Ja, die Mensch glotzen die Bilder an, schöne Farben, aber sie verstehen sie nicht, begreifen sie nicht, machen als weiter. Sie begründen das Elend der gezeigten Menschen mit Hitler. Und die Verwüstungen heute? Offensichtlich nicht Hitler.
The realistic colorization IS incredible. But I find the restoration of the _frame rate_ to be the most important factor in making it feel more real and immediate. The jerky fast-motion of old films immediately makes it feel distant and difficult to connect to on a human level.
That's the least annoying option for footage that obviously did not include an audio track. Music of any kind would spoil the images so the publisher of this video used a neutral ambient noise for this video. If you click on the loudspeaker-symbol you could just mute the sound if it's too silly for you. I think it is a gem of a video. Unfortunately a lot of the lessons people learned in that dark period have been forgotten in 2020.
it also shows how fragile our freedom or what's left of it is and how quickly everything can change if we don't take care and actively act against tyranny
Auch mein Lob für die dezente Farbgebung, denn im Original waren das sicher Schwarz-weiß-Filme. Ich habe die Bilder noch original gesehen und wundere mich, dass ich mich an keine Farben erinnern kann. Nur der Himmel war wirklich blau - das weiß ich noch.
Наверное европа не помнит не чего. Европа продалась америки и эти кадры европу не чему не учат . Зажрались и мозги заплыли. Мы русские хотим мира а евро с америкой нет
Literally as vivid as stepping off a time machine and having a walk in war torn Germany. Crystal clear film makes it appear like you are looking direct at someone in the war.
Yes. It is eerily present. A LOT more than 1 million should watch this film. Thank you so much for restoring this film and sharing it. BR, Per (Bornholm, Denmark)
That little girl in the first scene, once they emerge again humanity is saved... what we have now are already half ghosts - neither here, nor there, people in the twilight, especially the girls - soon to be devoured by the great one....
I agree! I just watched the other "Nazi film" from this channel and it doesn't have the same realism as this one. I think it's because in these films they've slowed it down to correct speed and managed to somehow artificially increase the frames per second?
I think watching a film from the Nazi era in Germany in this quality is an even more frightening experience than watching a black and white film with fast jerky movement. Because you realise that the people who let these horrible thing happen were just normal people just like we are today. Important to remember in these times when history is starting to repeat itself.
@@joakimquensel597 contradictory that somebody with a ucraine-heart-flag profile picture says that. i can give you a good advice, you are maybe as stupid as the people which tolarated those "horrible crimes"... im sure youre not as brutal as people who commit such crimes, but your profile picture in contrast to your comment shows a lot of stupidity and naivety. I can tell you because of my experience with the ukrainian people that come to my country, they think they are something better than all the other people and they think they deserve gifts for free just because they are ucrainians and are incredibly rude to the country, i dont know who made them so spoiled but they are exactly the same as their president. There were a lot of N*zis in ucraine fighting russians and you use a ucraine-heart as your profile picture and in your comment you are talking against crimes of N*zis and dont want them to be repeat... such a naive and unknowing person. If you dont want such crimes to happen again then it will be a good idea not to support a country like ucraine. Im not saying you have to support russia, but supporting ucraine is a very bad idea if you are against N*zis.
the dedication and talent of these restoration historians is beyond belief, so many hours, days, weeks, months of work for a few minutes of footage, the one saving grace is that what has been done is now virtually forever to be recognized and appreciated by all who have the privilege of viewing it.
really - strange that Nikola Tesla had cameras more advanced than ours today in 1890 and a mobile phone more advanced than ours as well in 1925 - talk about being hoodwinked...
This is basically the first generation of people that could be recorded in full-color and high enough of a resolution to feel like you personally were there. The lack of sound recording on-field still gives you that feeling of a lost era. Amazing a few of these young people are probably in their last years on Earth right now. We really haven't had film for that long in a historical sense, this is very recent history. It still feels so far away, though.
Mr. Joe lives behind my mom / stepdad and is well into his 90s and still has his concentration camp tattoo on his forearm. My folks own a duplex and my grandpa Frank lived in the opp. side I would eat my cereal listening to the 2 of them talk war stories. Grandpa Frank passed away 8-9 years ago and Mr. Joe is still doing yard work and cleaning his own gutters..... now just stops by my folks house to say hi and drop off stuff he has grown in his garden. Soon the only way anyone will hear about these are through books and movies the people that lived through it will all be gone.
Some shots felt like they were recorded yesterday. Great color grading and frame interpolation, though a few interp frames got a little wonky at times. I find these restorations make the content so much more relatable, its truly amazing.
Wonderful restoration. 1 year later, I was born. 9.5 years later, our family was stationed in Germany 1955-58. Our father was a Captain then. A lot of the bombed out buildings and war artifacts were still around in those days. Pill boxes above and protecting the autobahn were still present and, as a young boys, we would often find abandoned military gear in the woods. Our boy scout retreat near Garmisch had a huge Swastika on the side and an abandoned pill box behind it with old ammo boxes and other war junk. It took a long time for Germany to clean up. Years later, (1967) our family was stationed in Germany once again but our father was a full Colonel by that time and Germany was totally cleaned up and beautiful.
My husband was stationed in Nurenberg ('69-'70) after his tour of Vietnam. After we married, he and I lived in a small apartment in Furth. The owner of the five-story building (a German Army doctor who spoke English) shared how he saved the lives of his Jewish doctor friends. Even then the remnants of war remained. Incredible adventure.
Auch wenn der Kommentar wahrscheinlich untergeht: danke an die Menschen, die unsere Geschichte so unfassbar greifbar machen! Ich bin überwältigt von dieser Bildschärfe
ich hab auch zuvor noch nie Filmmaterial aus dieser Zeit gesehen, mit solch einer beeindruckenden Bildschärfe und so farbintensiv .... ganz großartig diese Restauration.
LOL West is doing ALL KINDS of war crimes in middle east and nobody says a damn thing Y'all hypocrites and liers Don't worry tho, people who made middle easterners to go through hard times will get a taste of their own medicine some day
When seeing the old gray and white videos, it is hard to imagine it in reality. This way, it is very real. It looks almost as if it was recorded only a decade ago or two. It gives you a whole other perspective.
Imagine if we could look back at films from 3 or 400 years ago - 1000, even. In 1000 years from now folks will be able to do just that. How cool will that be for them?
@@saibrace8191 w the internet they will know everything about us. Just think your great great grandson will know you by your Facebook profile and the comments you wrote on twitter!
Watching this makes me grateful I wasn’t born yet and didn’t have to live through this. Like all wars, the non-combatants/everyday citizens suffer the greatest. Hats off to the archivist and to the restoration staff who made this film possible.
Die Dankbarkeit wird dir vergehen, denn es wird wesentlich dicker kommen. Ich bin Ende 1940 geboren und habe noch einige sehr gut erhaltene Erinnerungen. Der Endkampf um Berlin war für uns Kinder eher ein Wochenendvergnügen, denn endlich hatte Mutti mal für uns Zeit im Luftschutzkeller. Vorher war das ja mehr ein "Rein und Raus", weil die Bomberflotten quasi im Tag- und Nacht-Schichtwechsel flogen. Trotzdem kein Vergleich mit dem jahrelangen Granaten-Terror im Donbas oder wochenlangen Bombardierungen Serbiens durch die NATO, bis denen "die Ziele ausgingen".
It is still the cameraman's decision what and when to film and what not to film. This is already enough to distort facts or at least to create an influenced impression. Only a permanently installed 360-degree camera that runs 24 hours a day would be completely neutral. Such recordings can therefore only be small pieces of the puzzle that are put together to form a complete picture of history.
Well, manipulation by image is an old art. It is just done differently, by for example choosing what to capture on video and what to show and how to cut, who to present in the images.
I’ve always been struck by the sheer waste of war, life and property. Look at the utter destruction and imagine having nothing but your life and having to start over and you’re the lucky ones.. This was not that long ago and I’m thankful that films like this exist to tell the tale and show the true nature of war.
Yes, and to think this had been going on for centuries and centuries. But the only difference with WW2 from all the other previous European wars was it was the first thoroughly mechanized war using industrial strength weapons unleashed upon entire countries with round the clock precision.
@@coyotedust While this is very true, it did not stop the utter destruction of any territory the winning side owned. The weapons continue to evolve and get more lethal. We need to be reminded of how savage things can be so as we don't repeat the same.
@@bryanrocker5033 The advent of photo & film has probably already done it's job for many - show them the horrors of war and they will think twice. Why were there so many wars in the last millennium? Because there was nothing to show afterwards. There were stories, but those were "just" stories. Photos and film are not just stories. They ARE history.
Absolutely stunning-- I got chills watching some of these clips. I almost felt like I could recognize some of the faces. These people had been through such horrible times- good to see a few smiles here and there- relieved, I'm sure, even though there was plenty of tension around still. Watching this is a deeply moving experience.
@@АААААА-д9н Nah not really, you have no clue who these people are and the fact that you want them to suffer tells me that in different life you could very well be a guard in one of those concentration camps killing people who you know nothing about.
@@АААААА-д9н I think u man don’t get what fascism, nazism is and why our grandparents fought against them and why war started. 1) It’s not ‘guilt’ of German people it’s guilt of capitalists that supported Nazis and fascists in range of countries such as japan, Italy, Finland, Germany, Spain etc. 2) Fascism is open terroristic dictatorship of finance capital. - when dictatorship and suppression of people becomes opened by terroristic methods. For example in Russia fascists were white movement and people such as Kolchak. Nazism is fascism+race theory/radical racism. This all termins about shape but not about essence. Essence of both fascism and nazism is imperialism as finial stage of capitalism. 3) war started couse of resources, profits, sell markets and money that was divided by means of war/ battle conflict and that was started by monopolies - their interests has started both ww1 and ww2 3) Idk how urs grandparents but my fought in war and they fought not against German people (that are our cultural, ethnical long term relatives - even language ) but against nazism and couse of this there no slaughtering of German people after war If u wanna revenge - comon become same as Nazis, fascists, imperialists , couse this is what all about. If u wana to have right to critique u need to show it by yourself at first that u are not same as them and that u have better ideology
It's amazing how little extra clutter there was on the streets (besides the brick/stone rubble and timbers). Then I realized there's no plastic blowing everywhere.
@@gat569 They were salvaging every brick they could to rebuild, they literally had people whose job was to chip off the mortar so they can be used. Sadly the Cold War will start just 2 years later and last 43 years with Berlin inside East Germany and divided into two with one road in from West Germany. Then 3 years later the Soviet Union tried to starve and freeze West Berlin into submission and Operation Vittles started and lasted 15 months.
