My granny was drafted into the "Reichsarbeitsdienst" in 1944 and initially had to help farmers in agriculture. Then she became a "Flakwaffenhelferin" (Schwere Flakersatzabt. 19, 7. Flakausb. Batt.) Today she is 97 and the best grandmother in the world for me.
Enjoy her company while you still can, ask her about this past (if she’s still able to conversate) record her, write down her words and remarks, you’ll regret it later if you don’t!
@@LectionesInterbellum 👍 Yes, I am thankful for every day with her. I have often asked her about our family, her time in the war and her escape from Silesia, and then recorded her stories.
I suggest you record her memories before she is, the world will know...put it on video if you can...she is a living history book....then, post it on, our society is perverted with...lies, and filth...
А моя бабушка в 42 году стала вдовой, мой дедушка убит под Ржевом в 42 году может твоим дедушкой. или прадедушкой. Und meine Großmutter wurde 42 Witwe, mein Großvater wurde 42 in der Nähe von Rzhev getötet, vielleicht dein Großvater. oder Urgroßvater. And my grandmother became a widow in 42, my grandfather was killed near Rzhev in 42, maybe your grandfather. or great-grandfather.
No people more loyal and willing to come together to do their national duty...They faithfully do what is asked...Same way they did in America, Germans came over, put their heads down and worked hard to contribute to & become part of the developing American culture...Largest ethnic group in US and thus, made a huge contribution to American exceptionalism...Farming, Education, Engineering, Military service, you name it, Germans did it unwaveringly! ❤ The UK and US owe our continental German family more respect and appreciation than they receive.
Jawohl, mein Führer! This is exactly the impression these propaganda images are meant to evoke in the mind of the viewer. They still do it, 80 years after they were made.
Don’t kid yourselves or others. The Hitler youth were fanatical nazis. In Warsaw the Germans would let armed teenagers roam the ghetto on so called “Jew hunts...”
Description translated to English: The Panorama-Farbmonatsschau was shown in 1944/45 for the purpose of propaganda in both neutral and occupied European countries and published by the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. It was a film series produced in four editions, which was produced by the Deutsche Wochenschau during the Second World War. Some of the recordings were taken by Walter Frentz, who had already shot shots in color in April 1941 as the first cameraman of the German propaganda companies. Other cinematographers were Hans Bastanier, Gerhard Garms, Horst Grund and Hans Ertl. The original colour photographs hardly convey the actual war situation at the time. In the Panorama-Monatsschau August 1944 you can see: 00:00 Hitler Youth in land service 01:33 In the Harz chess village Ströbeck 03:09 Exercises of the gymnastics school Medau 05:15 Berlin Zoo, boxing match in the Dietrich-Eckart-Bühne, BVG-Dampfer, Freibad Wannsee 07:33 Cossack unit on horseback 09:14 Tank workshop on the Eastern Front 10:53 German speedboats on practice trip 12:49 Paratrooper Training
@@rikspring ich finde es duchaus aufschlussreich sich soetwas anzusehen mit wertvoll meinte ich allerdings eher die tatsache, dass dieses dokument zugänglich gemacht wird war unglücklich formuliert da muss ich dir recht geben.
In August 1944 the situation was already critical for Germany. The Western Allies were liberating France and in the East the Soviets had already smashed Army Group Center in Operation Bagration. Even in Germany, the allies were bombarded with planes day and night. Seeing these propaganda images it seems that none of this is happening.
Meine Mutter (Jahrgang 1923) erzählte uns auch vom Arbeitsdienst wo die jungen Mädchen am Land arbeiten mussten. Das müsste aber so um 1939-41 gewesen sein denn danach war sie Krankenschwester beim Roten Kreuz und kam bis an die Front in Odessa!
Regina Biwald Interessant. Und wie lange war sie an der Ostfront - wie kam sie zurück - fluchtartig oder durch Heimaturlaub rechtzeitig vor dem Untergang der Wehrmacht in Russland ?
@@bobinobaker Ich weiß nicht genau wie lange sie dort war…sie erkrankte schwer an Diphtherie und kam mit einem Krankentransport in letzter Minute wieder zurück in die Heimat. Dort wurde sie dann langsam wieder gesund. Schwere Zeiten! Sie arbeitete dann bis zum Ende des Krieges immer als Krankenschwester.
Это Германия, там жили мои предки... Очень интересно прикоснуться к истории! Редко можно увидеть такие, прекрасно сохранившиеся документальные фильмы, из того времени. Мирная, спокойная жизнь. А где то рядом в это время шла страшная война, и гибли люди. Фильм очень понравился. Vielen Dank!!!
I love how they're always parading in some way, that must have been fun and (I guess) city kids going on the farm to work and learn, nothing better to teach those kids to know and respect the people who are working to feed them. No matter what anyone might say, these people looked happy, period.
@@rikspring Would you by any chance be trying to make me say things I did not say? Very well, let's review what I said together and see whether your attempt at making me paint myself in one of the only two corners your reductive mind is able to conceptualize: black or white, yes or no, good or evil, nazi monster or ally savior, should live or should die, knowledgeable or very creative, babies on bayonets or babies on the floor, etc... Let's begin: -I love how they're always parading in some way: true -that must have been fun: true -city kids going on the farm to work and learn: true -nothing better to teach those kids to know and respect the people who are working to feed them: true -No matter what you might say: I don't care -These people looked happy: true -British and American films show things as they really are: crap -German films are always pure and evil propaganda: bull -Thinking your opinion means anything if you haven't studied both sides: almost clinical -I have already wasted way too much time answering you: true
Leider fehlt der animierte Vor- und Abspann dieser ersten Panorama-Farbmonatsschau. Der Kommentar wird von Harry Giese (1903-1991) gesprochen, der auch Hauptsprecher der Deutschen Wochenschau war
Die Aufnahmen sind vom Sommer 1944. Da war es halt noch nicht so schlimm. Klar, es handelt sich hier um krasse Propaganda in Anbetracht der militärischen Situation. Der Bombenkrieg über Deutschland eskalierte aber erst nachdem diese Aufnahmen entstanden sind.
@@mariafrost1762 немецкие войска со своими друзьями пришли в СССР и уничтожили 20 миллионов человек. Среди них 60% это женщины, дети, старики. Их расстреливали, сжигали живьём. Это делал вермахт и СС, люфтваффе. Советская армия всё таки собралась после поражений первых месяцев войны и выгнала немцев из страны. А потом дошла и до логова фашизма. До Берлина. Так что нападая на Россию, нужно готовиться к тому, что война закончится у тебя в стране и не твоей победой. Ещё Бисмарк говорил "Никогда не нападайте на Россию"
А в это же время в концлагерях миллионы не только и пе столько военнопленных,но и женщин,стариков и детей. Евреев уничтожали , не глядя. А в случае победы этих замечательных ,аккуратных и трудолюбивых существ нам на Востоке готовилась "райская жизнь" для тех, кто уцелеет. Остальным -смерть от голода и "просто ликвидации". Уж во всяком случае в Германиии не было ни геноцида, ни даже уничтожерия немецкой государственности. В 1994 убрались наши из Германии под "фанфары" прямо в чисто поле. В благодарность тут же попёрли на Восток через НАТО. Что ж мы сами виноваты: "на дурака не нужен нож, ему с три короба наврёшь и делай с ним, что хошь." Вот и делают.
