Fi’s Fight Back - day in the life

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • A hard day as it was increase day. There were a lot of tears and panics.
    Trying to take it day by day and just keeping on going.
    A little bit of an update too 🌈
    #anorexiarecovery #eatingdisordertreatment #recoveryispossible #eatingdisorderrecovery #edrecovery #inpatient #recovery #dayinthelife


  • @Pappy207
    @Pappy207 2 роки тому +10

    My 15 year old daughter has AN, she's had it for 4 years. I just want to say that you're so beautiful and brave. My daughter follows you on Instagram and TikTok. You give her (and me) hope. You HAVE got this. You will beat this. You ARE worth it. Stay strong. We are all behind you 💕

  • @lucid358
    @lucid358 2 роки тому +4

    I am in awe of your strength and braveness. I appreciate you letting the world in on your journey. Sending you so many positive vibes and hugs of encouragement 🤗

  • @IndubianMa
    @IndubianMa 2 роки тому +2

    I understand feeling so exhausted. It's something I wouldn't wish on anyone...... But I also know the amazing rewards that are on the other end of those feelings! It's going to get better, I promise. It may not be as fast as you want, or had envisioned.... But you already know, I hear you say it all the by day, just keep going!!!!

  • @teainortakoy
    @teainortakoy 2 роки тому +1

    YAY comments are on. So glad to be here with the rest of #TeamFi I can tell by your voice and expressions that this is giving you major stress and anxiety but every meal, every increase, every snack - you have stuck to it and conquered. You are one strong, determined and amazing person. I know this is a funny comparison but where you are at reminds me of the final scenes of haunted house movies, where an exorcist is bought in to get rid of the evil spirits and then they all come out raging like hell - despite this, the person dealing with it stays strong and takes all the power back. That person is you and at the end of the day, anorexia is no match compared to your strength and determination. Keep sticking with, the more you fight back, the less power anorexia will have. It will get easier so go smash it all the way!!!

  • @chelleb587
    @chelleb587 2 роки тому +2

    You deserve happiness, you deserve kindness, you deserve a good cry every now and again. You deserve to feel on top of the world. You WILL get there. You will conquer anorexia. It will be a part of your past, something to remember, something to remind you of how far you are making it, how far you have come. I am watching and listening. I know that someday, we will see you smile while eating something outrageous. We all look forward to those moments. They will come. One small step at a time. One moment, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year at a time. You will beat this. You will have Fi back. You will run and play with your dogs again. It just takes time, and patience and you will beat this. We all are with you, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes. We are all rooting for you. You've got this. No doubt at all in my mind. ❤ Much love!

  • @Morganna0815
    @Morganna0815 2 роки тому +3

    I'm so impressed how honest about your thoughts and feelings you are.
    Keep going!
    Greetings from Germany

  • @brunilda51
    @brunilda51 2 роки тому +1

    We are with you Fi. You are not alone! You can do this!

  • @barefoot_and_brave
    @barefoot_and_brave 2 роки тому +6

    I am so proud of your determination!! I have been watching you for a while now and I really feel for you here. This video is so raw and honest, and I appreciate how accurately it represents the struggle of when our brains are starved. I can really relate to “needing things to make sense”… my determination to reject the food in front of me when I was hospitalized eventually took a good turn… In that I literally would do the most extreme opposite that ED wanted. Instead of looking at the menu and figuring out what “made sense”… I would pick the highest calorie option. If I doubted having potatoes, or if that was “okay”, or fruit (I also had issues with that), or if I recognized any hesitation, I would immediately choose that. It was a fierce defiance to my ED… a passionate desire to loudly declare to my own brain what thoughts and desires were NOT mine. Even if I didn’t know my own thoughts and desires fully, I did know what thoughts were authored by anorexia. I wonder if there’s a way to reframe the fear at meals as not “your” fear, but the eating disorder’s? The eating disorder is not an annoying toddler… it is an aggressive, abusive, psychopath with no soul. There is nothing forgiving or compromising or human about it. It is a demon that ONLY takes. Any reprieve it gives, is only a means for a more harsh taking.The anorexia is scared and furious. This eating disorder is going to muster all its strength conclude that actually, the more anxiety and negativity you feel, that is actually the disorder dying painfully, begging to live. It begs to be fed nothing, so it can thrive. By eating, by giving up control, by building an unrestricted life in more than just nutrition… all those things are like pouring salt on a slug (aka… the ED). It’s a gruesome image, I know, but for myself it was like the more uncomfortable I felt during refeeding, the more more I could rely on the process making the most logical “sense”. It wouldn’t be logical for me to feel any other way. As my brain was fed, I could trust that leaning into a higher or more varied meal plan was leaning into life a freedom. The guilt and fear and overwhelm is not “yours”…. It’s the eating disorder. It doesn’t want to die and it will go down kicking and screaming.