The big difference is that Germany did stop fighting in 1945. With the help of the Marshall Plan Germany became a wealthy country. The Wirtschafts Wunder and export of top quality German made products. Leica, Rollei, VW, Miele, Aspirine, Mercedes, Märklin, Audi etc, etc. And trains arrived in time. @@FikAb
@@jacovanlith5082 Germany was divided between two powers and both of them invested in their respective economies ( BRD and DDR). Soviets wanted to show that their way is better than capitalist one and West wanted to show otherwise. Germany is still home to the most US military based in Europe and US pays Germans for that. Nothing similar happens in ME and CA, especially in contrast to what happens now in Afghanistan
@@jacovanlith5082 Der Marshall Plan war keine Wirtschaftshilfe, sondern hochverzinsliche Kredite, die von den Deutschen mit jedem Dollar zurückgezahlt wurden. Nach heutigen Experten hat der Marshall-Plan keine messbare eine Auswirkung auf das deutsche "Wirtschaftswunder" gehabt. Der Marshall-Plan wurde übrigens auch den Ost-Blockländern angeboten, was Stalin natürlich ablehnte. Das "Wirtschaftswunder" haben die Deutschen aus eigener Kraft bewirkt. Die USA waren nicht daran interessiert, einen Konkurrenten heranzuzüchten. Wohl aber zufriedene Menschen mit einer Minimal-Versorgung an US-Nahrungsmittelüberschüssen. Denn soziale Notlagen hätten dem Kommunismus noch mehr Bürger zugetrieben. Und zwar freiwillig.
Золото! Низкий поклон вам за реставрацию. Тишина разрушенного города после войны - необыкновенная и воодушевляющая. Всё закончилось, жизнь вылезает из руин и протирает глаза, потому что настало её время. Никто не торопится, все улыбаются. Неописуемый момент на самом деле. Хорошо, что есть такая кинохроника, которая делает слова лишними. Спасибо
Imagine this being your life. The city you grew up in, that you knew intimately, reduced to rubble. On top of that the regime you lived under has completely crumbled. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if that happened here. It would be as if reality itself was crumbling apart along with the city.
I spent almost three years in the Army in Germany during the mid 70s. Looking at the level of destruction I can't imagine how they managed to rebuild it all. Amazing.
Die Deutschen sind seit über 100 Jahren im eigenem Land gefangen. Das Ziel der Alliierten, besonders der Engländer ist es bis heute, die Deutschen von Russland zu trennen und zu entfernen. Wir befinden uns seit einigen Jahren in einem Hybriden Krieg, nur weil keine Bomben fallen wird er nicht wahrgenommen.
This footage was shown in a documentary over 20 years ago on the BBC. It’s amazing that the footage was found after George Stephens death and is now being shown
Especially considering the fact that this wasn't the end... Shortly after, the cold war era and democratic/communist separation of Germany were to take its toll too
Spontan fällt mir da nur eines ein. Danke an die vielen Menschen die Deutschland wieder aufgebaut haben. Meinen größten Respekt an Euch. Ohne Euch wäre Unser Land nicht so schön wie es heute ist.
Sie haben Recht. Ich würde allerdings die Verachtung für einige sogenannte Eliten anschließen wollen, die unser Land seit vielen Jahren nur noch als Selbstbedienungsladen verstehen und einfach alles mit diesem Land geschehen lassen und sich in keinster Weise seiner Probleme annehmen, so wie es ihre Pflicht wäre als Regierung!
Wenn ich mir dies so ansehe wäre ich für die Nationalhymne der ehemaligen DDR: Auferstanden aus Ruinen ......... An der Schinkel-Wache würde ich ein Ehren-Wache der Trümmer-Frauen aufziehen lassen in Kleidern aus Uniform-Stoffen der Wehrmacht. Nicht einmal was es mit dem 23. Mai auf sich hat, wissen heute die meisten Deutschen. "Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt zweifeln"!
Gut finde ich auch die Videobeschreibung 0:10 Berlin, Juli 1945 0:33 Brandenburger Tor 2:40 Köln, März 1945 4:09 Elbe Day: Erstes Treffen sowjetischer und amerikanischer Truppen auf deutschem Boden, 25. April 1945 5:51 Berlin, Bild von Stalin, Roosevelt und Churchill, Juli 1945 6:55 München, "Stadt der Bewegung", Mai 1945 7:34 Hofbräuhaus München 8:52 Alpenfestung "Berghof", Obersalzberg, April 1945 9:09 Deutsche Kriegsgefangene, Mai 1945 10:33 KZ Mittelbau Dora, April 1945 11:13 Hansestadt Hamburg, Juni 1945 12:17 Hamburger Hafen 13:11 Flüchtlinge auf dem Weg nach Berlin, Juli 1945 13:41 Amerikanisches Strandbad, Berlin 14:18 Potsdam, Viermächte-Konferenz, August 1945 16:20 George Stevens (1904-1975)
@@bluemarshall6180 you can see its effects! emptier places, people walking as far away from each other as possible, masks, spaced out queues, mass media propaganda and censorship...........ooh how did that last one get there lol
@Gracchus Babeuf learn your history: all wanted that war to get germany and russia to kill each other. was british intention, clearly. they supported BOTH sides and assured that germany would loose. you talk shitt - no wonder, brainwashed.
People are a bit brainwashed by the difference between color and black and white. B&W looks so different that it seems like it's further back than it is. But everything was just as colorful then as it is now.
Где то видел прекрасную цветную хронику.на американской плёнке.Берлин накануне войны.потрясно.кафе.пляжи.ну кое где офицер мелькнёт.но.что это государство пропитанное нацизмом.вот вот откроет врата ада?- никогда бы не подумал
"No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten." I fervently wish the idiots in Washington could say that. But they do not and cannot. The last war fought on the soil of Continental United States was the US Civil War. No one alive today remembers the horrible destruction and carnage of that war. Today the arrogant chicken hawks in Washington and Brussels think they can remain safely behind the lines as they send young men and women to fight and die for them. But Russia had nukes and so do the US and NATO. Who will be the first to deploy nukes? The side that is losing in conventional conflict. And from there, inevitable escalation! And then the clowns and Washington and Brussels will join the Russians as first hand experts on the subject of war's destruction of their country, their community, their homes and their families; they and all the rest of us! US out of NATO!!!
Материал, так себе, так как содержит элементы переписывания и стирания истории. К примеру, авторы восстановления киноплёнок, "почему-то" стёрли ИСТОРИЧЕСКУЮ НАДПИСЬ ПОБЕДИТЕЛЕЙ на Бранденбургских воротах. Вместо надписи, "реставраторы" оставили "случайно" размазанное пятно... Как так то !? (По ощущениям , реставраторы ЦЕЛЕНАПРАВЛЕННО ещё больше затёрли плакат на воротах !) В историю вошли плакаты на Бранденбургских воротах: "СЛАВА СОВЕТСКИМ ВОЙСКАМ, ВОДРУЗИВШИМ ЗНАМЯ ПОБЕДЫ НАД БЕРЛИНОМ !" В интернете ещё не стёрли свидетельства эти. На исторических фотографиях сохранились фотографии с этими плакатами. Они располагались с двух сторон бранденбургских ворот. Смотрите что сделали вместо этого "реставраторы - "0:33 Бранденбургские ворота
The material is so-so, as it contains elements of rewriting and erasing history. For example, the authors of the restoration of films, "for some reason" erased the HISTORICAL INSCRIPTION of the WINNERS on the Brandenburg Gate. Instead of the inscription "restorers" left a spot of incomprehensibility... How is that!? Posters on the Brandenburg Gate have gone down in history: "GLORY TO THE SOVIET TROOPS WHO HOISTED THE BANNER OF VICTORY OVER BERLIN!" The Internet has not yet erased these testimonies. Photos with these posters have been preserved in historical photographs. They were located on both sides of the Brandenburg gate. See what the "restorers" did instead - "0:33 Brandenburg Gate
I wonder if it was 16mm Kodachrome. Or it might have been 35mm Ektachrome. Either of those kinds of films would return that kind of quality. The camera's pans were very smooth and even which tells me that the tripod had a fluid head so most likely the camera and lens were also professional quality. Of course they would be professional in quality since these scenes were filmed by George Stevens who was an award-winning cameraman and director of feature films. www.imdb.com/name/nm0828419/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm Terry Thomas Cinematographer Atlanta, Georgia USA
Absolutely Stunning. I feel like I have just been taken back in time, so life like and the audio is superb. Thank you so much for the time and patience you have taken to make this possible to the rest of this world. We need to be able to look back on these times and understand that even in the future, we are only one mistake away from plunging the world into chaos once again.
Wauw.... i am so amazed! This looks like its been recorded today! This makes history feels more alive! A big thank you for uploading this video!! Greetings from the Netherlands 🙏🇳🇱
Anyone complaining about staying in for a few months should watch this.... my dad did his national service in Germany in the 50's, he said the German people were lovely to him....
It's worthwhile to consider that from an economically devastated Germany a charismatic leader rose to unite the people bringing prosperity back to the nation. His main focus was to never allow the banks to dominate as they were instrumental in the collapse. We appear to be there again with the banks causing economic ruin. His name? Hitler. We should watch carefully for another leader with the same charisma, or multiple ones. History has an awful way of being repeated.
Diese Aufnahmen sind wichtiger den je. Auf das wir nie vergessen und stets alles geben das so etwas nie wieder passiert. Danke für diese Restauration.👏💪👍👍✌️✌️✌️
Sie sind schon wieder am Werk! Ein Teil der deutschen Regierung, wie Strak Zimmermann, Baerbock, Hofreiter sind ganz fanatisch drauf- all das hatten wir schon unter der Führung eines Österreicher 🤮
How I missed this video is beyond me - what an incredible reminder that we don't have it so bad these days! I used to transfer film for clients and this restoration is simply amazing. Absolutely stunning detail and really hits home the impact of WWII.
You don't know what you are talking about, many parts of Europe were devastated by the war, so many returning troops maimed and injured, the winters right after we're some of the worst in history and millions suffered. You don't know how lucky you are to heavy it so easy, shelter, running water, electricity, heat, clothing, transportation. Usa had to pu m p billions( in today's money) into Europe to get them back on their feet in the Marshall Plan.