Ja, komisch nur dass die damalige Berichterstattung nichts von Vernichtungslagern gezeigt hat. Das klammert ihr dummdeutschen Antisemiten gerne aus. 🤷🏻♂️
@@superquax1 das Leugnen der deutschen Geschichte überlasse ich amoralischen Subjekten wie dir. 🤷🏻♂️ Wer Deutschland sagt, muss auch Auschwitz nennen.
@@Christian-Klaff das war eine Jugend, der man beigebracht hat, Juden und Dissidenten zu hassen. Daran ist nichts idealistisch. Die weiße Rose war da eine Ausnahme. Der gehirngewaschene Rest? Hätte sich bis zur bedingungslosen Kapitulation für den Endsieg verheizen lassen. Der Nationalsozialismus pfeift auf die Jugend. Er braucht nur Kanonenfutter!
Какое-то несоответствие, глядя на них создаётся впечатление, что нет рядом войны, концлагерей, люди зациклины на своём семейном мирке и им нет никакого дела, что происходит в Европе.
To "the sheriff is near": May I remember you that Russia has been attacked three times from the West within only 128 years; 1812, 1914, 1941.During the last war, Russia payed the most heavy tribute: over 22 millions dead, that is about one third of all the losses! A little bit of knowledge of the World History is always good to have!
Oh please! In “38 to “41, your Stalin was very happy to cozy up to Hitler, invade Poland together, and provide the nazis with food & petrol. And don’t forget about the invasion of Finland. Go take your victimhood to the garbage age heap.
@Chris D Aber nur DE hat schon in dem ersten WK Menschen vergaßt und es war DE die zwei Mal nach Russland zum töten gegangen war und nicht umgekehrt. Das ist Fact, auch wenn die Mörder versuchen ihre Taten zu verharmlosen oder die Geschichte neu zu schreiben.
It is also good to remember that Russia attcked "the West" in 1941 Poland was attacked, in 1939 Finland was attacked, in 1968 Soviet troops and allied forces attacked Tjechoslowakia, in 1956 the same happened in Hungaria. In the south: 1929 Afganistan, 1934 China. You see we do not have to go far back in history.
@@jandenijmegen5842 Thank you for your commentary. What you say is quite correct. So it is very astonishing that Russian people who suffered so much of wars still stands for Putin with his agression on the Ukraine.
That’s because a) it’s propaganda b) there’s a war raging that Germany is losing. Fat people did exist, though admittedly not in the same quantities as the modern day.
i already thought, if i'd have the Chance to Fly back in time and kill Hitler, maybe in 1922, would i do, to prevent WW2? I live in Germany in 2022 and compared to other World regions, i find myself in a economic prosper, save and politically stabile surrounding. I can travel to most countries with my passport, i can settle everywhere in friendly EU Countries. I would not kill Hitler in 1922, i'd let all happen with the turnout of what is now. Otherwise i might find myself in a whatever World now
@@marakujer7269 Do you seriously think that it was Hitler who unleashed the Second World War? Hitler in 1939 attacked only Poland, a month later this war ended. Is this a world war? The World War was unleashed by Great Britain and France, declaring war on Hitler on September 03, 1939 and drawing into it the states controlled by them (Canada, Australia, etc.). Moreover, when Hitler occupied Poland and it was gone, Great Britain and France remained at war with Hitler, despite the fact that he turned to them with peace proposals. They rejected the peace proposals, deliberately creating a new puppet Polish government in exile to justify the state of war with Germany. And the main beneficiary in the World War was the United States, which found the Hitler they needed, pumped his party with money and brought him to power. If there had been no Hitler, they would have found another one.
You ask what if there had never been WW11? Well, if there had been no WW11; to start 6 million Jewish men woman and children would of not of been tortured, slaughtered , murdered! That doesn’t include all the Polish, Russian, Dutch, French, Czechs that fell victim to Hitlers Nazi ideology. For anyone to say Hitler and his lunatic cronies were not responsible for the cause/start of WW11 are truly brainless idiots!
Superinteressantes Zeitdokument . Und passend : Harry Giese, der Sprecher der Wochenschau. DIE Stimme im ,,Dritten Reich,,. Ob Funk ,Kino , Kriegsberichterstattung oder Wochenschau. ....DIE Stimme
So, 80 years after they were made, these propaganda films that were created to gloss over Hitler's genocide (only made possible by the full support of the vast majority of the German people) still work to excise all traces of decency in the weak minded.
Derartige Kontraste wird es wohl immer irgendwo irgendwie geben.Denken wir an " Agent Orange" in Vietnam, an denen heute noch Menschen genetisch leiden. Der Krieg hat ueber 3 Mio.Vietnamesen getoetet, 60.000 US-Soldaten.Irak 2003, Syrien 2011, Libya , Ukraine. People are killed by bombs, deplated Uranium ammunition, while at home people enjoy life, wether in Europe or USA, Australia etc. The world was always like this: sick, especially if countries believe they have an order from God to rule the world by their rules. Just look to Palaestine and Ukraine! Next war probably in the Pacific against enemy Nr.1: China! Erst kommt das Fressen, und dann die Moral! Think about it!
My father ( born 1938) one knew a construction worker, who was Fallschirmjäger in war. This man knew this rolling move when landing, and used this, when jumping down on construction side to natural earth ground.
One group didnt like seeing the Germans hastily recovered from the hell of the 1920s and 1930s...1936 most were working & Germany hosted the Olympics and put on one fascinating display...Homes were built for families & having children was incentivized through home loan forgiveness...Craftsmanship in manufacturing, Not Gold & Silver was the foundation of German currency...Germany was showing an alternative model to the world and the international psychos with dreams of global domination couldnt have that!
This is painfully wrong. The rise of the NS economy was based on debt that was taken and from the beginning meant to be financed by taking from obtaining resources abroad. Have you read Mein Kampf or any history book showing the intentions of the NS regime? If you would have done your homework in history you would know that every country was very willing to appease the NS regime up until 1938 with the Munich accord. And even in 1939 France and Britain did not attack from the west despite all of the violations.
It's really sad both world wars ever happened, I don't think the West has healed from it to the point of being a self sustaining civilization and I suspect we are actually a rotting corpse being consumed by our enemies
Also, we are currently being led foolishly into the same trap once again with Russia this time, even though they aren't really like us in many ways being Eastern, they are Orthodox Christian culturally and certainly not our TRUE enemies
And at whose expense did Hitler come to power and who pumped the German economy with resources? What do you think, Hitler and his party? Or maybe the United States, which poured loans into the German economy and then privatized most of Germany's industry for debt? Who pumped money into Hitler's impoverished party? They say they are German industrialists, but they forget to add that German industrialists were dependent on the United States. The USA, having poured money into Germany, advertised Hitler to the whole world in magazines and Olympiads. The main beneficiary in World War II was the same - the United States.
