower others and help others to free themselves from these limiting fears and beliefs! Thank you!!
Im re-viewing all of Matt's videos, doing some of his courses too since i was diagnosed with parkinsons( burned out nervous system?). I find him deeply healing, relaxing and liberating. I accompany my illness as 8 believe there is a child in pain there lonely in need of my love. Anita, i didnt know about you. The combination 9f hearts is delicious. Ill read you and learn from you. I resonate so much from both of you. "The revenge of the empaths"...😂thanks i love you both.
This is true for me too. I wasn't aware of this gift growing up. In actuality, being an empath develops naturally when you learn to love yourself and thus, eventually, learn to be compassionate. It is all a natural occurrence. These days, I have learned to open myself up to the world and constantly being connected to non physical too. It is somehow confusing on the other hand, because even though nothing really is changing in my external environment, my emotions vary every moment. I am picking up so much. In a minute I could be sad, cry my hearts out, laugh afterwards and marvel all the display of emotions. I haven't been this alive my entire life.
You spoke one big true, Anita, thank you for that. My relative suffered in a quite bad marriage of her parents. And she felt even more miserable when the word "divorce" came to be discussed. It was all because she felt unloved and unworthy, now many years later she was able to decifer why even staying in an abusive environment felt "better" for her than imagining them getting a divorce. She felt like losing their love altogether. So this is how a child offen feels in such situation. Showing a child that you love him NO MATTER WHAT is key...
Anita - read your book several years ago - loved it and loved your story! Didn't know you were online - so glad I found you (and recently found Matt Kahn as well-) :Love & Light
"to see another in want is to rob him of his birthright as a Child of God". (Neville Goddard).... So to "see" a mentally ill person, or an addicted person, is to rob him of his birthright.... That was my first thought listening to Matt's response re. the mother concerned for her child. The work is in the mother, in how she sees, not in the "what" to do for the child. "How" we see, is the crux... the "world". changes around us based on that... Thank you both!
"The Revenge of the Sensitive People" That's hilarious, I love it! Sounds like a blockbuster to me. Lol.🤩😋 I am too an empath and so appreciate this content. Have done research on the subject for years. One gentleman I worked with years ago who specialized in helping empaths (I unfortunately can't remember his name) stated that we are here to transmute/transform energy, but the problem is that we hold on to the energy of others, (also events, movies, etc) but we aren't meant to do that. He said that we are HARDWIRED to be empaths, (can't change it) but what can destroy us is our tendency to hold on (take personally) or run/hide (isolate). The key is to let the energy MOVE THROUGH you. He had a number of tools on how to do this, from many of the self care ideas you discuss, to crystals, nature, meditation, and so on. Every empath is different and will need different things. Another great tool that I use (which our society sees as a weakness) is to CRY. It is tremendously cleansing. But one has to be mindful of this because the common notion about crying is that you're "falling apart." It's actually a powerful cleansing tool that allows negative energy to move through. So our purpose as empaths is to TRANSFORM lower energy by feeling it and letting it MOVE THROUGH. I also suggest watching the Star Trek (original series from the '60') episode "The Empath." It's amazing! Much love. 😍😍😘😘
My three things i am afraid of: All of which i am slowly changing and improving; 1. I am afraid of upsetting people. I would take the most unmaginable abuse so long as I wasn't the one who hurt that person. 2. I am afraid of people's criticism. Thinking that it was always my issue. (Not realising that it was the other person's past trauma talking). 3. I am afraid of being critical towards someone else. I so quickly apologise every time I am critical towards someone else. Its all changing thank God ♥️❣
I also have had to get into the idea of being ok with the worst scenario happening. Not any easy thing to do, as the three times I did this it had to do with people I was close to. I had to be ok with losing these three relationships---my mother, daughter, and brother if I spoke my truth. I first reached out for support from therapist and friends. Taking 100% responsibility isn't self-sufficiency. It also means reaching out and getting the help I need. It's worth saying that in my experience, fully experiencing pain and being in it when there are no other options has been a method that has been very effective in my own soul journey. BUT, anyone who has experienced severe trauma almost always needs to be accompanied by a therapist or spiritual counselor. otherwise one risks the possibility of re-traumatization. This interview really speaks to me on so many levels.