@@Kruppt808 You don't know what you're talking about either. Talk about seeing history through American tinted lenses. Oh and the Marshall Plan wasn't about getting Europe "back on its feet". Try reading more than one source. You think the U.S. did this out of kindness? charity? L oh L.
@@hansolehansen7166 Well they did help win the war and were the only still fully industrialised country/economy left standing that could help rebuild europe. In the end, a total of $13.6 billion (equivalent to $88 billion in 1997 money) was appropriated to the plan. The Marshall Plan was a success. By 1950, the participating countries had returned to, or exceeded, their prewar production levels. For the United States, the Marshall Plan provided markets for American goods, created reliable trading partners, and supported the development of stable democratic governments in Western Europe. Congress's approval of the Marshall Plan signaled an extension of the bipartisanship of World War II into the postwar years.
Film doesnt have a specific Resolution or depth. Imagine it as a picture, but the better your scanner the better your digital result. But early digital cameras werent that great and your not really able to enhance them afterwards.
Met one of those little girls a few years back. An old woman now who survived the bombing of Phorzheim. Her and her mother went to farms on the edge of the Black Forest to find some food. Father was an anti-nazi told to shut up and be quiet by friends and neighbors.
This is fantastic footage ! I lived in Germany, near Kaiserslautern, from 1957-1961 as a military dependent and saw quite a few unrestored areas. I visited Berlin, including the eastern zone and East Berlin, in 1959. I saw the Russian war memorial we called the Garden of Remembrance in East Berlin. Unforgettable place! Please post more footage like this. AUSGEZEICHNET !
I'm from the Rhineland. We left a couple of things partially restored here after the war both to cut costs and to leave reminders, such as church steeples that weren't replaced but just had a cross put on top of the bombed-off part.
@@overallgreatidea6433, I’m not sure what its name is in German. It’s located in the old East Berlin sector and is a Russian War Memorial with thousands of Russian soldiers from WW II buried there. I doubt that it would have been replaced by something like a shopping center or apartments, at least I hope not. It’s a very large place! I could include some photos if you like.
@@jakeamberson3239 Oh please don't get me started on today's "music". I don't even call it music. Noise is more like it. And include today's movies in that too.
Once you have survived the hell of war, you will either never get past it, or you will live most gratefully just to have your daily basic needs met within the peace and safety of your home.
4 роки тому+1
You're right. I saw that in my grandparents. One couldn't get past it and one was just quietly grateful they did.
For those of you who are not classic Hollywood movie fans, George Stevens, shown and named in this video, won Oscars for Best Director in the 1950s- for A Place in the Sun, and for Giant, both starring Elizabeth Taylor.
I don't mean to be a downer but these old videos always make me reflect on my own mortality. It's so strange to think that despite how clear and lively people look in this film, they have all passed away by now. Definitely motivates me to value my time here on Earth!
Not all; many yes. The children and 20 something year olds in this video may be anywhere in their mid 70's to 90+ years of age. There may be the rare 30 something year old that is at or pushing over 100. There are still WW2 veterans present at the museum in New Orleans that you can actually meet.
When you see this in color it makes you relate more with people, for a moment you feel you know them and a bit of their mindset. Few ww2 videos portray this humanity.
@@JaimeMesChiens people get brainwashed easiliy, years of propaganda against jews made germans hate them when before they coexisted peacefully. They were sold an idea of patriotism so intense they felt superior to others. They are at fault no doubt, sadly this happens in every country, Japan/China, India/Pakistán, Irán/Israel, america/test of the world. Every single country has someone to hate, I guess its part of our nature
@@JaimeMesChiens man you have some history to learn. The “Third Reich” was a dictatorship, that means no free elections, like in North Korea where they get 110% in the vote.
I found this very interesting, my elder brother James was stationed in Hamburg in 1945, he is now 96 yrs and going strong, he said he felt so sorry for the children, he would share as much of his rations with them as he could spare.
I love how everyone is so suprised and looks at the camera in videos from older times. Nowadays, it feels normal to have atleast some sort of security camera in your face.
Incredibly powerful footage. Fantastic restoration, well done and thank you! The scenes from Cologne, the irrepressible spirit of the people on the bucket line. Just amazing.
According to Harald Jähner's book "Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955" that particular footage is faked "...the supposed 'rubble women' look so playfully at the camera as they throw their bricks that one would have to be completely credulous to think they were real. In fact they were actresses." He also notes that during the war Goebbels had had similar films made to demonstrate 'the spirit of the people'. Not all is always as it seems.
@@joestergios6557 It was just one of those coincidences that I'd read that particular snippet in Jahner's book a day before stumbling on this footage. And yes, while that bit is faked it doesn't take away from the incredible restoration job of this film and the insight it give us. I'm still in the early chapters of "Aftermath", but so far I'd thoroughly recommend it for an insight into just how the German's felt and coped following defeat.
Wundervolle Altstädte und historische Bauten einfach buchstäblich pulverisiert... Was gäbe ich dafür deutsche Städte in ihrer ursprünglichen Pracht und Architektur zu sehen...
@@DeutschlanddenDeutschen1987 Hitler hat für den Aufstieg der NSDAP gesorgt, ist Diktator geworden und hat unsagbar grausame Entscheidungen getroffen, die letztlich zum Zerbomben dieser einst schönen Städte führte, ja.
Excellently pieced together and superbly done, a truely outstanding glimpse back in time which is both mesmerising yet haunting to watch . Absolutely superb !
Brilliant. Outstanding job. I love being able to see from the eyes of something that happened over 80 years ago. De-aged this film by about 60 years, very nice. History is sometimes terrible but its something to learn from and know of.
I live in Berlin, so this most interesting to watsh. My parents grew up during war. They did not talk much about it, they carried the shame afterwards. My father talked about cold rooms and nothing to eat. My grandmother never threw food away even when it was full of mold we had to eat it. I guess who has experienced war knows to honnor food and basic things.
@@denisescutt1865 It's impossible to try to compare pain and suffering. I have known many WW2 survivors: German, Polish, Romanian, Slovaks - many of them Jewish. None of them liked talking about the war... everyone has lost some if not all families to many circumstances. The trauma of horrors of war scars everyone in deep ways - shame, grief, injustice, loss of humanity and dignity...
@@Cat-Washing-ton My maternal grandfather was murdered in Auschwitz when my mother was 8 years old. My mother’s whole life, up to her death, was shaped by that loss and trauma. From the earliest days of my childhood I remember being surrounded by books on concentration camps, German occupation of Poland, struggle against the Germans. I and my sister were literally growing in the shadow of concentration camps even though we were both born more than 10 years after the war had ended. Until 1970 there were may war time ruins in Warsaw, several in close proximity to the house we lived in. My paternal grandfather survived the war by the scantest luck possible. Most of his older friends were murdered either as part of German “project” ABC that aimed to annihilate government, intellectual, cultural, and academic elites of pre-war Poland, or as hostages shot 50 or 100 per each German killed by the Polish Underground Army.
Amazing clarity! No history books will be able to explain it as depicted at the micro level in these footages. A rich source of reference for would-be novelists. TQVM
That's right, the footage is certainly real. Only the manipulation starts with the selection of the material. What is always more interesting is, what is not shown. And what should not be transported to the USA population.
Такое ощущение как будто мир и люди понимают что натворили и что пережили. Кажется что уже нет злости и лютой ненависти. От неё просто устали,люди хотят жить,любить,рожать детей.
Superb! I literally could not stop watching this once it started. It's the closest I've ever really felt to being there! Not that I've been trying for that, but this footage, taken mostly at eye-level, on the streets with the throngs of soldiers and civilians pulls you in and holds you there.
Watching this footage - compared to grainy black and white makes a HUUUUGE difference. Incredibly well done work, I'm sure viewers can connect with this more than most other footage.
Both my grandmother and great aunt who were Germans, married American soldiers after the war. They both then came to America with their new husbands and that is why I am American and not German. I've spent over 7 years living in Germany and got to know lots of my German relatives. I loved Germany, a small piece of me wishes my grandmother and aunt would have stayed there.
My mum married an American, took her back to America and he beat her up. My nan had to pay to get her home to the UK. I had a sister from that marriage but she died. Makes me sad every time I think of this.
@@ianlarman3641 Really sorry to hear that. I hope you and your mum had better luck after that. Domestic violence was a common thing years ago too here in Ireland. Use it to make yourself stronger, rather than the sad and damaged kind of person who does that shit. Keep well and take care.
you saw the american soldiers watching the german women on the beach in the end? you can see n their smiles what they were talking about 😄. there were lots of lonely women at that time in germany.
Tragic in the sense that is was inevitable and it is inevitability that is the essence of tragedy. The film should be called Hubris. As you sow, so shall ye reap
Not all of them will be gone yet. The children in this video will or could be very much alive... But your right, soon our life's will be looked back as history. But so will everyones at some point.
@@30tengahnyakita03 No. He had an English grandparent so the family (ironically) were able to relocate to the UK just after the war ended. Fortunately avoiding being trapped in the GDR.
Amazing color footage! I was stationed in Frankfurt a/M with 3rd Armored Division Band, 1975-77, and did some traveling around West Germany and West Berlin. I also attended a German church, the Gemeinde Gottes in Wicker-Floersheim outside Frankfurt. These films really tell a story about Germany in the aftermath of the war-such waste and destruction!
If you are amazed by this footage please take a look a Peter Jackson's movie "they shall no grow old" It is a collection of the best black and white footage from the first world war which has been enhanced beyond belief ! Color has been added and lip reading experts were employed to figure out what the soldiers were saying to one and other. actors then filled in the words. The gold standard of any war documentary from that time. A must see.
I was a 12 year old boy living in Germany in 1958 when my Dad was stationed in Heidelberg. Once we drove through Hamburg and saw a square city block that had been left in its bombed out condition. Dad told us that the townspeople did that as a reminder of how terrible the war had been. I'm sure that they restored that city block not long after that.
first there were many places they would't restore. whole cities should't be rebuild (example Darmstadt). but now i only remember church- spire of Gelenkirchen-Buer wouldn't be restored after bombing.
Absolutely amazing footage. So glad I stumbled upon this channel. Color really gives a great sense of the devastation along with attempts at humanity in a crazy situation. There is just such a sense of disbelief among everyone. Everyone is on edge, but understanding at this point.
Amazing job of restoration! These clips really help give a feeling of what it was like at that point in time. You can almost feel the emotions of the soldiers and the people, the winners and the losers.