Владимир ВасильевичКарпов, книга "Взять живым "Пленных сопровождал конвой - кавалеристы с обнаженными шашками и между ними пешие с винтовками наперевес. Москвичи стояли на тротуарах. Люди молча, мрачно смотрела на врагов. Было непривычно тихо на заполненной от стены до стены улице. Слышалось только шарканье тысяч ног. Шли убийцы. Шли тысячи убийц. Каждый из них кого-то убил - отца, сына, мать, сестру, ребенка, брата тех людей, которые стояли на тротуаре и молча глядели на этих пойманных убийц. Им сохранили погоны и награды. Кресты, медали на мундирах, квадратики, галуны на погонах теперь из знаков отличия превратились в обличительные знаки - они свидетельствовали, кто больше причинил зла, уничтожил людей, сжег деревень, разрушил городов, осквернил полей. - Смотри, Олег, смотри, Надюша, это они повесили нашу бабушку, - тихо шептала женщина, обнимая прильнувших к ней ребят.Пожилой, интеллигентный мужчина в светлой шляпе сказал: - Гитлер обещал им отдать Москву на разграбление. Представьте, что бы творили здесь эти вандалы. - Мою сестру в Орше изнасиловали, отрезали ей груди и выгнали голую на мороз, - не глядя на мужчину, сказала его соседка. - Парад уже назначили на Красной площади в сорок первом! - глубоко затягиваясь папироской, зло проговорил милиционер. - Вот и получили парад! Продемонстрировали свои мощи! А женщина все шептала детям: - И дядю Матвея они расстреляли. И дом наш спалили. И папку нашего… - голос ее пресекся, она приложила платок к губам. Внимание Василия привлекла старушка с темным, морщинистым лицом. Она быстро семенила за усатым пожилым конвоиром, опасливо сторонясь от крупа впереди идущего коня. Бабка плакала и о чем-то горячо просила. Ромашкин хотел вмешаться, помочь старушке: «Что ей не позволяет усатый страж? Мог бы и уважить ее старость». Василий пошел за бабушкой, задевая стоящих на обочине людей, подошел поближе к солдату и услышал, о чем просит его старушка. - Миленький, ты пожилой человек, понимать должон, потому и прошу тебя. - Нельзя, мамаша, никак нельзя. - Почему нельзя? Они моих сыновей - Ивана, Михаила - побили. Невестку и внучат сничтожили. - Спросится за это где надо, - отвечал солдат, не глядя на старушку, а наблюдая за ближними пленными. - Ничего с них не спросится. Дозволь, я одного своими руками задушу. Ну дозволь, Христом-богом тебя молю! - Нет, мамаша, никак нельзя, пленные они теперь. Русские лежачего и в драке не бьют. - Так они же внучат моих безвинных, детенышей безответных, казнили, это хуже, чем лежачего бить. - Они фашисты, мамаша, нелюди, одним словом… Ромашкин остановился, шагнул на тротуар. Старушка ушла за усатым солдатом
To the RustyLM: Of course you are completely right. But: Staline is and was not the peoples of Russia. He just was one of the many monsters in History! And the ignorance of the western countries towards Hitler still after the Munich Conference was also a point that should not be forgotten. France should have interferred in 1935. That would have chassed Hitler immediately.
5:22 und 5:32 Die durften die Tiere ja damals füttern und streicheln! Heutzutage ist in den Zoos meist ein so breiter Graben zwischen Tier und Besucher, dass man nicht mal ein anständiges Foto machen kann!🤷♀️
Did you like the bombed Berlin that much? Look at e.g. 4:50. Dresden did not look that nice either. You would have enjoyed Hamburg? Kleve certainly looked different, as did Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Koeln, Aachen....
Does murder and mayhem become "order" just because it is imposed without any consensus by our rulers? Frankly, I feel that is not order. But remains murder and mayhem even if the law does not react.
My father served in the RAD the year before he went to Flensburg, the naval academy. He helped set up a few of the airfields in France, prior to the Battle of Britain. I know he worked at Abbeville, not sure of the others.
Hatte sie nicht....die Wehrmacht war eine ausgesprochen schlecht Vorbereitete Armee ....alleine der Film zeigt es überdeutlich, Pferde statt motorisierte Verbände,was er verschweigt sind Mangel an Ersatzteilen,Sprit ...
Preußen und Deutschland hatten immer die allerbeste und schlagkräftigste Armee der Welt! Das hat sich leider erst nach 1945 geändert! Heute leider nur noch eine Lachnummer!
@@CIA.2024-u9b Was nützt ein Tiger auf dem Schlachtfeld wenn er alle Nase lang wegen Getriebeschaden liegen bleibt, was wenn ein MG 42 ständig klemmt wenn es feucht oder staubig ist. Der T 34 oder die Kalaschnikov waren zwar deutlich ungenauer,aber sie funktionierten.... Die Amerikaner hatten technisch in der Luft auf der See und am Boden ab Ende 44' die Nase vorn....
Are you sure this is not a pre-war film instead of towards the end of the war? I've seen some of this footage in a documentary many many years ago and it was about what it was like before the war.
11:16 An undamaged light cruiser (maybe the Koln class) on the left and a heavier unit in front of it (My guess is a heavy cruiser, but could be a pocket battleship) sitting in the open in the harbor (Kiel?) with no camouflage netting or booms. 11:34 Heavy surface units sailing (in Baltic) with S-Boats. Followed by destroyers at high speed. It all seems odd to me for August, 1944. More like a pre-war or early war training exercise. On the other hand, the following paratroop training shows combat badges for Narvik and Crete.
@@unbekannte7920 Auf jedem Schiff, ob`s dampft, ob`s segelt, gibt`s einen der die Putzfrau Vög.... meine natürlich, eine linientreuen Idioten, der sein abgedroschenes Geschwätz hinzu stänkern muss.
7:35 -- Кубанські козаки ( тоді ще Кубань це була Україна) під український марш на конях, з українським прапором. Тоді ще українці надіялись і вірили, що Україна в Фатерлянді буде вільною, незалежною, самостійною країною, тому й підтримували Гітлера. Сталінський більшовизм знищував Україну голодоморами, репресіями, русификацією і українці боролись з комуністичним режимом як могли. Це було важко.
Какая Украина осел? Украина появилась в 1991 году как независимое государство. А такое сепаратисткое образование как УНР просуществовала 2 года.Хватит нести этот бред шизофреника! Украина😂😂😂
@@roninestate1268 what‘s the point of your ranting? Everybody knows what happened these times. But can you at least let us appreciate the esthetics and not make it political? If you want to get political then go on another channel.
@@yeeg7729 I do agree with you, wrong channel etc, but to the more informed we're not quibbling over semantics here. Remembering that life was very different for 'most Germans' by August '44, these images portray something that was in the past and therefore their use on film was only political and idealistic.
@@RevRSleeker well, i am totally aware that this is propaganda and wasn‘t the reality and i am not idealising with the german past. I just shared my feelings that i have a nostalgic feel to this and that it looks beautiful. So stop trying to teach me and don‘t overcompensate my comment. Oder wie man bei mir sagt: mach aus einer Mücke keinen Elefanten.
@@RevRSleeker and you missed a little detail in my comment „this looks too beautiful“ Should i have said „unreal“ or „imaginary“ for you to understand?
😳🤯Voici donc l'Horrible Péril duquel les "très gentils libéra-tueurs" nous ont sauvés ! PAUVRE ALLEMANDS GÉNOCIDÉS SANS PITIÉ ,😭😭😭😡 🙏 Que la Vérité nous Libere de plus de 80 ans de mensonges 😔🎇🌬️💕🌍🙌
How could these cultured people have become such monsters. Worst crimes against humanity in human history. A stain on mankind. Remember those that suffered and died resisting these demons.