Amazing conversation Anita and Matt! Thank you!! Anita....I hope your next video is you making your coconut vegetable curry!.....Seriously!!...I am not kidding :) It was so fun watching you in the kitchen with Danny that time! I also LOVE the colour of the bricks behind you! Thank you again for this video with Matt! What a perfect pairing of spiritual beings!
we are "beings of feelings" but the skill is to feel it then let it go without it "becoming" or affecting you.. remain the perfect being that you already are.
Anita!!! thank you for sharing your favorite thing... shopping! isn't that the most basic bonus of being human! yes we are spiritual beings... and up there ... I am pretty sure there are no shoes or purses or chocolate... just love. We have chosen to be human...we wanted to live the human experiences ... with others... but also as individuals... and enjoy ... feel what it is like to be in the joy of eating chocolate, or finding that purse or pair of shoes that was made just for our human self ... the savouring of my perfect morning coffee... being in awe of stained glass boxes... it is self love... and depends not on what we give others... but what we are giving ourselves... feeding what makes us feel good to be alive... color, texture, taste, smell :D... the perfect human experience ! Thank you for inspiring this aha! moment xo
It pays also, I find, to question whether or not being in pain is useful, sensible, necessary. The belief that one NEEDS to be in pain can perpetuate it. When we're able to get the feel for, the knack of understanding that a given pain is not necessary for us to learn then we can drop it. That ability is not simply a question of inspiration, but of practice. The more we become aware that we are better, calmer, more loving, giving people when we are OUT of pain, the quicker we can shed it.
Really looking forward to your new book on being empathic. Your discussions on this subject and you realizing that you empathic has really helped me to move on with my life to know that I’m not alone that there’s others like me. I’m hoping you will include if you would how to cope with it in a world where there is so much sexual perversion that hurt so many others. I find it perplexing that we go from innocent children into teenagers with raging hormones and later creating perversions that hurt others l wonder why this was created this way? If We took away all our hormones there would be less suffering.
When it comes to food I can definitely feel if it has been made with love or not. Even with fast food from Taco Bell I can appreciate that it was made for me by another human struggling to survive and I am also thankful to the animal who gave up his life so that I can have food. If I go somewhere and taste the food and feel that their is absolutely no love in it or even that there is a bad energy connected to it I’ll just stop eating and throw it away and never go back to the restaurant. There was this one place where I felt a strong pull to leave but I ended up staying and the food ended up being weird and bad. I had to throw it away. It’s not a good feeling when food isn’t made with love.
Dear Anita, am so grateful for your beautiful videos and heart-centered work. Thank you. A question: my 9 year old niece is highly sensitive and an empath. I see her struggling as she's about to enter her teenage years, and is increasingly shutting down her emotions and feelings as a protective mechanism. Would you ever do a talk aimed at this age 9-12yo group? I see how she wants to fit in SO much, but is WAY more sensitive than most people, and is trying to figure it all out. I try to help her but think she would really appreciate guidance from an independent source.
My former psychotherapist one day told me; oh you sensitive people...... my reply was; and if my way was the right way? And if you have been programmed to think a certain way? I will always remember is facial expression). Then I realize that I was not the problem! Well I always knew it but all the others thought that I was.)
Two of some of my most favorite souls on this planet together in one video - I love it! Fun question for Anita. I am also disgusted and afraid of roaches. Do you think maybe when we reach the state of "heaven" in the afterlife, the things we fear or really just don't like, like roaches, those things and people will be our greatest friends and we'll all have a good laugh looking back on this physical life at how silly we really were as incarnated beings?
Golly Anita, the ads interrupting every few minutes are really rough! I am a long time subscriber and happy to listen an ad upfront if it makes you money. Any way you could change it back to the old way?
