No belt safety guards, no safety glasses, no foot protection, nothing to keep a person from getting caught in shredder... lol. I guess safety isn't first.
This is a lot slower, and seems riskier to humans operating the equipment, then simply shredding the tires. How is the end product here better than what you would get out of shredding which is way more productive?
For everyone in comments they cut the tires because there are steel belts in them and shredding a whole tire would jam a shredder pretty fast so that why they cut them
На видео у них корд на шинах капрон или лавсан ,обод стальной, у нас и корд и обод стальной в покрышках так просто не разрезать утилизация будет золотая больше ножи точить дисковые будешь🤪 Хотел на ступеньки на складе покрышки накрутить Пробовал как то разрезать покрышку только электролобзиком и пилка по металлу после 5покрышки уже гладкая😆
Pretty cool machine 👍
Do these processes void the warrantee on new tires?
No belt safety guards, no safety glasses, no foot protection, nothing to keep a person from getting caught in shredder... lol.
I guess safety isn't first.
Money always comes first.
Machine testing in manufacturing factory
Would any of that help if they got caught in a shredder? Nope! May as well be comfortable
That dude just said he was going to make a poop 0:54 sec in
This is best klumba cvetov
Que bárbaro ...y que hacen con los restos que pican ?
Hola Thailand
I just love work.......I could watch it all day!!! 🤣🤣🤣
I ain’t afraid of it either. Could lay down right next to it and go to sleep.
@ Delaney @@the1bulldurham' 1DElaney 8kù 0
This is a lot slower, and seems riskier to humans operating the equipment, then simply shredding the tires. How is the end product here better than what you would get out of shredding which is way more productive?
The tires have steel belts in them so that would jam a shredder they cut them to remove them before shredding the rubber
Что, резиновая крошка для асфальта? Нет, нам не надо. Мы же богатая страна, чтобы мы резину утилизировали
0:51 she said 'whenever you have diarrhea you got to make a pooh'
For everyone in comments they cut the tires because there are steel belts in them and shredding a whole tire would jam a shredder pretty fast so that why they cut them
O dau co ban nut bam my hay nga hoac trieu
Tien .bam xong bat trung quoc tra tien
Bien por ellos que hacen algo por la naturaleza
Brasil e nois
So no steel belted??
how much is the first machine?
Would you please help me buy this technology
That one that rips the steel out of the beed seems lazy by comparison.
Video making me
cutting doesnt make sense, need to shredded
There are steel belts in the tire so if they were shreded they would jam the shredders
Much modern, so cutting, process safe. Lol. This is very rudimentary. Calling this modern is like calling a woodworker cutting edge.
Edit: mispellings
I do have grindin on mill rubber of 005 mm
I'd have to say this was not as cool as CNC machine videos
A qui en México las hechan a la basura
Интересно, в росии есть такая переработка?
У нас лопату садовую сделать не могут....
Есть , я отвозил шины на фуре , правда оборудование не российское .
На видео у них корд на шинах капрон или лавсан ,обод стальной, у нас и корд и обод стальной в покрышках так просто не разрезать утилизация будет золотая больше ножи точить дисковые будешь🤪
Хотел на ступеньки на складе покрышки накрутить
Пробовал как то разрезать покрышку только электролобзиком и пилка по металлу после 5покрышки уже гладкая😆
У нас только вакцины от коронавируса изобретать могут. Что ни неделя, то вакцина.
Necesitan clases de seguridad. Les voy a mandar msha
Address Kya h
Someone mentioned “modern” ?
esos gallitos aun sirven
çinlilər uje poxdan kanfet düzəldir.
Total unnecessary risk of human life, pointless, stupid, madness.
Theyre recycling tires so you dont find rubber in your water or breed mosquitoes
Phone number Kya h aapka