They were demonized by monsters that lied about them. If only Germany and Europe had won that war imposed upon them, this world would be an infinitely better place.
@@Mostrichkugel weil sie nämlich Recht haben und das dann an die Öffentlichkeit kommen würde! Es gibt echt nichts intoleranteres als diese grün/linken angeblich politisch ach so korrekten Gutmenschen!🤢🤮
My granny was drafted into the "Reichsarbeitsdienst" in 1944 and initially had to help farmers in agriculture. Then she became a "Flakwaffenhelferin" (Schwere Flakersatzabt. 19, 7. Flakausb. Batt.) Today she is 97 and the best grandmother in the world for me.
Enjoy her company while you still can, ask her about this past (if she’s still able to conversate) record her, write down her words and remarks, you’ll regret it later if you don’t!
Yes, I am thankful for every day with her. I have often asked her about our family, her time in the war and her escape from Silesia, and then recorded her stories.
@@OswaldOstfalen Du solltest ihr erzählen für die Nachwelt dokumentieren.
I suggest you record her memories before she is, the world will know...put it on video if you can...she is a living history book....then, post it on, our society is perverted with...lies, and filth...
А моя бабушка в 42 году стала вдовой, мой дедушка убит под Ржевом в 42 году может твоим дедушкой. или прадедушкой. Und meine Großmutter wurde 42 Witwe, mein Großvater wurde 42 in der Nähe von Rzhev getötet, vielleicht dein Großvater. oder Urgroßvater. And my grandmother became a widow in 42, my grandfather was killed near Rzhev in 42, maybe your grandfather. or great-grandfather.
No people more loyal and willing to come together to do their national duty...They faithfully do what is asked...Same way they did in America, Germans came over, put their heads down and worked hard to contribute to & become part of the developing American culture...Largest ethnic group in US and thus, made a huge contribution to American exceptionalism...Farming, Education, Engineering, Military service, you name it, Germans did it unwaveringly! ❤ The UK and US owe our continental German family more respect and appreciation than they receive.
Jawohl, mein Führer! This is exactly the impression these propaganda images are meant to evoke in the mind of the viewer. They still do it, 80 years after they were made.
My Ancestor founded the world famous Schlitz Brewery in 1849 in Milwaukee ..
The Hitler youth were fascist murderers! May their memory be obliterated
@@John-cg1ex the Hitler Youth did NOT commit murder!
You need to recheck your history books
Don’t kid yourselves or others. The Hitler youth were fanatical nazis. In Warsaw the Germans would let armed teenagers roam the ghetto on so called “Jew hunts...”
Description translated to English:
The Panorama-Farbmonatsschau was shown in 1944/45 for the purpose of propaganda in both neutral and occupied European countries and published by the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. It was a film series produced in four editions, which was produced by the Deutsche Wochenschau during the Second World War. Some of the recordings were taken by Walter Frentz, who had already shot shots in color in April 1941 as the first cameraman of the German propaganda companies. Other cinematographers were Hans Bastanier, Gerhard Garms, Horst Grund and Hans Ertl. The original colour photographs hardly convey the actual war situation at the time. In the Panorama-Monatsschau August 1944 you can see:
00:00 Hitler Youth in land service
01:33 In the Harz chess village Ströbeck
03:09 Exercises of the gymnastics school Medau
05:15 Berlin Zoo, boxing match in the Dietrich-Eckart-Bühne, BVG-Dampfer, Freibad Wannsee
07:33 Cossack unit on horseback
09:14 Tank workshop on the Eastern Front
10:53 German speedboats on practice trip
12:49 Paratrooper Training
Much appreciated here.
Greatly appreciated 👍
Thx for the info ..
Wertvolles historisches Dokument!
Danke für den Upload.
Eine Hitler-Propaganda bezeichnest du als “Wertvolles historisches Dokument “? Bild-Leser von heute?
@@unbekannte7920 Du schaust doch heute auch Propaganda (ZDF/ARD)!
@@dreiauge4553 wie kommst du darauf?
Really.....wertvollles, ein propaganda film.
@@rikspring ich finde es duchaus aufschlussreich sich soetwas anzusehen
mit wertvoll meinte ich allerdings eher die tatsache, dass dieses dokument zugänglich gemacht wird
war unglücklich formuliert da muss ich dir recht geben.
A jewel of historic documental,danke schon!
de nada ☺
Емилио ты идиот
@@Втрудностяхрождаетсярадость jajaja,bad days for red flags jojojo
ein Juwel der faschistischen Propaganda
@@unbekannte7920 what?
Danke für dieses Dokument!
In August 1944 the situation was already critical for Germany. The Western Allies were liberating France and in the East the Soviets had already smashed Army Group Center in Operation Bagration. Even in Germany, the allies were bombarded with planes day and night. Seeing these propaganda images it seems that none of this is happening.
The War was already lost in 1943 symbolized through Stalingrad.
some footage on this video is from 1941
Durante el franquismo, habrías sido "republicano", es decir, marxista... ¿no?
@@lmlm1970Interesting! which?
Liberating 🤣
Ich hab mein Opa in Video wieder erkannt ! Danke❤
Meine Mutter (Jahrgang 1923) erzählte uns auch vom Arbeitsdienst wo die jungen Mädchen am Land arbeiten mussten. Das müsste aber so um 1939-41 gewesen sein denn danach war sie Krankenschwester beim Roten Kreuz und kam bis an die Front in Odessa!
Regina Biwald
Und wie lange war sie an der Ostfront - wie kam sie zurück - fluchtartig oder durch Heimaturlaub rechtzeitig vor dem Untergang der Wehrmacht in Russland ?
@@bobinobaker Ich weiß nicht genau wie lange sie dort war…sie erkrankte schwer an Diphtherie und kam mit einem Krankentransport in letzter Minute wieder zurück in die Heimat. Dort wurde sie dann langsam wieder gesund. Schwere Zeiten! Sie arbeitete dann bis zum Ende des Krieges immer als Krankenschwester.
Vielen Dank für die Antwort.
Der Kontrast zu heute könnte nicht größer sein. Man stelle sich unsere "Facharbeiter" am Feld vor..
Da macht sich keiner die Hände schmutzig von... da werden nur die Moneten eingesteckt
Это Германия, там жили мои предки... Очень интересно прикоснуться к истории! Редко можно увидеть такие, прекрасно сохранившиеся документальные фильмы, из того времени. Мирная, спокойная жизнь. А где то рядом в это время шла страшная война, и гибли люди. Фильм очень понравился. Vielen Dank!!!
Володя пиздуй на кладбище и прикоснись к предкам
@@Втрудностяхрождаетсярадость После тебя. На могилах своих предков я уже бывал. А по поводу твоего пожелания...что ж. Idioten sind uberall 😊
Das ist keine Geschichte, sondern reine Hitler-Propaganda aus dem Jahr 1944
@@unbekannte7920 Другой пропаганды не было в Германии, в 1944 году.
@@Innokentiy_Shniperson "Наши матери, наши отцы", я смотрел недавно, мне понравился.
Phantastisch ! 👍
The tank being repaired at 9:14 is a Panzer IV H type, with protective "skirts". A late model so recent footage in 1944.
I love how they're always parading in some way, that must have been fun and (I guess) city kids going on the farm to work and learn, nothing better to teach those kids to know and respect the people who are working to feed them. No matter what anyone might say, these people looked happy, period.