Thanks Anita, your story help me a lot. During this time, I am scared by the painless lump on my neck. I am worried about whether I have cancer. Dear Anita, hoping for your reply, if people feel unwell, should we seek medical advice immediately, or try to adjust ourselves spiritually first? How do we strike a balance between modern medicine and psychotherapy?
Poem by John o'Donohue:
'I would love to live like a river flows,
carried by the surprise of its own unfolding'
Thank you both sO much for your experiencing and for sharing (-: . :-)
You are both jewels of humanity to me! Thank you for affirming my own experiences of healing.
So amazing having you and Matt together. Two lovely souls sharing beautiful knowledge. I am grateful !
What a power duo! So many shifts and aha moments, many of Matt's sentences, his language of creation, rolls out in brilliancy worthy of a cosmic transmission "olympic gold" medal! This interview will assist me and how I will serve my child who is in a psych ward right now. Infinite gratitude and appreciation to you both. And, bonus, I will be cooking veggie coconut curry and the incredible orange slices recipe!
I freaking love Matt Kahn, thank you for hosting him!
One of the best conversations, Anita and Matt! When you're an empath and you listen to other empaths talk it's like meeting those that speak your language. I don't even have to be in the same room but everything you guys said resonates deeply with me
Love, love, love this. This is beautiful because it's so much more like two friends sharing than an interview. Your energies complement each other so well. Lovely...love you both.💜🌈
Powerful message 💜
Two angels 💙
Please know that when the medical community tells someone they have "x" amount of time (to live), do not give away your power, your will to past, non-applicable information. As a former nurse from an end of life environment, no one knows when another being is destined to leave their earthly existence. Much Love to all lightworkers, Anita and Matt!
Both of you are glowing with such light. This conversation was beautiful!!! Went straight to my heart! I have been following Matt Khan since 2012 when I sufferred a lot and woke me up when I asked the universe to find another way or take me away....and suddenly the butterfly came out of the caccoon and te journey of the seeker began.. When I finally flushed out my Suketa story I ran into you Anita a month ago! I wish it was sooner, but you validated everything. It has been a tough life and fell down on my knees many times since 2012. But today, I AM creating a new me with new imprints with a power emerging due to the ascesion that is incredible. All the suffering was for me to Wake me up...over and over and over again....and begin my work of light. Gave up religion long time ago since it no longer sreved me. But never gave up faith. Although I still live with my narcissistic husband of 20 years who probably brought the benign tumor on my spine/the hysterectomy, nervouse breakdowns etc.., he is my twin and Mirror who helped me to realise who I am....and to look deeper Inside to finaly love myself. My heart is open to him...but his is closed. Although it is closed and of reptilian nature, only if he resonates to the new born Suketa of a new imprint he will be able to participate in my daily activities on this earth. Not expectng anything from him or anyone in this present moment is who I am. Accepting and makng better choices coming from my higher self is who I am.. Therefore, wether he is in my life or not no longer matters. The disollution of fear brought me to this new resonance of my higher self. I am here to let go of fear my guids said within my meditation in 2014. The heavy load on my bag all washed away in the ocean. The flow is all that is. I AM and that is all. Thank you MATT for holding my hand in my dream and helping me to step into the Golden palace of completion. Thank you Anita to help me to throw the bag away. Blessings my dear beautifull souls, I am grateful.
Thank you both for an uplifting pod cast! I spent most of yesterday watching the Kavanaugh hearings on CNN and felt completely drained, disturbed and disheartened. I have as of late "timed' how long I'll let myself watch news cause it can affect the entire day or evening but these hearings pulled me in. So I detoxed with listening to you guys! (: It did the trick. Feel much better! ☺️👍Amazing how good energy can clear that heavy stuff. I love the concept of empaths being sixth sense people living in a five sense world. Always such great input. It's a treat!! Thank you! 🙏 🌸🌸
Sandra Lindqvist / Spend as much time as possible in the refreshing energies ✨💚🧚🏼♂️🤗👋🏼
My 2 favorite people that I've never met!