Dear, who made the War, the Wars, the injustice? City of London. Wall Street. Washington D.C. Chasars - Jesuits - Vatikan. "losers" as you name it, were all the good and upright people and peoples who had lost their lives, their good health and laterone were treated as objects of banksters' plundering and insane doing away with peoples' identity, peace, property and harmony. Who made the wars? Hitler? Kaiser Wilhelm? No. Exactly US-GIs are more stupid than any other soldiers worldwide. (o.k. thinking about China's KPs). .
@@rosalau3477 , you are only considering half the issue for WWII. You're cherry picking, due to your biases. One needs to be neutral emotionally to breakdown the conflict to understand the reasons for wars. But you can't negate the physical violence initially enacted, which is what you are doing in your simple analysis. Your simplification of the U.S. G.I's makes you sound more stupid than the aforementioned. You need to look more clearly in why things are the way they are - why the U.S. G.I's were "stupid." Do you know why? And what about China's KP's?
@@LaoZi2023 Refreshening your mind: people, who at that time were young boys, they told me: we could hear terrible cries of the German soldiers, who were tortured to press "confessions" out of them. We could hear that cries of utmost suffering every day, for weeks. US-unjustice system took what they later called "confessions" as a proof for their "Nuremberg trials". Both World Wars are based on lies and betrayal. There is no great nation between the Allied liars, they all are nothing more than rather poor characters. Allied banksters then formed globalism organisations out of their betrayals. NATO, EU, WHO, UNO, WEF, BIZ, BAR... You will never get away with such outstanding injustice and betrayal.
Там не было победителей и проигравших ….ссср закидали свою землю и землю врага трупами .а Германия жила до войны во время Войны и после войны …лучше чем мы живем сейчас…непонятно кто победил
way to go george !! way to go chronos-media history.! thank you for all your time ,effort and concentration for detail. most of the time we just get the old footage showing cities being blown away. nice to see the human side. your time and effort is giving the world a perspective they would never have had.
The restoration quality is absolutely outstanding.
The movie also
You Got That Right..
Ja, die Mensch glotzen die Bilder an, schöne Farben, aber sie verstehen sie nicht, begreifen sie nicht, machen als weiter. Sie begründen das Elend der gezeigten Menschen mit Hitler. Und die Verwüstungen heute? Offensichtlich nicht Hitler.
The realistic colorization IS incredible.
But I find the restoration of the _frame rate_ to be the most important factor in making it feel more real and immediate.
The jerky fast-motion of old films immediately makes it feel distant and difficult to connect to on a human level.
Its very good no doubt. But I still haven't seen any restoration with realistic colours as modern camera's.
I'm sure its possible.
You just feel more there when it’s in colour, it feels more real and not so distant from us in time.
@Tony Carver Yes, but who added the silly audio??
That's the least annoying option for footage that obviously did not include an audio track.
Music of any kind would spoil the images so the publisher of this video used a neutral ambient noise for this video.
If you click on the loudspeaker-symbol you could just mute the sound if it's too silly for you.
I think it is a gem of a video. Unfortunately a lot of the lessons people learned in that dark period have been forgotten in 2020.
Very true! It brings a certain realism that is lost in B&W.
it also shows how fragile our freedom or what's left of it is and how quickly everything can change if we don't take care and actively act against tyranny
@@darreno1450 I agree.
I've looked at every photo and film footage I can find. This restoration takes my breath away. Thank you for doing this for us all.
Auch mein Lob für die dezente Farbgebung, denn im Original waren das sicher Schwarz-weiß-Filme.
Ich habe die Bilder noch original gesehen und wundere mich, dass ich mich an keine Farben erinnern kann.
Nur der Himmel war wirklich blau - das weiß ich noch.
@@erhardpostinger1326 I'm sorry that I don't speak your language.
But, thank you for responding.
@@earthling8585he loves it big 😅 I mean the respect 😅
One of the most eye-opening things I’ve ever seen in my life. Not only are you restoring a video, you are also restoring emotions.
Наверное европа не помнит не чего. Европа продалась америки и эти кадры европу не чему не учат . Зажрались и мозги заплыли. Мы русские хотим мира а евро с америкой нет
Literally as vivid as stepping off a time machine and having a walk in war torn Germany. Crystal clear film makes it appear like you are looking direct at someone in the war.
Yes. It is eerily present. A LOT more than 1 million should watch this film. Thank you so much for restoring this film and sharing it. BR, Per (Bornholm, Denmark)
I've never stepped out of a time machine, but I'll take your word for it.
That little girl in the first scene, once they emerge again humanity is saved... what we have now are already half ghosts - neither here, nor there, people in the twilight, especially the girls - soon to be devoured by the great one....
Travis You don't have a time machine??
@@colshythecomedian No. I don't even have a DeLorean, much less a working flux capacitor.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for not ruining this amazing work with a giant watermark!
and background "music"
Waaaaaa! 😭
@@hpdj6620 very glad to be spared backround music. However fine it may be , it's bound to be manipulative.
I thought I’d seen the best restored WWII footage the world had to offer until now. This is incredibly good restoration, to say the least. Thank you!
I agree! I just watched the other "Nazi film" from this channel and it doesn't have the same realism as this one. I think it's because in these films they've slowed it down to correct speed and managed to somehow artificially increase the frames per second?
why is the quality so bad ? its not 4k 60 fps.
I think watching a film from the Nazi era in Germany in this quality is an even more frightening experience than watching a black and white film with fast jerky movement. Because you realise that the people who let these horrible thing happen were just normal people just like we are today. Important to remember in these times when history is starting to repeat itself.
@@joakimquensel597 contradictory that somebody with a ucraine-heart-flag profile picture says that. i can give you a good advice, you are maybe as stupid as the people which tolarated those "horrible crimes"... im sure youre not as brutal as people who commit such crimes, but your profile picture in contrast to your comment shows a lot of stupidity and naivety. I can tell you because of my experience with the ukrainian people that come to my country, they think they are something better than all the other people and they think they deserve gifts for free just because they are ucrainians and are incredibly rude to the country, i dont know who made them so spoiled but they are exactly the same as their president. There were a lot of N*zis in ucraine fighting russians and you use a ucraine-heart as your profile picture and in your comment you are talking against crimes of N*zis and dont want them to be repeat... such a naive and unknowing person.
If you dont want such crimes to happen again then it will be a good idea not to support a country like ucraine. Im not saying you have to support russia, but supporting ucraine is a very bad idea if you are against N*zis.
the dedication and talent of these restoration historians is beyond belief, so many hours, days, weeks, months of work for a few minutes of footage, the one saving grace is that what has been done is now virtually forever to be recognized and appreciated by all who have the privilege of viewing it.
really - strange that Nikola Tesla had cameras more advanced than ours today in 1890 and a mobile phone more advanced than ours as well in 1925 - talk about being hoodwinked...
If anyone else was wondering about that device on a man's face at 3:21 this is a T45 Noise-Cancelling Microphone (1944)
Thank you!
Even Noise Cancelling Mic's had a Hitler Moustache attached
@@Gazzapa57 hitter noice-cencelling mic
Thank you from me as well.
I looked at that thing for a long time. Good on you.
This is basically the first generation of people that could be recorded in full-color and high enough of a resolution to feel like you personally were there. The lack of sound recording on-field still gives you that feeling of a lost era. Amazing a few of these young people are probably in their last years on Earth right now. We really haven't had film for that long in a historical sense, this is very recent history. It still feels so far away, though.
My dad was 6 years old at the time of filming and is still very much alive today!
Nope, it's recorded in black and white, in very poor quality. But has been enhanced now with help of AI.
@@bastaardzmuller the description implies the original was colour...but then enhanced....don't know 🤷♂️
*Since victory we lost our freedom, our rights, our dignity, our morals, our country, our culture, our religion.*
*What kind of victory is that...?*
Mr. Joe lives behind my mom / stepdad and is well into his 90s and still has his concentration camp tattoo on his forearm. My folks own a duplex and my grandpa Frank lived in the opp. side I would eat my cereal listening to the 2 of them talk war stories. Grandpa Frank passed away 8-9 years ago and Mr. Joe is still doing yard work and cleaning his own gutters..... now just stops by my folks house to say hi and drop off stuff he has grown in his garden. Soon the only way anyone will hear about these are through books and movies the people that lived through it will all be gone.
My mom
Was 16 at the end of the war. Her and her family were in Essen. She still talks about the war, she’s 93 and acts like 60
@Traitor Hunter The winners are always the good guys and the losers are the bad guys. Just like in the movies.
@Traitor Hunter You talking about «Drung nach Osten”, or you mean nowadays events?
@@Verbalaesthet have you seen the documentary The greatest story never told
That is a real eye opener it use to be on you tube
@Traitor Hunter save??? by killing millions? stfu
@Traitor Hunter I did. There was no such nonsenses there. Keep living in your fantasy world
Some shots felt like they were recorded yesterday. Great color grading and frame interpolation, though a few interp frames got a little wonky at times. I find these restorations make the content so much more relatable, its truly amazing.
why is the quality so bad ? its not 4k 60 fps.
@Ralph K Whatever dude, i work in video production. They did a great job, its natural to want to comment if its your industry.
@Ralph K ; Wikipedia is certainly missing your name then, might want to get that fixed.
@Chrome Book I couldnt, its great.
Wonderful restoration. 1 year later, I was born. 9.5 years later, our family was stationed in Germany 1955-58. Our father was a Captain then. A lot of the bombed out buildings and war artifacts were still around in those days. Pill boxes above and protecting the autobahn were still present and, as a young boys, we would often find abandoned military gear in the woods. Our boy scout retreat near Garmisch had a huge Swastika on the side and an abandoned pill box behind it with old ammo boxes and other war junk. It took a long time for Germany to clean up. Years later, (1967) our family was stationed in Germany once again but our father was a full Colonel by that time and Germany was totally cleaned up and beautiful.
Интересно, мой отец служил в армии в ГДР в 1968-70 годах
My husband was stationed in Nurenberg ('69-'70) after his tour of Vietnam. After we married, he and I lived in a small apartment in Furth. The owner of the five-story building (a German Army doctor who spoke English) shared how he saved the lives of his Jewish doctor friends. Even then the remnants of war remained. Incredible adventure.
What do you mean by pill box?
@@petibatyo A pillbox is essentially a small bunker used as a firing position
@@petibatyo medicine box
This is by far the best I have ever seen in restoration quality, virtually flawless.
Auch wenn der Kommentar wahrscheinlich untergeht: danke an die Menschen, die unsere Geschichte so unfassbar greifbar machen! Ich bin überwältigt von dieser Bildschärfe
ich hab auch zuvor noch nie Filmmaterial aus dieser Zeit gesehen, mit solch einer beeindruckenden Bildschärfe und so farbintensiv .... ganz großartig diese Restauration.
