Why You Can't Trust the NY Times. || THE CLIFTON DUNCAN PODCAST 42: Ashley Rindsberg.

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024


  • @jamesf333
    @jamesf333 Рік тому +11

    Thank you Clifton, as someone that found you on fnt, again thank you for helping to better the world we live in. Greeting from Australia.

  • @birday01
    @birday01 Рік тому

    This podcast ROCKS.

  • @AngusIII
    @AngusIII Рік тому

    Thank you for another excellent interview

  • @saracappello6805
    @saracappello6805 Рік тому +10

    Mr. Jones is a good movie about the Great Famine in Ukraine and the journalist who tried to expose it. Duranty is featured.

  • @eddiep4940
    @eddiep4940 Рік тому +4

    This was an outstanding interview - Clifton, I love that you are looking at culture, history, the arts and so much more with your program. Also, your skills as an interviewer continue to get better with each episode. Please let Mr. Rindsberg know I bought a copy of the book as soon as the podcast ended, as I really needed to know more!

  • @JohnHenrysaysHi
    @JohnHenrysaysHi Рік тому +4

    Looking forward to the journey to get to that final Note of Optimism! Darkness makes the light shine brighter. Hope you and yours are having a light-filled weekend, Clifton!

  • @joeyven0m
    @joeyven0m Рік тому +2

    Your podcast is just waiting to blow up, just a matter of time. You're an incredible interviewer, you ask great questions and pick thought provoking guests. I look forward to every new episode!

  • @JohnHenrysaysHi
    @JohnHenrysaysHi Рік тому +2

    Thank you again, Clifton!

  • @highmountaingee
    @highmountaingee Рік тому

    Good job!

  • @sarahjane4908
    @sarahjane4908 Рік тому +5

    I’ve spent most of my Sunday listening to podcasts while cooking and cleaning, and this interview was definitely the best. Looking forward to reading the book.

  • @altprop826
    @altprop826 Рік тому +2

    I hope this interview gets lots of views.

  • @NielsAdair
    @NielsAdair Рік тому +3

    The New York Slimes. I’ve been calling them that for years. Apparently they are even worse than I thought.

  • @ritalewis1021
    @ritalewis1021 Рік тому +1

    Love the conversation

  • @didinx8417
    @didinx8417 Рік тому +1

    Oh cool, the Lotuseaters did a podcast of this book. Nice to see the author.

  • @nemoguy
    @nemoguy Рік тому

    This is nice

  • @martinainscough9226
    @martinainscough9226 Рік тому +6

    There's a poignant scene outside the New York Times building at the end of Three Days of the Condor (1975), when Robert Redford's character (Joe Turner) naively believes that the 'newspaper of record' will print his whistleblowing story. Cliff Robertson's character (Higgins) looks at him with a knowing sangfroid and states "How do you know?".

    • @Louis-wp3fq
      @Louis-wp3fq Рік тому

      That entire scene is so chilling because the justification for the events of the film is actually, from a certain twisted point of view, actually sound. Great film.

  • @helenablavatsky9136
    @helenablavatsky9136 Рік тому

    Oh my God, I can't wait.

  • @Steel_Wrath
    @Steel_Wrath Рік тому +1

    Clifton, been subscribed to you for a while with all notifications on and so far I've only gotten a notification for when you had the drinker on.
    Granted I was watching a lot of other creators at the time so may have gotten lost in the algorithm shuffle so take that for what you will.

    • @Steel_Wrath
      @Steel_Wrath Рік тому

      OK I take it back, I don't know why but your all over my feed now. Apparently you tube loves you now because they are afraid of Elon musk buying them.

  • @thesecondhat4717
    @thesecondhat4717 Рік тому +4

    Every state seeks to monopolize news (as it grows), in order to shape the narrative for the larger population in its favor. Before the modern era where most people could read the church and nobility was very intertwined (true for medival Europe and ancient Egypt), the only two castes that could read and write. Even with regards to America, Benjamin Franklin owned the second newspaper in the new world and used it for political gain. The vast majority of people across time and borders have always been controlled via tight control of information. The only breaks when new inventions disrupts the monopoly, the printing press and the internet, each was followed by a time of chaos as the narrative gets replaced or take back control (Protestants survived due to the fact that they could print bibles in English faster than the Catholic Church would burn them). Those that control news have the power to force their agenda (think about what stories newsroom choose to elevate into public consciousness), control the conversation and set the boundary of national debate... and so power-hungry people naturally want to have that tool. Even today most American newspapers are owned by the pornographically wealthy (billionaires, no doubt soon-to-be trillionaires). So, no: you shouldn't trust the NY Times, but that is only true in the larger picture that you should not trust all newspapers. Incentives means corruption spreads within the day (and even before) they get created.