Me too. Such awesome people.
Wow what a beautiful combo! I almost couldnt believe it and had to look twice. So happy to see you both sharing your heart centred wisdom with us all. Profound thanks xx
Thank you both very much. Anita I’m a cancer patient aggressive inflammatory intraductal breast cancer at the moment and have a wonderful person standing beside me my husband. God bless him. The hardest thing is the pain and how to deal with it. Most people think I’m crazy as I’m doing only holistic therapies. I talk to my cancer as if it’s my friend, I’ve also let it know that I’ve accepted it and am will to learn from it. I’ve noticed that it’s a lot calmer I also had an outer body experience and was scared by it but it helped me in other ways.
I don’t know if others were experiencing sound problems.
I am so truly grateful i was divinely guided to hear your words, both of you!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I am sharing this with everyone i know!! You both are truly amazing and thank you so much for your service to us all !!
love you both so much .. I still struggle with surrendering to the intensity of the painful emotions even when i know that this is what strengthens me and helps me reconnect with all that is .. thanks for the continued inspiration. I will never forget when I picked you up from the airport in Australia and the amazing discussions I had with you and Danny. much love xo
Matt Kahm on "time" is the most profound, illuminating, life-changing teaching. Thank you Matt.
so so beautiful ❤
it resonated so much ❤
Thankyou both 💛🧡💚❤
Matt’s notion of time being the healing element harkens to the old adage that time heals all wounds. I have found this to be true myself, when I am healing from a wound or trauma-emotional in particular! ♥️
I loved listening to you both! So authentic, funny and jewels of wisdom! Thank you! Much Love ❤️
Thank you both... I'm deeply touched by this beautiful, compassionate conversation
Such a great blessing to watch you both! Matt is extremely articulate and deep! My first gem is at timestamp 15:40, "You don't need to go back to unpack what's causing your illness; you can actually look to the future and get excited about the future. the biggest thing that heal you is the excitement for life." At 21:00, Dr. Joe Dispenza is teaching and guiding meditators to change their perception and heal themselves.
Thank you for the uplifting conversation! Great wisdom and vibration from you both.
Oh how I wish my brother was open to this conversation. A gentle empathic being who has shut down his heart, to fit into a head centred world. His son came in even more heart centred, to the point of failing at 3D school, and yet THIS message is being lost on them as they struggle to fit into this head centred world. Even when I tell them WHO they are, they refuse to believe me. Maybe one day soon they will get it. Thank you again for getting this wisdom out to more people in this world. LOVE from down under. 🙏🏽
The way to bliss is through pain NOT around it. Living fully in this moment is all that matters. The future never comes. It's ALWAYS NOW.
You stated my sentiment perfectly... Me too, Me too.... Hehe... Love to all!!!
I loved listening to you both! Incredible insight and information and wisdom and such fun positive energy as well! I added this to my favorites :-)
This talk had some valuable gems in. Thank you!♥️💕💕🎆
Matt. I really think you are so correct with your point to riding out and giving each emotion it’s due. As an empathetic myself, over years I became overwhelmed and afraid of the charge of challenging emotions. I avoided them. I stuffed them and I believe these became cancer in my body. While maybe for some people it’s better to not revisit past emotions I think for the emotional stuffers like myself, spending quality time in each emotion and accepting it (without indulging it) is the only way that it will transmute into light. Thanks so much.
Carla Lander thank you 🙏🏼
Absolutely beautiful words and having had similar experiences it makes a lot of sense! Fabulous words from a real light worker operating from a high energy and heart ❣ centred place which is so needed right now in this world!! Love and blessings to you Matt 🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊🕊❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🌷🌷
not even one person not being an empath knows how it is feeling every little emotion around you, nobody in any therapy will speak about it with you, but now time has come to explore this talent, how to live with it, how to live with this gift in a good way , thank you ..
Thank you for both of you. Love and gratitude.