@P. B. Foote You know that anything that came of Germany at that time is called a propaganda film, whether it was or not, right?
So you say that this documentary gives a true picture of this period..
@@rikspring Would you by any chance be trying to make me say things I did not say? Very well, let's review what I said together and see whether your attempt at making me paint myself in one of the only two corners your reductive mind is able to conceptualize: black or white, yes or no, good or evil, nazi monster or ally savior, should live or should die, knowledgeable or very creative, babies on bayonets or babies on the floor, etc... Let's begin:
-I love how they're always parading in some way: true
-that must have been fun: true
-city kids going on the farm to work and learn: true
-nothing better to teach those kids to know and respect the people who are working to
feed them: true
-No matter what you might say: I don't care
-These people looked happy: true
-British and American films show things as they really are: crap
-German films are always pure and evil propaganda: bull
-Thinking your opinion means anything if you haven't studied both sides: almost clinical
-I have already wasted way too much time answering you: true
@@rosesprog1722 everything was controlled by the nazi Party.
@P. B. Foote 😂
The aircraft used in the training of paratroopers is the Italian-made Savoia-Marchetti SM-82.
Top Video. 👌
Dankeschön. 🤝
Где-то в Уренгое прослезился молодой мужик Коля побывавший бесплатно в Бундестаге
Это сколько лет назад было?
Leider fehlt der animierte Vor- und Abspann dieser ersten Panorama-Farbmonatsschau. Der Kommentar wird von Harry Giese (1903-1991) gesprochen, der auch Hauptsprecher der Deutschen Wochenschau war
Sumptuous film, thanka once again from England.
Fantastische Aufnahmen
Sehr anschaulich, wie Deutschland versuchte, zu dieser Zeit die Moral aufrecht zu erhalten. Ein sehr schönes Zeitdokument!
....... und das , obwohl er Krieg wütete. Es wird einem ,,Harmonie,, gezeigt . Auch durch die Musik. Propaganda konnten die damals ganz schön machen.
…….welche Moral ?
Der Typ am Schneidetisch war ein Genie, das Berlin eine Trümmerhölle war und überall verkohlte Leichen rumlagen hat er kunstvoll rausgeschnitten.
Die Aufnahmen sind vom Sommer 1944. Da war es halt noch nicht so schlimm. Klar, es handelt sich hier um krasse Propaganda in Anbetracht der militärischen Situation. Der Bombenkrieg über Deutschland eskalierte aber erst nachdem diese Aufnahmen entstanden sind.
Es lebe unser deutscher Kulturkreis!🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘
@@fdsfsdfsfd Bla-bla.
@@herrlich1461 Unsere geliebten Vorfahren hielten die deutsche Sprache wenigstens noch hoch. Nehmen Sie sich daran mal ein Beispiel!
....da war Deutschland noch Deutschland.... Nicht zu vergleichen mit dem heutigen traurigen Zustand.
@@fdsfsdfsfd Ja, vor allem wenn man selber nichts anderes als "lol" in den Kommentaren schreibt! So Deutsch! So Traditionsbewusst! Herrlich!
Август 1944 . Танцуют. Играют. А советская армия уже к границам рейха пришла.....
.......bringing their own form of terror with them.
@@mariafrost1762 немецкие войска со своими друзьями пришли в СССР и уничтожили 20 миллионов человек. Среди них 60% это женщины, дети, старики. Их расстреливали, сжигали живьём. Это делал вермахт и СС, люфтваффе. Советская армия всё таки собралась после поражений первых месяцев войны и выгнала немцев из страны. А потом дошла и до логова фашизма. До Берлина. Так что нападая на Россию, нужно готовиться к тому, что война закончится у тебя в стране и не твоей победой. Ещё Бисмарк говорил "Никогда не нападайте на Россию"
@@mariafrost1762 не сочиняйте.
А в это же время в концлагерях миллионы не только и пе столько военнопленных,но и женщин,стариков и детей. Евреев уничтожали , не глядя. А в случае победы этих замечательных ,аккуратных и трудолюбивых существ нам на Востоке готовилась "райская жизнь" для тех, кто уцелеет. Остальным -смерть от голода и "просто ликвидации". Уж во всяком случае в Германиии не было ни геноцида, ни даже уничтожерия немецкой государственности. В 1994 убрались наши из Германии под "фанфары" прямо в чисто поле. В благодарность тут же попёрли на Восток через НАТО. Что ж мы сами виноваты: "на дурака не нужен нож, ему с три короба наврёшь и делай с ним, что хошь." Вот и делают.
@@Vladimir62K Mangel an Bildung?
Absolute Spitzenklasse und ein diametraler Kontrast zu den gegenwärtigen Gestalten, die über die Medien zu sehen sind.
Ja, komisch nur dass die damalige Berichterstattung nichts von Vernichtungslagern gezeigt hat. Das klammert ihr dummdeutschen Antisemiten gerne aus. 🤷🏻♂️
@@arminkonietzko3036 dafür haben wir ja dich, damit du dich daran aufgeilen kannst😉👍🏽
@@superquax1 das Leugnen der deutschen Geschichte überlasse ich amoralischen Subjekten wie dir. 🤷🏻♂️
Wer Deutschland sagt, muss auch Auschwitz nennen.
Das war wenigstens noch eine idealistische anständige Jugend!
@@Christian-Klaff das war eine Jugend, der man beigebracht hat, Juden und Dissidenten zu hassen. Daran ist nichts idealistisch. Die weiße Rose war da eine Ausnahme. Der gehirngewaschene Rest? Hätte sich bis zur bedingungslosen Kapitulation für den Endsieg verheizen lassen.
Der Nationalsozialismus pfeift auf die Jugend. Er braucht nur Kanonenfutter!
Какое-то несоответствие, глядя на них создаётся впечатление, что нет рядом войны, концлагерей, люди зациклины на своём семейном мирке и им нет никакого дела, что происходит в Европе.
Как сейчас на педерации!
Гебельсовская пропаганда - она такая!
Посмотрите вокруг себя! Ничего не напоминает?!
Тоже что и сейчас в России посмотришь на Москву как будто и ничего и нет
@@бенгреген С той разницей, что в фильме война, а у нас просто СВО.
Viele danke!
To "the sheriff is near": May I remember you that Russia has been attacked three times from the West within only 128 years; 1812, 1914, 1941.During the last war, Russia payed the most heavy tribute: over 22 millions dead, that is about one third of all the losses! A little bit of knowledge of the World History is always good to have!
Oh please! In “38 to “41, your Stalin was very happy to cozy up to Hitler, invade Poland together, and provide the nazis with food & petrol.
And don’t forget about the invasion of Finland.
Go take your victimhood to the garbage age heap.
This film about Germany, not Russia!
@Chris D Aber nur DE hat schon in dem ersten WK Menschen vergaßt und es war DE die zwei Mal nach Russland zum töten gegangen war und nicht umgekehrt. Das ist Fact, auch wenn die Mörder versuchen ihre Taten zu verharmlosen oder die Geschichte neu zu schreiben.
It is also good to remember that Russia attcked "the West" in 1941 Poland was attacked, in 1939 Finland was attacked, in 1968 Soviet troops and allied forces attacked Tjechoslowakia, in 1956 the same happened in Hungaria. In the south: 1929 Afganistan, 1934 China. You see we do not have to go far back in history.