  • @ashleybarnard2538
    @ashleybarnard2538 2 роки тому

    I've been following u on tik tok and I just want to say I'm so proud of u. U are beautiful strong and u will win this battle. I've been there I struggled so long with bulimia and anorexia and there were days I wanted to give up. But I made it I did have a set back but I made it I've been doing good for 4 years some days are hard but what I found that has helped me is to write in my journal if I can't get the words to cone out I just draw and that has helped. Just hang in there hun I'm sending prayers and good vibes u WILL BEAT THIS U ARE BEAUTIFUL STRONG AND VERY MUCH LOVED

  • @oanjae
    @oanjae 2 роки тому

    Maybe perfection is getting up each day and facing it with honesty and bravery. You are doing that each day, Fi.

  • @brigittemcclure4099
    @brigittemcclure4099 2 роки тому

    Yes, keep going. One day at a time! You’re very strong and brave!

  • @antoinettefoord6938
    @antoinettefoord6938 2 роки тому

    I do not have a disorder but I saw your videos on tik tok and decided to follow you on you tube also. You are an inspiration to me thank you

  • @vieirafamily8954
    @vieirafamily8954 2 роки тому

    You are amazing, one day at a time.

  • @overthenever4262
    @overthenever4262 2 роки тому


  • @NinasHere4U
    @NinasHere4U 2 роки тому +1

    I don't know your beliefs but this verse from the Bible has always been a great help to me for other reasons but I think it may be of help to you as well.
    Philippians 4:13
    “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

  • @mtuggle1184
    @mtuggle1184 2 роки тому

    I have some questions but fear it may come off as insensitive. I truly just want to learn about this illness outside of a textbook alone. Allow me to explain how my questions came about before I ask. So I have been following along for some time and I haven’t seen any change in your appearance in terms of weight gain. It doesn’t appear that you have gained any weight. So my question is, during the recovery process do you hit plateaus where you aren’t gaining weight so you focus on just maintaining? And at what point does a medical care provider step things up so that you come out of that plateau? Is there a time frame in which a care provider wants to see results before they recommend inpatient care? And is there ever a point where a medical care provider can have a patient involuntarily committed in order to help a patient who isn’t compliant with the care plan? (I’m not saying that you aren’t compliant, I’m just curious about what happens if a patient refuses care) I hope that my questions aren’t offensive. I genuinely am trying to be as respectful as I can in learning what the recovery process looks like from an individuals point of view. Im cheering for you!!

    • @sissieburlew2971
      @sissieburlew2971 2 роки тому

      If you look at her older videos you can clearly see that she has put on weight. Wow, you know this could really set one back. She’s working her butt off and this?? Really??

    • @mtuggle1184
      @mtuggle1184 2 роки тому +1

      @@sissieburlew2971 I asked as respectfully as I know how. And this is why people aren’t learning more about this topic. We can’t learn if we aren’t asking questions. For all you know I could be the one going through this and need to know what to expect going forward with getting help from a professional. For all you know, I’m in the same boat as her.

    • @teainortakoy
      @teainortakoy 2 роки тому +3

      It's great that you want to learn as you could help someone with an eating disorder in the future. I'd suggest maybe having a good read through an eating disorder charity website or giving their supporter/info line a call. I had a friend with anorexia and bulimia and I learnt that sometimes really innocent questions and phrases that seem perfectly ok can be turned into meaning something really negative by someone's ED voice. Another idea would be to go to the page of someone who has recovered and ask there as they are less likely to have a negative horrible ED voice that can twist things.

    • @mtuggle1184
      @mtuggle1184 2 роки тому

      @@teainortakoy thank you! I appreciate the thoughtful answer. I don’t mean any harm. Just trying to grasp all aspects. Unfortunately with social media it’s hard to portray compassion and genuine interest when tone is hard to read via typed wording. Just the same maybe for people who truly don’t understand or don’t know what would trigger a person with ED it would be helpful if the creator could maybe give a disclaimer at the beginning of the video, so that those of us that aren’t well educated on the topic know which questions are acceptable and which are not. That would be really helpful info to know.

  • @weiying_alber
    @weiying_alber 2 роки тому

    I’m so sad my comment has been deleted because I don’t understand the reason why. I remember it quite well and I only wished for Fi to get stronger every day, I know how exhausting it can be, since I’ve been through this and I’m still fighting. That’s what I wrote, nothing more, nothing less. I sent her a warm hug and told her that every day we’ll get stronger and we’ll be able to face the hardest times. I’m sorry my English is not perfect, I’m still improving and I try my best. We all deserve to be listened to, to be loved and to nurture our dreams and fulfil them, no matter how hard it is. Sending love to everyone ✨🌌✨

  • @pu66y_L0ve
    @pu66y_L0ve 2 роки тому

    Watching you is help me, thank you