Oh my i can’t like this video enough. Thank you 🙏🏼
Great conversation. I would add to also look at how someone treats themselves. If someone is not taking care of themselves like you want to take care of yourself, they will not be able to treat you beyond their capabilities towards themselves.
Thats deep, love it!
I like these two people, they are so cute, just such lovely people, they inspire me to be myself, love the authenticity, there is just so much love here. When talking about what they love to do (the shopping for shoes and the cooking and so on) is like the best part because it's so real and authentic
This is probably the best interview/podcast i’ve ever watched and I have watched everything lol. Thank you both for the collaboration! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It feels empowered to hear you both talk me out of fear. Love your authentic talk💕🙏
Thank you for such an amazing conversation and two beautiful energies!
Thank you Annita. One of the best interview with Matt. I love your friendship.
Hi Anita and Matt I have realized so much in the past two weeks I want to share in the hopes to reach out to people who are still struggling to find inner peace even after years of reading and watching UA-cam wise people talk. I wish I new this in my 20’s, 30’s,40’s after years of spiritual awareness and filling my mind and soul with it and reading self help books in my 50’s I said enough is enough and went to see a hypnotist/ therapist, I have felt finally the inner peace and confidence that nothing else did for me , I had gone to see two very powerful teachers with amazing powers nothing helped like this . My message is if you’re still not feeling good go see a real therapist live not on UA-cam! Please! You will see a world of difference. 💗
Two wonderful people helping us.
Spot on! Thank you both so much!
I had a fear of : the unknown, feeling energies around me, being my true self. These fears started at a very young age for me, and now i am 35 and using these fears to empower others and help others to free themselves from these limiting fears and beliefs! Thank you!!
Love love love you both! ❤️
Oh my God!! You both are amazing and I love you so so much!!! Thank you for doing this...
This os amazing hearing you both God bless!
Wonderful interview. I would love to see both you and Matt in the kitchen together and I would also like to see your curry being made :)
So glad to see proof of men like this🙏
Im re-viewing all of Matt's videos, doing some of his courses too since i was diagnosed with parkinsons( burned out nervous system?). I find him deeply healing, relaxing and liberating. I accompany my illness as 8 believe there is a child in pain there lonely in need of my love. Anita, i didnt know about you. The combination 9f hearts is delicious. Ill read you and learn from you. I resonate so much from both of you. "The revenge of the empaths"...😂thanks i love you both.
This is true for me too. I wasn't aware of this gift growing up. In actuality, being an empath develops naturally when you learn to love yourself and thus, eventually, learn to be compassionate. It is all a natural occurrence. These days, I have learned to open myself up to the world and constantly being connected to non physical too. It is somehow confusing on the other hand, because even though nothing really is changing in my external environment, my emotions vary every moment. I am picking up so much. In a minute I could be sad, cry my hearts out, laugh afterwards and marvel all the display of emotions. I haven't been this alive my entire life.
You spoke one big true, Anita, thank you for that. My relative suffered in a quite bad marriage of her parents. And she felt even more miserable when the word "divorce" came to be discussed. It was all because she felt unloved and unworthy, now many years later she was able to decifer why even staying in an abusive environment felt "better" for her than imagining them getting a divorce. She felt like losing their love altogether. So this is how a child offen feels in such situation. Showing a child that you love him NO MATTER WHAT is key...
Very wise, loving and much guidance! With Gratitude Anita and Matt~Reiki Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving from Windsor, ON Canada
I love that Anita is doing interviews. I had no idea until I was watching Matt's videos
Anita - read your book several years ago - loved it and loved your story! Didn't know you were online - so glad I found you (and recently found Matt Kahn as well-) :Love & Light
"to see another in want is to rob him of his birthright as a Child of God". (Neville Goddard).... So to "see" a mentally ill person, or an addicted person, is to rob him of his birthright.... That was my first thought listening to Matt's response re. the mother concerned for her child. The work is in the mother, in how she sees, not in the "what" to do for the child. "How" we see, is the crux... the "world". changes around us based on that... Thank you both!