@@jandenijmegen5842 Thank you for your commentary. What you say is quite correct. So it is very astonishing that Russian people who suffered so much of wars still stands for Putin with his agression on the Ukraine.
La voix d’Harry Gieser se prête parfaitement à ces reportages.
The Panzer repair depot was, for me, the best segment
Klasse Sendung
Klassisches Propaganda-Opfer.
@@fdsfsdfsfd Wieso schreibst du als angeblicher Anhänger der deutschen Sprache nicht einfach "lol"?
Unfassbarer Heuchler.
@@fb6523 Was?
@@herrlich1461 schrieb: "Was?"
Meine Antwort: Können Sie mich nicht hören? Ich kann es leider nicht lauter schreiben.
Lean people , no fat ones👌
Yep, as humanity should be
Sure, genius. Because all people must be exactly as the sycophants of the Third Reich want.
Not enough Food to be fat by 1944 and the fat ones had already been sent to the camps as undesirable!
It's propaganda. Goering was fat as pig.
That’s because a) it’s propaganda b) there’s a war raging that Germany is losing. Fat people did exist, though admittedly not in the same quantities as the modern day.
Белые и пушистые. Август 1944. Дедушки Семёна уже нет в живых. Дядя Миша ещё живой. Погибнет в 1945 году. И будет ему 20 леит.
Светлая память.
What would the World have been if no WW2????
Paradise on Earth
i already thought, if i'd have the Chance to Fly back in time and kill Hitler, maybe in 1922, would i do, to prevent WW2? I live in Germany in 2022 and compared to other World regions, i find myself in a economic prosper, save and politically stabile surrounding. I can travel to most countries with my passport, i can settle everywhere in friendly EU Countries. I would not kill Hitler in 1922, i'd let all happen with the turnout of what is now. Otherwise i might find myself in a whatever World now
@@marakujer7269 Do you seriously think that it was Hitler who unleashed the Second World War? Hitler in 1939 attacked only Poland, a month later this war ended. Is this a world war? The World War was unleashed by Great Britain and France, declaring war on Hitler on September 03, 1939 and drawing into it the states controlled by them (Canada, Australia, etc.). Moreover, when Hitler occupied Poland and it was gone, Great Britain and France remained at war with Hitler, despite the fact that he turned to them with peace proposals. They rejected the peace proposals, deliberately creating a new puppet Polish government in exile to justify the state of war with Germany. And the main beneficiary in the World War was the United States, which found the Hitler they needed, pumped his party with money and brought him to power. If there had been no Hitler, they would have found another one.
You ask what if there had never been WW11? Well, if there had been no WW11; to start 6 million Jewish men woman and children would of not of been tortured, slaughtered , murdered! That doesn’t include all the Polish, Russian, Dutch, French, Czechs that fell victim to Hitlers Nazi ideology. For anyone to say Hitler and his lunatic cronies were not responsible for the cause/start of WW11 are truly brainless idiots!
@@Vladimir62K this is not true
Deutschland is mein liebe. Landliebe Deutschland ! 😚❤
Stadtliebe Deutschland !
Ещё годик и Гитлер Капут
@@АндрейПавлов-ч2ц А как на счёт Путлера?
@@prosto4ok272 Utrzyma się
Deutschland,unsere wunderbare Kultr frei von Fremden.Sehnsucht ..................
1933-1945 repräsentiert nicht wunderbare Kultur.
🙄🤔😆😆😆 I understand your sorcasm.
The most popular a name and a boys in Germany, Ahmed.
@@TheGreatCatsby-pd2tt Mohammed :(
ага арийская😆 в больных головах👌
Первое видео, где увидел подготовку немецких десантников, хоть и частично!!
Superinteressantes Zeitdokument . Und passend : Harry Giese, der Sprecher der Wochenschau. DIE Stimme im ,,Dritten Reich,,. Ob Funk ,Kino , Kriegsberichterstattung oder Wochenschau. ....DIE Stimme
4:47 Berlin is looking good! The allies and neutrals must have been impressed at the rubble being so neatly raked and stacked with German efficiency..
Germany used to be a morally upright and healthy society.
Not in 1944 it wasn’t.
@@rare6499 Yes it was. Don't believe goblin media lies, fool.
@@rare6499 especially in 1944
Go there today and it's full of Third World shit.
So, 80 years after they were made, these propaganda films that were created to gloss over Hitler's genocide (only made possible by the full support of the vast majority of the German people) still work to excise all traces of decency in the weak minded.
Смотрю, а перед глазами не эта яркая веселая жизнь, а страдания людей в концлагерях, газовые камеры, горы волос, зубных коронок...люди-скелеты.
нация захватчиков урок не в прок зачинчики войн на балканах и в украине )))
@@mohammadmiremadi9827 Yes, of course. Along with the trainloads of slaughtered Hindu in 1947.
ну и что врачи на это говорят?
Derartige Kontraste wird es wohl immer irgendwo irgendwie geben.Denken wir an " Agent Orange" in Vietnam, an denen heute noch Menschen genetisch leiden.
Der Krieg hat ueber 3 Mio.Vietnamesen getoetet, 60.000 US-Soldaten.Irak 2003, Syrien 2011, Libya , Ukraine.
People are killed by bombs, deplated Uranium ammunition, while at home people enjoy life, wether in Europe or USA, Australia etc.
The world was always like this: sick, especially if countries believe they have an order from God to rule the world by their rules.
Just look to Palaestine and Ukraine! Next war probably in the Pacific against enemy Nr.1: China!
Erst kommt das Fressen, und dann die Moral! Think about it!
Incredible video,The complete film.
My father ( born 1938) one knew a construction worker, who was Fallschirmjäger in war. This man knew this rolling move when landing, and used this, when jumping down on construction side to natural earth ground.
History, in all its variations, informs us. Thank you UA-cam for being a window to the past.
One group didnt like seeing the Germans hastily recovered from the hell of the 1920s and 1930s...1936 most were working & Germany hosted the Olympics and put on one fascinating display...Homes were built for families & having children was incentivized through home loan forgiveness...Craftsmanship in manufacturing, Not Gold & Silver was the foundation of German currency...Germany was showing an alternative model to the world and the international psychos with dreams of global domination couldnt have that!
This is painfully wrong.
The rise of the NS economy was based on debt that was taken and from the beginning meant to be financed by taking from obtaining resources abroad.
Have you read Mein Kampf or any history book showing the intentions of the NS regime?
If you would have done your homework in history you would know that every country was very willing to appease the NS regime up until 1938 with the Munich accord. And even in 1939 France and Britain did not attack from the west despite all of the violations.
It's really sad both world wars ever happened, I don't think the West has healed from it to the point of being a self sustaining civilization and I suspect we are actually a rotting corpse being consumed by our enemies
Also, we are currently being led foolishly into the same trap once again with Russia this time, even though they aren't really like us in many ways being Eastern, they are Orthodox Christian culturally and certainly not our TRUE enemies
And at whose expense did Hitler come to power and who pumped the German economy with resources? What do you think, Hitler and his party? Or maybe the United States, which poured loans into the German economy and then privatized most of Germany's industry for debt? Who pumped money into Hitler's impoverished party? They say they are German industrialists, but they forget to add that German industrialists were dependent on the United States. The USA, having poured money into Germany, advertised Hitler to the whole world in magazines and Olympiads. The main beneficiary in World War II was the same - the United States.