Absolut. Kann Euch nur beipflichten. Wisst ihr, ob es auch die uncolorierte Version gibt?
What he sayeeeeee!?!?!
@@kipdon cut and paste into a german translator . you're on the internet yeh ? Got google search ?
Forget yr dream of a millennium dictorship of this planet. Concentrate on removing the shame of World War 2.. Or is it zwei in german.?
Wir sollten so eine schreckliche Zeit nie vergessen. Niemand soll soetwas durchstehen müssen.
Остановите шольца в поддержке страны 404,иначе будет поздно
Сейчас это делает Россия
West is doing ALL KINDS of war crimes in middle east and nobody says a damn thing
Y'all hypocrites and liers
Don't worry tho, people who made middle easterners to go through hard times will get a taste of their own medicine some day
@@МаксимМ3-с9е бред, не неси 🤦🏻♂️
Nazis sind jetzt in den USA. Jetzt, 80 Jahre später, brauchen wir deine Hilfe.
Top restaurierte, einzigartige, historische Filmaufnahmen, 75 Jahre her und trotzdem
so echt, als wenn es gestern erst aufgenommen wäre
Dies ist Restaurierung und Digitalisierung
@@avf5499 Vielmehr: Digitalisierung als Teil der Restaurierung. Warum auch nicht?
This is breathtaking and makes it all the more real to see. Thank you so much.
amazing to see this. thanks man. 10:44 that guy looks like the actor Adrien Brody from the pianist
@@hectichazerdus a doppelganger for Adrien Brody
When seeing the old gray and white videos, it is hard to imagine it in reality. This way, it is very real. It looks almost as if it was recorded only a decade ago or two. It gives you a whole other perspective.
I agree
Imagine if we could look back at films from 3 or 400 years ago - 1000, even. In 1000 years from now folks will be able to do just that. How cool will that be for them?
@@saibrace8191 w the internet they will know everything about us. Just think your great great grandson will know you by your Facebook profile and the comments you wrote on twitter!
Watching this makes me grateful I wasn’t born yet and didn’t have to live through this. Like all wars, the non-combatants/everyday citizens suffer the greatest. Hats off to the archivist and to the restoration staff who made this film possible.
Die Dankbarkeit wird dir vergehen, denn es wird wesentlich dicker kommen.
Ich bin Ende 1940 geboren und habe noch einige sehr gut erhaltene Erinnerungen. Der Endkampf um Berlin war für uns Kinder eher ein Wochenendvergnügen, denn endlich hatte Mutti mal für uns Zeit im Luftschutzkeller. Vorher war das ja mehr ein "Rein und Raus", weil die Bomberflotten quasi im Tag- und Nacht-Schichtwechsel flogen.
Trotzdem kein Vergleich mit dem jahrelangen Granaten-Terror im Donbas oder wochenlangen Bombardierungen Serbiens durch die NATO, bis denen "die Ziele ausgingen".
This is a great example of "real history" that anyone (able to see) can interpret visually without a word.
that's brilliant, i'd never even considered that.
It is still the cameraman's decision what and when to film and what not to film. This is already enough to distort facts or at least to create an influenced impression. Only a permanently installed 360-degree camera that runs 24 hours a day would be completely neutral. Such recordings can therefore only be small pieces of the puzzle that are put together to form a complete picture of history.
Well, manipulation by image is an old art. It is just done differently, by for example choosing what to capture on video and what to show and how to cut, who to present in the images.
This video does not capture the massive rapes women and children had to endure by the Soviets and to the lesser degree, Americans.
It's well recorded. You can deny it all you want.
Unbelievable quality. I've seen endless ww2 footage, and this is the highest quality. Ive never seen anything quite like it. wow.
It amazes me how little plastic you see back then, things were beautifully made from metal or wood. Maybe that's why old cars look so good.
at that time there was a preliminary stage of today's plastic. Bakelite, a thermosetting plastic
and "complex" mass produced shapes where often cast in alloy/zinc...
Things in Germany are made more beautifully still today. They take pride in quality products.
@@teleguy5699 not really, the selling point for most germans is a low price, quality is less important... unless it's about cars that is.
you can't build new york with only wood and metal you would need a lot of trees
This is absolutely brilliant. Thank you for putting this up.
I’ve always been struck by the sheer waste of war, life and property. Look at the utter destruction and imagine having nothing but your life and having to start over and you’re the lucky ones.. This was not that long ago and I’m thankful that films like this exist to tell the tale and show the true nature of war.
Yes, and to think this had been going on for centuries and centuries. But the only difference with WW2 from all the other previous European wars was it was the first thoroughly mechanized war using industrial strength weapons unleashed upon entire countries with round the clock precision.
I was going to write a similar response but you take the words out of my mouth.
There's another one coming that will be FAR worse. So don't get too retrospective.
@@coyotedust While this is very true, it did not stop the utter destruction of any territory the winning side owned. The weapons continue to evolve and get more lethal. We need to be reminded of how savage things can be so as we don't repeat the same.
@@bryanrocker5033 The advent of photo & film has probably already done it's job for many - show them the horrors of war and they will think twice.
Why were there so many wars in the last millennium? Because there was nothing to show afterwards. There were stories, but those were "just" stories. Photos and film are not just stories. They ARE history.
Absolutely stunning-- I got chills watching some of these clips. I almost felt like I could recognize some of the faces. These people had been through such horrible times- good to see a few smiles here and there- relieved, I'm sure, even though there was plenty of tension around still. Watching this is a deeply moving experience.
@@АААААА-д9н ??????
@@АААААА-д9н Nah not really, you have no clue who these people are and the fact that you want them to suffer tells me that in different life you could very well be a guard in one of those concentration camps killing people who you know nothing about.
@@АААААА-д9н I think u man don’t get what fascism, nazism is and why our grandparents fought against them and why war started.
1) It’s not ‘guilt’ of German people it’s guilt of capitalists that supported Nazis and fascists in range of countries such as japan, Italy, Finland, Germany, Spain etc.
2) Fascism is open terroristic dictatorship of finance capital. - when dictatorship and suppression of people becomes opened by terroristic methods. For example in Russia fascists were white movement and people such as Kolchak. Nazism is fascism+race theory/radical racism. This all termins about shape but not about essence. Essence of both fascism and nazism is imperialism as finial stage of capitalism.
3) war started couse of resources, profits, sell markets and money that was divided by means of war/ battle conflict and that was started by monopolies - their interests has started both ww1 and ww2
3) Idk how urs grandparents but my fought in war and they fought not against German people (that are our cultural, ethnical long term relatives - even language ) but against nazism and couse of this there no slaughtering of German people after war
If u wanna revenge - comon become same as Nazis, fascists, imperialists , couse this is what all about. If u wana to have right to critique u need to show it by yourself at first that u are not same as them and that u have better ideology
@@somechannel2461 Stalin was just as bad as Hitler. Two devils. Butchered millions of innocent people.
@@АААААА-д9н reported for racist hate speech
I am impressed how “ clean “ these people look considering the surrounding destruction.
It's amazing how little extra clutter there was on the streets (besides the brick/stone rubble and timbers). Then I realized there's no plastic blowing everywhere.
@@gat569 They were salvaging every brick they could to rebuild, they literally had people whose job was to chip off the mortar so they can be used.
Sadly the Cold War will start just 2 years later and last 43 years with Berlin inside East Germany and divided into two with one road in from West Germany. Then 3 years later the Soviet Union tried to starve and freeze West Berlin into submission and Operation Vittles started and lasted 15 months.
Yes, they look clean and also happy. How else could they look "liberated" rather than "devastated" considering the surrounding destruction?
@@tekinsal8396 , probably because they do not have to fear a brutal death anymore
Maybe they were just happy that this devastating war was over?
Unbelievable restoration, it's like being actually there. Hats-off to you and your work. 👏🏻
They had no choice, all the slaves they used from other countries were now free.
It's amazing how different the shots look in color. The temporal distance is immediately gone!
This is incredible. It looks like it was filmed only recently. Fantastic!
half of Middle East and Central Asia looks like that right now
The big difference is that Germany did stop fighting in 1945.
With the help of the Marshall Plan Germany became a wealthy country.
The Wirtschafts Wunder and export of top quality German made products.
Leica, Rollei, VW, Miele, Aspirine, Mercedes, Märklin, Audi etc, etc.
And trains arrived in time.
@@jacovanlith5082 Germany was divided between two powers and both of them invested in their respective economies ( BRD and DDR). Soviets wanted to show that their way is better than capitalist one and West wanted to show otherwise. Germany is still home to the most US military based in Europe and US pays Germans for that. Nothing similar happens in ME and CA, especially in contrast to what happens now in Afghanistan
@@jacovanlith5082 Der Marshall Plan war keine Wirtschaftshilfe, sondern hochverzinsliche Kredite, die von den Deutschen mit jedem Dollar zurückgezahlt wurden. Nach heutigen Experten hat der Marshall-Plan keine messbare eine Auswirkung auf das deutsche "Wirtschaftswunder" gehabt. Der Marshall-Plan wurde übrigens auch den Ost-Blockländern angeboten, was Stalin natürlich ablehnte. Das "Wirtschaftswunder" haben die Deutschen aus eigener Kraft bewirkt. Die USA waren nicht daran interessiert, einen Konkurrenten heranzuzüchten. Wohl aber zufriedene Menschen mit einer Minimal-Versorgung an US-Nahrungsmittelüberschüssen. Denn soziale Notlagen hätten dem Kommunismus noch mehr Bürger zugetrieben. Und zwar freiwillig.
Золото! Низкий поклон вам за реставрацию. Тишина разрушенного города после войны - необыкновенная и воодушевляющая. Всё закончилось, жизнь вылезает из руин и протирает глаза, потому что настало её время. Никто не торопится, все улыбаются. Неописуемый момент на самом деле. Хорошо, что есть такая кинохроника, которая делает слова лишними. Спасибо
it was a moment of beautiful peace just before the politicians pushed us all into a new world of hate and miss trust.
Imagine this being your life. The city you grew up in, that you knew intimately, reduced to rubble. On top of that the regime you lived under has completely crumbled. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if that happened here. It would be as if reality itself was crumbling apart along with the city.
@E. G. чо ты мелешь?)) в твоём воображении и на твоём глобусе полный ... .а у нас всё прекрасно...