Brilliance ✨🤗👋🏼
"The Revenge of the Sensitive People" That's hilarious, I love it! Sounds like a blockbuster to me. Lol.🤩😋
I am too an empath and so appreciate this content. Have done research on the subject for years. One gentleman I worked with years ago who specialized in helping empaths (I unfortunately can't remember his name) stated that we are here to transmute/transform energy, but the problem is that we hold on to the energy of others, (also events, movies, etc) but we aren't meant to do that. He said that we are HARDWIRED to be empaths, (can't change it) but what can destroy us is our tendency to hold on (take personally) or run/hide (isolate). The key is to let the energy MOVE THROUGH you. He had a number of tools on how to do this, from many of the self care ideas you discuss, to crystals, nature, meditation, and so on. Every empath is different and will need different things. Another great tool that I use (which our society sees as a weakness) is to CRY. It is tremendously cleansing. But one has to be mindful of this because the common notion about crying is that you're "falling apart." It's actually a powerful cleansing tool that allows negative energy to move through. So our purpose as empaths is to TRANSFORM lower energy by feeling it and letting it MOVE THROUGH. I also suggest watching the Star Trek (original series from the '60') episode "The Empath." It's amazing! Much love. 😍😍😘😘
Thank you for the video! This is one of the best videos I have seen! So inspired by the cooking talk!!
thank-you on behalf of all of us who are working our way through a major body imbalance. keep the light shinning...
My three things i am afraid of:
All of which i am slowly changing and improving;
1. I am afraid of upsetting people. I would take the most unmaginable abuse so long as I wasn't the one who hurt that person.
2. I am afraid of people's criticism. Thinking that it was always my issue.
(Not realising that it was the other person's past trauma talking).
3. I am afraid of being critical towards someone else.
I so quickly apologise every time I am critical towards someone else.
Its all changing thank God
Thank you so much for this enriching conversation! I really got insights from this and it wil help me as a parent so much!!!
Crying. I so get u both of u. Big Thankyou
Thank you for doing this love both of you ❤️❤️
Thank you sooooo much!!! I love you both
I also have had to get into the idea of being ok with the worst scenario happening. Not any easy thing to do, as the three times I did this it had to do with people I was close to. I had to be ok with losing these three relationships---my mother, daughter, and brother if I spoke my truth. I first reached out for support from therapist and friends. Taking 100% responsibility isn't self-sufficiency. It also means reaching out and getting the help I need. It's worth saying that in my experience, fully experiencing pain and being in it when there are no other options has been a method that has been very effective in my own soul journey. BUT, anyone who has experienced severe trauma almost always needs to be accompanied by a therapist or spiritual counselor. otherwise one risks the possibility of re-traumatization. This interview really speaks to me on so many levels.
This was so fun! Sensitive revenge.. lol i love it!
I am so happy to hear all of this. It makes so much sense.
Absolutely LOVE you both 🙏🏻💗🙏🏻💜
Thank you ! You both are superb! I want to join you one day !
You did a lot ! You confirmed my journey all the way
Beautiful! 💖💖
Thank youuuuu to both of youuuuu xxxxxxxxx
So happy to see these two together. X
Amazing conversation Anita and Matt! Thank you!! Anita....I hope your next video is you making your coconut vegetable curry!.....Seriously!!...I am not kidding :) It was so fun watching you in the kitchen with Danny that time! I also LOVE the colour of the bricks behind you! Thank you again for this video with Matt! What a perfect pairing of spiritual beings!
great talk! Thank you!
we are "beings of feelings"
but the skill is to feel it then let it go without it
"becoming" or affecting
you.. remain the perfect being that you already are.
You met in my birth year! I love your story Anita.
