Hi, imagine finding you over here enjoying more science and some astronomy, don’t tell the flerfs but I’ve just bought some equipment and I’m going to try some astrophotography, nothing as cool as Bob is doing but it should be fun trying to capture something.
Hi Bob, I hope you don’t mind a flat earth subscriber being along for the journey. Wishing you many clear nights and no issues with the dome or the water above 🤣
Looking forward. And up!
Hi, imagine finding you over here enjoying more science and some astronomy, don’t tell the flerfs but I’ve just bought some equipment and I’m going to try some astrophotography, nothing as cool as Bob is doing but it should be fun trying to capture something.
Looking forward to all of these videos and especially the the 2nd playlist.
I just made a small donation to the Observatory Dome Fund.
Thank you Judy, I appreciate it.
Hi Bob, I hope you don’t mind a flat earth subscriber being along for the journey. Wishing you many clear nights and no issues with the dome or the water above 🤣
Absolutely and welcome
Looking forward to
Fantastic content
Hope you enjoy!
Morning Bob