@@nensiivanova2529 Дурак он,не обращайте внимания....
@@nensiivanova2529 лаптелапый что ты врешь?все прекрасно у них))
I spent almost three years in the Army in Germany during the mid 70s. Looking at the level of destruction I can't imagine how they managed to rebuild it all. Amazing.
Helped by the west especially the Americans. They did better than the people in Poland after their glorious army destroyed 90% of this Warsaw.
Hoffentlich müssen wir Deutschen und auch alle anderen Länder dies nicht nochmal durchmachen.
Leider hat die Menschheit nicht die Fähigkeit bewiesen, aus der Geschichte zu lernen.
So very true my friend.
Yanks are trying there best
Die Deutschen sind seit über 100 Jahren im eigenem Land gefangen.
Das Ziel der Alliierten, besonders der Engländer ist es bis heute, die Deutschen von Russland zu trennen und zu entfernen.
Wir befinden uns seit einigen Jahren in einem Hybriden Krieg, nur weil keine Bomben fallen wird er nicht wahrgenommen.
This footage was shown in a documentary over 20 years ago on the BBC.
It’s amazing that the footage was found after George Stephens death and is now being shown
I have seen a documentary of British prisoners after Gallipoli battle....
Were sexual abused by turkish....
Antonio Bandini Utterly shocking!
rockstarofredondo BJ
Please use a word other than "footage" which is one of the great examples of cretinism in the English language...
@@ivry4846 it’s a term used in the film industry in Hollywood, so deal with it.
The sheer devastation evident in these recordings; both physical and emotional is a somber reminder of the toll of war.
Let's not forget how it started.
Especially considering the fact that this wasn't the end... Shortly after, the cold war era and democratic/communist separation of Germany were to take its toll too
Let's not forget WW2 was "only" 6 years. Afghans had to endure it for 20 years.
@@gitanoespana7694 Churchill started and Americans helpt to drive the Germans crazy
@@marcellus1530 Churchill wasn't in power when the war started. How exactly did he start the war?
Unbelievable! The calm after the storm. Great quality, thank you.
Spontan fällt mir da nur eines ein. Danke an die vielen Menschen die Deutschland wieder aufgebaut haben. Meinen größten Respekt an Euch.
Ohne Euch wäre Unser Land nicht so schön wie es heute ist.
Sie haben Recht. Ich würde allerdings die Verachtung für einige sogenannte Eliten anschließen wollen, die unser Land seit vielen Jahren nur noch als Selbstbedienungsladen verstehen und einfach alles mit diesem Land geschehen lassen und sich in keinster Weise seiner Probleme annehmen, so wie es ihre Pflicht wäre als Regierung!
Это делалось на американские деньги, а Америка грабила весь мир, заработала на войне.
Wenn ich mir dies so ansehe wäre ich für die Nationalhymne der ehemaligen DDR: Auferstanden aus Ruinen ......... An der Schinkel-Wache würde ich ein Ehren-Wache der Trümmer-Frauen aufziehen lassen in Kleidern aus Uniform-Stoffen der Wehrmacht. Nicht einmal was es mit dem 23. Mai auf sich hat, wissen heute die meisten Deutschen. "Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt zweifeln"!
Jetzt Mutti hat dich betrogen
Amazing quality, a child smiling always warms my heart even in those circumstances.
Would love to know how that child's life was? Or still is !
Great upload! This is the best end-of-the-war footage I’ve seen. Well done George Stevens.
Super restauriert. Mega Qualität. Da können viele Handy einpacken. Danke!
Gut finde ich auch die Videobeschreibung
0:10 Berlin, Juli 1945
0:33 Brandenburger Tor
2:40 Köln, März 1945
4:09 Elbe Day: Erstes Treffen sowjetischer und amerikanischer Truppen auf deutschem Boden, 25. April 1945
5:51 Berlin, Bild von Stalin, Roosevelt und Churchill, Juli 1945
6:55 München, "Stadt der Bewegung", Mai 1945
7:34 Hofbräuhaus München
8:52 Alpenfestung "Berghof", Obersalzberg, April 1945
9:09 Deutsche Kriegsgefangene, Mai 1945
10:33 KZ Mittelbau Dora, April 1945
11:13 Hansestadt Hamburg, Juni 1945
12:17 Hamburger Hafen
13:11 Flüchtlinge auf dem Weg nach Berlin, Juli 1945
13:41 Amerikanisches Strandbad, Berlin
14:18 Potsdam, Viermächte-Konferenz, August 1945
16:20 George Stevens (1904-1975)
Whenever we think COVID-19 has disrupted our lives we should watch this. It’s beyond comprehension.
But you can't see Covid19.
@@bluemarshall6180 you can see its effects! emptier places, people walking as far away from each other as possible, masks, spaced out queues, mass media propaganda and censorship...........ooh how did that last one get there lol
People ought to read up on the 1917-1918 influenza to find out what a REAL pandemic is. Next to that, Covid-19 is strictly penny-ante by comparison...
whats Covid-19?
@Gracchus Babeuf learn your history: all wanted that war to get germany and russia to kill each other. was british intention, clearly. they supported BOTH sides and assured that germany would loose. you talk shitt - no wonder, brainwashed.
Makes it even creepier as it looks so modern and close to reality....
My thought exactly. Almost as if it´s right now.
@Randy Lahey18 Exactly
People are a bit brainwashed by the difference between color and black and white. B&W looks so different that it seems like it's further back than it is. But everything was just as colorful then as it is now.
@Randy Lahey18 It is still within living memory.
top quality. Thank you for sharing your hard work and not mixing useless music with those scenes !
Грандиозная работа по оцифровке и реставрации! Браво!
Полное погружение в то время, будто было вчера.
I know your aplphabit, and can get about 4 words, but not the whole thing.
ST Wrote: Great work on digitization and restoration! Bravo!
Full immersion in that time, as if it were yesterday.
संस्कृतसंस्कृतम्(उपक्रिया लब्ध प्रयोजन बालोत्तमजलेषु भूम्यम्च जयमहे
Да потрясающая ресторация. Мой дедушка дошёл до Берлина. Светлая память.
@@fragariasec У всех дедушки дошли до Берлина.А как спросишь,у кого дедушка был в РОА,так в ответ молчание.
Отличнейший материал для истории! Огромное спасибо за титанический труд проделанный реставраторами! Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто!
Где то видел прекрасную цветную хронику.на американской плёнке.Берлин накануне войны.потрясно.кафе.пляжи.ну кое где офицер мелькнёт.но.что это государство пропитанное нацизмом.вот вот откроет врата ада?- никогда бы не подумал
"No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten." I fervently wish the idiots in Washington could say that. But they do not and cannot. The last war fought on the soil of Continental United States was the US Civil War. No one alive today remembers the horrible destruction and carnage of that war. Today the arrogant chicken hawks in Washington and Brussels think they can remain safely behind the lines as they send young men and women to fight and die for them. But Russia had nukes and so do the US and NATO. Who will be the first to deploy nukes? The side that is losing in conventional conflict. And from there, inevitable escalation! And then the clowns and Washington and Brussels will join the Russians as first hand experts on the subject of war's destruction of their country, their community, their homes and their families; they and all the rest of us! US out of NATO!!!
HE WroE: Great story material! Many thanks for the titanic work done by the restorers! Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!
Материал, так себе, так как содержит элементы переписывания и стирания истории. К примеру, авторы восстановления киноплёнок, "почему-то" стёрли ИСТОРИЧЕСКУЮ НАДПИСЬ ПОБЕДИТЕЛЕЙ на Бранденбургских воротах. Вместо надписи, "реставраторы" оставили "случайно" размазанное пятно... Как так то !? (По ощущениям , реставраторы ЦЕЛЕНАПРАВЛЕННО ещё больше затёрли плакат на воротах !)
В историю вошли плакаты на Бранденбургских воротах: "СЛАВА СОВЕТСКИМ ВОЙСКАМ, ВОДРУЗИВШИМ ЗНАМЯ ПОБЕДЫ НАД БЕРЛИНОМ !" В интернете ещё не стёрли свидетельства эти. На исторических фотографиях сохранились фотографии с этими плакатами. Они располагались с двух сторон бранденбургских ворот.
Смотрите что сделали вместо этого "реставраторы - "0:33 Бранденбургские ворота
The material is so-so, as it contains elements of rewriting and erasing history. For example, the authors of the restoration of films, "for some reason" erased the HISTORICAL INSCRIPTION of the WINNERS on the Brandenburg Gate. Instead of the inscription "restorers" left a spot of incomprehensibility... How is that!?
Posters on the Brandenburg Gate have gone down in history: "GLORY TO THE SOVIET TROOPS WHO HOISTED THE BANNER OF VICTORY OVER BERLIN!" The Internet has not yet erased these testimonies. Photos with these posters have been preserved in historical photographs. They were located on both sides of the Brandenburg gate.
See what the "restorers" did instead - "0:33 Brandenburg Gate
Excellent restoration. Looks like it was shot yesterday.
Almost too good tho.... Seriously
@@kipdon Oh no, not the fake news lie again.
The way things are going, it could be yesterday real soon.
I wonder if it was 16mm Kodachrome. Or it might have been 35mm Ektachrome. Either of those kinds of films would return that kind of quality.
The camera's pans were very smooth and even which tells me that the tripod had a fluid head so most likely the camera and lens were also professional quality. Of course they would be professional in quality since these scenes were filmed by George Stevens who was an award-winning cameraman and director of feature films.
Terry Thomas
Atlanta, Georgia USA
You can look now at the clean streets again, bro. 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
Absolutely Stunning. I feel like I have just been taken back in time, so life like and the audio is superb. Thank you so much for the time and patience you have taken to make this possible to the rest of this world. We need to be able to look back on these times and understand that even in the future, we are only one mistake away from plunging the world into chaos once again.
The audio is fake. It's added after the fact to make it feel more "real"
Kind of like old times eh Capt?
Like a Lucid Dream Nathan.
Incredible video. I'm fascinated by the past, especially this period in our history. Totally amazing to see this in colour.
Wauw.... i am so amazed! This looks like its been recorded today! This makes history feels more alive! A big thank you for uploading this video!! Greetings from the Netherlands 🙏🇳🇱
"This looks like its been recorded today!" No, it doesn't! XD
История имеет особенность-повторяться.
Anyone complaining about staying in for a few months should watch this.... my dad did his national service in Germany in the 50's, he said the German people were lovely to him....
Or talking about a "corona crisis", the only crisis ocurrs due to the shutdowns of the economy, because existences are at risk!