    • @Louis-wp3fq
      @Louis-wp3fq Рік тому +1

      Correct. Read between the lines of as many news sources as possible to approximate the truth of what's actually happening. Everyone has an angle/bias.

  • @smythharris2635
    @smythharris2635 Рік тому +1

    1. Malcolm Muggeridge of the "Manchester Guardian" [nowadays The Guardian] basically had to resign because he told the truth about Stalin's regime.Having come into conflict with British newspapers' editorial policy of not provoking the authorities in the Soviet Union, Muggeridge returned to novel writing. He wrote "Winter in Moscow" (1934), which describes conditions in the "socialist utopia" and satirised Western journalists' uncritical view of the Soviet regime. He was later to call Duranty "the greatest liar I have met in journalism"
    2. In the 1949 anthology "The God That Failed" André Gide described his early enthusiasm:
    "My faith in communism is like my faith in religion: it is a promise of salvation for mankind. If I have to lay my life down that it may succeed, I would do so without hesitation."
    3. "It is impermissible under any circumstances for morals to sink as low as communism has done. No one can begin to imagine the tragedy of humanity, of morality, of religion and of freedoms in the land of communism, where man has been debased beyond belief."- André Gide

  • @wakemewhenitsover3021
    @wakemewhenitsover3021 Рік тому

    Miss you, Clifton....I hope you are okay

  • @nathanksimpson
    @nathanksimpson Рік тому +1

    The Pulitzer committee refused to revoke the award to Durante a time after Ukrainian Holocaust was discovered because “We can’t really know what happened then.”

  • @zwillx3953
    @zwillx3953 Рік тому

    another eye-opener!
    Yo we miss u on Twitter, what happened?! NYC mom is cold and lonely

  • @NelsonThePsychopath
    @NelsonThePsychopath Рік тому

    Lest we not forget on top of the New York Times support for the Nazi Party Time Magazine made Adolf Hitler Man of the Year and put him on the cover of that Edition in 1938.

  • @RobertMcCollar
    @RobertMcCollar Рік тому +1

    Clifton, what happened to your Twitter account? I love your posts, and now it says your account doesn't exist!

  • @allenbragg7920
    @allenbragg7920 Рік тому

    The decades producing journalists one might hope the universities would have produced more who would adhere to a philosophy of avoiding injecting opinions? Most depressingly has been the steadfastness for keeping faith with those who misled us on so many issues.

  • @all_22_films
    @all_22_films Рік тому

    Man, your work is incredible. It's weird, following your story I find myself hoping you (edit) get some amazing acting role that gives you the ability to gain the notoriety you "deserve". But I selfishly hope to see you have time to shine a light on hypocrisy with your podcasts.

  • @tallard666
    @tallard666 Рік тому

    Some historical revisionism there regarding Ukraine Famine. One does not "create" a famine. Ukraine is the biggest producer of then USSR. A ecology based famine can be exacerbated by policy, but to say the famine was created by Stalin is simply nonsensical, while others have written it under the guise of "industrialisation".
    In the last couple of years I've been seeing more and more historical revisionism in the name of anti-wokism. I think it's allowing opinions to out-pace facts.

    • @tallard666
      @tallard666 Рік тому

      @@CliftonADuncan It was an excellent binge session, even if didn't agree all the time. As a biologist, I've been particularly appalled by the last decade of politics.
      I was black-pilled back when the first Iraq invasion happened, following propaganda machine's "attack on babies in Kuwait nursery" fake story created by Clinton's PR firm with the "nurse" actress being the ambassador's daughter.

  • @KyoRedBladeZR1
    @KyoRedBladeZR1 Рік тому

    Your Twitter and Instagram are gone! I hope you're okay dude.

  • @surobyk
    @surobyk Рік тому

    Oh no, not the Irish

  • @tallard666
    @tallard666 Рік тому

    Ashley also misrepresents the NYT (and I do not like the NYT and do not read it) situation regarding Jewish people and Israel. It's as if Ashley is completely ignorant about the Jewish diaspora not being of one mind about Israel, Jews are very divided on Zionism and the treatment of Palestine. I guess Ashley would call Jews against Zionism "uncle Toms" of Israel...

  • @VolkColopatrion
    @VolkColopatrion Місяць тому

    i may absolutely disagree but to punish you in this way... is wrong.

  • @moomoomayhem7527
    @moomoomayhem7527 Рік тому

    I hope Clifton does some audiobooks. He has a pretty awesome voice.