Владимир ВасильевичКарпов, книга "Взять живым "Пленных сопровождал конвой - кавалеристы с обнаженными шашками и между ними пешие с винтовками наперевес.
Москвичи стояли на тротуарах. Люди молча, мрачно смотрела на врагов. Было непривычно тихо на заполненной от стены до стены улице. Слышалось только шарканье тысяч ног.
Шли убийцы. Шли тысячи убийц. Каждый из них кого-то убил - отца, сына, мать, сестру, ребенка, брата тех людей, которые стояли на тротуаре и молча глядели на этих пойманных убийц. Им сохранили погоны и награды. Кресты, медали на мундирах, квадратики, галуны на погонах теперь из знаков отличия превратились в обличительные знаки - они свидетельствовали, кто больше причинил зла, уничтожил людей, сжег деревень, разрушил городов, осквернил полей.
- Смотри, Олег, смотри, Надюша, это они повесили нашу бабушку, - тихо шептала женщина, обнимая прильнувших к ней ребят.Пожилой, интеллигентный мужчина в светлой шляпе сказал:
- Гитлер обещал им отдать Москву на разграбление. Представьте, что бы творили здесь эти вандалы.
- Мою сестру в Орше изнасиловали, отрезали ей груди и выгнали голую на мороз, - не глядя на мужчину, сказала его соседка.
- Парад уже назначили на Красной площади в сорок первом! - глубоко затягиваясь папироской, зло проговорил милиционер. - Вот и получили парад! Продемонстрировали свои мощи!
А женщина все шептала детям:
- И дядю Матвея они расстреляли. И дом наш спалили. И папку нашего… - голос ее пресекся, она приложила платок к губам.
Внимание Василия привлекла старушка с темным, морщинистым лицом. Она быстро семенила за усатым пожилым конвоиром, опасливо сторонясь от крупа впереди идущего коня. Бабка плакала и о чем-то горячо просила. Ромашкин хотел вмешаться, помочь старушке: «Что ей не позволяет усатый страж? Мог бы и уважить ее старость». Василий пошел за бабушкой, задевая стоящих на обочине людей, подошел поближе к солдату и услышал, о чем просит его старушка.
- Миленький, ты пожилой человек, понимать должон, потому и прошу тебя.
- Нельзя, мамаша, никак нельзя.
- Почему нельзя? Они моих сыновей - Ивана, Михаила - побили. Невестку и внучат сничтожили.
- Спросится за это где надо, - отвечал солдат, не глядя на старушку, а наблюдая за ближними пленными.
- Ничего с них не спросится. Дозволь, я одного своими руками задушу. Ну дозволь, Христом-богом тебя молю!
- Нет, мамаша, никак нельзя, пленные они теперь. Русские лежачего и в драке не бьют.
- Так они же внучат моих безвинных, детенышей безответных, казнили, это хуже, чем лежачего бить.
- Они фашисты, мамаша, нелюди, одним словом… Ромашкин остановился, шагнул на тротуар. Старушка ушла за усатым солдатом
Очень хорошо написано!
какая отвратительная пропаганда.
My mother was a BDM Leader at age 16 ..
My mother was also in the BDM and proud of it she was too.
Ist das ein Grund um stolz darauf zu sein?
@@unbekannte7920 damals waren die stolz drauf ..Hirnwaesche
@@unbekannte7920 Yes! Why shouldn't she? She did nothing wrong.
@@unbekannte7920 geh doch heulen
Does anyone know the area where the boats are sailing?
To the RustyLM: Of course you are completely right. But: Staline is and was not the peoples of Russia. He just was one of the many monsters in History! And the ignorance of the western countries towards Hitler still after the Munich Conference was also a point that should not be forgotten. France should have interferred in 1935. That would have chassed Hitler immediately.
5:22 und 5:32 Die durften die Tiere ja damals füttern und streicheln! Heutzutage ist in den Zoos meist ein so breiter Graben zwischen Tier und Besucher, dass man nicht mal ein anständiges Foto machen kann!🤷♀️
Божественно ! 🤗❤️
Что тебе "божественно"?!
он кокоЛь🐷
Als Adipositas noch selten war.
How could it be so "peaceful" in Germany in 1944, when most of the country lay in ruins?
Простые люди всегда были работяги,но их втянули в гибельную войну ,и сейчас Германия-не совсем немецкая.
Shame Germany doesn't look like that today.
Did you like the bombed Berlin that much? Look at e.g. 4:50. Dresden did not look that nice either. You would have enjoyed Hamburg? Kleve certainly looked different, as did Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Koeln, Aachen....
@@jandenijmegen5842 Coventry Liverpool London ...Rotterdam and Warsaw?
Rather live in a world of order then the cesspool we have now!
Can a world war be orderly?
I am sure (and I know this from my grandparents) that no one felt order during the war.
@@karlheven8328 There was ‘Order’ in Germany before the war! That was my point! Of course any war is not order!
@@JohnSmith-xw5qe Yeah, but you seem npt to be too familiar with Nazi ideology then because the war was their goal from the beginning
Freedom is scary, you frightened little boy
Does murder and mayhem become "order" just because it is imposed without any consensus by our rulers? Frankly, I feel that is not order. But remains murder and mayhem even if the law does not react.
Какая идиллия! А можно ещё показать крематории, производящие удобрения (из заключенных) для этих полей?
اسلاو دروغ گو ، دهانت را ببند
Ты не тудп воюешь. Этот ролик монтировал не автор канала, а немцы того времени в целях пропаганды.
@@АрсенийФедоров-э5ж автор канала об этом где-то упомянул?
My father served in the RAD the year before he went to Flensburg, the naval academy. He helped set up a few of the airfields in France, prior to the Battle of Britain. I know he worked at Abbeville, not sure of the others.
Deutschland meine geliebte Heimat hatte die beste Armee der damaligen Zeit
Hatte sie nicht....die Wehrmacht war eine ausgesprochen schlecht Vorbereitete Armee ....alleine der Film zeigt es überdeutlich, Pferde statt motorisierte Verbände,was er verschweigt sind Mangel an Ersatzteilen,Sprit ...
Preußen und Deutschland hatten immer die allerbeste und schlagkräftigste Armee der Welt! Das hat sich leider erst nach 1945 geändert! Heute leider nur noch eine Lachnummer!
@@emausderratsuchende5447 Doch, definitiv. Wer war den besser in Qualität, nicht Quantität.
Was nützt ein Tiger auf dem Schlachtfeld wenn er alle Nase lang wegen Getriebeschaden liegen bleibt, was wenn ein MG 42 ständig klemmt wenn es feucht oder staubig ist.
Der T 34 oder die Kalaschnikov waren zwar deutlich ungenauer,aber sie funktionierten....
Die Amerikaner hatten technisch in der Luft auf der See und am Boden ab Ende 44' die Nase vorn....
@@emausderratsuchende5447 Und was war nochma das Verhältnis der Verluste der WM vs Roter Armee?
Die Dietrich-Eckhardt-Bühne ist die Waldbühne
Das waren noch Zeiten, da konnte man als Deutscher noch auf die Straße...😊👍
Kannst du doch immer noch ohne dass dafür Menschen von anderen Ethnien und Religionen brutalst verfolgt und ermordet werden.