Wow Anita! Cool background! It's so 'you'! xo
Anita!!! thank you for sharing your favorite thing... shopping! isn't that the most basic bonus of being human! yes we are spiritual beings... and up there ... I am pretty sure there are no shoes or purses or chocolate... just love. We have chosen to be human...we wanted to live the human experiences ... with others... but also as individuals... and enjoy ... feel what it is like to be in the joy of eating chocolate, or finding that purse or pair of shoes that was made just for our human self ... the savouring of my perfect morning coffee... being in awe of stained glass boxes... it is self love... and depends not on what we give others... but what we are giving ourselves... feeding what makes us feel good to be alive... color, texture, taste, smell :D... the perfect human experience ! Thank you for inspiring this aha! moment xo
It pays also, I find, to question whether or not being in pain is useful, sensible, necessary. The belief that one NEEDS to be in pain can perpetuate it. When we're able to get the feel for, the knack of understanding that a given pain is not necessary for us to learn then we can drop it. That ability is not simply a question of inspiration, but of practice. The more we become aware that we are better, calmer, more loving, giving people when we are OUT of pain, the quicker we can shed it.
Thank you for saving us all
Just love this
Wow so helpful
this remind me of the quote, Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God
Really looking forward to your new book on being empathic. Your discussions on this subject and you realizing that you empathic has really helped me to move on with my life to know that I’m not alone that there’s others like me. I’m hoping you will include if you would how to cope with it in a world where there is so much sexual perversion that hurt so many others. I find it perplexing that we go from innocent children into teenagers with raging hormones and later creating perversions that hurt others l wonder why this was created this way? If We took away all our hormones there would be less suffering.
I love you Anita!! Shoes and purses. Me too!
Thank you
Dying to be a diva. Hilarious😁
When it comes to food I can definitely feel if it has been made with love or not. Even with fast food from Taco Bell I can appreciate that it was made for me by another human struggling to survive and I am also thankful to the animal who gave up his life so that I can have food.
If I go somewhere and taste the food and feel that their is absolutely no love in it or even that there is a bad energy connected to it I’ll just stop eating and throw it away and never go back to the restaurant.
There was this one place where I felt a strong pull to leave but I ended up staying and the food ended up being weird and bad. I had to throw it away. It’s not a good feeling when food isn’t made with love.
Dear Anita, am so grateful for your beautiful videos and heart-centered work. Thank you. A question: my 9 year old niece is highly sensitive and an empath. I see her struggling as she's about to enter her teenage years, and is increasingly shutting down her emotions and feelings as a protective mechanism. Would you ever do a talk aimed at this age 9-12yo group? I see how she wants to fit in SO much, but is WAY more sensitive than most people, and is trying to figure it all out. I try to help her but think she would really appreciate guidance from an independent source.
My former psychotherapist one day told me; oh you sensitive people...... my reply was; and if my way was the right way? And if you have been programmed to think a certain way?
I will always remember is facial expression).
Then I realize that I was not the problem! Well I always knew it but all the others thought that I was.)
wisdom / you are not the problem, but it is no one’s job to love / accept / or understand you.. That’s on you ...🤗🌷💚💝👋🏼
Two of some of my most favorite souls on this planet together in one video - I love it! Fun question for Anita. I am also disgusted and afraid of roaches. Do you think maybe when we reach the state of "heaven" in the afterlife, the things we fear or really just don't like, like roaches, those things and people will be our greatest friends and we'll all have a good laugh looking back on this physical life at how silly we really were as incarnated beings?
Golly Anita, the ads interrupting every few minutes are really rough! I am a long time subscriber and happy to listen an ad upfront if it makes you money. Any way you could change it back to the old way?
I am like you guys! It's like you are decribing my life.
Matt wow, he is explaining me to me, putting words abt that adults who I didn’t want to become.
I love this so much. Also, am I the only one that feels attracted to Matt?
Please come to Montreal
Give us that recipe for coconut curry Anita. Please.
Thanks Anita, your story help me a lot. During this time, I am scared by the painless lump on my neck. I am worried about whether I have cancer. Dear Anita, hoping for your reply, if people feel unwell, should we seek medical advice immediately, or try to adjust ourselves spiritually first? How do we strike a balance between modern medicine and psychotherapy?