It's worthwhile to consider that from an economically devastated Germany a charismatic leader rose to unite the people bringing prosperity back to the nation. His main focus was to never allow the banks to dominate as they were instrumental in the collapse. We appear to be there again with the banks causing economic ruin. His name? Hitler. We should watch carefully for another leader with the same charisma, or multiple ones. History has an awful way of being repeated.
Diese Aufnahmen sind wichtiger den je. Auf das wir nie vergessen und stets alles geben das so etwas nie wieder passiert. Danke für diese Restauration.👏💪👍👍✌️✌️✌️
Не переживай, это повторится еще в будущем
Sie sind schon wieder am Werk! Ein Teil der deutschen Regierung, wie Strak Zimmermann, Baerbock, Hofreiter sind ganz fanatisch drauf- all das hatten wir schon unter der Führung eines Österreicher 🤮
How I missed this video is beyond me - what an incredible reminder that we don't have it so bad these days! I used to transfer film for clients and this restoration is simply amazing. Absolutely stunning detail and really hits home the impact of WWII.
You don't know what you are talking about, many parts of Europe were devastated by the war, so many returning troops maimed and injured, the winters right after we're some of the worst in history and millions suffered.
You don't know how lucky you are to heavy it so easy, shelter, running water, electricity, heat, clothing, transportation.
Usa had to pu m p billions( in today's money) into Europe to get them back on their feet in the Marshall Plan.
@@Kruppt808 The the Marshall Plan was Big business for the USA. Nothing for free.
@@Kruppt808 You don't know what you're talking about either. Talk about seeing history through American tinted lenses. Oh and the Marshall Plan wasn't about getting Europe "back on its feet". Try reading more than one source. You think the U.S. did this out of kindness? charity? L oh L.
@@hansolehansen7166 Well they did help win the war and were the only still fully industrialised country/economy left standing that could help rebuild europe.
In the end, a total of $13.6 billion (equivalent to $88 billion in 1997 money) was appropriated to the plan. The Marshall Plan was a success. By 1950, the participating countries had returned to, or exceeded, their prewar production levels.
For the United States, the Marshall Plan provided markets for American goods, created reliable trading partners, and supported the development of stable democratic governments in Western Europe. Congress's approval of the Marshall Plan signaled an extension of the bipartisanship of World War II into the postwar years.
Why is the quality of this late 40s video better than most of the 2000s UA-cam-Videos?
Film camera vs mobile phones
Film doesnt have a specific Resolution or depth. Imagine it as a picture, but the better your scanner the better your digital result. But early digital cameras werent that great and your not really able to enhance them afterwards.
Because !
16mm Kodachrome - a fantastic dye based colour film and shot by a competent cine camera man.
RememberNineEleven Ah, when experience mattered, not fancy algorithms and digital filters to make everyone think they're Spielberg.
Be it war or peace, life has to go on for everyone.
2:17 - the little girl's smile just melted my heart.
Yes, like a flower emerging out of the dust, garbage and destruction.
Yes she was very cute
Met one of those little girls a few years back. An old woman now who survived the bombing of Phorzheim. Her and her mother went to farms on the edge of the Black Forest to find some food. Father was an anti-nazi told to shut up and be quiet by friends and neighbors.
Pure german ✋
This is fantastic footage ! I lived in Germany, near Kaiserslautern, from 1957-1961 as a military dependent and saw quite a few unrestored areas. I visited Berlin, including the eastern zone and East Berlin, in 1959. I saw the Russian war memorial we called the Garden of Remembrance in East Berlin. Unforgettable place! Please post more footage like this. AUSGEZEICHNET !
And where are you living now?
@@sidarocalan2733 New Jersey, USA
I'm from the Rhineland. We left a couple of things partially restored here after the war both to cut costs and to leave reminders, such as church steeples that weren't replaced but just had a cross put on top of the bombed-off part.
what is the Garden of Remembrance called in German or a street intersection. I can't find it on google maps. thx
@@overallgreatidea6433, I’m not sure what its name is in German. It’s located in the old East Berlin sector and is a Russian War Memorial with thousands of Russian soldiers from WW II buried there. I doubt that it would have been replaced by something like a shopping center or apartments, at least I hope not. It’s a very large place! I could include some photos if you like.
A people beaten after enduring a long war and they still know how to dress better than we do today. Great quality btw.
People had dignity back then. No more. Just listen to today’s music.
@@jakeamberson3239 Oh please don't get me started on today's "music". I don't even call it music. Noise is more like it. And include today's movies in that too.
IT amazes me that people are still smillinh for the mess and rubble they are in
Was für eine Wahnsinnsgute Qualität! Respekt!
I don’t speak German but I think “respekt” is universal ! Respect!
Once you have survived the hell of war, you will either never get past it, or you will live most gratefully just to have your daily basic needs met within the peace and safety of your home.
You're right. I saw that in my grandparents. One couldn't get past it and one was just quietly grateful they did.
Some however....become addicted to war....unfortunately.
A war that they were responsible for...
Incredible footage ! Thank you.
Outstanding vid...RIP to all the great men who did not come back 75 years ago
Maybe if none of them made it back people wouldn't be so quick to repeat history.
If none of them made it back you'd be speaking German..... if you were even born.
@@notsosilentmajority1 is your ignorance blissful? History is a lie agreed upon.
@@notsosilentmajority1 german is good language tho 👌
Ja, so ist es.
For those of you who are not classic Hollywood movie fans, George Stevens, shown and named in this video, won Oscars for Best Director in the 1950s- for A Place in the Sun, and for Giant, both starring Elizabeth Taylor.
Thank you for sharing this information, I had no idea who he was.
Thank you.
Don't forget "Shane".
wow thanks as a not a fan of hollywood that was very valuable information
I don't mean to be a downer but these old videos always make me reflect on my own mortality. It's so strange to think that despite how clear and lively people look in this film, they have all passed away by now. Definitely motivates me to value my time here on Earth!
Not all; many yes. The children and 20 something year olds in this video may be anywhere in their mid 70's to 90+ years of age. There may be the rare 30 something year old that is at or pushing over 100. There are still WW2 veterans present at the museum in New Orleans that you can actually meet.
Of course, everyone is facing death. It is a certainty
Michael ...I thought the very same myself !
Auperb video compilation. Exceptionally rare & unthinkable. A treasure beyond measure. And Quality of the video is also awesome
Великолепное качество съемки! Спасибо.
When you see this in color it makes you relate more with people, for a moment you feel you know them and a bit of their mindset. Few ww2 videos portray this humanity.
You do realise that most-of the Germans in this video were Nazis or Nazi sympathisers
These are no heroes.
They’re racist losers.
@@JaimeMesChiens people get brainwashed easiliy, years of propaganda against jews made germans hate them when before they coexisted peacefully. They were sold an idea of patriotism so intense they felt superior to others. They are at fault no doubt, sadly this happens in every country, Japan/China, India/Pakistán, Irán/Israel, america/test of the world. Every single country has someone to hate, I guess its part of our nature
@@ignae Very well said ,especially with reference to the plight of the Palestinians under the yoke of Israel.
@@JaimeMesChiens WTF, so many Shit in a few words.
@@JaimeMesChiens man you have some history to learn. The “Third Reich” was a dictatorship, that means no free elections, like in North Korea where they get 110% in the vote.
I found this very interesting, my elder brother James was stationed in Hamburg in 1945, he is now 96 yrs and going strong, he said he felt so sorry for the children, he would share as much of his rations with them as he could spare.
The quality of the video is stunning.
I am amazed.
Thank you.
Фантастика! Спасибо тем кто сделал, сохранил и реставрировал эту запись!!!
Armes Deutschland!! Was ist aus Dir geworden??
На сегодня ликвидировано 30 150 террористов рфии в Украине
Смерть ворогам 🇺🇦
Езжайте в Украину. Вы увидите руины, очень хорошо сделанные русскими войсками
WW is crafted by evil society....all side leaders work for same dark lord...
George Stevens,...you are a man to be admired and remembered for bringing 'clarity' to these previously blurred faces. Thank You.
And a little extra blur around the 1:00 mark, because of the way the algorithms work.
I love how everyone is so suprised and looks at the camera in videos from older times.
Nowadays, it feels normal to have atleast some sort of security camera in your face.
Не разрушенный Кельнский собор.Этот мировой шедерв архитектуры остался не тронутым.Впечатляющие кадры!.
It was probably too close to the Ford Factory which produced all the trucks, which was never bombed.
Вроде как его сознательно старались не бомбить.
I've seen this film many times,but not like this!Excellent restoration!
Das ist echt krass, wie perfekt diese Bildaufnahmen dadurch einfach geworden sind. :O
American British destuction
Too go through hell and have some prick film you.
If it was not for the 1ww you would not have the second.And for that you have the monarchy to blame for that.
This is amazing, a precious bit of history that all people should cherish.
May God bless you with divine grace, thank you very much.
Incredibly powerful footage. Fantastic restoration, well done and thank you! The scenes from Cologne, the irrepressible spirit of the people on the bucket line. Just amazing.
According to Harald Jähner's book "Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955" that particular footage is faked "...the supposed 'rubble women' look so playfully at the camera as they throw their bricks that one would have to be completely credulous to think they were real. In fact they were actresses." He also notes that during the war Goebbels had had similar films made to demonstrate 'the spirit of the people'. Not all is always as it seems.
@@neilcam much appreciated. The truth hurts, in this case. So much of our reality is choreographed, it seems.
@@joestergios6557 It was just one of those coincidences that I'd read that particular snippet in Jahner's book a day before stumbling on this footage. And yes, while that bit is faked it doesn't take away from the incredible restoration job of this film and the insight it give us. I'm still in the early chapters of "Aftermath", but so far I'd thoroughly recommend it for an insight into just how the German's felt and coped following defeat.
@@neilcam Who staged it?
@@riverholme I have no idea and am too lazy to refer back to the book to see if it was discussed there.
Das sind ganz fantastische Aufnahmen, so etwas hat man selten oder noch nie in der Qualität gesehen.
12:41 ein U-Boot noch im Bau.
Was würden heute Museen dafür geben
Wundervolle Altstädte und historische Bauten einfach buchstäblich pulverisiert... Was gäbe ich dafür deutsche Städte in ihrer ursprünglichen Pracht und Architektur zu sehen...
Ja, war alles schön und dann kam irgendwann mal die NSDAP mit gescheiterten Maler an der Spitze...
@@manjelos Also hat die NSDAP die Städte zerbombt und nict die Amerikaner in ihrem imperialistischen wahn ?