Я по ящику каждый день такое наблюдаю, машина запущенная доктором Геббельсом работает без сбоев!!!
5:16 Diese Angriffe waren eben auch ein Kriegsverbrechen.
Are you sure this is not a pre-war film instead of towards the end of the war?
I've seen some of this footage in a documentary many many years ago and it was about what it was like before the war.
11:16 An undamaged light cruiser (maybe the Koln class) on the left and a heavier unit in front of it (My guess is a heavy cruiser, but could be a pocket battleship) sitting in the open in the harbor (Kiel?) with no camouflage netting or booms. 11:34 Heavy surface units sailing (in Baltic) with S-Boats. Followed by destroyers at high speed. It all seems odd to me for August, 1944. More like a pre-war or early war training exercise. On the other hand, the following paratroop training shows combat badges for Narvik and Crete.
@@allanfifield8256 Yes but where did the Germans think that they could use paratroops at that time in the war?
@@mikeryan3701 I wondered that myself.
Clearly war time footage. Soldiers wearing their Iron Crosses 1.class, Infantry Combat badges etc etc
@@twinsonic I accept that for the ground footage. I have doubts on the naval footage. I think it is likely older than 1944.
Оставалось им танцевать, заниматься физическими упражнениями и наслаждаться жизнью менее года. Потом наступил капут.
Они всё равно ничего не поняли.
Großartig !
Was ist an der Hitler-Propaganda so Großartig?
Auf jedem Schiff, ob`s dampft, ob`s segelt, gibt`s einen der die Putzfrau Vög....
meine natürlich, eine linientreuen Idioten, der sein abgedroschenes Geschwätz hinzu stänkern muss.
Was genau soll an Nazi Propaganda von 1944 großartig sein?!? Vom Holocaust hast du auch was gehört?
7:35 -- Кубанські козаки ( тоді ще Кубань це була Україна) під український марш на конях, з українським прапором. Тоді ще українці надіялись і вірили, що Україна в Фатерлянді буде вільною, незалежною, самостійною країною, тому й підтримували Гітлера. Сталінський більшовизм знищував Україну голодоморами, репресіями, русификацією і українці боролись з комуністичним режимом як могли. Це було важко.
Какая Украина осел? Украина появилась в 1991 году как независимое государство. А такое сепаратисткое образование как УНР просуществовала 2 года.Хватит нести этот бред шизофреника! Украина😂😂😂
@@qwerty3923 Тупий рашист..))) випий бояри та заспокойся, собака...
Das war noch eine idealistische anständige Jugend!
Wohl eher Kanonenfutter für die nazis !
Die Panzerdivision Hitlerjugend hat al diese nette burger umgebracht. Anständig? 20.000 verhungert in Holland? Idealistisch?
Too bad all the lives lost and hard work could have gone to something other than War!
This looks just too beautiful
I feel nostalgia for a time i never whittnessed by my own…
looks so beautiful, especially in incinerated Belarus and Ukraine, which absolutely fired and destroyed by nazis.
@@roninestate1268 what‘s the point of your ranting?
Everybody knows what happened these times. But can you at least let us appreciate the esthetics and not make it political?
If you want to get political then go on another channel.
@@yeeg7729 I do agree with you, wrong channel etc, but to the more informed we're not quibbling over semantics here. Remembering that life was very different for 'most Germans' by August '44, these images portray something that was in the past and therefore their use on film was only political and idealistic.
@@RevRSleeker well, i am totally aware that this is propaganda and wasn‘t the reality and i am not idealising with the german past.
I just shared my feelings that i have a nostalgic feel to this and that it looks beautiful.
So stop trying to teach me and don‘t overcompensate my comment.
Oder wie man bei mir sagt: mach aus einer Mücke keinen Elefanten.
@@RevRSleeker and you missed a little detail in my comment
„this looks too beautiful“
Should i have said „unreal“ or „imaginary“ for you to understand?
Don’t mention the war .
You wonder why everybody didn’t get skin cancer.
Agfa Farbfilm hatte damals einen Braunstich
Das kann man wohl sagen 🤪
😳🤯Voici donc l'Horrible Péril duquel les "très gentils libéra-tueurs" nous ont sauvés !
🙏 Que la Vérité nous Libere de plus de 80 ans de mensonges 😔🎇🌬️💕🌍🙌
Keine Vernichtungslagern?
what beautiful German girls are !
Is ja wie Ferien auf Immenhof.
No cellphone in sight, just true Aryans living the moment.
Als Deutschland noch Deutsch war.
Amerikanisches Kapital wurde bereits in die deutsche Industrie investiert, um auf Kosten Deutschlands zu profitieren.
германия 2022🏳🌈 😆
Aber nur in der Hitler-Propaganda
…….die deutsche Geschichte kennst du wohl überhaupt nicht !
08:05. Prinz v. Homburg Komposition Marc Roland (* 4. Januar 1894 in Bremen; † 25. Februar 1975 in München, eigentlich Adolf Beeneken / Hamburg)
The end was near.
Чего концентрационные лагеря не показали с крематория и дымящими?
ты не понимаешь это другое😆 европейские ценности они такие👌
холокост придумали уже после войны. И - Вам мало, что ли..?
Могли бы показать продажу человеческого пепла из Освенцима польским крестьянам для удобрения полей. Рост экономики, опять же.
Wow!Deutsches Deutschland!
My first thought was I wonder how many of those young people were dead by the end of the war?
Snel gedownload voordat Washington ingrijpt en het uit de lucht haalt! S.H!
Never see anyone overweight
The Nazi Ministry of Propaganda trying to make a paradise from the hell.
no doubt used as stock footage in many a BdM documentary.
Моя мама в это время голодала. Случалось целый день не ела.
А там, где коммунисты приходят к власти, везде наступает нищета и голод..
Woher kennst du das Russische Staatsfernsehen? Aus dem Deutschen Staatsfernsehen etwa?
How could these cultured people have become such monsters. Worst crimes against humanity in human history. A stain on mankind. Remember those that suffered and died resisting these demons.
They were demonized by monsters that lied about them. If only Germany and Europe had won that war imposed upon them, this world would be an infinitely better place.
🙋♂️🇩🇪 Remember the unjust Versailles 'treaty'
Kodak Color Gold 🤗
Agfa Color war das! Ein ganz anderes besseres System!
Great video that time was so much more complicated than they tell us. So many holes in our history lessons.
Und glaube mir, in unseren Geschichtsbüchern sieht's noch viel schlimmer aus.
...und heute Rot Grün 🤮
Besser als braun.
@@Mostrichkugel bestimmt nicht!
@@Christian-Klaff Mit Nazis diskutiert man nicht.
@@Mostrichkugel Potentiell ähnlich gefährlich nur es entwickelt sich noch. Warte mal ab.
@@Mostrichkugel weil sie nämlich Recht haben und das dann an die Öffentlichkeit kommen würde! Es gibt echt nichts intoleranteres als diese grün/linken angeblich politisch ach so korrekten Gutmenschen!🤢🤮
Paton said we fought the wrong enemy...
He also said that the Germans were the most decent people in Europe .
esto no es del 44.. es mucho antes
Etwas dunkles Bild mit blechernem Ton, habe da eine bessere Aufnahme. Trotzdem, vielen Dank.