@@DeutschlanddenDeutschen1987 Wer hat denn angefangen, Städte zu zerbomben, Länder anzugreifen, Menschen zu ermorden...?
@@DeutschlanddenDeutschen1987 Hitler hat für den Aufstieg der NSDAP gesorgt, ist Diktator geworden und hat unsagbar grausame Entscheidungen getroffen, die letztlich zum Zerbomben dieser einst schönen Städte führte, ja.
@@SnuSnu91 ja, die Amerikaner und die Briten sind nicht schuldig, dass es einfacher ist, Zivilisten zu bombardieren
Excellently pieced together and superbly done, a truely outstanding glimpse back in time which is both mesmerising yet haunting to watch . Absolutely superb !
Brilliant. Outstanding job. I love being able to see from the eyes of something that happened over 80 years ago. De-aged this film by about 60 years, very nice. History is sometimes terrible but its something to learn from and know of.
Zo echt ja!
too bad we are doomed to repeat it
I live in Berlin, so this most interesting to watsh. My parents grew up during war. They did not talk much about it, they carried the shame afterwards. My father talked about cold rooms and nothing to eat. My grandmother never threw food away even when it was full of mold we had to eat it. I guess who has experienced war knows to honnor food and basic things.
No they wouldn’t talk about it the shame. What about the poor Jewish people and those little children
@@denisescutt1865 It's impossible to try to compare pain and suffering. I have known many WW2 survivors: German, Polish, Romanian, Slovaks - many of them Jewish. None of them liked talking about the war... everyone has lost some if not all families to many circumstances. The trauma of horrors of war scars everyone in deep ways - shame, grief, injustice, loss of humanity and dignity...
Jewish children went to school all the way up until 1942 and some even above that. Just stfu, you prat.
@@denisescutt1865 jeez how impious could one be? Thank god we are not in war like conditions so why do you start assuming for them..
@@Cat-Washing-ton My maternal grandfather was murdered in Auschwitz when my mother was 8 years old. My mother’s whole life, up to her death, was shaped by that loss and trauma. From the earliest days of my childhood I remember being surrounded by books on concentration camps, German occupation of Poland, struggle against the Germans. I and my sister were literally growing in the shadow of concentration camps even though we were both born more than 10 years after the war had ended. Until 1970 there were may war time ruins in Warsaw, several in close proximity to the house we lived in. My paternal grandfather survived the war by the scantest luck possible. Most of his older friends were murdered either as part of German “project” ABC that aimed to annihilate government, intellectual, cultural, and academic elites of pre-war Poland, or as hostages shot 50 or 100 per each German killed by the Polish Underground Army.
Amazing clarity! No history books will be able to explain it as depicted at the micro level in these footages. A rich source of reference for would-be novelists. TQVM
That's right, the footage is certainly real. Only the manipulation starts with the selection of the material. What is always more interesting is, what is not shown. And what should not be transported to the USA population.
Такое ощущение как будто мир и люди понимают что натворили и что пережили. Кажется что уже нет злости и лютой ненависти. От неё просто устали,люди хотят жить,любить,рожать детей.
Ты че в сказки веришь??? это же Голливудом снималось! посмотри Нацистские сёмки!!! в 1941-1943 годах!!! там нет УСТАВШИХ ТАМ Звери на ОХОТЕ!!!
А Зверей ЗВЕРОБОЯМИ вытравлять надо!!!
Рожать следующих убийц
La historia se repite en ucrania. La humanidad nunca aprende y posiblemente se vea una tercera guerra .por culpa del imperio ruso.
Yes. I hope we can. I’m waiting for the Marines to come and arrest our politicians for Treason… ✌️🙏🇺🇸
Das sind gigantisch gut restaurierte Aufnahmen! Danke!
stoopid krauut!
@@shawnlynch9658 ok
Superb! I literally could not stop watching this once it started. It's the closest I've ever really felt to being there! Not that I've been trying for that, but this footage, taken mostly at eye-level, on the streets with the throngs of soldiers and civilians pulls you in and holds you there.
yeah nothing like this for the holobaust or any physical evidence of any kind
@@theloniuspunk383 Huh? What are you on about?
@@TMCsVideoADay. there's no proof of an alleged event and there is a speech/text algorithm here preventing us from discussing it
@@theloniuspunk383 Alright? Your point?
@@TMCsVideoADay. just spreading the word! It's important if you want to understand the world today. Sorry to bother you, take care!
Watching this footage - compared to grainy black and white makes a HUUUUGE difference.
Incredibly well done work, I'm sure viewers can connect with this more than most other footage.
Absolutely stunning. Like it was filmed yesterday! And the sound!
Both my grandmother and great aunt who were Germans, married American soldiers after the war. They both then came to America with their new husbands and that is why I am American and not German. I've spent over 7 years living in Germany and got to know lots of my German relatives. I loved Germany, a small piece of me wishes my grandmother and aunt would have stayed there.
My mum married an American, took her back to America and he beat her up. My nan had to pay to get her home to the UK. I had a sister from that marriage but she died. Makes me sad every time I think of this.
@@ianlarman3641 Really sorry to hear that. I hope you and your mum had better luck after that. Domestic violence was a common thing years ago too here in Ireland. Use it to make yourself stronger, rather than the sad and damaged kind of person who does that shit. Keep well and take care.
@@Declan-pg8cg Hi Declan, thanks for the reply, Sadly mum died shortly after my sister died. Think it was all the stress.
@@ianlarman3641 Sorry to hear that.
you saw the american soldiers watching the german women on the beach in the end? you can see n their smiles what they were talking about 😄. there were lots of lonely women at that time in germany.
This is just amazing! Thank you for sharing Chronos.
Excellent job restoring this footage. Such clarity and color. Just wish there were sub-titles for those of us that are German illiterate!
Hmm... "footage"... what a word ! Very clever...
The is a high quality videos of a war that took places several decade ago.
Thanks for sharing.
This is both extremely beautiful and tragic. Great work and thank you for it.
Tragic in the sense that is was inevitable and it is inevitability that is the essence of tragedy. The film should be called Hubris. As you sow, so shall ye reap
And one day, the people who commented this video will be gone, just like the people in this video..
Not all of them will be gone yet. The children in this video will or could be very much alive... But your right, soon our life's will be looked back as history. But so will everyones at some point.
@@UHDGamers-re2xj my dad was born in Berlin in 1942. He is still around :-)
@@larrydavid6852 does he protecting berlin too?
Nahh jk
@@30tengahnyakita03 No. He had an English grandparent so the family (ironically) were able to relocate to the UK just after the war ended. Fortunately avoiding being trapped in the GDR.
Kaalaaya Tasmai Namaha sanskrit for
O Time ,Salutations to you
Time is God
Amazing color footage! I was stationed in Frankfurt a/M with 3rd Armored Division Band, 1975-77, and did some traveling around West Germany and West Berlin. I also attended a German church, the Gemeinde Gottes in Wicker-Floersheim outside Frankfurt. These films really tell a story about Germany in the aftermath of the war-such waste and destruction!
72-74 Aschaffenburg, Germany. 9'th combat engineer battalian.
If you are amazed by this footage please take a look a Peter Jackson's movie "they shall no grow old" It is a collection of the best black and white footage from the first world war which has been enhanced beyond belief ! Color has been added and lip reading experts were employed to figure out what the soldiers were saying to one and other. actors then filled in the words. The gold standard of any war documentary from that time. A must see.
@@jimreilly6933 Yes, I saw it in the theatre when it was released-truly amazing!
Incredible ! Thank you
I was a 12 year old boy living in Germany in 1958 when my Dad was stationed in Heidelberg. Once we drove through Hamburg and saw a square city block that had been left in its bombed out condition. Dad told us that the townspeople did that as a reminder of how terrible the war had been. I'm sure that they restored that city block not long after that.
yes at the latest before the Yugoslavian war....
first there were many places they would't restore. whole cities should't be rebuild (example Darmstadt). but now i only remember church- spire of Gelenkirchen-Buer wouldn't be restored after bombing.
They restored the Cloth Hall in Ypres after WW1 and it was really clobbered.
Absolutely amazing footage. So glad I stumbled upon this channel. Color really gives a great sense of the devastation along with attempts at humanity in a crazy situation. There is just such a sense of disbelief among everyone. Everyone is on edge, but understanding at this point.
Amazing job of restoration! These clips really help give a feeling of what it was like at that point in time. You can almost feel the emotions of the soldiers and the people, the winners and the losers.
Dear, who made the War, the Wars, the injustice?
City of London. Wall Street. Washington D.C.
Chasars - Jesuits - Vatikan.
"losers" as you name it, were all the good and upright people and peoples who had lost their lives, their good health and laterone were treated as objects of banksters' plundering and insane doing away with peoples' identity, peace, property and harmony.
Who made the wars?
Hitler? Kaiser Wilhelm? No. Exactly US-GIs are more stupid than any other soldiers worldwide. (o.k. thinking about China's KPs).
@@rosalau3477 , you are only considering half the issue for WWII. You're cherry picking, due to your biases. One needs to be neutral emotionally to breakdown the conflict to understand the reasons for wars. But you can't negate the physical violence initially enacted, which is what you are doing in your simple analysis. Your simplification of the U.S. G.I's makes you sound more stupid than the aforementioned. You need to look more clearly in why things are the way they are - why the U.S. G.I's were "stupid." Do you know why?
And what about China's KP's?
@@LaoZi2023 Refreshening your mind:
people, who at that time were young boys, they told me: we could hear terrible cries of the German soldiers, who were tortured to press "confessions" out of them. We could hear that cries of utmost suffering every day, for weeks. US-unjustice system took what they later called "confessions" as a proof for their "Nuremberg trials". Both World Wars are based on lies and betrayal. There is no great nation between the Allied liars, they all are nothing more than rather poor characters. Allied banksters then formed globalism organisations out of their betrayals. NATO, EU, WHO, UNO, WEF, BIZ, BAR... You will never get away with such outstanding injustice and betrayal.
The winners and sinners
Там не было победителей и проигравших ….ссср закидали свою землю и землю врага трупами .а Германия жила до войны во время Войны и после войны …лучше чем мы живем сейчас…непонятно кто победил
Fantastic work, the coulours are so true and the movements so real. Good quality job you have done.
way to go george !! way to go chronos-media history.! thank you for all your time ,effort and concentration for detail. most of the time we just get the old footage showing cities being blown away. nice to see the human side. your time and effort is giving the world a perspective they would never have had.